over 1 year
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
4s | back to another last Epoch de stream |
8s | hello how's it going it's me it's Mike |
11s | what's going |
12s | on we are hanging out and having some |
17s | fun um see yeah some big big news today |
21s | uh contest winner on R Veil today all |
24s | sorts of cool stuff happening um stick |
26s | around it's gonna be fun we've got uh I |
29s | apologize if I'm a little horse today |
32s | I've got the I've got something it's not |
34s | the something I know that for |
37s | sure um so yeah we're just going to hang |
40s | out house some fun as always we stream |
41s | for charity Charity's above my head |
43s | right here all of it goes there |
46s | um |
48s | yeah let's get ready oh if you have a |
50s | question for me I'll be happy to answer |
51s | it please put at last OT game in the |
54s | question in chat I'll say that again |
56s | later um let's have some fun um so to |
60s | today we are we had uh we had a Build |
63s | contest um that was focused around um |
66s | three pretty prominent community members |
68s | and uh and and their their gaming |
70s | communities for for suggesting a build |
72s | for us to play on stream and um we I |
75s | have the winner here that I'm playing it |
77s | right now already um the the winner May |
80s | recognize things a little too |
83s | much um but yeah this is this is the |
86s | winning build and we've got some uh |
88s | we've got some great stuff here really |
90s | well put together build um I do do I |
93s | just say who won I I don't even know |
95s | how uh I don't even know how I unveil |
98s | something like this I feel like it might |
100s | already be |
101s | obvious this is the spoon mancer or the |
105s | the spoon run Master spoon |
108s | master I like spoon Master better but |
111s | spoon Master makes more sense um so we |
114s | are we are using Mad Alchemist Ladle as |
116s | our main weapon which is awesome um and |
120s | it's it's it's using Frost wall to buff |
123s | up a bunch of stuff and you're flame |
124s | rushing through it and you're kind of |
125s | just dropping all sorts of runic |
127s | invocations like crazy and the r bolt is |
129s | reversed order so you get a bunch of |
130s | stuff that's you don't normally get |
132s | access to um very |
136s | easily uh and we are we are speced into |
138s | flame Ward as well but we're triggering |
140s | that automatically through Frost wall so |
141s | we've got glyph Dominion as an extra |
143s | free skill and we're speced into the |
145s | extra Rune bolts in |
148s | it this is a great build this is just |
150s | sort of like this is the this is the |
152s | kitchen sink of Rune Master builds using |
156s | the best weapon ever and they were also |
159s | kind enough to leave us with a 2 LP |
161s | version of it in our inventory uh so we |
163s | can go we can go do a roll here see what |
165s | happens and and they also may have left |
167s | a beautiful wand right beside it to uh |
169s | to use for |
170s | that so without further Ado I'm just |
172s | going to hop in and try it um if you |
174s | want a full breakdown on this build and |
177s | what it does and all the details and how |
179s | it works and everything uh Aaron has a |
182s | video over on his channel Aaron X RPG |
184s | which is the channel that won um |
188s | and uh yeah it's it's pretty cool we're |
191s | g we're g to have some fun and try it |
192s | out I'm just going to Mouse over |
194s | everything really quickly so people can |
196s | see if you want to pause things or clip |
198s | stuff we got that ring we can uh do some |
201s | LP crafting |
207s | on just a little little bit overview |
210s | look at the character sheet I |
212s | guess if you want to see things |
215s | um little little dip into sorcerer but |
218s | mostly in run Master uh as expected um I |
222s | will just fli through this really |
223s | quickly basically just if someone really |
225s | wants to pause it here but the full |
226s | video is over on Aaron's Channel much |
228s | better to go do that um and let's go |
230s | have some fun and this is so I think |
232s | this is I was told that this should be |
234s | able to handle no problem 200 corruption |
236s | like easy and we're only on 100 here so |
238s | maybe maybe I should check out the other |
239s | timelines to see if they're |
243s | higher |
248s | 156 100 can I check there might be |
251s | another way to check this I'm just a |
254s | noob is Mike a noob |
257s | yes we're do this |
260s | one let's go okay let's try let's try |
263s | and find a shade quickly and crank it up |
264s | so just just just go right not |
269s | there |
272s | all right so I got I saw I missed some |
273s | questions let's go back and read those |
274s | off so yeah welcome to the stream |
276s | everybody glad to have you all with us |
279s | um oh yeah this also this also I should |
281s | mention this is also a lowlife uh Ward |
284s | run Master as well so it's not it's it's |
287s | it's a little out there so we're using |
290s | some like generally Necromancer |
293s | gear um or Lich |
298s | gear but you know what and I and I will |
300s | do this wrong and uh that's |
304s | okay that is |
315s | okay the one thing so I was I was |
317s | looking at this build and I was like I |
318s | think that an auto trigger |
321s | on um uh glyphid Dominion on um Rune M |
327s | on on flame Rush end I I think would be |
330s | really good as well um I don't know |
332s | where that is in here yeah so like like |
333s | getting this one I think it it the the |
335s | problem with it is is that it uh does uh |
339s | give you a little less control and it's |
340s | a bit it's a it's more Mana as |
343s | well you can't just cast it yourself but |
347s | I thought that would smooth things out a |
348s | little |
352s | bit and I do apologize to build thises |
355s | when I like just butcher the actual |
357s | playing of it I'm like this looks like I |
358s | can just like face roll right and it's |
359s | going to be a ton of fun yeah all right |
361s | let's |
376s | go yeah all right okay I should answer |
379s | some questions so we've got some |
380s | questions here in chat hi just wanted to |
382s | check on that 2023 release is stoping |
384s | right um we we actually funny you |
387s | mentioned this we just announced that |
390s | that is not the case anymore um so if |
392s | you have um if you haven't seen yet you |
398s | head on over to our forums or anything |
400s | else that will probably link to the |
401s | forums thank you very much |
405s | somebody uh I'm just going to put this |
408s | link in chat really quick and then I |
410s | will see who that was okay so if you |
412s | haven't seen that yet check that |
415s | out |
417s | um who is that llama hey who welcome |
422s | back 22 months in a row we're getting |
424s | close to those two year mark |
427s | wow thank you very much glad to have you |
431s | here hope you're having |
435s | fun we don't learn anything here we just |
437s | have |
446s | fun |
448s | uh more questions oh yes so uh release |
451s | date is now February |
453s | 21st um |
455s | 2024 um there's there's a few few things |
458s | that that contributed to doing this um I |
461s | won't go too into details here but |
464s | um it's it it's just a bunch of bunch of |
467s | little things that came together and it |
468s | it really didn't make sense to launch |
470s | where we were going to launch before um |
472s | anymore we we had we had really planned |
474s | on keeping it where we were and we were |
476s | really happy with what was happening and |
477s | everything and um you know just just |
480s | stopped making |
490s | sense yeah getting getting in that Glyph |
493s | of dominion to get the five shots feels |
495s | really important and so I'm really |
497s | trying to do |
498s | that it's a little |
502s | tricky uh right next question hi I'm |
505s | currently having a problem Oh yes gForce |
508s | it now you can't learn any filters so |
509s | yes this is a known problem on GeForce |
511s | now um it is technically an unsupported |
514s | platform that just happens to almost |
516s | work |
518s | um so it's it's not something we're |
520s | we're really prioritizing fixing at the |
522s | moment um it's not to say it won't be |
525s | fixed but it's just not um it's not it's |
529s | not number one on the list right now |
531s | sorry but yes this is this is something |
533s | we do know about um and would like to |
535s | see fixed as soon as we can um it's just |
538s | there's there's bigger fish fried at the |
557s | moment there's a lot going on |
560s | here I feel very tanky though I will say |
562s | that and I might just not be in like a |
564s | high enough damage area |
567s | yet like fall full full exalted |
570s | did anyone else see the uh random |
573s | tangent on the um on the forums either |
577s | yesterday or the day before possibly |
578s | someone posted a like uh a triple |
581s | exalted with like an empty slot and 43 |
584s | craft or um forging potential still on |
586s | it like oh it was nice that was that was |
590s | that was pretty I like that I turn to |
593s | filter on anyways let's just do our |
596s | generic uh let's do do remaster here we |
600s | go it's pretty |
604s | basic all |
609s | right hi Mike uh during monolith I'm |
613s | given a choice sometimes dream of the |
616s | Future Past what does it change um so |
619s | you're prob I |
622s | I I think this is when you beat a boss |
625s | is that what you're talking |
628s | about like the end of |
631s | it and and it's deciding which one of |
633s | these like like you beat this one and |
635s | it's asking if you want to go right or |
636s | left |
638s | basically there's like multiple paths to |
640s | go on and it's asking which way you want |
641s | to go I think that's what that |
645s | is if it's in a chat window at the |
647s | bottom that's what it |
654s | is um let's keep |
658s | going have you considered giving set |
660s | pieces legendary potential yes this |
663s | question gets asked extremely frequently |
667s | uh and we've considered it many times um |
671s | there's a much longer explanation as to |
672s | why we don't want to do that um |
674s | available but the tldr is we'd like set |
677s | items to be set items and not unique |
680s | items with a set |
686s | AIX uh do you plan to fix uh skill bugs |
690s | before 1.0 um we are working to fix |
694s | every single skill bug we can so the |
696s | every single bug we can every bug's on |
699s | the list and we're going to try and fix |
700s | every single one of them but you know |
701s | who knows which ones exactly will be |
703s | fixed I don't know um we are going to |
706s | keep working on them and keep fixing as |
707s | many as we can um right up until right |
710s | up until the hard cut off for launch um |
713s | and we'll keep fixing them after that |
716s | too um but yeah so it's it's all just |
720s | yeah I I can't guarantee specific skills |
723s | will get fixed um but all of the skill |
726s | bugs are on the list to get |
732s | fixed all right right right right right |
736s | so excited about the delay release |
737s | announcement Epoch really needs its time |
739s | to shine in the Sun so the RPG Community |
741s | can truly see what an amazing game is BU |
743s | thank you very |
747s | much uh hope you're all good do you know |
750s | if there's going to be another open beta |
752s | for people who haven't purchased yet |
754s | before 1.0 launch thank you for all the |
756s | effort uh I I I haven't heard anything |
759s | about another open beta for people who |
762s | have not purchased the game um so I do |
764s | not think it will happen um that doesn't |
767s | mean it 100% won't but I I would be very |
770s | surprised so do not expect |
776s | it I'm pumped up today yeah you are |
779s | congrat rets on your team |
780s | [Music] |
785s | win I was right about that I'm not just |
787s | like crazy and just be like announcing |
788s | the wrong thing that be that would be |
789s | that' be bad that' be |
795s | bad |
803s | okay why is my life going to full I |
805s | think cuz I have a ton of leech |
808s | somewhere |
824s | um low |
830s | Health do say leech |
838s | anywhere I don't know where it is |
841s | somewhere we've got something that's |
842s | given us a bunch of Health I didn't |
843s | change a thing this is exactly how I |
847s | found |
851s | it I wouldn't be there that would be |
859s | dumb I do not know why our health is |
861s | going |
868s | up I don't hate |
875s | it this builds a ton of fun to play it's |
878s | it's like I I feel like I'm just I've |
881s | got a toolbox and every time I need to |
883s | do something I just like open up the |
884s | toolbox and and find something awesome |
886s | to to pull |
898s | out |
909s | I love the trient builds cuz they're not |
911s | supposed to like like they're supposed |
913s | to work but they're not like supposed to |
917s | work you |
919s | know am I making any sense or am I just |
921s | a crazy person I know I know I'm a crazy |
923s | like just a crazy |
928s | person |
933s | give me that |
934s | [Music] |
939s | XP I want to strengthen up that tighten |
941s | up that |
944s | filter hey King |
949s | s somebody really somebody yeah somebody |
952s | just |
955s | somebody hadn't seen it yet I'm sorry |
964s | you learn how not to face tank stuff |
965s | yeah uh I notic that there are no normal |
968s | chest spotting in monoliths is there a |
970s | specific reason for that uh I don't |
975s | know I don't |
980s | know they're probably just generally not |
982s | awesome |
983s | enough and uh I don't know maybe they |
