over 1 year
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
4s | back to another last Epoch Dev |
8s | stream how's it going |
12s | everybody thanks I'm doing well |
15s | too uh yeah welcome welcome one and |
18s | welcome all hope you're having a great |
20s | day we're going to keep playing the |
22s | Build contest winner from last week cuz |
24s | I had a ton of fun with it so we're just |
27s | going to keep rolling even if I'm |
29s | terrible with it |
32s | um I think we were up here age of winter |
36s | maybe we'll see if this your first time |
38s | here welcome glad to have you please put |
41s | at last EAC game in a question in chat |
44s | if you'd like me to see it and answer it |
48s | um yeah there we |
51s | go we can do |
53s | this we can do this also we always |
57s | stream for charity boom right above my |
58s | head who are streaming for this this |
60s | month next month it'll be someone |
66s | new oh let's remember what this build |
68s | does oh yeah fun |
75s | stuff I love starting off an arena get |
78s | get the legs under |
89s | you |
92s | yes |
94s | yes all right now I do see a question |
96s | there in chat that I will answer |
112s | momentarily have you guys ever thought |
114s | about doing something similar to path of |
116s | exile's build of the week where they |
117s | show off some cool and unorthodox build |
119s | from the community I think it would be a |
121s | pretty cool thing to start doing post |
123s | launch since person I love the poe ones |
125s | yeah that's something we've looked into |
126s | I mean this is like right what I'm doing |
128s | right now is kind |
130s | of it's kind of a little bit in that in |
132s | that direction already so |
140s | yeah I do love getting that that that uh |
144s | anti I don't know which one it's |
149s | called |
155s | crit |
159s | chance that |
168s | one I shouldn't I shouldn't cast it |
176s | empty cuz it has that cool |
179s | down |
184s | let's go easy peasy I am not a man of |
189s | love that |
193s | line you know what actually we're going |
195s | to just dump some |
198s | stuff there's |
209s | some oh we had some stuff we were PL |
211s | there's our first one yeah our one |
213s | for uh that we started |
216s | with we were going to try and get better |
219s | gloves aren't we okay let's keep these |
220s | gloves on |
221s | us and we were looking at a ring |
225s | too there probably that ring right |
232s | there it's a decent one |
238s | too what for there there's some there's |
241s | some forging potential there |
248s | literally health regen |
251s | no endurance and endurance threshold |
254s | that's |
263s | nice let's try and seal |
266s | this |
269s | nice get a discovery in |
272s | there |
277s | fizr I mean the stuff that that we have |
279s | already is already better but |
288s | like right back to health |
291s | regen the one we started with that's |
294s | funny oh that's |
299s | funny |
307s | oh wow all |
310s | right you're early hello Aaron welcome |
313s | glad to have you here early |
320s | today that's my thing I'm |
324s | shooting this anot of the Run Slinger |
326s | this is the one I like a lot that's cold |
328s | lightning fire cold lightning fire |
330s | remember that uh will it ever be where |
333s | you where when you port to town in a |
335s | monolith that you don't have to restart |
338s | it there's sometimes I need a quick one |
340s | minute uh ask but if I do a monolith I'm |
344s | dead |
345s | uh oh I see what you're saying |
349s | um like like if you yeah if you TP out |
352s | of a out of an echo if you TP out of an |
354s | echo that Echo has to be like that that |
357s | process has to be like a sorry too bad |
360s | so sad for that Echo um like the rewards |
363s | and all that sort of stuff have to go we |
366s | we can't do it where that um persists |
368s | sorry like the I don't know how to |
371s | explain this where you can't that map |
373s | where you where you keep the potential |
376s | of a full success in that Echo |
381s | um like I I guess I guess my advice is |
384s | like if |
385s | you if if it's an echo that you |
388s | absolutely need the reward for make sure |
389s | you have 10 minutes before entering it |
392s | just in |
395s | case I I I don't think that's an |
397s | unreasonably long time to be |
401s | like if you if you if you really can't |
404s | risk losing that |
406s | reward which none of them are so crazy |
408s | high that I I think there's ever a |
410s | situation where like you really can't |
411s | risk it at all but if if that's the case |
416s | like and you're you're not sure try try |
418s | one that uh maybe has a less important |
434s | reward uh AFK not ask yeah okay I |
436s | figured that um no question but I just |
438s | want to say I started playing the game |
440s | after 10 years of pee and 15 years of |
441s | Diablo um are you |
444s | mean and for a pre-release game this is |
446s | a great piece of work can't wait to |
447s | spend hours on this thank you |
451s | glad you're having |
453s | fun cuz that's the best |
463s | part right we're looking for here here's |
466s | here's what we're here's what we're |
466s | doing we're on the hunt I remember what |
468s | was happening last time I've I've caught |
469s | back up to myself and oh my god I'm an |
471s | idiot |
478s | somehow |
481s | we're trying to go this way and I keep I |
483s | keep |
484s | failing do I detour and go for up |
488s | here sure let's detour |
496s | um what was I saying I hope you're |
498s | having fun I am which is |
501s | great yeah that was that wasn't question |
504s | there was there yeah |
508s | cool |
512s | Mike should shout out a for being a dfor |
515s | scrub it's true I really |
528s | should oh my God that was |
537s | sad don't don't worry I'm taking he this |
544s | seriously so so hard trying here we go |
546s | I'm hard hard try that's the term |
552s | right all |
561s | right you hinted that we might get a |
564s | nice uh and shiny CG cinematic trailer |
567s | quite a few Dev streams ago |
570s | uh where you showed a screenshot from it |
572s | how is that going and can you share more |
573s | info about it um I haven't so so that |
577s | that day that I shared that um I I |
580s | managed to see there were three |
581s | screenshots I saw I think I showed you |
583s | guys two of them um from like an early |
586s | version of it |
589s | and the other one just was wasn't very |
591s | exciting so I was like no I'm just going |
592s | to show two and |
594s | um oh my machine beside me just blue |
597s | screened and um um since then I've seen |
601s | literally nothing about it as far as I |
604s | know it is |
605s | still moving along nicely in production |
608s | possibly even finished um but it will be |
612s | a |
