about 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to another last Epoch Dev
8s stream hello hello all you fine folks
12s how are you
13s today good yeah I'm doing good thanks
19s thanks going to turn some notifications
22s off
24s here hello all
27s right we're gonna play some last epoch
30s we're gonna have some fun we're gonna
31s answer some questions I
34s uh hope you all are doing
38s fantastic if this is your first time
40s here welcome glad to have you as always
42s we stream for charity boom it's right
43s above my head um th all of it
47s goes we don't generate a ton here but uh
50s we fig that's the best thing to do with
52s it and uh yeah we're just we're we're
55s we're gearing up we're preparing for
57s launch if you have any questions please
60s feel to ask this question I'll be do my
62s best to answer them
65s um probably mostly about last eok if if
68s you can if you can put at last Epoch
71s game the channel name in the question so
73s I see it and it pops out at me and I
74s answer
76s it otherwise I might just think you're
78s chatting with each other which is
79s totally cool
80s too we are today playing a rune Master
84s build that was uh it was actually a
86s contest to make a run Master build um
91s real quick flip through these you can
92s pause and check it out if you're
96s interested it's lots of fun I enjoy it
98s it's better than my builds so I played
99s it now
101s again and we're starting off early
104s hello thank you to zaral
108s 209 first sub of the
111s stream and
113s another uh sin for a
119s me
122s yep there's the
125s jump think got that one
130s fixed all right let's see if we can get
132s some questions rolling here let's go
133s back to the top and make sure I miss any
134s of the
136s start we're going
139s hard the human digestive system has just
143s subscribed with twitch Prime thank you
145s very much human digestive
148s system I know A lot's been through
150s lately but that's
152s okay darel 33 months in a row
156s and PS
160s ironics thank you both very much that's
162s 30 33 that's a long time and Sith Lord
166s Bishop got those bits coming in all
169s sorts of stuff today all right Mike you
171s are beautiful thank
173s you
177s a I work very hard on
182s being
193s comfortable oh my goodness oh my
195s goodness what's going on today thank you
197s everyone
199s uh uh there's too many in its way it's
202s an awkward spot on my screen cuz there's
203s not usually that many uh oh no what am I
205s going to
207s do oh my okay uh
212s I will read those out I'm just going to
214s not die
218s here it's almost like something exciting
221s is happening
224s soon oh my God what is going on I have
227s this we're on the
232s train oh gosh
237s no okay I'm going to try and answer some
239s questions here as well
243s the streams going to continue after
244s launch gosh I sure hope so um I I got no
247s plans to go anywhere uh we we may change
250s up the format a little bit uh and I may
252s have to rethink some things if uh
254s interest becomes this High
257s regularly but uh no I I'm not not
260s planning on stopping anytime
262s soon where my damn patch notes a fix
265s soon 3
267s days why AR you fixing bugs right now
269s because I'm here with all of you lovely
271s people how bad is little Nerf I I don't
273s know
274s actually I won't have specific details
276s like that for you I'm sorry so if you're
278s if you're hoping for like uh what's
279s going to happen to this skill what's
280s going to happen to that skill I I
281s probably won't have what you're looking
283s for
284s sorry but first a you love what you done
287s thank you I love what we've done
289s too does controller improve on launch
292s Yes actually mean there's so many names
295s here I I don't even know what to do
297s right
299s now
307s going to try and speedrun
309s this oh my God PS ironic x uh psych
315s skill
316s uh uh Rax andrax uh Blockbuster MC1 uh
322s mesito kid
326s uh Ur Mo Ur Mouse
336s urani
340s Mouse uh
343s good gu maint uh Drew keler
349s stefanet uh kh3 Jan uh Grand uh Grand
355s althor oh nice
358s uh funny actually
360s uh y y
363s meno uh I can I'm just like these are
366s insane names I love them but my goodness
368s I can't read them uh K
372s KRA uh glove slob Glo Flur uh rxs with a
377s ton more things oh my goodness there's
379s so many there's like 10 there cat meow
381s congrats everyone got one of those X
383s Project One XP X Project one uh my
387s exterity HD p shy Mike 190 twitch good
391s name uh Diario with like 20 or something
394s or 30 I don't even know how many that
400s is thank you everyone that's incredible
404s uh I think I think this is the I I'm I'm
408s confident saying this is the largest
410s string of Subs we've ever had here by a
412s very significant margin uh don't really
415s know what to do with my with
418s like I yeah
421s uh mamaru 489 IRAs iratus
428s simium I I'm supposed to be answering
430s questions what am I supposed to do can't
431s play at the same time as all this can
433s you dial up the volume please Mike O my
436s volume or the game's volume cuz I've got
439s me showing myself going into like the
441s yellow turn myself up a little bit turn
444s both them up a little
448s bit show myself like kiss in the yellow
451s not into the red which I think is where
452s I'm supposed to
454s be I might be like facing away from the
456s microphone and causing problems or
457s something sorry would you consider
459s adding in cosmetic rewards for
461s achievements in the game like in ladders
463s yeah I think that's the sort of thing we
464s we'd consider doing um we don't have any
466s specific plans for it right now but um
469s you know like that that's along the same
471s vein of the sorts of things we like to
473s do so it's something we could consider
475s and talk about but if you have
476s suggestions in general please send those
479s to our Discord suggestions Channel
481s specifically or our Forum suggestions
484s Channel I don't write anything down from
486s the stream so even if you've got a great
488s idea I probably won't remember
490s it um there's so many names coming these
495s is just still the same rings from before
497s can I can I stop these somehow we
499s already chain this
501s long skip to the
508s end
513s exu thank you very much and uh
517s moiz thank you very much everybody this
519s is
520s incredible uh what will be the
522s difference between seasonal server and
523s non-seasonal server because I don't know
525s if I should go hard with my character
526s right now or just wait for the season to
528s start the biggest difference at 1.0 will
530s be the fresh uh economy environment
533s there's so many more uh so you'll you'll
536s have at 1.0 if you play cycle is what
538s we're calling that's EAS but cycle same
540s thing basically um if you play in cycle
542s everyone you're playing with will have
543s started at the exact same time at the
546s earliest so um if if maybe you're new to
549s the game and uh you don't want to be
552s starting with a a deficit or something
553s like that as far as like um getting into
555s the bizar is concerned or just like
557s being able to start on things fast like
559s it's it's like starting on the cycle is
561s probably a good
563s idea um the other big thing is that you
565s can access the ladder on cycle so you'll
567s be able to compete against other people
569s to see how you can get in the arena but
571s but content wise of like stuff to do in
574s the game what items exist in the game
575s what game modes exist in the game things
577s like that that's all consistent between
580s cycle and Legacy which is the season and
582s non-season or season and
585s standard thank you so much everybody to
588s Harel hackert damage gck Baron atrox
592s adjoiner and seay 65 70 75 not 65
600s 75 I don't know why I I can read numbers
603s I
617s swear that's spinny boy oh R research
623s lovely not too bad drop
626s there uh more questions herey we're
629s watching you on stream right now I can't
631s wait for
633s lease I can't wait
635s either yeah however excited uh anyone is
638s here
640s like this has been all day every day for
643s the last like six years of my life
650s plus the anticipation
654s is
657s helpable uh do you feel 1.0 patch covers
660s most of if not all memory leaks found so
662s far in game I believe
680s so Bard on
682s him Dash too
686s far this uh ringing I don't know how to
689s stop
690s it cuz it's still going from old ones
694s and it just keeps
698s going got some bits from cat meow
700s another sub from X fanex and HEC off
705s thank you very much appreciate
710s it uh will both faction be able to play
712s together yes they will do you feel the
715s that if you die in hardcore cycle I'm
718s just going to edit the question here
719s does your character become softcore
721s cycle or just softcore there is I'm just
723s going to answer this a slightly
725s different way first and I'll answer the
726s question um there is no way to move a
729s character between cycle and Legacy other
733s than when a new cycle starts so everyone
736s rotates together you can't individually
739s rotate one character everyone goes
746s together so no you do not
750s become uh softcore Legacy yes you do
754s become softcore
761s cycle uh are you planning to add store
763s skins for things like spron form and
765s swarmm blade form I think it would be
767s really cool to have a female drad option
769s for spron um we do play skill Cosmetics
772s um that's that is something we are
776s doing uh you can see it in your
779s appearance stab at the bottom here boom
781s skills um we don't necessarily we don't
785s have any for 1.0 ready to go yet but um
788s we are planning skill Cosmetics for um
791s any type of skill um I I'm sure like the
794s initial version of it won't have one for
796s every skill but we'll do our best to
798s include as many of them as possible as
799s soon as possible
802s um yes skill Cosmetics are thing and
805s transforms are
808s skills uh will there be any graphics
810s updates with 1.0 I've heard yes and no
812s on the interwebs uh yes there will be um
815s the primary form of these Graphics
816s changes comes from lighting updates um
820s so you'll you'll you'll see a lot of
821s nice little lighting changes um there's
823s there's some new tools we've um
825s implemented for level designers and
827s things like that as well so they've been
828s going through um End of Time looks
830s really different and it's so much better
833s that's that's that's one I think got the
834s biggest facelift
836s actually um but yeah there's there's
838s some changes it's not not like a like if
841s you stick screenshots of 0.92 and 1.0
843s side by side you'll be like okay that's
845s obviously clearly the same game same art
847s style same like General theming and
849s Direction all that sort of stuff but
850s it's not uh but you'll be like okay the
852s new one looks better it's like it's it's
854s obvious so which is which and all those
856s sorts of things but like we're not we're
857s not going to see a huge paradigm shift
859s and you can see those updated Graphics
861s in the various trailers that are out and
863s about we're getting bits my
868s goodness onium sounds like a sweet
872s mineral discovered yet like some
880s alien uh kjun kug welcome
885s home and
890s hethor glad to have you with us thank
892s you very much appreciate all of
895s you will Cosmetics be for offline
897s characters at 1.0 cosmetics will not be
899s available for offline characters the
901s initial launch they will start out as
903s strictly online
906s options uh how different will The Meta
909s be after launch of the game compared
910s right now it's so hard to predict a meta
912s my goodness we've tried before you all
916s come up with wonderful build ideas um
920s and you know sometimes people like
922s certain play styles that uh we expect
924s them to not like and that sort of thing
925s so like um it's not all about power
928s sometimes is just about feel and
930s sometimes we feel things work really
932s well one way and sometimes you guys
933s don't agree with us and that's totally
935s fine um so it's really hard to predict I
938s think there's going to be quite the
939s shakeup I mean there's two new masteries
942s coming in um there's there's uh two
946s skills are getting new skill trees and
949s there's a whole new skill coming in as
950s well for for uh base primalist like
952s there's there's enough happening just
954s sort of in that alone that there's going
955s to be a shakeup but then like you look
956s at all the
958s balancing
959s excuse me you look at all the balance
961s changes and you look at all of the
965s um
967s uh like item changes and things like
970s that like there's there's there's just
971s like a lot of incidental stuff that's
972s going to have some pretty big
974s impact you know it might be that like
976s one little node that's like fixed a bug
979s where the cool down wasn't resetting on
