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I saw action rpg crafting and it helped me understand a bit but he kept talking about tier 20 items and I don’t know what that means or why it matters.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Each affix can exist as tier 1-7 (7 being the best).

An item is often described as the sum of its tiers.

Tier 5 is the highest craftable tier. Each item can have 4 affixes by default.

T20 generally means 4xT5.

This is the easy benchmark of a "finished" simple item.

Once you get deeper into the end game, you frequently have exalted items, those with a purple, T6 or T7 affix. You'll also start to seal affixes onto items, thus using a "secret" 5th affix slot. This can get items up to a higher net tier. T25 is very high. It is almost impossible to get to T30.

over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

t29 is the highest possible right? 3xt7, a sealed t4 and a crafted t5 right? Or where did you get t30 from?

The theoretical max is 33 IIRC. While I often like letting players find the solutions, in this case this is quite recent. To obtain this, you would need an item with four T7 affixes, one of which is experimental. Seal the experimental affix, then crafting a T5 in its place, leaving you with T7 Sealed, 3 T7 Affixes, 1 T5 affix for a total of 33 tiers of affixes. Though this is theoretically possible, it shouldn't be expected, haha.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

t29 is the highest possible right? 3xt7, a sealed t4 and a crafted t5 right? Or where did you get t30 from?

What is 7+7+7+5+4?

Also what Kain said to get to 33.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

oh god I can't count to 30 anymore, help

If it makes you feel any better I used a calculator after your post to make sure.