614s | uh something that'll come more with the |
616s | launch of 1.0 not as a pre 1.0 thing I |
620s | think so it might be like the week |
622s | before or something |
628s | um |
639s | that was uh that was close o two LP |
647s | cers you want you want to you want to |
649s | tease little tease I saw a big big poll |
652s | request for balance changes yesterday |
654s | that I that I |
656s | reviewed |
658s | um lots of stuff on it all sorts of |
664s | categories and I will tell you nothing |
666s | about what the details are |
669s | sorry that guy's death animation it was |
671s | a twin death animation for the Golem |
674s | something's disconnected |
678s | there |
679s | [Music] |
688s | lizard |
704s | nice nice all |
707s | right yeah there there's still there's |
708s | still going to be a trailer it's going |
709s | to be awesome um |
714s | yeah heard a rumor warlock will be void |
717s | Focus can you confirm this rumor or make |
719s | it happen thank you uh will do |
729s | neither silk one four silk 14 that's |
733s | that's how numbers work when you put |
734s | when you put one and then another number |
736s | it it makes a new number yeah yeah thank |
739s | you for the |
741s | sub glad to have you with us hope you're |
743s | having |
744s | fun maybe laughing at |
747s | my uh let's call it yeah it's |
754s | incompetence you can't laugh at yourself |
755s | who can you laugh at |
758s | right |
761s | um hi I hope you're doing well are you |
764s | guys planning to make 1.0 visualization |
767s | on all unique items a lot of items right |
770s | now have generic 3D models and not look |
772s | as on the picture if not in 1.0 than any |
775s | plans to make it happen um we we are so |
777s | right now um if you're where the the |
780s | weapon and offhand slots for I think all |
784s | items um |
786s | are actually representative of the 2D |
789s | art and then any unique |
792s | item that like sits on your on your |
794s | helmet that's like a um the ba it uses |
797s | the base helmets model so if there was a |
799s | unique Celestial Helm it would look the |
801s | exact same as this item that I'm wearing |
802s | now in the 3D model in game and the 2D |
804s | model or the 2D art would look different |
807s | there um we do want to make all of it |
811s | match um it will not all match at 1.0 it |
814s | is still the same uh expectation for 1.0 |
818s | that we've been saying for a very long |
821s | time now in that the um all of the main |
824s | and off hand items will be properly |
826s | representative of 2D art to 3D art um |
829s | but the other slots will not for unique |
832s | items |
837s | um I do not know I don't I don't have |
840s | any sort of timeline on when something |
842s | like that would be implemented other |
843s | than not by |
845s | 1.0 |
847s | um |
849s | y |
853s | sorry all right I failed this one the |
856s | first like eight |
859s | times so good uh hey Mike will there be |
862s | a fresh start cycle with one point out I |
865s | really hope there's one |
868s | yes |
872s | uh Elemental damage increase health yeah |
875s | let's do this just cuz I'm feeling like |
878s | I'm taking down a fair |
881s | bit try Harding yes I know with the term |
883s | I was making a |
885s | joke uh is there any development being |
887s | done on the responsiveness when clicking |
889s | in a town portal for example the time it |
890s | takes when clicking the portal to see |
892s | the load screen um nothing specific no |
895s | there is |
897s | um there is work being done for |
900s | transition times in general |
903s | um which it's the same the town portal |
906s | is the same um the same thing's |
909s | happening when you go into a town portal |
910s | as when you go into a scene transition |
913s | um so there's there's work being done on |
916s | that transitioning in general but it's |
917s | not specifically Town portal |
919s | related um you may notice that when |
922s | you're in a monolith and you portal out |
923s | of a monolith like if I were to take |
925s | that portal right now it would be |
927s | instantaneous um know it wouldn't cuz |
929s | that's the Blue Portal the green portal |
930s | when the when when when the monolith |
932s | finishes um and you have your like leave |
936s | the monolith open portal button shows up |
938s | and you use that one that one's like you |
939s | can click on it and you're portal out |
941s | before the portal even is like visible |
944s | on screen |
948s | um uh and that's that's because the |
950s | scene you're going to it's it's actually |
953s | the green portal so when you don't have |
955s | a MTX on the green portal is um taking |
958s | you to another location in the same Zone |
960s | you're already in it's not actually |
962s | changing the Zone you're |
963s | in but a town portal and or scene |
967s | transition like the the blue wispy glowy |
969s | things |
971s | um those are taking you to an entirely |
973s | new scene and what that means is it's |
975s | actually taking you to a new server um |
978s | and so |
979s | you're like the the the the delay before |
982s | the loading screen shows up is the game |
984s | being like are we are we 100% sure |
986s | there's somewhere to go like let's make |
988s | sure there's somewhere should go first |
989s | and we're we're going to be good to get |
991s | there |
993s | um so you don't just get stuck in a |
995s | loading |
1017s | scene this portal so yeah so okay here |
1020s | oh like you didn't even see the portal |
1023s | show |
1025s | up you're just there because all it's |
1027s | doing is is this island is just is here |
1030s | and the um the world that we just were |
1034s | in is is off to the right really far |
1036s | it's that way it's off that way a |
1040s | bunch but it's in the same Zone and then |
1043s | when you when you click here and you're |
1044s | like okay well like let's start a new |
1045s | one this loading Echo what it's doing is |
1047s | it's deleting all those things that are |
1049s | off to the right and it's putting new |
1050s | stuff off to the right and then it's |
1051s | moving you over in the location there's |
1053s | no loading screen in between because um |
1056s | when you when you once it's once it's |
1057s | finished loading it just physically |
1058s | moves you it's the same as like casting |
1061s | teleport actually is the same as casting |
1071s | teleport all right will be purchasable |
1073s | SL equipable pets in game ever be able |
1075s | to go around and pick up gold for you um |
1077s | we don't plan for it to be able to |
1080s | however it's not completely off the |
1081s | table and if it does um there will be |
1085s | this this is the key point with this is |
1087s | that if we ever did that there would be |
