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4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I just looked at the code for it and it's nothing fancy. Happens the same way as every other duration node. Check to make sure that it's not just the visuals that are ending early and submit an in game bug report and we'll look into it.

4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by warmachine237

Thanks a lot for the response. You were right, the animation for the blackhole ends much sooner than the actual duration. Tested this out on the dummys at the arena, they got damaged even after the animation ended.

Nice, well at least it's only visual. Please do still make that in game bug report though.

4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by bitterbalhoofd

Why can't you lol? You clearly a dev that knows of the problem now but now rely on a end user to do what you want to be fixed as a developer.

It's a valid question and I understand why it seems like I'm just being lazy. I will sometimes just make the bug report myself. Here is why I normally just request that players do it themselves in no particular order.

  1. Lots of players don't know how easy it is to report in game and once they do it once, they will do it next time they have an issue and we then get more reports.
  2. The fastest way for me to report the issue is to boot up the game and submit it the same way. People will often already have the game up and it's faster for them to do it.
  3. If there is a follow up on the report that we need more information on, a report submitted by the person experiencing it is linked to their account so we can message them and ask for more information.
  4. When they make the report, it collects game and server log information so we can get some very useful data from that which is lost if I do it.
  5. I'm on vacation right now and I just don't feel like working but a casual reddit conversation is nice to have. (so I guess a touch of the lazies)

Edit: I see the question is going negative but it doesn't need to, it's a good question. (yay back to positive, thanks)