about 2 years
ago -
Last Epoch
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
4s | back to the last Epoch deep stream as |
7s | always |
9s | I'm here's Mike hello |
11s | and we're back and roll with a new |
13s | character this time |
16s | after he failed miserably last time |
19s | we're starting a new |
21s | uh thank you very much heavy resubbed |
24s | for 20 months in a row |
26s | two weeks left the multiplayer |
28s | rotational oh yeah |
30s | Here We Go Again getting close to that |
32s | eh |
34s | who's looking forward to it I know I am |
37s | so we're we're mid monolith here |
41s | um |
44s | and uh |
47s | yeah we're gonna have some fun relax |
48s | hang out chat if this is your first time |
50s | here just put out Boston [ __ ] |
53s | [ __ ] in front of any questions |
56s | as always we do stream for charity |
57s | Charities by my head |
59s | um you can do it every month this one's |
60s | two in a row just because there was some |
62s | there was fewer streams we missed a |
64s | couple and oh yeah what else what other |
67s | housekeeping stuff do we have |
70s | oh yeah um new build Link is also up |
73s | this is a build oh Francis |
76s | doing so good at messing it up already |
81s | summon our spring in first yes perfect |
90s | um all right yeah we build we're playing |
92s | we're playing cold Thorns spriggan |
94s | Master this time |
95s | fun with it |
97s | yeah basically going spring party |
101s | Springs Party of Three |
104s | little orbs number three |
113s | uh yeah if you want to check out the |
115s | build you can do exclamation mark |
122s | did I miss any questions early |
130s | not really |
134s | Mike am I excited that Maxwell website |
136s | will be carrying covering carrying a |
138s | game yeah everybody I'm very excited |
140s | he's outside that's fun |
142s | I did I did like the |
145s | um |
147s | like the the reveal that everyone got |
148s | early early on this week with uh it's |
151s | showing up on their website was not a |
153s | surprise to me so I wasn't like oh my |
155s | God yay but like |
157s | I'm happy about it |
166s | we did we didn't know it was coming |
170s | I do have a loot filter uh |
191s | there it is |
193s | got it |
212s | and we are we're going to be looking for |
214s | it for new stuff |
217s | thank you |
218s | because our gears a little on the on the |
221s | lighter side of power |
225s | um have I recovered from last week I |
228s | mean mostly |
231s | emotionally |
233s | yeah physically yeah |
243s | how was that hike it was great |
256s | I might be a little raspy today |
260s | I'm drinking lots of water |
269s | try to look and see what we go we have |
270s | no Idols oh |
274s | well |
276s | let's get started with that Idol first |
277s | strictly better right |
286s | we do have Fortune potential on these so |
288s | I might be able to bump up some with |
289s | just some good old crafting |
298s | I still I still owe you like 500 deaths |
301s | from last week I'm gonna spread them out |
302s | slowly over the next eight years |
333s | come on there we go |
339s | little totems here so we do have you |
342s | just put an idol on that gets more |
344s | damage from cold toes that's nice we are |
346s | pretty crit focused |
347s | as you can see we're putting all the |
349s | flipping time |
351s | which is lovely |
363s | lots of freezing here which is nice too |
365s | lots of lots of just instant nlcc I'm a |
367s | big fan there devil is hey |
370s | oh look at that is Media thank you very |
373s | much that was for five gifted substance |
375s | Channel congrats everyone got one of |
377s | those |
377s | glad to have you all with us and ends |
382s | yeah |
383s | and exactly what I just said is the end |
386s | of the sentence |
394s | did Reimer get one |
403s | I wonder if there's any way we could |
405s | like |
406s | is there any way to like remove people |
410s | from consideration on |
413s | um gifted Subs like that so we'd be like |
415s | no don't give it to staff |
420s | or if it happens can I just like |
424s | give out free ones or something rent a |
426s | random free one |
437s | all right let's see it I've missed a |
439s | couple more things here a little little |
440s | higher |
443s | emotionally is the important one to |
445s | recovering yeah also you said you would |
447s | try and get in the unique to show us |
449s | this week I did say that |
451s | and |
452s | um lucky for all of you someone else was |
455s | paying attention to stream that took |
456s | care before me |
459s | thank you very much to uh it was Kane |
462s | and Rhymer |
465s | also someone else as well |
474s | that was Kate |
475s | so you have King to thank for a new uni |
477s | coming yeah I've got one |
478s | but I'm playing this building so you see |
480s | how tanky this build is |
482s | be going nowhere |
486s | oh heavy thank you very much whoa it's a |
488s | big list is that 10 that looks like 10. |
490s | it's always five or ten that looks like |
492s | 10. |
494s | thank you very much congratulations we |
496s | got one of those we got let's just |
499s | and and one way to box Jeff why don't |
501s | the game director I've got to figure out |
503s | how to how to uh |
506s | stop that from happening that's funny |
509s | congratulations we got one of those |
511s | thank you very much uh heavy much |
513s | appreciated hope you're having a great |
514s | day today |
517s | yeah |
518s | in that in that post winter break |
522s | sort of like |
524s | hey like everything is ramping back up |
526s | and |
528s | getting back into normal that could be |
530s | good |
535s | I'm assuming I can just survive these |
540s | but no problem |
543s | corruption level this week we're doing |
544s | normal models this week we're not doing |
546s | we're not thrusting ourselves into 300 |
547s | corruption |
551s | can't uh from him here we go can we |
553s | expect an 8 to 12 week patch cycle at |
556s | one point |
557s | um I don't have the exact uh I don't |
559s | want to say like yes it'll be definitely |
561s | eight to 12 weeks but um we're gonna get |
563s | back to our plan is to get back to what |
566s | we're used to |
567s | um |
569s | that back to those |
571s | faster and more consistent patch |
573s | cadences that you're used to from us |
575s | um |
578s | so we should we should what we'll be |
579s | doing a lot better I don't want to say I |
581s | don't want to put a specific number to |
583s | it |
584s | um |
585s | but uh |
588s | well probably |
595s | I'd say if you were expecting that |
597s | there's a low chance of it disappointed |
622s | hmm |
628s | really really ban someone |
641s | accounts suspended and deactivated |
643s | already well I was fast |
663s | didn't even get a chance abandon they |
665s | just the twitch was just like nope deal |
667s | with it |
668s | huh |
676s | see how tanky this build is don't worry |
678s | Mike we trust you on that yeah |
680s | yeah |
682s | you're fine |
686s | given that we have like no |
690s | idols |
700s | I'm just gonna put like a |
704s | foreign |
711s | slap that right at the top |
713s | to make sure they're not getting hidden |
715s | by anything |
719s | we deserve three leaks that's how bribes |
722s | work |
722s | ah |
724s | okay sure |
729s | sounds good |
732s | I really I'm really enjoying this build |
733s | so far |
742s | the like you kind of gotta aim a little |
745s | bit but you know it does it does most of |
746s | the work for you |
751s | we're tanky we're just we're just |
753s | chilling it's something I need to be |
755s | able to uh you know look at Chad |
757s | properly |
773s | hey |
779s | what the question we answered I should |
785s | I thought I saw a question that I |
788s | missed |
795s | ah there's a question I saw that had a |
798s | ping and I missed it I don't know |
799s | someone deleted it or not |
802s | if it wasn't sorry |
804s | I'm trying to find it but I'm not doing |
806s | a very good job |
808s | oh here's one hey Mike how are you can |
810s | you say something to you |
813s | uh to gain exp groups use pins for |
816s | groups players with different levels in |
818s | the party oh um okay so the |
821s | current plan for experience |
823s | um |
825s | uh like |
827s | out of level range experience game |
831s | penalties system uh that you see I don't |
834s | know the generic term for that but it's |
836s | gonna just stay the same it's exactly |
838s | what it is now in game |
841s | enemies give experience to players they |
844s | give the same amount of student |
845s | experience to players when they die no |
846s | matter how many players are in the zone |
849s | um and if you are more than five levels |
853s | above your character level you gain |
855s | experience as though you were five |
857s | levels above your character so if you |
859s | are a if I was talking level 76 |
861s | character if I go into level 90 Zone I |
864s | gain experiences though I'm in a level |
865s | 81 Zone |
876s | foreign |
882s | style in view Quest reward that turns a |
884s | white face into an exalted item yeah and |
887s | I mean I think that that type of |
889s | mechanic is really interesting having it |
890s | be a quest reward |
892s | um I I think is |
895s | kind of limiting what how that mechanic |
898s | can be used I didn't personally much |
900s | prefer to see something like that come |
901s | out as a |
903s | oh that's a lot of stuff uh see |
906s | something like that come out as a |
910s | um |
912s | it's not gonna die here uh as like a |
916s | dungeon reward I think that would be |
917s | much more interesting |
919s | I'm not sure if we go all the way to |
921s | insult it it might who knows but I I |
923s | think that if we move that's |
927s | it that's and I do like that style of |
928s | system in view Quest especially is it's |
930s | really interesting because of the things |
932s | you can do uh in G2 and um like you can |
936s | there's a lot of hidden mechanics around |
938s | in view Quest |
940s | and |
942s | learning how that works properly and |
944s | learning how you can basically stick a |
945s | circle in there level 36 and get Max |
947s | roles on things is |
950s | it's different for like each circlet |
952s | subtype as well |
956s | there's all sorts of like free higher |