987s | just need to be more awesomer |
994s | of the game anything you can share on |
996s | Seasons uh yeah I mean they'll be pretty |
998s | pretty bog standard for uh for what |
1000s | you'd expect from like the the general |
1003s | framework of how season's going to work |
1005s | um we're calling them |
1007s | Cycles you'll uh everyone will start |
1009s | from from level one uh there'll be like |
1012s | a fresh economy reset you'll be |
1016s | um uh competing on a ladder |
1030s | [Music] |
1032s | um not sure what |
1034s | else there'll be there'll be like new |
1036s | things will come each each time a cycle |
1037s | starts like so there'll be a new a new |
1039s | season ladder with a new patch and |
1041s | there'll be new stuff that happens so |
1043s | there might be like new um I I don't |
1046s | know there could be there could be new |
1048s | well in this case there's going to be |
1049s | the item factions which is going to be |
1052s | huge |
1054s | um and there will be the uh the falconer |
1059s | and the Warlock as well so those are the |
1061s | big three things for this one |
1063s | um is there an exalted hiding there but |
1065s | I it's just |
1077s | recolored |
1079s | there are some nice things in glyph |
1081s | dominions tree that make it a lot easier |
1082s | to use with |
1084s | the |
1086s | um with with the as like a place to |
1089s | stand in as well but I do really like |
1091s | having that that flame W trigger that |
1093s | happens going through the through the |
1095s | wall with like a spec |
1098s | [Music] |
1103s | flame now that hand of judgment is fixed |
1105s | and therefore not good anymore question |
1108s | mark |
1109s | uh any plans to buff for judgment first |
1112s | uh totally not righteous Fire players um |
1115s | we we |
1116s | have uh I don't have any specific |
1119s | information on upcoming balance changes |
1122s | um it's possible that it could get some |
1124s | updates who |
1126s | knows oh that could actually be a decent |
1129s | uh starting point for a |
1132s | ring uh for |
1137s | this was probably a bad one right here |
1139s | yeah there's a way better one right |
1140s | there let's go do that that sounds like |
1147s | fun you know that sounds like a lot of |
1165s | fun come |
1167s | on |
1171s | what what's what's going on come on come |
1190s | on not |
1193s | bad let's get out of here okay we're |
1196s | going to a magical land of gumdrops and |
1199s | jelly beans also known as temporal |
1203s | sanctum and we are going to attempt |
1206s | to make this |
1208s | wand really |
1212s | awesome um sorry for ruining your |
1215s | sorting because I could tell you |
1216s | actually had sorted that out |
1218s | nicely I just rued one Fell Swoop all |
1221s | right what level is it 17 |
1223s | easy let's go find a key in here |
1226s | somewhere temporal sanctum key love |
1233s | right click on the key takes you two on |
1234s | the |
1235s | map |
1255s | yeah uh are all skill V effects areas |
1259s | death animations that haven't been still |
1261s | touched up be up to your new |
1264s | standards touched be up to your new |
1267s | standard on 1.0 oh like are we going to |
1268s | just do all the things that haven't been |
1270s | done to a higher standard yet um uh how |
1273s | how many skills each class going to have |
1275s | on launch um the number of skills each |
1278s | class is going to have at launch will |
1279s | not be um equal across the |
1283s | board |
1285s | uh we don't have to do the hard one but |
1287s | should we |
1289s | just to like you know show we |
1292s | can do we Okay do if we have gloves that |
1295s | will uh go nicely into those then yeah |
1299s | we |
1301s | will |
1306s | um but unless we have gloves that do |
1309s | we're |
1310s | not cuz we're a |
1317s | chicken |
1321s | I don't see anything oh throwing damage |
1324s | hey so |
1326s | good not what's the throne damage doing |
1330s | there |
1338s | huh okay let's just let's just you know |
1341s | let's let's take it |
1344s | easy let's start with this one we'll |
1346s | we're going to do a few of these we're |
1347s | going to do a few of these I think cuz |
1348s | we've got a few exalted to make or |
1350s | legendaries to make intrude upon my |
1353s | research no matter so we're going we're |
1355s | going to ramp up we'll do we'll do two |
1356s | three four we'll try and do all the way |
1358s | to four I think we can um are are is so |
1361s | is everything going to be brought up to |
1362s | the same standard |
1364s | um we're going to try and get everything |
1366s | we can up the same standard like it's |
1368s | it's it's not nothing will intentionally |
1369s | be left behind |
1372s | um but like you |
1377s | know where is is that St like where did |
1379s | that standard line actually start |
1381s | exactly it's kind of hard to |
1384s | pinpoint |
1390s | um so like I I don't I don't know |
1393s | exactly |
1398s | um if every skill you're thinking of is |
1401s | going to be is going to count you |
1405s | know but we are constantly working to |
1407s | upgrade uh the quality of of all of our |
1412s | skills I think they've gotten really |
1414s | fantastic lately like I I I think the |
1417s | it's that's the thing it's sort of this |
1419s | like continuous increase of of awesome |
1422s | and it's not just like uh okay well on |
1424s | this date they were bad and on this date |
1426s | they were good so um everything that was |
1428s | before this date is bad you know like |
1429s | there's no there's no hard cut off line |
1431s | you can just point |
1432s | to |
1434s | um so we're probably more looking at uh |
1438s | just you know find the worst one and and |
1441s | make it better type type |
1444s | situation right now we're really focused |
1446s | on falcon or warlock um and then a few |
1449s | key skills that are really in need of |
1451s | some love um and you know it keeps going |
1455s | it keeps going |
1456s | after um I do like that if you just hold |
1459s | that cold um flame Rush with the |
1462s | AutoCast of the invocation and it turns |
1465s | into blizzard so it like it puts a DOT |
1467s | right above your head you kind of hang |
1468s | out there and be a little bit covered I |
1470s | really like that nice |
1476s | touch oh |
1481s | oh uh let's try this |
1484s | way looks |
1491s | promising |
1492s | [Music] |
1494s | yes let's |
1496s | go exalted mods take it |
1503s | uh how many skills each class going to |
1504s | have at launch um let's see here they're |
1506s | going to be I would say well let's let's |
1509s | up the skills panel un |
1517s | look every every every class will have |
1521s | um I think Rogue will have the fewest |
1524s | overall uh |
1526s | skills um Prim list will probably be |
1529s | next |
1530s | least uh and Mage will have the most I |
1533s | can say that for |
1535s | certain |
1538s | um |
1542s | yeah blessing me thank |
1545s | you uh and Shad excited for the February |
1548s | release |
1549s | yes uh will all Zones look the same by |
1553s | quality as let's say uh alumino |
1555s | Highlands in monos um |
1559s | no Highlands um we |
1563s | are same answer as before we are working |
1566s | pretty heavily for our um level design |
1568s | team on uh the next chapters for uh for |
1571s | the game |
1575s | itself okay I thought the time TR for a |
1577s | second was giving a |
1579s | uh Rune I was like uh |
1583s | no it wasn't though I'm just I'm just a |
1585s | crazy person it's fine I'm just losing |
1588s | it don't mind |
1598s | me just stuff everywhere it's so |
1606s | fantastic I love this |
1611s | one we don't have a ton of dot damage I |
1614s | don't |
1616s | think might have a good chunk though |
1624s | worth |
1627s | it worth |
1630s | it all right I hope that February 21st |
1633s | 224 will be just the beginning of a |
1635s | great adventure with your game me too I |
1637s | think it will |
1639s | be hey Travelers Mike any comments on |
1643s | the renck invocation node stride to |
1646s | safety uh let me go look at up first cuz |
1648s | I don't know what they are off the top |
1649s | of my head cuz you know just like uber |
1652s | Noob over |
1655s | here and that's |
1664s | okay this guy this guy just |
1668s | uh okay what R invocation node stride |
1672s | it's probably the jump isn't |
1674s | it am I like running somehow I was not |
1678s | touching the what was happening |
1683s | there that was |
1689s | wild look did pretty well without trying |
1697s | somehow I really like that one lightning |
1699s | fire |
1701s | fire or lightning cold |
1704s | cold |
1706s | oh oh |
1721s | oh okay let me just I'm just trying to |
1723s | get somewhere safe to like read this |
1725s | note I just keep going to find more |
1726s | enemies |
1728s | okay ring vacation stride to safety it's |
1731s | the Hop jump thing isn't |
1735s | it leave backwards uncast when you d |
1737s | irly cast rication you leap backwards a |
1739s | short distance hovering in the air for a |
1741s | moment in this state you take less |
1742s | damage and directly casting rication uh |
1745s | deals more damage both multiplicative |
1747s | with other modifiers the effect of |
1750s | enigma no longer works when taking this |
1752s | node rication gains the movement |
1758s | tag this is Enigma here for anyone |
1762s | wondering uh it's a little blink forward |
1765s | aftercast so it's it's an override for |
1767s | this one it's neither or E either |
1770s | or uh okay back to the question I had a |
1772s | friend who doesn't play ask me why the |
1774s | jump mechanic I said well it just seems |
1776s | cool yeah no one's really using it uh |
1780s | but I did use it in my build comp entry |
1782s | and found it fun but I was curious what |
1784s | the idea behind the was I mean yeah it's |
1787s | it it looks cool it feels cool sometimes |
1789s | there's like um you know it's it's like |
1792s | a minor disengage where |
1795s | um one of the core things for like like |
1797s | a spellcaster frequently is you want to |
1799s | be a little bit at range right um and we |
1801s | try and give those tools more to sorc |
1803s | than anyone else um we do want to give |
1805s | those options elsewhere as well um and |
1808s | so just like it's a little bit |
1810s | of another option for how you want to |
1812s | build movement into your uh incorporate |
1815s | movement into your build that's sort of |
1816s | the main thing and and it probably was |
1818s | it like the way this probably came up in |
1820s | the the the pitch meeting I can't |
1821s | remember exactly how this node was |
1822s | pitched um it's probably just in in a |
1824s | large brainstorming session but like I I |
1825s | bet it was probably just like I mean |
1828s | that sounds |
1831s | cool that's that's probably the the |
1833s | first thing yeah sometimes that's all it |
1838s | takes all are there going to be more |
1840s | glyphs and runes in 1.0 on release will |
1842s | there be any Uber bosses on 1.0 um more |
1846s | glyphs and runes on |
1847s | 1.0 |
1856s | um uh I |
1860s | we we have more planned um and I don't |
1863s | know if they're going to be at 1.0 or |
1865s | after or not I'm |
1867s | sorry but we do have specific ones |
1869s | planned for specific |
1872s | situations um and Uber boss on 1.0 there |
1875s | will not be an Uber boss |
1886s | 1.0 |
1891s | I mean it's far enough that I shouldn't |
1892s | really say that there's not one planned |
1893s | at the |
1905s | moment uh can we still play with friends |
1907s | that are not C uh in the current season |
1910s | cycle um characters that are playing in |
1913s | the current season cycle will not be |
1915s | able to play with characters that are |
1916s | not playing in the current season cycle |
1918s | um because it is a competitive |
1920s | environment in the season cycle and |
1922s | having the ability to play with someone |
1924s | who has been able to exist in a |
1926s | character outside of that competitive |
1927s | environment for much longer than before |
1929s | it started would be a very significant |
1930s | Edge in that uh competition so it' be |
1933s | like um if you were going to go and like |
1937s | sign sign a sign a 10-year-old up to |
1940s | play to play um to play hockey and um |
1943s | but they also came with their like |
1948s | 20-year-old |
1949s | brother uh who who played in the NHL and |
1953s | and was like all right we're we're going |
1955s | to come on the team together and play |
1956s | together and it's it's like a huge |
1959s | unbelievable Advantage for that that |
1962s | 10-year-old playing on the team with his |
1963s | 20-year- brother from the NHL you know |
1964s | like it's |
1966s | um it it it complet it would make um |
1970s | having uh like a rusher type character |
1973s | be mandatory so you wouldn't be able to |
1976s | play the cycle alone you you'd have to |
1978s | be part of a team um to even have like |
1981s | remote possibility of competing at |
1992s | all they can probably just face tank |
1995s | that but not |
1997s | that don't try and face tank that escape |
2000s | is |
2002s | impossible Pro strats for Mike don't |
2005s | face tank the one shot |
2009s | also don't do what I just did there |
2012s | really just don't do anything I do |
2013s | because I'm |
2028s | terrible come on is |
2036s | impossible |
2044s | yes cannot |
2053s | be and we came back here because these |
2055s | totems were up and the these pillars |
2056s | were up and these pillars only exist in |
2058s | this era normally I don't like coming |
2060s | back early cuz if you uh you mess up |
2062s | that timing you're just you're |
2066s | done |
2068s | so |
2072s | hey let's pick up all those things just |