980s this properly trigger and it's like oh a
981s new archetype just
983s unlocked and someone will find
986s it um so it's it's really hard to
988s predict uh meta
995s changes we did work hard to keep the
998s things the the the the archetypes and
1000s the play Styles and the play patterns
1002s and the theming that people really enjoy
1004s playing right now still quite strong um
1007s like there's there's certain things that
1008s did get Nerfs um but you know that's to
1011s be expected I think
1014s and we we try to keep things that are
1017s that that someone's like oh I really
1019s enjoy playing last defo because I like
1021s my we bear we don't want to take we bear
1023s and be like he we bear sucks now you
1025s know that sort of thing like so we we
1026s still try and keep the general theming
1029s um at least in the same strong category
1033s and
1034s um you know may maybe it be like okay
1036s well now you have to use this ability
1038s with it instead and it's like uh to to
1040s be like really top tier but the old way
1041s still works fine or something like that
1043s you
1045s know I've been playing off and on for
1047s years amazing game thank you but the
1049s last time I tried multiplayer was a
1050s buggy laggy mess are you confident that
1052s 1.0 is going to be cohesive multiplayer
1054s system for the game multiplayer is the
1055s like I keep saying this over over was
1057s Point sick and tired of me saying this
1058s but um multiplayer is and has been our
1060s number one priority for stability
1062s performance um just like the experience
1064s you get when playing it making sure
1066s that's great um you know that's been
1069s number one priority for a long time now
1070s and then that's not changed so doing our
1072s best to make it as good as possible
1074s um it's it's a pretty highly variable
1077s experience across the board and uh we're
1079s trying to make sure that that minimum
1081s experience is still really
1086s good thank you all the people who are
1089s donating stuff right now it's
1097s great
1101s um uh kakuro and double
1105s prizes thank you very much glad to have
1108s you with us hope you're having
1110s fun uh hi oh and also if I do miss one
1113s of your questions I'm super sorry uh I'm
1115s not doing intentionally I need at last
1117s Depot game in the question and oh my God
1119s I just looked at the viewer account and
1121s I understand what's going
1123s on there's a one in front of that number
1125s that's not normally
1128s there okay I may need to change things
1130s slightly I'm going to get through a
1132s fraction of these
1137s questions so put this into context you
1139s usually there's about two to 300 people
1141s if it's if it's a busy day is 300 a slow
1143s day is 150 200 people here so this is
1146s going to be a little overwhelming for
1150s me uh what is that back decoration you
1154s are wearing I'm just you and just bought
1155s the game this is
1158s um I know the name of it I totally know
1161s the name of
1163s it uh it is this piece right
1167s here I'm basically wearing this whole
1169s set right
1170s now stuff because I love
1180s it if you want to see something else I
1182s can put something else on too I should
1183s have access to most
1187s things um hi will the servers be more
1190s stable on online mode we're doing our
1192s best are there any updates enhancements
1195s to existing story I understand no new
1197s story chapters be added there's some
1199s there's some adjustments and minor
1200s changes and things like that but the
1202s like there's there's not like big uh
1205s story Revelations that'll be like um
1209s shocking and amazing or anything like
1210s that for
1211s 1.0 so if you're familiar with the story
1213s already um I I I don't think you'll be
1217s uh Blown Away by any new updates or
1219s anything like
1222s that uh switcher Mafia welcome glad to
1225s have you with us uh DM samine hell hello
1233s friend oh get through
1244s nice lizard
1249s up where are
1253s you another reun of research we'll take
1255s those O Let's
1257s good uh
1259s wow uh PEX uh side effects side effects
1264s nice I got it sometimes I just got to
1266s say it like eight times side effect sin
1269s welcome thank you very much for those
1270s gifted Subs congrats everyone who got a
1272s gifted sub too that is
1274s fantastic
1276s uh how's the controller stability coming
1278s along I think it's I think it's doing
1279s really good um there's there's updates
1281s for 1.0 coming uh did you not stream
1282s last week to avoid me asking about the
1284s reward character she that's not why but
1286s I mean it was a good
1287s bonus uh no last week last week there
1289s was just a lot going on there a lot of
1290s other streamers happening we didn't want
1291s to encroach on the other
1294s streamers and my hands in the wrong spot
1296s on the uh and I also um last week was
1300s the cut off and I got a sweet bug fix in
1304s in that extra those extra two hours that
1307s those extra two hours meant a sweet bug
1309s fix so worth
1316s it just there's just so many
1319s I I don't know how to stop
1323s this uh I've only played offline but
1326s plan to play online at launch with
1327s friends there's apparently connection
1328s server problems when playing multiplayer
1330s what the steps being taken to reduce
1331s this on launch I I do not know the full
1334s technical details of the all the changes
1336s they're making um the the reason why
1338s scene
1339s loading is uh so different in online and
1342s offline especially when you're in a
1343s party is because when you're in a party
1345s and you enter a new Zone it actually
1347s spins up a new server for that zone when
1351s you're on your own it it replaces the
1353s content in the existing server so you um
1356s don't have to wait for uh an entire
1359s session to start so it goes a lot faster
1361s and you see that that clip that that
1363s portal back to this Echo a world that I
1364s just did there how that's like instant
1367s um that's because it's physically loaded
1368s in the same space already and it's it's
1371s it's exactly the same as casting
1372s teleporter transplant like it's just
1374s physically saying okay your location is
1376s now here that's all it's doing it's it's
1378s like this echo of a world is existing on
1380s an island floating off in the middle of
1382s nowhere in every monolith you
1386s do and when you go and you and you do
1388s this and you open a new one and you do
1389s this and this this this here what that's
1391s doing is it's um deleting all of the
1393s objects that are out there and it's
1395s making a new one which is why you can't
1397s start that when someone else in your
1399s party is out there still has to everyone
1400s has to be an echo
1406s World Mike you died for a change what oh
1410s I died for a change in the game
1414s yes uh what's up Mike hello congrats for
1417s the great game thank you here's my
1418s question starting a new cycle character
1420s on 1.0 what tag will receive the items
1423s that I get before select the faction uh
1426s there will be items with no tags at all
1428s yes you will have untagged items they
1430s will be exactly the same as this one for
1432s example um and you will just
1435s have an untagged item
1443s and untagged items can be traded at the
1445s auction house sorry bizarre untagged
1448s items can be uh gifted to players who
1450s are in the same Zone as you when it
1452s dropped or ones that have had a
1453s resonance used on them for an approp the
1455s appropriate player
1457s um untagged items can be equipped by
1459s both Merchant skilled and circle of
1460s Fortune
1462s players
1465s uh those are all the edge cases I should
1467s mention
1470s clarifications uh can there be more than
1472s just one attempt at each Echo please um
1476s so if you if you probably not definitely
1478s not for 1.0 um this is something that's
1480s really important for how the um like
1483s death penalty system works is you're
1485s losing that opportunity to get the bonus
1486s you can still attempt the echo again for
1488s the same stuff you just lose the
1489s specific bonus for it um and this is
1492s this is a pretty important part of that
1494s uh gameplay Loop is having that um
1498s like having that death penalty like
1500s looming I think is really important for
1502s tension
1505s building uh can we get the launch of the
1507s game sooner pry please uh do you want it
1509s fast or do you want it
1514s good uh please tell me will you will
1517s release a pigeon skin for the falconer
1522s uh and a pigeon poop skin for the acid
1523s flask I just keep thinking of how
1525s awesome it would be that's H the Falcon
1527s preview I mean that's that's pretty
1528s hilarious um there's a few skins we've
1531s talked about doing for the for the
1533s Falcon that I think will happen sooner
1534s that might be a little bit more
1537s exciting but yeah it's a sweet one I
1540s like
1543s it uh I'll start with the main question
1545s that everyone wants to know 1.0 patch
1546s notes when on the 19th you can check
1548s that info on the
1551s FAQ I've been playing on and off off and
1554s on
1555s sorry uh for years amazing game the last
1559s time oh uh same question isn't it um
1562s please don't Reas a question unless it's
1564s like obvious that I like BL past it
1567s still really far
1569s behind
1571s um so how fire is warlock I mean it's
1575s half fire because it's half necrotic as
1578s well but like it's a lot of both so it's
1581s pretty
1582s fire did you expect this much interest I
1586s mean expect is probably the wrong ter
1589s hoped yeah
1592s um expect
1594s a
1596s no
1598s no uh right now there are a lot of
1600s issues with low talked about
1604s that um when you leak new necro unique
1610s I don't think there no I'm just kidding
1613s uh I don't have anything to leak today
1615s I'm
1616s sorry uh hello game to youth how you
1620s doing bud any idea if R&B swapping is
1623s fixed for 1.0 it has not been
1625s implemented on any build of the
1631s game I know takes uh will there be any
1635s significant Nerfs regarding any skill
1637s lines that would affect player builds
1641s yes hopefully that's obvious and a
1644s given uh will there be any uh will there
1648s be any game giveaways before launch um I
1650s don't think we're doing any game
1652s giveaways specifically I could be wrong
1654s I know I know we have some giveaways for
1656s things other than the game happening um
1658s and I know that there are some some
1660s channels that do giveaways like um like
1663s so I I would I would keep an eye open
1665s for people doing those but I don't think
1667s we're the place to go for
1670s that
1674s um uh speaking of
1677s giveaways I've got talking points I'm a
1683s professional uh IGN has a giveaway um
1688s IGN has a giveway for one of those sweet
1690s uh star Forge PCS
1693s um and uh yeah so there's a uh like a
1698s sweet custom PC with like last deck
1701s stuff on it like different plates you
1702s can swap out on the front for like uh
1704s different classes and all sort of stuff
1705s and it's amazing um there's a forum
1709s Thread about that that has all the
1711s details so if you're interested in
1714s entering go
1716s enter maybe you'll get a sweet
1721s computer uh what else is
1726s there oh yeah we are doing um here's
1729s something cool I'll mention this again
1730s later we are doing a Reddit am on uh our
1734s games on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. CST
1738s uh so that
1741s is like four hours before the stream
1743s starts like four and a half hours ago
1745s relative time um on Tuesday doing an uh
1750s Reddit
1752s Ma I know I know there's a bunch there's
1754s like a threat an internal thread of
1755s people like putting down their usernames
1756s so I know a lot of people from the team
1757s are going to be
1759s there so it's super dup won't just be
1765s me I do know a lot of people want want
1768s info
1770s from lots of people on the team not just
1772s me which is
1776s great
1782s uh do you guys have any plans on making
1784s magic and rare mobs more visible in
1787s terms of Rarity I find it hard to tell
1788s if a mob is rare um yeah there's there's
1791s some stuff we're doing to the to the
1792s health bar at the top um to make that a
1795s little bit more clear um I don't know if
1798s there's much in game that's happening to
1801s do that there's no like big yellow
1803s Spotlight or something on the rare ones
1805s yet um I don't think we're planning
1806s anything like that but you know
1812s maybe don't forget to put atlast OT game
1814s in the question if you'd like me to
1815s answer it I've been playing oh that's
1817s another one
1821s uh I'm just going to skim over load time
1824s multiplayer questions cuz I feel like
1825s I've answered that a couple times
1826s now
1830s hello sir I need Precision about the
1834s ways to trigger the Paladin sigils of
