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I'm working on a Cinder Strike markman at the moment, and I was considering using elemental arrows. Does the bonus fire and lightning damage provided by the skill taken into account when calculating critical damage done by attacks ?

Edit : Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated !

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10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Yes. The only damage type that can't crit are dots. Poison is always a dot so poison also can't ever crit.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Overthinks_Questions

What is the design purpose of having poison be purely DoT, where ever other element can do either? Oh wait, does necrotic have a DoT?

Necrotic doesn't have a widely represented ailment associated with it along the same lines as ignite or bleed but it does have dot ailments.

It's a few things but I think the simplest thing is just thematically. Like, just in real life, if someone were to spray a poisonous liquid on your arm, it wouldn't really hurt, it would just feel like water spraying on your arm. Any damage that it did would be from the physical nature of it hitting you.

On top of that, having things be different and unique give them different ways to think about the build. We already get enough feedback that ignite and bleed are too similar. If we let Poison have hit damage, it would be even more similar. The differences are what make these things interesting.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by -swafe-

Just a suggestion here :) - you could make poison damage from players scale off of crit chance. It could continue being unable to crit, but maybe the DoT ticks (the ailment) tick faster the more crit stat you have. This way, it will both achieve the goal of poison ailment being unique-er that the bleed and ignite, and make poison damage more valuable in late game/more on par with the other damage types (I might be wrong, but haven't heard of many poison builds).

Poison has been the best in the game multiple times and there are still several good poison builds out there. It also already ticks way faster than it seems. We just bundle them visually so you don't see a mess of useless numbers. You could make it just scale damage with crit but that feels kinda artificial to me. Maybe a specific node or item that gives that.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Practical-Face-3872

What about Soul Blast from drain life when you convert drain life to poison? Soul Blast is a hit and the conversion node says it also converts Soul blast. So Soul blast should be a poison hit right? And hits can crit?

It applies stacks of poison instead. There are no sources of poison hit damage in the game.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Georgie_Leech

That is, DoT's do damage consistently, rather than in the chunks displayed visually?

Well, it's still in chunks but they happen every 0.25s and are then batched for display. The healthbar and death checks happen immediately.