2074s | just |
2081s | just um so yeah with the season cycle |
2083s | thing so yeah you're um any characters |
2085s | that are created on the season cycle are |
2087s | in a completely different play |
2088s | environment a different Universe a |
2089s | different realm whatever you want to |
2090s | call it than the people that are in |
2092s | Legacy that are not starting new cycle |
2096s | character |
2101s | but like you could still |
2103s | play non cycle you know if you wanted |
2110s | to |
2112s | um yeah I'm just going to go straight |
2114s | forward I'm not going to I'm not even |
2115s | going to look at what else I have I |
2116s | think this is set up so nicely for us |
2119s | and I'm just realizing now that I'm in |
2123s | the oh no that's fine it's fine it's the |
2125s | level of the unique not the level of the |
2127s | ex got it got it okay let's do |
2131s | this I really hope the person who uh |
2134s | made this |
2136s | build uh did this exact thing and got a |
2139s | better version than whatever I'm about |
2140s | to |
2143s | get uh one of my friends enjoys the RPGs |
2147s | but doesn't have much time to play it |
2149s | and Seasons always put him off when he |
2151s | has to start over again I like Seasons |
2154s | personally but are offseason Champs able |
2156s | to play no okay sorry to say same |
2157s | question no they're |
2158s | not it it would it would completely ruin |
2162s | the competitive environment for season |
2164s | if we allow that I'm sorry we got we |
2166s | sometimes we got to make |
2169s | um sometimes we got to make uh hard |
2171s | choices and one thing two things |
2174s | conflict and we we got to pick one over |
2175s | the other |
2177s | sorry thanks for the answer now I can go |
2178s | back to my uh regular warlock spoiler |
2186s | begging |
2189s | uh favorite snack to haveo playing Le I |
2192s | really |
2194s | like |
2197s | show really like these little seaweed |
2199s | snacks little little little pack of |
2201s | seaweed snacks they're just like there's |
2203s | nothing to them but they're they're just |
2205s | like this little little little bit of |
2206s | salt little |
2208s | crunch little squ to see what's next |
2210s | they come in like a little like like tin |
2212s | like |
2213s | this I just finished my last one like |
2215s | two hours ago |
2217s | what do we get oh we got the spell |
2219s | damage and the ignite that's a good one |
2221s | too nice that's really |
2224s | good wow all right that's |
2232s | fantastic good |
2235s | good |
2243s | wonderful all right there we |
2246s | go |
2249s | let's go |
2258s | again all right does following uh mean |
2262s | something we still haven't seen |
2264s | following like like following the the |
2266s | stream channel no I don't think so um |
2269s | some new standard or with what zone |
2272s | combat feel |
2274s | currently can you compare the following |
2276s | last box 1.0 launch will Mark A New |
2279s | Beginning for a |
2281s | Terra and will set a new bar for Quality |
2285s | polish gameplay feel and visual |
2291s | Excellence |
2293s | what can you compare the |
2299s | following sorry I I don't understand I I |
2301s | don't know if I'm just not I I feel like |
2304s | I'm just misreading something there I'm |
2305s | sorry I can't understand that |
2307s | my my brain just is is not is not |
2309s | working right now I'm sorry uh rephrase |
2313s | that and ask it again I'll be happy to |
2314s | try again sorry uh right any new skills |
2317s | the Rogue is going to get for 1.0 except |
2320s | falconers um there's uh maybe |
2325s | maybe there's one on |
2327s | the |
2330s | um if the if if the falconer skills get |
2332s | done fast enough |
2336s | list |
2345s | uh there a highlighted message here you |
2347s | don't need to highlight your messages |
2348s | for me to see them just put at last depu |
2349s | game and I I'll I'll pretty reliably see |
2352s | it but yes um no problem uh hello are |
2356s | you going to do something about the |
2358s | error that I can't even get into game |
2360s | let alone play it um so I don't have any |
2363s | information on bug fixes or patches or |
2368s | um like when when certain fixes are |
2369s | going to go out I'm I'm sorry um we are |
2372s | working to fix every single bug we can |
2374s | um if it's been reported on the forums |
2377s | which I absolutely know it has cuz seen |
2379s | it um it's on the list of things to |
2383s | fix um I have no information on the |
2385s | status of ongoing bugs and or when they |
2389s | will be fixed or not I don't know I'm |
2395s | sorry |
2401s | um if you if you want help with your |
2403s | problem if you think we can possibly |
2405s | help you and you'd like to get help you |
2407s | can contact us through a support site um |
2411s | I I I'll mess it up if I try to say just |
2413s | Google support last Epoch um and if it's |
2415s | possible that we can help you we'll try |
2417s | our |
2424s | best all right you did it wrong Mike |
2427s | you're supposed to Face tank the the UNF |
2429s | tankal ability oh |
2432s | whoops wait can this build face tank |
2435s | that |
2437s | no that would be pretty |
2442s | sweet I don't believe it |
2448s | though I like that |
2452s | um I don't know what it's called the |
2454s | like the Cascade the the the the the |
2456s | mini glacial |
2460s | Cascade should have paid more attention |
2462s | to the namings of these |
2466s | things some of the two two uh tier 2 uh |
2469s | invocations are actually really good |
2471s | that one whatever that one's called I |
2473s | like it it's cool it's neat I'm a fan I |
2476s | do it's interesting because I it's um |
2478s | something that I know Aaron mentioned in |
2480s | the build guide for this video was the |
2482s | um the switching of the order of the Rin |
2484s | bolt actually having a significant |
2485s | impact on gameplay and like I I I heard |
2488s | it went yeah okay I I see it but really |
2490s | maybe um and now that I'm like actually |
2493s | playing with it a bunch it feels |
2494s | different cuz you are just naturally |
2495s | getting different invocations that you |
2496s | don't normally get so I'd really like |
2499s | that it's almost like there's |
2501s | there's like just an ALT |
2505s | mode all right what skill have you |
2508s | enjoyed designing the most so far |
2509s | designing the most so far and what is |
2511s | your favorite warlock |
2512s | skill well I can't tell you the name of |
2514s | my favorite warlock skill um |
2518s | so I'll just say it's the um it's the |
2521s | like the the CL the Mastery skills my |
2523s | favorite ones like the one that that |
2524s | shows up here down here like the the one |
2527s | that's like specific to the Mastery |
2528s | that's my favorite warlock skill |
2531s | um and it's a little |
2534s | unassuming |
2537s | um but just it just feels |
2541s | right I like |
2545s | it |
2548s | um as far as which one I've had the most |
2550s | fun designing overall that's really |
2552s | tough too |
2553s | um I really enjoyed multishot weirdly |
2556s | enough it kind of felt like coming |
2558s | home |
2561s | um |
2570s | and yeah bear uh we bear |
2573s | form we bear form was a ton of fun |
2578s | I weed that one twice that was tough to |
2581s | do as well I think that's probably the |
2582s | reason why I enjoyed it so much because |
2583s | it was tough to |
2593s | do catapult not throwing I should I |
2596s | should learn that uh that AIC name at |
2599s | this some |
2604s | point all right |
2607s | does minus 100% additional crit damage |
2611s | reduction |
2614s | uh that that that can't be how that note |
2617s | is |
2621s | worded there's just there's just no way |
2631s | um reduced this one okay I think this I |
2633s | think this is the we're talking |
2635s | about uh uh crit damage reduction yes |
2638s | reduce bonus damage taken from critical |
2640s | strikes I think this is the we're |
2641s | talking about work the same as 100% crit |
2643s | avoidance could I be mising it does not |
2645s | it it does not work the same as crit |
2647s | avoidance 100% crit avoidance |
2654s | um I mean |
2657s | like the the thing is is that |
2663s | the the crit avoidance can be like Chang |
2667s | changed like you can |
2669s | still like you can you can get that |
2680s | debuffed |
2682s | um actually that might not be in the |
2684s | game |
2690s | anymore yeah that may have got taken out |
2693s | I'm |
2695s | sorry |
2703s | yeah sorry that may not be right anymore |
2706s | I have I have a problem with this |
2708s | sometimes where I I remember old |
2709s | versions of how things |
2711s | were |
2716s | um did I catch up how have I caught up |
2720s | so weird I honestly so I was I was |
2724s | terrified about |
2729s | um I I was terrified about this stream |
2732s | because I thought this was going to be a |
2734s | a little bit more |
2737s | muchness um given the recent |
2739s | announcement but |
2742s | I'm not not not mad about |
2745s | it um it's |
2748s | great I'm really happy that we're going |
2750s | to be able to have a chance to extend |
2752s | the development cycle a little |
2755s | bit |
2776s | these loading screens are taking a long |
2778s | time for me |
2780s | today little little weird you know what |
2783s | I can do in the meantime though because |
2784s | I got cool stuff oh I got cool stuff oh |
2788s | loaded anyways we'll do cool stuff |
2790s | anyways Let's do let's do something cool |
2792s | anyways who cares right it's a a swap |
2798s | Monster uh here's here's some concept |
2801s | art um it's pretty cool I wonder what it |
2805s | is maybe it's a new uh |
2812s | [Laughter] |
2815s | transform |
2818s | it's not new transform by the way just |
2820s | just to be |
2823s | clear uh congratulations on uh run |
2828s | Master great class is there any chance |
2830s | you will revisit sorcerer Spell blade |
2831s | passive Tre as much fun as Room Master |
2833s | is the other two are equally uh painful |
2836s | to play |
2838s | um we are focusing right now on uh the |
2843s | passive trees for uh Rogue and uh |
2846s | acolyte specifically Warlock and um |
2851s | Falcon but yeah there's um there's |
2853s | definitely room for improvements on all |
2854s | all the passive trees um especially some |
2857s | of the older ones that haven't had like |
2859s | many threshold nodes put in yet um |
2861s | there's a few things we did for Spell |
2863s | blade and how is this possible yeah okay |
2866s | that's fine thought I was like oh it |
2868s | triggered the game the uh the boss fight |
2870s | or something are there |
2872s | any uh no we didn't put any in here |
2876s | oh do we yes okay so we have started to |
2880s | sprinkle in um some threshold |
2882s | nodes |
2885s | um am I on I'm on still okay yeah |
2892s | good I just do |
2900s | this |
2902s | no maybe threshold okay no it doesn't |
2905s | work that cool though should I should |
2907s | add |
2910s | that all right moving right along here |
2913s | congratulations on run Master great |
2915s | class thank you is there any chance you |
2916s | will re oh I already answered this my |
2919s | goodness I am uh a little out of it |
2923s | today I've been I've been quite sick and |
2926s | I |
2927s | am uh I know I probably don't appear |
2929s | that sick right |
2932s | now uh Tylenol |
2934s | is very very good when used correctly |
2937s | and in |
2950s | moderation all |
2959s | right M just that's entirely my fault I |
2962s | just like looked |
2965s | away |
2966s | oh my God I'm playing with the the |
2968s | screen |
2970s | [Applause] |
2975s | up nobody saw that nobody saw that |
2978s | actually actually nobody saw |
2980s | that hello people in town let's put |
2982s | let's put our wings |
2984s | on can we can we all pretend that didn't |
2987s | happen and uh just just you |
2991s | know actually I like that other |
2994s | chest yeah but I do you want a pet um I |
2998s | want this guy |
3002s | yeah and we're going to do this one to |
3004s | go with |
3006s | it |
3008s | and this one to go with it there we go |
3012s | now now now we'll be |
3015s | fine now we'll be |
3019s | fine |
3024s | oh I don't know what you're talking |
3026s | about it was all a |
3029s | dream we've got to have another key here |
3047s | somewhere got to have another key there |
3049s | it is |
3053s | yes oh all right Michael wake |
3060s | up may I ask why fire Aura a damage over |
3064s | time spell has most of its passives in |
3066s | the Spell blade tree uh the melee attack |
3069s | Mastery seems like they have very little |
3071s | overlap except for increased melee |
3073s | damage per fire or a stack which is uh |
3075s | just kind of forced in your opinion um |
3078s | yeah so the first off Anton v e resub |
3083s | thank you very much glad to have you |
3084s | with us says thanks for this amazing |
3087s | game p for 1.0 me too you're welcome I |
3089s | am glad you're enjoying it um back to |
3091s | the question um for why why does fire AA |
3094s | and spellblade make |
3098s | sense well we don't really think of |
3100s | spellblade as the um melee attack |
3103s | Mastery |
3104s | for uh for for mage which might seem |
3107s | kind of weird we actually think of |
3108s | spellblade as the short range Mastery |
3111s | for mage um and so it's it's more |
3114s | focused around |
3116s | physically being near your enemies for |
3118s | the most part um so most and most melee |
3121s | attacks do lend themselves better to |
3122s | that uh situation so all of these things |
3124s | are U melee range or help you get in out |
3128s | of melee range or buff melee damage |
3129s | things like that so it's it is all like |