1837s Hope um I'm in one stream you agreed it
1840s was a bit too much busy work right now
1843s and that you were thinking about other
1844s ways to activate them more automatically
1847s in another stream you said it wasn't the
1848s case so
1849s whiches
1852s um I I mean I don't I don't know which
1854s what I said exactly but I would say that
1856s there are we we are not making major
1859s changes to it in 1.0 let say that um
1863s there are ways we are looking at
1865s adjusting I should save for those drops
1868s that's something that's something that I
1869s was
1870s fixed
1873s um
1874s the they talking about sigil automation
1877s yeah there's sigils sigils is clunky I I
1881s if I ever said it wasn't clunky I'm
1882s sorry cils are clunky um they need to
1885s they need to have some adjustments for
1887s like just user experience adjustments in
1889s general um one of those ways that we'll
1891s probably be exploring is Select
1893s Automation and select triggering and
1894s select things like that so I'd say
1896s there's a good chance that you'll see
1897s some of those updates in the future but
1899s not for
1903s 1.0 uh you going to give gameway keys me
1906s first no sorry I don't have any keys to
1907s give away uh we're going to have our
1909s amount of stash tabs transformed to new
1912s Cycles every few months or are we going
1914s to need to buy every uh single tab each
1916s season the current plan is you will have
1918s to Reby your
1919s tabs I know that sounds like a lot
1923s um and and you know like if if it's not
1926s a good user experience we we might look
1927s at a way to either just reduce the price
1930s of tabs in general um there's there's
1932s not going to be a way to carry that that
1934s over from cycle to cycle because people
1937s who are starting brand new in that cycle
1939s need to have the same potential as
1942s everyone else so it's it's not going to
1944s be something that transfers but it is
1945s going to be um something we look at for
1947s feedback and maybe make changes possible
1949s as everything
1952s else uh are we going to load other
1955s players stash no we don't Lo other
1957s players stash uh do you have any plans
1959s to allow offline players to use the
1960s Cosmetics um gain via twitch DRS
1962s cosmetic for 1.0 initially are uh online
1966s only objects
1969s period uh hey mik quick question 5 days
1971s ago does that mean on the 20th or 21st
1973s 21st like there's five more days from
1974s now we
1976s launch
1979s uh I don't know if you can answer this
1980s oh here here's an important thing before
1981s I answer the next question is that um
1985s the 24 hours before launch everything's
1988s going down we are going completely dark
1990s for 24 hours um servers are going down
1992s basically so you won't be able to play
1994s the game online or offline for the 24
1996s hours before the game launches um
1998s there's a few things we need to do to
1999s prep for launch and uh this downtime is
2002s going to give us that opportunity so um
2006s yeah
2013s there if you are already signed into the
2016s game in on an offline
2019s character um you should be able to keep
2022s playing on that same offline character
2024s for those 24 hours but uh I think as
2027s soon as you hit like as soon as you go
2028s back to character select it'll freak out
2030s it might let you go back to character
2032s they don't if you close the game it
2033s won't open
2035s again after launch you will be able to
2039s open and close the game in offline mode
2040s without internet connection it's fine
2042s but that's one of the things we're
2049s changing uh all right I don't know if
2052s you can answer this maybe we'll see but
2054s what kind of stuff are you guys doing to
2055s prep for launch recording servers and
2056s popularity I mean uh the the details are
2060s kind of boring it's just
2062s like like testing things a lot and you
2066s know making sure that the capacity is
2067s ready and you know like uh we we've got
2071s our partners that Supply the servers on
2073s standby that know what's happening and
2075s know that there's going to be a big
2076s change all of a sudden got all all of
2080s our staff you know like taking some time
2082s to rest a little bit before so people
2084s are prepped if changes need to be made
2085s like you know we're we're we're doing
2087s tons of stuff to make sure that this
2088s launch goes smoothly um because like
2090s there's going to there's going to be
2091s struggles there's going to be problems
2092s that need to be fixed there's you know
2094s like we we've got the we've got the team
2096s ready to go to fix them as soon as we
2097s can um but we're you know preparing as
2100s much as we can
2103s too feelings towards battle passes in
2107s arpg this is a long question I don't
2109s think I have time to answer it my God
2111s we're almost at 1500
2113s people wow it's pretty overwhelming cool
2115s I love it
2117s um the short version of this question I
2120s think that there is room for a wellone
2123s battle pass style system in RPGs in
2126s general
2128s um I don't have any examples to point to
2130s of of those being done successfully I
2132s know I said this last time and and a few
2133s people um mentioned some good examples
2135s uh and I don't remember what those were
2137s I'm sorry that I think I think that
2139s there is nothing intrinsically wrong
2140s with a battle pass system I think that
2143s I've never found one that I've been
2145s interested in in Pay paying for myself
2149s um I we we have no plans to add a battle
2152s pass system I probably should have said
2153s that first
2155s um but the question question was about
2157s my thoughts on Battle passes in general
2160s um I think they're that there's that
2163s there's room for them to be done well I
2165s I don't have a good example of them
2166s being done well but I think it's
2167s possible that someone
2173s could and I don't specifically know how
2175s to do that myself either I have to do a
2178s lot of research to figure out how to do
2179s that the
2181s best uh any updates on snapshotting 1.0
2184s um the Falcon doesn't snapshot very well
2186s like very much it's there there's
2188s there's sort of a experimental system
2190s with the Falcon um that combats
2193s snapshotting on the Falcon so this the
2194s Falcon will be um the Falcon snapshots
2198s for like uh a few seconds at
2204s most 30 seconds at
2210s most but you won't know when it's fixing
2212s the snapshot cuz it it happens super
2215s sneaky there's there's a lot there's a
2216s lot of things with the Falcon that are
2218s like these weird little tricks that
2219s you're like well that sounds like the
2221s dumbest thing in the world but it just
2222s works and it's the only way to make it
2228s work uh can we get a hardcore mode that
2230s puts you out of the season if you die
2231s like Poe right now hardcore doesn't seem
2233s punishing enough um we don't plan on
2238s doing that right now uh if you have
2239s suggestions or requests please put them
2241s on the forums or Discord
2246s um I think for people who play hardcore
2249s who like really play
2251s hardcore or like your like your stash is
2254s full of your stuff for your hardcore
2255s characters and like like that's what
2256s you're playing um the instant that
2258s character dies doesn't really matter
2259s where it goes as long as it doesn't have
2261s access to that same environment it's
2264s it's it's done right like it's kind of
2266s dead um and I think people who want to
2270s just dip their toe in and maybe try out
2272s hardcore and say like hey maybe this is
2274s something I do want to do and see how it
2276s affects them and all sort of stuff I
2277s think this is this this method affords
2278s those people an opportunity to try it
2280s and maybe bring more people into that
2281s hardcore
2288s fold uh are you planning on having
2291s different um variations of huge VFX
2293s wings for the end game of the shop uh
2296s these These are the biggest we
2299s have there's a couple that are like on
2301s the same scale as this but this is like
2302s that's as big as they get right now um
2305s and we have we have a few variations uh
2307s up support packs um so yeah here's the
2310s banker back piece here's the Templar one
2314s like so this is this is about as as as
2315s big as they get
2318s um there's not that many
2321s here yeah this this one's pretty big
2323s actually this is pretty big let's let's
2326s buy
2333s it oh it's not that big it was a lot
2335s bigger a while ago
2339s it's actually really nice though I like
2340s it I don't think these I think the last
2341s time I saw this actually the um these uh
2344s I don't think it moved at all last time
2346s I saw it that's
2347s cool all right
2351s neat I'm learning
2355s stuff uh is there any plans for Merch
2358s and sweat sweatshirt posters oh my
2359s goodness I want it so bad my mom asked
2362s me like every week like do you have a
2364s shirt for me yet I'm like no soon
2369s promise I actually gave her so at
2371s Gamescom we there was some some playmats
2373s that were at Gamescom that were signing
2375s and giving away um and I I got one for
2377s myself and brought it home and uh my mom
2381s came down to visit and saw it was like I
2383s want it you have to give it to me like
2385s fine I do have three others that are
2388s kind of
2394s similar so now there's like uh
2397s game mat sitting on my mom's like old
2400s antique
2401s trunk in her living
2404s room oh release thank you very much
2407s that's a big gifted sub pool there's a
2408s bunch of others there too wow congrats
2411s everyone that got one of those that's
2419s sweet darl you gied 300 Subs to the
2422s channel is that what you just
2424s said
2425s no
2429s that's insane oh jud's here I just saw
2432s that say hi
2435s Jud we're about to break 1500 people
2438s watching this a little
2442s crazy I feel like I should have someone
2443s feeding me questions instead of me just
2445s trying to read them in
2448s order I can he just fine oh my God that
2451s was like half an hour ago I was talking
2452s about
2455s that uh re
2459s question is upgraded Cosmetics be shown
2461s for offline characters Cosmetics are
2463s still online only uh can you tell me
2465s please if I will still have glancing
2467s blows and Dodge blown in my face at low
2470s level corruption monoliths um oh I
2472s saying as as as
2474s um uh the things that that trip you up
2478s these things these negative things that
2479s happen um the scaling of those uh was
2484s changed pretty
2485s heavily
2494s um okay I think I've managed to mute
2499s them uh I'm going to have to learn how
2501s to do this for real aren't I uh the the
2505s scaling on how powerful those effects
2507s are uh now
2510s changes or
2513s doesn't it's
2515s nicer it's ni nicer than it
2517s was
2526s um I love I love these items that you
2529s get here like I know this is like it's a
2531s low roll on a garbage T6 AIX but like a
2535s uh when you get an item that's just a
2536s single exalted AIX I love those
2542s items
2545s oo rooll in the
2553s crit you know we're just not the right
2555s class at all
2556s but it's fun to look you know window
2560s shopping
2563s um will Cycles ever have their own
2565s mechanics like some of the other popular
2567s RPGs this this is something that we're
2568s still sort of working out how we're
2570s going to handle it exactly um the only
2573s thing I have a firm answer for you on
2574s this topic is that one point you know
2577s will not
2579s um like ever's what say ever's a long
2582s time um I think that this is the sort of
2586s thing that's going to be uh pretty
2588s heavily debated amongst our community in
2590s a in a positive
2591s way uh and we're going to be we're going
2593s to be looking into that feedback to see
2594s what people want um what sorts of
2596s mechanics people
2598s enjoy all those sorts of things
2601s um I think there's a decent chance that
2603s we'll start small and we'll we'll
2606s eventually like say Hey you know okay
2608s people really like to see something here
2610s maybe like I I'm literally making this
2612s up right now but maybe we're like oh hey
2614s oh zombie belt maybe we say um like
2617s here's here's a unique item or something
2618s like that that's that's cycle only you
2620s know start small
2623s um we're still we're still working out
2625s how we're going to handle that exactly
2627s and
2630s uh yeah we're just we're really focused
2632s on 1.0 right now so 1.0 is um no cycle
2636s specific
2637s mechanics it's not off the table for the
2639s future but we're not set in stone on
2641s exactly what we're going to do
2650s yet more questions okay Mike uh I just
2654s want clarification on 1.0 do we all
2656s start with fresh characters or can we
2657s transfer them from 0.92 um so all of
2660s your characters that are currently
2662s playable in 0.92 are let's just say it
2665s effectively Legacy characters
