2 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody and welcome
6s back to another last EPO Dev
10s stream as usual I'm your host Mike hello
15s how's it going everybody great to see
17s you glad to be here hope you're having a
19s great day we're just going to we're
21s going to have some fun in place in last
22s EPO today um working on a new character
26s to get going for streams cuz you know I
27s feel like we've been playing this one
28s for quite a while and we've been doing
30s pretty good with it I'm quite confident
33s with uh what I was trying to discover by
36s playing this character
40s um so I think we're going to we're going
42s to take a little Divergence to to a new
44s one here pretty soon
49s um but I did recently get a very
52s significant attack speed up upgrade
55s which helps me survive a
59s lot uh um so yeah uh welcome to the
62s stream if you've not been here before
63s please uh feel free to ask me any
65s questions you'd like about last Epoch
67s and um if you want me to answer your
69s question please put at last defa game in
71s the question so I see it and I answer um
75s woo getting a little spicy here we're
78s still not quite strong enough to empower
79s it on our own I don't think my buddy was
81s carrying me through uh last
85s week which uh if you're watching please
88s I need uh some more help uh but
92s and
94s um it's
96s tight uh we also stream for
98s charity uh which is right above my head
101s right here always above my head oh nice
104s key and
106s uh I'm realizing that I have to focus a
109s lot on the game when I'm playing
112s empowered on this character cuz it's not
114s very
116s good kind of okay but we're we're we're
119s missing a few key things
125s still I did sell an item on the bizaar
127s just before getting in pretty happy with
132s that
135s okay let's take a peek think we got some
138s questions to look at can you please tell
141s us about the Weaver faction in the road
143s map we must know I would love to um a
146s little little little early to be talking
148s specifics unfortunately I don't have any
150s details on that to share with you today
152s um it is going to be another like I mean
155s there's the basics that I can tell you
156s but it's kind of nothing information so
158s like uh it's going to be another faction
161s that appears in this window um
165s okay
170s um yeah we're uh we're kind of anemic
174s when we're not in Reaper
176s form survivability wise and
184s uh yeah so it's yeah it's going to be
185s another faction shows up in here I can't
187s I don't know what was in the screenshot
189s exactly here let me let me bring up the
191s screenshot and I can talk about stuff
193s that's in the
196s screenshot all
199s right H I don't know if that tab's going
202s to open up my main monitor or
204s not okay well we'll do it here uh forums
212s uh season 2 announcement and
216s Beyond check out that
223s image did we give a specific image
231s for the Weaver itself for the weav
234s faction
235s itself have we shown that yet
240s look back to chat in a second let me
242s know if we've shown the
246s actual uh if we have yeah we haven't
249s shown that yet okay uh I think the I
252s think the only information we've we've
253s shared about it is just in the road map
255s document that just says there's a weaver
259s faction uh does weaver faction
263s tree there's a tree involved with it so
265s yeah there are things there are
266s decisions to make in the Weaver faction
270s itself where you can like there's a
272s tree
277s um that's kind of all the information
279s that's there isn't
285s it um the Weaver faction tree this new
288s Weaver faction this new faction Weaver
290s expands the endgame experience by
292s providing the power to augment your
293s monolith timelines during endgame
295s progression this new faction will be
297s available to all players regardless of
299s their faction alignments the other
301s faction alignments so yeah so it doesn't
302s matter if you've if you've picked
304s Merchant skill or circle of Fortune it's
305s there that's that's something that's
307s going to be a consistent theme going
308s forward is that new factions we add will
312s um I don't want to say never but
314s generally the plan is to make them not
315s be linked to each other so like um
318s there's a bucket of the forgot that the
320s Forgotten Knights is in it's it's the
321s only thing in the bucket and there's a
323s bucket that is item factions and the
325s only thing in that bucket is Merchant
326s Guild and circle of Fortunes and
327s there'll be a new bucket for the Weaver
328s faction it's the only thing in that
329s bucket
330s and we could see a new bucket that might
332s have three things or four things in it
333s or we might add things to other buckets
335s like we might add things to the
336s Forgotten Knight's bucket there be two
337s things you to pick between know like but
339s but for now it's its own thing doesn't
341s matter what else you've taken it doesn't
342s restrict you from anything else everyone
343s just gets
347s it uh I don't think we've said much else
350s other than that it's kind of
353s it sorry I can't go much deeper
361s um but yeah it's it's really going to
363s focus around endgame like that's that's
365s the and when I say endgame like it it'll
367s it'll start being relevant like when you
370s first do your 58 level 58 timeline right
372s here it's like that's where it starts so
375s it's like it's really a
378s um it's it's not just like a super like
381s it does extend into the the the like the
383s very late end game um but it is the
385s entirety of the end game that it affects
388s okay going to turn off those
391s uh till tomorrow sure someone's on
394s vacation right
398s now oh I just got popped out of form
402s immediately I keep forgetting I have to
404s pre-ot to go into combat that's one of
406s the things I've been struggling with
407s this build is having to
409s preot just to be able to
411s survive the initial form
416s transformation or form transition
422s what is
424s that a bunch of
436s Mana Del really does do a ton of
440s damage I'm just so scared to use
443s it just cuz I'm a wuss I know it
451s about that all
452s right uh season 2 teaser was hype
456s perhaps more spoilers today I got a
458s couple little things I got some I got
459s some more nodes to share um I've got
462s I've got a game of spot what's
464s missing
466s uh you know got a couple little things
469s nothing nothing groundbreaking
473s um happy to talk uh design philosophy
476s stuff today if you'd like cuz there's
478s been a lot of discussions around that
479s going on lately
481s uh hi Mike love the game thank you and
484s your beard I just got a new
487s um the wife just picked up a new beard
490s conditioner for me that I
492s love so what smells great right
497s now uh but yes back to your question
499s while I be less self-indulgent uh I
501s wanted to ask as a kind and silly lore
504s question kind of silly lore question uh
506s that you might know the answer to why
507s can the player character only wear two
509s magical rings that give stats the 2's
512s manual had a sentence about which I
513s found weirdly immersive considering the
515s unimportance of it also flail weapons
518s when okay so I I this is I I have my own
522s personal reason of why this is cuz it's
523s it's something that comes up in a ton of
525s games as you as you noted in Diablo as
526s well I don't know what it says in the
527s Diablo manual which is something that I
529s will absolutely be going to look up
530s after this because I didn't know it had
531s to line in there and I you may not know
534s this but that's one of my favorite games
535s of all time
537s um and
540s uh so so the the way I've sort of
541s internally rationalized this for like
545s forever basically in every fantasy
547s situation
550s um uh is is that the power of the Rings
553s is so great that if you put two of them
555s on your hand at once it would like just
558s rip your hand apart cuz all the power
560s would be like and your hand would
561s explode so you
563s don't
565s um and that's that's sort of the
567s reasoning that I've always had is that
568s like there just there's so much power
570s contained in the ring that you can't
571s handle it
573s um and then like the the the counter to
576s that usually is okay well why don't you
577s like put one on your toes um and it's
581s like there's there's some there's
582s something in the way that like energy
584s flows through your body or something
585s that like causes it to only work if it's
587s attached to uh to your hand cuz it's too
590s far from your heart and your feet or
592s something like that you know there's
592s there's some some some explanations you
594s can do there I I don't have an official
597s real explanation for this um
600s that's that's that's my my the way I
602s personally think about
604s it oh come
607s on come
609s on don't kill me now I'm having such a
613s good
617s time one of the advantages of not being
619s able to sing well is you can't ever get
622s struck for singing songs cuz you don't
624s sound enough like the original
631s all right next question oh flail weapons
633s when yes flails I would love flails um
637s flails require a new and this is like my
640s answer to so many questions like this
641s flails require a new animation set
645s um and uh like when you say flum you
648s mean like the
650s um
652s dangly uh weighted thing on a chain
656s attached to a a small stick type type
658s fail like I don't know the technical
660s terms for all those things are
664s um
665s and I think there's another type of
667s flail too that like slightly different
669s anyways
672s um
674s Lion
677s the goodness
680s me flails require new animation types um
683s so they they get they they'll get
684s delayed a little bit I think they'll
686s likely come I think most new weapon
688s types will likely come alongside new
691s masteries cuz I think that's a really
693s nice way to add in a new weapon type is
695s is to have the thematics and you know
698s there's a lot of nodes that go into
699s passive trees and things like that and
701s into uh skill trees that relate to
704s specific weapons so having those come
706s with new skill trees and new passive
708s trees that you're already making anyways
710s lets you double dip on a lot of the work
712s which is really important um and so if
715s we had if we had the bulk of the like
718s you know new new uniques new um passive
722s nodes new skill impact nodes o
728s spicy thought I almost had that
730s one oh well we're like almost able to
734s clear one node on on empowered like see
737s we're just we're just not quite good
739s enough on this character yet and I'm I'm
740s not quite sure what I'm
744s missing but we'll give it another try
750s uh so yeah
752s there's flails are on the menu um but I
756s don't think flails are uh happening
759s anytime in they're not happening 1.2
762s I'll tell you
774s that I just need to be more aggressive
776s and more mobile here just like just keep
779s going
780s just be like my damage will carry me I
782s just got to make sure I go for
790s it autoc
805s crits oh oh no nothing really that's
808s okay
812s oh
814s whoa okay more questions I'm going to do
816s I got to stop playing owed cuz then I
817s can read the questions better that's
819s what I'm going to do I'm just going to
820s stop playing powered here uh any rework
822s for the Lich plans um I wouldn't say a
826s rework I think the Lich is um
829s thematically and mechanically in
831s actually a pretty good spot um I it
834s could use like
837s um I I think it could use some really
839s key adjustments in some some fine-tuning
842s that would have a big impact that's kind
844s of where I'm at with the Lich right now
844s cuz I've been playing the Lich a
846s bunch um specifically cuz I kind of felt
848s like
849s there's something missing and I wasn't
851s sure exactly what it was and I wanted to
853s get a little bit better firsthand
854s experience on it in the modern Lich play
856s style in order to be able to figure out
857s what we should do with it
860s basically um and I think I think there's
863s a lot of really good things L has going
865s for it I think it is a ton of
867s fun um I I think
871s the the big gripe I have with it right
874s now or the gripes wrong the thing I'd
875s like to change is um how sort of like on
880s a knife's edge I'm always feeling and
883s that might be a really positive thing
885s for some people but I just haven't I
887s haven't found a really great way to
889s build it other than on that knife's edge
891s all the
893s time like the the the optimal chest
896s piece for this for this um
900s uh the the the optimal chest piece that
903s I should be running is Titan heart and
906s uh when I
909s do uh here we go holding the wrong hocky
913s been playing other games
916s ah is this one I just put away oh was I
923s wearing this no what was I just
928s wearing I think it was this it's got to
930s be that
931s yeah yeah um so yeah this is what
934s happens when I put on my
937s optimal uh chest piece is my health just
940s drops to
941s zero um and having to preot going into
944s combat this what I was talking about
