9 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch dubstream as
8s always
9s I'm your host Mike
11s how's it going
13s I'm pretty good thanks for asking
16s uh yeah just we're back into doing our
18s usual stuff
20s we're gonna keep going I'm gonna finally
22s finish
24s my uh my model is getting too powered
27s here it's gonna happen
29s eventually one of these days hopefully
31s we'll see
37s and yeah so we've got a new uh new
39s Charity New monthly charity
41s doing the water thing
44s I said [ __ ]
45s bring my
47s little water bottle with me today
50s delicious
62s all right
63s if you have any questions please put at
65s last Epoch game in chat and I will see
68s it pop out of me and be happy to answer
69s it
71s that's weird
79s little
82s I feel like something's wrong there it's
83s fine
85s it's fine
92s oh I don't usually say
96s it's the first time in chat welcome glad
98s to have you here
100s thank you for charity game the question
102s I'll be happy to answer it
114s I I feel like I need a new wand
117s poison is not going to uh
120s be fantastic for us but
122s um I feel like I need I need new weapons
124s I'm on I'm on the hunt for a new one
126s today it's my goal
129s that would have been really funny
138s I really want my staff I really want the
140s staff I've been looking for
142s God all right Mike wake up here we go
149s good morning
153s everyone in Australia that good
155s morning's for you
173s know lightning is a little scuffed
183s is all the classes unlocked yet no there
185s are three Mastery classes missing still
187s from what our uh our launch class
189s selection will be
191s um
192s those will continue to get added in
195s um
196s we're working on that
198s uh pretty pretty pretty heavily right
200s now is is missing masteries is probably
203s our biggest like ongoing project right
205s now just like team wide
211s coming on quite nicely really happy with
214s it
215s some some new exciting stuff happening
222s it's it's it's in the category of like
224s oh my God I wish I could talk about it
226s more right now
239s my defenses are a dumpster fire
264s I keep talking about how I'm gonna fix
266s this character I just like never do
267s because I only ever play on stream
272s my other mage
275s normally
278s usually I'm playing Rogue but I play a
280s lot of maids lately I've been a ton of
282s fun with it
293s do you guys hear there's like I've got a
295s fan running
297s that's like pretty nearby and I'm
300s worried it's it's causing a lot of noise
305s it is let me know
308s media's social media is always fun
313s one of the clips I had today has a
316s meteor in the club
321s I think that may have been for me
342s the like the lightning uh
346s uh that that keeps getting spammed on me
349s is is making me making me be hyper
352s Vigilant here because I feel like it's
353s just gonna nuke me
358s my lightning res is so uh
362s Brave
365s that's all right I'm gonna put a brave
369s can't you the fan awesome
372s the fan is keeping me from sweating a
374s ton
404s yay we did it
410s oh
411s we've been we've been ramping up for um
414s Gamescom lately
416s and uh it's it's like this is so much
420s stuff going that goes into
423s um like into any sort of
425s big event like this
428s um and the people who are handling it
430s for us like that are I say like people
433s on our team that are handling for the
434s people who are
436s um mostly working on on production
438s during the day are doing such a great
440s job that I'm like I'm not worried at all
443s which is great
445s it's really it's really nice
448s to just kind of be like yeah we're gonna
450s we're gonna be we're gonna go through
451s and it's gonna be awesome
453s that's how I feel about it right now
454s which is great
469s hey my may I ask what's currently the
472s priority for last Epoch in-game new
474s skills or something else
478s um I mean like we have it depends on
482s it's there's there's lots of priorities
483s that come up and sometimes it'll be like
486s uh okay if we're gonna pick like the
488s main priority for the whole team maybe
489s it's
490s um
491s like like that like okay the priority is
494s getting to 1.0 and it's like okay what
495s what are the things that are mandatory
497s to do before 1.0 comes out it's kind of
499s what it is but um so like what's the
501s most important thing oh let's say like
503s server uh stability and performance and
506s all sort of stuff well the people who
509s write dialogue for quests don't really
511s have much to do in that category right
513s so you end up with a ton of different
515s priority
516s um elements
519s and uh
521s so yeah there's a lot of things that
524s like called priority but um
527s service stability performance really
529s high up there
530s um finishing the classes so a bunch of
532s new skills
534s uh beefing up end game
536s a bunch of new content that sort of
538s stuff things to do mechanics
539s functionality
541s um improving old stuff that's been in
542s the game for a while
544s um the item factions like this is
546s several priorities
549s um and things that are getting worked on
551s simultaneously
561s meteor gets the job done
572s is there a patch coming out before
574s Gamescom Gamescom with an m not an end
578s um no there it will not be a patch
580s pre-gamescom we usually do
583s um like you'll you'll see you'll see uh
588s um like patch ramp UPS stuff like uh
591s like posts and uh like info things like
594s at the hype train rolling for the patch
596s um if it was gonna be pre-gamescom
598s that's what 16 17 days away from now
602s um so we'd be really behind on that
605s uh that element of of releasing a patch
608s if we were if we were going to release
609s one before game's gone
618s there will be tons of very cool stuff to
620s see at Gamescom and if you're not going
623s um that's totally fine you'll be able to
624s see all the interesting stuff online
627s um I'm sure there's some sort of
629s broadcast uh like twitch or something
631s that'll like show the stuff that's
633s happening at Gamescom
636s I don't know the details of like when
640s we're on the air so to speak but like
643s I'm sure there'll be building time where
647s you'll see stuff and and like people who
650s are they'll be people like releasing
651s videos uh covering it as well if you
653s don't want to watch the whole the whole
654s show
657s but I think it's gonna be a ton of fun
658s really interesting I'm really excited to
660s see something like that live I've never
661s been to a
662s um like a broadcasted game convention
664s live like that
677s doing the balance between melee and
679s range is a good place right now uh game
681s feels harder as mainly for you yeah I
683s mean there's
684s um
686s I I don't think that there's a clear
690s distinction like all ranged is better
691s than all melee or something like that
694s um maybe if you look at like
696s uh maybe if you like take a look like
698s the top range build and the top melee
701s build it might be like easy to draw a
703s comparison like that
705s um
706s or like like the top three range builds
708s the top three melee builds I don't know
710s but or like you look at the top 20
711s builds and how many little Rings number
712s your melee and you start to see things
714s like that show up
716s um so it might there might be like
717s discrepancies at that like higher end
719s content
721s um overall I think there's there's a
723s pretty good distinction there
726s um like like not too much of a
730s uh disparity overall
732s um
733s because like there are there are fun
735s ways to play melee for sure that are
737s that are functional and you know all
738s that sort of stuff
740s um
745s so I mean overall
747s Eastern good maybe not uh as good as we
750s want maybe not perfect
754s it's like the eighth phone call I've got
756s since being on the air that's
758s frustrating
760s uh
779s but like there's things that
783s yeah it's it's hard to have that that be
786s perfectly balanced I don't think it ever
787s will be because range has like the
789s inherent bonus of just being able to be
791s further away from enemies and
794s um we do have like there's some we do
796s have a way to and we do this sometimes
797s where
798s um enemies will use different abilities
800s based on how far away they are from you
801s so like if someone is playing very long
804s range maybe like certain certain enemies
806s will have like a move that's designed to
809s like Target ranged enemies and like mess
812s with mess them a bit
814s um or maybe specifically designed to
816s Target melee enemies and that's a little
817s bit
819s so we do we do have that um
822s functionality in the game but it does
824s get used
832s but it's hard to tell like we can see
834s how far away like enemies can tell far
835s away they're standing from you but it's
836s hard for them to tell like if you're a
839s ranged build or not like if you're a
841s range build that's just standing kind of
843s close it might look to them like you're
844s a melee build so it's it's not something
846s we like straight up rely on always
862s there we go
866s oh
868s it's not Frailty in there
872s uh more questions
874s I hope you guys all the good time games
877s gone thank you very much and no trouble
879s traveling there I heard uh US Air Travel
881s is a mess right now I will not be going
884s through any US Air travel so I'll be
885s fine
903s sure
907s Arena time
912s we got a question here hey I recently
914s picked up last Deepak it's been
916s amazingly fun to mess around with all
918s these systems if you had to pick one
920s what was your biggest tip you could give
921s someone new to the game I like
926s the the kind of cop-out answer but like
928s is my favorite answer to this question
930s is
931s um you know like just mess around like
934s have fun with it
936s um
938s just explore and experiment and uh like
941s at least like at least when you're first
943s starting out just like make mistakes
946s and and like try things and have to fix
949s them and and
951s um
952s you know that's that would be would be
953s my advice
955s um
972s smelled like someone was overcooking Mr
975s Noodles for a second
978s like you don't you know like though you
979s leave it on for too long and like the
981s water Cooks down because you you got you
983s got into a game of League that took
984s longer than you thought
988s I mean this has never happened to me I
989s swear
992s it was like severely overcooked Miss
994s noodles
998s thank you
1000s um but we're talking like like uh tips
1002s in games like make your make yourself
1004s better for like early early tips
1007s um craft early craft often
1010s um you'll find a lot of the materials
1012s you need don't be afraid to use what you
1013s have
1014s um experiment with the crafting
1019s you'll um
1021s you'll you'll you'll have better gear to
1024s do things with faster and you'll you'll
1026s end up like getting better stuff faster
1029s because of it
1056s another phone call
1057s this is wild
1059s they're like they're all scammers you
1061s just tell from the numbers
1072s foreign
1084s how will the trade work I assuming when
