about 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by plodex

Please put them both in somewhat the same spot. Forcing players to look all over the place for various vital information is bad design 🤓

Thank you for the feedback!

If I may, here is a quote of one of my posts on our forum;

Thank you for the feedback.

My personal preference would be for them to be separated, as whether I use a high Mana cost skill may be determined by whether I currently have a specific buff, whereas I would be more inclined to check the debuffs in response to what enemies are doing. Them being separated means that my focused checks involve me parsing fewer icons; it’s quicker.

Would you always be looking at both buffs and debuffs, or would that only be the case some of the time? I’ll speak with the team about this and see what we can come up with.

It's always easiest to attempt to accommodate players when we have some insight on why they are requesting something. The buffs and debuffs will be close to each other; just separated a bit so that players can choose to specifically look at one or the other without the 'wrong type' getting in the way. Would you prefer there to be no dividing space at all?