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Not gonna lie, messing with enemies in MoF and Arena is quite fun even in this state of the game, cause the feeling of combat is nice, BUT endgame is missining one thing... the feel of progression. Hunting for your bis items and getting max level is goal in itself, but it should not be the only goal. After that there is no carrot on the stick for the players, no ultimate goal that would test your build.

Even not yet released endgame modes provides you new ways of acquiring loot, but they do not try to steal you soul, by giving you a long term goal.

Ofc you can go higher and higher in arena, and maybe I'm spoiled by other arpg, but I feel like there should be more to it.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We agree. We'll be remedying this soon :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by ekimarcher

The phases are more of guidelines than actual rules.

Welcome aboard the Last Epoch, u/Bernardo1979!