1089s it comes to uh crafted items will trade
1091s be in-game or website
1093s um so oh yeah work right afterwards
1097s um there's there's a we've got we've got
1098s a really large uh post on our forums uh
1101s from like February this year that's uh
1104s that outlines in detail exactly how
1106s trade's gonna work
1108s um so if you want specifics my devices
1109s go check that out
1111s um sort of the tldr overview version of
1114s it is
1116s um
1117s we're doing in auction house style
1119s system
1121s um so there's a uh it's also an optional
1124s trade system so you don't need to you
1126s have to opt into using the trade system
1128s and if you don't use the trade system
1130s you get other things in exchange so it's
1133s an optional trade system
1135s um and you can play with people who
1136s aren't
1138s like like you can cross play trade no
1140s trade people
1142s um
1144s and you can switch which I know all
1146s these things sound ridiculous like how
1147s can you possibly make this work there's
1148s a lot of little details on this post so
1150s if you if you're interested in those
1151s details go look at it look it up
1153s um but yeah basically it's gonna be an
1155s auction style system where you'll you
1156s put things up for sale and people come
1158s buy them
1159s um
1160s we're calling it the bizarre
1163s um
1167s and and like I use auction house style
1169s but it'll be it'll be like buy it now it
1171s won't be like bid
1173s on things
1175s um
1184s it's kind of the basics of it it's
1186s beautiful style system
1191s and it's it because because there's no
1194s bidding it does function more like a
1195s bizarre
1197s um which is what we're calling it that
1212s hey hello I finally tried the new act
1216s one I got a bit of feedback cool it felt
1219s significantly harder than the OG one and
1221s simulate road yeah which is great we we
1224s frequently got uh feedback especially
1227s the side of the game was just way too
1228s easy
1234s yeah sure
1236s uh otherwise oh you didn't like that
1238s sorry otherwise I love the new mechanics
1240s the inclusion of model mechanics and
1241s specifically the art and voice acting
1243s awesome
1245s on another topic what do you guys think
1247s of Exile Khan and it's big enough sort
1249s of pv2 is a separate game that was a big
1252s one uh and it's promised slow down
1254s features like boss life reset Fountain
1258s um would you guys Implement any of these
1259s features in Le so I mean yeah so we we
1261s really frequently first off um I loved
1263s uh I love watching silicon a ton of fun
1266s with that that was fantastic
1268s um there was there was an arpg
1270s Roundtable discussion with like the
1272s shift brothers and uh and brevik and
1277s um like uh cripp was hosting it there's
1279s a couple other big names there that were
1281s like yeah this is like wow
1284s um like people who made Torchlight and
1286s Diablo and
1287s um Marvel heroes and I know I'm
1289s basically just mentioning one person by
1290s saying all that but still
1293s um
1296s it was fantastic I had a ton of fun with
1298s it really enjoyed it
1300s um
1303s there was in in the in the AMG
1306s Roundtable Obsession there was a lot of
1308s stuff and I'm like oh I've watched
1309s interviews before that had this question
1310s of this answer already ah give me some
1312s new questions but I mean they were they
1314s were really good questions and it was it
1315s was really neat to have them all there
1316s together
1317s um anyways um
1321s what was the actual question I'm just
1322s like gushing about exalcon
1325s yeah Poe too I was I was blown away I
1328s thought I thought I think it's a smart
1329s idea for them to do what they've done
1331s with poe2
1333s um they're not in a huge rush to uh to
1335s power out the door
1337s um like Poe still has
1339s tons of of active users and everything
1342s um I think it's really smart for them to
1344s to to to split them off more because it
1347s lets them not
1348s um it lets them it gives them a ton of
1351s Freedom basically they don't have to
1353s um there's not there's nothing that is
1355s directly linked to poe1 that has to
1357s remain so they can um they can they can
1360s do they can do shakeups that they
1361s couldn't do otherwise and I think that's
1363s that's likely why it happened they
1365s probably were designing something and
1366s they're like I mean if we just split
1368s this from poe1 we can design this thing
1370s we want to do
1371s and they're like
1373s I mean dude just do just do it
1376s all right let's do it that's not how I
1378s feel like that conversation went I who
1380s knows really but
1382s um I think it's smart I think it's great
1384s and um
1386s the new gameplay looks fantastic oh it
1389s looks great
1393s Lusty [ __ ] great I'm just gushing about
1396s another game
1397s no I think there's there's and we we
1399s I've quite a few questions of like
1400s competing in the genre and stuff like
1402s that there's plenty of room for multiple
1403s people to play multiple games exist in
1405s the same genre everything
1406s um and yeah we're competing with them
1407s for sure
1409s um I'd like to accomplishing to continue
1411s I don't want and we also get questions a
1413s lot about like oh is it gonna kill this
1414s game or is that going to kill this game
1415s it's like ah let's not kill any games
1421s as for like bringing features over
1424s we really try super hard not to be
1427s um not to look at another game another
1429s feature and say like
1431s do we want to incorporate that into our
1432s game or not
1434s um
1435s it's it's tough to look at new features
1437s in other games and not have that go
1439s through your head but we try really hard
1440s to like
1442s distance it a little bit and um like you
1444s know like we'll make our game they'll
1445s make their game sometimes there's
1446s features that'll overlap but like it's
1449s so it's so
1451s difficult to transplant a feature and
1453s have it be successful even if it was
1455s successful in the other game because
1457s there's so many things that tie in
1458s together so many especially systems
1460s heavy games like air budgies like these
1461s is that there's so many things that that
1463s like intertwine
1467s um and it would it's it's really hard to
1469s transplant a system in general
1471s um
1473s and you know the whole like copying
1475s people is
1477s bad
1479s you know
1493s we we do it's it is funny though
1495s sometimes you will uh be working on
1497s something and another game will like
1500s announce it and you're like uh
1503s is is that's uh that's oh uh can we
1507s still release this now
1511s a couple times three things on streams
1516s um we'll see what happens there
1537s uh is there any like maybe feeling when
1541s the new masteries will come out I really
1543s wanted to try Warlock and remaster I'm
1545s sorry I can't give you any info about
1547s the details on Room Master where Locker
1549s Falconer are gonna come out like like no
1550s specifics because it just it like gives
1553s away other specific timelines that we're
1555s not prepared to talk about yet but like
1559s when when 1.0 is out
1561s and you and you log into that 1.0 client
1564s oh all three of them will be there no
1567s problem go for it have fun
1577s how big is the elite team I don't know
1579s uh it's big enough that I don't know the
1582s answer that question I'm gonna say with
1584s like a big question mark 75
1593s uh by the way I saw you guys added empty
1597s extreme now I was wondering what the um
1599s what the decorative ones are for will
1601s you guys add a hiding system MTX screen
1604s and was wondering what the decorative
1605s ones are for to look cool
1611s I think is all that is
1614s um
1615s there's no mechanical functional
1617s differences uh like we've got
1622s stop calling me scammers it's like they
1625s know I'm doing something
1631s uh
1634s uh yeah so there's like
1637s um
1639s MTX stuff here it's purely visual
1641s nothing's functional
1646s um and as far as as a hideout system
1650s um we don't have plans for Hideout
1652s system right now
1653s uh we're when we look at multiplayer
1656s features
1658s and and things like I guess title
1659s systems uh we really try to see if
1663s they're going to
1665s we like to encourage the the ideas that
1668s will
1668s um make the world feel more alive bring
1671s bring people together when they're
1672s playing
1673s um like encourage this multiplayer feel
1676s for the game where where like there's a
1678s reason to be online and and you're like
1680s seeing other people and all sort of
1681s stuff and maybe you like see someone
1684s walking around in town with this like
1686s epic sword and you're like how that like
1688s what is that or or maybe
1690s um there's some cool title they have
1692s under their character name and it's like
1693s oh how'd you get that you know and and
1695s that like that community building that
1697s happens from inside the game just being
1698s an ultimate World
1700s um I I think that hideouts have the
1703s potential to detract from that because
1706s they're because you're kind of like
1707s going off into your own little space and
1709s ditching what everyone else like
1711s ditching that public space for your own
1713s personal space
1716s always the the mini map always gets me
1719s here I don't know why it does this
1721s happens every time I know it's there
1727s I'm just in my head I'm like okay we're
1728s going down left in the corner and I know
1730s there's like a diagonal thing I gotta go
1731s out on
1742s all right
1745s uh don't know how often this is brought
1748s up but is there any development going
1750s towards base design of current classes
1752s and specializations obviously does well
1754s when it comes to support or defense
1755s skills kind of uh it kind it feels like
1758s it falls short
1760s um as an example the Mage often going
1762s for flame Warden teleport since it fits
1765s so well with no close call so that could
1767s bring it to a choice any other
1769s self-imposed decisions not using said
1772s skills
1774s um other than self-imposition spellings
1777s in school there are um
1781s well specifically you bring it made
1782s specifically and like there's it's still
1784s missing that that final class so like
1787s there's there's five skills that are
1789s still missing here
1790s um and
1793s uh there's there's stuff that's coming
1796s in those skills eventually
1800s um that will help with that a little bit
1801s it's really hard to make
1804s like
1805s um because like skill trees for
1808s defensive and movement skills are really
1810s difficult to make unique and distinct
1813s and
1814s um have multiple of them on a single
1817s class that feel unique in distinct
1819s um
1821s there's it's it's it's the type of skill
1823s we struggle with the most on on keeping
1825s them interesting fun and so like fitting
1828s our requirements for the sort of thing
1830s that needs to make it into the game and
1833s um like we've we've combined movement
1835s and defensive skills together so many
1836s times on various classes it's great
1839s um