945s preting going into combat is it's it's
947s kind of frustrating for me and I don't I
949s don't like that play style that much
952s um cuz as soon as I go to form my health
955s decays and I pop out of form um so I'm
958s like I have to be leeching immediately
959s or preting and it's that it's that sort
961s of knife's edge that I'm not hugely a
964s fan of right
968s now and so I'd like to I'd like to
971s address that but I do have a couple uh
973s nicer chests I'm really happy with
975s getting that uh the Mana gain on Harvest
977s and the bonus damage taken from critical
979s strikes reduction so like I have my 100%
981s reduced bonus damage taken from crits
984s off from my chest and my weapon which is
986s so nice and getting that Max roll I got
988s so lucky yeah I got so lucky I I did
991s this uh last Last Friday um in the
994s evening and I um I I got I found another
998s 1 LP D Embrace oh no I found a zero LP D
1001s Embrace egged it to one LP uh and then
1004s found someone had listed a 96% increased
1007s melee attack speed exalted weapon uh for
1010s like 2,000 gold which is Max roll um I
1014s just I couldn't believe it I snatched it
1015s up went and slammed it like ah there's
1017s no way first try oh my God got so lucky
1023s anyways uh we're going to we're going to
1025s hop out of empowered cuz I'm just
1026s getting my butt handed to me I'd like to
1030s be able to
1035s actually talk to y'all that's my
1037s favorite part about
1039s this uh but yeah I think I think there's
1042s liches is
1044s missing
1046s um a second option for melee attack
1049s there's only one right now Reef doesn't
1051s really count um and so you need you need
1055s another option an alternative option or
1057s a complimentary option to harvest I
1059s think and then you also need um a little
1063s bit less of the like it is I think there
1065s needs to be a little bit alternative
1067s option
1068s for
1070s um managing Health a little bit and it
1073s doesn't have to be an either or but just
1074s like it doesn't have to be a replacement
1076s but a just some a little more option is
1078s there that's what I like to see so yeah
1080s there's there's room for improvement on
1081s L there's room for improvement on all
1082s the classes but um I I think I don't
1085s think a reworks in order just
1088s yet
1091s uh We've not shared any images of the we
1093s refection okay good to know thank you uh
1096s hey cutie a uh hope you've been been
1099s well in season two does spring get a
1101s dash ability meme question Jokes
1103s Aside um will with each season adding a
1108s faction will this be a continued Trend
1110s ah okay I see with each season adding a
1112s new faction will this be continued Trend
1114s or will you have a season uh with only
1117s season mechanics to stop faction bloat
1119s yeah I I don't think that um adding a
1121s faction every season is
1124s um uh is the plan or is necessary even I
1127s think that it's a um it's a really good
1132s way for us to add Frameworks for
1134s specific mechanics and I think once
1136s they're in uh we can we can have an
1139s entire seasonal mechanic system come in
1141s that doesn't need uh its own faction but
1144s can either like work within the other
1146s factions um like you could put like you
1148s can spread an entire seasonal mechanic
1150s across like four factions um and have it
1154s still use the faction mechanic but not
1155s need its own new faction so we're kind
1157s of getting to that critical mass of hey
1160s we need this many I should check which
1162s set that item
1164s is uh no I won't want that one um
1179s and sorry I guys got distracted hey
1182s leveled up and um but yeah yeah I I
1185s think that the you'll you'll see a new
1186s faction this one um I wouldn't be
1189s surprised if there
1191s were like maybe one off two on one off
1195s two on for a little while um
1200s just until we get up to what whatever
1202s the amount is that we find is good and
1204s that that rate that we are adding them
1206s at is going to be reexamined and
1208s readjusted every single time we go
1210s through and uh do a new
1216s season so yeah that's that that's
1218s something that's going to change as we
1220s go um the rate that we add them at but
1222s it's not it's not a guaranteed every
1223s season thing at all if anything it will
1225s slow down uh quite a lot
1236s um because as as we don't need them
1238s anymore
1243s yeah ooh hello
1248s there do we have anything that we want
1250s to LP on that
1252s already okay zero on this
1255s one yeah let's just let's just go for it
1257s may maybe we'll get lucky oh I was also
1259s looking at doing one of these wasn't
1264s I zero c yeah let's let's let's put a
1267s siphon in just cuz I like
1269s it why not
1273s right uh not a lot going on elsewise
1277s that's fine
1287s though yes
1293s love it oh get
1301s out your death has come okay more
1305s questions we like these
1308s questions factions going to rotate or
1311s will they coexist continuing um I think
1314s it's we we don't have any plans to
1316s remove any factions all the factions
1317s we're we're adding are plan to permanent
1319s fixtures um that's not to say that we'll
1322s never add a faction that's temporary um
1325s but right now the plan is to have them
1326s be permanent um and they're they're
1328s being added and designed as permanent
1330s things
1334s um I think if we were going to remove
1337s one it would probably need to get
1338s replaced at the same time and it'll
1340s it'll Pro it would
1342s probably at at that point like you're
1345s probably just reworking an existing one
1348s cuz cuz like there would have to be a
1351s really important reason to just to Brand
1353s it as we're removing one and adding a
1355s new one rather than just we're reworking
1357s it um so it have to be a really core
1360s change to the game to make that the like
1362s the way we phrased it I think
1388s all
1390s right this feels great in regular
1393s modos I'm just strong enough to handle
1395s everything this is too much all
1400s right worthless anyway oh yeah
1409s all right next question greetings Mike
1412s hello uh so with the launch of pee2 ea
1416s uh has the team seen any anything you
1419s guys want to implement in Le I imagine
1421s it's difficult wanting to add something
1422s similar without being a direct copy
1426s um I mean there there's I think it's
1430s really really hard to transplant a
1432s system from one game to another um I
1436s think it's I think it's there's there's
1437s some like little things where you're
1439s like oh my God they do this one thing
1441s really really well how can we make that
1445s same category of Thing feel really
1448s really good in our game and it's less
1450s about saying like Okay what have they
1452s done to make it feel really good over
1453s and there so that we can take that and
1455s and do the same thing in ours but more
1458s just like how do I feel when I'm you
1460s interacting with that that thing in
1462s theirs and how do I feel when I'm
1464s interacting with that thing and ours and
1465s independently of what they've done how
1467s can we make ours in the same feeling or
1470s even better feeling if we if we can so
1472s it's um I think it's less about looking
1475s at what we can take but more looking at
1476s like um what areas do we feel we can
1480s improve ourselves in I think it's a good
1482s way putting
1484s it um and yeah they're definitely are
1486s things I think they're um like a lot of
1489s the presentation stuff they do is so
1491s cool there was there was one thing when
1493s I was playing that I was I I saw it it
1495s happened and I was like oh my God that's
1498s brilliant
1499s I can't believe we never thought to do
1501s that I don't think the system set up
1503s where we can do that and I was just
1505s crushed I'm like oh no I don't think we
1506s I like the rework level required to do
1509s it would be so huge that it's just like
1512s ah I'm not even going to try and it was
1514s it's so it's so simple and so basic that
1517s you're
1520s like it's it's the pinning of tool tips
1524s on the screen where you can take a tool
1526s tip and like you I think you hold Alt
1529s and it it like stays on screen for a
1531s second and there's like a little pin
1532s icon that shows up in the top right
1534s corner of it and you click on that and
1535s you can like then then the tool tips
1537s stays as a window on your screen and you
1539s can move that around and and like just
1541s that little thing I I spend a lot of
1543s time working on our tool tips and our UI
1544s so like of course that's the type of
1545s thing I I I I latch on to but like that
1549s little those those attention to detail
1551s and things like that really impressed me
1553s a lot and I was so I was I that happened
1556s and I'm like oh my God
1561s um but yeah I don't with the way our
1564s tool tips are set up we have to
1565s completely redo our entire tool tip
1567s system to make that even be a
1569s possibility
1572s um and and it's just it's just uh it's
1576s frustrating that I don't think we can do
1578s it um you though I would love to
1589s all right not really my department
1591s anymore so we get anything o crit chance
1595s I'll take
1598s it not the lp we'd like
1602s but without looking up what I should put
1605s in there crit chance is probably one of
1606s the things that comes to mind is a good
1609s option it me
1619s made worst case scenario very
1622s generically useful on a very generically
1624s useful
1635s ring descendence get
1638s it
1640s okay will not take
1644s me more questions
1650s just going to take a sec uh hello if you
1652s have a minute could you please explain
1654s what happens to skill tree sub skills
1657s when taking a damage type conversion for
1660s example smites lightning bolts and
1662s smites void conversion in the void
1664s Knight skill tree pleas and thank you um
1666s it does what it says it does if it
1668s doesn't say it does something it doesn't
1669s do that thing um so there's I I believe
1673s in that instance right now in the live
1675s version of the game um the the the
1678s subskill does not change it stays
1681s lightning damage it does not change to
1682s void damage um now we are kind of in the
1686s process of trying
1688s to um make it more intuitive and having
1693s those things not convert is not very
1695s intuitive um which is why you're having
1698s to ask this question it's a good
1700s question first of all um and I I I'd
1703s really like to make it so that in almost
1706s every situation like the the the default
1708s expected behavior is when you convert a
1710s skill it converts the subskills cuz
1711s that's just like obvious right like love
1715s it when it's just the one thing on there
1717s um but it's a bad mod so probably why it
1719s wasn't highlighted anyways
1722s um the yeah so so so going forward newer
1728s conversions uh when we when we're
1730s setting up a conversion on a skill tree
1731s we do also convert the
1733s subskills um and we have been going back
1735s and converting lots of subskills for
1737s older skills
1739s um I know that this was at I don't know
1743s if it happened or not I know this was at
1745s least a item that got added to a task at
1749s some point and I don't know if it was
1750s finished or not yet uh so I don't want
1754s to say it's coming but um it's
1756s definitely at least on the radar this
1759s the specific one and the whole issue uh
1762s is is also on the radar so the ones that
1764s do convert now will actually say in the
1767s conversion um or or or they'll say in
1770s the subskill node so in the subskill
1771s node they'll say converts to cold if you
1774s take the cold conversion node if you
1776s hold the alt tool TI um so check in the
1779s in this case the lightning bolt node
1781s check hold hold alt and see if it says
1783s this gets converted or not if it doesn't
1785s say it gets converted it doesn't get
1786s converted
1788s um but uh going going forward new ones
1792s and uh existing ones that we we will be
1795s converting over to make it so that they
1796s do by default get converted
1800s because it just it's one of those things
1802s where it's like if you're going to
1803s convert the skill you probably want the
1806s sub skill converted to uh and not
1808s converting the sub skill makes it enough
1811s of a NBO with uh the conversions that um
1816s we we don't like nodes that are mutually
1817s incompatible with each
1820s other mutually exclusive nodes are not
1822s awesome if we can avoid
1824s them um which is something we're trying
1827s to to Whittle down in
1830s general that's something to keep an eye
1832s out for in the
1842s future
1845s ooh just have a lot of Weavers well is
1847s that all that
1853s was I
1855s mean adding a bunch of Ward to this
1857s build might might actually be a good way
1859s to do
1864s it it does kind of put a bunch of w on
1866s us doesn't
1873s it just after we got a decent one of
1875s these do we just take it off and just
1876s slap this on and see if we like having a
1878s bunch of
1879s Ward this gives us a bunch of leech we
1881s have a ton of leech coming from
1882s everywhere already gives us some