2667s they will still be available when 1.0
2669s drops to play on the Legacy realm um
2672s this is the same as standard in Poe or
2675s non-ladder in DIA 2 for example um these
2678s characters are
2679s playable you know nothing nothing they
2681s don't lose their levels they don't lose
2683s their gear you know they're not
2684s transferred to offline they're they're
2685s just they're Legacy
2688s characters
2690s um we will be uh when cycle starts if
2694s you want to play on the ladder if you
2696s want to play with uh the fresh economy
2699s um you'll you'll need to you'll need to
2701s start a cycle character to do
2705s that non non cycle or Legacy characters
2708s can still play with the new mechanics
2710s all all the stuff's there all the like
2712s things to interact with and objects and
2715s you know uh ways to get there and
2716s everything that's that's all there in in
2718s Legacy 1.0 it's it's the same game
2721s there's just um no one gets a head start
2723s with cycle and there's
2725s ladder that's the big difference just
2726s for 1.0
2729s um
2732s yeah hope that was
2736s clear uh about the ultim Mach yesterday
2738s felt good
2740s awesome uh we'll seasonal okay here's
2742s something actually uh the one thing that
2744s is going away just cuz someone mentioned
2746s the packs um the one thing that's going
2748s away at launch I get this question
2750s pretty frequently is like uh will will
2752s the will the packs extend into launch
2754s are the prices changing anything like
2755s that the prices are are not changing the
2757s packs are staying the same the only
2759s piece that's different is the golden
2760s guppy pre-order bonus mini pet will not
2764s be included after launch it's a
2766s pre-order bonus you only get it if you
2768s buy one of those packs or just the base
2771s game before 1.0 so the you you don't
2775s need to buy any of the special packs any
2776s of the supporter packs any ultimate
2777s editions or Deluxe editions or anything
2779s like that it's just the golden guppy
2780s pack that comes with that everyone gets
2783s who's bought the game before launch uh
2785s that's the one piece that is
2789s um uh like that'll
2795s disappear oh my gosh I'm so far behind
2798s in chat that it's like you don't get to
2800s you don't get to see this far back and
2801s it's just like cutting questions off for
2803s me so I'm sorry I'm losing questions
2807s here any way to cast Gathering storm
2809s while springing form I don't think
2814s so I don't think there's like a the
2816s triggered ability that triggers it I
2817s don't think there a direct way to do it
2827s either uh do you think the Druid is
2829s doing too much uh no I I think that
2833s there's a really intentional difference
2835s in complexity class to class that we do
2838s um and and I think that gives people uh
2841s different different ways to play and
2842s draws different people in for different
2843s types of things and so uh a really good
2845s example of this is just uh run Master
2848s run Master is one of the most complex
2849s classes we've ever done and the general
2852s uh theming and most of the time like
2855s like style of the effects and the play
2856s style that sort thing is very similar to
2858s Sorcerer And sorcerer is is a much um
2860s less complex version of run master or
2864s run Master is a more complex version of
2865s sorcerer like depending on how you look
2866s at it and um I think different people
2869s are going to gravitate to different
2870s things and we TR we try and do other
2871s things to make them stand out like
2872s that's definitely not the only thing we
2873s do to make them stand out um but but
2876s it's it is it is uh something that we do
2878s intentionally so it's and that's the
2880s same sort of thing with with Druid it's
2882s a pretty high complexity class and
2883s that's intentional
2887s um yeah you look at there there's
2889s different complexity levels across
2891s different classes and that's yeah
2897s cool I got to play the game less I'm
2900s just I'm just losing questions I'm so
2901s sorry if I've skipped your question it's
2903s not intentional I just don't see it
2904s anymore uh the game is getting a lot of
2907s attention how you preparing
2908s infrastructure I I answer this so many
2910s times
2912s um have I two questions if you're a void
2916s Knight can your Echo proc Healing Hands
2918s with cleric Hammer oh it's I'm losing
2921s this question oh go away there's like a
2923s notice I can't see top that oh no okay
2924s here's what I'm going to do I'm losing
2927s control of this hard I'm going to scroll
2929s down a chunk I'm just I'm sorry I'm just
2931s going to blow past a bunch of questions
2932s here it's happening I apologize but I'm
2935s just not going to see like I'm just
2937s losing questions
2939s otherwise so if you asked the question a
2941s long time ago and you really like to see
2942s it answered still uh you can go ahead
2944s and repost it uh because I'm I'm just
2947s jumping in here randomly uh how
2950s impactful will the cycle seasonal
2951s content be initially it's the same thing
2952s so zero uh are you guys taking a look at
2955s set bonuses that seem to lackluster in
2957s the best of cases yeah sets have uh a
2960s storyed history of being less awesome
2962s than they need to be in our game um we
2965s do have a plan to up their awesome
2967s Factor it will not be delivered in 1.0
2970s unfortunately there are some select
2972s changes we are making to certain set
2974s items to help them um be more
2977s interesting in uh in endgame situations
2980s there's there's not huge overhauls
2981s happening um I would expect to see a
2983s more cohesive set um glow up refresh as
2988s a whole thing in the
2991s future uh question other plans to
2993s introduce character customization Plus
2995s non-gender under locked roles there are
2997s long-term plans for this sort of thing
2998s it's a pretty complex system for us and
3001s uh it's something that we want to to
3003s Really you know do do right and have
3005s have our own um like level of quality
3008s that we can we can set to it and and
3010s it's it's something that we will we do
3012s plan to uh to add to the game but we do
3016s not have a set time frame for it at the
3019s moment um so if this is a deal breaker
3021s for you I'm super sorry it will not be
3023s available 1.0 I do not have a set time
3026s important to come in either
3029s um oh that's a fun item it's a really
3032s fun item this item like uh you if you're
3036s if you have it equipped and you
3039s shatter uh
3041s weapons it like it steals the axes off
3044s the things you're shattering and like
3047s slaps it onto itself as a different way
3049s of doing a legendary
3050s item and uh it's you got to be careful
3053s because if you start shattering things
3055s when you have it equipped it'll they'll
3056s just like start taking aexes and remove
3057s the old
3059s ones that's that's a very unique unique
3063s item I like it a lot that was an
3065s experiment went
3068s well all
3078s right might just want to ask there are
3080s any possibilities for a South African
3082s server um we are not adding a South
3084s African server at 1.0
3086s um you know it's it's it's really a
3090s um cost
3093s demand uh like calculation that happens
3096s to determine where servers go we we we
3099s try to have as good coverage as possible
3102s um and we know it's not perfect and uh
3104s you know we'll we'll we are going to
3105s work to improve that as time goes on um
3107s I can't make any specific promises as to
3109s where those will go
3111s um or or like what changes at all like
3114s there's that's that's all very much up
3115s in the in the air um but you know like
3118s that that's a priority for us is is
3119s multiplayer experience in
3122s general uh will there be any sort of
3123s twitch promotions such as drops on elled
3125s launch twitch drops we announced uh
3127s there's three sets of twitch drops I
3128s think um two opportunities for each one
3132s uh you'll have to go to our forums for
3133s specific times for that I don't know
3135s when if that's I don't know when that is
3137s sorry or has already happened
3141s maybe but yeah we got we got twitch drop
3143s set
3144s up set
3153s up uh there was a question I think
3156s cyborg you were asking a question about
3157s Healing Hands
3160s um I
3162s I feel like I answered one that was
3164s about those same nodes in the ASD devs
3167s but I feel like you would have seen that
3169s so I don't
3170s uh don't know what it was exactly
3173s there's there's some funkiness happening
3174s there for for
3185s sure uh pre-download the game when
3187s because we have offline mode like full
3189s offline mode we're not doing any sort of
3191s preloads at all that's that's the train
3196s off uh will R tracing be added uh the
3199s current game engine does not have
3201s functionality for R tracing um I'm also
3205s not sure if it's the type of game that
3206s benefits the most from it and
3209s um so I I don't think it's something
3211s that we're really looking at right now
3214s but uh you know maybe maybe
3216s someday I'd love to it' be
3221s sweet finally got an RTX card
3225s huh
3234s technically
3236s is it possible to get a real update on
3237s controller changes without waiting for
3238s 1.0 no there's not going to be any uh
3240s patch updates before 1.0 for things like
3244s that uh how do you approach things when
3246s it comes to sets because uh what can
3249s happen really fast is that sets are
3250s mandator too strong like d 3 as an
3251s example yeah I mean I think it's pretty
3254s clear that we've aired on the side of
3255s caution to avoid that exact scenario
3260s um how do I answer this question without
3262s spoiling our plans h
3270s I think that we need to focus on the
3273s strengths of a set
3275s item uh and I think that the largest
3279s strength of a set item is
3282s the um is the progressive power increase
3287s of of completing that set it's that it
3290s starts off as one item and that item
3292s might be useful for you um and as your
3294s character grows and maybe you get
3295s another piece it's uh getting that
3297s second piece in there maybe they work
3299s together it's that Synergy that helps
3301s them become more than they are on their
3303s own um having that style of like that
3308s like that that's a I was I was really
3309s just describing how Rune wordss work in
3311s diabl 2 which is one of the best systems
3312s in that game ever had arguably
3316s um and and so so that sort of feeling I
3320s think is really useful
3324s um
3327s and what else can I say about set items
3330s oh yeah the storytelling aspect of them
3331s I think set items are a really great way
3333s to um to to to to show off a character
3337s in the world with with with items like
3340s you get you get these items of like oh
3341s so and so used this specific type of
3344s item it was customized for them and it
3346s shows you how that character played or
3348s or fought as a character and it I think
3351s it breathes life into the world as well
3352s so I think set items are have have
3354s really good things about them and um
3357s what we need to do is uh exploit those
3360s changes is or changes those strengths
3362s and and really o LP version and and look
3365s into what makes them
3368s great
3373s shine trying not to
3384s die
3390s nailed
3403s it more questions Mike yeah okay I'm on
3406s it
3408s uh uh is Shadow dagger under the Nerf
3410s Hammer I think it got a touch but not
3413s like oh my God WTF
3416s nice t-shirt how can I get one uh thank
3418s you and um hopefully
3422s soon oh my gosh I've hit the wall
3426s again okay you know what I'm going to do
3429s I'm just going to go to
3431s live oh my
3436s god oh I'm still
3440s scrolling oh no I never would have made
3442s it through
3444s this oh I'm so sorry
3450s everyone oh
3453s no okay it is obvious that I need to
3456s change the format of how I answer these
3458s questions because this is completely
3459s unsustainable for me hi J just saw your
3463s question
3465s there oh my
3472s God uh new items uh sets shown yester
3475s yesterday are they base items yes sets
3478s in that in that context is um a a
3482s visually cohesive set not a set as in
3485s green item type set um those item bases
3488s are you new base new new white items
3492s that can have various properties
3493s associated with
3497s them I think some of them might not some
3500s of them might actually be replacement
3501s models for existing ones as well cuz
3503s there was a few that we had that were
3504s just like colored skins of other ones um
3506s so I there's a couple that that take
3508s places with those
3514s two are the plans for expansions if you
3517s may monetized we don't plan on having
3518s any content that's only available
3520s because you paid more money um so we do
3523s plan on adding lots of new content to
