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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Acedin

The discussion on this will be pointless until we know how restricted trade will be.

What restrictions are you wondering about? We've got everything but the specific numbers listed already.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Fuck-MDD

What will the currency be though I wonder? If it's gold, then there needs to be more to spend gold on. What will LE's SoJ be?

Can't really do a "SoJ" in the same way because you can't resell.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by KinkedNeck

Can you trade an item you crafted on? Can you trade a legendary? Basically if there's anything you can do to item to make it untradable.

Trading it and being the person to find it while representing the Circle of Fortune are the 2 ways to make an item completely untradeable.

(note: the gifting system is not trading)

edit: full info here: https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/trade-development-update-introducing-merchants-guild-and-circle-of-fortune-factions/51994

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Graylian

Resonance is clever as hell! Love that I can go circle of fortune but help my IRL friends.


over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by JustRetributor

Wow, thanks for the enlightening information! So you're saying that trading an item actually makes it completely untradeable? That's a genius theory right there. I hear that if you trade an item, it just magically disappears into the ether and can never be traded again. I mean, who needs a functioning economy in a game, right? We should all just hoard our items and never trade them. Brilliant idea, buddy!

Thanks :)

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Acedin

For the discussion op wants to have stuff like how long it takes to attune to a faction, how much friction there's to selling and buying etc. How deep can one search for items, can you filter for crafting potential, open slots, LP etc etc.

I'm looking forward to seeing it. :)

All of the info I can share from that is available in our first post about item factions. As I said, I can't go into specific numbers of things though.


  • how long it takes to attune to a faction - still tuning but getting to rank 10 (max) for either faction will be a significant achievement.
  • how much friction there's to selling and buying - extremely little. You can use the very robust searching functions to find very specific items. It doesn't let you search every single specific combination of properties but it's significantly stronger than the loot filter.
  • can you filter for crafting forging potential - yes.
  • open slots - not sure actually but I would assume so
  • LP - yes.

(this is all available at that link, so nothing new, sorry)

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by AlphaBearMode

Just want to give a heartfelt thank you to you and the team for the incredible work. And bonus thank you for reducing “friction” as much as possible. That’s an extremely intelligent move.


over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by LinguisticallyInept

thats interesting, but you're gonna end up being on circle of fortune 99% of the time in that proposal (unless you HAVE to be representing the merchants guild to accrue the favour required to market stuff, but if thats the case then the system becomes more clunky because you're flipping it on to grind then flipping it back when you're actually doing stuff)

I think we might have slight terminology mix up. The only way to get favour for a faction is to represent that faction and play the game. That's like the core requirement of how the whole faction system works. You "put on a tabard" (not literally) and go represent that faction out in the world. Your deeds for that faction are recognized by that faction with favour. You can then use that favour to get stuff from that faction.

You can't get favour for MG while representing CoF. I feel like this should be intuitive but worth being clear on just in case.

The system is designed so that most people will play as one or the other almost exclusively but if you decide that the grass is greener, you can switch. We are intentionally not incentivizing switching. I'm sure there will be exceptions where some people do switch back and forth but for the most part, it's pick the playstyle you like more. We aren't trying to give you 2 tools to use, we're trying to give you 1 of 2 tools to pick and use.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by LinguisticallyInept

tbh unless getting favour is ridiculously grindy (or maybe the CoF boosts are so low as to be negligible) i dont see why a player wouldnt stay in CoF the majority of time to farm gear and then only drop into the guild to periodically offload their hoard

Because you wouldn't be able to post any of the items you found while in CoF.

Edit: I re-read what you posted here and your last one too and I think you might want to read the FAQ at the bottom of the initial Item Factions announcement post.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by LinguisticallyInept

ah i missed that bit, thanks, that makes a lot more sense, i didnt realise the trading functionality was tied to the item itself rather than the guild

It's both. You can't trade items with an item faction requirement. CoF and MG requirements to equip both prevent the item from being traded.