3131s | it might seem very melee just as melee |
3133s | is the thing but really the thing that |
3134s | ties it all together for us anyways |
3136s | design wise is um is range more so than |
3139s | anything else |
3141s | um |
3144s | yeah that's that's why |
3150s | there hope that makes |
3154s | sense how useful is armor shred very |
3157s | very useful if you're dealing um if |
3160s | you're doing |
3162s | physical uh hit damage armor shred is |
3166s | very useful um if you're doing any uh |
3170s | hit damage armor is useful but not very |
3173s | useful um it's most useful for phys |
3176s | physical uh cuz armor is protecting more |
3178s | physical |
3181s | damage so let's say I deal five stacks |
3183s | of armor shred to an enemy how much more |
3184s | physical damage is going to receive for |
3186s | example it'll depend on how much armor |
3188s | he has to begin with um because it's |
3192s | going to shred their armor by a |
3193s | percentage of or by a fixed |
3198s | value let's nope uh this key I know |
3201s | what's |
3203s | shred armor Shred |
3208s | UHS 100 armor for the last last four |
3210s | seconds okay so it's a flat amount of |
3211s | armor that that it drops it by um and so |
3216s | you can you can |
3219s | um uh is this formula |
3226s | here armor there's the formula for armor |
3230s | so you can you can you can work it out |
3232s | based on based on this info uh how much |
3234s | it's actually going to deal |
3238s | or |
3245s | help okay I'm going to actually make it |
3247s | through this |
3249s | time cuz we're awesome and we've got a |
3252s | little pet a little Rune YY |
3255s | pet with the extra time you are taking |
3257s | to 1.0 will a pinnacle boss be available |
3259s | on 1.0 um we really want to have the I I |
3263s | don't think so is the short answer to |
3264s | that question um it's unlikely but |
3268s | possible is what I'll say um we we |
3271s | really want |
3273s | to um when when we do put a pinnacle |
3277s | boss into the game we really want it to |
3279s | feel like it's part of the entire game |
3281s | and not just like um like okay there's a |
3284s | boss |
3285s | now we want there to be a like some some |
3288s | story implications we want there to be |
3291s | um some action leadup like um so I'll |
3294s | just CU I always use the elble to as an |
3295s | example the example they actually lead |
3297s | up to um The Uber boss fight in Diablo I |
3300s | there's two of them one of them is sell |
3302s | a bunch of stone and Jordans which is a |
3304s | ultra rare and extremely useful ring um |
3308s | to the to the vendor and Uber boss will |
3310s | spawn alternatively there is the |
3314s | um uh dealing with the three lesser |
3316s | evils uh to to find the prime eval |
3318s | organs and combining them together you |
3321s | know you get the keys from the from the |
3322s | from the key bosses whatever they're |
3324s | called the mini bosses and you know like |
3327s | so there's there's there's like a |
3329s | buildup of actions you have to take in |
3331s | order to like unlock the Uber boss fight |
3334s | and we really want the like the whole |
3335s | Uber boss or Pinnacle boss experience to |
3337s | be a complete experience and not just um |
3341s | that was really |
3343s | close uh and not just like hey |
3347s | boss um we also want that boss fight to |
3349s | be you know like a little bit involved |
3351s | and and have uh you know cool mechanics |
3354s | and um |
3357s | really really like be a ton of fun to to |
3360s | play um so we're really going to take |
3362s | our time with it and make sure that that |
3364s | comes out super awesome um and it's not |
3366s | something we had planned for 1.0 before |
3368s | um we're not changing a ton of the scope |
3371s | for 1.0 um there are a few things that |
3374s | we're |
3376s | changing few things we're going to add |
3378s | on but you know for the most part it's |
3380s | it's staying relatively |
3383s | similar and every like the date the day |
3385s | with the like it hasn't been long since |
3387s | this happened internally but like the |
3388s | day it happened internally I was right |
3390s | there front of the line with a bunch of |
3391s | other people being like let's add this |
3393s | and and they're like calm down Mike like |
3395s | yeah okay fine I'll calm |
3398s | down cuz yes I pitched a pinnacle boss |
3401s | the like an hour after the internal |
3404s | announcement went live for uh for the |
3407s | delay I immediately pitched a pinnacle |
3410s | boss uh to be |
3414s | included |
3416s | but I |
3417s | was I quickly realized it was not the |
3420s | best |
3428s | idea okay it took a little convincing |
3430s | but I got |
3435s | there no jokes aside I I do think that |
3437s | it's the right |
3444s | idea |
3448s | uh |
3451s | right uh what recent announcement um I |
3455s | will post it in chat |
3464s | again um we are we are the recent |
3467s | announcement is that we are delaying |
3469s | 1.0 uh from this year till February 21st |
3473s | 2024 um we was the this is like a fixed |
3476s | hard date um we've got specific |
3479s | timelines for leadup Content now |
3483s | um the there there's a whole bunch of |
3486s | things to this the the article touches |
3487s | on a few reasons why we're doing this um |
3490s | it's going to be a lot better |
3492s | overall |
3495s | um I know it's I know it's frustrating |
3498s | for for people who who are hoping to to |
3501s | get it this year what is going |
3504s | on |
3507s | that was really |
3511s | weird it's my new song what is going on |
3515s | that was really |
3517s | weird uh with the amount of Unfinished |
3519s | games released in recent times I don't |
3521s | think many people have a problem with |
3522s | waiting a bit longer iPhone was also |
3524s | 2023 release from the beginning anyways |
3526s | I was I was actually pretty happy with |
3528s | what we were going to have for 2023 |
3529s | release um I am more happy with the |
3532s | extra time the extra two months is |
3533s | really nice it was it was feel feeling |
3536s | tight um and now it's going to |
3538s | feel it'll still feel tight but it'll |
3541s | feel |
3542s | um it'll be better it'll be a better |
3546s | game which is the most important |
3551s | part well falcon or Falcon looks amazing |
3553s | it looks so good it's a ton of fun to |
3556s | play too I got to say I am uh I'm I'm |
3559s | really really enjoying the Falcon I just |
3562s | got the part in chat where everyone's |
3563s | screaming at me from my screen |
3568s | plann patches updates before February |
3569s | yeah we'll have some some uh some bug |
3572s | fixes I forget the song yeah I need like |
3575s | a I need I need something on my actual |
3577s | screen that's like a big red outline or |
3579s | something like you can't no one can |
3581s | [Music] |
3582s | see such |
3585s | power no I just need someone who like |
3587s | actually has their streamlabs set up |
3589s | properly to like just screen share with |
3591s | me for an afternoon and just be like |
3592s | this is how you use this software Mike |
3597s | the only like prep or research or |
3599s | anything I've done for this is just like |
3600s | the 10 minutes before stream every |
3602s | time in like an hour the first time I |
3604s | set it up that was |
3606s | it wait you can see the players in town |
3608s | now yeah you |
3617s | can oh no it's a cliff oh |
3624s | no |
3626s | you can actually something I don't think |
3627s | a lot of people know is that when you uh |
3628s | when you are like um in in twitch you |
3632s | can actually see the clips people make |
3634s | of your |
3636s | stream um and like every couple months I |
3639s | go in and just I'm like all right did I |
3642s | make a big fool of myself at some point |
3644s | during the stream or |
3654s | not |
3664s | oh what's that oh what's that I get this |
3669s | so much on stream it's crazy it's always |
3671s | on stream I never get it off |
3675s | stream it's a cool story I like it a |
3679s | lot not sure if you answer my question |
3682s | hadu AFK how progress is multiplayer uh |
3684s | how is progress going in multiplayer |
3686s | optimization I didn't see this question |
3689s | I'm sorry I skipped it it's a good thing |
3690s | I skipped it I I knew you're AFK and I |
3692s | just like I held off for when you got |
3693s | back don't worry I got your back |
3698s | um uh multi bation is it's it's go it's |
3701s | coming along every single day there's |
3703s | always people working on it um I don't |
3706s | have any specific details I can share |
3707s | about the progress that is being made um |
3709s | but yeah there's there's always little |
3710s | updates I'm seeing pop up about it and |
3712s | it's a very high priority task for us |
3717s | it's it's basically like the main thing |
3719s | we talk about and try and deal with is |
3722s | server optimization and multip |
3724s | performance and just game performance in |
3725s | general like it's it's the biggest it's |
3728s | the big topic every single day it's the |
3730s | hot button |
3738s | issue yes the last |
3743s | laugh the last one it's the last one |
3745s | that'll ever be no one's allowed to |
3746s | laugh again Josh I saw |
3751s | that um all right next question do |
3755s | things get pushed do things get pushed |
3758s | to negative like armor resistance yes |
3760s | they do finally I will have it |
3769s | Power by this story is awesome |
3773s | awesome uh pretty soon |
3777s | Triad I assume trade will be a big |
3779s | portion of the game yes it will any |
3780s | plans to make gold more valuable if I |
3782s | sell items for gold would be good to |
3784s | have something valuable spend on um yeah |
3786s | I mean so there's inherently because you |
3788s | can you you sell things for gold you |
3789s | also buy them for gold so like one of |
3792s | the most valuable things in the game is |
3793s | items and just in general and you can |
3796s | sell or you can buy items with gold so |
3799s | like there's that which is a pretty huge |
3800s | one um but then the thing that will |
3802s | anchor the price of gold partially is |
3807s | um is the |
3811s | uh uh vaults of Uncertain fate that's |
3815s | what it is I know I know the names of |
3816s | things in our game don't worry Vault of |
3818s | Uncertain fate will like you can dump |
3820s | tons of gold into there and they just |
3822s | make more and more and more items So |
3825s | like um you're you're you're able to |
3828s | you're able to get quite a lot out of |
3829s | that with a lot of money so that's you |
3832s | know that's a big one um um plans to add |
3836s | more things yes plans to add more things |
3838s | for 1.0 no nothing major |
3842s | anyways how good is melee this game I |
3844s | mean there are some very successful |
3846s | melee builds War path's always a fan |
3848s | favorite um there's there's there's |
3851s | there's melee builds for every class |
3853s | that are very good um I'm sure if you |
3857s | look at the uh like top 1% there will be |
3862s | uh I I might be proven very wrong by the |
3864s | by that standard um but melee builds |
3867s | that can get into the Super endgame |
3869s | content |
3871s | yeah all right any Buffs for Aura of |
3874s | Decay since the poison Nerf is a dead |
3876s | skill oh no it's a dead skill um I I |
3880s | don't have any specific details on |
3882s | upcoming patches or Buffs or Nerfs or |
3885s | bug fixes um some stuff will happen I |
3888s | don't know what it |
3890s | is sorry Escape is impossible |
3901s | Sapp on let me stand inside |
3914s | this I was trying to |
3918s | move trying to move did not work oh |
3923s | that's too bad |
3928s | all right you know what um we're going |
3932s | to see if we have another key and if we |
3935s | don't we're going to go do something |
3940s | else I'm pretty sure this is where we |
3942s | got to in searching I don't think we |
3943s | have another |
3947s | key we have no choice we got to go find |
3949s | another |
3953s | key |
3956s | just see if the person who made this |
3957s | build's online and wants to like come |
3960s | come come come help me because I'm bad |
3963s | this is like this build's so much fun to |
3965s | play it is strictly me just being |
3971s | bad this is why I shouldn't do these |
3973s | things because I'm just like who |
3975s | whoever's whoever's build this is |
3976s | they're just like no Mike what are you |
3978s | doing |
3982s | why was just a boy |
3987s | um if I remember right you guys were |
3989s | overhauling the backend net code or |
3992s | something similar how is that coming |
3993s | along I mean yeah we've we've um we |
3996s | rolled that |
3998s | out uh few weeks |
4003s | ago the the big the big rewrite of most |
4006s | of that pretty sure that's live now it |
4009s | or it's or it's on our internal builds I |
4012s | don't know if that's in the live ones |
4013s | yet |
4018s | um I hope it's been rolled out like I |
4020s | said when we were talking about like no |
4021s | one should notice that it gets rolled |
4027s | out uh could you guys share some info |
4029s | about the changes you guys have made to |
4031s | factions since the initial reveal we |
4032s | have to wait until January um the the |
4035s | details of of how factions are going to |
4037s | look at launch um you'll have to wait |
4038s | until uh January for the for the full |
4040s | document there |
4043s | um |
4045s | there's of the information that's |
4048s | available in the um the factions preview |
4052s | post um compared to what you're going to |
4055s | see in January I don't feel the need to |
4058s | go edit that |