1090s | um completely there would you you would |
1093s | start with there okay one or two things |
1096s | that would happen you'd either a just |
1097s | start with a pet like in your in in here |
1101s | there would just be like everyone would |
1102s | have a base pet no matter what that |
1104s | everyone gets and it would just be there |
1106s | like a little something that followed |
1108s | you around |
1109s | um so that no matter what if there was |
1111s | any mechanical advantage to having one |
1113s | of these purchasable pets every single |
1115s | player would start with the ability to |
1116s | use that there would be there would be |
1117s | no way you could pay $5 and get an |
1120s | advantage over |
1122s | someone that didn't pay that extra $5 um |
1126s | or uh the pet or or there'll be like at |
1129s | some other point in the game where you |
1130s | like unlock it via a story method and um |
1134s | the and in that instance we would also |
1137s | make the um |
1139s | the player equipable pets the |
1141s | purchasable equipable pets either not |
1143s | have a mechanical use until that point |
1144s | or not be equipable until that point um |
1146s | personally I prefer the first option |
1148s | just give everyone a free pet I think |
1149s | it's the easiest and funnest and coolest |
1152s | which is usually what we go for in a |
1153s | situation like that but um I just if we |
1156s | if this there's so many ifs and ifs and |
1158s | ifs and ifs and ifs so it's like um it's |
1161s | hard to give an exact answer so right |
1162s | now no it's not happening um but if it |
1164s | were to happen those are the things we |
1166s | would do to make sure that there was no |
1167s | unfair Advantage for people who had paid |
1176s | ex5 oh yeah if you uh if you do have a |
1178s | question please put at last Depot game |
1179s | in the question so it pops out of me and |
1181s | I see it uh I think there's been a |
1182s | couple that may have missed it um I'll |
1185s | try and answer them but if I skipped |
1187s | your question I apologize and please |
1189s | feel free to re askk it I am still a |
1191s | little bit |
1193s | behind um are there any plans to make |
1196s | builds more diverse I think like make uh |
1199s | ballista use detonate or Cinder um so |
1205s | I'm not going to speak specifically to |
1206s | those suggestions um or like examples |
1209s | but um I mean yeah we're we're |
1211s | frequently looking for new ways to add |
1214s | uh new things to to build and so new |
1216s | options and things like that um |
1218s | sometimes that comes in the form of like |
1220s | adding a new skill node to things |
1222s | sometimes that comes in the form of |
1223s | usually for a wellestablished and nicely |
1226s | functioning and fun um ability not |
1230s | suggesting ballista is that right now |
1231s | cuz it's severely underpowered and the |
1233s | tree needs some work um but |
1236s | the often that'll come in the form of a |
1239s | new item so like like we release new |
1242s | unique items all the time and um if we |
1244s | want to tack something on to uh to a |
1247s | skill we'll frequently do it with a new |
1250s | item |
1253s | who that was |
1256s | uh that was close |
1269s | all right we survived wonderful I love |
1273s | surviving it's my |
1287s | favorite |
1289s | that's a lot of endurance |
1297s | threshold |
1299s | yay give me those |
1301s | [Music] |
1304s | runes |
1307s | yeah hey I was wondering if last Epoch |
1309s | has an Uber rare has Uber rare items uh |
1312s | for the game similar to miror of kandra |
1313s | in Path of Exile thanks Advance yes |
1315s | there are um extreme extremely rare |
1318s | items in the game yes uh you the there's |
1323s | there's sort of like base versions of |
1324s | items and then like there's things that |
1326s | can happen to make them rarer or more |
1329s | rare um so every unique item here's some |
1333s | some gloves that I've |
1334s | got the good gloves uh they can be found |
1337s | with anywhere from one to four legendary |
1339s | potential on them here's the same gloves |
1341s | with one legendary potential um that |
1345s | here's uh here's a scepter with two |
1346s | legendary potential on it um the |
1349s | typically the lower level an item is the |
1351s | the higher chance it has to have low |
1353s | legendary potential um you can buy |
1354s | Legendary potential unique items with |
1359s | um exalted items the purple ones of the |
1362s | same base type so for example this ring |
1364s | that has one legendary potential and |
1365s | this exalted ring can be combined |
1367s | together and one of the stats from this |
1369s | ring will get moved onto this ring here |
1373s | similar to how there are two pink stats |
1374s | at the top of this one um and you can |
1377s | see so these two two stats have been |
1379s | pulled off of another wand and brought |
1381s | onto this unique because it had two |
1383s | legendary potential and it's now a |
1384s | legendary item that has those items so |
1386s | yes so so unique items with high |
1388s | legendary potential and a low chance to |
1391s | get legendary potential um at extreme |
1395s | cases are dramatically more rare than |
1398s | mirror dramatically more rare than |
1400s | mirror |
1401s | um |
1403s | and uh and and that's Mo that's mostly a |
1406s | balancing situation so there are some |
1407s | items that are not designed to be found |
1409s | at four legendary potential um because |
1412s | they're already good as zero legendary |
1415s | potential items and um so like a a an |
1418s | extremely rare version of that that is |
1419s | attainable would be like a one LP highle |
1422s | item is a really big find sometimes a |
1425s | twole two LP uh unique item can be an A |
1431s | A A don't die mic a like so unbelievably |
1435s | rare it's it's it's it's crazy find |
1442s | um and then on top of that there are |
1443s | just exalted |
1446s | items um oh don't die what is killing |
1452s | me |
1454s | yep all right I should not have allab |
1462s | there um Kan I blame you for that one |
1465s | even though it's not your fault at all |
1467s | uh exalted items are |
1469s | um so normally an item can have four |
1473s | aexes um those aexes range from tier one |
1476s | to five five being the highest um then |
1479s | exalted items can drop that have tier |
1481s | six and t7 aices you can see this one |
1482s | has a T6 melee C damage AIC on it t7 is |
1485s | even higher um they can have all four t7 |
1489s | aices it's possible um the Rarity of |
1492s | which is way above mirror |
1497s | rare |
1498s | so yes there are extremely rare items in |
1500s | the |
1504s | game you know we're we're just going to |
1506s | tidy this up |
1507s | first |
1509s | of |
1515s | um non exiled Mage |
