over 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

We'd also love to hear your feedback on Patch 0.7.4's 'Skill Name Reminders' interface setting!

over 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by this_barb

I'm guessing the inspiration was Diablo 3's disintegrate?

Some of the inspiration I've personally taken from Diablo III is to seek to emulate Blizzard's ability to ask questions in ways the average player will answer without resorting to a build guide or wiki (e.g. "you have unlocked this rune, do you want to use it?"). This helps maintain the feeling of player agency and keep players engrossed in the main gameplay loop. I'm also a fan of some of their monster affixes, such as Arcane Enchanted. Aspects of other games in the genre - things we believe they've both done well and done poorly - are absolutely recurring topics in our design meetings, and we have definitely taken inspiration from games we have played.

To refer to the skills mentioned by u/nymphios, I have played both Grim Dawn's Aether Ray and Path of Exile's Scorching Ray more recently than I have played Diablo III's Disintegrate and Archon. I wouldn't say our Disintegrate skill in particular borrows much from Diablo III's skill of the same name. We've been talking internally about having a "beam skill" for a while, and I think this skill type is well on its way to becoming genericized. (This may have already happened.)