1841s now there are more movement and
1843s defensive skills I know this
1846s uh yeah
2059s foreign
2067s I feel like there's a no I said vacuum
2069s moment coming up
2072s you finally
2073s find these Hearts you like
2075s okay we're extremely starting we're
2077s gonna restart this
2078s on back
2080s I was like just about to hit the end
2082s stream button
2084s okay sweet we're not restarting the
2086s stream hey
2092s it just couldn't handle my awesome
2096s you know Thai fish no that was just me
2098s being high pitched
2099s sound quality is really rough
2112s helium voices even better
2124s okay
2127s how my voice sounds now
2130s I hope it's normal
2132s okay I scroll past some questions I
2135s think
2140s I'm sorry if I missed your question
2152s I'm just gonna pretend like it's working
2155s we're good save sounds good okay awesome
2157s um here's a uh sorry my stream is weird
2160s spoiler
2161s ha ha
2165s um sweet new item some some throwing
2168s themed armor
2177s I'm like I'm looking at this armor and
2178s I'm like I think there's a bug on one of
2181s the throwing skills that I'm gonna make
2182s sure is uh working before uh we release
2186s this
2191s I think I'm gonna stick that off to the
2192s side
2197s let's have that little hanging up there
2200s okay uh thank you so much for adding
2203s South American Service to the game it's
2204s a huge quality of life for 190 plus next
2207s to American Service which is the next
2208s closest ones funny enough there were
2210s always South American servers
2213s and it was the auto
2216s ping selection the pain to the auto
2219s painting to the South American servers
2221s was frequently uh getting
2225s um de-prioritized across networks
2227s causing it to appear as though it was
2229s much much worse pain than it actually
2232s was
2233s and causing the system to be like well
2235s it was terrible so I'm not gonna use
2236s that one
2238s um we changed the way the auto selection
2239s happens and added manual selection
2243s just in case
2246s um and now people are able to play in
2247s South American Service properly
2251s so it's like we added them because they
2253s effectively weren't there for most
2254s people
2258s so glad you're joining
2259s uh since you brought up Warlock and you
2261s were luckily teasers I haven't I have no
2263s warlock anything to share with you
2266s um
2268s I can I can I give like little anecdote
2271s stuff that kind of means nothing there's
2272s so um if anyone I know I bring it
2274s magical magic the other in the card game
2276s channel uh quite a bit but if um if
2278s you're familiar at all with how they do
2279s releases
2281s um Mark rosewater Mario for short is
2284s um he runs a uh a Blog that he
2288s frequently will
2290s uh what a new Quest or a new Quest what
2292s a new um
2294s sets coming out he will sort of he'll
2297s leave
2298s obtuse teasers
2300s honestly like there's a new creature
2302s coming out that's uh a dragon cat and
2306s you're like what a cat dragon that's new
2309s let's speculate on what that means and
2313s um
2314s so I can I can give myself like on that
2316s level but it really doesn't tell you
2317s anything so like
2319s there's some new tech we had to develop
2320s for
2322s um
2324s for warlock to work
2327s around around it's like
2328s oh like defining the class mechanic
2331s Mastery mechanic
2336s um like it's it's this thing this is up
2339s here
2341s um
2351s I don't know how to teach that properly
2353s I'm sorry I got I got nothing
2360s one of one of the skills so we are
2362s making five new skills for warlock
2365s um one of which is actually going to be
2367s added to Acolyte and we're pulling an
2370s acolyte skill into warlock because we
2372s think it just fits really well
2381s all right with all the beans spilled
2384s beans beasts will will all of the beans
2386s be sold at Gamescom or will it still be
2388s a to be announced up still I'm honestly
2390s I'm not sure all of the things being
2392s spilled at Gamescom
2394s um I do know that a extremely large
2398s number of the beans if not all of them
2400s are being still the game's gone
2406s the like the the beans you're really
2408s interested in there's some beans that
2410s are like they're cool when they get
2412s spilled but like you're not excited when
2414s they get spilled you're like like that's
2415s neat but like some people are excited
2417s over those beings but like they're
2418s really the like Prime beans that
2421s everyone's like gotta get those beans
2422s out those those ones are
2427s are going to be exciting to see what
2429s happens when they when they spill
2432s I don't know this metaphor fell apart a
2433s long time ago
2438s oh God
2455s uh more questions
2457s uh is there only the additional flask
2460s that deals more damage or the whole
2461s ability is it only the additional flask
2464s that deals more damage to the whole
2465s ability
2468s oh oh the item the item the item
2473s uh
2476s uh throwing ask class consumes a potion
2479s in order to throw an additional flask
2480s that deals 158 more damage
2483s um the additional flask gets the bonus
2485s and it's the whole the ability it's it's
2488s like it's it's the exact same as if you
2490s had 150 more damage on a piece of gear
2494s but it's just for that one
2506s uh quick question what happens to my
2510s character when I log out I'm on a hard
2512s course that's important to want to
2513s disconnect to be precise
2515s um
2517s I I can't give you uh like a hard
2522s um this is exactly like specifically
2524s what happens on like the server back and
2526s everything like that
2527s um
2528s you there if you're if you're looking to
2531s like alt like oh I'm about to die Alta
2534s four
2535s um there is a very brief window where
2537s something bad could still happen to you
2539s if you also for
2540s um
2542s or or like file exit that sort of stuff
2544s like there there is a brief window there
2547s um and if you have really high paying
2548s there's uh the the window is dependent
2551s on the Ping
2553s um
2556s as far as I know it is
2558s um it does try to
2562s um it does try to be nice about that and
2565s there there's a fine line I can tell you
2567s a bit of the problems on why it's not
2569s just uh you're guarantee 100 save
2572s um
2573s part part of it is
2576s um Ulta for him to save a character like
2578s that is
2579s it's not exactly
2582s like it's not it's not cheating I I want
2585s to be clear though we're not we're not
2586s saying it's cheating but it is
2589s um maybe not yeah uh primary intended
2592s gameplay functionality
2594s you know
2595s um
2597s and and like portals open quickly and
2599s you can get out very quickly so like
2600s there's not there's not a lot of time
2603s there but it doesn't just like the
2604s instant you hit log out or the hint
2606s instant you hit Altar for it doesn't
2608s instantly make you perfectly safe 100
2613s um and so part of that is just we don't
2615s always know for certain that you have
2617s disconnected immediately maybe um maybe
2620s it's just like a couple packets got
2621s dropped and you know like it's it's
2624s you're still very much there and we
2626s don't want to just like kick you out too
2627s soon
2628s um and
2631s there there is some
2633s kind of obscure opportunity we don't
2635s want to leave the door open for abuse of
2637s the system whereby there's like some
2639s program that like blocks a couple
2640s packets and it forces you to be
2642s invulable for a few seconds you can't
2643s like I don't know write a weird macro
2645s script that's like
2647s um oh a boss is about to use this big
2649s ability uh fake mini disconnect right
2652s here and it just like the game's like oh
2654s you're fine then it's like in order so
2656s it's not frustrating to play
2658s um it like lets you resume play part
2660s with you when you reconnect
2662s um so there's like there's like a
2664s threshold where like if you if there's
2666s little enough like there's um no
2668s connection for long enough it does
2669s protect you and and kick you out and all
2672s sort of stuff
2677s uh
2678s do I know how long that is no I'm sorry
2680s I don't
2684s it does it does try to be pretty
2685s aggressive and protect you because we
2687s know that it's
2688s um
2690s incredibly frustrating to be in a
2693s situation where it like even just like
2695s through no fault of your own like you're
2696s not even trying to skirt a system and
2698s your internet just goes down and you die
2700s because your internet went down a
2701s hardcore like that's awful or or maybe
2704s there's a problem with our server
2705s infrastructure that's like really not
2707s like it's our fault that you died that's
2709s the thing and like so avoiding those
2711s situations is extremely important
2715s um and we just try and take as many
2717s steps as we can to to make sure that
2718s doesn't happen or or happens as little
2720s as possible
2722s and there are situations where it can
2724s with there's there's still a bug that's
2725s on live right now around loading's time
2727s loading screens and I see people come
2729s and ask me like why does it do this and
2731s like well it does do that it's just not
2733s perfect of doing that yet
2736s um
2746s so if the game ever thinks that you are
2748s not there
2749s uh it will protect your character
2752s but if the game still thinks you're
2753s there it will not protect your character
2756s that's cool not about that item
2775s good question uh how often do you have
2778s to introduce a new code functionality
2779s When developing new skills every single
2781s skill uh that I've worked on has always
2785s had to add new functionality
2788s there's there's always been something
2790s new for every skill it's like
2793s yeah we should we should have that it's
2794s not into like little tiny things
2796s um
2797s sometimes they're huge things there was
2799s there was a
2801s um
2805s oh like
2808s Master skills that I've been working on
2810s recently
2811s um
2812s I almost said like the name of one of
2814s them like wait I can't just call them
2815s just called remaster skills
2817s um
2819s yeah so there's there's been there's
2821s been quite a lot of stuff recently that
2823s that have been interesting a lot of new
2825s Mechanics for skills it's it's really
2826s common because so so frequently whenever
2829s like we'll be making new making you're
2833s making a new skill and you're like okay
2835s well it's got to be distinct from like
2837s there's so many other skills that are
2838s that are just naturally similar like
2840s there's okay you're making a projectile
2841s skill on on Rune Master let's say and
2845s you're like okay well we've got
2846s lightning blast Fireball
2850s um like static this is a great Glacier
2852s volcanic orb they all have like
2855s elements of that already there's there's
2857s like
2858s there's so many things that have
2860s projectile elements to them like you may
2862s not consider meteor like a projectile
2863s scale but it kind of is in a sense you
2865s know it's just there's so many of these
2868s um they're like oh it's kind of like