959s | level stuff you get from circlets |
972s | yeah |
974s | healing totems for the win |
976s | no problem eh |
979s | it's not flashy it's not fast we get the |
981s | job done we get there on time |
996s | so we're taking a look at |
1004s | I made a spriggan auto attack build some |
1006s | time ago and felt it was a lack of |
1007s | uniques for such a place document |
1009s | spring and loving patch Point night |
1011s | there are some changes to Spring and |
1013s | like like |
1014s | um |
1017s | how much is there |
1021s | uh I don't have a list of all the |
1023s | everything |
1030s | let's just check one place |
1032s | I know there's a bunch of stuff |
1040s | let's skills mage skills primeless |
1043s | skills |
1046s | today |
1052s | uh yeah there's a few fixes this mostly |
1054s | just fixes |
1056s | um things that we're missing this while |
1057s | we're working properly so it'll be some |
1058s | Buffs in general |
1064s | yeah there's a few a few I would say a |
1067s | few bug fixes that result in |
1069s | Buffs and a few and just little little |
1072s | Buffs also nothing nothing major nothing |
1075s | drastic |
1084s | I'm getting pinged |
1094s | it's okay it's just my wife |
1106s | um as far as more uniques go for Springs |
1108s | in particular I don't have anything off |
1110s | about my head that I know but I mean we |
1112s | are constantly adding more uniques |
1117s | I'm sure something will will |
1121s | at least |
1123s | spark some attention |
1131s | damage reflection Thornton's mode |
1134s | activated |
1138s | the debuff bubbles a little uh |
1141s | it's a little small for the spriggan |
1143s | model |
1145s | it's funny |
1148s | let's go Thorn is a bunch |
1151s | full reflect mode |
1155s | that's how this works isn't it |
1159s | actually it's working easily hello |
1162s | get that idle in it actually is uh |
1168s | you know not not perfect but not |
1170s | terrible for us |
1194s | uh the deepest coding question here |
1196s | since damaging Le is impractically |
1200s | implicitly random it's like just |
1203s | defeating an enemy with more or less |
1204s | attacks RNG calls affect Loop drops uh |
1209s | no |
1210s | uh if so I'll finally have motivation to |
1213s | use my time machine |
1216s | oh |
1218s | that would be a funny use for a time |
1221s | machine though |
1229s | she is not in earshot nor watching the |
1231s | stream lava |
1244s | I know there was some discussion about |
1245s | replacing ice thorns in a previous patch |
1247s | will that be included in the 0.9 or |
1248s | later |
1250s | it's it's it's it's clinging on for dear |
1253s | life it's just it's the Cockroach of |
1255s | skills I think I've been saying we're |
1257s | gonna remove it for like probably you |
1259s | probably go back two years into the |
1261s | dentist and find like some comment for |
1264s | me being like hinting about it being |
1266s | removed |
1270s | it's just like comically long period of |
1271s | time we're like we're gonna remove it |
1273s | guys I swear uh it's still there we're |
1278s | totally gonna remove it I swear |
1280s | we are totally Gonna Move It I swear |
1286s | released as we slept for six months in a |
1288s | row thank you very much glad to have you |
1290s | with us |
1292s | you're having fun |
1299s | hanging out relaxing evidence evidently |
1302s | she's not you're both still online and |
1304s | still alive |
1313s | oh she knows what I'm streaming right |
1315s | now and I won't reply to her while it's |
1317s | true |
1324s | no the kid just got bit by a duck |
1330s | he's fine |
1335s | pretty sure Tempest strike is the |
1337s | Cockroach of skills yeah but that one |
1338s | we're actually working on right now |
1349s | that one's that one's got like |
1352s | whole new prototype |
1354s | up and running you know it's got stuff |
1356s | that's going on with it |
1358s | I just learns is still just there |
1361s | because because like temperature is |
1362s | staying is changing |
1365s | um but I started to just leave it |
1368s | getting the old the old hifo |
1375s | bit by a duck yeah I I don't know how |
1377s | either |
1381s | it just like nipped by a beak |
1389s | doesn't sound like he's horribly wounded |
1392s | or maimed from this duck bite |
1398s | bills yeah sorry |
1402s | technical definition difference between |
1404s | a bill and a beak or is a bill a subset |
1407s | of Beaks |
1411s | like are all bills beaks but not all |
1413s | beaks bills |
1431s | hmm |
1435s | hello guys Mike you showed us I think |
1437s | last week a teaser for a new spear |
1439s | animations for City strike yeah we did I |
1440s | really like it actually |
1442s | um can you say if and what other Masters |
1446s | the Android skills claim to have revised |
1447s | them which is for specific weapon types |
1449s | the only ones that I know for certain is |
1452s | um like the rest of the spear |
1454s | Innovations for rogue were also changed |
1457s | um I I know others have been touched |
1459s | like I don't know which one |
1461s | um most of them are just minor changes |
1464s | I think I want to say acolyte got a |
1468s | couple |
1470s | of months |
1474s | but a lot of them are just like here's |
1476s | here's a little twist a little change |
1478s | like oh it didn't quite look good enough |
1479s | in the situations make it a little bit |
1481s | better type thing |
1483s | like we're gonna redo the animations for |
1484s | everything |
1488s | you know what it's an item we'll take it |
1491s | so that's where we're at with Idols |
1492s | right now |
1493s | foreign |
1503s | just go to my stash and grab a few but I |
1505s | like finding them |
1512s | I should look for an idle node in the |
1514s | monolith I don't know why I didn't think |
1515s | of that earlier |
1527s | was he taking after his dad and trying |
1530s | to face tank it yeah probably you know |
1539s | foreign |
1547s | thank you very much |
1549s | I love being told that our game's |
1550s | awesome |
1553s | it's nice |
1560s | that's got some belly damage in there |
1564s | there's an elemental not lastly five |
1566s | people |
1584s | is there is there a Big Bill debate |
1586s | raging now |
1600s | what if you name |
1602s | a duck bill and then it's a big Bill |
1611s | wait no the other way around |
1615s | oh my goodness |
1628s | all right |
1640s | I think we can do something a little bit |
1642s | harder this is this is I'm |
1644s | our damage output rates not fantastic |
1648s | but our survivability is quite nice |
1651s | their damage is definitely getting the |
1653s | job done so I think I'm gonna try to |
1656s | crack up a little more damage |
1659s | and maybe you'll be sitting a little bit |
1660s | harder a little bit quicker |
1669s | all right |
1673s | it doesn't go the wrong way |
1676s | yeah |
1678s | get him |
1681s | like can I reach can I reach |
1684s | is it quite there |
1685s | huh |
1697s | foreign |
1712s | isn't there a unique that lets you do |
1713s | that or is it it's probably too far |
1715s | around so you probably can't |
1721s | because it checks walking distance |
1735s | but we got here no problem |
1738s | a little jaunty stroll around the park |
1752s | will there be some type of PVP in the |
1753s | future like Arenas uh or certain zones |
1756s | uh we do want to have PVP at some point |
1758s | it won't be in 0.9 may not even be in |
1761s | 1.0 |
1762s | but but PVP is definitely uh a feature |
1766s | we're looking to in the future it's it's |
1767s | not a focus as PVE is the primary game |
1770s | mode |
1771s | um |
1772s | so you know we'll we'll still be |
1774s | focusing there but uh |
1777s | yeah a few sort of thing you'd like to |
1779s | do |
1780s | when will warlock be out with 1.0 |
1788s | oh a little line up there |
1791s | perfect |
1794s | Let's uh |
1798s | do a little little crafty craft |
1810s | let's see if we can |
1814s | bump some of these up a little bit |
1818s | you know what we'll take it |
1820s | it's more crit multi |
1824s | spell damage well transformed let's go |
1826s | for it |
1827s | we'll tune in as well sure |
1835s | bad |
1842s | like eight let them tend to like |
1848s | not quite weird before but you know it |
1850s | still works |
1856s | see if we can like |
1861s | all right we sealed oh but it's zero now |
1863s | can we even can we I don't think we can |
1864s | Discover it we need to have |
1867s | um |
1878s | just just bump some of the gear up you |
1880s | know no big deal |
1886s | foreign |
1892s | I just want to kill things faster |
1895s | is that so much to ask really |
1898s | fire damage |
1905s | I'm gonna chaos that |
1908s | um |
1917s | all right |
1919s | thank you |
1922s | a little bit louder now a little bit |
1925s | faster now |
1931s | our support skills still getting looked |
1934s | into yes |
1937s | yes |
1938s | um I had fun Paladin self-sustain plus |
1940s | group Buffs builds and Sean told him |
1943s | support build as well but if I recall |
1945s | the patch for support pattern build I |
1947s | had got massively nerved |
1954s | um |
1957s | are you talking about playing in |
1959s | multiplayer like in the CT program |
1970s | did we just buff ourselves too much |
1980s | there hasn't been a patch in quite a |
1982s | while still |
1984s | oh released five more wow thank you very |
1988s | much |
1990s | much appreciated there's so many things |
1992s | it's like just just gift Subs all over |
1994s | the place |
2004s | a little Dusty |
2005s | I should have uh |
2007s | looked at that first |
2013s | thank you very much glad to have you |
2016s | here congrats everybody got one of those |
2017s | hopefully Steve still won |
2025s | gotta figure out how to fix this |
2028s | it's probably just like give the |
2030s | moderators Subs so that this doesn't |
2032s | happen |
2035s | is is there a way that I can just like |
2037s | give out Subs any numbers specifically |
2039s | like can I just like give out some |
2041s | random songs because this is happening |
2045s | foreign |
2073s | spell and have the floor area be an |
2076s | extra node point be more efficient but |
2080s | that's |
2081s | baby I'm honestly not sure what node |
2084s | you're talking about my head |
2088s | the |
2089s | uh if it's not targeting things properly |
2091s | it's maybe a like just a |