1883s movement speed which will not be awesome
1886s to lose but we do have a fair bit of it
1893s let's give it a shot just see see how
1895s that
1900s plays all
1903s right
1912s hello current Ward is less than your
1914s missing Health yeah okay cool um I guess
1918s we do leech a lot and that might not
1921s work well for us we'll see
1926s uh PS5
1928s when um I mean it's it's definitely on
1931s the radar at this point
1935s um it
1937s is you know uh so so Xbox and
1940s Playstation are definitely places we're
1942s looking right now uh to expand into um
1946s it's not in active development at the
1948s moment
1948s but
1950s um you know we're getting close to it uh
1954s to to doing that sort of thing
1959s and normal that runch wre me
1979s I misread that
1990s item I really should know what it does I
1993s think I implemented
2001s it all right uh console stuff yeah
2005s console I think the um the work we're
2009s doing with controllers is is a Prelude
2010s to that and there's a bunch of work with
2012s controllers being coming through next in
2014s 1.2
2018s um uh most notably skill targeting skill
2022s targeting 1.2 is going to be way better
2024s on controller uh situations where you're
2027s like why does my skill Target in a super
2030s dumb
2032s way
2034s um you won't be asking that question as
2036s much anymore
2040s hopefully at all
2048s really oh prend missing
2059s Mana yeah I read that
2063s wrong by
2068s always always do
2072s that put in here because it is kind of
2076s nice is it planned to have a cycle once
2079s every 3 to four months or will we wait 6
2081s to 8 months for a cycle um I don't have
2083s a set timeline on what is going to be
2085s going forward um obviously we want to
2087s get them out in a regular fashion and we
2089s want to get it out as quickly as
2091s possible um but I think what happens in
2095s at at the end of one point like what
2096s happens with 1.2 is going to dictate
2098s that timeline pretty heavily so we'll
2100s see what
2111s happens here we go oh I got a second
2114s roll on the crit so that's
2121s nice uh these ones yeah T5 sealed it's
2125s still cool oh come on yeah
2130s I think having a 3 to four would be
2132s ideal um I think that would be the like
2136s if if we could just say what we wanted
2138s to have happen um that that would be
2141s what would
2144s happen but we have to be realistic on if
2147s we can I think if we can deliver the
2150s quality of patches that people want in
2151s that
2153s time um I think we can do it
2165s um I think the framework that 1.2 is
2167s going to set up is really going to allow
2168s us to do that
2183s nicely all right after playing a few
2186s other arp jez recently I got to say
2189s Ellie is well placed with combat and
2191s does a great job at leading the player
2193s into the next Quest or Zone keep up the
2195s great work at making a well thought out
2196s enjoyable game thank you very much I
2198s appreciate
2199s you uh and he plans to make l a dual
2204s weapon class like a dual wielding weapon
2208s class
2210s um not specifically not specifically not
2214s um I there's room for it but I don't
2216s think it's uh top priority at the
2230s moment I know the uh the model is like
2234s it's kind of weird being like okay well
2236s the model has two my character only has
2238s one what gives you know that's a little
2244s weird I think resolving that disconnect
2246s would be would be would be be a nice
2248s nice
2261s touch all right taking him down no
2271s problem getting it done
2278s okay please if you have a question don't
2280s forget to put at last Epoch game in the
2283s question so I know you want me to answer
2288s it and you know what let's start off
2292s with a little teaser a little teaser
2298s tease oh yeah that's a good one okay
2300s here is a passive node upcoming passive
2303s node for I believe Forge C question mark
2310s Paladin it's Paladin I can read it it's
2319s diny te little preview
2321s window read a question off at the same
2323s time
2327s here
2329s oh oh here's a question uh one thing
2332s that is missing in pee2 and Le are
2334s powerful
2335s builds uh I'm sure that LE with several
2338s powerful builds would be played much
2339s more after all the endgame and Ellie is
2341s infinite uh so it doesn't make sense to
2343s limit builds uh do you have plans for
2346s significant Buffs to help us reach a
2348s corruption much higher than what the
2350s meta builds can reach today um uh not
2353s really i' I'd push back on the uh
2355s premise of your question quite quite
2357s heavily um I think there are several
2359s builds that are very significant
2361s outliers in the power range that are
2363s that are very powerful builds um and I
2366s think we probably have kind of the
2367s opposite problem where there's too many
2369s builds that are too powerful uh right
2372s now um but I mean it's it's kind of all
2375s relative right but yeah there's there's
2377s there's quite a few builds in Le that
2379s are like really really
2383s powerful um so yeah I I we're always
2387s looking to add more fun ways to build
2389s your characters and and new ways to uh
2392s like explore the possibilities in in in
2394s different builds and things like that so
2395s yeah there's going to be a bunch of new
2397s builds that do pop up when 1.2 goes live
2399s so there's going to be tons of fun tons
2400s of fun stuff to experiment with at that
2403s point uh next question hello Mike with
2405s the release of poe2 excellent game I
2408s noticed how much I enjoy last Depot
2411s crafting system and I've seen a lot of
2412s Reddit Discord discussion and
2413s appreciation of Le's crafting system
2415s looking forward to 1.2 and what's in
2417s store for the crafting system yeah there
2419s is some good stuff in store for the
2420s crafting system too um I think yeah I
2423s think we we do a lot of really good
2424s things right and a lot of things that we
2425s could do better in our crafting system
2426s for sure I think think there's um let's
2429s let's put that out of the way and
2432s we'll keep going um I think I think our
2436s crafting system yeah does a lot of
2437s really nice things I think there's
2439s there's one big
2444s um I I how say the the flow in our
2448s crafting system sometimes has
2453s uh some longer
2455s plateaus than we'd like there's some C
2458s there's there's some points where you
2460s you might hit a like here here's a great
2463s here's a perfect example here's here's
2465s like the quintessential example I hit
2467s this
2469s amazing uh one and four roll on an
2473s absolute Max R of the most important
2475s stat so so the the the number one stat I
2479s can have on this weapon is 96% increased
2481s melee attack spe that is the absolute
2483s best thing I can have on it period there
2485s is nothing better um
2489s now a a 96% increased melee attack speed
2493s and something else is better um but
2497s that's the best stat so if I go to if I
2500s if I get a 2 LP death Embrace and I go
2504s to
2507s um uh to to to to SL some exalted on it
2511s and make a legendary out of it um
2513s there's there's a like even if it's a 2
2515s LP there's there's a 50-50 shot that I
2517s get something that is actually
2521s worse and and this this this feeling of
2524s your
2526s your now the item itself in a vacuum of
2530s uh what that item is when it has 2 LP
2532s and and how much damage that item does
2534s when it has 2 LP before it's been
2535s slammed and what that item is and how
2537s much damage it does after it's been
2538s slammed even though it missed the ideal
2541s AIX roll hypothetical situation the 2lp
2543s misses the AIC we want we get something
2545s else it is actually still a better item
2547s than it was as far as how much damage it
2549s can deal but because you already have a
2552s 1 LP version that is that has the better
2556s stat on it that is a better item because
2557s it has the better stat cuz that one
2559s perfect stat is worth more than the
2561s second and third best stat to combine
2563s let's say but it probably isn't the thir
2565s the second and third best stat combined
2566s it's probably more like the uh Fifth and
2570s 10th best stat combined type thing
2572s because of how how that
2575s goes um so two mediocre stats do not
2578s equal one amazing
2581s stat and so you get these situations
2583s where you're you're in a 50/50 roll for
2586s an upgrade or not and you have to you
2589s have to sacrifice your two most valuable
2593s items to make that roll and sometimes
2597s you get an item that's not an
2599s upgrade and I think I think that's the
2601s key the key point where the crafting
2604s system struggles a little bit um and and
2608s which is the key point that we are
2610s looking at to improve the system because
2613s we want to have um we we want forward
2616s progress to remain it doesn't need to be
2618s really substantial forward progress um
2620s and it doesn't need to be like perfectly
2623s deterministic forward progress but
2625s forward progress still happening is
2629s important and so there's a lot of
2630s different ways We examined having this
2633s happen ways that you could um where
2636s you're either like not losing the items
2638s so like you can um so we looked at
2641s options for and not this is I'm I want
2642s to be clear I'm not saying what we're
2644s doing to the crafting system to make
2645s changes yet um cuz it's not fully
2648s implemented and we're still tinkering
2650s with it and tweaking numbers and
2651s experimenting and deciding exactly how
2652s we want to roll out but there's there's
2654s a few options and ways we've come at the
2657s problem that I can sort of talk about
2658s because they're just theoretical
2660s stuff um so there's there's this idea of
2665s you can you can kind of make the pro so
2667s it's You' got your cost you've got your
2669s LP item your 2 LP item hypothetical 2 LP
2672s item or three LP items it happens with 3
2673s LP as well it hurts even more with the 3
2675s LP ones because uh you're like it's only
2677s a one in four chance to fail and then
2679s when it fails you're like really gutted
2681s and it's an even bigger investment cuz
2683s you dropped a 3 LP instead of a 2 LP
2687s um so there yeah there's there's there's
2690s some issues there um with with how it
2694s feels and which is arguably the most
2697s most important thing which is how it
2699s feels
2702s um and so there's there's a few things
2704s you can do you can make the item itself
2706s the failed
2707s item you can make the failed item still
2710s have some sort of value so you you got
2713s two op1 you slam it it fails it gets the
2716s wrong stats something that that item can
2718s still be used for so let's say um let's
2722s say there's a new
2724s uh uh how about a new crafting thing I
2727s um I'm just like thinking of other games
2729s now so like the the example like say say
2732s you could Salvage items which you can't
2733s unless you [ __ ] we're not doing but
2735s just as a hypothetical example you can
2736s salvage it and you get a very expensive
2739s rare crafting material from salvaging
2741s two LP legendary items this this item
2744s that you've made legendary and because
2745s you've salvaged it you get something
2747s that's really valuable out of it like a
2749s a rune or something I don't know this is
2751s I don't if you can tell we're not doing
2753s this one you like a rune of research or
2755s a rune of creation if you uh if you sell
2757s a 4 LP crafted into a legendary
2760s something I don't know there's having a
2762s salvage system where the item is not
2764s completely useless after it's being
2766s bricked or
2771s failed he's kind of one option there
2775s um uh another option you can look at is
2780s um refund a way to refund or undo part
2784s of it so let's say you have a 2lp weapon
2787s and you have the exalted you slam it it
2789s doesn't work maybe you're just like oh
2791s no thank you and you just like give me
2792s back the lp item and like the exalted's
2794s gone so you just like you break the
2795s exalted but you keep the item and this
2797s is kind of what Diablo 2 does um when
2799s you're making a rune word if it rolls
2801s bad you can um hell Rune TP scroll throw
2805s it in the cube and you get the base item
2807s back and the runes all go poof
2810s um this lets you reroll Rune words in uh
2814s D2 which is really important to be able
2817s to do sometimes um cuz there's a few
2819s situations where the base is actually
2821s worth more than the runes going into it
2824s um like a a spirit Shield that you
2826s really want the perfect um fcr on that
2829s four-socket Monarch Shield if it's got
2831s good stats is um worth more than the
2834s talal or am going into it by a lot so
2838s you want like I rerolled tons of spirit
2842s Shields
2844s um and yeah so there's and then there's
2847s there's other options where you can
2848s increase the determinism of the actual
2850s crafting process itself um and so those
2854s those are kind of the three main axes
2856s that you can you can approach it at I
2858s think um and there's there's some other
2860s options too that we're looking at and
2865s um
2869s it's It's tricky to get feel dialed in
2873s really well