2870s that in this other skill like oh it's
2872s how do we make it unique
2875s and most the time it's just like well
2876s how we're gonna make it unique is by
2878s making new functionality that didn't
2879s exist so we made that other skill
2897s like there's uh
2899s this new ability that's like it's a
2900s channeling ability but it it behaves
2903s differently than other channeling
2904s abilities and like so we had to make a
2907s bunch of like new functionality around
2908s skills and channeling abilities to
2910s detect this like new style of channeling
2912s abilities
2915s it's got like nothing to do with the
2917s skill really it's just
2918s that's a ton of Mana
2933s uh can you tell us which skill is moving
2935s from acolyte to warlock
2938s um
2943s I'll find out open Loud to say that
2948s I think it's
2949s someone who has the authority that's
2950s listening right now that can tell me to
2952s do that or not
2961s there's some warlock beans in my life
2968s like Kane if you're if you're here can
2971s you uh tell me who I'm allowed to tell
2972s them which skill
2973s is it's moving
2978s uh
2993s uh will there be any twitch intuition
2996s like where I can Mouse over the screen
2998s in twitch to see a character and what
2999s items it has and such
3002s um hmm that specific functionality is
3004s tough because that information is not
3006s stored anywhere outside of the game
3007s client itself right now
3009s um so there's no way for the for any
3011s integration to look that that
3013s information up
3014s um whereas like Poe does have like an
3016s Armory system that it can it can look
3018s that information up
3020s uh having some sort of twitch
3022s integration yeah that's that's like on
3024s the list it's a it's way down the list
3026s type thing but um yeah that type of that
3029s type of functionality is something that
3030s we're interested in
3031s um
3034s some some stuff would have to change
3036s with regards to
3039s um what information we store and make
3041s available online before we can Implement
3043s that specifically
3048s um
3049s and we we also do know that a lot of
3051s people are less interested in sharing
3053s their character information with with
3055s everyone
3057s um so there are a system like that
3059s probably would have like an opt-out in
3062s it
3082s nice
3086s it's boss fighting time
3096s are there any plans to make it more
3099s worthwhile to fill up the echo stability
3101s bar especially for big Maps usually not
3104s worth it to bother with it at all right
3106s now
3108s um nothing in particular is planned for
3109s that no
3111s um I can see that being something that
3113s maybe ties into a mechanic down the road
3114s as as the model of mechanics get
3117s expanded on that sort of stuff maybe
3118s that's that sounds like a great Target
3122s um
3123s to to a great like a great thing to
3125s Target for
3127s um a cycle where it's like okay there's
3128s this new mechanic we're interested in
3129s this cycle
3131s um and it lets you utilize like overflow
3136s um or whatever
3139s overflow stability I think it does save
3142s it like when we do this it's gonna like
3144s pay 700 or whatever like the cost is
3150s and let me keep the rest I think
3153s I actually know what the number is
3164s uh what's your favorite thing that is
3166s not in the game yet everything we're
3168s showing off at Gamescom
3172s in all reality though it's probably
3174s actually the um
3177s uh
3178s uh the the item factions
3182s I think that's one of those things
3183s that's a
3185s um it's but but it means underrated but
3188s just like it's a really I think it's
3191s gonna be really impactful
3192s uh addition to the game
3196s um
3198s and it's gonna be something that there's
3200s there's a couple things that like you
3201s can really point to is that like make
3203s each game unique and set them out set
3205s something apart like you talk about Poe
3206s like what like what makes Poe really
3208s special or like unique and stand out
3211s um at least back when I heard about it
3212s and it was like the first time someone
3214s opened up the passive window and I was
3216s just like oh my God that thing is
3217s ginormous give me a week and I will
3221s absorb
3226s what was it like eight years later I'm
3228s still trying to figure out what I'm
3229s doing in there
3230s but you know there's there's things like
3232s that and right right now our biggest
3234s thing is like every skill is a tree
3236s every skill has a tree
3238s um I think item factions might fall into
3240s that category for us as well
3245s all right have you thought of a way to
3247s rewards lessons that somebody's players
3249s who like to kill all the monsters of the
3251s map instead of just running towards the
3253s gaps arrows and
3255s um thanks I'm a good Lutzer uh yeah yeah
3258s um and there already are some systems in
3260s the game that do that
3264s I gotta Focus through our mechanics here
3265s that will just get me killed I'm like
3267s Cobra is like Cold's okay
3269s um
3271s the uh that that chest that like golden
3274s shiny chest that's at the uh the end of
3277s time or the M rest
3280s whatever we're calling it these days
3282s um that is the the loot that drops out
3286s of that scales with the
3289s um number of enemies you kill and you
3291s also
3292s um you also get more
3294s uh more stability from killing more
3297s enemies so yeah like there's there's
3298s things that do help to say like hey you
3300s should kill more things
3302s um
3308s oh something is
3310s something well it's a little wonky there
3314s possibly still is
3324s yeah I'm getting like Frozen in place
3326s and it's it's not registering locally
3342s um
3344s this could be iffy if I make this
3351s time down in the corner
3361s uh
3362s uh what was I talking about uh things
3363s for
3365s um all uh clearing out Echoes yes
3368s um I I think it's
3370s the the most important thing the things
3373s we yes we're
3376s we are looking at adding more features
3378s to incentivize exploring more of the
3382s Echo and it's less about like clearing
3384s all of the enemies and more about
3386s exploring the echo so it's like
3390s um because we we added things to like
3393s say hey like killing more enemies is
3395s good right and there was there was very
3398s little difference that happened in the
3400s uh behavior of most players in how much
3403s of the enemies they kill in an echo
3405s there's some but it was it was instead
3407s of like let me beeline to the end and
3409s don't care about anything it became let
3411s me get to the end as quick as possible
3413s but you know like if there's convenient
3415s things to kill I'll also kill those
3417s along the way
3419s which which is which is good which is an
3421s improvement but it's not where we want
3422s it to be
3424s um and we
3427s we've realized that it's more it's less
3429s about trying to get people to kill all
3430s the enemies and putting people in a
3432s situation where they they happen upon
3434s more animes
3437s um
3437s and and have a reason to kill them so
3439s it's it's it's and the way we get people
3441s to happen upon more enemies is by oh it
3444s thinks I'm still in there
3446s um by giving them a reason to explore so
3448s it's more about having a reason to
3450s explore through like unexpected
3451s mechanics
3453s um and and things that are like you
3456s might you might find this if you explore
3457s a little bit and or oh there's a reason
3460s that there's a thing in this one and if
3462s I explore I'll find the thing maybe
3463s things like that or they're hey there's
3465s this there's this thing that's going to
3467s run away from me this is the classic
3468s treasure girl that I was bringing up
3470s um
3471s but it's it's having
3474s these reasons to explore
3482s and uh rewarding the player for doing so
3485s that we're really focusing on
3495s and this my friends is why you need
3497s culling
3506s I am shocked that I did that first try
3511s oh
3514s yeah we're definitely taking the cold
3515s Reds
3517s that's an easy pickup
3521s nice
3523s good job
3525s Let's uh
3527s realize there's still a little spoiler
3529s on screen
3531s no big deal
3533s I'm gonna take that down
3537s we're one away
3540s one away we don't even started a little
3543s bit a little bit of work already looks
3545s like I failed pretty hard though three
3547s of those in a row
3549s four oh no
3551s I remember this
3553s I was getting my butt kicked
3578s sorry I'm late to the stream that's all
3580s right please repeat everything you said
3582s while I was gone also High Mike I know
3585s the exorced sorry I will not be
3586s repeating everything I said
3589s uh how many years his last debuggling
3592s played by the general public
3595s um quite a while like our we've always
3599s had a public uh game clients
3603s um
3604s it's like five years
3628s don't want to say yeah oh ruining all my
3631s fun great now I get to blame you yes not
3633s my fault have you thought of a major
3636s reward and sometimes players like to
3637s kill all Monsters uh of a campaign map
3640s instead is running towards the GPS arrow
3642s uh thanks a good leader yeah oh is that
3644s the same question that looks at the same
3645s question
3651s yeah same answer I think it's slightly
3654s reworded
3656s uh when will we be able to pet the dog
3658s in Ellie I don't know but where I'll
3661s I'll make sure we get there eventually
3745s foreign
3747s Gonna Keep I'm gonna keep killing stuff
3750s because I I want my I want to finish the
3752s the echo
3757s are we good yeah yeah
3764s he's back yeah all right
3769s kids response uh just now got me curious
3772s about how far the enemy AI
3775s how far is the enemy AI active in last
3777s Epoch I mean so it's always active
3782s um
3786s it uh looks through it it looks through
3790s a list of abilities that it has
3794s um
3795s so so the enemy it'll have it'll have an
3797s ability that's like
3800s it'll it'll have all listabilities and
3802s it'll be like melee attack
3806s um
3807s engage at 10 units
3811s uh attack at two units
3816s um leash at 15
3819s units you know like it's it'll be
3821s basically like that and it'll have like
3823s ranged attack
3827s but it'll be engaged and like shoot at
3829s nine units and and we should like I
3833s don't know
3833s 18 units or whatever so it'll it'll kind
3837s of be set up like this and it just
3842s oh typing
3845s it takes so much worse when someone's
3846s watching it's so frustrating anyways
3848s um the so the melee so so the like it's
3852s always checking to see if there's
3853s anything in these ranges and and maybe
3855s maybe this one's at like two and this
3857s one's at like
3859s 20 or something like that
3861s and so when you when you are at close
3864s range it'll start using this one
3867s um but if it's if you're at long range
3868s it'll only use this one type thing and
3870s it's always doing that
3878s trading when when it's ready
3882s and rest the internal name for area uh
3885s after the mono plus him at the campaign
3886s zones whatever the models sorry
3890s same answer applies though
3893s oh as far as incentivizing killing those