1519s | enemies and then we're going to we're |
1521s | going to pop that a bad boy open and do |
1523s | that fight cuz I do want |
1527s | that |
1543s | such a nice little combo such a nice |
1546s | little combo all |
1557s | right |
1560s | big |
1570s | zap yeah oh that was timed |
1574s | perfectly I I saw the three um the three |
1579s | ice cream show fry portal on to me I'm |
1580s | like all right let go this is |
1584s | perfect all |
1587s | right |
1589s | all right what would you recommend for a |
1590s | first build to a new player I would |
1592s | recommend you describing to yourself or |
1595s | to someone else um what type of |
1597s | character you would like to play given |
1600s | any |
1601s | opportunities um and then look for |
1603s | something that matches that as an option |
1608s | um and and just roll with it just just |
1610s | just just pick just like just pick |
1612s | anything and see if you can make it |
1614s | happen |
1617s | um |
1623s | cuz worst case scenario you've just got |
1625s | to |
1629s | resp um as long as the theming general |
1632s | theming youve you picked is what you |
1635s | want there'll be some good build |
1638s | available for |
1647s | you |
1652s | if you'd like to get a more specific |
1655s | answer post again and tell me what type |
1659s | of character you like to play in this |
1661s | sort of game and uh I'll give you an |
1663s | example of a good option that fits the |
1670s | bill all right all right all |
1677s | right |
1684s | looks like there was a paying for |
1685s | something that was deleted I think I'm |
1687s | just going to ignore that move |
1689s | on what are the plans of trading in last |
1692s | Epoch uh type exclamation mark trade and |
1694s | it'll tell |
1697s | you um it's going to be about the thing |
1699s | I'm about to talk about right now how's |
1701s | the faction system if at all going to |
1703s | work in offline mode it will uh and more |
1706s | generally will you devote development |
1707s | time to both modes separately or is it |
1709s | going to be uh combined a bit worried |
1713s | patches related to one mode might cause |
1715s | bugs in the other as it kind of does now |
1718s | do you mean like online and offline mode |
1720s | online and offline mode are developed |
1722s | simultaneously and get patches |
1723s | simultaneously it's the same client um |
1726s | they are not separated so releasing an |
1729s | update to one without releasing the |
1730s | update to the other would be incredibly |
1733s | difficult |
1734s | um I don't know how I don't know how you |
1736s | do that |
1749s | I really like so I've been playing a |
1751s | bunch of of Rune Master with without the |
1753s | order of R bolt reversed |
1756s | and love those uh love those builds |
1760s | fantastic um and just like having a |
1762s | chance to play with it in the Reversed |
1764s | method it just it feels so I don't know |
1767s | it's it's different it's new it's it's |
1769s | interesting there's just like a whole |
1770s | other second side of it that uh it's |
1772s | kind of like emerging it's really I like |
1778s | it um offline factions all that sort of |
1781s | stuff yes so um yeah |
1784s | the at the very least you'll be able to |
1787s | use circle of Fortune completely um I |
1790s | think there's a little bit internal |
1791s | debate going on if you should even be |
1792s | able to take Merchant Guild in offline |
1794s | mode or in Solo mode but regardless if |
1797s | hypothetically you are able to take |
1799s | those in those modes you wouldn't be |
1800s | able to do anything with them they' just |
1801s | be like a I don't know a extra hard mode |
1804s | or |
1806s | something all right on the note of |
1807s | teleport it seems like the camera |
1809s | slightly lags behind when you do |
1810s | teleport is this because of the smooth |
1812s | cam feature you guys have since it would |
1813s | be nice turn it off if so um |
1817s | the the camera movement for teleport is |
1822s | um for movement skills like that in |
1824s | general is is done specifically for |
1826s | those situations and |
1828s | I will not be adding assistance to turn |
1829s | it off it looks worse I |
1832s | promise uh did you start looking into |
1835s | quality of life options for blessing |
1837s | system or is that post 1.0 thing so I |
1839s | will push back a lot people probably |
1841s | sick and tired of me pushing back on |
1842s | this um what you're asking for I assume |
1846s | uh the answer is yes we're going to do |
1847s | it it's not a quality of life system |
1850s | change it's it's sorry it's not a |
1851s | quality of life change it's a systems |
1853s | change um a quality of life change would |
1856s | be uh |
1858s | if if these didn't tell you what they're |
1860s | rolled and you had to like physically go |
1862s | to the location to go find out what |
1863s | they're rolled and and if we then added |
1865s | the find out what they rolled in this |
1867s | this menu here that would be a quality |
1868s | of life change um |
1872s | the general change the T for system like |
1874s | this and what we're doing is that um |
1877s | you'll be able to basically every every |
1880s | blessing that you've discovered here |
1882s | down here will become a um instead of |
1884s | just telling you what the ranges are |
1885s | it'll be a specific blessing of that |
1887s | type and amount and you'll be able to |
1890s | click it and assign it and like like |
1892s | equip these like items into these slots |
1895s | um actually it'll just be the slot for |
1897s | these ones because it's specific |
1898s | blessings for specific timelines these |
1900s | are each for your timeline but yes so |
1901s | you'd be able to just like drag these up |
1902s | and they'd be like there you go you can |
1904s | equip the ones you've unlocked before |
1906s | which is a system change and it's |
1907s | something we are doing not a quality |
1909s | blood change |
1911s | uh can you explain how you plan to fix |
1914s | party Play No I can't cuz I'm not smart |
1917s | enough |
1920s | all |
1922s | right uh may I have a free copy of this |
1925s | game so I can say D4 bad uh I don't have |
1928s | anything to give away right now |
1929s | unfortunately um I think it's |
1935s | today oh I'm going to feel like an IDI |
1937s | if it's not today I'm gonna go to live |
1938s | and say it's today um and there's |
1942s | something happening after the stream |
1943s | where someone's going to be giving away |
1944s | some copies so if you go to that stream |
1946s | you stick around after the Stream |
1948s | and uh we'll be going over there um and |
1951s | I I think they have some copies to give |
1953s | away so so you might might be able |
