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Hey , hi and hello .

I am a Grim Dawn player with some 500hrs into the game . I am looking for another ARPG to scratch the loot itch . Have played and grinded the Borderlands series and Grim Dawn . Grim Dawn has treated me right and I have no complains but after 500hrs I want to do something else than grind SR80-85 for the hundrenth time.

Never really got into Diablo , definitely not Diablo 4 and that whole mess and POE ( Path of Exile ) for it being somewhat hardcore . Or at least thats what the people told me when I asked their server .

Now to the point of this post and my questions :

  1. Loot , loot and loot . How much impact does it have on your gameplay ? Does it change gameplay and can a piece or a set change the way you play . Example : Fireball does 10 fire dmg but with this chest piece dmg is converted to ice and does 15 dmg ( Yes I know Grim Dawn is all about that but I wanna know) . Preferably it does and can change your playstyle .

  2. Offline . My internet can be dodgy sometimes and I want to know that my game wont stop playing because of that . Can this game be played completely offline and can you experience at least 85%-90% of what the game has to offer ? Will there be any complications if I switch from offline to online ?

  3. Classes , Skills and Skill-Trees . I have checked some of the classes and they seem to be very distinct from one another , is that true ? Skills having their own skill tree made my monkey brain go OH . Does the skill tree actually impact the skill or does it provide minimal bonuses ?

  4. Whats the thing that makes you like this game less / you believe it makes it a worse experiece . This is entirerly up to you and I am curious to see what you have to say .

( I am not really a story kind of guy so I dont care about it much . It would be nice if this game had a good story tho )

Thank you for taking your time reading this post . Here have a cookie , worry not they are glutten free .

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9 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by kkfactory101

Answers :

  1. Oh you mention something that didnt cross my mind . So gear isnt class locked and you can techically equip everything and anything on anyone even if it isnt optimal . Or at least thats my take away from your answer . If yes then thats also really intresting when builds are considered .

  2. Mmmm yes thats the good stuff . But with what you are saying right here , right now is that if i plan to play 95% offline the game shop I saw in the steam page is almost completely useless ? If so thats in a way funny .

  3. Noted noted and its what I have gathered after reading other peoples replies here but still a its extremelly nice to see that this game has such depth .

  4. Wait has the game offiaclly been out for more than a year ? I thought it was at most 6 months but yeah I believe the devs and most of the other things you have mentioned here will be added / fixed in due time . At least I am hopefull that they will .

Thank you for taking your time and answering my questions . Instead of cookie you will get an apple pie piece .

Well, some gear is class locked. Most helmets, chests, relics (trinket) and idols (charms) are class locked but not all. Other gear slots are mostly unlocked with some select uniques as class locked.