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Hi, mostly for my own sake I wanted to write down a summary of what actually has happened in the story. I hope it may be beneficial to some of you, while others may add some additional stuff. There are a lot of non-quest characters that provide various exposition as well.


TL;DR at the bottom.


The game starts off in the Divine Era, the world is ruled by Gods. Creatures with incredible powers bestowed by Eterra, the creator of the world.

The 4 gods:

Majasa, with the body of a snake, god of the deserts in the south.

Lagon, who takes the form of a sea giant, god of the western sea.

Heorot, with a magnificent elk body, god of the north steppes.

Rahyeh, a giant bird, god of sun and fire, from the eastern mountains, head of the nation of Solarum.

The Void

All consuming, the Void corrupts all it touches, bodies twisting and minds breaking until there is nothing left but darkness.

The ultimate fate of Eterra unless the past is changed.


Each class has their own reason for being on the road, but this does not play into the story.

You come across a dying man, Keeper Balthas, he tells you that the keepers have been protecting the "shards" since the beginning of memory. That the shards must be kept from each other, and from "the temple".

You go forward to find the shard, now kept with his daughter. When you find her she tells you the enemies you fight do so by the command of the God Rahyeh, who has learned of the Shards' existence, and seeks to retrieve them.

she gives you the first shard, it calls for you, and sends you into the future. To the "Ruined Era", year 1290.

Chapter 2

You find your way towards "The Last Refuge".

This is where you first meet Elder Gaspar. He explains that "The Shards of Epoch", are shards of a single relic with powers of fate itself. Humanity in the year of 1290 is almost entirely consumed by the Void.

The end of the world is near, and your last hope will be to unite the shards.

You reach Elder Pannion who holds the second shard. But the void is corrupting him, and he transforms into a monstrosity. You kill him and retrieve your second shard of Epoch.

Elder Gaspar instructs you to search for the third, and last shard of the Epoch, in the Temple of Eterra.


On your way east, you help kill an undead creature and retrieve the "Symbol of Hope" (given to humanity by the "Oracle"). But it was a trick by some void cultists who use the items to perform a ritual.

You kill them and continue east towards the Temple of Eterra.

The Shards of the Epoch guide you back to ancient times to retrieve 2 keys, gaining access to the Inner Sanctum of the Temple.

A voice whispers to you, hoping you are Eterra, but as you reach the core, the being realizes that you are not, and a portal opens, leading you forward in time, to "The end of Ruin".

Here you fight Omen of Silence. You combine your 2 shards with the one you find at the core to create "The Epoch". It leads to "The End of Time".

At the end of time you see a black hole, floating islands and a training dummy.

You then speak with Elder Gaspar (from The Last Refuge), who explains that at the moments after reuniting the shards, the Void plunges the world into darkness, but the combined Epoch shards lead you and some other humans to this place, outside the reach of the void.

Gaspar then helps you reach your potential in the Realm of the Forgotten (unlocking your mastery).

There are other travelers of time like you, from other timelines. Gaspar has studied their lives and thinks that the Void originates from some time around the year 1005, the Imperial Era.

At this time the world is ruled primarily by the undead, the Immortal Empire, whose leader, the Immortal Emperor killed the Gods who ruled before him.

Gaspar’s current theory is that the Immortal Emperor caused the Void, and as such the best hope is to stop him, in order to change the fate of the world.

As such, we seek the Outcast Queen, leader of the living rebels in the year 1005.


You meet her in the Outcast Camp just outside the Temple of Eterra. She believes that with the Epoch in your hands you may be able to destroy the Immortal Emperor.

One of her spies has found a secret entrance to the Immortal Citadel, but he has been taken captive in Welryn.

In Welryn, you retrieve his magic ring, and later meet a seer who can divine his location. He is onboard the "Imperial Dreadnought", a grand ship docked in the city of Thetima.

You continue your travels into Thetima harbor, onboard the Dreadnaught, kill Admiral Harton (Remember that name) and free the spy named Alric.

His plan from there is to jump ship, and so you do, washing up later in the desert.


The desert is just outside Maj'elka, which is controlled by the Immortal Empire, in the southern part of the land.

Alric suggests that you meet with his contact, "The Oracle", who lives somewhere near Maj'elka.

After collecting 4 sigils in the desert around Maj'elka, you gain access to the "Oracle's Abode"

The Oracle is surprised to see you, but says no more on the topic. She knows that you have the Epoch, and indicates that is all you will need to kill The Emperor.

She directs you to enter the catacombs below Maj'elka, to find a Waystation that the Immortal Empire has built to connect Maj'elka with the Immortal Citadel.

Her goodbye to you seems to indicate that you will see her again.

