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This is cringe sh*t that's covering the games official discord.

It's great the devs are being as open as they are about what's going on and are at least seemingly hard at work to fix it.

That doesn't excuse how God awful the launch has been. I dont particularly care cause I'm happy to play in offline mode but people who are unhappy are completely entitled to be.

This attitude of "oh the game will be good" , "oh thank you devs for fixing what was broken" , is a bit dumb, you wouldn't take your car to a mechanic to get a service, drive it out of the garage and have it break down and then go back and fix it properly and thank the mechanic profusely for fixing what he should have done to begin with.

I enjoy the game and am willing to wait for it to be fixed to play online, but don't demonise people who are unhappy that they didn't get what they paid for, its not unreasonable to want to play a game on release day/week.

Edit: thanks for the laughs the responses and downvotes to replies have given me, people being shills for a semi-broken product and simultaneously giving out about the state of gaming will always be hilarious, peace ✌️

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by fearliatroma

Appreciate it and I understand its not an easy task, as I say I'm happy with the great game that's available in offline mode etc but just don't like how people with imo valid complaints about the online are treated in the community.

Hope the launch is just a bump in the road for you guys and its all uphill from here because what I've experienced of the game you've made, it deserves to be played by as many people as possible.

Like I've said elsewhere, the dissatisfaction with online for launch is completely valid. We are presenting an online-enabled game and it's on us to ensure that it's playable online, and right now we're struggling to keep online services operational without issues under load. We'll get things in a good spot as we have a lot of talented engineers putting in a ton of effort to do so, but it's not a simple as "buy more servers" which so many people seem to think. We have plenty of server capacity.

The comments of encouragement from the community have certainly been appreciated as we have a lot of humans that have put a ton of their effort into preparing this game for everyone, including the team that works on online services, that are saddened by how launch has gone because of the issues at scale that we didn't anticipate. Seeing so much hate from those that are less patient is demoralizing, and there are some people on our team that are impacted more by those negative comments than others. I feel horribly for the members of my team that are out there shielding those people and trying to keep their thick skin from falling off.

I understand as someone who is frustrated and understands that things should have gone better - We agree and sincerely believed it would - that seeing people saying positive things seems unwarranted. You shouldn't be harassed for calling out that things aren't going smoothly, and neither should the people sending words of encouragement.

All that being said... and I know it's frustrating to hear over a period of time... we're working on things and making progress towards online stabilization even with the increasing load - even if it's up and down. Working on it an we appreciate everyone's patience.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Lillith_Was_Right

I'm one of the people who bought the game on launch, essentially going in blind as I've not followed the game at all in early access, and left a negative review after the servers failed to work. My review was short and simple, it said "the servers don't work, avoid for now."

After coming to this subreddit and seeing how you and the rest of the team have handled it I just removed my negative review a moment ago. I now have faith that the issue will be fully sorted in good time and that the launch day issues are not a a reflection on the game.

Its still annoying of course, but its far less annoying after seeing how you've all responded. Its so uncommon to see this level of communication and honesty from anyone these days, let alone a game developer. I can't wait to see what you all accomplish going forward.

We really appreciate it. Sincerely.