2094s | like a bug that's causing enough targets |
2097s | let's look at my first level that |
2106s | yeah that's right you gotta hear dragon |
2109s | oh this is such a mistake that like |
2111s | everyone makes like because the dragon |
2113s | takes so long to spawn I just that's |
2115s | been fixed |
2118s | how long to 1.0 I do not have a set time |
2121s | on 1.0 yeah |
2126s | when it's ready |
2130s | but it is something we're working quite |
2131s | hard on |
2133s | uh any changes to Source where you can |
2135s | share this or nothing planned really I |
2136s | mean there's tons there's there's |
2137s | there's tons of little changes |
2141s | all over the place for every class like |
2144s | like |
2147s | the the patch notes for the most recent |
2150s | CT bills that went up required |
2157s | six posts worth of |
2161s | required six posts to post because it |
2163s | was too long and we couldn't it was |
2165s | truncating it |
2166s | so like |
2167s | that's just the most recent CP badge |
2170s | and there have been eight CT patches |
2173s | most of the room much smaller |
2175s | but like there's there's a lot of little |
2177s | things so like yes there's there's |
2178s | definitely tons of stuff there |
2181s | foreign |
2183s | got your favorite skill I might be able |
2185s | to look into it a little bit |
2194s | San Jose cenokas um just yeah we pick |
2197s | one seal I'll see if there's any use I |
2199s | need to change |
2201s | did you run down on the sort of |
2202s | performance improvements you might see |
2203s | what 0.9 um it's it's enough like it's |
2206s | different for every computer because |
2208s | some computers are receiving performance |
2210s | hits for very different reasons from |
2212s | others and |
2214s | um |
2215s | it's it's oh yeah even more oh people |
2218s | are King seems gifting for forwarding |
2221s | stuff can chill uh I thought it was |
2223s | still the same one thank you very much |
2224s | can chill for your sub and five gifted |
2227s | Subs it looks like and we've got cheers |
2230s | and everything it's just it's it's a |
2232s | crazy it's |
2234s | I can't even keep up over here |
2235s | can't even keep up over here thank you |
2237s | very much everybody |
2239s | okay I'm gonna go back to answer your |
2241s | questions |
2243s | um performance improvements uh 0.9 yeah |
2245s | so there's just like there's lots of |
2246s | different areas we targeted for |
2247s | performance |
2249s | um so we targeted |
2250s | um abilities quite happily |
2253s | um we targeted |
2255s | um lighting quite heavily we've targeted |
2259s | um just enemies in general we targeted |
2261s | and like that basically all actors |
2264s | anything that has an animator |
2268s | a lot of the ways that it goes to |
2270s | everything you Target in |
2272s | um |
2272s | if every Zone has been targeted |
2276s | um like it's it's |
2280s | and and because of that there's so many |
2282s | different ways that people were |
2283s | experiencing problems based on the |
2285s | systems they had so some people |
2287s | um that had really powerful systems were |
2288s | experiencing slowdowns |
2290s | um because basically just it was able to |
2292s | do too much at once in uh certain |
2295s | categories causing |
2297s | um the categories that the code wasn't |
2299s | very efficient in to start having |
2301s | problems and and causing lag overall |
2307s | um so there's like we've tried to fix |
2309s | that as well and we |
2311s | and then like a lot of systems that were |
2314s | really low power uh we've tried to |
2316s | Target as well for and a lot of that |
2318s | comes into playing with the |
2320s | lighting effects |
2323s | just just Lighting in abilities and how |
2325s | that interacts with the environment so |
2327s | like |
2329s | um |
2331s | really minor effects that you couldn't |
2334s | really notice were having big |
2335s | performance impacts and so we like |
2338s | touching on those much |
2342s | um it's it's a big enough Improvement |
2343s | that personally I can |
2345s | clearly tell even even when I'm playing |
2347s | 0.5 if I like I I it feels fine to me |
2351s | um but then I go play the like live |
2354s | online version and I'm like oh it's just |
2355s | so much better |
2357s | it's one of those things you don't |
2358s | really realize or notice if it's if |
2360s | you've got A5 working well you don't |
2363s | think it's that bad and then you go to |
2364s | the point nine you're like oh |
2373s | and and I'm sure there will still be |
2374s | people with certain systems that will |
2376s | still have problems I don't think it's |
2377s | gonna be a blanket just everyone's |
2379s | everything's perfect now because I mean |
2381s | no game has working perfectly for every |
2384s | single person |
2397s | Steve oh my gosh I just saw you gifted a |
2400s | sub just a random sub and it went to |
2402s | another staff member that was hilarious |
2411s | that's great |
2413s | that's great I uh I I just caught up on |
2416s | that |
2417s | uh when roadmaps 1.0 um I road maps are |
2421s | tricky I don't know if we're gonna do or |
2423s | when we'll do another road map |
2427s | it's it's one of those things where we |
2428s | might find |
2432s | the number of features that are left to |
2435s | do for 1.0 |
2437s | um |
2437s | is is it's not a huge amount of stuff |
2440s | and it mostly hinges on |
2445s | feedback from 0.9 |
2449s | we will know |
2453s | we have a lot of things that we have |
2455s | listed that we're like hey we need to do |
2456s | a b and Z to get from point nine to one |
2459s | point we know we have to do these things |
2460s | and those are things like we know we |
2462s | have to do |
2464s | um |
2466s | through Mastery classes for example |
2468s | um |
2469s | but it's possible that after 0.9 |
2471s | releases |
2472s | uh |
2474s | because we've opened it up to such a |
2475s | wide population compared to what it is |
2477s | now |
2478s | some new problems might show up okay we |
2480s | need an extra patch to get through |
2483s | um or or we need more time to |
2486s | to sort of position so like there's |
2488s | there's things that could crop up so I |
2490s | don't want to say |
2492s | specifically what it is |
2495s | like like it's hard to put a |
2496s | a timeline on those things because we |
2499s | especially now because we might find out |
2501s | that we need more time to get to it |
2507s | we are we're in ticking things off the |
2510s | list mode |
2517s | uh when will we get the kickstarter |
2519s | skins and portrait you know it's not a |
2520s | priority just curious that'll probably |
2521s | be 1.0 |
2524s | I was gonna be like D3 where there will |
2526s | be a specific gear set that will be in |
2528s | the main gear it'll be like Pew where |
2530s | there's totally random and just build |
2531s | what you feel like might feel good um as |
2534s | far as having like a uh a a chunk of |
2538s | gear that's delivered to you through a |
2540s | seasonal pass or something like that not |
2541s | season passes Wrong Turn um |
2545s | I don't know what they what they call it |
2546s | season's journey is that what they call |
2548s | it oh it's been a while |
2550s | um |
2551s | whatever D3 calls it it's called The |
2553s | Season's Journey uh we're not doing |
2555s | something like that where there's like a |
2557s | specific set of gear and I don't mean |
2559s | like uh set as in a green items I mean |
2561s | set as in like or green items or just |
2564s | any chunk of gear We're not gonna be |
2566s | bundling a specific gear where we're |
2567s | like here this season this gear is going |
2569s | to be a really good League starter for |
2571s | you uh and if you complete these pretty |
2574s | straightforward requests uh you'll |
2576s | you'll get this set up here that'll get |
2577s | you get the ball rolling we don't have |
2579s | anything a system like that playing at |
2581s | the moment |
2582s | um it's it's more organic of hey what |
2585s | did you find |
2586s | um |
2591s | I think we generally have more Target |
2593s | farming opportunities than DP does |
2597s | um so you can influence what gear you're |
2599s | getting and get more control of work |
2600s | you're getting |
2603s | so it's it's it's less important so I |
2605s | think it is really important system to |
2607s | having d39 |
2620s | oh you're in this crash and you couldn't |
2622s | hear anything about static or possibly |
2623s | well I asked you to tell me what skill |
2625s | you wanted me to look up |
2627s | see if there was anything changes to it |
2629s | just do it and I see now you're looking |
2630s | for static orbs so look at the most |
2632s | recent packs it seems anything there |
2634s | before it there was a bug fixed |
2637s | or static word |
2645s | uh unfortunately it's actually a nerd |
2649s | right here |
2654s | it's really it's really minor though |
2659s | an area increasing effect was running |
2662s | off of radius instead of area |
2666s | so it is had increasing Returns on node |
2670s | investment instead of playing Originals |
2684s | so it's just making the skill do what it |
2686s | says it does |
2692s | but there's I'm sure there's other |
2694s | changes too |
2695s | that are not in this one that I'm |
2697s | looking at |
2713s | I see the follow-up possible so Gear |
2715s | theme essentially no we're not doing |
2717s | that |
2718s | let's see I'm trying to say that we |
2719s | would |
2725s | with the two-handed center strike video |
2727s | recently does this mean that there are |
2729s | some changes coming to Rogue to support |
2730s | to him I wouldn't say there's |
2733s | um |
2735s | um I I don't don't get your hopes up on |
2738s | us in giving you a bunch of tools to |
2740s | suddenly be able to be super effective |
2744s | with two-handed weapons on road that's |
2746s | not that's not the uh the goal here |
2749s | um |
2750s | more just taking an animation that |
2752s | wasn't overly awesome and uh making it |
2757s | work a little nicer and be a little |
2759s | something for people who are trying to |
2760s | do that |
2761s | um |
2763s | I wouldn't expect two-handed Rogue to be |
2766s | a |
2767s | um intentionally supported |
2771s | um archetype so like there's |