4059s | post at all um you know it won't be |
4064s | exactly the same but it will be |
4065s | extremely extremely similar um the big |
4068s | the big thing is is that the so we we |
4072s | said like here are some examples of some |
4075s | of the bonuses you could get from |
4076s | ranking up think we gave like a a level |
4079s | like 2 46 example for each of the |
4082s | factions um and there's |
4087s | a uh the the things that you get that's |
4091s | funny back to back sets uh the things |
4094s | you get from that are |
4097s | um like weren't fixed to the begin with |
4100s | they were just examples so like those |
4102s | are picked as to what they're actually |
4105s | going to |
4106s | be um so those are |
4109s | different but I can't share with those |
4111s | with you just yet cuz they're not |
4112s | actually |
4114s | finalized we're still working on |
4130s | them run |
4133s | away |
4138s | okay next |
4139s | question robots in |
4149s | Disguise uh I noticed the announcement |
4151s | didn't give a date for some more General |
4153s | changes that you've mentioned uh before |
4156s | like corruption is the date where it |
4158s | will be discussed |
4160s | previewed or will it be a general patch |
4162s | notes postr for 1.0 oh oh like like the |
4168s | um there there will |
4170s | be uh there will be the |
4173s | usual um patch notes or like uh Dev blog |
4179s | barrage uh just leading up to the the |
4182s | patch the hype week will happen still so |
4183s | there'll be like a a series of Dev vogs |
4186s | and and informational posts leading up |
4188s | to 1.0 um and in there we'll get some |
4191s | details about specifics for things that |
4192s | are not the three main topics we've |
4194s | already already announced uh uh Dev blog |
4196s | dates for um so so those details will be |
4201s | unveiled in the week or two leading up |
4204s | to 1.0 and |
4207s | [Music] |
4209s | um |
4213s | yeah but they'll be included in the 1.0 |
4215s | patch not |
4218s | before I think I probably speak for most |
4220s | if not all players ooh dangerous |
4223s | dangerous red flag red |
4225s | flag I'd be shocked we'll see we'll see |
4228s | let's see let's let's see the rest of |
4229s | this question let's it's like let's see |
4231s | like everything is awesome I sure hope |
4233s | so but I know that's not |
4236s | everyone |
4238s | um I'm trying not to die here I promise |
4240s | I'll promise I'll get to |
4249s | it here we |
4252s | go that sound |
4254s | oh that sound was great I ever actually |
4257s | used this for in game |
4259s | before Oh that sound got me all right |
4263s | let's read the rest of this |
4266s | question think you probably speak for |
4268s | most if not all ell players in saying we |
4270s | are happy to wait a little bit longer oh |
4271s | thank you that's awesome uh for a |
4273s | long-term good game for the long-term |
4276s | good of the game yeah I appreciate that |
4278s | I I think I think most people agree with |
4279s | you um especially from the sentiment |
4281s | that I've been seeing from like the |
4282s | Forum post and and uh and like the rdst |
4286s | and just like leading up to this like |
4288s | like just talking to people in the |
4289s | community here and there um I I I didn't |
4293s | I wasn't too worried about this sort of |
4294s | thing it's always it's always |
4295s | nerve-wracking um whenever something |
4297s | like this comes out because like I know |
4299s | that like I know people are disappointed |
4301s | that like in a perfect world it just |
4302s | Launches on when we said it would and um |
4306s | it has all of the awesome stuff that you |
4308s | know you know like everything's sunshine |
4309s | and roses and everything's fantastic |
4311s | that's the ideal situation I know people |
4312s | will be disappointed um by by having a |
4314s | notch up right away um and I do really |
4318s | appreciate that that for the vast |
4320s | majority of every response I've seen so |
4322s | far um has been very understanding and |
4326s | uh positive about the about the delay |
4327s | which is fantastic I I know and I know |
4330s | people are disappointed about it and I |
4332s | um I am too what can I say but uh also |
4337s | happy at the same time you can be two |
4339s | things right I think |
4342s | so |
4345s | all |
4349s | right do the new axe have new bosses and |
4352s | the new exclusive gear uh they will but |
4355s | we don't have new axe coming 1.0 |
4361s | um |
4364s | yeah uh as the game's design has evolved |
4368s | yes have there been any uniques that |
4370s | have wound up using More Design space |
4372s | than they were at uh than if they were |
4375s | designed today uh oh yes definitely do I |
4378s | know what any of those are off the top |
4379s | of my head |
4381s | no |
4385s | um |
4395s | o I don't have a good example to top my |
4397s | head I'm |
4399s | sorry the |
4402s | transforms |
4405s | oh uniques we need |
4407s | uniques think skills um still |
4413s | Yes |
4415s | um I don't |
4423s | know yes ex |
4426s | sanguinous actually yeah these boots |
4428s | right here this right right here uh I |
4431s | think is a great example because these |
4432s | andang um that that that whole style of |
4435s | item was originally created very |
4437s | specifically with with Necromancer in |
4439s | mind |
4441s | um and uh it is far from uh Necromancer |
4445s | only style of item and gameplay pattern |
4450s | now um very much enabled by those |
4454s | uniques we got there I found |
4457s | one |
4459s | um are you playing this build with items |
4462s | you found or any of these uniques |
4463s | generator for you this entire build |
4466s | absolutely every single thing that I'm |
4468s | using right now was here when I found it |
4471s | um I have completely absconded with |
4473s | someone else's build in every |
4479s | way I didn't find any of it |
4483s | myself no I'm just I'm I'm playing the |
4485s | the contest winners build exactly as it |
4487s | was um see all of it all it was even |
4490s | this even this the item that we made |
4492s | this was and the exal that we put into |
4494s | it we already in the inventory um my |
4497s | stash was my stash but the the the |
4499s | character was and the blessings that |
4501s | were here like oh I should check out the |
4502s | blessings but we're missing to oh |
4504s | no still this is okay we're asking where |
4507s | the leech is coming |
4508s | [Laughter] |
4511s | from there it is we found it |
4516s | [Laughter] |
4518s | yay oh we got there wand Mana all res |
4522s | nice that's such a nice to get um yeah |
4526s | Frailty cold reses beautiful |
4533s | beautiful uh right is there any chance |
4536s | for someone to join the r team |
4537s | absolutely |
4542s | um let's go check the careers |
4550s | page view all |
4552s | rolls |
4554s | um so there's an active posting for a 2d |
4558s | animator in the art Department um but |
4561s | that doesn't mean if you're if you're |
4563s | not an animator and you want to join the |
4564s | art department for a different role in |
4565s | the art Department um you are still |
4566s | welcome to apply um go to our uh just |
4570s | Google 11th Hour games careers uh and |
4573s | you'll that's how I found it I'm I'm on |
4575s | the page right now and there's like a |
4576s | little apply here |
4578s | button um and you can just send us send |
4581s | us an email um apply for just say like I |
4585s | this is who I am these are the games I |
4587s | like these is the the things I make and |
4590s | this is why I think I'd be awesome to |
4591s | join your |
4598s | team |
4600s | yep |
4602s | uh and and like so I can't guarantee |
4604s | that there'll be any specific um job for |
4607s | your specific skills but um you know |
4610s | worst worst case scenario um someone |
4613s | says |
4615s | no and it it's not like it would ever |
4618s | like um hurt hurt chances of of uh |
4622s | anything later happening you know like |
4624s | give it a shot shoot your |
4642s | shot |
4645s | all |
4647s | right uh will there be a 0.9.3 |
4652s | no uh hello Mike happy Friday thank you |
4655s | happy Friday to you |
4658s | too we're just going |
4661s | to just clear this |
4672s | out |
4684s | fools that cast Beed is just |
4691s | nutty I love |
4696s | it the AutoCast on the on the invocation |
4698s | feels so |
4700s | good I was trying uh |
4704s | go to the old slash spawn key I like I |
4707s | don't have these commands I had to get |
4710s | someone else to help me get this |
4711s | character transferred over um it's the |
4714s | only time we've ever done |
4717s | it oh |
4720s | yeah P tab by tab yes sorry I know I |
4723s | should do |
4726s | it |
4727s | uh hello Mike happy Friday can you say |
4730s | can you already say if we will get more |
4732s | character slots at 1.0 and if the |
4734s | characters if the current character will |
4736s | take the same slots as the ones we |
4737s | create in the new cycle yes and |
4741s | yes I I created the stash running search |
4743s | so I'm not that aware of it it's so |
4762s | true get it oh |
4767s | yeah that's what I'm talking about thing |
4769s | it's |
4771s | fine not for us that's |
4777s | okay I I want to do a shade fight that's |
4779s | one thing I really want to do I'm trying |
4780s | to push in one direction to get a shade |
4789s | fight oh righty |
4792s | then |
4796s | you see M stashing offline gives me |
4798s | nightmares as someone who strictly |
4799s | organizes and color codes their stash |
4801s | yeah game yeah it does um my my offline |
4804s | stash is such a mess because um it's |
4807s | what I used for the like so much of the |
4810s | stash testing stuff um so there's like a |
4813s | whole bunch of messed up stuff in there |
4814s | that's just like not how it's supposed |
4816s | to |
4819s | be uh have you noticed that you're |
4821s | giving less unintentional spoilers as |
4823s | you've got more experience doing these |
4824s | streams |
4827s | um I don't I don't maybe have you |
4830s | noticed |
4832s | that I Pro probably I haven't noticed it |
4834s | but I think you're probably |
4843s | right it's happening guys we have a |
4846s | serious problem on your |
4848s | hands I'm |
4850s | becoming professional |
4854s | it's okay oh I thought I had it right |
4857s | here oh that's frustrating where is |
4863s | it well I just undercut my whole |
4868s | point oh here this right right in front |
4871s | of |
4872s | me it's okay you can trust me I'm a |
4881s | professional my wife got that for me |
4883s | ironically I |
4889s | think uh right uh do do you expect Bots |
4893s | to take over the economy when you add uh |
4896s | the trading faction or is it base game |
4897s | cost enough to deter SL make it easy to |
4899s | ban them um we we have we have a lot of |
4903s | systems in place um and and knobs we can |
4906s | turn and ways we can look at stuff to to |
4909s | try and um squash Bots we can |
4913s | I think it's really important to have |
4918s | um some level of expectation of bots and |
4921s | be able to accept |
4923s | that um while not accepting an uh an |
4928s | unreasonable amount of them so I think |
4930s | that there's there's a line there |
4931s | because we're there's going to be some |
4932s | amount of bots no matter what that's |
4934s | going to happen um and that's okay for |
4936s | for for some amount but um that it's |
4940s | really low in my world like really low |
4942s | in my world |
4943s | um the the the most important thing for |
4946s | us with the whole like the the bot fight |
4948s | or whatever you want to call it but like |
4950s | is is making the experience for the |
4952s | people who are playing the game the |
4953s | intended way the best experience |
4955s | possible |
4957s | and how we deal with Bots to achieve |
4961s | that |
4962s | goal it doesn't really matter what |
4964s | happens with the Bots if we if we find |
4966s | every single last one of them if we let |
4967s | some of them hang out you know how how |
4969s | zealous we are there that doesn't really |
4971s | matter it's just all the really matters |
4973s | is how good the experience is for |
4974s | everyone who's not botting um and so |
4978s | like that's I think the really important |
4980s | thing is that we don't like like if |
4982s | we're in a situation where we have the |
4984s | we're looking at the situation we're |
4985s | like okay so there's like there's 10 |
4987s | Bots left on the server this is a really |
4989s | really contrived and extreme example |
4991s | there's 10 Bots left we we found we know |
4993s | there's exactly 10 Bots left but the |
4995s | only way we can get rid of them is by |
4998s | making it suck for everyone |
5000s | else by having to like click an extra |
5004s | dozen things and install this software |
5005s | on their computer or something like that |
5007s | extreme contrived example but like |
5009s | there's there's this like how how much |
5011s | does it suck for everyone else oh is it |
5013s | too much well don't do it um you know |
5017s | like as soon as it starts to put |
5018s | pressure on people who are playing |
5020s | properly it's it's not a good solution |
5022s | we the people who aren't doing the |
5024s | things that we're trying to catch |
5025s | shouldn't know we're trying to catch |
5027s | them those things like they shouldn't |
5029s | they shouldn't see any of those any of |
5031s | those methods it should be completely |
5032s | invisible to them |
5033s | um and the only people that should be |
5034s | like even even see the effects are the |
5038s | people who are um breaking the |
5047s | rules um and so yeah we've we've put a |
5049s | we put a few different ways in there |