3525s the game in the future um we're doing
3527s this more in the style of what Poe does
3529s for example where there is this cyclical
3531s content release that everyone gains
3533s access to simultaneously without having
3535s to buy new expansion pack um we are
3538s doing uh cosmetic supporter pack bundles
3543s that will
3545s um that's how we're finding the game is
3547s through
3549s cosmetics and and the S
3556s price nuzzle to
3559s death that's cool that's
3562s cool I love the visual rework on these
3564s guys the head upside
3566s down like like look at
3571s that like what what what in the H that
3575s is Unholy is
3581s that how dead is m alus l i don't think
3584s it's
3586s dead
3592s uh uh when uh when PVP will will be
3595s added we don't have a uh a set time for
3598s PVP to be added it's it's one of those
3600s things where like uh one day it' be
3602s sweet to add um but it's it's it's a
3605s ways down the road I'd love to do PVP
3607s modes soon I I'd love to I don't think
3610s it's going to happen anytime
3612s soon um I remember very early on in
3616s multiplayer testing um one of the first
3619s uh larger scale multipl tests we did as
3620s a team was uh the entire scene the
3623s entire level was a large large green
3625s plane um it had probably some grass
3628s texture on it or something I don't know
3629s but it was it was just a big green plane
3631s that was about the size
3634s of it was it was it was it was big um
3638s everyone had the ability Fireball
3641s everyone died in one
3642s hit um and you just respawned back in
3644s the bottom corner as soon as you died
3646s and it was this like and and like we
3648s didn't have the concept of like good or
3651s bad or like Ally or enemy and so it's
3653s just like everyone can hit every one uh
3656s one hit kills and it was it turned into
3659s it was meant to just be a like like
3662s let's run around and have some fun and
3663s see see how this works is there like lag
3665s is it is bad all that sort of stuff and
3668s um collect some data and it quickly
3670s turned into this like
3674s um pseudo like Golden Gun one shot mode
3679s that was a ton of
3682s fun so yeah i' I'd love to see
3684s multiplayer um we don't have any set
3685s time on it or anything like that it's
3686s not it's not something we're actively in
3689s development for right now
3699s yet you know sorts of cool uniques
3705s today this this just an endless wave
3707s this just an endless
3713s wave
3718s all right more questions I'm just
3720s picking random questions out right now
3721s I'm just like scroll here's one I see
3724s um I don't have a question I just wanted
3726s to panic you with the Ping thanks buddy
3728s appreciate
3730s it I guess you experience a small
3733s glimpse of what will happen on Wednesday
3734s right now
3736s yeah uh hey Mike what has been your
3739s favorite games and major influences to
3741s get you to your passion into your
3742s passion for last Epoch wow that's a deep
3745s question
3748s um like personally growing up the games
3751s that had the biggest impact for me were
3753s the the Zelda series and the
3755s civilization series I think were the two
3757s biggest ones for me
3760s um things that like helped me um I I
3765s mean I I I don't know why I left it out
3767s but Diablo I is probably actually top of
3769s that list on its own but those two
3771s series were really
3773s big um
3778s uh that and Magic the Gathering I think
3780s as well had a pretty big impact on it I
3783s I know Jud at one point said that the uh
3785s a like a fan set I made for Magic the
3787s Gathering of Game of Thrones themed
3790s cards was was why he brought me on in
3792s the first
3793s place nothing to do with with with
3796s experiencing RPGs or being able to code
3798s or anything like that which didn't hurt
3800s but
3802s yeah that was the Tipping Point
3807s I'll be happy to answer that question in
3808s more detail another
3810s time uh do you train oil wax your beard
3814s mine completely ignores all additives
3816s what about yours um I use um shampoo on
3823s it and a a beard comb ni little wooden
3827s beard
3831s comb uh any changes to clever solution
3835s sorry if this was already asked I don't
3836s know I don't I I I don't know if there's
3839s I I I I don't have the change lock off
3841s the top of my head I'm sorry
3845s maybe uh love the game thank you and
3848s can't wait to see what's in store for
3850s the future of the game hope you all nail
3851s to launch thanks me
3856s too uh will monster pushing be solved in
3858s one play now
3863s yep
3865s uh what downfalls and penalties are
3866s Incorporated with the hardcore character
3868s death going to
3871s softcore I mean you lose access to all
3874s your stuff where your other characters
3876s are
3879s playing like drop out of you lose like
3881s all your stash all your crafting
3883s materials that were there it goes all
3884s you all you drun your character flips to
3893s softcore
3895s is there going to be a drop rate Nerf
3897s yes there will be a baseline drop rate
3898s Nerf um this is uh this this is not this
3903s is not news this by the way just to be
3904s clear um so if you've been paying
3906s attention to the game this is not
3907s another one on top one we announced
3909s months ago
3911s um actually over a year ago now
3914s technically
3916s um as we add item factions to the game
3920s um they're going to very significantly
3923s augment the rate at which you find new
3926s items um new items for your build
3928s specifically like so the rate that
3930s you're saying like here's an upgrade
3931s here's an upgrade here's an upgrade that
3932s goes up pretty hard with item factions
3935s in general um and so in order to make
3938s that KN go completely Bonkers out of
3941s control um we
3943s are uh we are dropping the
3947s base item drop rate a little bit it's
3950s not a huge
3953s change uh um but it's there and you'll
3956s be with with the item faction system
3958s you'll be very quickly like once once
3961s you're into the item factions just a
3963s just a few ranks you'll be you'll be
3965s getting upgrades faster than you were
3966s before anyways um once you're deep into
3968s the ad infaction system you'll be
3969s getting upgrades significantly faster
3971s than you were before so like it's it's
3973s it's an overall net increase um but it
3977s is a base
3981s Nerf any plans for battle pass no any
3985s idea when support for steam deck will be
3986s looked into is it's hard to play on
3988s there um I don't know when
3991s um uh just other Platforms in general is
3994s something that we're going to start
3995s looking into once we're um once once
3997s like you know with we're past 1.0 uh
4001s things are solid we're happy with how
4002s things are going um our pipeline's
4005s working great you know then then we'll
4007s start looking at hey do we want to
4008s incorporate new platforms okay um which
4011s platforms do you want to incorporate you
4013s know there's there's lots of things that
4013s are going going to go go into that how
4015s difficult is it what's the risk um how
4017s much more testing is required does
4018s anyone have the hardware already what's
4019s the cost associated with that do we need
4021s a license in order to do it um is there
4023s another company we need to work with to
4024s make it happen um are there different
4026s control schemes that need to be added
4028s for it you know there's there's a lot of
4029s little things I'm I am like scratching
4032s the surface someone needs to be done
4035s um so it's it's it's going to be a while
4038s before um too many more platforms are
4040s added I think platforms that are um have
4044s a lower barrier to entry like say
4046s platforms that maybe already that use
4048s the operating system we already have a
4049s version for and use the control scheme
4051s that we already have a control scheme
4052s for like steam deck might be a little
4055s easier to incorporate um I'm being kg
4058s but because I don't know when it's going
4059s to
4061s happen I do know that there are general
4063s just Linux improvements and general
4064s controller improvements for this patch
4066s and I would suspect the quality of the
4069s current steam deck uh playl will go up
4074s up at 1.0 um but we haven't tested it
4077s it's not something we we check for um
4079s for all we know it completely bricks it
4081s but I I I assume it's going to get
4099s better this enem is great it's like so
4102s it's this thing with this in its in its
4103s mouth and then when you kill that thing
4104s comes out love
4107s it
4108s uh you guys planning on adding
4110s socketable items for example Jewels gems
4114s rewards this this is another long one um
4117s I I think it's a really great way to add
4123s um this like Progressive gearing content
4126s to the game um like run I love runs I
4129s love I love what runs did for diabl 2 I
4131s love the the way it was implemented all
4133s these things just fantastic there's
4135s there's some improvements I would likely
4137s try to make and I think they've tried to
4138s make some of those improvements um with
4140s recent updates to D are but um overall
4144s the system is
4145s brilliant and uh that style is something
4149s we do try to evoke specifically with our
4151s legendary system already and sockets in
4153s general is something that we kind of
4155s already do with our just um with these
4158s like or these with our with our random
4160s shards like that's basically a craftting
4162s our socket system right um
4164s and so we we do have plans for a more
4167s specific and clear and like analogous
4169s socket system but it's it's not
4171s something that we're uh anywhere near
4173s ready to do or anything like that so
4176s like who knows what'll change in the
4177s time between now when we start looking
4179s into doing something like that I I think
4180s there's room for expansion there that
4182s we'll be um they'll be really happy we
4185s don't have a specific socket system
4186s until we get to wanting to add a
4188s specific socket system as a full like a
4191s full mechanic on its own
4198s a memory
4201s key
4209s nice uh are there plans for pets to be
4211s anything more than a cosmetic companion
4213s no uh just bought the game is it
4215s possible to play with friends yes if one
4217s of us has a way higher level yeah or is
4219s it basically doing a taxi at this point
4221s I mean yeah if if if one person's way
4223s higher level um you know the the person
4225s who's in if like someone's coming down
4228s to to meet a lower level player they're
4229s going to be just crushing everything and
4231s getting basically nothing from it and if
4232s a lowle player goes up to beet a high
4234s level player you're going to be
4235s struggling and having a tough time
4236s surviving
4238s um and your experience is like the XP
4241s gain rate is uh is is nerfed a bit for
4245s being actually pretty heavily if you're
4246s really far out of out of level range
4252s um um but you still you still gain
4256s experience as though you were like worst
4258s case in an appropriately leveled
4264s Zone it's never going to be worse than
4267s just being an appropriately level
4272s Zone hello I wonder if you guys have
4274s plans for making map and storyline more
4276s clear to navigate especially for
4277s newcomers yes bunch of changes there uh
4280s how fun SL hype has the office been
4283s these past couple months we don't have
4284s have an office uh I can only imagine
4286s watching you work reach this point I
4287s mean yeah so the we're we're completely
4289s remote team um
4292s there's maybe two or three pockets of
4294s people who live in the same
4296s city um but for the most part we are
4299s just all over the
4301s place this is a room I built in my
4309s garage so that I could do
4313s this
4320s all you planning on Ender Ling
4322s characters this is goes back to
4323s character customization it's something
4324s that we hope to do long-term plans um
4327s but we don't have any specific
4328s short-term plans for um we'll let you
4340s know my
4342s goodness scrolling scrolling again doing
4345s the time War just jump to the
4352s left all right uh and that was an Easter
4355s egg for anyone who's old and crazy and
4357s weird
4359s um is there any plans to update
4361s character models proportions look very
4362s odd currently almost Dwarven
4365s style uh yeah there are some updated uh
4369s crit there are some updated models um
4372s you can see uh a sneak peek what they
4374s look like in the uh main
4378s trailer um it's got a little bit a
4381s closer look there's like a a bit where
4383s they're like they're all like superhero
4384s pose landing and like so there's like
4389s you get a close-up view of what the new
4390s ones look like it's not huge overhauls
4392s but there's some
4396s adjustments are you ready to react to
4398s duping issues during launch well I mean
4400s we put