2875s um and sometimes it's a the thing that
2877s kind of manifests after you've done it
2879s 20 times you know and
2884s uh so we we have been U that's one of
2887s the reasons why we've been increasing
2889s our uh testing duration for patches um
2892s getting things out to
2893s CTS excuse me
2896s sooner um locking down our patch times
2900s way earlier than before like it's every
2902s patch for the last like four patches
2903s we've increased the time where we're
2905s like okay content lock now before the
2907s patch we've increased it by a couple
2909s weeks every single time for the last few
2910s major patches
2913s um and it's been very helpful every time
2916s so we keep increasing it it keeps
2917s getting better and better which is great
2920s um I know it's frustrating that like it
2921s means that yeah there's a little bit
2922s more time between um patches coming
2928s out but uh the the game's better for it
2932s I think overall I think people will in
2935s the end appreciate playing a better game
2937s more than playing a worse game sooner I
2939s I could be wrong about that
2943s but that's how I feel about it right
2951s now oh my goodness why am I not
2957s leeching cuz I'm an idiot that's why
2959s it's fine don't worry about it sh didn't
2960s say anything
2964s um and and yeah we do also I think
2966s there's there's there's been a lot of
2969s really good discussion around specific
2973s uh runes and glyphs and changes to
2975s existing runes and glyphs that can
2976s happen as well um and so we are taking
2978s the opportunity to make some adjustments
2979s there as well there's I'm not going to
2981s talk about specifics there at all but um
2983s there will be
2985s some uh some new runes and glyphs
2988s showing up
2990s and
2992s um adjustments to some existing ones as
2995s well like yeah there's there's there's
2996s Improv m to the crafting system coming
2998s that I think are really exciting um and
3001s then there's also you know other things
3004s for crafting that's happening too that's
3006s that's kind of going to be a surprise
3007s and I I don't want to talk too much
3009s about it but there's there's other stuff
3011s for crafting that's also
3017s coming give me a sweet
3023s sweet I was going to say double Health
3025s idle but no
3029s yeah worthless
3032s anyway yep that's the portal button in
3034s that other game I've been playing that
3041s is I do that I try and set my hock Keys
3044s up the same game to game but there's
3046s like certain functions that are you have
3048s like more buttons in one game than
3049s another and sometimes you so you move
3050s buttons around and you get
3055s confused all right how do you feel feel
3057s about interactive puzzles within Echoes
3060s of which are not of which are not
3062s necessarily obvious or needed to
3064s complete the mission uh but when found
3067s and completed the player player's effort
3069s can be
3071s rewarded
3073s um I
3078s think I I think in theory I really like
3081s it um and I don't know how I'd want to
3084s implemented in last Epoch and I'm
3086s assuming this is in reference to
3088s Poe um which I haven't got there yet in
3091s poe2 because I am so
3094s slow
3097s um maybe that kind of literally I don't
3099s know why but I could not find movement
3100s speed boots to save my
3110s life I feel like I'm running at warp
3112s speed after the boots I found last night
3114s oh my God
3117s um but yeah I think there's I think
3118s there's room for puzzles I think this is
3121s one of those
3124s weird character player
3127s disconnects that can happen
3131s um so
3134s in I I'm going to tell tell a little
3136s story about uh D and D
3140s actually uh one of the first campaigns I
3143s ever ran as a DM for DND
3147s one of the only campaigns ever I only
3149s ever done it three times but one of the
3150s first I guess the second of the three
3152s that I've done the second one um I I
3155s created a I got really into the whole
3157s the puzzle thing I really like making
3158s puzzles for people to to to figure out
3161s and not just in
3163s like uh a d andd concept just like I I
3166s really like Puzzles um like making
3168s puzzles and like riddles and things like
3171s that so I was like oh my god I've been
3174s given a platform where I can make
3176s puzzles and riddles for people and
3178s they're they're incentivized to try and
3180s figure them out I have a captive
3182s audience for people to solve my puzzles
3184s and riddles oh my God yes and I went a
3187s little overboard on the puzzles and The
3188s Riddles In A D andd
3190s campaign um not crazy they like we we
3192s talked about it afterwards and they
3193s really enjoyed it but like while it was
3195s happening I I could see the mistakes I
3197s had made
3199s um and I I think the disconnect happens
3203s when when you
3205s have characters
3208s in in a setting where the character is
3210s really really really dumb and you've got
3213s players that are really really really
3215s smart or or the opposite two works but U
3218s Let's Pretend the players are the Smart
3219s Ones just to be nice
3221s um
3224s and um so so you you're like you you got
3229s this dumb character who should never be
3231s able to figure out this puzzle but
3232s because the player who's sitting at the
3234s table is really smart they're able to
3235s figure out the puzzle
3238s and it's like okay so should the game
3241s character be able to Leverage The
3244s Players brain power to overcome this
3248s challenge not really okay then what if
3252s the what if the flip side's true what if
3253s the character in the game is super super
3255s smart but the player just can't figure
3257s out the puzzle should the should the
3260s should like you just roll some dice and
3262s you're like okay great the my character
3263s figured out the puzzle cuz my character
3264s is super duper smart um and then that's
3267s not really engaging
3270s gameplay and so there's kind of this
3272s Dison disconnect in in role playing
3273s games when you have uh the player
3276s figuring out puzzles that the character
3278s doesn't or the character figuring out
3280s puzzles that the player doesn't
3284s um and I I it's I think it's much less
3287s of a big deal in args that that
3289s disconnect I think that disconnect is
3290s kind of vanishes a lot in an arpg um and
3295s so I do really like PU like that to
3297s figure out myself I don't know how I'd
3299s best want to implement something like
3300s that in last Eon um but I think used
3304s appropriately and used probably
3307s sparingly it could be a really positive
3309s experience um and I think we kind of do
3311s some little things with that like
3316s um there's nothing nothing seem really
3318s major it's just like even just like
3320s individual mechanics in a boss fight
3321s kind of like lean into that a little bit
3325s so I I I do think we use it a touch um
3328s and I think we could use it more very
3330s successfully if we if we if we did um
3337s yeah I did really enjoy P the poe1 one
3340s puzzles that were there um I did I
3343s really
3344s liked um trying I really enjoyed doing
3348s them um without trying to leverage uh
3352s like invulnerability mechanics or crazy
3355s uh teleports and things like that like
3356s actually playing through them I really
3358s enjoyed that part of them um and I know
3361s I'm weird with things like that so you
3365s know all right one thing that is killing
3367s my enjoyment of poe2 is that let's let's
3370s try not to be negative well I'll read
3371s this question out but just in general I
3373s I like being positive with that sort of
3375s thing uh one thing that's killing my
3376s enjoyment of pe2 is that I'm getting
3378s legendaries I can't use Ellie also has a
3380s lot of RNG but not to that degree uh any
3382s plans on making the drops a little more
3384s class specific in Le next season
3386s especially for ssf players thanks keep
3388s up the good work um we don't no the
3391s short answer is no we don't
3393s um we right now in last Epoch we heavily
3398s heavily wait the class specific drops
3400s for Relic chest and helmet um for
3404s nonunique items so unique set legendary
3408s items um do not have any sort of class
3410s waiting on them um but like for exalted
3413s which are a big part of your character
3414s build and character crafting and build
3416s cra CF in situation we those do go
3418s through very heavy weighting um for the
3420s class you're playing already
3424s um I think there's there's going to be
3427s uh there's going to be more ways in
3429s 1.2 to uh customize the loot you're
3432s finding in general um but it won't just
3435s be a straight it's class locked now um
3439s but you will be able to um a affect the
3443s the loot you're getting more granularly
3445s than you are now um so you'll be able to
3447s do that if you want better than you can
3449s now um better is the wrong word um more
3454s uh to a greater degree than you are able
3455s to now
3457s um but it's not we're not just going
3459s straight class
3464s locked uh what's your most anticipated
3466s part of 1.2 the the endgame updates it's
3469s it's so
3472s great just know we've been working on
3474s them for a long time before we saw Poe
3478s too uh hi will there be an option in the
3481s future to give the twink character
3483s experience I'm asking because uh
3485s experience drops in the
3488s endgame experience drops theame uh maybe
3491s you could give it to the two twins oh oh
3494s oh the the the toms that
3499s drop
3503s um I I mean you you when we I think we
3506s really heavily buffed uh twinking
3509s characters for leveling process when we
3512s um removed the level restrictions added
3515s from exalted items being crafted onto
3517s legendaries so now when you if you if
3519s you take an item that has like an item
3522s level of a zero it gets 4 LP and you
3525s slap it and exalted on it that has an
3527s item level uh level requirement of like
3529s 90 previously the the new legendary
3532s would have a level requirement of 90 but
3533s now it just keeps its zero level
3535s requirement so you get the unbelievably
3537s Mega powerful items for characters that
3539s you can just cruise through the early
3540s games um if if you if you like if you're
3543s building alts and you twink it out lowle
3545s characters things like that so yeah
3546s there there's there's a lot of really
3547s powerful options for it and also now
3549s that you can
3551s um gain access to all of your uh your
3555s your blessings that you've um unlocked
3559s all all the discovered blessings I've
3560s not done many of these done each of them
3562s like once okay there we go
3564s um so all of these blessings if I
3567s started a new character and I did this
3568s timeline one time I'd be able to equip
3570s any of these blessings at minimum roll
3572s um so yeah we we definitely have uh
3575s given a lot of Buffs to twinking
3577s characters uh we're also changing some
3579s some dungeon stuff to improve that as
3580s well um there a bunch of things in the
3583s leveling experience we're changing at
3584s the same time so yeah we're doing some
3586s stuff but I um cranking up experience
3589s gain is not something we're
3591s really super on about
3600s uh have you thought about moving the
3601s forging system onto multiple NPCs in
3609s town what have you have you thought
3611s about moving the forging system
3614s oh
3618s no oh that took me way too long to
3621s get I I think this is I okay so it's
3624s it's a shot of Huey too I don't
3631s um I I don't like comparing systems so
3635s directly like this cuz things things
3637s that work well in in one game don't
3638s necessarily work well in another game
3640s you know um but no uh we haven't uh okay
3644s we yes we we have considered that
3645s actually we spent a long time
3647s considering that um it almost
3650s happened
3654s um uh we we decided against it you know
3658s it's
3659s it's not um I I don't want to say we
3663s made the absolute right decision because
3666s um you know that would mean that there's
3668s there was never any consideration to
3669s changing it I don't think that you can
3671s uh let a game grow and evolve and
3673s improve with with being closed-minded on
3675s things like that so so I mean it's um
3680s yeah all right Mike I've turned on my
3683s second brain cell woohoo double power
3687s um and made a rogue casting Smite on top
3690s my bleed build I could not figure out my
3691s Smite damage no matter how hard I try
3693s but I felt okay any plans to develop
3695s more on Cross class interactions uh
3698s maybe a ways to see DPS on non-selected
3700s class skills
3704s um I
3710s would can you not see if you hold alt on
3712s the thing giving you the Smite it should
3715s show you the DPS that it does because it
3718s is a class skill and that calculation
3720s should still
3722s work um we I I there's definitely a push
3725s to improve the DPS and and just data
3728s displayed to the player in general I
3730s think that's that's which like I know
3731s pe2 it's new it's hot um so we can talk
3734s about a lot and that's one thing that
3736s they do extremely well is the data they
3738s provide to the player is so complete and