5050s | that we can we can detect suspicious |
5053s | behavior um automatically and uh and and |
5058s | also ways to |
5061s | um you know just there's there's things |
5064s | in the system to be |
5066s | self-correcting so that uh even if there |
5069s | are uh Bots working in the system it it |
5072s | won't cause too there won't be an |
5074s | opportunity for those Bots to cause too |
5076s | much of uh pressure on the market to to |
5078s | make it so that it's obvious by someone |
5080s | looking at the market that it's overrun |
5081s | by Bots um so what do I mean by that is |
5083s | that there's not a situation where |
5086s | you're like there's items that are |
5087s | selling for uh Pennies on the dollar |
5091s | because those items are so so abundant |
5094s | because Bots are farming them so |
5096s | quickly and so you're not left thinking |
5098s | hey what's the point of trying to farm |
5100s | items to sell because Bots are able to |
5102s | farm them faster more efficiently and to |
5104s | the point where it's it's not worthwhile |
5106s | for me to uh to do them ourselves and |
5109s | like we I think that there's enough |
5111s | self-correcting things in the system |
5114s | that that that won't that just naturally |
5116s | won't happen um we do also have ways to |
5119s | detect that it's happening and fix if it |
5120s | does um |
5130s | so we're trying we're trying to like |
5132s | hoping for the hoping for the best and |
5134s | planning for the worst on on on on the |
5136s | bot front um I think we're going to be |
5139s | really successful with with with the |
5140s | trading system um and I think that the |
5143s | key the key piece that I think a lot of |
5146s | people are possibly not noticing um is |
5150s | is the favor cost associated with |
5151s | interacting with the system in any way |
5152s | way um so so um buying new |
5158s | um buying items or selling items has a |
5161s | favor cost that goes with it and that |
5162s | favor cost uh just vanishes into the |
5164s | system that's the that's the tax the |
5165s | system takes is the favor cost um and |
5168s | and that alone is going to |
5171s | really |
5173s | um uh I think it's going to make people |
5175s | be mindful of the things that they're |
5177s | selling and buying I mean more more |
5178s | intentionality there with the things |
5179s | they're selling and buying and less just |
5181s | like like oh that's a good deal buy it |
5183s | oh yeah I can slap these things up no |
5184s | problem just sell all these these 50 |
5186s | things U maybe one of them will sell |
5187s | let's just slap these all up that sort |
5188s | of thing and and um like CU that's the |
5191s | type of behavior that Bots really Thrive |
5200s | with so there will there will be and |
5202s | this I guess this is an example there |
5203s | will be less opportunity to play the |
5204s | market so to speak |
5207s | um and that's not that so I also don't |
5210s | want to cross uh cross the streams here |
5212s | that's not specifically something that |
5214s | we've done to prevent Bots that's uh |
5216s | preventing uh helping dissuade Bots as a |
5218s | byproduct of that system not the the |
5220s | primary |
5225s | product okay I just rambled Forever on |
5227s | that I'm probably super far behind I'm |
5230s | sorry |
5232s | um ever consider a mechanic similar to |
5235s | corruption or double corruption like in |
5237s | Poe Yeah final risk of crafting |
5239s | absolutely we we've definitely talked |
5241s | about that um |
5244s | fools uh |
5250s | yes there there are |
5253s | um I would say reminiscent elements of |
5257s | that built into legendary crafting so |
5260s | you're usually in |
5263s | um with with corruption you're taking |
5265s | item uh and then you're saying okay well |
5267s | there's here's a set of optional things |
5270s | that I could get um it's going to pick |
5273s | one of those at |
5274s | random um and then it's going to it's |
5276s | going to finish the item off and we're |
5278s | we're going to be done with it after |
5279s | that I mean I could have just been |
5281s | describing crafting items in Poe or |
5283s | legendary crafting in last |
5301s | dep |
5303s | couple couple res |
5304s | shards all right do you guys ever |
5306s | thought about how to utilize the same |
5308s | legendary items I have five of the same |
5310s | legendaries with zero LP can we combine |
5312s | them yes to get one LP or something like |
5315s | that uh something like |
5317s | this so um I think that there is |
5320s | definitely room for uh a use for uh |
5324s | unique items with zero LP |
5328s | um there sorry there's there's a gap |
5331s | where there needs to be a use for uh |
5333s | unique items with zerp or or maybe like |
5336s | a sometimes use um where it's not like |
5339s | you're just picking all of them up in |
5340s | order to throw into the like the meat |
5341s | grinder and out out pump some some |
5345s | craftable item some crafting item that |
5346s | just get used or something like that and |
5348s | we we probably don't want to do that |
5351s | um but having select situations where |
5354s | you're like oh I really want to build |
5355s | towards this specific thing and if I |
5358s | pick up these three unique items it'll |
5360s | help me build towards that specific |
5361s | thing or something like that I think is |
5362s | really uh really healthy thing for the |
5364s | game that we are missing right now um |
5366s | it's not something that'll be included |
5367s | at 1.0 um I don't know exactly what that |
5371s | system is going to look like I I would |
5373s | be shocked really shocked if that system |
5376s | was what you've pitched here because |
5378s | that system's been pitched a lot of |
5379s | times by community members um and the |
5381s | the big problem with it is is that the |
5383s | relative Rarity of legendary potential |
5386s | on an item um between zero and four |
5390s | legendary potential on any item is a |
5393s | different relative Rarity uh based on |
5396s | the legendary potential level of that |
5400s | item um what does that mean Mike yeah |
5403s | sorry there's a bunch of jumble up |
5405s | nonsense uh if you were going to |
5409s | strictly in an additive sense combine |
5410s | them together to work towards it let's |
5412s | let's say for every um for every one |
5416s | four LP item you found out a zero LPL |
5418s | item farming at level 100 um you got |
5423s | 10 zero LP items so you got like say 10 |
5426s | zero LP items and one four LP items and |
5431s | um you can combine those 10 zero LPS |
5432s | together to get a four LP item great |
5434s | you've got you've got like a base ratio |
5436s | for |
5437s | that um that ratio is not 1 to 10 for |
5442s | wings AR gentes okay it's like one to a |
5445s | billion it's probably more like one to a |
5447s | few billion billion billions type thing |
5450s | so it's um we we don't you we we can't |
5453s | have 10 Zer LP Wings equal a four LP |
5456s | wings um but maybe maybe we could have |
5460s | um 10 Zer |
5462s | LP um I don't know a peak the mountain |
5465s | I'm just I'm using the the infographic |
5467s | that came out recently um you you know |
5470s | there there's |
5473s | uh yeah like so we we because that ratio |
5477s | is different from item to item it can't |
5479s | be a fixed thing um |
5484s | like that like that so it would probably |
5486s | if if we were going to consider doing |
5487s | something like that there'd have to be a |
5489s | different way that we did that than just |
5490s | a straight combine X number of them into |
5493s | uh one like possibly something along the |
5495s | lines of and I I this has also been |
5498s | suggested it's basically the same thing |
5499s | just with different steps and we're also |
5501s | not going to do this but the this is |
5503s | what I mean as a solution to that type |
5504s | of problem is you you put an |
5506s | intermediary crafting material down |
5508s | where you say like okay oh my God I just |
5511s | found something I was looking for that |
5512s | was just sitting on my desk but it was |
5514s | the same color as the spot and it |
5515s | Blended in |
5516s | perfectly oh it's a little micro SD card |
5519s | reader oh my goodness sorry um you have |
5524s | a little intermediary crafting material |
5526s | where it's like you can break down |
5527s | uniques into essence of uniques and um |
5532s | the orelis takes 100 Essences in order |
5534s | to upgrade to one LP um and takes 500 |
5537s | Essences to upgrade to 2 LP um but wings |
5540s | of argentus takes a thousand |
5542s | um essence of LP to upgrade to one LP or |
5545s | whatever you know like so you you you |
5547s | you can do something like that to to |
5549s | have a different ratio |
5551s | there |
5554s | um we're not planning on directly doing |
5556s | that |
5559s | um just wanted to talk about it for a |
5562s | while I should probably answer more |
5565s | questions uh is true offline mode |
5567s | without login coming on 1.0 I believe so |
5569s | yes I think so it it should be I think |
5571s | it's done already just is um not fully |
5574s | set up this not like sorry the hard |
5576s | part's done the um the the the flow the |
5579s | login flow isn't um like the UI flow in |
5582s | game engine is not set up but the actual |
5584s | like um backend stuff that needed to |
5587s | happen to make it work |
5590s | is oh it's the wrong term for |
5593s | it |
5601s | sorry |
5612s | all right is there even going to be a |
5614s | mechanic like dismemberment with melee |
5616s | weapons or that Frozen enemies will |
5618s | shatter on death um we've I feel like |
5621s | there's some situations where Frozen |
5622s | enemies can shatter on death maybe maybe |
5623s | it's just Frozen enemies that are cold |
5625s | already or something like |
5628s | that |
5629s | um I I would at least 1.0 no there will |
5632s | not be something like that |
5637s | sorry uh how do you decide on what |
5639s | features to have in 1.0 it might be a |
5642s | complete campaign and a full set of |
5646s | skills uh should be pretty high on such |
5648s | a list so I would like to know what your |
5650s | thinking was there I mean there will be |
5651s | a full set of skills um there will |
5654s | be like there'll be tons of skills to |
5657s | play with and every class will have um |
5661s | like plenty of tools and lots of awesome |
5664s | stuff like you know don't don't mistake |
5666s | that at all um they'll just be like Mage |
5668s | will have one more |
5670s | than |
5672s | um Mage will have one more I made have |
5676s | two more than |
5678s | primalist and M will have one more than |
5682s | Sentinel maybe two more than Sentinel as |
5684s | well like we're not talking about big |
5685s | differences here we're we we're talking |
5687s | like there's going to be one in Paladin |
5689s | missing and Mage has an extra one in |
5692s | this row so M gets like one more than |
5693s | everyone just from this row right here |
5695s | and one of the paladins are missing one |
5697s | of the shamans are missing |
5700s | um uh Rogues missing one from this Row |
5703s | one from this row and one from this row |
5705s | oh no no not this row uh one from each |
5708s | of these rows sorry so like rogue's |
5710s | missing a few |
5712s | um but rogue's really versatile because |
5715s | there's so many skills in Rogue that |
5717s | that play double duty so there's um |
5720s | there's skills that are in like |
5722s | um like summon uh summon Skeleton on |
5725s | Necromancer not is is really focused |
5728s | towards Necromancer and like there are |
5730s | builds in Lich and there are builds in |
5731s | warlock that'll be able to use it but |
5733s | nowhere near the same extent so it kind |
5735s | of doesn't really play well with those |
5737s | um but there's things like in for |
5738s | example Rogues Bas tree like puncture um |
5742s | and flurry and Cinder strike that work |
5746s | perfectly well for both Rune master or |
5748s | run Master for for both uh melee and B |
5751s | characters in in Rogue so like it'll be |
5754s | good for all three masteries |
5757s | um and so there's there's a lot more |
5760s | overlap on on those base skills for sub |
5763s | Masters so we need less skills to to hit |
5766s | the same number of different builds or |
5767s | archetypes that are possible um that |
5770s | doesn't mean that we're not going to |
5770s | keep making skills for those for those |
5772s | classes we absolutely are going to keep |
5773s | making skills for those classes and and |
5775s | a new rogue skill will come before a new |
5776s | Mage skill um so yeah there's I I'd say |
5781s | the a full compliment of skills will be |
5782s | there it just won't be the equivalent |
5784s | number of skills for each |
5787s | class um as for the complete campaign we |
5790s | got to the point where we realized we've |
5792s | got a specific campaign that we want to |
5794s | like a story we want to tell and a |
5795s | campaign we want to finish and in order |
5797s | to complete that campaign to that level |
5799s | the Polish that we want and with all the |
5800s | things we want to do with it like it's |
5803s | it's just not going to happen um fast |
5806s | enough to do like we just we we can't we |
5808s | can't get that built fast enough um and |
5810s | it's just better for the game game to uh |
5813s | to to to launch with an awesome game |
5816s | that we think we have instead of like |
5817s | delaying it an extra year for the |
5818s | campaign oh oh tell tell tell me that |
5823s | would go well in social |
5824s | media oh my God we get we'd get thrown |