2773s | some archives that we like really push |
2775s | heavily so like |
2777s | a a an elemental sorcerer we pushed that |
2781s | pretty hard like oh you can make a fire |
2783s | sorcer great there's tons of tools for |
2785s | that |
2786s | um oh you're gonna make a void sorcerer |
2788s | I mean it's technically possible but |
2790s | there's not a ton of to use for |
2793s | you know so I put um |
2797s | two-handed Rogue more in that category |
2811s | are there going to be any throwing |
2813s | improvements that seem to be a lack of |
2814s | support for the architect |
2817s | um there's not a huge change for it |
2819s | coming in point nine |
2821s | um there'll likely to be more changes to |
2824s | throwing as an archetype as a whole |
2825s | coming up |
2830s | still a little scared and used the |
2832s | potion for the first time in the Stream |
2844s | Mike you are awesome love your passion |
2846s | with the game and I can't wait for it so |
2847s | at least thank you very much |
2849s | that's salty Goodman |
2854s | drink lots of water |
2857s | right I was gonna do an idle one okay |
2859s | idle I don't I don't find another one I |
2861s | don't I don't but oh it's raining |
2863s | what are they doing |
2869s | idols |
2881s | idols |
2884s | yes Mike we know you don't like |
2885s | two-handed Melee Rook I actually do |
2887s | enjoy I I like two-handed Melee Rogue |
2891s | more |
2892s | with it not being directly heavily |
2895s | supported then I would if it was |
2897s | directly having support |
2901s | um |
2901s | because I I I'm a big fan of the like |
2906s | um wait you got what to work moments uh |
2911s | you got a buddy in there you're playing |
2912s | multiplayer and you're like sort of you |
2914s | don't tell them what they're what what |
2915s | your build is at all like oh yeah I'm |
2918s | playing a rogue you know who knows what |
2920s | it is |
2921s | I'll play the blade dancer you know |
2922s | having some fun with it |
2924s | and then all of a sudden they're like |
2925s | wait a minute why do you have a |
2927s | two-hander |
2929s | brazen |
2932s | you know that's that's that's that's |
2933s | that's what I |
2936s | thought |
2948s | and I'm sure as we add more |
2951s | just you know random uniques and |
2955s | you know extra stuff gets added here and |
2958s | there you'll start you'll see more and |
2959s | more places where you can find the tools |
2962s | to get the jobs done |
2965s | sometimes it's better when uh |
2968s | it's not quite as directly signposted |
2972s | and it's discovered with like |
2974s | oh uh like some item that we released |
2977s | like oh we released this this necklace |
2979s | that we think is we're designing for uh |
2982s | I don't know beastmasters and somehow it |
2986s | it turns on two-handed Rogue and we're |
2988s | just like whoops and uh you know like |
2991s | that type of moment that's great as well |
2995s | I'd rather I'd rather see that happen |
2998s | that happens just be like all right |
3000s | here's a dozen nodes in uh play dances |
3003s | that work for two-handed weapons you |
3004s | know |
3009s | I think that takes away from the |
3012s | um like the the theming of Blade dancer |
3015s | and the like the expressions of a class |
3018s | itself |
3020s | um and then I also think it it kind of |
3022s | like uh takes away a little bit from the |
3026s | the achievement of getting an uh off the |
3029s | beaten path built to work |
3046s | are we gonna see any quiver visual |
3048s | representation free 1.0 no Quivers still |
3051s | aren't uh displayed visually only on the |
3053s | character properly |
3082s | breaking news Mike likes mean builds |
3084s | yeah |
3086s | love him |
3087s | love um |
3090s | I I say this all the time but yeah |
3093s | crossbow sword was you know my favorite |
3096s | build and uh you do |
3101s | awful |
3105s | right |
3107s | you guys thought about you how you guys |
3109s | thought about how warlock will work |
3111s | since warlock basically should be a |
3112s | class |
3113s | uh that doesn't use spells but |
3116s | spell-like abilities called indications |
3119s | or something like that uh since I have |
3121s | waited long for warlock I'm so I'm |
3123s | curious about it now that I know it will |
3126s | be out at 1.0 |
3127s | um we do I don't have really |
3129s | specific details on um |
3133s | what it's gonna look like in the past |
3135s | I've likened the feeling and feel |
3139s | of uh I I just sort of a touchstone |
3144s | steaming |
3146s | Style |
3148s | vague vague generality I've likened it |
3151s | to Jafar in the past which is very |
3154s | intentionally not a game with mechanical |
3157s | things you can look to |
3159s | um |
3162s | but I guess that's sort of the feel |
3164s | we're looking for |
3180s | the the the Warlock will definitely have |
3182s | direct spells though like that's |
3185s | they're an acolyte so we would like |
3188s | like Necromancer and then bleach out |
3190s | them just because they're there |
3200s | and as we get closer to like so none of |
3202s | warlocks actually implemented it in game |
3204s | yet there's some prototype stuff that's |
3207s | started but nothing that's |
3208s | uh firm and uh |
3212s | like it's not it's not internally |
3214s | playable yet so I can't give you the |
3216s | specifics on |
3222s | CC's do not have access to any warlock |
3225s | anything |
3226s | or Falconer or |
3229s | brewmaster |
3233s | yay |
3236s | don't see that every day |
3239s | a little bit of beer |
3243s | yeah there we go |
3256s | foreign |
3258s | responsibly |
3266s | I found myself drinking so little these |
3269s | days and I'm just like am I just getting |
3271s | old is that all that's happening or do I |
3272s | just not like not like it that much |
3274s | anymore I don't know |
3287s | 200 in no beer for you yet there's |
3288s | another even rarer type of |
3293s | as well |
3298s | and they're |
3300s | like it's the same when a potion drops |
3302s | it rolls to see if it's going to turn |
3304s | into beer and then if it does turn into |
3306s | beer it rolls the same Rarity to change |
3308s | it to something else |
3317s | the difference of stats there |
3327s | apparently spriggan Vine AI is bugged in |
3329s | the Logitech enemies sometimes will just |
3330s | be fixed in an outcome patch yeah I'm |
3332s | pretty sure |
3337s | foreign |
3339s | maybe on that one |
3342s | Frost but I don't have with cold skills |
3343s | oh |
3345s | and Hell through General transformed |
3346s | yeah that's a big old yup |
3352s | it's on hit to some of the Thornton oh |
3356s | yeah that's probably really good too |
3359s | lead on cold hit totem health |
3365s | and we'll take him but not as good |
3369s | this one we definitely want in |
3378s | this is less awesome |
3392s | great how can we is there any way to do |
3396s | this |
3398s | no there's no way to do this |
3402s | to pick those |
3407s | um |
3409s | I feel like that more |
3430s | we're gonna go with |
3432s | definitely doing good on the on the on |
3434s | the totem no that was well worth it |
3448s | boom set up a microphone mute hotkey |
3451s | before the string sending on my cough |
3463s | uh do you guys intend to use the CT |
3466s | closed server's kind test for future big |
3468s | updates as well or is it just for |
3470s | multiples no we do want to keep a |
3473s | password oops we do want to keep this |
3476s | like um |
3478s | it's essentially a PTR like a PTR style |
3480s | like a closed VTR style system uh |
3483s | rolling that's still something you think |
3485s | it's |
3486s | worthwhile and good and useful into the |
3490s | future |
3491s | um |
3493s | do I know exactly what it's going to |
3494s | look like no do I suspect a lot of |
3496s | people will |
3497s | um |
3498s | probably not be overly interested in it |
3501s | once multiple |
3505s | people and that's totally fine and |
3506s | understandable and I expected |
3512s | a valuable thing to get feedback |
3515s | from players |
3516s | before it gets me I think that's that's |
3518s | a really valuable thing to get |
3521s | um |
3522s | and also just |
3525s | um sometimes there's things that can |
3527s | happen with |
3528s | um people who are working with us every |
3530s | day or there's certain certain bugs that |
3533s | you learn to just live with certain |
3534s | things sometimes just overlooked and |
3536s | they don't seem like problems to you |
3537s | anymore happens all the time with the |
3539s | things way more than just games |
3541s | um it's why you get like that's why you |
3543s | see those |
3544s | um like focus groups where there's like |
3546s | most people in a room there's a |
3547s | moderator asking questions it's like |
3549s | that's the reason you see things like |
3550s | that |
3551s | um |
3556s | and yeah so there's |
3558s | definitely value in that I'm sure this |
3561s | this the program will change slightly |
3563s | um but we definitely implemented it with |
3565s | the assumption that we've continued |
3569s | you know assuming people still want to |
3572s | be surprised if everyone bailed |
3576s | all right have you tried dealing with a |
3578s | young child that's lost there when |
3580s | you're drunk no I have not |
3585s | and it sounds awful |
3590s | it sounds really awful |
3600s | but my head would explode |
3605s | that's either why parents drink or why |
3607s | they don't or that's why I don't |
3613s | yeah when you have a Perpetual 6 a.m |
3615s | alarm clock every day |
3618s | going over is not fun |
3632s | but I don't think I've been hungover |
3634s | since we had the kid |
3640s | so there's that |
3646s | uh do you guys have anything against |
3647s | fuel that will make add-ons to the game |
3649s | I I I think that |
3651s | um |
3653s | I uh sorry add-ons I think that right |
3656s | now we're in sort of a weird pre-release |
3659s | State and we've had there's there's some |
3661s | public |
3662s | um replies about |
3665s | um uncommon mods on um on our forums and |
3671s | um |
3673s | really for for single player offline |
3676s | content where there's |
3678s | um where you're not affecting anyone |
3679s | else's game |
3681s | um we really have no intention of |
3682s | helping or hurting mod creation |