1956s | to uh thank you very much in practice |
1959s | one three months in our resup oh that is |
1962s | just wonderful that is that is just |
1967s | fantastic thanks for thanks for having |
1969s | me in your |
1974s | life |
1976s | um I'm going to read the thing Kane |
1978s | killed me with earlier |
1980s | now |
1987s | uh okay cool thank you |
1990s | again uh can you explain answer that no |
1993s | I can't uh are you guys going to look at |
1996s | one shot cash items G to make them worth |
1999s | using well I mean so the |
2002s | um I I I don't have any specific details |
2005s | on balance changes um the |
2009s | I I think that the onot caches are very |
2012s | very useful in specific situations um |
2015s | which is what they're designed |
2018s | for uh less they're they're not really |
2020s | designed to be generically useful |
2025s | um I think there there was some talk |
2028s | about adding in a few of them that were |
2029s | a little bit more generically useful but |
2031s | still not like |
2033s | just |
2035s | um like they're they're not Des designed |
2037s | as like a super chest they're designed |
2039s | as a specific chest |
2046s | um I assume we I assume we were by by |
2049s | the language of on shot gashes I assume |
2051s | we are talking about the ones that are |
2052s | in the campaign specifically here not |
2055s | the ones that are in the |
2059s | monolith uh Mike why when I am in the |
2062s | bare form the monster still screaming |
2064s | die human how are they to know I'm a |
2066s | human |
2068s | really really |
2070s | perceptive yeah they're like they they |
2073s | they every single one of them for |
2074s | whatever reason just rolls like a natat |
2076s | 20 on their like uh int intuition checks |
2080s | I I don't know I'm |
2086s | sorry that's one of those like all right |
2090s | we've been going for for eight years and |
2092s | we got to find some cool stuff to real |
2094s | bring up the the immersion level |
2097s | um just just that little bit of extra |
2099s | amount what what's left to do type of |
2102s | thing I |
2103s | think variable enemy voice lines based |
2106s | on your transform State I I do think it' |
2108s | be really cool |
2109s | though like oh my god what the heck is |
2112s | that |
2116s | thing swarm blade form sh oh |
2126s | Tous |
2130s | oh something went down the wrong |
2138s | pipe |
2146s | nice nothing was coming to |
2152s | me all right uh what's causing your life |
2157s | to drain but your W to increase without |
2159s | taking damage my boots my lovely lovely |
2161s | boots last steps of the living two LP |
2164s | versions so nice thank you to the person |
2166s | who made this build for |
2170s | me and I hope it's okay that I took the |
2172s | literal character from |
2175s | you all |
2177s | right uh hope you are doing great today |
2180s | I am doing great today thank you oh we |
2182s | also had a cursed boy has raided us come |
2185s | on in take a seat pull a log and hang |
2189s | out around the campfire poke some coals |
2191s | um hope you're are doing a great today I |
2193s | am will the new lighting and weather |
2195s | systems be used to create more variety |
2197s | in modlets are they General tools to be |
2200s | used during the campaign |
2204s | both it's going to be an everywhere |
2207s | thing and it won't be just like uh |
2210s | suddenly it's everywhere immediately on |
2212s | the first day we've added it to the |
2214s | system tools no it's the sort of thing |
2216s | that the level designers now have |
2217s | another tool they're using |
2218s | to I to create |
2221s | levels there was a video that someone |
2223s | made |
2224s | internally of like the character like |
2226s | walking along a path like down a path |
2229s | Meandering down a path and like the the |
2232s | the all the settings are changing as |
2233s | they're going like really heavily |
2235s | changing it's like a whole new biome |
2237s | that shows up all of a sudden and I'm |
2239s | like oh my God is that like is that |
2240s | happening in real time I thought I it |
2242s | tricked me it completely got me I |
2244s | thought it was happening real time I'm |
2245s | like this is so amazing and no it's just |
2247s | like eight videos stitch |
2252s | together |
2254s | um still apparently it's really easy to |
2256s | change just not in real |
2259s | time hey Mike can we have a search |
2262s | engine in the Echo screen uh you know |
2265s | sometimes you desperately need money so |
2266s | you're looking for this specific reward |
2268s | Among The Echoes um we we have talked |
2270s | about this before in the past we haven't |
2271s | talked about in a while um but it is |
2273s | intentionally not there um so I'm not |
2275s | going to I don't want to try and get |
2276s | your hopes up on it being added cuz it |
2278s | is something we have uh discussed and |
2282s | not added |
2286s | before |
2288s | um but it's been a while since then so |
2290s | who |
2296s | knows also just for the record I won't |
2298s | remember to talk about it uh from this |
2301s | conversation we're having now um so if |
2302s | you do want us to talk about it please |
2304s | put the suggestion on our forums |
2306s | probably just ORD section suggestion |
2308s | section on our |
2311s | Discord hi Mike can |
2314s | same hello Mike with |
2317s | the last to fixs dropped can we expect |
2320s | other small changes that maybe would |
2322s | come uh only on 1.0 to come early in |
2326s | other hot fixes um so the like hot fixes |
2331s | generally are fixing |
2333s | um like important problems that need to |
2337s | fix now not looking to like add in |
2340s | little features that need to be um added |
2343s | in or something like that so it's I |
2345s | would say there's a possibility of more |
2348s | hot fixes to come but it's more about um |
2353s | I wouldn't expect to see specific |
2354s | features added onto there at |
2356s | all it's mostly just bug fixing if if |
2359s | there's going to be any |
2365s | more |
2373s | Master Sword 1291 oh is a big one has |
2377s | reset for 30 months in a row Ellie is |
2379s | the greatest here G let's go thank you |
2382s | very much that's big numbers that's a |
2383s | big three 0 have we seen any of those |
2386s | yet I think that might be the first |
2389s | one if it's not the first one it's one |
2392s | of the first |
2393s | ones which is very cool like round in |
2397s | three years |
2398s | now we're still way what two and a half |
2401s | years |
2403s | now that's super |
2406s | cool that's got to be right from the |
2408s | beginning of us doing these |
2414s | streams well like not like from like the |
2418s | second or third month or something when |
2419s | we actually got the ability to do |
2425s | Subs very cool |
