8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Forge Strike has the ability to summon copies of your equipped weapon but does not apply any of the special unique effects. I'm wondering which weapons you've wanted to work the most but just don't.

Like for example, maybe you've hoped that The Last Laugh's kill threshold (culling) ability was passed along or something.

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8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Forge Strike has the ability to summon copies of your equipped weapon but does not apply any of the special unique effects. I'm wondering which weapons you've wanted to work the most but just don't.

Like for example, maybe you've hoped that The Last Laugh's kill threshold (culling) ability was passed along or something.

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8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Derpbettler

Anything that can proc other things e.g:

  • Palarus's Sacred Light - Smite Casts
  • Battlemage's Endeavour - Lightning Blast Casts
  • Volcanus - Magma Shards
  • Alluvion - Tidal Waves
  • Bane of Winter - Void Winter Bolts

and lastly Eye of Reen and Jaspars Searing Pride Stacks on hit

They would trigger their own versions of things so the smite casts would be vanilla but thanks for the good list to kick things off.

8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by NotARealDeveloper

I thought manifest armor nodes would copy all affixes. Was very disappointed when it didn't.

Yea, if you've got some specific armor items that don't work that you wish did, I'm also interested in that.

8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by zenless-eternity

Everything should work just as it does with players. Some things might need nerfed, but this would give the game a unique and dynamic build mechanism like POEs spectres. Which is lacking. I love the game, definitely better then Poe, but dynamically different builds and interactions would take it the next step

I agree that would be nice but it's not a balance issue preventing that from happening.

8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Skyqula

When I saw the new Phantom Grip rings, the first thing I thought of was combining 2 of them, a Julra's Obsession with Experimental Ward per Missing Health and then using a Chronostasis.

Though, I guess the swords themselves don't use a melee skill.

They do actually use a melee skill. It's just a basic minion melee attack but it counts.