3742s so well done as far as like the
3746s like like that's that's that's one of
3748s the strengths they have I think is the
3749s amount of data they that they do
3752s display um and yes that is something we
3754s are looking to improve is is what data
3757s we show how we show it
3759s and uh the accuracy of that as
3764s well that's been something we've been
3766s working on for a long time though and I
3768s think this is um seeing it done well is
3772s like reaffirming that it is something
3773s that can be done really well and we we
3775s knew it could be done really well
3788s um
3791s oh no way it hasn't gone off
3798s yet oh
3801s boy like I need to turn on my second
3803s brain cell uh we're not not huge on the
3806s on the cross class stuff like that but
3808s uh it's not out of the question in
3809s general but yes we do want to provide
3812s better data to players uh do you
3814s personally prefer monks fantas in
3816s fantasy setting being more religious
3818s holy fanatic type or martial artist or
3820s them being more a grounded in tune with
3823s nature type of martial artist are both
3825s considering the possibilities of
3826s masteries um I if if we're talking about
3830s like how it would be implemented in last
3831s Epoch I would much rather see monk as a
3834s Mastery um of a like uh a a hand toand
3839s Base Class than I would as monk as the
3842s bass class with with offshoots on it I
3844s think I think having it be a Mastery
3846s would be more interesting than having it
3848s be a base class
3852s um personally I really like seeing monks
3855s focused on uh like like having having
3858s kind of two sides to it having it be a
3860s martial arts and the spirituality that
3862s goes with it um I don't think it
3864s necessarily needs to be whole holy uh
3867s theming did you say holy you may not say
3868s even said
3869s holy he said holy fanatic yeah I I I I
3872s prefer spiritual than holy when it comes
3875s to monk theming personally cuz there's
3877s there's so many um I don't know maybe
3881s this is just like
3883s my stuff leaking in um when I when I
3887s hear the term holy I immediately go to
3891s like a Catholic holy thoughts of like
3896s that the the sort of like we're fixing
3897s on a single religion here and I know I
3899s know it doesn't mean that but that's
3900s sort of like I guess you know like I
3903s Catholic grandparents so like that's
3906s that's the religion that comes to mind
3907s first even though I I think after the
3909s first time they took me to church and I
3911s wouldn't sit still they never took me
3912s again and that was that which is
3915s great um but yeah
3919s uh I I I guess that's where I would go
3921s with it and uh
3927s I I yeah I think spiritual will be the
3928s term I would use but I would like them
3930s to be I do feel like they they need to
3932s have a spiritual theme to
3934s them all right hi Mike um I have a
3937s question regarding shock and chill uh
3941s they have uh they have such a hard limit
3943s and don't offer much benefit other than
3947s uh very few nodes and even less items so
3949s it feels bad to get them to drop as
3951s exalt any plans to rework them or add
3953s more utility um not really we've we've
3956s kind of we started working in Electrify
3958s and Frostbite as um more stackable
3962s damage
3963s dealing um ailments to go to to to
3966s complement them a little bit more
3969s and um
3972s having there are more things that do
3974s play off of them and more things that
3976s apply them and scale off them and scale
3978s them and things like that that that play
3980s with them there are things in all of
3981s those categories that are coming for
3983s both shock and um uh shock and chill um
3988s some of those will be in 1.2 some of
3990s them will be after 1.2
3994s um but yeah I I I don't think it's a bad
3999s thing that there are some exalts that
4001s are uh less exciting to get as the
4004s exalted affixes than others I think
4006s that's a good thing where there's like
4008s some that are
4009s maybe um you're kind of like ah it's
4012s kind of useless as it exalted but you
4014s know it's still funny that it's there
4017s um and others where you're like oh my
4020s God this is amazing and I think I think
4021s having that distinction is is a good
4023s thing to
4027s have but then at the same time also
4029s getting like uh a huge shock exalted AIC
4034s on like a low-l item
4037s um uh on a lowle legendary can can be
4040s surprisingly you functional and and
4042s strong leveling I think will not take me
4052s oh what did I just click
4054s on okay hi Mike all said uh where do you
4058s stand on new class releases would you
4061s release one as content DLC expansion
4064s only any new classes in the works you
4065s can tease um I mean yeah new we don't
4069s have any new classes that are uh ready
4072s for or even like being worked on really
4074s um we are still in we're still operating
4077s on our five classes our our five classes
4080s um we do we we've done some some early
4084s work on some specific I things we want
4087s to have added
4089s to uh to new classes um I I would say I
4094s have a very good idea on what the First
4097s new Mastery class will be um I have a
4102s moderately good idea what the second new
4104s Mastery class will be
4106s um I do not know what the First new base
4109s class will
4111s be um these are all things that we are
4113s planning on doing um they're a little
4116s ways out
4117s still
4119s um how they get added like what like
4122s circumstance they get added in I I do
4125s not know how we would we structure that
4127s really
4129s um I know we're we're really not huge on
4131s splitting the player base um on
4134s something like that
4137s if we can avoid it that is always
4139s something we try and avoid splitting the
4141s player base is not
4142s great
4146s um have you thought about releasing
4148s content in pieces instead of one huge
4149s update feel that would help keep players
4151s more engage with the game thanks for
4152s answering love your game yes we have
4154s looked at that and and most of the
4156s feedback we've gotten is um I mean we we
4160s we did a small release of content you
4162s know and um it's it's not even really
4166s considered as uh as content by most
4170s people
4174s um so I mean the feedback is kind of
4177s telling us it's not super
4180s effective um but that's not to say that
4182s it's a never a gain type thing
4188s um we are always um looking at ways to
4192s increase the uh like
4195s the the productivity of of certain
4199s pipelines like ways we can make creating
4201s new content for pipelines faster
4203s smoother easier
4206s um
4210s and uh as that happens as it gets as as
4213s there like certain pipelines become like
4215s really fast and easy to add things to um
4217s it makes it a lot more enticing to be
4219s like okay we're going to like like oh if
4223s we can take four people put them in a
4225s bub
4226s and they'll be able to pump out like I
4230s don't know uh two new skills for a class
4233s and five new unique items and be like
4235s here's here's like a little mini patch
4237s of like cool
4239s stuff um and if we can do that in a
4241s short period of time or something that
4242s like might become an option down the
4243s road it's not really an option right
4247s now that the same uh Shrine twice that's
4251s funny stay
4254s alive stay on t
4264s good
4266s woohoo hey one LP
4269s tree this has got to have been one of
4272s the most internally controversial items
4273s in the game I know it sounds
4276s ridiculous but the illus tree when hit
4280s to get
4281s summoned we've been so deeply divided
4284s internally on what that should look like
4286s it's so
4292s funny let's let's pop up another little
4294s teaser here a little teaser
4296s tease b boom this is the Paladin
4301s one wait the last one was Paladin 2
4303s there's two Paladin things woohoo
4305s Paladin's getting
4307s stuff yeah we've been doing a lot of
4309s work on Sentinel in general um
4317s hopefully there will be a good update
4319s for forg guard uh Sentinel General yeah
4322s here we go Sentinel General is getting a
4323s lot of stuff so hopefully that'll be a
4324s good update for Forge guards since that
4325s is my go-to class there is there's just
4328s not enough variety on this build and
4329s they are not that enjoyable on the end
4331s game maybe have manifest armor to
4333s consume Forge weapons to deal more
4335s damage uh I know that this game has the
4338s potential to be the best much love from
4340s Philippines what you just described will
4342s not be in 1.2
4353s uh hi Mike let's keep up the poe2
4356s questions after playing poe2 what is
4358s your main thing you saw there that you
4359s enjoyed a lot more than Le not saying it
4361s was bad just that you like it better
4363s than L OB besides crafting because that
4365s is
4366s obvious uh what's the main thing you
4369s there that you enjoyed a lot more in Le
4371s okay so thing something I like more in
4372s Le than in pe2 yeah um I mean yeah I I
4376s really enjoy our crafting system a lot
4384s um I I think the I and this is this is
4387s one of those things that I think it's
4389s just because I'm so used to it in Le
4391s because I play so much more of it um and
4394s work on it all the time and you know
4395s like it's it's the way the evade um and
4399s the role uh like cuz ours just kind of
4402s like just lets you kind of go through
4403s stuff um and they did they did make a
4406s huge change and it uh when they when
4407s they shrink the player size to zero when
4409s it happens which is
4411s um and and the the distinction on going
4415s through people are not with evade a role
4418s is something we tweet with and and toyed
4420s with for a very long time and the early
4423s versions of it that we had wouldn't let
4424s you go through enemies um and I think it
4428s was CT feedback that caused us to make
4430s it go through
4433s enemies um thanks the time stamp came
4436s and uh so I think I think
4440s that's and I cuz I was I remember being
4443s on
4444s the very much in the camp of hey it
4447s shouldn't let you go through enemies um
4449s but now that after playing with it for a
4451s long time I think I prefer going through
4452s enemies so it's um it's a really
4456s delicate balance thing and I think it's
4458s one of those things that changes really
4460s heavily based on what game it's in
4463s um and I think going to eventually like
4466s it a lot more in poe2 not going through
4469s enemies always but just like kind of
4472s sometimes like going around them a
4474s little bit with the way they have it now
4475s basically
4477s um because I think it fits a lot better
4479s in their game that way but that's
4481s something I'm struggling to get used to
4483s um mostly just think I'm just so used to
4485s it nly the way it is
4489s um and I realized I was evading around
4491s with something on the screen sorry I was
4493s just doing that for myself um
4500s yeah that's the big thing for me
4503s really
4504s [Music]
4506s um
4510s yeah uh will Lizard Tales have a use in
4514s season 2 I don't think
4516s so I think that got
4523s cut I don't know though I'm sorry
4529s uh tell us what the next masteries and
4531s classes are without telling us what the
4532s next masteries and classes are um well
4535s one of them is going to be for a pretty
4536s sweet class uh that's going to be a new
4541s take on the overall
4545s theme
4547s um and then another one of them is going
4550s to hit some new play style
4552s feels um I can't say anything really
4556s they they're quite a ways out like we
4557s haven't started working on them yet um
4559s the reason I say I know which ones they
4561s are is because there's there's one that
4562s we've had planned for years they were
4565s like this is it like it got cut from the
4567s it was it almost made it into be one of
4569s the original Three early on and like it
4572s just barely didn't make the cut and
4573s we've like we like okay well if we're
4575s not doing it now we're going to do it
4576s later type thing um so it's it's been
4579s like that forever
4582s um you know that sort of thing they're
4585s not I I don't want you to think because
4587s I know what they are going to be that
4589s they're going to be that that's it's
4590s like made any sort of significant
4592s progress or anything like
4594s that uh so what are you saying is
4596s Barbarian Mastery is coming I would I
4598s would love a barbarian Mastery I think
4599s it would be a lot of fun um I've been
4601s playing warrior in poe2 that's the main
4603s one I've been
4606s playing
4611s um which I think has I think it's a lot
4613s of the same Vibe notes that we'd be
4615s trying to go for if we were going to do
4617s a rine
4623s Mastery I loved playing Barbarian in D2
4627s it's one of my
4634s favorites oh I'm just
4636s getting nuked
4651s stop moving stop moving okay let's go
4656s find these
4670s things uh more questions I can do it I
4675s am rooot yes you
4678s are uh in your opinion when adding
4682s notable new content into the into a game
4685s uh do you want each new addition to feel
4687s like a continuation of what you had
4689s previously been established or do you