2430s | appreciated oh little Relic action what |
2433s | do we got oh I love we resv |
2436s | ones I don't think we'll equip it |
2439s | probably this one's real nice the the |
2441s | plus two flame W's huge this one all |
2443s | mage skills is nice though there's an |
2445s | exalted |
2449s | wand yeah uh an do you want to just take |
2452s | care of this for me clean it up a little |
2453s | bit you know just thanks buddy |
2458s | all right have you guys considered |
2459s | making the quality of |
2462s | Idols um of idol stats more easy to |
2465s | assert good role versus bad role uh by |
2467s | attributing them tiers based on how good |
2469s | the role is so we don't have to make |
2471s | math to to see the other how close or |
2473s | far from the average role instead we |
2475s | just search for t425 for example |
2479s | um oh no it's real |
2481s | time don't that was sport AR |
2485s | game |
2487s | uh the rolls rolls for rolls for Idols I |
2489s | think um we we have talked a lot about |
2492s | idols and um what they're going to look |
2495s | like going forward 1.0 Idols will look |
2497s | like what Idols look like now |
2500s | um we are looking |
2504s | to uh a little |
2507s | sketch we we do really want Idols to |
2510s | have a place to grow into a space that |
2512s | they can um get a little bit more |
2516s | feature heavy than they are now and a |
2519s | few more options than they have now and |
2521s | a little bit more control over them for |
2523s | by the player uh but that's the sort of |
2525s | thing that we are reserving specifically |
2528s | for a post 1.0 plus eight I love the |
2531s | polym up |
2540s | um but it's going to be a little bit |
2542s | before any of that happens I |
2544s | think um |
2550s | don't trip at the Finish Line |
2571s | Mike the combo that we've got going on |
2574s | of just like of of um Dominion wall and |
2580s | then just the the dash just a quick tap |
2583s | on the dash and the big explosion that |
2584s | happens |
2586s | perfect |
2587s | perfect that glyph to spare back that we |
2590s | uh somehow popped perfectly right |
2601s | away hope hope hope hope hope hope hope |
2607s | [Music] |
2609s | Grumble Grumble |
2612s | Grumble let's turn off some of these |
2613s | items CU we've we've just |
2628s | been I don't see that much stuff right |
2633s | now that's a good one to go for |
2637s | resulted one there |
2640s | too let's go out this |
2652s | way all right will the corruption |
2654s | changes be purely number changes or will |
2656s | it be a system change also if that's |
2658s | something you can sh I can't give you |
2659s | details on what's going to happen with |
2660s | corruption but there's |
2662s | um there's there the monolith itself is |
2665s | getting um |
2667s | how do I say this what |
2668s | [Music] |
2671s | would someone who's like never played an |
2673s | arpg before would probably look at the |
2675s | changes and go that seems like an awful |
2677s | lot of basically nothing and anyone |
2679s | played a lot of last Epoch would go oh |
2681s | my God that's so huge changes um so |
2685s | they'll be subtle but um very impactful |
2689s | in reality they'll seem |
2695s | subtle |
2707s | okay but I can't I can't give you |
2709s | details I'm sorry on what it's GNA look |
2711s | like |
2720s | exactly there's a lot of frequently |
2722s | requested things that are at least |
2724s | getting addressed we we're we're not |
2725s | just like |
2726s | blindly saying like yes all the things |
2728s | people ask for just do them but um we we |
2732s | have really gone look at the feedback |
2733s | that we've been getting um |
2736s | and found ways that we think will solve |
2739s | the problems um solve the underlying |
2743s | problems that may not be completely |
2746s | obvious right off the bat what they the |
2748s | problems actually are that are causing |
2750s | things to |
2752s | happen I know being super vague and I'm |
2755s | sorry |
2759s | they G oh those are some nice boots |
2767s | actually some really nice boots for uh |
2770s | for trying to oh my gosh |
2777s | run Mike needs to pay attention to |
2781s | what's going on instead |
2785s | of |
2803s | not Galan go goodness these things just |
2807s | mess me up why do I pick this time line |
2810s | I'm so bad at |
2815s | it |
2818s | I bet if we like looked back at all of |
2820s | the uh Dev streams and like took stats |
2823s | on how many times I die in different um |
2827s | timelines this would be by far the |
2830s | most even though I've played it like 10% |
2833s | as much the other ones some |
2845s | cases |
2854s | thought I turned my phone notifications |
2857s | off but I |
2858s | didn't someone just replied to me on |
2875s | |
2880s | all right here we |
2889s | go oh just barely out of |
2894s | range oh this going to be a |
2899s | jump it doesn't like the quick tap |
2905s | sometimes |
2908s | all right more |
2910s | questions uh any thought to removing the |
2912s | vendor dialogues and having the vendor |
2913s | interface pop up immediately um I've |
2915s | seen this suggestion a few times um I |
2918s | can't say it's been |
2920s | specifically discussed or |
2930s | anything the the way the system |
2934s | works um |
2941s | uh those people would never be able to |
2943s | have any |
2944s | dialogue in the current |
2960s | state ch's the force with one LP on |
2965s | it |
2967s | I feel like we've been pretty lucky |
2969s | today is that am I am I just like |
2972s | reading into that a |
2975s | bunch feel like we've had a pretty good |
2976s | day |
2981s | though is this |
2987s | worth trying to slip in for |
2991s | this kind of depends what it gets |
2993s | doesn't |
2995s | it |
3000s | you know let's let's play with it and |
3001s | see what |
3003s | happens um we just lost a bunch of flame |
3006s | W stuff we gained |
3009s | one oh there's a bug it didn't show what |
3012s | was |
3013s | missing H because because we got plus |
3016s | one it didn't show that's that's there's |
3019s | there's a slight |
3023s | problem just going to bring the |
3025s | [Music] |
3028s | Oh no I got rid of |
3030s | it now I'm going to ruin their |
3033s | build I hope there wasn't anything okay |
3036s | it'll I know how it picks it should pick |
3039s | a high |
3040s | [Music] |
3043s | number probably didn't pick may have |
3045s | picked that one or it may have picked |
3047s | this |
3048s | one may have picked both may been just |
3050s | this |
3054s | one let's just go here just in case that |
3057s | was |
3060s | important |
3065s | um I think this is what we want just for |
3068s | more the auto targets is actually nice I |
3071s | do like |
3076s | that let's bump that |
3084s | up |
3087s | we haven't been having Mana problems |