4402s out uh I
4406s I if one
4409s appears um yes we've got everyone's like
4412s that that would be that would be code
4414s red condition
4416s Alpha Defcon one or five whichever one's
4424s worse never I can never
4432s remember uh uh that's incredible what a
4435s great game you created thank
4438s you sorry I don't know what that was
4440s referen to uh void CLE has a few bugs oh
4443s that's terrible uh we're working on
4448s them uh I don't have any details on
4450s specific fixes for specific skills
4452s available in front of me I'm sorry uh
4454s any new uniques coming for other classes
4456s except Warlock and Falconer oh yes um
4459s there are class agnostic uniques coming
4462s there are class specific uniqu coming
4464s there are class themed but not specific
4467s uniques coming there are um
4475s yeah uh what's your favorite
4477s Mastery uh my favorite Mastery right now
4480s uh that exists in the game is Marksman
4482s but Falconer is going to take its place
4483s I think as soon as uh 1.0 comes up well
4486s let's we we'll see
4489s though uh wifey action
4492s RPG absolutely
4496s thank you very much I feel validated
4498s inan
4500s um uh can you clarify if AIX is like
4503s Mana gained when you use Harvest only
4506s proed by hard casting it should only
4508s proc by hard casting I'd have to look it
4510s up I'm
4520s sorry also are you hiring designers um I
4523s mean I think so actually I think we're
4525s or I think there's a developer posting I
4527s know all of the hiring is on pause until
4529s after 1.0 um I don't know when it's
4531s going to open up again but um if anyone
4534s here has applied for position I I it is
4536s if you haven't heard something specific
4538s back yet or um or someone's like just
4540s wait type thing uh it's will'll start
4543s looking at those sorts of things
4544s sometime after 1.0 but for now it's it's
4548s everyone we don't have time to do
4549s onboarding when we're uh this close to
4552s Launch
4557s um but yes I like there there's there's
4560s a career page on our website um I know
4562s there's postings up go check it out if
4564s one of them speaks to you apply for it
4567s if one of them doesn't speak to you and
4568s you think you'd be awesome fit for the
4569s team apply anyways and just say what you
4571s think you'd be good at
4574s um but you know maybe give it a little
4576s bit after
4577s lunch would be my
4579s advice just cuz right now is a bad time
4587s all right will there be an in-depth
4588s patch notes before start if yes Anya yes
4591s um the 19th two days before patch will
4593s be
4596s patch and the day before patch the 20th
4599s um well for 24 hours before patch uh
4602s everything will be down all the servers
4603s will be down login servers will be down
4605s everything will be down
4612s um
4617s I got other cool stuff oh yeah there's
4618s if anyone didn't see today we unveiled
4621s uh collaboration with David Harbor uh
4623s who uh designed a unique for the game um
4627s it's awesome I don't I feel like we must
4629s we must do we show off the actual
4636s item okay we did not say I hope we even
4638s said it was an item
4641s whoops must have said it was an item oh
4643s that was a big
4648s one that was that was a sweet
4650s setup
4654s um where are we
4656s next hi hello if we start season
4659s hardcore and we die do we stay the
4661s season or do we get sent to the void
4662s like the other game you get uh stay
4667s season dying in hardcore takes you to
4669s softcore everything else stays the
4672s same
4675s what character am I playing I'm playing
4675s a run Master this is this was a uh go
4679s through this really fast you could pause
4680s it uh and see what all the nodes are and
4683s everything this is a contest winner that
4685s we did a while
4686s ago uh for run Master specifically I
4689s think I think this was the required
4693s item the
4696s builds there was some there was some
4698s limitation they were all Rune Masters
4699s that came in so it was definitely a rune
4701s Master build I can't remember what the
4702s specific requirements were other than
4703s that but I love this item and this this
4707s so I got the character given to me um to
4709s play on stream and I think it had a l
4713s had this Ladle with 2 LP on it in the
4715s inventory and it had a one LP Ladle that
4717s it had equipped um and so I made this
4719s one I think this is the item I
4723s made was some item that I
4728s made maybe in the boots maybe in the
4730s exact same story I just said about boots
4732s instead sorry sorry I don't remember
4734s which
4742s one
4744s uh I'm going to scroll down
4747s again my goodness my goodness
4762s nool
4764s that's how you
4776s panic uh do you plan to add challenges
4779s every cycle like in Poe with some ntx
4782s rewards for some people to uh get each
4784s goal uh people it's a great goal each
4787s league um I I we we don't have anything
4789s like that set up yet I think that that's
4791s a really awesome way to do it and and um
4794s I wouldn't be surprised if we started
4796s looking into things along that line
4799s um but we don't have anything like that
4801s specifically planned
4822s yet
4825s this is the problem is sometimes I just
4826s start playing the game and I forget that
4827s I'm streaming uh so let me answer some
4830s questions uh will the game be releasing
4833s with some season type content or is that
4835s uh come further after so there's no
4837s cycle we're call them Cycles there's no
4838s cycle specific locked content at
4845s 1.0 uh yeah let's go fight a shade it'll
4847s be fun won't it um it's the sort of
4850s thing that we'll consider as we go
4851s forward but the cycle specific content
4854s the new content dropping as the cycle
4856s starts will be Legacy as
4864s well armor shed feels kind of meh right
4866s now requiring 100 Stacks to get full
4867s effect thoughts um I think
4872s that um it very int because because it
4875s affects all types of hits um it's the
4878s sort of thing that especially once
4879s you're in multiplayer it um it affect it
4882s it's it's really beneficial for multiple
4884s people to have that shred um and is
4886s really useful as a enemy debuff mechanic
4890s that is party
4891s synergistic um that can work in
4894s multiplayer well and have it so that
4895s multiple people can say like okay well
4897s I've got armor sh for my build and then
4898s I hop into a party and that armor shred
4900s is still useful in that party um whereas
4902s sometimes if you have two people that
4903s are like really heavy Fire Res shred and
4905s they pop into a party together yes
4906s they're helping each other by by
4907s shredding That Fire Res a lot um but
4909s you're hitting caps so fast between the
4912s two of you that that you're some
4913s sometimes wasting stats
4915s um and so armor I think plays a nice
4918s role in that it's still you can still
4920s get significant use out of it in single
4921s player and multiplayer um without
4923s worrying about customizing your build
4925s too much so I think it plays a nice role
4935s there for anyone who doesn't know
4937s Avalanche and these rhyme Giants are my
4942s kryptonite it's fuzzy little
4949s snowballs uh any plans for Unique Buffs
4952s so we can make Shield bash and shield
4954s throw uh main main damage skills class
4958s fantasy will be amazing good luck with
4959s the launch I mean I I don't know of
4961s anything specific that I can share right
4962s now but um you know we're always trying
4964s to make more archetypes
4972s fun
4974s any support to show uh tool tip DPS for
4977s minions there's no tool tip DPS for
4979s minions in 1.0
4982s sorry uh my question is for the spear
4984s weapon type will there be any added
4987s attention for the weapon type uh there's
4990s at least one new spear specific node
4993s that I know of for
4994s certain spoiled so nothing new
4997s really there could be
5001s more
5005s uh unique leak did I hear unique leak no
5008s you didn't I'm sorry apart from you just
5013s saying
5015s uh any plans for selecting all that I I
5019s think it would be cool if upon
5020s completion of a set bonus those items
5023s became linked together and the bonus
5024s gains a random amount of Weaver's will
5027s any chance something like this being
5028s done
5030s um I think
5035s my gut reaction is uh no
5041s um I don't I don't want to give a hard
5043s answer either way but um if if that was
5046s pitched in a design meeting I would
5048s rally against it
5059s sorry I think the big problem with it is
5061s it makes your gear too
5063s static um and one of the one of the most
5066s fun events in uh for a late game
5070s character in an arpg is is finding an
5072s upgrade piece to your gear um so I think
5075s you'd end up in situations where you'd
5076s be like hoarding individual really
5079s powerful pieces of set items in order to
5082s like not waste them until you had a full
5084s set of really powerful set versions of
5085s those items and so you'd end up finding
5087s yourself playing um with
5090s suboptimal subsets of gear until you
5093s were able to uh like complete the set
5096s with like really powerful ones so you'd
5097s have like your weak set and your
5098s powerful set and you you'd like You'
5101s play with your weak Set uh in order to
5104s like find all the pieces you're powerful
5105s on but you wouldn't actually put any of
5106s that on until you could like complete
5108s the powerful
5110s version um which I think I I I think is
5114s a little bit
5115s problematic um with with the way set
5118s items work
5121s specifically
5127s but I like the idea in in like
5144s theory is SL will it be possible for my
5147s skins to be visible even if I am in
5149s transformed form for example I play
5151s spring and Shaman I like to see my trans
5153s bog skins uh instead of spring and form
5156s uh we don't have anything for that right
5157s now um it's not the first time I've seen
5159s this
5160s request but um I don't think there's
5163s anything specific planned for that right
5168s now I just want to commend you on the
5170s team for the tremendous effort awesome
5173s job your guys rock thank
5178s youate it has this this has been one of
5181s the hardest things I've ever done of my
5184s life and like I am one small piece of
5188s this
5189s team
5191s like the amount of effort and awesome
5194s stuff that people pump out on a daily
5196s basis is just
5199s incredible big shout out to everyone
5201s else on the team
5211s too
5213s uh what's your guessing on Faction picks
5218s talking about uh percentile of players
5221s choosing one okay like uh what what do I
5223s think the split's going to be between
5224s circle of Fortune and U Merchant skill I
5227s think that there's going to
5231s be preface this with this is based off
5234s just like what I've seen on like Forum
5237s threads and people just chatting in the
5240s community um and what I know about the
5243s factions themselves this is not based on
5244s any sort of internal statistics
5246s Gathering thing that's like accurate or
5249s anything like that I haven't seen any
5250s information like that so just want to be
5251s clear this is this is this is a mic
5253s prediction not an EHD prediction I think
5256s that um circle of Fortune is going to
5259s start out as the um significant front
5265s runner
5266s um and I think people
5270s are um going to I I think it's going to
5273s balance itself out a little bit I think
5274s people are going to
5276s um slightly migrate towards Merchant
5279s skill from Circle Fortune a little bit
5282s uh and it's going to it's going to end
5283s up at about like 65 35 Merchant skild
5288s Circle of Fortune I think I think
5290s Merchant ski is going to be 65% of the
5291s player base
5299s um but yeah I think that it's going to
5301s start out the other way I think it's
5302s going to start up 6530 for Circle
5304s fortune and I think it's going to flip
5310s basically we'll see I could be wildly
5318s wrong I'm definitely getting I'm getting
5320s a 1.0 haircut though that's going to
5322s happen I was going to actually do it
5324s today before stream but I was working on
5326s a bug so I'll do it this weekend maybe
5329s wait till
5331s Monday oh yeah we've got on
5334s Monday
5337s um yeah on Monday I'm doing the tavern
5341s Talk
5342s podcast uh again um so yeah check that
5347s out it's going to be
5349s sweet pretty excited about that
5354s actually well I like to say that I'm
5355s doing it again as
5361s well
5378s okay gross
5381s buddy you got a little something just
5384s right
5391s there
5401s bad
5407s one uh more questions got to find one
5409s while I'm doing
5415s this let's just scroll let's just scroll
5418s uh plans to give some love to EU West
5421s server oh my goodness did he heal all
5423s the way to
5424s full
5432s what oh my
5434s goodness
5438s um this what this what I get for looking
5440s the chat
5446s right uh was I asking it was a question