4691s prefer the the content to feel like an
4692s addition that expands upon existing
4694s content but adds new
4698s branches read that one again cuz I'm not
4699s sure I understood
4702s it hey kot's cage
4708s that was one I made for a buddy of
4717s mine what is this don't want
4722s that got a little little bump
4728s there this is why I'm not playing
4730s empowered right now
4736s okay can I I been out of combat long
4740s enough yeah okay good all right in your
4743s opinion when adding new when adding
4745s notable new content into a game uh do
4748s you want each new addition to feel like
4750s a continuation of what has previously
4753s been established or would you prefer the
4755s content to feel like an addition that
4757s expands upon existing content but adds
4760s new branches does feel like the same
4761s thing to me still
4769s I I don't understand the distinction it
4770s feels like you're saying do you want a
4771s new car or would you like a vehicle that
4772s is four wheels and travels on the road
4779s um I
4781s I I think it depends I think if you're
4784s in a situation where
4786s it's where this the base storyline is
4790s like completed and we're talking about
4791s story content type thing I think having
4795s um having a new call to action like a
4798s new a new start of a new hero's journey
4800s is a good thing
4802s um I think if we're talking about like
4804s mechanical
4806s content
4808s um I think having it be as tied into
4811s what's existing already as possible is a
4812s really positive thing um but it depends
4815s on the scope there as well I don't know
4816s I think I think it's the answer is just
4818s it depends sorry
4828s yeah yeah sorry I'm struggling with that
4830s one if anyone does have any questions
4832s they'd like answered please put atlast
4834s Depot game in the question so I'll
4836s answer it I haven't said that in a
4838s while just cruising with this all right
4841s let's
4842s go can I just can I just
4847s run I'll take
4851s it I love getting uh the skill Shrine
4854s node the skill shrines that are a a
4857s skill you've invested
4859s in feels
4869s amazing with you didn't need
4873s that there's one skill Shrine that
4876s bothers me so much though still is the
4878s uh and I think everyone's experienced it
4880s at this point we I like we know it's a
4882s problem is the the Phoenix
4886s uh will we have any engine updates
4887s before season 2 yes we came extremely
4890s close to pushing out the engine update
4892s last week actually um and someone
4895s someone found a bug at the last second
4897s and we're like all right hold hold
4900s um but yeah it's it's it's coming soon
4903s um I think I think it's going to be
4905s because the studio closes in uh for the
4907s last last week or so of December and a
4911s lot of us are terrible at taking
4913s vacation throughout the year and we I'll
4915s take it in December because we're like
4917s oh like we didn't take our vacation this
4919s year at all so we're like ah more time
4922s December um like I'm I'm off right now
4925s technically um
4928s and so so yeah uh I I think we're going
4931s to wait until we're all back in the
4933s office in in January to to push that
4937s out uh without giving us spoilers though
4940s you can if you want
4942s to uh what new things are are you most
4945s excited about for season 2 yeah it's the
4947s so I did this this did come up already
4949s so I'll keep it short is the it's the
4950s end game it's the monolith updates it's
4953s um I think you know the biggest
4956s criticism we get about last Epoch um
4958s which is I I I'm not I'm not arguing
4961s against you at all which I think is very
4963s heavily reflected in what we're doing in
4966s 1.2 uh is that the endgame can uh
4969s especially for like veteran players that
4971s have played last Epoch for
4973s years you know have uh have gone through
4976s the end game a few times um they've
4980s they've experimented with most of the
4981s classes you know there's there's not a
4984s ton of like variety of activities to do
4988s in the end game and um you know I think
4992s that I that might get oversimplified a
4995s little bit when being discussed on on
4997s forums and Reddit and stuff like that
4998s but you know like it is still a fair
5000s criticism is that the the end game feels
5002s a little empty and I think there's uh
5004s this like
5005s Behemoth of amazing endgame content that
5007s it's being compared to which I like love
5011s that we're being compared to to Path of
5013s Exile at all
5016s um is uh it is it is a tricky comparison
5019s to survive um in in a in like a debate
5024s situation if that makes any sense
5027s and
5030s um so yeah we're we're we're really
5032s focusing
5033s on um
5036s making that debate a lot a lot less
5038s clearcut you know and um so so we're
5043s adding a ton of new activities to do in
5044s the end game and uh you know it's a lot
5047s of fun having having different stuff to
5049s do so that's that's what I'm most
5051s excited about is new cool stuff to
5060s do okay
5066s do you know how close uh do uh do you
5071s know close to how many new uniques are
5073s in season 2 um the uniques
5076s are mostly not done yet uniques get done
5080s quite late in the production timeline in
5082s compared to other
5084s stuff um so I don't yet there
5090s are H there's there's things so I've
5093s been working on a on a post 1.2 project
5095s for a while now and there's things that
5096s we've been I've been trying to add to
5098s that they keep getting poached for
5099s uniques in a good way in a good
5104s way
5107s um but yeah there's there's there's a
5117s chunk feel like every time we've done a
5119s major patch we've added a very
5120s substantial number of new uniques
5140s all
5142s right what did I get oh nice let
5155s more questions you can do it
5158s Mike don't give in the temptation of
5161s playing the video game that's in front
5162s of
5164s you oh did I just did I just rip my
5168s weapon out of my own
5176s hands and that's like that's how you see
5178s there's like a lock button that shows up
5180s next patch and you're like oh we know
5181s how that happened
5201s okay what we
5208s got I was confused there for a second
5210s cuz I'm like didn't I just do that one
5213s but I just had an item of the same base
5214s type in that same third slot for two in
5217s a
5220s row don't hate that at all
5229s though all right um oh I was caught up
5233s and it was Auto scrolling oh no if I
5235s missed your question I
5238s apologize uh do you I answer that okay
5241s didn't didn't skip any woohoo will we be
5243s able to utilize aex shards more in the
5246s future yes uh they seem not that
5248s important in the endgame since you would
5250s want a T6 t7 of what AIX is you
5254s need yes I agree there's there is I
5257s think there's a um there is a lot of
5260s uses for them for sure in that you can
5263s like you you
5265s are well F first of all we do we do plan
5267s to add in a an aex uh exchange system
5271s where you can uh you can be like okay
5274s I've got
5275s 20 of these aexes that I never use and
5277s are super common and I've got this AIX
5279s I've been hunting for and I've got none
5280s of them um you like exchange them you
5283s I'll take the loss but you know 20 of
5285s useless for one of useful is good I
5286s don't know what the rate would be but
5288s there'd be some at a loss exchange I'm
5289s using a pretty extreme ratio just so
5292s that I don't get people's hopes up cuz
5293s it it'll probably less than that but I
5294s don't know what it would be um to make
5297s to give you more useful AES cuz there
5298s are some aices that you're like even if
5300s I just get one tier of it it's
5302s useful and I think there's some a lot of
5305s subtleties in the crafting system when
5306s you're making good exalted items um that
5309s make AIX is quite useful to have also in
5311s leveling as well they're very useful um
5314s there are some more ways we're looking
5315s to leverage some aex shards I I think
5318s you'll see those more in future patches
5323s um I think aex shs are going to shift
5327s and have been slowly shifting more to be
5329s a resource rather than an
5331s item um
5336s and I think as that shift happens we're
5337s going to start using them more as
5340s resources
5342s um which I think will be a really good
5344s thing overall cuz as as we get
5346s more the uh shards were playing the role
5350s of um universally useful infrequent item
5354s drops that were not
5358s equipment um that you would that you
5360s would see like um like C currency items
5362s in poe1 and poe2 um they were kind of
5365s filling that same role a little bit cuz
5367s we didn't have very many like a very big
5369s variety of glyphs and runes especially
5371s at the start when there was like two
5373s glyphs and four runes that's I think
5374s what we launched
5377s with AIC shards were kind of filling
5379s that role quite a
5380s lot
5387s and uh I think I think we are we're
5389s getting to the point now where we've got
5392s more uh more shards
5395s or sorry more uh more we do have way
5397s more shards um but more glyphs and runes
5400s and more other items that fit into that
5403s like uh non-equipment
5405s monster drop uh exciting item type
5410s category
5412s um the the keys keys are the first basic
5414s version of that but then there's like
5416s other things that we're adding as well
5418s um like eyes harb eyes and other things
5420s that might be coming and so there's uh
5423s as we get more things in that Cate and
5425s like more runes and more Shard and more
5426s glyphs um shards can transition out of
5429s that role more and more and become more
5430s of a resource I think um so I think
5433s you'll start seeing them use differently
5434s as we go
5435s forward
5437s um yeah just just getting the like the
5440s right um like I think very rarely you
5445s get multiple exalted affixes of of AES
5448s you really want on a single item um and
5452s having the aex having the the shards to
5455s modify that item to still hit all the
5457s other things you wanted to do I think is
5459s really uh really really important really
5461s positive this go any higher anywhere can
5463s I speaking of can I do this no
5466s it's or we're maxed
5477s out here's an
5479s example ha I actually really need this
5488s Beauty I need those shards I need to get
5490s up higher it's yeah
5494s like this is this is the exact time
5496s we're having a an exchange for this
5498s would be amazing like I would trade I
5500s would trade 50 Health shards for this um
5503s and health shards would be a more
5504s valuable
5511s one oh I have enough I can do this cool
5517s uh for the continuation for continuation
5520s oh this is the um different styles of
5523s adding new content for continuation
5524s think of the first episode of a show
5526s that Recaps what happens last season uh
5530s and then the new season feels as though
5532s you're resuming where you left off for
5533s branches uh sticking with TV reference
5535s think spin-off show or the general theme
5537s of the show or there the setting
5539s Direction content is brand new
5540s experience I hope that clears up my
5541s previous statement it does that is a
5543s fantastic analogy thank you um I think
5546s my answer still kind of stands though I
5547s think it's I think both of those are
5549s valid approaches for different types of
5550s content I think we will probably
5552s leverage both in different ways going
5554s forward uh right now we're probably more
5555s looking at the continuation aspect of
5558s things especially for uh the the the
5563s extra
5564s um chapter content that still is to come
5567s so the next chapter will be a direct
5569s continuation it'll be a last time on
5571s remember what happened just kidding
5573s that's not actually what happened it's
5574s it's almost what happened but here's a
5575s slight little tweak to the story and
5577s then we're continuing um cuz we have to
5579s tweak it a little bit to make it Blow
5581s nicely into the next chapter but
5585s yeah um yeah we'll be we'll be a
5587s straight continuation for a couple um
5591s three chapters I think
5592s left question mark there's some new tech
5595s we've got coming down the pipe that we
5598s going to see a little bit of in 1.2
5600s that's going to increase the speed at
5602s which we can make new uh like Zone like
5605s area content like
5608s the we only have a a the level design
5612s team we have um since day one has
5616s doubled in size there's now two of
5621s them it may actually triple there might
5623s be a third person now there might be
5624s triple in size but my point is there's
5626s not a lot of people there so there's
5629s um we we are we have been working on um
5633s a lot of tools to make that
5636s process faster um and just crank out a
5641s lot like higher quality content for Less
5644s effort Le that's just faster really
5647s um and I think uh a lot of the a lot of
5650s the improvements that have been coming
5651s down the pipe in that category have been
5653s very successful um and so we're going to
5656s see some of that in 1.2 and then we're
5657s going to leverage that going forward a