3091s | really let's just let's just get more |
3094s | damage |
3097s | right Frost wall |
3100s | stuff area |
3102s | duration never go wrong there |
3107s | right we don't need to convert it |
3114s | more |
3119s | wait this is the one that it removed |
3121s | from didn't |
3122s | it did I just say the wrong |
3125s | word okay this is the one it removed |
3127s | stuff from and this one likely removed |
3131s | from this node right here |
3135s | or possibly this node up |
3144s | here |
3149s | let's just go less it |
3152s | damage all right let's get some info |
3154s | let's see what's let's see what's out |
3155s | there even though we're just like about |
3156s | to finish the echo anyways the the |
3162s | timeline uh you guys increased the XP |
3165s | required to hit 100 but it's still too |
3166s | fast any plans to further increase this |
3168s | from 95 to 100 would be nice for the |
3169s | first 100 1.0 isn't done in one day um I |
3172s | haven't I haven't seen anything about |
3174s | changes this I think we're where it is |
3176s | right now is pretty good probably |
3181s | um I I I do not expect it to go down |
3185s | I'll say that if it does change all |
3187s | it'll probably go up in in the in the |
3189s | direction you're asking for but um I |
3191s | don't know if it'll change it all I |
3193s | think I snoozed the first month or two |
3194s | till I finally realized you guys are |
3195s | awesome oh thank you how you doing Mike |
3198s | excited for Led launch I am so excited |
3200s | for ell to launch I'm |
3203s | like it's one of those things that's |
3205s | been |
3207s | it's been coming for a long |
3209s | time and more than once I've I've been |
3212s | like okay here it is this is like you |
3214s | start it's been such a long time coming |
3216s | it's such a big part of my life for so |
3217s | long that it's like um it's it's such a |
3221s | big milestone that you start like |
3224s | putting other things that happen in like |
3227s | perspective time relative to that oh wow |
3231s | I just got |
3232s | nuked |
3234s | wow |
3237s | wow okay well one more |
3250s | try all right is the blessing change |
3253s | going to be character bound or account |
3259s | wide |
3264s | um |
3266s | oh nice what do we get what do we get |
3267s | what do we get what do we get plus one |
3268s | is static do we just ditch it |
3272s | now do we dit it that let's let's let's |
3274s | see what else it gets let's see what |
3275s | else it |
3279s | gets just immediately |
3282s | terrible it's not terrible but like not |
3285s | for us that's funny um is the blessing |
3289s | change going to be character bound or |
3290s | account wide I think from the quality of |
3292s | Our Lives this game mechanic |
3293s | change I can't tell if you're like |
3295s | baiting me like after I just want on |
3297s | that big rant about |
3300s | it um it's going to |
3303s | be um the it's tied to the timelines |
3306s | just the way the timelines are right now |
3308s | so |
3309s | um like |
3312s | the it's charact character |
3314s | BR |
3324s | right |
3328s | here's the thing you may not realize |
3330s | blessings are |
3331s | items like like this here this is an |
3334s | item called incre called Winds of |
3337s | Fortune that has the role of like what |
3340s | is that um 80% or so uh that has been |
3344s | equipped into the blessing slot one or |
3347s | blessing slot zero technically um and it |
3350s | is an item that is |
3352s | equipped so that item uh can't be |
3354s | equipped to multiple |
3362s | characters and it's not like it's like |
3364s | oh it's kind of like an item no it's |
3366s | literally an |
3374s | item all right second thing health |
3384s | regen sometimes sometimes you just don't |
3387s | uh you don't get Super Lucky H some |
3389s | sometimes it doesn't work out that's |
3390s | okay it doesn't have to be |
3394s | perfect uh hey Mike why don't you do |
3397s | some party play at Le solo is a pretty |
3399s | decent state but in Party play I |
3401s | encountered quite uh quite some issues |
3403s | while trying to play with friends I |
3405s | really hope we get smooth multiplate |
3406s | launch we are um we are absolutely |
3409s | working very hard on multiplayer |
3410s | experiences and uh it's the main the |
3414s | main priority for us right now was |
3415s | making sure multiplayer is awesome and |
3417s | smooth and fun and great |
3421s | um just my opinion here the arena type |
3424s | Echoes are just too long I would like uh |
3426s | I would enjoy them much I would enjoy |
3430s | them much with a few less |
3432s | waves I would would enjoy them more I |
3434s | assume with a few less waves I need to |
3436s | complete the echo |
3439s | cool um when completing Echoes we gain |
3442s | increased XP and drop quality uh what |
3445s | some um I already got that apparently |
3448s | just looking at the corner of my eye I |
3449s | can just see the physical shape of it um |
3453s | what about some more gold drop too gold |
3455s | is actually one of the |
3460s | um uh like one of the rewards |
3462s | specifically you can get from the the |
3465s | like one of one of the echo rewards that |
3467s | you can get is a bunch of gold um so |
3470s | it's pretty unlikely that we'd add that |
3472s | as um an an extra piece piece it's also |
3475s | just like an extend it's it's also just |
3478s | extra drop rate as well so like we might |
3480s | as well just put more drop rate you |
3483s | know cuz there's cuz cuz gold does |
3486s | directly relate to items |
3491s | um right so like I don't know I I I'd |
3495s | say it's it's pretty unlikely that that |
3496s | would |
3504s | happen |
3511s | uh uh when in the story do we get to |
3515s | exterminate the wiary from time and |
3517s | space I can't stop having them in my |
3519s | Echoes you know I I feel like as the as |
3523s | the heroes of the story genocide might |
3526s | not be the |
3528s | best example of a positive impact on the |
3531s | universe that you'd be having |
3534s | just just just my my uh my thoughts on |
3538s | the |
3541s | matter you mentioned a couple patches |
3543s | ago that you are working on a bigger |
3544s | patch with bug fixes any ETA on that no |
3547s | on my void night fix so I can start |
3549s | farming with it again I I'd be surprised |
3551s | if there was |
3553s | uh a timeline on that before it comes |
3564s | out |
3575s | someone's like shooting at me I guess it |
3576s | was just like oh it's |
3585s | this |
3591s | lovely I've just dropped ravenous void |
3593s | in a regular monolith awesome very rare |
3595s | drop from Elder gasar is |
3606s | both yeah rabous void is a random |
3610s | drop it's just really |
3616s | rare all right here we |
3624s | go |
3629s | let me just stand in your ball of death |
