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Yeah, was just cruising easily and then hit some spiders that were casting frost. Yowzers. Dropped health like a rock. Every mob prior to that was easy Q and E for me.

Hit my 1 to heal. Bam dropped again.

Then died. :(

Then saw that I could play the character again but looks like it's not a HC char? Is this the intended purpose? One of the joys of HC that I love in Diablo III is that when you die that's it. Goodbye loot. Goodbye stash.

How does LE HC work? It might be in the game I just need to find/read up on it.

Anyways, 3 hours into the game and it's pretty fun so far and looking forward to rolling more HC chars.

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over 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Hey there!

Sorry to hear about your Paladin reaching an untimely end. :(

Previously in Last Epoch a Hardcore character would be deleted upon dying, but we heard from the community that this felt harsh when a character would die due to balance issues or bugs as a result of the game being in Early Access. In response to this feedback, we changed it just over a month ago so that hardcore characters that die simply become regular characters.

Your hardcore stash remains in hardcore. Your hardcore character loses access to it, and gains access to the regular one.