5449s I was answering wasn't
5451s there oh yeah eers I don't I don't have
5453s any details on specific um upcoming
5455s changes to servers and locations and
5457s things like that I do know that we do
5459s attempt to you know get get a good
5461s coverage on on different regions and
5463s things like that
5467s um if I'm not mistaken the
5473s like the central one is pretty far west
5475s or the West one is pretty far east or
5481s something
5493s it wasn't
5511s ready
5514s papus says she's breaking the cycle are
5516s you concerned about this yeah she's got
5518s a sweet build prepped that I think is
5520s going to just like break the cycle wide
5527s open uh hey Mike when should we expect a
5530s full skill tree for the new Prim less
5531s skills uh I don't know if we're doing a
5534s preview of those or
5537s not
5541s lizard
5543s got
5555s him uh just for the record the ability I
5558s was
5561s casting three those
5565s is
5568s um oh yeah full full skill tree I I
5571s don't know if we have plans that to
5572s actually release one um for the game
5575s launches maybe be patch
5578s notes I'll ask about
5584s that uh do you think a free do you think
5588s a two free market can hurt the game
5591s resale possibility oh like like if if we
5594s opened up the uh Merchant Guild to allow
5598s reselling do I think that would hurt the
5599s game
5601s yes
5612s time to Nerf the boss I think it's time
5614s for me to get
5617s good uh who's better Aaron from action
5619s RPG or his wife speak up so he hears it
5623s this it's
5626s me
5628s um I mean of the two only only one of
5632s them's ever bought me tea and moles skin
5636s for my
5637s feet
5638s and you know I I think I think the
5640s answer is pretty clear here I'm sorry
5642s Aaron but your wife
5646s wins oh is
5653s that I I just understood the question
5660s hi all
5663s right what's that big cross Idol thing
5666s overlay in your game
5672s what what's that big cross idle thing oh
5675s my
5676s goodness I forgot that was still
5679s up uh okay that
5682s is um art for uh this that's something I
5687s spoiled last stream and forgot to take
5688s it down this is uh this is art that I
5691s teased for for uh a new item in the game
5693s coming
5700s 1.0 this is how oblivious I
5704s am let's
5714s uh switch to the Belt this the other one
5716s I spoiled last week also Singularity
5720s hello
5723s that it wasn't didn't quite I think I
5726s think the problem with Singularity was
5728s that it didn't have enough
5731s else I think the item actually is really
5733s good um and it does what it's supposed
5736s to do really well however there's just
5738s not enough other pieces to the puzzle to
5740s finish the puzzle it's a part of so it's
5742s like you start you sit down do a puzzle
5744s and just there's just pieces
5746s missing there's anything wrong with that
5748s piece ah maybe a touch but you know it's
5751s it's not like the pieces missing
5766s a all right next
5769s question uh what do you think the most
5771s popular Mastery on release I think that
5775s um I think warlock is going to start out
5778s being the most popular and I think
5779s Falconer is going to be a close second
5785s there's a poll I saw recently and I was
5786s like shocked the prime list was like the
5788s lowest on of it was just Base Class
5790s poles prob the
5793s lowest um I'm like it was the day
5796s after the the the new reveals for
5798s tempest strike and Gathering storm that
5801s I saw it I I think the poll may have
5803s happened before those got released cuz
5805s I'm like come
5806s on
5810s nothing
5813s uh the plant additional classes and
5815s masteries in the future oh yeah so
5818s um we've we've got our we've got our
5820s class wheel up and running um all 15
5824s classes it's it's great every base class
5826s five base classes three masteries per
5828s Base Class um perfect I
5832s think there are there are definitely how
5835s do I say this there's there's
5836s intentional gaps in the class system
5838s right now to leave room for clean new
5842s masteries to show up um and there's also
5846s intentional room in the base classes for
5848s new base classes to show up those ones
5851s are a little bit more out there um
5853s little little bit
5855s less uh
5857s urgent I think I think we'll see some
5860s it's also a lot easier and cheaper for
5861s us to put in a new Mastery than it is
5862s for whole Bas class because new Mastery
5864s doesn't include uh new character model
5866s new voice acting um you know like there
5869s there's a lot of things that a new Base
5871s Class adds on and then also new base
5872s class it needs to have at least three
5874s masteries that's sort of our our rule
5875s going forward I think is going to be new
5877s new base class three
5879s masteries but we can add a fourth
5881s Mastery on uh to existing classes um way
5885s way way easier so I think you'll see
5887s fourth masteries start cropping up
5889s before you see new base glasses crop up
5890s this is still far future stuff like we
5893s there's I we've we've got a few plans
5896s for like some new masteries that we've
5900s got our eye on but we don't have have a
5901s hard decision on specifically what's
5903s going to be
5906s next oh light this ever key
5911s cool hey mate any plans for changing to
5915s controller support changes to controller
5917s support at all yes there will be
5918s controller support
5919s updates uh looking forward to Wednesday
5921s me too what's the highest corruption
5923s I've done personally uh not that
5927s high I always get
5930s like uh kind of distracted and hop onto
5933s a new
5934s build and I spend way too much time
5936s playing in like test client
5939s environments
5941s um so probably just a few hundred I
5944s don't
5950s remember we'll say in the 3 to 500
5960s range
5962s uh with all the new Final skills
5964s masteries and gear coming with launch
5966s what's the most exciting new skill
5968s reveal so far for
5971s you Falconer has been at the Forefront
5974s for me for sure
5977s um I think chaos bolts is my favorite
5979s one that we revealed I think there's
5982s something about the way that skill like
5984s I like when I when I make my warlock at
5986s 1.0 it will absolutely be using kale
5989s bolts as part of that skill I don't know
5990s what it is about about it but it just
5992s feels great to me I love it I can't put
5995s my finger on
6006s it hey Mike
6008s hello uh love looking at what the game
6012s offers feel creating endgame group
6014s activities will be in the near future um
6018s I think that we we we like to to try and
6021s keep the end game at least doable as a
6024s solo player um so we don't look too much
6027s to group specific activities in the end
6030s game
6032s um I think there's room for them um or
6035s like group leaning activities and things
6037s like that um I'd really like to start
6041s it's not something we do yet but
6042s something that I'd really like
6045s to uh oh we we we kind of do it a little
6047s bit with difficulty scaling but with I'd
6048s like to do it with player scaling where
6051s like boss mechanics change slightly
6052s based on the number of players that are
6054s there
6065s um like maybe there's
6069s um maybe there's some boss fight where
6071s ADS spawn and um depend on how many ads
6075s you kill certain something happens or
6076s something I don't know and uh in like
6079s three player twice as many ads spawn um
6083s you know so there's
6085s like mechanical scaling for for player
6088s counts i' I'd love to see something like
6091s that it's going to be my goal for the
6093s next couple years to get somethingone
6094s like that
6098s in will there be a Q on release
6102s yes will there be new Weavers will items
6104s 1.0 or plan maybe new Weaver's boss at
6106s some point um I don't know if there's
6108s any new Weaver SP items coming at 1.0 I
6111s don't think there
6115s are be wrong with
6123s that I don't know sorry I'm I'm trying
6126s to think of them I like is that that
6128s one's one no it's not uh I I don't know
6132s I can't think of
6133s any
6135s um but that is I I would say the
6139s whole uh uh scratching the surface a
6142s little
6143s bit put that
6146s way uh how will low life War how will
6150s low
6151s life will low life Ward builds be
6154s getting Nerf in
6155s 1.0
6157s um there's there's some there's some
6159s little bit of changes here and there for
6160s things
6162s um I know there's good and bad things
6164s happening for those builds so I I don't
6166s know if it's going to be a net negative
6167s or net positive or
6170s not
6175s poly math get those get those all
6178s attributes love
6183s them better than leaving a belt in the
6185s middle of screen for an hour yeah it is
6186s that happened last
6188s time are there plans for additional
6190s class I that yeah uh with the increasing
6195s popularity plans to expand customer
6196s support or in game mod yeah we've been
6200s we we've been ramping up um you know
6204s like trying
6205s to sometimes it's not about ramping up
6208s specific areas and uh sometimes it's
6210s about offloading responsibilities in
6212s other areas instead people who just have
6215s multiple responsibilities can focus on
6217s one area
6219s um as an example we just handed off the
6223s um moderation for the subreddit to our
6226s community
6228s um and like they they've been they've
6231s been they've been hitting the ground
6231s running it's been fantastic and I'm like
6234s yep you're doing way more stuff than I
6236s ever did in my spare time
6239s randomly you know like I I'd spend 20
6242s minutes a
6243s day you know checking through the the
6246s moderation Queue at night before bed and
6249s uh I was not cutting
6259s it I am not a many pockets ah he said
6264s it love
6268s it uh Mike I was wondering why you
6271s looked so
6272s familiar just got one of those faces as
6275s any told you it looked just like Brian
6278s Quinn from Impractical Jokers actually
6281s yes um specifically on this stream
6284s people have have said that before um and
6287s I still don't know what he looks like
6289s must be devastatingly handsome though
6295s I got to get a
6296s cut this is the longest my hair has been
6298s in a long
6303s time my wife just like knows that I have
6306s no time right now and it's just like
6308s yeah I know once it launches you'll get
6309s a
6310s cut going try and do it before
6318s though that big that big Nova
6321s boom
6322s boom boom boom
6328s Bill uh when you are a high level on CF
6331s and switch to mg like you predict um
6336s will you have will you have to take all
6338s of your gear off that you currently have
6340s equipped since it's tagged wouldn't that
6343s be a huge power drop um so one of the
6346s requirements of switching um either
6350s direction mg or c CF like mg to cof or
6352s cof to mg as soon as you switch factions
6353s or right before you switch factions you
6355s have to unequip all your gear your
6357s character needs to be naked to switch
6358s like that's the F First Step take off
6360s all your gear second step switch
6362s factions
6364s um and uh not necessarily all of it will
6367s be unusable um items that were found
6370s while you are on cof that were uh not
6375s able that that were not found through
6378s the coff bonuses will not be actually
6381s tagged they'll be untradeable but they
6382s won't be coff Tagged so you can still
6384s wear them if you switch um so you won't
6386s be completely naked but yeah it'll be a
6388s big Power Drop
6391s um yeah and I'm not suggesting that
6394s like everyone's going to get super high
6396s level CF and then switch um I think the
6398s switch is going to happen sooner than
6399s people get to high level in
6404s ZF not anything bad about coff I think
6407s cof's just a little bit overhyped right
6409s now and and
6412s um that that's that's all it is I think
6415s I think there's just like a
6415s disproportionate amount of
6419s um I think people are underestimating
6421s how powerful trade can be sometimes and
6423s I think that there's a non-
6424s insignificant subset of players that
6426s will pick which faction they want to be
6428s part of based strictly on which one's
6429s going to give them more items faster um
6433s and I think cuf is going to be able to
6434s compete really well in that regard and I
6436s think for most people it's going to be
6438s plenty fast enough by comparison but the
6441s subset of players that is just there for
6443s the the fastest way um I I think mg's I
6448s think it's going to be slightly better
6450s um is my prediction this is like this is
6452s Mike's prediction Mike could be very
6454s wrong Mike thinks the CF is going to be
6456s slightly better um kind of just enough
6458s that it'll pull those players in that
6460s are that that don't really care about
6462s thematically or or mechanically which
6464s one's different in a specific way but
6465s more just looking for uh power power me
