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This game has come a LONG way since the last time I played, which was probably almost 2 years ago at this point. Holy smokes guys.

So, I very well may be misremembering this or attributing it to the wrong game, but I think I recall something about pre-orders back then granting access to future pre-order bonuses or whatever they may be? I kinda want to buy one of these packs but not if I "already have" in some way.

Again, might be totally making this up, but something's ringing a bell.

Anyway, excited to see launch. Heck, I'm excited to play through it a bit right now!

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I've seen a few rumors of that float around from time to time, recently a lot more than usual. It's not something we have ever done. I think a few people traded in their alpha packs for beta packs at one point but that's not really the same thing.