Just before you arrive at the waypoint, Spymaster Zerrick finds you, you beat him, gain access to the waypoint and are teleported to the other side, but someone is waiting for you.


You are teleported to the Desert Waystation, south of the Immortal Citadel, where an undead creature named Yulia is waiting for you. She says she is on your side, and asks you to follow her to the Necropolis to the north.

When you meet her again inside the Necropolis, she reveals that she is the Emperors High Priestess, but no longer holds any reverence for the Emperor, and wishes to see his downfall.

Alric doesn't completely trust her, but does not think she is working directly for the Immortal Emperor either. But there is something about the way she looks at you.

She shows you a way through the sewers directly into the Emperor’s throneroom.

When you arrive Alric is taken captive by Yulia by Yulia who reveals that it was all a ruse after all. Alric is killed while you fight 2 of the Emperors lieutenants.

Afterwards Yulia reveals that she truly IS on your side, and wants you to use the "Lance of Heorot" on the Emperor.

You have no idea what she is talking about, and she realizes you are not the same (time) traveller she has met before. She asks that you quickly use the Epoch to travel, while she keeps the Emperor at bay.

Her last request to you is to find her in the past, and find Heorot. You allow the Epoch to take you back to the Divine Era.


You escape down the mountain where you find two Gods fighting each other. Heorot and Rahyeh. Heorot loses and will die. He tells you to find his Lance, and that his Champions Grael and Yulia will help you.

You meet Yulia, who informs you where to find the Lance of Heorot, and that it is the only weapon that can stop Rahyeh, who seems intent on eliminating all the other Gods.

The Lance was used on Heorot's son, Morditas, and you will have to find and fight him, to retrieve the Lance.

With the help of the nearby tribes, you find your way to a Temple that helps you teleport to the Farwood, where the Lance is hidden.

In Farwood, just outside the Tomb of Morditas, you meet Grael, the Champion of Heorot, and venture with him into the tomb.

Inside the tomb, you kill Yrun (Morditas' champion) and take the lance out of the body of some creature.

You tell Grael that you'll need the Lance afterwards to defeat the Immortal Empire. He wishes to help you and wants to hear all about them.

Back at the camp, Yulia thanks you for finding Grael and getting him back safe. She seems very fond of him.

You tell Yulia about the Yulia you met in the future. But she assures you that the two cannot be the same. She would never serve a monster like the Immortal Emperor.

You bring the Lance to Heorot, who uses his last life force to bless it, but also informs you that you will need the blessings of the gods Lagon and Majasa.

You then travel with the Heorot's people towards Lagon in the western sea.


This requires you to sail from the city of Deep Harbor, which is under attack by Rahyeh's forces. You drive back the invasion there and are allowed passage towards Thetima.

Speaking with Grael, he indicates that he is troubled and pained by the death and destruction caused by the war between the Gods.

On the way, you encounter Architect Liath, who is the right hand of Lagon. She flees from her tower, to consult Lagon on what to do about Rahyeh's forces.

You tell her that you need Lagon to bless the Lance, but she denies your request and cuts you off before leaving.

In Thetima you try to find a ship to take you to Lagon's Isle, but none will except captain Harton (hmm, that name seems familiar).

On Lagon's Isle you meet Liath once more who warns you to stay away!

You disregard her warning, combine the broken relics and enter Lagon's Temple, where she forcibly tries to keep you away. You beat her and gain access to Lagon himself.

After having proven yourself to him, he grants you an audience.

Lagon seems to have no fear of Rahyeh, and feels no kindness towards "his people". He expects Rahyeh to strike against Majasa next, and at last gives you his blessing.

With the mission accomplished, you are teleported back to Thetima where you meet up with Yulia, Harton and Grael. Yulia will go with you to Maj'elka, while Grael and Harton assembles an army to fight the forces of Rahyeh.

Both Grael and Harton, mentions dissatisfaction with the Gods.

You find shard 1. Travel to the future to location of Shard 2. Find shard 3 in Eterra's Temple. Void wins. You go back in time to the Emperial Era to kill the Immortal Emperor (to avoid creation of the void). You need the Lance of Heorot to kill him. Go further back in time to get the lance and the blessings of the Gods. You get Heorot's and Lagon's blessings.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Thanks for compiling this!

Just so you know, Eterra is herself a god - as is Orobyss.

almost 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by Disciple_of_Erebos

Sorry to ask but did we know Orobyss was a god previously? I haven't played for a patch or two so maybe I missed something, and I haven't done much endgame, but I don't remember any lore saying the Void was caused by another god. That's interesting.

It's not new information, although I don't know whether it's been known through in-game means yet. Old social posts have mentioned the six gods, I believe our previous lore page did, and our Discord server has their icons in the form of emoji.