9 months ago - EHG_Mike - Direct link

Have you tried leveling with the masochist mode boots yet? You can get them right at the start and it makes everything way harder.

9 months ago - EHG_Mike - Direct link

The second sentence says: “It’s impossible to raise the difficulty before reaching the empowered monoliths,.”

The boots raise the difficulty before reaching empowered monoliths.

The 3rd suggestion the OP left starts with “Do something about the early game for alt characters.”

The boots do something about the early game for alt characters.

I didn’t see mention of the boots in the post, thought they fit the description of what OP wanted and they line up with one of their suggestions.

This wasn’t a sarcastic “well have you tried…” type comment. I was putting forward a potential solution that was already in game. It isn’t exactly what they were after and that’s fine. I still think it was a reasonable and appropriate suggestion.

9 months ago - EHG_Mike - Direct link

Yup, this is something I went on a rant about roughly 3 weeks ago on stream. I got out the paint and did up a messy graph to try and articulate myself but the issue I was outlying boiled down to essentially what you’re talking about in the monolith.

Like new parents, I think we’ve been a little too worried about preventing players from getting themselves into a too difficult spot and it’s left us not allowing players who are ahead of the curve the room to run.