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I play in console (Steam Deck) and loving the game. Unfortunately the autotracking doesn't work too well which makes any ranger/caster build not fun. For example, you can't kite enemies walking backwards while shooting forward. You shoot where you look. You can't position yourself to gain ground and inflict damage at the same time. Also, sometimes the targetted enemy isn't the desired one if they are too close making it so for ranged builds you require AoE.

Due to the above I want tend to only play melee characters in LE. This made me wonder what are the most fun melee builds? But maybe instead or narrowing it down, other console players, what are the funnest builds you've seen?

Worth noting: In all ARPGs I like repeating the campaign over and over trying new builds. I'm not super interested on endgame as much. So please share your best and funnest 1~70 levelling builds for console.

Clarification: when I say console I mean anybody playing with a controller. Probably mostly people witb Steam Decks and ROG Allys.

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7 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I'm very happy to report that we are fixing this issue for controllers in Season 2 on April 2nd.

My current favorite with controller is harvest lich. So many little dashes and jumps.

7 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by MoochiNR

Would you know if there’s improvements for dread and infernal shade targeting on allies? Trying to target my arch mage was what made me ultimately give up on my necro on console. 

I don't know the specifics of every ability off the top of my head but every ability is getting a new primary and secondary targeting method. Every time you take a node that changes how a skill works, those targeting parameters also gets updated if necessary.

6 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by hungryturdburgleur

Your team is awesome and so is your game. Bee costumes on stream please.

Gotta dress up for the April launch eh?

5 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by MetaphoricTendancies

Is there still a future goal of the game coming to Xbox/PS? Absolutely love LE and excited to get back to it but I’ve also gotten really spoiled being able to chill out on the couch on the Xbox in other ARPGS and would love that experience with LE as well!

We would love to come to console. It's something that we still have to work out a lot of details for. I'm sorry, I don't have any hard info on the subject.