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Here I go again. The longer I play the more stuff that I notice.

1.) Maximum companions in the wolf tree - This is just bad design. Bad design If I am only going to use it for another crow. The whole tree will not interact with the Storm Crow tree, not even 50% effectiveness. You are basically wasting a skill slot to be specialized or you will only take it if you wish to prioritize wolf.

2.) %Per totem Nodes in shaman tree - This basically pigeonholes you into taking Thorn totem because this is the only totem that you can summon more than 1 of. The other totems won't count because a lot of them are either gained on from kill (Swipe totem from swipe tree or summon bear tree, healing totem from eterra's blessing) or from another tree (Beastmaster frenzy totem or Healing totem on druid passive) Therefore making Thorn totem mandatory if you want to reap max benefits. The kill ones do not count because they are useless for bossing.

3.) Tempest Maw - Amazing weapon. Although the storm orbs do not proc on on proc totem effects like Summon storm totem on tempest strike or Stormcarved Testament. Tool tip on the weapon says "When you summon a Storm Totem" not "When you directly use Storm Totem"

4.) Summon bear - I think this summon is subpar compared to other summon skills


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over 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link
  1. Maximum companions in the wolf tree... You are basically wasting a skill slot to be specialized

Agreed, having a whole specialisation where you only care about one node and don't ever cast the skill even indirectly is a bad situation. This sort of thing is why we generally avoid putting unconditional global effects like this in individual skill trees. I think the node itself is still interesting and instead of removing it, we're more likely to add a way to make the skill relevant even when you're spending all your companion slots on crows.

2.) %Per totem Nodes in shaman tree - This basically pigeonholes you into taking Thorn totem because this is the only totem that you can summon more than 1 of.

This is a good point. The nodes should probably be changed to "per type of totem you have active", so that building around it is more about finding ways to consistently summon different totems, or putting more totem skills on your bar rather than always just summoning lots of thorn totems.

3.) Tempest Maw

As it's already good in its niche, this may be a case where we just want to amend the tooltip to say directly cast. Either way, I agree that the tooltip and effect not matching is bad.

4.) Summon bear

Summon bear will be receiving a rework.