3894s things now we we don't have anything to
3896s incentivize killing all the monsters in
3898s the campaign right now
3899s um but the solution's still the same uh
3902s and it's so it's still the same thing so
3904s effectively we're still going to
3906s um we're still like the mechanics I'm
3909s talking about adding for making
3911s exploration like rewarding exploration
3913s and killing more things uh it's still
3915s going to happen in the campaign as well
3935s my goodness um
3938s oh
3940s that was I don't I've never seen this
3942s concentration of scam calls this is
3944s insane
3946s um
3949s uh when will we be getting a very
3951s special edition of last Epoch for our
3953s Alexis
3956s I
3957s don't know
3960s like like like a we don't have any box
3962s editions planned at the moment I really
3964s want one though like if we like never
3966s release a box version I'm just gonna
3968s like make my own
3971s just like 3D print the Box
3974s if I ever fix my printer one day I'll
3977s fix this
3979s should be unique items that can only
3981s drop from the chest this would help
3982s getting people to want to kill stuff at
3984s a higher chances at city meets the
3986s thought I mean that's that's basically a
3988s um
3989s like just a unique Shrine right
3995s but I do agree with things like that
3998s being there and we have similar but
4000s slightly different plans
4002s for things like that
4010s uh will the feel of battle still be
4013s improved I mean I we're always improving
4015s that sort of stuff I personally think
4018s it's like great right now but like
4021s there's still room for fantastic
4027s so yes
4029s we're always working to improve it
4033s and sometimes it's really little things
4034s like
4035s um
4037s uh like the timing of when sounds happen
4040s and uh being able to change the
4042s different sounds based on how the skill
4044s is uh specialized So like
4047s um this was a couple years ago this was
4049s added but like I think it really helped
4051s where we can change the casting sound
4055s that's gonna happen based on the element
4057s that the skills converted to so like if
4059s you add lightning to Fireball or or a
4062s better example probably is if you
4063s convert lightning blast to cold the the
4065s sound that it makes when you cast it
4067s changes
4069s um
4071s which is which is pretty obvious but
4073s like
4074s um
4075s didn't exist at one point and uh so yeah
4078s we're we're constantly adding things
4080s like that
4081s um just to give us new tools to make it
4082s feel better and then we're also just
4083s going back and looking at how things
4085s were set up maybe this maybe it's an
4087s animation it's really old or VFX that
4089s that's just out of date that sort of
4091s thing so yeah we go back and approve old
4093s things like that
4094s um
4095s and sometimes we make more wholesale
4096s changes
4098s um
4100s I feel like there's there's room for
4102s improvement here big time
4107s we are using this for
4109s poison res which were over capped on
4111s so we can get some lightning or void
4114s Reds out of it that'll be sweet
4123s that one's just sweet in general
4131s is
4133s poison daily is kind of weak
4142s and place it on that's just brutal
4143s though okay let's uh let's do a lot
4146s let's do a little little mini crafting
4148s sesh here
4149s let me see if I can just
4151s hammer out something that's better
4154s start with this we don't need physical
4155s damage
4157s got me dots
4160s channeling don't need Dot
4165s let's actually try to uh strip one
4172s like this one
4174s random athletes
4183s never mind
4185s oh
4194s it's actually a discovery
4196s res
4198s covery doesn't cost forging potential
4200s which is why I did that one
4201s um so it's three
4205s uh we do need Fizz runs let's just let's
4208s just go
4219s I mean there we go there's there's a T20
4221s item
4246s the poison that was bad still
4250s I'm missing some poison now
4260s no no I just like the other one better
4264s let's roll with it
4269s it's an upgrade actually
4280s what do we got what do we got
4286s let's yeah let's just take a brief
4288s moment here here's a little clip for an
4291s update uh an update to an existing skill
4295s in Mage actually
4297s it's a little there's a lot going on
4299s here so I played a couple times
4310s hello
4312s I'm gonna replay
4315s I swear I said it's auto replay loop I
4317s did not set it to Luke
4319s whoops
4322s so you might say hey it's a meteor skill
4326s they're not casting meteor but how are
4329s meteors falling in such a meteor shower
4330s like fashion
4341s cool there we go
4344s uh how have there been some concrete
4347s development on making XP Manor past
4348s level 100 no we haven't touched on it at
4351s all yet
4352s we we are
4355s um
4357s there's less of a uh
4361s I will have less of a problem in general
4363s because there's you'll spend less time
4365s at level 100.
4367s um because it'll take longer to get to
4368s 100.
4373s it'll be more stuff to do so maybe just
4374s no more time in the end in general but
4381s uh are these uniques you've been teasing
4384s coming in 0.92 or later or a mix
4387s um I try really hard to only show stuff
4389s that's coming in like the next patch
4391s some sometimes we we don't I try and
4394s point that out when I do so so far all
4395s the unique items that I teased on stream
4397s uh since lastpatch are coming for 0.92
4400s next patch unique items are pretty safe
4403s to not be um
4406s uh long-term teachers
4409s because we usually make unique items
4410s pretty close to when they're coming out
4421s my audio died I've seen this has already
4423s come back since then
4426s uh I'm the one who asked the same
4428s question twice because I meant
4430s uh incentive to Clean Campaign maps not
4433s just mods yeah
4436s sorry about that mix up
4438s and yeah basically it's the same the
4440s same the stuff we're putting into
4442s um monoliths to help incentivize that is
4445s um gonna be just generic stuff but it's
4448s also um
4450s like we we are trying to improve the
4452s like the side quests that that happen
4455s um and like there's side quests that you
4456s find in the world so you don't
4458s necessarily get all your side quests in
4460s town sometimes you get side quests by
4462s like exploring the world itself
4466s little things like shrines we put in
4468s there so yeah it's it's we feel it's
4470s about incentivizing exploration rather
4472s than incentivizing The Killing
4480s I mean the incentive incentive for the
4481s killing is that the stuff you're killing
4483s is gonna drop gear and give you
4484s experience and help your character grow
4486s right
4509s would be possible to make model nodes
4512s increase affix X drop chance for the
4514s final loot box as you travel through it
4517s when you [ __ ]
4519s um
4533s I don't understand the suggestion but if
4535s you want to write it out in with more
4536s space uh forms and Discord are a great
4540s place to put suggestions
4541s where someone will actually read them
4543s with the intention of possibly using it
4552s uh I miss one
4559s uh what did you think of PeeWee two uh
4563s are you taking anything from it I did
4564s answer this question already on stream
4565s so
4567s um
4568s go back and and check that answer in
4570s full
4572s um tldr version uh I I think it looks
4575s sweet I'm super pumped for it
4578s um
4579s and
4581s uh no we're not specifically taking
4583s anything from it but I think that uh
4586s that doesn't mean we're not gonna do
4587s anything that's like similar but we're
4590s just gonna keep making our game and
4592s um there were definitely things that
4593s we've been planning to do uh that showed
4596s up in that stream that were like
4599s well great minds think alike
4608s uh
4611s a very special edition was for reference
4613s to a joke Skyrim release commercial ah I
4615s I I was out of the loop on that one
4617s sorry
4618s uh how have there been some developments
4620s on making oh I feel like
4625s uh
4628s will it be steam deck support 1.0 I
4630s can't guarantee the steam deck
4631s specifically will be like officially
4632s supported 1.0
4634s um we are we are still working on our
4636s controller functionality and improving
4638s that
4638s um there's a big update that just went
4640s about controller functionality
4641s improvements
4643s um
4644s mostly in in menu stuff I think and
4647s um that that improves the steam deck
4649s experience the main reason we don't have
4652s steam deck listed as compatible at the
4654s moment is um we're just not prepared to
4657s support it really uh I do know that
4659s there are several people who have got it
4663s working
4664s um
4664s I think the the one the one tip that I
4667s always see show people show up like hey
4668s does it work on subject no it's like
4669s well technically no but I got to work
4671s using these settings and the one thing
4673s that I see I think every single time is
4675s uh using proton
4684s it's a nice one oh that's a nice one
4693s really good stuff in there but
4698s I'm not really what we're looking for
4701s so if you really want to get to try on
4703s Steam deck right now
4705s um I think it's actually uh decent
4716s figured I'd ask my weekly update about
4718s dual Shield uh they're
4722s I I don't want to be a joke about this
4725s but you could probably shelve that
4726s question till after launch
4728s I'm happy to keep answering if you want
4730s to keep asking no no problem there I
4732s just don't eat your own stuff on timing
4735s also what else are you playing on CJ see
4737s you soon cool here we go it's definitely
4739s it's it's nothing the people that have
4741s got it working I keep hearing it's like
4743s it's okay it's it's pretty good I I had
4746s to tweak it a bunch and it's like it's
4747s playable it's good I I like it but like
4749s they're never like it's great or it's
4752s perfect it's always like it's good
4755s it's good we're getting there but yeah
4757s and it's it's a lot of stuff like just
4758s generic performance improvements
4761s um just generic uh Linux fixes just
4763s generic bug fixing it's all going to
4765s improve that sort of stuff um and so
4767s we're not we're not we're not ready to
4769s adopt another platform but
4771s um there are improvements that are
4773s coming pretty people
4785s when thinking about build balance are
4787s you more interested in having a wide
4789s range of builds the maximum viability
4791s are more interested in maximizing the
4794s number of builds that can compete
4795s in-game content even if they aren't as
4797s good as the top builds
4804s sir
4805s um like for like the whole team or how
4807s everything happens I don't think we've
4808s we've never we've never sat down and
4810s like agreed on and answered this
4811s question this is a pretty big question
4815s um that kind of has implications for
4817s things I think so I think the answer is
4819s um it like for just all of that is it
4821s depends it really depends
4824s um and and there's a balancing act there
4826s for sure there's like pushing too far
4828s into either one of those I think could
