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If a skill has the tags "Melee,fire", will any of these be different?

"+5% inc. fire damage"

"+5% inc. elemental damage"

A bit confused since I come from PoE and over there the "elemental damage" suffix gets divided by the different elemental types so it'd be better to stick to fire in this case.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Fire damage is elemental and gets full benefit.

More narrow stats will generally appear with larger numbers. So the same level fire damage affix will have higher numbers than the corresponding elemental damage affix.

So, flame reave or cinder strike each get 5% increased damage from a 5% increased elemental damage affix. We try to keep things simple when we can.

Edit: changed the example skills to try and hit which one you are taking about with melee and fire tags.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by CordycepsCocktail

Just wanted to hijack this 3 month old post in the hopes you can answer my very noobish question.

If an item has +10% increased lightning damage but I'm not using anything with lightning damage to begin with, is it adding lighting damage itself or only increasing what's already there, which in my case, is nothing?

Again, apologies for this but I am a dumb.

Try to take everything super literal. So 10% increased lightning damage, increases your lightning damage by 10%.