5658s lot to make more content faster
5665s all right when will we get more be
5667s support I found I found
5673s um I thought it was gone it's not
5680s gone hey I found
5686s it oh I I'll wear it again sometime
5688s properly for a
5691s stream love that thing I didn't I was
5693s not pleas with the one I made for this
5695s year's Halloween the the ladybug one I
5697s thought the the B1 was way better I'm
5699s glad I found
5702s it uh I found out this morning actually
5705s when will we get uh more B support uh
5708s will there be uh first Mastery be B
5713s Master uh and know that players will all
5716s feel sad if you say
5718s no I'm sorry to make you feel so
5721s sad I don't think it will be a v master
5725s um I think we'll see some some new uh B
5728s related content
5730s happening um I I can see I know there
5733s was there was a set item we started at
5734s one point and then we put sets on hold
5738s um there's there's been a few other
5740s things as well I we I I love the be kind
5743s of started as a meme ended like turned
5745s into kind of a serious thing and back to
5747s being a meme thing now
5750s um that that we've got going on big fan
5753s and uh I I I think we'll continue to uh
5756s to lean into it a little bit more but
5758s we'll we'll see we'll see how that
5760s manifests specifically down the
5766s road oh my goodness would you just die
5771s already make me use my abilities H come
5779s on all right in my experience with
5783s different classes hi I'm having a breeze
5786s uh with getting a ranger spellcaster
5788s build online rather quick and it is
5790s quite easy to dodge stuff with Mele
5792s build I find it quite hard to get
5793s defenses up at the same time with
5795s offensive stats any ideas to buff melee
5798s builds hybrid endurance AIC um
5804s there's yes uh I I don't I don't want to
5807s say yes specifically to what you're like
5809s hybrid endurance aexs necessarily
5811s there's um
5817s the whole the whole range versus melee
5819s consideration is a very important thing
5821s that we do look at and uh are making
5824s some changes too in general like just as
5826s an overarching thing
5834s um will not take
5839s me oh one LP s h don't mind if it do I
5845s really wish my belt had more potion
5848s slots what I want more potion
5857s slots yeah our our stash is getting big
5860s enough that
5864s we're starting to get a little laggy
5866s when we open it can't wait that that
5869s that's that's fixed on M on uh main on
5872s our uh development brand
5874s and uh can't wait for that to go
5895s out nice Health one uh what was I
5898s talking
5899s about oh yes melee vers range stuff yeah
5902s there's um
5905s getting the
5907s theming and distinction for melean range
5910s stuff CU range is just such a natural
5914s huge boost of awesome when it comes to
5917s survivability
5919s um and quite often the what
5923s dictates
5925s um the like meta builds are are are
5929s usually what can do the most damage not
5931s always but usually
5941s um so having the like defensive tools
5944s available
5946s feel uh feel different and play
5948s different is is I think really important
5966s oh come on there we
5975s go I just saw something that reminded me
5978s of another crafting change we're doing
5980s I'm not going to tell you about that
5987s one you can look through the footage of
5988s what just happened and trying to figure
5989s out what reminded me
5998s it's probably too extreme
6003s yeah should have known that's what it
6012s was okay
6032s hello I just love having uniques to
6036s change up a build diversity on class
6038s thanks for doing these on Fridays I even
6041s on your time off no other game
6042s developers do that I know of yeah
6046s um there's
6050s uh I'm sure there's got to be some
6052s others that do it
6059s but I do love doing
6061s this frequently I I I get told I'm like
6063s Mike stop doing stuff like this on your
6065s time off go go have time off and I'm
6067s like yeah but it's
6069s fun if if I was if I was in my time off
6073s and I could stream on my personal
6076s account anyone would actually tune into
6077s to that I
6082s would so I just do here so that people
6084s will actually listen to
6090s me thanks I like I like putting up
6093s teasers April and we looking forward to
6096s season two just which was sooner any
6097s Weaver will spoilers they are my
6099s favorite items there's there is some
6100s wavv stuff happening cuz I mean we're
6103s it's it's pretty Weaver focused uh
6106s patch I should have not tried to go into
6109s this ah try to catch
6112s it it's
6114s okay um it's a pretty Weaver will
6117s focused patch right now so uh Weaver
6119s will it's it's a weaver themed uh
6122s expansion pretty heavily which I mean
6125s should should be pretty obvious by the
6126s the um if you haven't seen the info
6130s on
6133s um the the road map we just released it
6135s is pretty heavily Weaver themed
6146s what did I miss back there oh I got to
6148s speak with
6149s him but but I don't like talking I just
6152s like
6153s cutting down the enemies of a
6156s tera
6167s yes yeah okay um yeah
6177s we we there's like a couple little
6179s really important features that we really
6180s wanted to get into the patch we nudg a
6183s back a
6187s touch cuz like we're not putting these
6189s in without enough time to test
6193s them and then we're like can we really
6195s release this patch without this
6197s feature disappointing
6207s tricky thing with that is you got to be
6208s careful you're not doing that forever
6209s cuz you're like oh I just add this one
6211s more thing I push it back a week add
6212s this one more thing I push it back a
6214s week you got to draw the line somewhere
6216s and we've had to cut things that I'm
6218s like I was I'm I'm disappointed we've
6221s had to cut but I think was very
6226s wise cuz doing 30 things amazing is
6229s better than doing 35 things pretty good
6251s all right more
6253s questions I'm sure you've already heard
6255s this but a
6257s recent still very fun release makes me
6259s appreciate Le's approach to things like
6262s crafting and changing build builds even
6264s more than I already did well thank you
6266s glad I'm glad you're enjoying last OK
6268s and and I'm glad you're enjoying other
6269s games too um we we've been talking about
6272s poe2 a bunch here and I've I've been
6274s playing it I've been having a ton of fun
6275s with it
6278s um I think it's been really interesting
6280s to
6281s see uh cuz cuz it's they are able to
6284s start with a blank
6286s canvas is they're they're they're less
6289s beholden to pee1 than pee1 is to itself
6293s uh when when making
6295s changes and um I think it's been really
6299s awesome to see the different uh
6301s different ways they've gone to solve
6303s problems the same problems that we've
6305s gone to solve
6307s um when they've
6310s been um like anchored to
6313s poe1 or or not when they've when they've
6315s uh done the same things in po like done
6318s different things in
6320s pee2 making any sense there at all like
6323s they've the same problems in poe1 and
6325s poe2 and because they're able to start
6328s from scratch they're able to solve those
6330s problems in yeah in Poe uh two
6334s differently than they're able to solve
6335s those problems in poe1 got it um and I
6339s think that's been really interesting to
6340s see especially from the standpoint of
6342s I'm like i' I've been in a development
6344s meeting trying to solve this problem I I
6347s think like and seeing with the what they
6349s ended up with I'm like I have a pretty
6352s good idea on how that meeting went
6354s you know I obviously don't know
6355s everything but um it sometimes it feels
6359s like I'm like yeah I get
6367s it death will not
6370s take and it's been really awesome i' and
6373s I've been really enjoying it and there's
6375s there's lots of things that like we
6377s consider doing
6378s ourselves um and we were like we just
6381s don't have the what the like development
6383s capacity to do that um or or we decided
6387s against it for some other reason and
6388s like I don't know it's been really
6390s awesome to experience and see and I'm
6394s stoked for the future of of RPGs in
6397s general
6401s uh and and like in our game and po2 and
6404s po it's all just so great right now I
6406s don't
6409s know I can't remember the last time we
6411s had this many
6413s like new and exciting things in args
6416s come out
6419s ever all right is it a good idea to make
6421s top level items inevitable to get
6424s overtime I understand it feels bad when
6426s you Breck a 3 LP but if it's just a Time
6428s issue then is it
6431s rare fantastic
6435s question oh my God can you go ask this
6437s question in like every thread talking
6439s about this online please
6444s I don't know the answer to
6449s it I think um but I think it's a really
6452s important
6454s point and um I I think it's something
6458s that gets overlooked a lot
6478s I think there
6482s is I don't think having the absolute top
6485s tier best in slot items being inevitable
6489s is a positive
6493s thing um and this is this is part of the
6495s reason why we've developed our
6499s um it's just done I'm just walking
6501s around for no reason um why we developed
6503s our legendary crafting system the way we
6509s have um because it gives these
6514s like the really interesting effects that
6517s go on these items are the unique effects
6519s that go on them usually not the exalted
6522s aices that get added onto them like this
6524s this this weapon I've got here the
6525s increased melee attack speed being the
6527s best in slot aex to go on it
6529s is it's just a stat bump it's just it's
6532s a it's extra stats but the exciting part
6534s about the item is all the other cool
6536s stuff it does
6538s and
6539s um so I think having these items that
6543s are like having thresholds to
6546s hit
6548s um have like a more consistent Forward
6552s Motion is is really good um but having
6557s the like the absolute best in slot be
6559s inevitable so we're talking a um
6564s like if if you
6565s could uh what's a good example okay here
6568s here's if you could take here this gets
6570s suggested quite a lot on our forums
6571s Reddit all these places um and I've got
6574s one more thing to share with you oh my
6575s God okay we're we're going to put this
6578s up which isn't going to look that
6580s exciting at first but I'm going to talk
6581s about it in a second
6584s um
6588s is uh okay so the serious thing that's
6591s brought up a lot is that if you have
6592s like
6593s uh if if you put two zero LP items into
6598s a uh a combiner it makes a one LP item
6601s and then you put four one LP items into
6603s a combiner and makes a 2 LP item and
6605s then you put eight 2 LP items into a
6607s combiner it makes a 3 LP item and you
6608s put 16 3 LP items into a binder and it
6611s makes a 4 LP item and it's like oh my
6614s God it's like you you have to get a
6616s bajillion of these things cuz you're
6617s combining up the whole way and it's
6619s basically like you know if you combine
6621s enough runes together you'll find a Zod
6622s Rune eventually yeah it's billions of
6624s them or something I don't know what it
6625s is um but like yes you eventually
6628s there's a guaranteed way to get it it's
6630s going to
6631s happen um and I I don't think I'm not a
6637s big fan of that there's this way to get
6640s this thing that's just inevitable like
6642s you grind you kill enough bores in the
6644s forest and eventually you'll get
6646s there
6648s that's it feels kind
6650s of I don't know um
6657s I think when I when I when I get an item
6659s from a system like that I don't feel
6662s excited I feel
6663s relieved I think I think that's the
6665s difference and I think I'd rather feel
6667s excited than
6673s relieved um oh yeah okay so let's look
6675s let's look what's on screen right now so
6676s this is all of the information about
6678s this node um there used to be something
6682s on the node that's been removed and it's
6685s not immediately obvious but let's assume
6688s for the purposes of this that all of the
6690s extra information is available there's
6693s nothing like just hidden cuz we're not
6694s holding alt or something like that but
6695s like all the information about this node
6696s is here everything is here
6700s um see if anyone's figured out what's
6704s missing so you're saying there's a
6706s secret B level oh my God I wish yeah
6708s there is no B
6710s level the honey cake is a lie
6713s [Music]
6718s nice pause in the future oh that's
6720s something I've Loved about po2 is the
6722s pause and we we've it actually works
6723s internally and we it doesn't work in the
6725s client online it doesn't work at
6730s all
6733s uh CD no CD is not
6736s missing this this is a node that already
6738s exists in live and there's um there's
6742s there's something missing from it so
6743s there there there's a slight change to
6744s this node I think the live version of
6745s the Mana cost is 12 and this version's
6747s 10 that's not what I'm talking about
6748s there's something else that's been
6749s removed from this
6759s node I cheated and looked it
