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Hey friends!

Personally, I love Diablo franchise. It's partly because I grew up playing D3, then bought D2:R when it got out to feel the old school vibe again and gave a shot to Immortal but didn't love it as much. So, once D4 came out, I knew exactly what the rest of the spring and summer is gonna look like 📷

However, I should also mention I have a gf who is also a gamer, although not as hardcore as me. Got her to try D4 multiplayer with me but she just wasn't into it. Apparently, it was a bit dark, in her own words. Since I really wanted us to play together, I showed her Last Epoch cuz it's the only other arpg I love. Turns out - she loved it too from the get-go. Since I am a long time gamer, I was curious to know why does she prefer LE and for her it is the variety. She likes being able to try out different builds and get creative and, truth be told, there are plenty of options when it comes to builds. Also, she enjoys the world within the game cuz it's more vibrant and positive than the one in D4. Can't blame her nor can I deny her point, I guess I just didn't mind the dark world of D4 and I was ok with fewer options cuz it's a Diablo title. Not sure anymore tbh :D Point is, we are finally playing the same game and we do it together almost every day and that alone is worth it so LE being a solid title is just a bonus.

Did you ever have a similar situation?

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Sounds like she may be marriage material! Glad you two are enjoying it together