3684s | whatsoever that's sort of a |
3687s | um in that single player offline |
3689s | environments |
3690s | um where it's just just you and your |
3692s | game you know have fun go nuts but um |
3697s | we're not really going to |
3700s | uh |
3702s | uh building any systems that make it |
3704s | easier like a specific mods folder that |
3706s | just makes it work once it gets put in |
3707s | or anything like that |
3709s | um we have no plans for that right now |
3712s | that that it's possible that that could |
3714s | change this whole thing I'm saying could |
3715s | change |
3716s | um but right now it's sort of one of |
3717s | those things where |
3719s | um |
3719s | you're not hurting anyone |
3723s | do we do we really have any reason to |
3726s | say anything about it |
3744s | all right |
3750s | next thing why did you guys decide to |
3752s | make weapons Etc class locked there's |
3755s | only one class locked weapon right now |
3757s | um and that's more uh right now that's |
3761s | just because there's only |
3763s | um one class that has any skills that |
3765s | are compatible with it |
3767s | um |
3769s | and |
3771s | yeah |
3772s | as far as class locked there's there's |
3775s | three others there are three slots that |
3776s | are class locked and there are generic |
3778s | ones that can go in these slots so some |
3780s | uniques are based off of generic |
3781s | versions of items that can go in these |
3783s | slots but Hound chest and Relic are |
3785s | class logs |
3787s | um partially because it's uh way easier |
3790s | to to make gear that is very visual on |
3793s | the character |
3797s | um |
3797s | and and and and like shows up very |
3801s | clearly in the character matched the 2D |
3802s | and 3D thematically and appropriately to |
3805s | the character |
3807s | um instead of having something like you |
3810s | you know like you put a um I used to |
3813s | deal which is an example you put a |
3815s | um certain chess piece on a mage or |
3817s | Sword and the same chess piece on a Barb |
3819s | and they look very different on each and |
3821s | then you get like color themings that |
3823s | like make them so you said oh it's a |
3825s | male base like a chainmail based uh |
3828s | chess piece and you get like elements of |
3830s | chain mail and each one type thing but |
3831s | it's |
3832s | it doesn't look quite the same and so |
3834s | this was an attempt to make it more |
3836s | efficient for us to |
3838s | um |
3839s | to be able to have that look be similar |
3841s | more similar |
3843s | and then on top of that we also felt |
3845s | like having certain class themed items |
3847s | would let us make them more interesting |
3849s | and have more interesting affixes on |
3851s | them so you get this increased spell |
3853s | damage while transformed affix that can |
3854s | only appear on primeless body Runners |
3856s | that can't appear on oh that might be |
3858s | able to appear on the back like |
3860s | but it came to appear for example on |
3862s | Sentinel body armors because there's no |
3863s | way to transform the setup |
3865s | um and so you get this this more |
3867s | frequently useful and more frequently |
3869s | interesting gear |
3871s | um on these slots and I mean the The |
3873s | Relic was the third slot we picked just |
3875s | because we thought it could be |
3877s | um a really uh class thematically |
3880s | appropriate and changing items so like |
3882s | the items that go in this Relic slots |
3883s | are really |
3885s | um you know flavor heavy |
3888s | and then jewelry belts gloves boots and |
3891s | weapons are generally much less |
3896s | flavor specific and you can kind of go |
3898s | anywhere so we try to and and like so |
3899s | it's that that blend of both and we're |
3901s | really happy with how that's working |
3922s | uh next question here do you guys have |
3925s | anything against people oh no I answer |
3927s | that |
3938s | I think after this I got I got a t-0 I |
3941s | I'm not dying it's it's just I'm too |
3944s | Rock Solid so we'll get another cheese |
3946s | rounds uh after after this one oh I |
3949s | missed uh it was it was all in in all of |
3952s | that confusion uh quit m420 it's cheered |
3956s | thank you very much and Cadre has subbed |
3959s | thank you very much and I Su 9 has rated |
3962s | thank you very much |
3963s | glad to have you all with us hope you're |
3965s | having fun |
3971s | anything you are learning I hope it's |
3973s | from my mistakes enough of what I'm |
3974s | saying |
3979s | all right next question here we go how |
3981s | does it feel to be so close to point |
3983s | nine multiple finally amazing |
3986s | my my stress level |
3989s | um is inversely related to time right |
3991s | now |
3994s | which I know seems weird that you can |
3995s | get them close and closer to point nine |
3997s | just going up but I feel great about it |
4003s | so every day we get closer I'm just like |
4007s | uh I know it's a huge goal a massive |
4010s | project to undertake launching into |
4012s | society yeah there's some some news |
4014s | about the launch going well but um |
4017s | I don't know maybe I'm overconfident but |
4024s | I feel like we're preparing quite well |
4025s | for it |
4032s | ice Thorns were slated to remove replace |
4034s | a while ago any news about it now maybe |
4037s | linking uh similarly |
4040s | um it is still slated to be removed |
4043s | um and it will be removed actually |
4044s | probably 1.0 |
4051s | maybe before |
4057s | all right looking back uh what's the top |
4061s | preventable mistake you think or your |
4063s | team made last year what was the biggest |
4066s | thing came out of it oh that's a hard |
4068s | question |
4070s | um I don't know the answer to that |
4071s | question properly |
4074s | um there's probably something related to |
4076s | the |
4077s | um |
4079s | uh of |
4087s | I don't know |
4089s | there weren't very many like |
4092s | huge mistakes I uh |
4099s | honestly uh |
4102s | I don't know this is the thing is I |
4103s | don't know if it's a mistake or not |
4105s | um but |
4107s | possibly not releasing eight six |
4112s | because we thought we could we thought |
4113s | we could get 0.9 out last year |
4116s | and which is why we pushed eight six |
4119s | and we ended up not being able to get |
4120s | 0.9 out last year so maybe not releasing |
4123s | eight six |
4124s | was was a mistake that's just so hard to |
4127s | say though because it like that has such |
4129s | a huge impact on a lot of different |
4132s | things that it's it's so hard to tell if |
4135s | that was actually a mistake or not |
4137s | if it was a mistake that was probably |
4139s | the biggest one |
4151s | a little Idol so we need |
4154s | Hawaii little Idol that fit in our slots |
4157s | there we go |
4163s | let's go find a boss let's go fight a |
4165s | boss |
4173s | oh no I'm gonna transform |
4180s | yo |
4185s | yo oh I was gonna do a okay |
4188s | sorry |
4203s | you were good |
4211s | oh let's let's start with let's just |
4213s | slide this one down come in the middle |
4214s | of them |
4216s | of a monolith as it is anyways |
4223s | here's a unique as requested from last |
4226s | week |
4235s | allocate |
4242s | you don't want to say it was a mistake |
4244s | uh but just what you learned from the |
4246s | situation I can get behind that too |
4248s | yep |
4250s | it's so hard like it's it's a good it's |
4253s | a good question to try and analyze and |
4254s | look back at like what would you have |
4256s | done differently what could you have |
4257s | done better |
4258s | fantastic exercise to do |
4261s | um |
4262s | and deciding retroactively if it was a |
4264s | mistake or not is so hard |
4267s | um in some situations sometimes it's |
4269s | really obvious |
4273s | I can point to a few mistakes |
4275s | uh earlier than last year |
4280s | um |
4282s | that uh definitely where would it would |
4285s | have been better but you know like |
4290s | maybe the further you get from the |
4291s | situation the easier it is to |
4293s | um decide if it was mistake or not |
4300s | all right |
4303s | how do you live the cell phone in the |
4305s | game it's giving you arthritis uh we're |
4307s | working on controller support that |
4308s | generally is better for arthritis |
4313s | I have a question about something |
4315s | nowhere near the priority list of 0.9 do |
4318s | you plan to give a master tree to |
4320s | Healing Hand yes |
4321s | yes uh there is a lot of things possible |
4323s | to do with the skill like |
4325s | artifact granting Edition Mana regen War |
4328s | given or even turning into a damage into |
4330s | it yeah |
4331s | um |
4333s | Healing Hands is is on the list for |
4335s | getting a um |
4338s | a skill tree we've had lots of little |
4340s | ideas here and there crop up for it over |
4342s | the years because it's been there since |
4344s | forever and um there's definitely some |
4347s | cool ideas that we've got sort of |
4349s | sitting on sitting on the background for |
4350s | a while now that um |
4352s | I think people will be happy with |
4363s | I think some things that people won't |
4365s | expect either |
4368s | which is really the important part |
4384s | are you planning any more music |
4385s | additions to the game say with fortnite |
4387s | 2.0 yeah there's uh there's a whole slew |
4390s | of new sounds |
4392s | um soundtracks |
4394s | uh music tracks that's what they're |
4396s | called |
4397s | um that are coming in with 0.9 uh I last |
4401s | week told the story about how I was |
4403s | shocked I'd never heard of one before |
4404s | because I really liked it in a couple |
4406s | play tests ago and the composer was in |
4408s | in my party with me he's like I just |
4411s | added that so that's why |
4412s | I felt better about myself because I I |
4415s | have a terrible |
4417s | terrible things |
4421s | like I I enjoy music but uh |
4424s | asked me to |
4426s | tell you anything about it and it'll |
4428s | just be wrong |
4433s | is this an early game low level unique |
4436s | you know what |
4439s | I've definitely looked at the file |
4441s | that's that's on screen right now before |
4443s | but just just to refresh my memory |
4446s | I'm gonna open it up real quick here and |