5828s | under the bus so fast if we said we're |
5831s | delaying 1.0 a |
5832s | year uh because we because we want the |
5835s | story we want to finish the |
5839s | story you know |
5851s | love that super fast cast feels so |
5855s | good so |
5858s | good oh the single the single |
5861s | AIC |
5863s | um s that's only6 though that's still |
5866s | fun the single aex exalted I love |
5868s | because it comes with a ton of forun |
5869s | potential um and just like so so many |
5871s | possibilities of whatever you want to do |
5874s | even it's even relevant too minion spell |
5876s | damage and Minion damage or minion |
5878s | skills it's even |
5882s | relevant |
5884s | cool very |
5887s | cool some cool steps I'm just picking |
5889s | them all up cuz I like them they're |
5896s | pretty all right but how how did you |
5899s | decide the features that we want to have |
5900s | 1.0 um |
5903s | a lot of it came down to just um how how |
5906s | much time is this going to take and how |
5908s | big of an impact is going to have on the |
5910s | game for 1.0 like how what what it's |
5913s | it's pretty simple math really like um |
5916s | how how much do we want this how hard is |
5918s | it going to be and how risky is it to |
5921s | try and |
5922s | do and you know like wait each one of |
5925s | those categories rate each one of those |
5928s | categories evaluate the the function and |
5931s | pick a pick a line of how far along that |
5934s | curve you want to you want to take |
5935s | things and just take everything on one |
5937s | side of the line and drop everything on |
5938s | the other side of the line and evaluate |
5940s | what you've done and make sure it's um |
5943s | makes sense and you didn't drop anything |
5945s | super important call it a day it's I'm |
5949s | I'm oversimplifying things quite a lot |
5951s | um because there's people that like on |
5953s | our team that all day what they're doing |
5954s | is is exactly that but with much more |
5957s | detail depth and information and |
5960s | experience all right will the delay in |
5962s | the release date with the delay in the |
5964s | release date can we expect a longer |
5966s | period of testing for new things like |
5968s | the new masteries and factions yes and |
5970s | will those things be released to CT |
5971s | members for testing |
5975s | yes uh can there be multiple exiled |
5977s | Mages or lost cashes within one Echo I |
5980s | don't believe so I'm pretty sure that's |
5982s | a a one |
5983s | per |
5986s | um but please if someone says that they |
5990s | found more |
5992s | they probably did cuz I'm not super |
5993s | confident on that it's just sort of like |
5995s | uh I'd be really surprised if we did |
5997s | more than one |
6009s | time let's get this oh give me that ice |
6019s | Beetle okay more questions can you give |
6022s | us an estimation of the level we should |
6024s | reach after we finish the campaign |
6026s | including the three new acts to be clear |
6028s | the three new acts that are coming post |
6030s | 1.0 not at |
6031s | 1.0 um and I don't know I I would assume |
6036s | that there will be some um uh level |
6040s | scale massaging and experience gain |
6044s | massaging that happens um when when |
6048s | those extra campaign levels arrive uh so |
6050s | I wouldn't expected to just be tacked on |
6053s | to the existing |
6063s | ones there's a dangerous zone for |
6066s | everyone blizzard and Avalanche |
6068s | happening in |
6080s | it |
6082s | I love the just like the the the tap |
6084s | flame |
6106s | rush we did |
6110s | it oh a man of many pockets a clever |
6118s | solution CLE girl did I forget one my |
6122s | goodness I did oh I'm the worst I heard |
6125s | it earlier and I forgot it this one |
6126s | reminded me Spike thank you very much |
6128s | for the three sub 10 months in a row |
6129s | that is fantastic to see keep it up good |
6132s | work can't wait for fa me too thanks for |
6133s | being around and being awesome also |
6136s | let's go back in |
6139s | time okay poke 24 thanks th raid welcome |
6143s | hang out and a little |
6147s | more kimoto 11 shoes welcome back for |
6153s | your seventh month in a row broke that |
6155s | half year barrier thank you very much |
6157s | for being here glad to have you with us |
6158s | and in |
6159s | honor of these wonderful |
6162s | people let's show some cool stuff so |
6165s | we've been testing out some new uh |
6167s | Lighting systems and Shadow systems uh |
6170s | this is not a finished version of this |
6171s | but um it's a familiar zone for a lot of |
6173s | people and uh just showing some of the |
6175s | new tools we have to work with uh in in |
6177s | these systems um so still still tweaks |
6179s | need to be done around specific uh |
6181s | specific areas to make sure that they |
6182s | they look nice and and and pop and all |
6184s | that sort of stuff but here's here's a |
6186s | little preview of oh my goodness it's |
6190s | not oh my God it I swear that window was |
6195s | the right size a second |
6200s | ago |
6203s | oh my |
6207s | goodness there we |
6211s | go hi I'm here too let's going there we |
6216s | are |
6219s | um all right uh will there be more |
6222s | random monolith events like Exile mes |
6224s | 1.0 um I don't know if there's any |
6226s | specific ones coming for 1.0 uh there's |
6229s | there's another event style system that |
6231s | we are um working on I don't know if |
6233s | it's later for 1.0 or the next patch I'm |
6235s | sorry I think it's the next patch I |
6237s | think it's |
6240s | 1.1 uh hi any plans for an lfg tool in |
6243s | the future |
6246s | yes uh it and why did chest drop so many |
6250s | Quivers um confirmation |
6253s | bias which message is last de tools are |
6256s | flying to I'm going through chat and |
6258s | can't find I'm probably just so far |
6262s | behind we're we're just going to oh this |
6264s | isn't on repeat is it |
6267s | Mike oh it is I set it to |
6276s | loop loop I say |
6279s | Loop um throwing mic can never be |
6281s | professional to us a thanks um I'm |
6285s | currently 12 minutes behind that's so |
6287s | helpful thank you um I genuinely |
6290s | appreciate that |
6291s | uh what's your guys' stance on Data |
6294s | Mining and the such you seem to have a |
6296s | pretty good relationship with damit for |
6297s | example yeah I like the um there are C |
6301s | so okay it's it's a my my gut feeling on |
6304s | data mining is very mixed there are some |
6307s | things that it's so awesome for and I |
6309s | love having it I love people that are |
6311s | excited enough about our game to be able |
6312s | to do it that they're that they're |
6314s | taking their own time and doing it and |
6316s | like doing cool stuff with that |
6318s | information that's awesome I love it um |
6320s | the the sites that they've made lyac |
6322s | tools Max roll Icy Veins tunk lab I'm |
6326s | sure those others and I'm sorry when I'm |
6327s | forgetting them but like those are the |
6328s | four that I use the most and like um |
6331s | like I I use these tools myself when |
6333s | we're in development like I'll be like a |
6334s | what what skill was that that had this |
6336s | thing um and I'm just like the search is |
6339s | better there I'm going to use that |
6340s | instead and find it uh I was looking for |
6343s | something yesterday actually for Falcon |
6344s | implementation I like couldn't find it |
6346s | in game and I used lasty tools to find |
6349s | the the node on some other tree it was |
6352s | it was I was looking the note I ended up |
6353s | finding was on summon scorpion tree um |
6356s | and like because I need to do a similar |
6357s | design pattern I'm like I know I've done |
6359s | this somewhere before I can't remember |
6360s | the name of the script that does this |
6362s | and the the script was just named really |
6363s | weird with uh like a Boolean to like |
6365s | flip what it does so it's like the |
6366s | opposite of what I wanted to do anyway |
6368s | doesn't matter |
6370s | um so so yeah there's there's fantastic |
6373s | things about data mining um the there's |
6376s | the other side of and and yes we do try |
6378s | to to keep in touch with with everyone |
6380s | that does it as much as POS possible and |
6381s | I'm sure there's people that do it that |
6381s | we don't keep in touch with as well but |
6383s | like um if you're making tools for and |
6385s | you want to talk to us about stuff you |
6387s | know we're here we'll talk to you um and |
6389s | like every once in a while damn it will |
6391s | like message me and be like Mike there's |
6392s | a bug I found and I'm like ah great |
6394s | thanks I'll fix it |
6397s | um |
6399s | and uh you know like it's it's and and |
6402s | there was something on on on last like |
6404s | tools recently that was like a mistake |
6406s | or or not a mistake it was an something |
6407s | we hadn't added to the game yet I |
6408s | messaged him I'm like this isn't |
6409s | actually in the game yet as we pull it |
6411s | off the site great no problem |
6414s | um and so yeah we do try our best to |
6417s | help each other out as much as we can um |
6421s | there are some things that I would love |
6422s | to be able to do and oh my no look look |
6425s | look I I didn't forget ah |
6432s | gotcha um anyways there are certain |
6434s | things that I would love to be able to |
6435s | do in development that like I just can't |
6438s | do um because because like the game data |
6441s | mind so efficiently um and so like |
6445s | that's a little on the like slightly |
6448s | disappointing side um where like in a |
6450s | perfect world that wouldn't be there you |
6452s | know be able to like do these things y y |
6454s | y okay great um would I |
6457s | trade if if if I could flip a switch |
6460s | that turned off data mining at this |
6461s | point would I know I |
6466s | wouldn't so hopefully that's the most |
6468s | important piece of information for the |
6470s | whole thing |
6472s | I should have um boots give me those |
6476s | boots don't even care if they're the |
6478s | wrong ones giveing them to me I want |
6483s | them |
6485s | anyways ow I might die in here oh these |
6490s | resistances are so nice look at |
6494s | them I never have resistance is this |
6499s | good |
6501s | it's true |
6506s | though um was I do another other |
6510s | question feel like that was the whole |
6511s | data mining question if you want to know |
6514s | if you if you'd like to know |
6516s | more oh I love i g to go watch that |
6519s | movie |
6522s | again see see if the wife's seen it if |
6524s | she hasn't I know what we're doing |
6525s | tonight oh I can feel it |
6529s | happening |
6531s | it's |
6533s | okay it's |
6541s | okay uh can we expect uh an incoming |
6543s | class specialized in dual wielding like |
6546s | having dual wielding as an entire skill |
6548s | tree um I say the no I the class that is |
6553s | okay I see what you're saying maybe |
6556s | um I I think I think what you're asking |
6559s | is like uh once we're finished with the |
6561s | the core |
6562s | 15 and we're started adding more classes |
6565s | on top of that more Masters more base |
6566s | classes things like that will we will we |
6568s | see one of those that's even more |
6570s | heavily focused into dual wielding than |
6571s | blade blade dancers um and that's |
6575s | possible um there's there are some new |
6578s | masteries and base classes that I've |
6579s | seen Pitch that would lend themselves |
6581s | very well to dual wielding um I we we I |
6584s | don't the the first couple that I think |
6588s | will happen won't probably be that I |
6591s | don't |
6592s | think but like this is speculation on |
6596s | speculation so you |
6598s | know dump truck assault and |
6602s | all uh hey Mike I am a sment awesome and |
6607s | interested to hear what was the biggest |
6609s | challenge uh you all found when |
6612s | implementing multiplayer from a server |
6613s | in infrastructure perspective |
6616s | um I didn't do a ton of that self um so |
6621s | I'm not the most equate person to answer |
6623s | it but um from what I heard from like |
6625s | meetings and features that took a while |
6628s | and um features that I uh like when I |
6631s | was just talking to people on the |
6632s | development of those systems about like |
6634s | what's the hardest thing and where we |
6636s | need to focus the most stuff on is |
6638s | um |
6640s | like uh having multiple |
6644s | servers that can uh send long-term save |
6649s | information out of order um so so like |
6655s | uh a server can be |
6657s | like like a server shutting down has to |
6659s | be like people like this is all the |
6660s | information that I collected while they |
6661s | were playing on me here you go to the to |
6664s | the actual like save files and be like |
6666s | there you go and having that information |
6669s | not conflict with another server saying |
6671s | the same thing because you've like |
6672s | jumped between servers or something um |
6675s | is is is probably the hardest part I |
6679s | think |
6681s | all right have you guys considered any |
6683s | zero button or low button skill systems |
6685s | being implemented kind of like righteous |
6687s | Fire in Poe um yes we definitely have um |
6692s | there's there are some that are um |
6694s | pretty low button there's some there's |
6696s | some very low button builds I don't know |
6698s | if there's any zero button builds out |
6699s | there right now but there's definitely |
6700s | some one button builds out there |
6702s | definitely |
6705s | um uh mostly minion builds I think at |
6708s | this |
6709s | point |
