Original Post — Direct link
10 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

I was not in favor of it till the team prototyped it and I experienced it inside Epoch. As a harsh critic of the idea that was turned around, I think many people will feel the same that are against it on paper.

We’re not going to be making combat much different because of this and I was surprised at how many times I found it fun and useful in the content we have designed without a specific distance dodge-roll (evade) mechanic in mind. Being able to design encounters going forward knowing that all players will have some dash-like mechanic available to them will be helpful as well because we couldn’t guarantee a player had a traversal skill on their bar previously.

Definitely go check out the specifics on it here if you haven’t https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-roadmap/70970/167