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12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainKickass26

It looks something you'd see a Power Rangers villian wear

Rita is our inspiration for most things in Last Epoch

12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by R3TR1BUT1ONZ

Any reason tho why many items on our characters don't look like their icons in the inventory?

We have over 300 unique items and that would require modeling and skinning on all the classes that can wear them. It’s a surprisingly large amount of resource cost for a team our size

12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by R3TR1BUT1ONZ

I understand it it a huge undertaking, but would you and the team be willing to just do like, the top..let's say 10 or maybe 20 of the most popular items?

We intend to keep on modeling weapons and offhands based on their unique item art for now. I could see some popular helmets making sense - but it’s not currently in planned