4448s | look at it |
4450s | so we go we got Firestarter storage |
4452s | sector unique breast after it's uh it's |
4454s | an early game |
4455s | uh unique it has no level requirements |
4459s | um so it's really low implicit stats 10 |
4460s | melee damage three spell damage you can |
4462s | see the new uh added melee damage effect |
4466s | there it doesn't say physical at all |
4468s | and spell does not say adaptive so |
4470s | they're they're both effectively what we |
4472s | have come to learn is adaptive but is |
4476s | now |
4477s | um |
4478s | chance to inflict spreading flames on |
4480s | hits more fire damage to enemies of |
4482s | afflicted by spreading Flames increase |
4484s | by energy over time minus four spell |
4486s | Mana cost and four percent difference |
4487s | between these all have ranges associated |
4489s | with them as well |
4490s | um yeah it's it'll it'll |
4492s | I think be a starter unique that will be |
4496s | fun to get some that'll be on |
4504s | that's what I think |
4520s | we're new |
4522s | we're gonna we're gonna come in here |
4524s | this is this is this is cool I love how |
4526s | there's stuff in like every one of them |
4531s | where am I putting points |
4540s | that's nice to just have |
4574s | really hits we didn't do that at all |
4577s | I feel like this is usually where I end |
4578s | up going when I do this build we don't |
4580s | have anything in it |
4586s | I'm just I'm just gonna |
4588s | I have no points did I put a point in |
4590s | something |
4593s | nope there must have been more allocated |
4595s | points than I have actually |
4599s | uh earned |
4604s | City |
4615s | all right shade let's go |
4623s | I understand I'm about to whoop your |
4624s | butt |
4647s | it's like everything cocky |
4651s | oh my God |
4678s | it did look delicious what's my poison |
4679s | res like you know not abysmal I have no |
4683s | excuse |
4701s | oh ruined it ruined it |
4721s | I don't know I'm sitting there trying to |
4732s | just bump things up a touch you know |
4735s | as we go |
4741s | I like being over here on the left feels |
4743s | more comfortable |
4758s | all right how does audio implementation |
4760s | work in the game to use audio middleware |
4761s | software to just |
4763s | um we use |
4765s | uh F mod |
4772s | which I believe shows up in the like |
4774s | open |
4780s | opening |
4782s | and while fmod is great it has a weird |
4785s | interaction with Git sometimes where |
4787s | there's a lot of files that get changed |
4792s | automatically |
4794s | sometimes quite frustrating |
4802s | but |
4804s | every other plugin does that |
4813s | gets the job done it works great |
4816s | oh that one's colored interesting |
4833s | wow it's already the damage over time |
4834s | uniques feel both damage over time and |
4836s | unique it says you need feel and fit |
4838s | stuck in that would just be really by a |
4840s | powder in Canon or some kind of Mac like |
4842s | I think you could go either way I think |
4844s | it's part of your part about it |
4846s | um |
4849s | and I really like items that can be |
4852s | especially unique items that you can be |
4854s | like Oh I'm gonna use this unique to |
4856s | focus around a build on uh one class or |
4858s | another and have it still be fun in |
4860s | different interests |
4863s | I think you see that a bit in um |
4867s | in some items but I I want to get more |
4869s | like that in |
4872s | where they're like |
4875s | specific enough that they don't |
4878s | um they're not just like every Paladin |
4880s | should use this item |
4882s | um but generic enough that you can say |
4884s | like oh this type of Paladin likes this |
4886s | and this type of glitch like this and |
4889s | you'd be like oh that's an interesting |
4891s | one because of that |
4894s | you get like specific widespread appeal |
4897s | I don't know if that's a thing |
4916s | Camera Club has already answered but |
4918s | just take |
4920s | but take two just in case can a relic be |
4922s | made visible on character will cause |
4924s | such issues |
4926s | um we don't have like a relic slot on |
4929s | the character models to make them |
4931s | perform at the moment it's not |
4932s | impossible but um |
4935s | for the time being we don't have any |
4936s | plans for it right |
4938s | you could you could potentially get some |
4940s | sort of like |
4950s | the the trophies that get attached to |
4953s | Roach in The Witcher 3. come to mind |
4957s | Style |
4964s | great stuff to do because we're not |
4966s | using a shield |
4978s | it's a good choice there Mike |
4985s | I really want to get through this finish |
4987s | finish there's a box off |
4991s | uh yeah I get that ooh this in response |
4994s | to a question |
4995s | um I'm studying audio implementation for |
4998s | video game sound design uh and cops are |
5000s | just curious who knows what they might |
5001s | apply for help |
5003s | it goes great |
5007s | oh we got one that didn't tag me any |
5009s | plans to implement LP filtering on loot |
5011s | filters that is |
5018s | the readily seen healing wind |
5026s | um yeah there's there's uh |
5028s | LP on the filters is not something we're |
5030s | planning at the movies |
5057s | there's really chats that it's gonna |
5058s | spam attacks as I slowly walk |
5067s | oh |
5069s | actually I I like |
5072s | the artist did such a fantastic job of |
5076s | the new transforms |
5078s | oh yeah |
5082s | looks great |
5092s | it's a long way from uh |
5094s | just being the spriggan model |
5097s | but uh |
5099s | there was a pack that came with with two |
5101s | spriggan models |
5104s | um and it was one of them was we used |
5105s | one of them for the summit and one of |
5106s | them for the player transformed long way |
5109s | since that |
5124s | yeah I can't die here that'd be |
5126s | embarrassing |
5133s | I did die though didn't I so I guess I |
5135s | kind of owe you guys another uh |
5137s | little little teaser don't I okay |
5140s | after this one I'll get enough |
5172s | a little little ambient music dancing |
5174s | there |
5177s | you quite like the music I don't know |
5179s | the soccer part I know nothing about it |
5181s | but I always I always enjoy it |
5195s | all right buddy |
5197s | here we go |
5200s | and it is |
5206s | boiler time now |
5214s | to the neighborhood oh well |
5229s | the Boom |
5254s | what happened can we freeze how do we |
5256s | freeze it's just a loop |
5259s | uh oh it does say Loop |
5271s | what is going on is it looking crazy |
5273s | weird |
5294s | okay |
5297s | just a second here |
5308s | we're gonna |
5314s | try and redo this bit |
5317s | which are on the screen lock |
5326s | that looks a little better |
5332s | first try every time |
5345s | now it's playing right this is not |
5347s | Dragon song it is related to in a unique |
5349s | though |
5359s | you guys asked for any unique stuff this |
5361s | week so |
5362s | asking ye shall receive |
5380s | D also pretty nice |
5387s | let's get back to it |
5393s | foreign |
5399s | get the whole ass out |
5405s | nice thank you so much oh I switched oh |
5409s | you thrown me completely what am I to do |
5437s | all right |
5439s | uh we get some basic transmog feature |
5442s | hopefully next match now there's no |
5443s | transmog feature next match |
5452s | all right no ETA |
5455s | uh I only recently have kept up with |
5457s | patch notes housing 4.9 losing notes |
5460s | um it'll probably be pretty close to |
5463s | actually point nine when he's the full |
5464s | notes |
5466s | um |
5469s | there are |
5471s | um |
5472s | oh that's actually a good question |
5473s | because we're gonna have those like |
5475s | early release events so those won't be |
5478s | point nine but they will be like |
5481s | they'll probably have like some 0.8 big |
5484s | number on it |
5486s | um |
5488s | so we're gonna have |
5496s | um |
5500s | gonna have passions for those don't we |
5509s | I don't know that that's that's |
5510s | interesting actually so we'll have to |
5512s | have some hatchimals for the builds that |
5514s | are coming out who will play early with |
5516s | it will be the 4.9 patch notes usually |
5518s | patch notes are |
5521s | um like a couple days before or like day |
5524s | of type thing |
5525s | um and we do a patch preview video a |
5528s | week before this is usually how we've |
5530s | been doing it |
5536s | hr's into Chad the whole what up |
5542s | it was it was a time before rules before |
5544s | laws |
5562s | Aaron when you watch this back to do the |
5564s | recap you'll realize that you messaged |
5565s | me during the Stream |
5567s | hahaha |
5569s | which is why I'm not replying to you |
5571s | right now |
5581s | it's a cooking short or a fishing show |
5583s | either way |
5586s | it's a nice sea bass that we've prepared |
5589s | for you today with a the Teriyaki demi |
5592s | glaze sauce and uh |
5603s | fishing fishing land I mean I feel like |
5606s | there's more original |
5608s | um |
5609s | uh mini game set features to to include |
5612s | rather than fish |
5613s | we've seen fishing been done to death a |
5616s | million times |
5637s | I do I do seriously I would like to to |
5639s | get some some system like that you know |
5641s | like little little extra stuff and as as |
5644s | silly as it was |
5646s | um because my number as it was I did |
5648s | still Level fishing on every single |
5650s | character I had in WoW |
5659s | something about just uh taking a few out |
5661s | to to fish a little bit while you're |
5664s | adventuring that I was doing fun |
5681s | will there be an option to filter shards |
5683s | in the future maybe we don't need plans |
5685s | for it right now it won't be included in |
5686s | 0.9 |
5688s | it's possible it could happen later |
5698s | you can't handle the fight fish |
5705s | it's a little too many syllables boy |
5707s | fish needs to be one syllable |
5724s | all right |
5729s | some stuff here some stuff here |
5733s | okay |
5747s | okay get that XP going |
5760s | drink lots of water everybody it's good |
5762s | for you |
5768s | step up oh |
5770s | I keep seeing it pop up and I'm not sure |
5771s | what it is |
5773s | ah that makes sense |
5781s | this one is actually more okay good |