6469s up let's go um which which I I don't
6471s want to suggest is a bad thing in
6476s anyway that's that's kind of where I'm
6478s coming from with
6484s that and y'all can laugh at me when I'm
6486s horribly wrong and I'm totally fine with
6489s that not including the headline features
6492s what smaller change implementation 1.0
6494s are you most proud
6499s of
6510s it's hard because the vast majority of
6512s what I worked on this patch was just
6513s like Warlock and
6514s Falconer uh so it's almost all of it's
6518s in the headlining stuff
6529s um
6532s I think it's I think it's going to be in
6533s the uh in in like just the subtle UI
6536s changes I think that's what it is and I
6538s think it's in the little things and this
6540s is this is I was a very small part of
6541s the people that did these changes there
6543s was there was other like 99% it was done
6546s by other people um but I think that
6549s there's some
6552s like surprisingly important for like the
6554s overall feel of the game quality and
6557s like making the game feel like it's um
6561s like like from a season Studio that that
6563s like you know it's it's it's not it's
6566s not an indie title anymore feeling um
6569s comes from those that UI polish I think
6571s is is a is a big big place where that
6573s happens and so just like like little
6575s little tiny adjustments and tweaks all
6577s over the place um to to to the feel of
6580s the UI I think it's probably the thing
6582s that's not a headlining feature that I'm
6583s most proud of that we've
6589s added
6595s it's like we we don't technically have a
6597s publisher company that's that's handling
6599s the publishing the game so like there's
6600s no publishing parent company um that's
6604s like running the studio like we like
6606s there's various people that own portions
6608s of the company and all sort of stuff but
6610s like everything that's everything that
6613s comes out of the title is is just like
6615s it's just ehg it's just us
6618s and um I I think the 1.0 it's the first
6621s time that we've launched a product that
6623s like you know this this feels like a
6626s finished game this feels like a finished
6628s cohesive product of a game
6631s um yeah I think I think the the little
6634s the little UI changes that um you know
6639s if if
6640s someone maybe hasn't played for a long
6642s time wouldn't even notice that
6645s are like that big of
6647s a like like we'll notice changes but
6649s like won't know that they're brand
6664s new okay I have stopped answering
6667s questions and that's a problem and I'm
6668s going to try and fix
6679s it
6681s let's scroll let's get a question let's
6683s get to
6685s talking Aros
6689s love leave him uh you can add any unique
6693s to the game and the team promises not to
6696s block it from being op what do you go
6701s with I don't
6704s know
6705s um I am not a man of many pockets ah he
6710s said
6711s um I think I think we go
6717s with I don't know I think we go
6720s something silly something that like
6721s shouldn't
6731s work no I got it I know exactly what it
6733s is um we go with a bow we go with a bow
6738s that any class can equip
6741s um that gives you the
6743s ability it gives you a it gives you a
6746s minion it gives you a like a minion and
6748s a bow
6749s attack gives you like uh a boar a boar
6754s pet and uh and a bow attack to use of
6764s it so we so we can have so we can have
6767s the hunters in the game so you can go to
6770s to your Prime list and equip
6773s it or you can go to your Marksman and
6776s equip it and you can have you can you
6777s can you can do a hunter in on either
6780s class that's what I would
6787s do there's no plans to add that by the
6789s way just to be
6796s clear uh will you shave your beard if
6798s you hit a number of copies sold
6801s I look so terrible without a
6804s beard um I don't I don't want to fix
6807s something if it's too I I I would
6809s consider it if there's like a kind of
6812s ridiculous seeming
6815s number
6818s like the servers survive and we break
6821s the top 10 of concurrent player base on
6823s Steam of all time you know like
6825s something something stupid like
6829s that
6847s all right uh what do you think about
6850s implementation of a currency that allows
6853s you to retag an item I think it
6855s completely breaks our uh system and we
6858s can't do it without other major
6862s changes or uh or or or or letting go of
6866s specific requirements we've established
6868s for our
6874s system what's it like being
6878s famous am I becoming famous that' be
6887s cool give me those keys
6891s I am not a man of many poets yeah that
6903s line I think people who are who are
6906s legitimately famous are under so much
6909s pressure cuz they have this like added
6911s layer of
6913s responsibility on their um on the things
6916s they say and the things they do how it
6918s can affect other people in the world and
6919s it's
6920s that that would scare me a little bit oh
6923s bees bees yes come to me my
6942s pries and and nuts and and I wouldn't be
6944s worried about it so much of like
6946s intentionally doing something something
6948s bad but like I just know i' stick my
6949s foot in my mouth and say something like
6952s I I I'd say something that I think is so
6954s normal and so
6957s whatever some be like Mike you're an
6959s idiot uh that's highly offensive I'd be
6961s like well that was uh nice to know you
6964s guys see you
6973s around all right is there any way to
6975s make mini map background darker via
6977s config file are there means no coming
6979s from p and I love playing with the map
6981s over my screen but on Sand textured
6982s background it's impossible to see we do
6984s have some um some some some edits to
6988s that there there is and I'm sure you you
6989s know this already but
6991s like you can change the opacity here um
6994s but even this is like not enough on a
6997s lot
6998s of a lot of zones and we are working on
7000s improving this so there's there's some
7002s there's some updates so should help a
7003s little
7008s bit a big scroll again I'm I'm burning
7011s past so many questions and I feel
7012s terrible about it I'm so
7014s sorry if I if if I we're coming up to
7017s the we're coming up to the end of the
7018s stream here we're getting close to the
7019s end um and of the seemingly hundreds of
7023s questions that I've missed um I
7025s apologize and I do I do my best to
7028s answer as many questions as possible
7030s along with other members of the team and
7031s community in our Discord Channel there's
7033s ask the de's channel um please feel free
7036s to come ask questions there I do have
7038s one request with that um there is an FAQ
7041s on our Discord that
7043s answers 95% of the questions that get
7045s asked in that channel um there's also a
7047s search term there's also a search field
7049s in the top right corner that you can put
7051s you can search specifically in that
7052s Channel or specifically from me Mike um
7056s you'll find a lot of answers there and I
7058s think um if you can search for those
7061s terms first I'd really appreciate that
7063s it saves me a lot of
7067s time um yeah I've I got I got I got cool
7071s stuff I'm just going to mention really
7071s quick at the end of the stream here as
7072s well I'll answer a few more questions um
7076s David Harbor we just announced a
7078s collaboration with him that was super
7079s fun to do
7081s um the wife was pretty jealous getting
7083s to be in that call uh which was sweet um
7088s and and that's that's I think when the
7089s full reveal of all what's coming from
7090s that happens people are going to be
7092s really excited about that because uh
7094s it's it's sweet um
7098s and uh oh yeah I is doing a giveaway big
7101s awesome computer uh information on our
7103s forms go sign up for that
7112s um what else am I doing 24hour downtime
7115s before launch so 24 hours before launch
7118s servers will be down you will not be
7119s able to enter the game in online or
7121s offline mode
7125s um uh the golden guppy supporter pack
7128s pet is disappearing at launch so the um
7133s not support pack pet just uh pre-order
7136s pet so the pre-order bonus for buying
7138s the game before launch is the golden
7139s guppy pet um once launch happens that
7142s goes away everything else to do with the
7144s supporter packs uh cost what's included
7147s in them all that stuff stays constant so
7149s you don't need to buy a supporter pack
7150s or anything like that right now to get
7152s any of the stuff you can do that
7153s afterwards um if you've just purchased
7155s the most basic base version of the game
7157s at all you've got the golden guppy pet
7158s there's nothing else to miss out on
7161s so this information is only for people
7163s who haven't bought the game
7169s yet
7172s um yeah there was a Healing Hands blog
7175s post I don't think I mentioned that if
7177s uh if if you are interested at all in
7179s Healing Hands it's sweet it could be an
7181s offensive skill too gasp um we're also
7184s doing an AMA on Reddit um basically as
7188s launch happens uh
7191s um no no on Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday on
7195s Tuesday Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. CST uh
7198s we're
7199s doing uh Reddit
7203s ma yeah so that's while the servers are
7205s down so we're taking the servers down
7206s and doing it red Amy at the same
7210s time um
7213s not guarantee someone asked the question
7215s why are the servers down in the middle
7217s of
7218s that uh it's gon to be on our
7221s games uh and on Monday I am going to be
7225s joining um gazi and DM on Tavern talk uh
7230s and going to be doing a podcast there as
7234s well those are the cool things that are
7236s coming up that
7238s I probably should have said like three
7241s or four more times throughout the stream
7242s but I got caught up with doing the
7246s stream cuz
7248s I'm I got I got something for this I got
7252s little see
7255s it I'm a
7265s professional oh see there's a couple
7268s we're over time I'm going to pick out
7269s another couple questions here maybe
7270s answer a couple
7272s more any plans for first boss kill
7275s events or first level 100 events we we
7277s we've talked about that we can't get it
7278s in for one .0 um but yeah that sort of
7282s thing I I think the server announcements
7285s for events like that in Poe is like one
7287s of the best parts of starting a cycle in
7290s Poe or starting starting starting a
7291s league in Poe sorry um where you you
7294s enter in and like you maybe may even if
7298s you're not super awesome yourself and
7300s you're like way behind the leaders like
7302s seeing those little pop-ups happen it's
7304s I I love it that's one of my favorite
7305s Parts about doing a cycle start I've got
7308s cycle ingrained in my brain now is the
7311s term the poe one you know what I mean
7314s sorry
7317s um
7320s yeah uh I think that's going to be it
7324s um thanks for all the well wishes and
7326s everything and the questions
7330s here
7334s uh yeah
7336s I'm yeah I don't know how end
7341s this I I do I really appreciate everyone
7343s coming out uh this was an incredible
7345s stream I don't think we've had I I know
7347s I turned off the notifications I'm sorry
7350s thank you to everyone who subscribed
7352s there were there were dozens upon dozens
7354s of subscription this is the most
7356s subscribed stream we've ever had by a
7357s long shot this is the most attended
7359s stream we've had by a long shot I I had
7361s a ton of fun um so
7365s yeah thanks for coming by I hope you had
7368s fun I know I did I'll be seeing you um I
7371s don't know if we'll do a stream next
7373s week so usually usually right we have a
7375s patch that's like fresh launched we
7377s don't do a stream right around then um
7380s so we don't step on the toes of the
7381s other streamers um because these are
7383s people that have been a huge uh part of
7386s our Channel or game growth um so we
7389s don't we don't like to take stuff away
7390s from them um we we'll probably talk and
7392s see if we want to do that or not maybe
7393s I'll delay it and do it on the Monday
7394s afterwards or something I don't know
7395s we'll
7396s see um but yeah uh if I missed your
7399s question I'm so sorry uh please head on
7401s over to our Discord got askd dev's
7403s Channel ask it there we're also active
7404s on other platforms uh I spent a lot of
7407s time browsing our subreddit
7414s uh
7417s and
7425s uh we're going to go say hi to
7428s someone
7432s this person knows a ton of awesome stuff
7435s about build crafting in last Epoch
7439s um and yeah so you can ask I I know
7442s they'll have lots of sweet information
7443s for uh starting builds and things like
7445s that so if you're curious at all this is
7446s a great person to ask um yeah have a
7450s great time we'll see youall next time uh
7452s this has been incredible
7458s bye