almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Hey all,

This thread has the potential to be very helpful. I’m going to move the thread from #general to #technical-support and sticky it there. I will need to ask for some additional information.

To be as useful as possible, reports of poor performance should include;

  • An uncropped screenshot showing the performance metrics.
    • These can be toggled on and off in-game, the default keybind is F11.
    • The forum doesn’t permit images to be uploaded to it, however it will embed images into your post if you paste a direct URL (for example,
    • The reason I ask for this to be uncropped is so we have some insight into your build.
  • A system information report.
  • Your graphics .INI file.
  • Some contextual information.
    • Is this while you are idle in town? In the arena? Playing the campaign?
  • Anything else you believe would help us to get a clear picture of what is happening.
    • Examples include whether performance is only poor when using a specific skill or while dealing damage in combat. Any observations would be very much appreciated.

Finally, please note we cannot accept performance reports if you are using any method of auto-casting skills outside of what the game itself facilitates. This includes macros, abusing Num Lock functionality, and anything else outside of unique items and skill trees.

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