5783s | aspect of the board needs a new uh |
5786s | it's a new icon |
5791s | there's so there's so many little icons |
5793s | for things that like while we were |
5795s | making them it was it was probably me or |
5798s | someone else something a lot of them in |
5801s | the official versions of them where I |
5802s | was just like all right this this |
5804s | ailment needs an icon let me just pick |
5806s | from one of the icons we have and then |
5808s | all the same icons that like get used |
5812s | and sometimes they're just not there you |
5815s | can aspect of the board looks like a |
5816s | beehive |
5817s | what |
5829s | hey there just turn on the stream uh and |
5832s | felt the urge to start the game has |
5834s | there been a character way no |
5837s | um however if you are playing on a new |
5838s | computer |
5840s | your local seeds will be missing |
5857s | I mean unless it's been like three years |
5859s | or four years since |
5860s | I think it was it was a a couple saved |
5864s | version changes |
5865s | from like Kickstarter days |
5870s | caused uh save files to Unique but you |
5872s | know that's |
5874s | very long time ago |
5882s | it's the windows Yep that'll do it |
5883s | sometimes steam Cloud saves will save |
5885s | your butt but |
5892s | it's okay start the journey start start |
5894s | with a try playing a master you haven't |
5896s | played yet |
5906s | give me my advice |
5909s | some nice boots to start |
5912s | and trying to grab for these boots |
5919s | well holy Aura as we know it survived |
5923s | the multiplayer patch I mean there's a |
5925s | lot of changes to |
5927s | to Holy Aura functionality wise as |
5931s | however there's um the way holy Oro was |
5934s | set up originally was done carefully so |
5937s | that it wouldn't |
5939s | um get demolished when |
5942s | um |
5943s | uh when multiplayer went live so |
5946s | um |
5949s | it's it's still pretty |
5951s | crazy powerful |
5954s | um but you don't if you have like two |
5956s | paladins with the same holy or a Buffs |
5959s | um it will each one overwrites the other |
5962s | every time it happens so it'll just |
5964s | constantly be overriding each other |
5966s | um and you won't ever get two of them |
5969s | simultaneously |
5970s | and that's already how it works |
5973s | I know you never have a situation with |
5974s | two people who you are in the game but |
5975s | that's how it works |
5986s | if it right now with the way it works |
5990s | with weight is in live however if you |
5993s | have two people that have taken a |
5994s | specialized holy order differently |
5997s | um you will get both parts of each |
5999s | other's holy auras |
6003s | look at the unique parts will stick |
6004s | around so if one person has I don't know |
6007s | uh resistances and the other person |
6009s | doesn't the resistances will persist |
6011s | even after the other ones over like some |
6014s | people so it's you can strategically |
6016s | create your holy auras to get more of |
6019s | the tree but you can't stack |
6022s | um |
6022s | the the same part of the tree multiple |
6025s | times |
6025s | and because |
6027s | um you'll end up going through similar |
6029s | parts of the tree and there are Baseline |
6031s | functionalities on if you'll never get |
6032s | full two times value out of it it'll |
6035s | always be some overlap |
6042s | um |
6043s | still it's still really good to have |
6045s | multiple holy ores in the party and it's |
6047s | possible that there could be changes |
6049s | more than what I'm saying |
6053s | but for the most part we did plan for |
6055s | this |
6057s | when we made it |
6074s | should have made that hotkey that beat |
6075s | hockey a little easier to hit |
6078s | just made a mouse button |
6080s | open Smart |
6088s | all right about other buff skills can |
6091s | you say for example if dread shade will |
6093s | work only on your minions or any |
6096s | meetings in the party |
6098s | um no they need to be your minions |
6101s | uh to cast stretch oh |
6103s | I'd be wrong with that |
6106s | it'd be really easy to make them need to |
6108s | be your minions if we didn't do that |
6109s | already |
6114s | but I'm pretty sure they do give me your |
6115s | minions |
6117s | uh |
6119s | maybe not |
6123s | they definitely have to be Allied |
6124s | minions I know that's the check |
6126s | it's it's probably it's probably just |
6128s | looks for you as the |
6132s | was the parents it was the creator |
6142s | um I'm okay here it is I'm pretty sure |
6143s | it is it is just your own minions |
6146s | because it kills minions |
6149s | and |
6150s | um we're trying to avoid grief builds |
6152s | where you could |
6154s | um |
6156s | like |
6157s | just just take all the things that drain |
6159s | minion life faster and faster and like |
6162s | going to a game with a prime list and be |
6164s | like yeah you're a raptor that you got |
6166s | that's your only minion imma kill it |
6169s | um |
6170s | we don't know |
6180s | but I understand the um like working |
6182s | together you could make some interesting |
6184s | builds where it was advantageous to be |
6186s | able to put dread shade on other |
6187s | people's means especially |
6190s | um |
6190s | cross-class like that but uh no it's uh |
6194s | I think the the opportunity for griefing |
6196s | is |
6197s | much more significant |
6210s | oh second up there and if there will be |
6212s | any way that every skill pass of the |
6213s | [ __ ] means uh |
6220s | oh if it will be that way for every |
6221s | skill buff pass community so yeah it's |
6223s | less about |
6224s | um the buffer flying or not |
6227s | um so like if you put dread shade on |
6230s | uh one of your own minions and it was |
6232s | standing next to |
6234s | um a primeless medium it could apply the |
6237s | benefits to those other meanings and |
6239s | preachers |
6243s | pretty sure |
6245s | there's so many of these little |
6246s | interactions that like |
6249s | I just don't remember how they got |
6251s | updated |
6257s | we want to leave room for synergies but |
6259s | not grieving |
6273s | my hand was one over on the viewer there |
6275s | that was my favorite to me |
6284s | oh |
6286s | excuse me |
6289s | it's getting late it's almost three |
6291s | o'clock oh |
6311s | doesn't fit in inventory |
6315s | oh yeah I was gonna look at |
6323s | I think it was these ones |
6335s | yeah actually so much poison |
6340s | see if we can grab my Talia |
6344s | nicely |
6350s | try and do this |
6353s | nice |
6354s | any poison rose right I guess I should |
6356s | flip this anyways hurry |
6371s | ah |
6373s | bed rolls there that's unfortunate |
6376s | we tried |
6377s | they were almost good |
6398s | big hotkeys for scene switching that'd |
6400s | be smart |
6414s | question about ntx here |
6417s | um the question says |
6419s | uh is it true that there will be no |
6421s | microtransactions in the game no that's |
6424s | not true it will be causing strictly |
6426s | cosmetic only microphones |
6431s | uh modify the visuals of your character |
6433s | through |
6434s | um |
6435s | a different different armor sets and |
6439s | weapons |
6441s | also through pets and Skillet um |
6444s | and |
6446s | you know the other things like frames |
6448s | and portals and |
6450s | even some slots that don't have gear |
6452s | functionality |
6455s | and you can see those here |
6460s | a little preview of and this this whole |
6462s | screen's been changed so it looks pretty |
6463s | different and there's actually different |
6464s | slots than before but you can see sort |
6467s | of the general idea of what we're going |
6468s | for |
6479s | hope this question is not too frequently |
6480s | Asked has Diablo 4's release date |
6482s | announcement changed anything about your |
6483s | development approach schedule |
6486s | um it didn't have much of an impact I |
6489s | did have some like |
6492s | oh maybe we'll change this thing maybe |
6493s | we'll change that thing like it was part |
6495s | of a discussion we had and like it's |
6497s | it it wasn't some like |
6500s | thanks Google no I don't regret with |
6502s | that uh it wasn't some huge like oh |
6504s | change everything moment but you know |
6507s | like it's once you get more information |
6508s | like that it's important that we take it |
6510s | into consideration |
6520s | Awakening presence node on volatile |
6522s | zombies oh don't know what that does has |
6524s | a chance to summon when a minion dies |
6527s | you think maybe uh there is synergy |
6530s | there yeah I think it would probably be |
6532s | your own Minions only |
6536s | on that one |
6539s | uh you guys already create |
6541s | any ntx other than the pet you get while |
6544s | you buy the game yes we have made |
6547s | um |
6548s | we we have like we have we have more MTX |
6551s | items that we've created than what you |
6554s | currently can see and more things that |
6557s | are not in the pet slot that will be |
6559s | available once the MTX shop goes live |
6561s | which should be with 0.9 if I can get my |
6564s | act together |
6572s | let's go get a key oh we're so close we |
6574s | can do this oh we only 10 minutes left |
6576s | we probably can't do this I might take a |
6578s | little bit longer if we get close enough |
6582s | as if D4 is something to ever care about |
6584s | I'm I I'm I care about it |
6590s | good or bad |
6592s | it's going to be important |
6609s | hello when it comes to Xbox we don't |
6611s | have a set release date for any of our |
6612s | console |
6614s | versions just yet it is what we'll be |
6616s | looking to in the future it will not |
6618s | come to Xbox at the same time as it |
6620s | fully releases on PC |
6622s | um we do hope to eventually get onto |
6624s | consoles like Xbox and Playstation |
6627s | um and |
6629s | uh we we haven't we're focusing |
6633s | specifically on uh PC release for 1.0 |
6636s | it'll be windows and Linux or only two |
6638s | supported platforms initially |
6648s | but you know it's it's our it's our |
6651s | it's it's a difficult thing to do a |
6653s | large simultaneous release for many |
6655s | different platforms |
6657s | um and I think it's interesting to see |
6658s | that we're even seeing on Archer titles |