4829s be problematic
4831s um I I just be more
4835s because they're both they're both
4836s important things to try and do
4839s and so it's like maximize them at the
4841s cost of one of the other ones maybe not
4843s it depends how much the other one is you
4845s know so
4846s uh if if you're gonna pick one to have
4848s the edge on the other I would say it's
4851s probably having more builds that can
4853s compete in in-game content
4855s um
4856s then builds that are of maximum power is
4861s as I think I think where we put that
4863s preference
4865s um
4867s but it's it's an edge not a
4871s like clear cuts
4874s oh give them the choice for the two of
4875s them we'll always pick now it's it's
4877s always it depends
4885s I think one of the most important things
4887s is
4889s um a player shows up to the game and
4891s they've got a they've got a fantasy that
4893s they that they really want to to live
4896s out in the game they've got a
4898s um they've got a build idea maybe
4900s they're coming from another game maybe
4901s it's fresh this genre but they're like I
4903s really want to have a fire Mage I want
4906s this this character that is uh that
4909s they're like they're they're all about
4910s the spell casting
4912s um and they're gonna they're gonna light
4914s their enemies on fire with like
4916s fireballs and meteors and disintegrate
4918s beings and you know like like various
4919s different ways
4920s um and and having these
4924s um having having that like goal of
4927s fantasy be possible
4930s um
4932s is is really important
4935s um and
4938s you know you know like having having
4940s being able to excel in that fantasy
4942s you're trying to have happen
4944s um be possible is is really is really
4947s good having guaranteeing that
4951s um any fantasy type of gameplay that
4955s you're trying to pursue will work no
4956s matter what in maximum power and super
4959s in-game situations
4962s that's a that's a Fool's errand
4965s um
4967s and you know like if you're if your goal
4969s is
4970s I want to be the best
4974s um and it's less about fulfilling a
4977s specific
4979s gameplay style and more about fulfilling
4981s a uh an achievement goal
4985s um I think I think being funneled into
4988s fewer options for achieving that goal is
4991s generally going to be more acceptable
4994s um than being followed into fewer
4995s options for uh just being able to
4998s compete just be able to like complete
5000s content like we want we want players to
5002s be able to say like hey
5003s um I want to play a fire Mage and you
5007s know be able to get to the end game be
5009s able to have fun in the end game and be
5011s able to like do the do the content
5013s that's that's available that sort of
5014s thing
5016s um
5017s but if if you get to end game and you're
5019s like I need to push top top tier content
5023s um and maybe fire Mages just aren't it
5025s right now I think there's more of an
5027s acceptable
5028s uh feeling that that's okay maybe you
5030s switch to a frost Mage or
5034s um maybe it's a hybrid element Mage or
5036s maybe you know like there's there's
5037s other Mage options that you can switch
5040s to uh and and still have fun and still
5043s you know you know like do really really
5045s well
5048s but it's um
5051s oh
5054s that's interesting
5064s it's a cool item
5071s what settings am I using Graphics wise
5074s uh this is currently just generic High
5076s settings
5078s I believe
5080s I'll stream around this is weird I
5082s usually I guess I've turned basic on
5084s instead
5095s yeah
5096s those are the graphic settings I have on
5105s if you want to I'm running a uh i7 20
5110s 12 700 one two seven zero zero K
5114s processor
5116s um
5118s it's 64 gigs of RAM
5121s uh
5123s uh a GTX
5125s oh sorry RTX
5127s first RTX card RTX 36 DTI uh
5133s so sort of all like
5136s last gen's like
5139s good or really good but not like amazing
5142s stuff
5152s yeah that's fine
5155s yeah how about the equivalence of the
5158s forge but for tinkering Idols a bit we
5163s very intentionally not added anyway to
5166s mess with Idols yet
5169s um and uh I think I think there's
5171s there's a lot of room in in the um
5173s dungeon reward system or even just
5175s rewards for other and game mechanic
5178s systems uh for for making uh changes
5180s title but I think we we're sort of
5182s planning on exploring that Avenue
5186s uh right now a lot of new players take a
5189s bit to understand interact with the
5190s crafting I know there's a quest now
5193s um but has there been any discussion on
5194s adding more in-depth quests to Showcase
5197s it more
5199s um no there hasn't been
5201s um
5205s like it's in a lot of places there's
5207s there's a there's a tutorial pop-up that
5209s happens there's a quest in game that
5212s directs you to it
5214s um that's like on the main quest path uh
5217s it's it's in the game guides
5220s um there's a there's a there's like a
5222s loading screen tool tip that tells you
5223s about it
5225s um it's it's in this menu as well
5228s um there's like uh like like this all
5231s shows up that like prompts that it
5232s exists to like help you with it all sort
5234s of stuff
5236s um
5237s you know like the the items themselves
5242s I don't know if I can do this but like
5245s the items themselves the tooltips every
5247s single crafting material tooltip says
5250s press F to open the crafting panel and
5252s uh like I think these ones do too maybe
5255s not I know all these do
5258s I don't know if all these do in their
5259s inventory they have a different tool tip
5260s when they hear them when you're doing
5261s inventory
5263s um
5265s I'll I'll look at the next chart I pick
5267s up and see if it's in your inventory too
5270s um but yeah like we do see some people
5271s not not seeing it
5273s um
5274s like how it's it's it's a it's a
5277s difficult question how do you
5280s communicate something to a player if
5282s they will not read the screen
5284s if they won't if you can't write it out
5287s how do you communicate to a player that
5289s they need to learn something that they
5290s need to that they need to
5292s um to pay attention to it interact with
5294s it learn about it
5295s um
5296s it's it's a tough question to answer if
5298s you can't get them to read how do you do
5299s it and it's something that exists almost
5301s exclusively in menus
5304s whoa whoa I am not going to survive this
5329s and and having a mandatory Quest about
5333s uh crafting I think would get uh veteran
5336s players a little bit frustrated with it
5338s maybe we're just in touch
5342s um
5342s you can put it on the main quest line
5361s there aren't any specific plans for it
5363s right now though as far as I'm aware
5371s gosh black holes video note actually
5372s using the meteor skill tree hey
5376s that's what I saw from that video
5378s I actually don't know what the video is
5379s of I I got handed the video clip with
5381s with no explanation of what it is
5384s um so I don't know or if there is some
5386s of me I didn't read maybe I'm the
5388s terrible that doesn't read too the only
5389s thing I got was it was titled black hole
5391s changes
5396s oh no hey
5400s yes I do know what it is I was still I
5402s just didn't read see I'm the exact this
5404s is how I know players play this way
5406s because I am this player
5419s you can't make me read ugh get out of
5422s here with that crap
5426s oh
5438s any updates on set items in the next
5441s patch nope
5443s uh the way I see it is if I keep asking
5446s things like about dual Shields the man
5449s uh the druida
5451s the characters looks green maybe he'd
5454s snap his fingers and dual Shields and
5455s manifest themselves sooner well I
5457s appreciate your faith in me
5462s and I'd be lying if I wasn't influenced
5465s by the things I get asked a bajillion
5466s times on stream
5484s it's a nice gloves but you know not for
5486s me
5491s anything you can share a plan for idols
5493s on the system there's there's uh there
5495s are no concrete things ready for Idols
5497s yet
5499s like there's
5501s um the new masteries coming out
5503s uh so like when when remastered Warlock
5505s and Falconer do come out there will be
5507s uh new idle affixes that that go with
5510s those
5511s um like the skills that they get because
5512s there's a lot of affixes I laugh because
5514s that reference specific skills so the
5516s new skills that get added in also get
5517s Idol accesses that come with them uh so
5519s there's there's that
5522s but as far as system-wide mechanic
5523s changes no
5529s uh I guess what I was trying to say is
5531s that in many other games a similar style
5534s crafting is not as intuitive such robots
5536s as it is in Le and it's such a great
5538s system I think you could be overwhelmed
5539s as a new player uh or as a translator
5542s yeah there is
5545s uh I guess that's when someone asks
5546s earlier like what's your advice of a new
5548s player on Minecraft really and craft
5549s often I guess maybe subconsciously I
5550s know that this is something that the
5552s players don't do
5554s um as directly right away
5556s because it is it is an important thing
5558s to to get
5559s um to get into it and like you open this
5561s this page and it just looks like this
5562s and you're like all right like what like
5564s it's it's it's kind of bare you're not
5566s really sure what to do but
5568s I mean it does like there's there's not
5570s a lot of text here
5572s right
5574s um select a piece of gear add an item to
5576s craft are like the biggest things and
5577s there's like prefix suffix use a
5579s modifier item and it like
5581s there's
5585s pretty easy access details on how to do
5588s stuff right there
5589s um but yeah it's it's a little
5592s uh obtuse or um
5598s maybe overwhelming for a lot of new
5599s players as well so yeah like there's
5600s there's definitely room I don't wanna I
5602s don't want to undercut like there are
5603s there's definitely room to improve how
5606s we're presenting this and how new
5607s players interacting with it because
5608s they're not uh like because we're
5611s getting this feedback from players that
5612s are saying like oh I did I had to teach
5614s like someone I saw on channel like I had
5615s to tell someone who's level 80 the
5617s crafting existed or like this transfer
5619s materials button existed you know like
5621s so and and that's gonna happen no matter
5624s what but maybe we're not doing a good
5625s enough job and there's room for
5626s improvement there's always room for
5627s improvement
5631s uh I had an idea for a skill for rogue
5634s you dash towards an enemies stunning it
5636s slowing down nearby enemies
5638s um sweet
5642s uh I think having it be a side quest
5645s with a pretty obvious name that pops up
5646s fairly early on just gives you
5651s uh on that just gives you like 10 hopes
5653s and a few shards or something
5655s uh that just goes through the menu
5657s fairly quickly could be good and the
5658s player can always just skip it until
5659s they learn about crafting that way yeah
5662s I mean so that's that's having the
5666s um like I mean like let's change the