6712s | uh I have quite limited knowledge with |
6714s | build diversity of recent but I recall |
6716s | that they didn't really exist the last |
6717s | time I played uh at least to my |
6719s | knowledge last dep was a little bit |
6720s | Troublesome for me to play because I |
6721s | couldn't really play much outside of |
6723s | minions do to RIS issues preventing |
6725s | long-term gaming sessions is the |
6726s | fundamental thing or is it likely to |
6727s | ever be introduced I mean like there's |
6728s | always war path there's always war path |
6732s | you know |
6735s | um that's funny where is it there it is |
6737s | okay that's |
6739s | better |
6745s | um but yeah so the the wrist issues |
6748s | thing that is part of the reason we do |
6749s | have controller support |
6751s | um |
6754s | and uh there definitely are |
6757s | like um low button like zero to or |
6761s | probably probably one to two button |
6762s | builds there's probably quite a few of |
6764s | them most of them are probably minion |
6765s | builds um but I do know there are some |
6767s | that |
6769s | aren't um we do we do generally |
6774s | try to keep to keep things a little bit |
6778s | like we we do like people to be pressing |
6781s | more than one button in most situations |
6783s | for the most part so definitely not an |
6785s | exclusive thing we don't sit there and |
6787s | go all right there's this build that's |
6788s | only pushing one button how do we force |
6790s | another button into this build H like |
6793s | that's never been something we we've |
6794s | discussed |
6796s | um yeah so it's it's I I think it's |
6799s | something that if if it organically |
6801s | happens we Embrace um having a more |
6803s | active play style in in builds um |
6808s | and yeah I but it's not something that |
6810s | we like try and force |
6812s | really and there like there's there are |
6815s | we have put nodes to the contrary and I |
6818s | and I know people see like just m loock |
6820s | it's the same thing and yes it pretty |
6821s | much is but here you go here is the this |
6824s | this takes a button off your bar |
6826s | effectively but still it's used the |
6827s | ability so there are in cases some some |
6829s | noes in trees that do this as |
6834s | well um and like I'm using I should I |
6838s | should have used the example the one I'm |
6839s | using right now so when I use flame |
6843s | rush and it's going to like as soon as I |
6845s | let go of this it's going to use the |
6846s | invocation there's blizzard that's |
6848s | happening right there which is the three |
6849s | ice |
6851s | invocation of course I died cuz I was uh |
6854s | mocking about trying to explain stuff |
6856s | when I was in the danger |
6859s | zone |
6861s | here you |
6873s | go yeah yeah hope that answers that uh |
6877s | wouldn't being able to trade three of |
6879s | the same unique to drop the same uh |
6881s | Unique Kind of solve the LPL being |
6883s | different problem Oh you mean like like |
6886s | like take three of one unique and |
6889s | combine them together together it just |
6890s | redops it exactly the same but I I can |
6893s | like it rerolls it completely so you |
6895s | take three and it just does a full |
6896s | reroll um and there's |
6898s | no um there's there's no working towards |
6903s | the generally the big thing about having |
6904s | this combining system so I'll use um |
6907s | Diablo 2 runes as an example surprising |
6908s | Me diabl 2 um in diabl 2 you get uh like |
6912s | three L runes you combine them together |
6913s | you get an ELD Rune um three ELD runes |
6916s | go together and get |
6919s | an |
6920s | uh if F |
6923s | nef teer |
6925s | to r or |
6928s | thol and you know like it combines up I |
6931s | missed one in |
6932s | there doesn't matter um so you combine |
6935s | three and you get the one above it you |
6936s | combine three you get the one above it |
6937s | and it's this cumulative building |
6939s | towards where you're like okay I just |
6941s | got the next rank I just got the next |
6943s | rank I just got the next Rank and and |
6945s | you know that you're like you're you're |
6947s | slowly but surely making it up towards |
6949s | the next thing um is usually the thing |
6951s | people are trying to get out of a system |
6953s | like that um having the three combined |
6956s | just redrop the item yes that does get |
6958s | around the the main problems that I was |
6959s | I was talking about earlier with it um I |
6961s | think the big problem with with with |
6963s | doing that is that because wings like |
6967s | and and other items like even just like |
6969s | prism wraps or like you know like you |
6970s | get higher LPL items um |
6974s | that it's it's |
6977s | still it's not going to be a reliable |
6979s | way to get more LP out of it um and I |
6982s | don't necessarily know if the thing the |
6985s | if the so I agree that there's a um a |
6989s | gap in the usefulness of uh unique items |
6993s | that are like they drop on the ground |
6996s | there's a big fan fair about it there's |
6997s | a giant beam it's in a special color |
6999s | like it's a it's a colored background |
7000s | with white text instead of a black |
7002s | background with a color text so there |
7003s | like a a variance there there's a big |
7005s | beam there's a sound there's an icon |
7006s | like oh my God it's cool and oh no it's |
7008s | something you just have no use for what |
7010s | and you walk away from it that feeling |
7011s | sucks and trying to do something to |
7012s | remedy that's really |
7014s | important having the payoff the the the |
7017s | thing you get from picking this item up |
7019s | be a chance at that item being a higher |
7021s | LP might not be the right payoff for |
7025s | that um there might be something better |
7026s | we could do for that um and and I I'm |
7029s | I'm not saying that there is and we're |
7031s | decided or anything like that I'm just |
7032s | saying that um there might be something |
7035s | that's less obvious that that ends up |
7036s | being better for the game overall and I |
7038s | I think that's the place I would start |
7039s | to look myself if we're going to be |
7041s | designing the |
7046s | system do I just go back in here CU I'm |
7048s | trying I'm trying to push to the edge I |
7050s | want a shade fight but I'm not going to |
7051s | get it before the end of the |
7052s | [Music] |
7054s | stream just go over here I want some BS |
7059s | Grumble Grumble Grumble another Arena |
7060s | great take even longer I I've got to |
7063s | power these questions you know what put |
7064s | it on pause and we're we're going |
7066s | through these |
7067s | questions let's put this up again while |
7069s | I answer |
7071s | this it's much cooler than looking at me |
7073s | uh characters found uh character found |
7076s | in online for 1.0 uh I believe so also |
7080s | are you confident to massively improve |
7082s | loading times in a party when you're |
7084s | joining uh when you join leave toown 1.0 |
7087s | we're we're putting in a ton of work on |
7089s | that it's one of if not the most |
7091s | important thing we're working on right |
7092s | now it's like the the the primary |
7094s | problem in our online experience right |
7096s | now and we are we're we're doing |
7098s | everything we can to make it better as |
7100s | much as we can so it's like it's it's |
7103s | right right right up there it's super |
7105s | important working hard because it's not |
7107s | just strictly um load times for for what |
7110s | you said that's the that is by far the |
7111s | worst um but it's load times in general |
7113s | as well so yeah we're definitely working |
7114s | on |
7117s | that uh right how does the hit damage |
7121s | variance work um |
7125s | it's |
7128s | uh the rest of the question uh as in uh |
7131s | if I have the exact same stats and I hit |
7133s | an enemy with the same attack twice two |
7135s | hits will have different damage yes okay |
7137s | so um like you you're attacking you go |
7140s | to hit damage that's going in you have a |
7142s | number that it's going to be every |
7143s | single time it's calculated um there's a |
7146s | slight variance up and down range that |
7147s | it's given and it's dropped in that |
7149s | number it's the very last thing that |
7151s | happens |
7152s | um it's there there's no way to scale it |
7155s | or affect it or change it it's always |
7158s | the same amount of variant no matter |
7159s | what for every single hit um and it just |
7162s | applies at the very last |
7164s | second oh my God there's the rating |
7166s | party that was 22 minutes ago oh no okay |
7171s | speed mode any plans to rebalance Vault |
7173s | no plan I'm balancing who knows sorry uh |
7176s | I don't have any info in Balance uh any |
7178s | chance to add glyph that protects |
7179s | certain aexes with percentage when using |
7182s | a removal Rune uh not specifically if |
7184s | you have a suggestion please head on |
7185s | over to the forums uh why do low Rarity |
7188s | items roll with lower Forge potential |
7190s | wouldn't it make more sense for normal |
7191s | and Magic item store with higher Forge |
7192s | potential uh so you can turn them into |
7194s | something usable uh I understand the the |
7196s | we did try that for a little bit and |
7200s | um having everything be possibly usable |
7204s | ends up with um you seeing a ton of |
7207s | stuff on the ground and um we really |
7210s | didn't we really didn't want to make for |
7211s | potential filterable um and we figured |
7214s | this was it was better to have things be |
7216s | a little more swingy in how good they |
7218s | are and and sort of like like um age out |
7221s | of certain item types was was probably |
7223s | going to be better overall uh maybe uh |
7227s | we were wrong maybe not I don't know |
7228s | we'll we'll have to it is something |
7230s | we're keeping an eye on |
7232s | overall uh why not make inventory slots |
7234s | for items bigger so they have more |
7236s | details like in D2 and uh and Poe it |
7239s | really gives more feel for when you look |
7241s | at them why not give inventory slots for |
7244s | items so like the like individual pieces |
7249s | or like like up |
7254s | here I mean this is this is pretty |
7255s | crowded |
7257s | already I think that's the main |
7260s | thing uh we do have the tool tips are |
7262s | getting a little bit of an update with |
7264s | fonts actually uh for the previews |
7267s | before 1.0 can we actually use them |
7268s | before 1.0 |
7270s | no uh are you satisfied with the |
7272s | Scorpion's ability poison Nova because |
7274s | it's not that great compared to the |
7275s | other companions um I really like it um |
7279s | it might not be powerful enough that's |
7281s | kind of a different question but I |
7282s | really like |
7283s | it how powerful it is and how happy I'm |
7286s | with the ability are two different |
7287s | questions though uh I don't think there |
7289s | can ever be a reliable way to get LP |
7291s | Wings though without it either being |
7293s | busted or taking absolute ages yeah I |
7296s | agree uh that's kind of the main problem |
7298s | with what I was saying has there ever |
7300s | been any discussion about adding an |
7301s | evade like mini Mobility skill other |
7303s | class some D4 uh it feels good they like |
7305s | to feel great in Le yes i' I talked |
7307s | about this at length the last two three |
7309s | four streams uh cuz I'm so far behind |
7311s | I'm going to say oh my God I'm not that |
7313s | far behind questions were trying up |
7315s | wonderful I'm going to I'm going to |
7316s | finish it just like in time you guys are |
7318s | fantastic uh I mean where weapon armor |
7321s | slot is why not make them bigger oh like |
7323s | like like these slots here like the |
7326s | paper doll why don't be the paper doll |
7327s | bigger I think it's just um like like |
7329s | physical space in this in this screen |
7332s | there's a lot of stuff a lot of |
7333s | information you wanted to pack onto the |
7334s | screen uh is is basically all it |
7338s | is yeah |
7342s | oh my goodness I'm referencing the |
7344s | screen there's yeah I did it again I |
7348s | think it's just cuz there's not a lot of |
7349s | room here woo right at the end I know |
7352s | how to make a mistake and on that |
7354s | terrible |
7355s | disappointment I'll that's one more |
7356s | question uh updated a character sheet |
7359s | when uh don't hold your breath anytime |
7362s | soon but it is coming I promise |
7364s | eventually it'll happen uh yes I would |
7367s | have more detail immersion with you yeah |
7369s | all |
7371s | right and on that terrible |
7373s | disappointment it's time to |
7379s | end I hope you had a wonderful time I |
7381s | know I did I will see you here same time |
7383s | same place next week um we will |
7387s | be oh my throat is just on fire we will |
7390s | be uh hanging out um Discord Reddit |
7395s | forums um all sorts of places come ask |
7398s | questions uh if I miss your question |
7399s | please head over to the Discord this s |
7401s | Channel be happy to answer it there |
7404s | um I think those are all the things I |
7406s | say at the end usually isn't |
7412s | it who should we go say hi |
7417s | to oh |
7421s | yeah sure here's someone that says |
7423s | they're helping people I want to go see |
7425s | them help |
7428s | people |
7430s | uh yeah we'll be back uh next week yeah |
7432s | we everything will be the same next week |
7433s | basically I really enjoyed this build I |
7435s | had a ton of |
7437s | fun yeah see you later everybody have a |
7440s | great |
7455s | time |