about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

In Patch 0.8.1 we’ll be removing the Mage skill Fire Shield. In the same update, we’ll be adding a new skill called Surge to the Spellblade’s arsenal. Let’s see what Surge is all about!

NOTE: Surge is still in development, so we’ve omitted most numbers from the below tooltips.


Surge tooltip485×605 206 KB

Surge’s tooltip


Surge512×512 325 KB

The skill art for Surge


Nodes on Surge’s Specialization Tree



Holding down the Alt key while mousing-over Coldfront shows Tidal Wave's tooltip.

Coldfront_Tidal Wave484×574 203 KB



Holding down the Alt key while mousing-over Conduit shows Static's tooltip.

Conduit_Static484×641 206 KB





Holding down the Alt key while mousing-over Electropulse shows Lightning Blast's tooltip.

Electropulse_Lightning Blast485×609 213 KB


Lightning Rush


Shielding Advance



about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Flame Ward & Surge are intended to effectively replace Fire Shield and Ice Ward. The latter were okay as effects, but not great examples of active skills. They’re among the oldest skills in the game, and we have been periodically pruning skills as we add new ones. Both skills were implemented at a time in the game’s life when we had a small number of skills - and even fewer trees - with many of the skills we have today not yet supported by our systems.

We know that both Ice Ward, before it was removed, and Fire Shield were used in a lot of builds so we’ll be watching how this plays out from a class balance perspective and be making adjustments as needed. Some of their effects will be available from other sources, such as class passives and specialisation tree nodes - in fact, a few already are.