5668s rewards of the quest we don't have a way
5670s I guess we could do it we could just
5671s drop bunches on the ground
5673s um
5681s there is I don't think this would happen
5683s with something like this because it
5684s would be like a low tier crafting
5685s material but like there is the sort of
5688s if it gives too much we really want to
5690s avoid the possibility of hey let's let
5693s me make uh 20 new characters and get
5695s them to the point where they can like
5698s like have have someone standing just
5701s outside the room where you get that
5702s Quest completed
5704s um make a new character like someone
5706s else makes a new character warps them
5707s goes against the the 10 hopes or
5710s whatever makes a new character reports
5712s them against the 10 hopes and just like
5713s sticks them in their stash each time and
5715s it's just like you just Farm hopes that
5718s way and it's like well that was boring
5721s um let's listen about the bounce of it
5722s just like it's promoting gameplay and
5724s it's not fun
5748s I mean like sweet
5755s actually
5760s but not sweet for me
5770s let's be real here
5786s but like
5789s some beefy minions right there
5793s it's a sweet necro item
5804s is this game gonna be a live service
5805s slash receive seasonal content or
5807s something like that in the future after
5808s release absolutely
5812s so about dual Shields
5816s uh would be cool to have a would be cool
5820s to have a journal stash tab of sorts to
5823s slot in all uniques in the game I just
5825s have a cool system yeah where you slot
5826s them in stacked and plug minor bus also
5828s yeah I don't um so that was something so
5831s unders so um it's a Grail tab is the is
5835s the like I would say the the general
5837s generic term I would use for something
5838s like this
5840s um
5842s and I I love the idea of a Grail tracker
5846s um in last Epoch I don't know how I feel
5849s about it giving power to the to the
5853s player especially because it would also
5855s affect like alts and things like that
5859s um maybe maybe it's sweet it's not
5862s something we're really jumping on right
5863s now but
5865s I do I I haven't actually played on
5867s December yet I've watched a bunch of
5868s stuff on it looked great I'm like I just
5869s don't have time right now for this one
5871s um and one of the things that the the
5874s reason uh the main reason that I'm
5877s December gets brought back up to me is
5878s in reference to this system out there
5880s which sounds like a real home run for
5882s them
5888s yeah I missed it but uh did you expand
5890s on the media clip you showed earlier if
5892s not could you
5893s um I did not uh came to expanded out
5896s directly below black hole is being
5897s changed to cast meteor instead of meteor
5901s um so right now in in the black hole
5905s uh skill tree I should probably over
5907s here is this it
5909s yeah black hole creates meteors
5912s um
5913s they
5915s uh these meteors are not affected by
5919s the meteor skill tree and it's the I
5921s think last it's the only spot in the
5924s game right now where you can like
5925s trigger another ability that doesn't use
5927s your specializations and it's really
5929s disappointing
5931s uh so because it has 200 Mana constants
5934s you're just like well it's clearly using
5935s the real one
5937s um but doesn't and it's just uh it's
5939s Savage but now this node will basically
5941s make it'll use your meteor specialized
5944s meteors
5948s uh how about like the Skyrim crafting
5951s tutorial person needs you to complete an
5953s item upgrade for whatever reason so you
5955s do it on the mechanics get that upgrade
5956s item back get some simple Shard rewards
5959s uh it could be codable I I can log that
5963s um
5964s it is it is a little problematic I will
5967s say that uh to actually force a specific
5970s item to exist
5972s um
5973s which is farther as we haven't done that
5975s it is possible technically uh and Spike
5979s thank you for the eight month three sub
5981s can't wait for Gamescom I also cannot
5983s wait for Gamescom very pumped for that
5988s all right oh sorry that's okay uh then
5993s you said you will Implement more skills
5995s for Idols more Idols for skills actually
5998s the rest will be uh finding a specific
6001s idle combination you want gets harder
6002s and harder because the fool gets bigger
6004s and bigger it does any plans for smart
6006s loot uh to only get class drops for the
6008s idols and the generic ones to keep the
6011s odds more or less the same I mean
6013s um
6014s there already is smart loot for getting
6017s ones that are for your class so
6020s um it will get a little bit harder to
6023s find specific Idols for those masterings
6025s that are getting new ones added in
6028s um we don't have any plans for uh Target
6030s farming Idols yet
6033s um all things like that are
6035s um
6038s like
6039s you know glass casket
6044s remains to be seen
6048s um
6049s in the media tree
6051s I think the nodes called infernal pillar
6054s or something similar that makes uh it
6057s casts the meteors in a line cost more
6059s feels like just kind of been like bad on
6063s all fronts like less meteors hit single
6065s Target and packs often just cut down the
6068s middle in my experience is there any
6071s good use case you guys have seen
6073s um
6075s nothing comes to mind off my head
6076s doesn't sound like a note I'd be
6077s personally very interested in using
6084s I could see if you were trying to use it
6086s to like extend the range on something
6088s so you're like you wanted to like use it
6091s up there and have it like extend out
6093s farther and hit things really far away
6098s that might be uh a use case for it
6120s XP XP XP
6130s that is the helm base we're looking for
6133s maybe we shouldn't it on until no Bend
6135s or something
6138s oh we're still we we have elements over
6140s on our current helmet and it's useless
6142s uh let's try to
6145s uh we right we can't
6147s craft it off because we don't have any
6149s tears okay so let's oh now do we do we
6152s shatter this
6154s do we shatter our helmet and hopefully
6157s get the ethics in order to be able to
6159s upgrade it with this one
6162s probably not
6166s seems like a terrible idea Mike
6173s fair enough coding is beyond me so I'd
6175s rather uh ask before I log person
6177s suggestion that could be coded I it's
6179s still it's still worthwhile to
6182s to put things up
6184s Mike's caught up with 15 minutes to
6185s spare oh celebration time because you
6188s know what I still have
6189s one more teaser
6191s boom
6194s this guy's cool
6196s I don't know if it says what he's for on
6198s the bottom or not
6200s let's check it out
6206s oh it's it's it's cheeky redacted who it
6210s is nice
6215s okay we'll see who it is then
6218s but like
6220s a significant percentage of the player
6222s base will be talking to this person
6224s pretty frequently
6237s uh are there any Constantine references
6240s in the Warlock builds
6243s oh I mean the scouse version not the
6245s American one
6246s uh I have no idea
6249s the the trees aren't made for the
6250s Warlock skills yet so uh that's usually
6253s where we stick a lot of the like cheeky
6254s references is in like node names
6257s um
6258s there's there's a ton of just like well
6262s most of the trees have been redone but
6264s like so I a long time ago I did a lot of
6266s the node names and setups for a lot of
6268s skills and like a lot of the notes just
6272s just because it's the type so I play so
6274s much magic that like
6277s um like I'd be like setting up like a
6278s fireball tree and like like okay well
6281s I've got to make a node that makes this
6282s Fireball bigger and it's like well
6287s the the types of names I know of fantasy
6289s things the theme like this end up being
6291s just a bunch of magic cards
6303s new brain NPC nope
6307s this this is actually so I usually say
6309s like I was trying to use stuff that's
6310s coming in the next batch this is not
6312s coming in the next match
6315s so I broke my own rule
6320s I wonder who might have heard actually
6323s came
6325s uh can you guys a good Quest where you
6328s go back in time to bring Decker King
6330s back to life
6333s uh well Deckard Kane sadly doesn't exist
6337s in this world Miss Universe
6343s this is a Tara came losing sanctuary
6347s kind of hard to go you know we don't
6349s have interdimensional portals yet
6351s yet
6352s uh
6357s you show us a plague rat concept art
6359s teaser
6360s uh last week yeah uh can you tell us if
6364s it's a pet or an enemy I'm actually not
6366s sure but I I haven't heard anything in
6370s the pet category for it
6373s um so I I'd be shocked if it was in the
6375s pet category because it would be like um
6379s you know that would like if that was
6381s gonna be a pet category play grad type
6383s thing would actually probably fit well
6384s in warlock but there's no like there's
6387s no skill in warlock that's gonna be that
6388s so
6390s yep
6396s enemies
6403s uh favorite drafting sets
6411s um
6422s I really enjoyed
6425s um back when they used to do blocks
6428s um
6429s midnight
6430s in Australia the original innistrad
6433s was the second set in the original
6435s industry had once it was just two and it
6436s was like you basically had like
6438s werewolves and vampires
6441s the Set
6444s uh it was like humans and angels and
6446s things to go bump in the night
6448s um and it was it was it was that was a
6451s fantastic draft set I remember drafting
6453s werewolves
6455s um
6456s and I I think there was I don't know
6458s what it was but like everyone in the in
6460s the Pod it was an eight person pod I was
6462s playing and like
6465s um like where was it just come out it
6466s was one of the first like double-sided
6468s cards to really exist everyone's kind of
6469s leery of them I'm known to practice or
6472s played with them I think everyone kind
6473s of just like avoided them and steered
6474s clear of them for that matter and I was
6476s just like let's let's Dive Right In
6477s where we'll let's go and I just sort of
6479s like every pack came with at least one
6481s werewolf in it and so it was just like
6483s every pack I'm just like I'll take the
6484s werewolf guard out take the world's
6486s cried out
6487s um
6488s and like somehow pulled every rare
6491s werewolf in the sets uh and just like
6495s cruise control to Victory it was great
6497s ended up making um
6501s one of my favorite Commander decks out
6502s of that in the end after like eight
6504s iterations of werewolves that they've
6506s done
6512s pretty bad
6520s well just just just there we go
6532s oils draft yes okay what was what was
6535s the original inner shred set
6539s or the one after it the like because it
6541s was it was back when you drafted like
6543s blocks but it was it was part way
6545s through the block
6546s and they hadn't released the third set
6548s yet
6549s dark Ascension so his dark Ascension was
6551s out but Amazon restored was not out yet
6554s um this would have been like
6556s uh this is we're probably talking like
6558s February or March 2012.