6762s up I looked it up too and I couldn't see
6765s it at first
6770s even see I can Crush through a couple
6772s Quest here in the meantime cuz we're
6773s getting close to the end of the stream
6774s and I've got a
6780s few answer
6784s those uh do you think the new engine
6786s update upgrade will make things like
6789s persistent
6790s zones uh no or sound/ beacons and loot
6795s filter possible at least closer it will
6796s have zero effect on any of those
6799s things uh seeing as the season is coming
6802s in April um will you be doing another
6804s small event like the Imperial Uprising
6806s while we wait we don't have any plans
6808s to
6818s uh brow 87 sorry I didn't see your
6821s message got Auto modded and it should
6823s not have been I hope you weren't Auto
6826s banned or anything like that just say
6828s held a message so I assume it's just it
6830s held the message but you're fine
6833s uh so you're saying there's a secret
6835s field no yeah uh have you thought about
6837s placing useful information in more
6839s diverse places I mainly thinking about
6841s how many shards you have showing on
6843s Crafting window aix's list on loot
6845s filter Etc
6850s um uh I I don't think we've done I I
6853s feel like having the the main place
6854s where they all are is probably the best
6856s way but having them in more places would
6858s be
6859s nice we need a mic appreciation stream
6861s where someone else from ESG play last
6863s and interviews you thoughts yeah I mean
6864s we've we've been we're trying to get uh
6867s guests on regularly to have as like so
6871s it's me and someone else because I know
6872s you guys hear my thoughts a lot but you
6873s don't hear other people on the team and
6875s there's lots of cool perspectives and
6876s cool things people do and I think it
6878s would be really awesome to hear I really
6880s want to get Sam on uh I really want to
6883s get uh Kyle I've had on a couple times
6885s I'd love to have him back again um you
6887s know there there's a bunch of people I
6889s want to have on um like music art uh
6893s animation all sorts of cool stuff I
6895s think there would be some really cool
6896s streams you could do and we are working
6898s on that that is that is planned to keep
6899s going
6900s forward um and there's going to be an uh
6904s interview of uh that I'm doing for our
6908s next
6910s uh
6913s monthly a tera monthly um so you'll get
6916s an interview I'll answer some weird
6919s questions uh sorry if this question has
6922s been asked but what happened with the
6924s whole Primal hunt thing it got pushed
6927s back uh cuz it was tied to the next
6929s chapter and the next chapter got pushed
6931s back because people were like end game
6934s and we're like
6935s okay all right I'm excited about what
6937s you would do on set items oh yeah set
6940s items I'm I'm really excited for the set
6942s item
6943s update uh it's it's
6946s not like it's going it fits really well
6949s into the gearing um Paradigm that we
6952s have
6955s uh hopefully that will come on season 2
6957s can we get a tease on what that would be
6959s um not
6960s really
6964s um yeah
6967s sorry you you'll we'll get some teases a
6970s little closer it's not implemented right
6971s now so I I don't like teasing things too
6974s heavily until they're
6975s implemented uh are the set changes
6977s coming in
6980s 1.2 uh as you mentioned testing have the
6983s delays and changes to timelines impact
6985s the CT participation um I I think we
6988s have probably more participation because
6991s we've had well right now a lot of them
6993s are playing pe2
6995s um but there is I like we have we
6998s already have a CT build out there's more
7000s going out you know like there's so I
7002s think we're getting more in
7005s total pause in the future we'd love to
7007s do pause oh my God it' be so good uh
7010s will 1.2 come with a seasonal mechanic
7012s um um it's it's going to
7015s have like Define seasonal mechanic uh
7018s yes or no depending on how you define
7023s [Music]
7026s it uh did anyone get
7031s it a Divine Fury someone said Divine
7033s Fury question
7034s [Music]
7040s mark I'm going to count that as someone
7042s getting it yes it uh it now uh no longer
7046s has the alt text that says this node
7048s does nothing if you've taken Divine
7053s Fury ell is my favorite airG and my
7057s biggest bet for the future this game is
7059s wonderful satisfies my desire to kill
7061s monsters and pass the time in a pleasant
7062s way thank
7063s you uh we're just about done on time I
7067s want to answer all the questions my
7068s question about the engine upgrade was
7069s that you often said in the past that
7071s persistent zones and sound beacons in
7073s filters are performance
7077s issues uh the persistent Zone thing is
7080s not a per performance issue no I don't
7082s think I've said that if I did I'm sorry
7085s uh the sounds and beacons in the filter
7087s performance
7088s issue uh that is related
7092s um but the it's it's not that's not an
7094s engine problem if that makes any sense
7097s uh if the engine upgrade doesn't help
7098s with that can you tell us um if you're
7100s working on those issues and how advanced
7102s they are um I don't believe we're
7105s working on either of those issues and
7107s they're not Advanced right
7108s now
7111s um The Sounds thing
7114s is it's not really performance issue
7116s either neither of those are performance
7118s issues they they do have performance
7120s concerns but the reason they're not in
7121s is not because of performance
7123s problems
7126s um the the persistent Zone thing
7130s is um I mean we just we we don't have a
7133s good way of doing it at
7139s all um but I mean we were saying the
7142s same thing about that about procedural
7143s generation procedural content generation
7145s for for years um and and that's on its
7149s way
7151s so you know
7155s um other things happening first is
7161s all can you tell if the set items will
7164s keep their themes or should I try the
7166s sets I'm interested in right now the
7168s sets will uh when the changes to the set
7170s items um if there's a set you really
7173s like now um the when the changes to the
7177s set items happen uh you'll still really
7179s like the set
7182s um and if anything you'll just like the
7185s set
7187s more so yeah I I wouldn't
7190s feel pressured to try set items in the
7193s state they're in now in fear that
7196s they're going to go that something's
7198s going to go
7206s away Oh you mean it causes Divine Fury
7208s to do nothing no I think in the past
7210s Siege bar Divine Fury caused Siege
7212s barrage to do nothing
7217s right this node oh sorry yeah you right
7220s so in the past it said this node causes
7222s divine Fury not to function right so
7224s Siege barrage no longer causes Divine
7226s Fury not to function that's the change
7229s and also two less Mana
7231s cost so big
7235s win any plans for wasd movement we would
7237s love to do Wy movement um wasy
7240s movement's one of those things that is
7242s uh it seem it's so deceptively huge of a
7246s task it is it is a mammoth undertaking
7250s that is kind of needed to be uh designed
7256s from the ground up when you're starting
7257s the game which is why po2 has it cuz I
7260s think that when they started making it
7261s they're like we're going to put wasy
7262s movement in and they designed their
7263s whole movement system to to work with
7265s wasi even the like the mouse movement
7267s you can see the influences of wasi
7269s movement on the mouse movement um like
7272s if you're if you if you shoot something
7274s in One Direction and then you click
7276s behind your character he'll actually
7278s walk backwards for a little bit first um
7281s which is which is is fantastic
7285s um
7286s and but like I that feels like it stems
7290s from Wy movement being a thing in the
7292s game and
7295s um so like the
7298s the we have to change a lot to to make
7301s Wy movement work like a lot a lot a lot
7305s and um
7312s I I we we'd love to put it in I don't
7314s want to get anyone's hopes up on like
7316s time frame or if we're doing it or
7317s anything like that it's one of those
7319s things where we're like if we had a
7320s magic wand and we'd be like while the
7322s it's in we would but we don't so it's
7325s not yeah uh last few questions you
7329s skipped my question about placing AIX
7330s count in more diverse places like the
7332s crafting screen itself or the aex list
7336s for loot filter sorry I didn't mean to I
7339s don't like this this number
7343s placing count in more diverse places
7345s like the crafting screen itself or in
7348s the AIX list for loot filter I mean okay
7349s in the AIC it's in it's in both those
7351s first two places but not it's in the
7356s it's the count is here so it's in it's
7358s in the crafting screen and it's in the
7361s materials list so it's right
7364s here and
7367s then you want in the loot filter itself
7370s oh yeah yeah okay I think that would be
7372s good place to put it
7375s um yeah tying into that data is not
7380s terrible put in the suggestions forums I
7383s know you know the
7386s drill uh well having a full set make us
7389s glow like super
7390s [Laughter]
7392s saiyan I don't think so I think that was
7394s a really cool thing that D2 did um where
7396s like where the sets were like six- piece
7398s sets made you glow things like that that
7400s was awesome um we're putting a little
7402s less emphasis on large complete sets um
7406s so I doubt we'll do that
7409s um I I would love to see some little
7412s subtle effects like that I think I'd
7413s prefer the effects to be more specific
7416s per set so like having um some set
7420s that's like based around some Minion
7422s giving a visual effect to that Minion or
7423s something like you know something like
7424s that I think it more prefer specific
7426s effects per full set bonus as a thing if
7429s it was really tied into a specific thing
7432s uh any plans to make static difficulty
7434s content uh be able to give competitive
7437s amounts of favor as monoliths so players
7440s aren't discouraged by the opportunity
7442s cost of not spending that time in
7446s monoliths oh like like uh like Dungeons
7449s giving a bunch of favor or something
7450s like that yeah I I I I think that's a
7453s great
7458s idea we need was I
7464s do you do you have a good 3,000 Dev
7467s hours you can help us put that in for I
7469s don't know how long it would take
7471s but
7474s yeah uh I I I think it's the like the
7478s the development time for wasy movement
7480s is so vastly
7482s underestimated it's it's it's animator
7484s time that we need the most of for that
7486s it's like it's like our entire animation
7488s team needs to take two patches
7490s off which which would be devastating for
7492s all the content we try and
7497s add all right uh what
7500s about do you prefer playing with camera
7502s smoothing on or off it so depends I
7504s usually turn it on and then every once
7507s in a while I'll turn it
7510s off uh depending on the game but talking
7513s about last do do we have camera
7515s smoothing in
7517s last I don't know we do
7523s doesn't look like
7524s it uh what about large low-level sets
7527s that look like
7529s Z that would be sweet I I don't think
7531s we're planning on that
7536s either
7538s uh uh toxic I do not
7543s have uh any if you if you
7546s haven't if you can't get through to
7547s support send them a new message um
7552s I I know it's not intentional I know
7553s they've been replying to everything
7554s that's come in there might be something
7556s like getting lost somewhere along the
7559s lines uh you can try messaging mod mail
7561s on our Discord as well um but I can't
7563s help you with any support stuff I'm
7566s sorry
7572s uh and Kane's got better information
7575s than I do right afterwards thanks Kane
7577s um yeah there's I guess a ton of awesome
7580s stuff coming .2 uh I'm really excited
7584s for it I wish I could talk you about all
7585s the details there's certain things that
7586s are on the edge of getting cut or added
7588s right now based on if we think we can
7590s get them done or not in time um it's a
7592s huge process and uh I'm really excited
7595s to share it all with you I hope we have
7597s even more awesome stuff to share next
7599s time I hope we have a new guest next
7601s time
7602s um but I'll be back I I uh I had fun uh
7607s what is it I hope you had fun I know I
7609s did I'll be back same time same place
7611s next week and if I miss your question I
7614s apologize it was not intentional please
7615s head on T Discord ask the devs channel
7618s um always a great place to leave
7620s questions I'll do my best to answer them
7621s quickly there's tons of helpful
7622s community members that answer them as
7624s well if I'm not around
7626s and
7628s yeah that's I think that's it for
7633s me we're just going to
7642s [Music]
7643s let's let's go let's go talk to this
7645s person oh is a fellow Canadian looks
7648s like
7651s streaming oh yeah hey
7655s bud
7660s uh uh yeah I had a ton of fun today this
7663s is a good stream we'll see
7665s you drink lots of water
7680s [Music]
7684s here oh I didn't die