6661s | um split releases on |
6663s | a horns showing up so like um |
6666s | the new Hogwarts Legacy game that's |
6667s | coming out |
6669s | um is releasing on different types even |
6671s | like PS4 or PS5 have different states |
6674s | and then switch has a different release |
6675s | date again |
6677s | um |
6678s | and it seems like that's mostly and this |
6680s | is very speculative it seems like that's |
6682s | mostly performance in the series based |
6685s | on which title like because it's I feel |
6687s | like the pipeline for releasing on PS4 |
6689s | and PS5 are probably pretty similar the |
6691s | biggest difference is Hardware |
6692s | availability |
6695s | so likely and given the switch is even |
6697s | later than those |
6699s | um |
6700s | uh last gen Microsoft and Sony platforms |
6703s | it's likely and this is some pure |
6704s | speculation likely perform okay |
6716s | and I could be completely wrong |
6718s | foreign |
6726s | take that dragon |
6729s | all right |
6735s | I have to find a b Shrine and find out |
6738s | yeah |
6743s | the bees would still be your minions |
6760s | let's go we're just going straight let's |
6762s | go power gamer style let's get this done |
6764s | I've got to complete three of the uh |
6770s | I don't want to do a boss though |
6785s | I I know one more spoiler I was gonna |
6786s | show if I died again or if I beat the |
6788s | boss but I cutting it kind of fine I'll |
6790s | show it regardless |
6808s | all right another question that the wire |
6810s | love them love them uh so I'm not a |
6812s | developer you could be uh but I am a |
6816s | network engineer oh you're much smarter |
6817s | than I am then |
6819s | um most of what I've seen on the careers |
6821s | page is for smooth developed positions |
6823s | and network developers are are |
6826s | networking social warlocks anyways any |
6828s | chance you need less senior people's |
6830s | support as the point nine gets closer |
6832s | um if if you're interested |
6834s | um my suggestion is is sending an |
6837s | application even if it's not |
6838s | explicitly if it's if you're like I have |
6840s | similar qualifications and I think I can |
6842s | be useful |
6844s | um |
6845s | it doesn't it doesn't hurt to it doesn't |
6847s | hurt to try |
6848s | uh would be my advice just give it a |
6850s | shot and uh |
6855s | skilled skilled Network developers are |
6857s | very very awesome |
6861s | uh and difficult to find |
6871s | I have um I'm also not the in the hiring |
6875s | pipeline so I'm not sure if there's like |
6877s | already someone that's almost about to |
6879s | be hired or something like that in the |
6880s | same category or |
6882s | so I can't make any promises but my |
6883s | advice is |
6885s | if you think if you think you are |
6887s | interested in working on it and you |
6889s | think it's a |
6890s | useful uh give it a shot |
6903s | uh do you guys already have a rough plan |
6905s | on anything beyond 1.0 release |
6907s | expansions DLC user seasonal stuff yeah |
6908s | we do have |
6910s | um |
6912s | uh like we have a whole section of our |
6916s | um |
6918s | development Discord uh that that is |
6921s | basically just a bunch of |
6923s | ideas for the future of last debug I |
6926s | have a five five hundred yeah let's go |
6927s | we can do this |
6929s | so it's yeah it's it's um |
6932s | ideas that people have |
6934s | um different categories of things you |
6935s | want to see in the game after 1.0 comes |
6938s | out |
6939s | um we have we have certain documents |
6941s | that specific like certain categories |
6943s | that specifically Focus |
6946s | um |
6947s | future content and |
6951s | so like the the class design document |
6956s | has specific suggestions for future |
6959s | classes |
6960s | um |
6961s | and things like that the |
6963s | um there's there's level design |
6965s | documents that have specific suggestions |
6968s | for uh levels post uh after 1.0 the um |
6972s | like in in-game |
6975s | design documents have suggestions for |
6978s | post 1.0 content like yeah there's |
6979s | there's stuff all over the place |
6981s | um |
6983s | I can say with very strong certainty |
6985s | that not all of it will ever get created |
6993s | but yes there are our post 1.0 plans |
6997s | that are |
6998s | um some of them in some cases actually |
7000s | are already in the works |
7002s | some long-term plans that get laid |
7005s | great match right |
7007s | oh very much great long-term plans |
7021s | rip beastness a problem no |
7025s | he semester's oh gee it's not going |
7026s | anywhere |
7031s | Ashcraft oh one I actually love this |
7033s | game I have put in more than 1500 hours |
7035s | yeah that's a lot of time man for any |
7037s | game |
7038s | um the last couple years not counting |
7040s | time spent planning watching a stream |
7042s | chatting on Discord or treble or or |
7044s | trolling forums to attract everyone |
7046s | you've done an amazing job I seem to |
7048s | like and I don't seem |
7050s | uh I don't seem like anything can stand |
7053s | in your way thank you I can read I swear |
7055s | it's one of my Prime talents reading |
7058s | appreciate it you just love lesson pluck |
7061s | uh and everyone else here uh anyone else |
7064s | looking at chat thank you very much I |
7065s | appreciate it that's that's great to |
7066s | hear I'm glad you I'm glad you're having |
7068s | fun |
7069s | um like yeah that's always cool thank |
7072s | you |
7078s | it's still it still seems wild to me |
7080s | when people tell me that they play our |
7081s | game and are having fun I know it's like |
7083s | it's just simple small little thing |
7086s | um |
7088s | still cool |
7091s | I actually had a um this |
7094s | fun little little interaction that |
7096s | happened I don't know if I'm gonna get |
7097s | lost here at the time I might stretch it |
7099s | we'll see but |
7100s | um |
7101s | there was like uh it very rarely comes |
7105s | up in in like in the wild so to speak |
7109s | um |
7110s | but there was |
7112s | translated as vague as possible there |
7113s | was someone like a friend of a friend's |
7115s | situation |
7116s | um so like oh hey like certainly people |
7119s | get to know like oh what do you do yeah |
7122s | um |
7123s | and uh |
7127s | turn turns out well it's like I told him |
7129s | like I'm getting developer and uh we're |
7132s | gonna like this this game's not even out |
7134s | yet |
7135s | um get talking to specifics it turns out |
7137s | they've been playing they actually |
7139s | backed it on Kickstarter |
7143s | um like forever ago |
7145s | and have been playing since and it was |
7146s | it was a wild moment of like this is |
7149s | weird |
7151s | that that that's almost never happens |
7158s | and uh they were they were really cool |
7160s | it wasn't like a bajillion follow-up |
7162s | questions and hounding a foreign |
7171s | glad you're having fun |
7190s | B Master ah B Master did I say bees |
7194s | Master ah I I totally misread that yes |
7202s | um I I doubt we'll see a class that is |
7205s | specifically |
7207s | the mastery |
7210s | oh that would be a pretty wild stretch I |
7212s | think |
7218s | I forgot this Quest |
7220s | uh Echo takes quite a while because |
7222s | there's not some long traversals and I |
7224s | shouldn't have gone back through that |
7227s | one |
7241s | every we streamlined the |
7244s | um like completing like not into the |
7246s | quest masteries in |
7249s | um |
7251s | uh in empowered modes and I I definitely |
7253s | know the quests |
7256s | Echoes Quest Echoes worse and worse each |
7258s | time |
7261s | just just like it's it's B form |
7266s | that was oh I totally get there was a |
7270s | post on |
7272s | uh some platform Reddit forums I don't |
7276s | know where it was it was somewhere that |
7277s | was like Hey can you fix this bug I had |
7280s | no idea what they were talking about and |
7282s | I just got it right there yes it's been |
7284s | fixed |
7286s | so |
7289s | whoever that was |
7292s | yeah it's fixed |
7304s | wait did I die there |
7310s | did I fail that somehow |
7316s | did I just leave before I was done |
7318s | am I just an idiot |
7326s | oh okay |
7329s | we'll finish it next time |
7337s | well |
7340s | seeing as how I am so brilliant and |
7342s | never make any mistakes ever |
7344s | we'll be uh closing out the stream on a |
7347s | little |
7350s | teaser here |
7354s | foreign |
7357s | you can't laugh at yourself again you |
7359s | laugh at right |
7367s | oh I hope everyone had some had fun |
7370s | today |
7371s | um |
7374s | we'll be |
7377s | we hanging out next week |
7380s | um yep uh sorry next week I will be here |
7383s | week after that is during the |
7387s | stream event so I might not do the |
7390s | stream in two weeks from now as to not |
7393s | trying as let's not take away from other |
7394s | people that are streaming |
7395s | um |
7397s | might shift the dates lately you might |
7399s | just not to a stream might hop into |
7400s | someone else's stream I don't know we'll |
7401s | see what we do |
7403s | um some news to come on that one |
7406s | um because someone listen talk about |
7408s | what we should do there but yes next |
7410s | week I will be here with more info more |
7412s | more teasers more spoilers |
7414s | I hope you had fun oops wrong button |
7417s | I hope you had fun I know I did we'll |
7419s | see you next week same time same place |
7421s | if I did not answer your questions |
7422s | please feel free to stop by on our |
7424s | Discord forums Reddit uh other places |
7427s | that I'm sure people lurk all the time |
7429s | and answer questions that sounds a |
7430s | fantastic community members also |
7432s | answering questions all over the place |
7434s | um |
7435s | and I'm pumped for point nine I'm pumped |
7437s | for new events and I'm excited for for |
7440s | people to be able to see multiplayer and |
7442s | experience multiplayer and and talk |
7444s | about it and stream it and all that sort |
7445s | of stuff so we'll |
7447s | it's gonna be it's gonna be a good good |
7449s | couple months here I'm really looking |
7450s | forward to it hope you all are too see |
7452s | you later have a good night |