6561s um so in this this draft happened and
6564s that was that was my favorite one
6568s like this is like before they got rid of
6571s the block system you do like a block is
6573s a is a collection of three sets of
6575s magics magic cards that would uh like
6577s together they make up like a a story arc
6580s and like their theme similarly and all
6582s that sort of stuff and um
6585s when you would draft them like the first
6586s set would come out you would draft and
6587s you just draft three packs in the same
6589s set but the second set would come out
6590s you draft two from the first set and one
6591s from the second set then the third set
6593s would come out the block of finish and
6594s you do one from each
6596s um uh one one pack from each of the sets
6599s in the block
6602s um
6603s yeah so it was interested insert direct
6605s Ascension we did that draft and it was
6607s oh it was a ton of fun
6613s just realized I'm like on another screen
6614s on my
6616s secondary monitor There Baby I playing
6618s with something on screen but no I'm good
6623s right before Angel's ruined everything
6624s those we we did a draft with the angels
6627s right afterwards and my buddy passed
6629s avacyn
6632s if pack one pick one Amazon's right
6635s there and he just passes it
6636s intentionally uh so something else in me
6639s I don't know what else is amazing it was
6640s in the pack but he was like it was the
6642s card he it was oh it was packed three
6644s muscle pack three sorry not pick one
6646s pack one pack three pick one he passes I
6648s haven't seen because it just like didn't
6650s fit with his deck at all and he's like
6651s if I really want one I'll go get one but
6653s it was some other card that was great
6654s for his deck he ended up winning that
6656s draft I think
6660s but I was still like
6665s drafted come on
6675s I think that was one where I ended up
6677s with like a bunch of Defenders
6680s trying to win with like lobber crew I
6682s think that was that draft
6683s and
6685s it was it was like right at the final
6688s final game
6690s it was one of us who's gonna win and
6694s um I like I did the math I'm like I was
6696s I was like one mill card we'd like
6698s stalled the board State I was Milling
6701s him out uh was like one mil card my
6704s whole deck it was just like it was it
6706s was in there for something else I just
6707s like incidentally had like a crappy like
6708s mill 2 effect on it and I was like I did
6711s the math on how fast he could beat me to
6713s like kill me with damage and I'm like
6716s you've got nothing unless you like pull
6717s some way to like break the status quo
6719s here I win
6720s um and so we like
6722s he's like not worried at all and I'm
6724s like getting concerned because he's not
6725s concerned and yeah I bill him out I'm so
6728s excited and he goes to his upkeep or
6730s something like that is the last term
6732s before I mail him out or something and
6733s he just he plays
6735s uh psychic intrusions psychic spiral
6738s something like that it
6740s um Mills your opponent for all the cards
6741s in your graveyard because I mailed him
6743s out it turned around and mailed me out
6745s and I lost and I was just like
6749s out of nowhere
6753s that was a fun memorable draft too I'm
6755s just rambling about magic now
6757s Lassie fog back on tracks through this
6760s boat
6767s cardboard is really bad for your system
6777s it's less the cardboard and more the ink
6779s I think
6780s or the glue actually
6790s I'm just going the wrong way
6793s so good at this don't even worry
6805s you know the University of Skype yeah
6807s that's what it felt like it was uh it
6809s was great though I mean that's like it's
6811s those memorable moments that make it fun
6813s you're like
6814s then you talk about it in the next week
6816s or it's like ah it's a great great play
6819s that sort of thing
6822s we worked out after the game it turns
6824s out that had I not attempted to maintain
6828s and just rely on the mailing strategy I
6830s actually could have one
6833s but I I thought this was a safer play
6860s oh I love that Shrine so much
6866s oh and ascendants nice let's just keep
6867s going let me count as soon as this go
6869s try and keep me going
6872s the game of nightmare and Hell
6873s difficulties to read the campaign in a
6875s harder way no
6877s um we want the like the campaign to be
6881s uh uh like contiguous experience that
6883s you go through once
6885s um and there the difficulty ramps up as
6888s you go through the campaign So like
6890s um as you get to the end of the campaign
6892s like it is harder
6894s um and not just in a sense like oh well
6895s level 50 enemies hit harder than level
6897s 10 enemies like
6899s um an average level 50 character will be
6902s less successful against level 50 content
6906s than the average level 10 character will
6907s be against the whole 10 content type
6908s thing
6911s um and maybe maybe that's a bad way to
6912s put it but maybe there's there's more
6914s mechanics to to keep track of there's
6917s that like if you don't interact with in
6920s a like intentional and positive way can
6923s can cause you to to like
6927s not being successful you know
6933s like maybe at that level 10 there's an
6935s enemy that's got like a a meteor style
6938s attack and it puts a marker on the
6939s ground and says move out of this or else
6941s you're gonna get chunks for a lot of
6942s damage possibly die and there's it's
6944s like a four second prime time
6947s um but then like you you get to help the
6950s like the later on in the campaign and
6951s it's the same ability and now the prime
6953s time is three seconds and then you get
6955s to the end of the campaign the prime
6956s time is two seconds for similar style
6958s abilities
6959s um if it was the actual same building
6960s the same enemy casting we'd probably
6962s want to keep in prime time the same so
6963s that you're not like so you don't have
6965s to guess on what that time is but so you
6966s can learn what that time is based on
6968s what the enemy is because you're gonna
6969s read this
6971s um models and all sort of stuff but
6974s you know we we try and have these like
6977s the difficulty increase and sometimes
6979s that's just like the situations you're
6981s in like oh you've got to fight in this
6982s like small Corridor this time
6985s um and like you know the room's maneuver
6987s like you normally would so like you're
6988s fighting this maybe you're fighting the
6989s same enemy and it is just a straight
6992s stat bump version of the same enemy but
6993s because the environment you're in is is
6995s less friendly to the player more
6997s friendly to the enemies abilities like
6998s maybe it's doing a disintegrate style
7001s beam attack and the first time you fight
7003s them it's in a big open field so you
7005s learn they do this attack and you gotta
7007s get out of the way to dodge it but the
7008s second time you fight them maybe it's in
7009s this like this uh like skinny Corridor
7012s and it's like okay well if you want to
7014s survive this attack maybe you've got to
7016s like find a way to like use a movement
7017s skill to get to the other side of them
7019s right as it's happening or you've got to
7020s have
7021s um a defensive skill planned or even
7023s just like a defensive proc planned
7025s um you know that sort of thing so it's
7027s it's
7029s we do try and increase the difficulty as
7032s you go on further
7040s and sometimes that's through complexity
7042s sometimes
7060s uh imagine still not having the staff
7064s yeah I have a lot of stuff yeah I I uh
7067s still don't have it and uh I'm starting
7070s to think that someone maliciously
7073s removed it from the game
7075s foreign
7076s just kidding
7081s maybe that a sentence will get to me oh
7083s yeah let's take a shot at it I've even
7084s got a staff don't I
7087s I know the staff on me let's find a
7089s staff okay I'm gonna do that right
7090s before the stream ends uh uh okay give
7093s it right here
7097s we're gonna take an ascendance shot
7108s oh my
7115s God I started I started watching Doctor
7117s Who I've never I've never actually like
7119s watched Doctor Who before I've seen
7121s little eclipse of it here and there
7123s um but I've never it's always been this
7125s sort of nebulous daunting like I don't
7128s want to watch a bajillion seasons of a
7129s show
7131s um
7131s uh if I get into it I like finishing
7133s shows so like
7136s but yeah I've decided to take the plunge
7141s so far
7142s absolutely loving it
7165s all right give me staffs staves
7168s staff systems
7173s that are eligible to upgrade does this
7176s this should
7180s this
7190s hey oh we did it
7194s ah there we go
7202s oh perfect very pleased with that
7205s wonderful
7206s wonderful
7208s let's go
7211s we are a lightning Mage yes
7214s all right
7217s did you sir Nicholson uh I don't know
7220s the actor's name that started in 2005.
7224s um
7226s what are the undid when Gary keep enough
7228s bones to throw like three percent like
7230s that they they grow they have this weird
7232s mutation where bones grow out of them
7233s really fast they just keep throwing them
7236s they just keep growing and they just
7237s keep throwing them
7238s they eat a lot to make this possible
7242s brilliant
7244s well on that terrible disappointment
7247s it's time to end
7250s uh not totally loving it
7254s okay where's my end screen there we go
7259s thank you very much
7261s uh thanks Dakota I'm just like shocked
7264s on this this Polo thanks for coming out
7265s uh I hope you had fun I know I did I
7268s will see you next week same time same
7269s place if you have any questions that I
7271s did not get around to answering I didn't
7273s answer to your satisfaction please feel
7274s free to head on over to our Discord and
7275s ask again
7276s um or just one comes to you in the
7278s meantime happy to answer that we didn't
7279s answer this Channel and also ask
7280s Community Channel
7282s um where there's tons of good people
7282s after answering those questions all the
7284s time
7285s um
7286s that's about it
7288s Gamescom coming up
7290s uh yeah
7294s I didn't
7298s uh I'm not prepared for this I'm sorry
7308s that'll do it for me today
7310s uh have a great night we'll see you
7312s later see you next week bye buddy