about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Implementing a death penality is on our to-do list. :slight_smile:

about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Just to clarify; modes such as Masochism and Hardcore do not offer any such rewards.

over 3 years ago - Reimerh_QArts - Direct link

I’m not sure it’s the general consensus that we want a death penalty anymore. Some do, but we don’t have an official stanse on it. Since those thoughts in old posts we have introduced the loss of potential rewards in the monolith, which kind of acts like a death penalty, without being too punishing. It is very unlikely we’ll introduce an exp death penalty.
There might be something we can do in he campaign, but in general people don’t like dying as you’re set back a bit to a previous checkpoint or have to start over a boss fight.