3631s | while it rotates around |
3644s | you research getting it done hey same |
3648s | thing as last time that's |
3651s | funny we don't need another |
3654s | one |
3669s | fools |
3678s | fools all |
3682s | right uh do we have more chance to get |
3685s | three or four LP from an item in a |
3686s | higher level Zone yes or the Chan is the |
3689s | same everywhere um the only thing that |
3695s | currently affects the chance to have |
3699s | like so so give given an item that's |
3700s | dropping so there's a unique item that's |
3702s | like in the process of dropping onto the |
3703s | ground and you're like I wonder how many |
3704s | LP that item is going to have when it |
3706s | drops um the only thing that affects |
3708s | that item from having more or less LP is |
3710s | the level of the Zone you're standing in |
3712s | at the moment that it drops so if you're |
3713s | in an area level that says to Corner 100 |
3715s | that is the highest chance to get to |
3718s | have an item that is currently dropping |
3719s | to be legendary potential um corruption |
3722s | does currently have a |
3724s | limited um indirect impact on your |
3728s | chance to receive LP items and the fact |
3730s | that you are um dropping more items so |
3734s | there's more cracks at it but the the |
3736s | like if you drop a thousand uniques um |
3740s | at zero corruption and a th000 uniques |
3743s | at 5,000 corruption |
3747s | um the the lp distribution will be the |
3752s | same it'll just go a lot |
3755s | faster High corruption right now right |
3758s | now that's the way it |
3763s | works all right for the vendor dialogue |
3766s | thing you could have it to where control |
3768s | or shift clicking them takes you to the |
3769s | vendor screen right away while clicking |
3771s | them normally will still show dialogue |
3773s | kind of like pee does it uh you don't |
3775s | you don't have a suggestion let toy |
3776s | channel in here I do not have a |
3778s | suggestion likey channel in here um I |
3780s | just don't write anything down from in |
3792s | here uh right I actually noticed pretty |
3795s | substantial drop in loading time in |
3796s | lightless Arbor after last patch was |
3798s | something you guys rolled out or am I |
3799s | crazy I have no idea I'm sorry um okay |
3802s | now one suggestion I really love item |
3804s | hunting Le uniques are really build |
3806s | finding but um that font uh showcase is |
3809s | somehow Bland could you animate the font |
3814s | icons um well the the like |
3822s | like and showcase it someh point you |
3825s | mean like like the on the ground like |
3827s | this thing here |
3829s | um this this the the the drop item tool |
3832s | tips on the ground not the ones not the |
3834s | ones that show up on the actual like |
3835s | item tool tips but the drop item labels |
3837s | are very intentionally pretty |
3839s | unassuming um because they need to they |
3842s | need to when there's a lot of them on |
3844s | the ground they need to kind of |
3846s | disappear they you need to be able to |
3848s | see through them see past them and and |
3850s | just like keep playing big jump here um |
3855s | and like keep playing without looking at |
3856s | them really they need to just be |
3857s | something that will that you can just |
3858s | look through look past and |
3862s | um part of that is they kind of have to |
3864s | be a little less wow factor |
3867s | um with with the items that are more uh |
3871s | like uniques and things like that we do |
3872s | try and put a little bit of a Pizzazz on |
3874s | them with the ground effects um the the |
3877s | sound effect and the map icon things |
3879s | like that but |
3882s | um probably not the the if you're |
3885s | talking about the font in here this is |
3888s | the font in here is getting updated |
3890s | actually was updated internally already |
3892s | it looks so much |
3893s | better |
3896s | uh scroll p a lot there so if there was |
3899s | more people that are putting if if |
3901s | you're not putting at last defu game in |
3902s | the question please put at last game in |
3904s | the question I'll be happy to answer it |
3907s | and if I skip a question just ask it |
3909s | again and I'll pop back to it but I'm |
3911s | pretty far behind probably any plans do |
3913s | you have options to not do the |
3915s | campaigning in every cycle if you |
3916s | already did it once we do not have a |
3918s | plan for that at the moment um The |
3920s | Campaign is um and and we're still |
3923s | working on the details on on first |
3927s | playthrough per cycle um differences in |
3933s | dungeons um so the something a lot of |
3935s | people don't know is the dungeons do |
3936s | provide a campaign skip um and if you're |
3940s | playing online you can also just simply |
3943s | ask someone to pop you to the end of |
3945s | time and you're good to go |
3947s | um but we we H like if you're playing |
3951s | solo um we do plan to Main maintain the |
3956s | um the current system where you you must |
3960s | complete um like like the character |
3963s | leveling process is used is through the |
3964s | campaign you don't have to complete the |
3966s | whole campaign but the character |
3967s | leveling process pre-end game is |
3969s | campaign it's not |
3972s | um uh it's it's not just like straight |
3974s | to |
3976s | Echo from level |
3983s | one thought they'd get there faster they |
3998s | didn't yeah here we |
4013s | go uh more |
4018s | questions |
4021s | fools uh hi everyone hello how you |
4026s | doing how's it |
4029s | going hang out grab a couple of |
4033s | beers have a couple of |
4037s | laughs get together there it is yeah |
4039s | hang out hang out get together we'll |
4041s | have a couple of laughs something like |
4044s | that |
4057s | I should I should be focusing on this |
4059s | thing shouldn't I I'm just like |
4060s | attacking the enemies at spawning like |
4061s | an |
4063s | idiot why is this taking so |
4066s | long cuz I'm not focus firing the thing |
4069s | on Supply Focus |
4073s | firing |
4080s | all |
4081s | right oh still 50 stability |
4086s | short I definitely thought this was the |
4089s | one that unveils space not resets |
4092s | everything I just didn't |
4095s | read I just I just like didn't read |
4100s | it oh you know what you know what's |
4102s | right here look what's right here yeah |
4104s | we be going to |
4112s | that uh what is the best source to get |
4115s | gold uh play high level |
4120s | content also uh will there be craftable |
4122s | shards to be able to put into gear for |
4124s | more gold drop occurrence no hard no |
4127s | that will that will not happen I'm I |
4129s | could like you I'm so hesitant to like |
4131s | give absolute answers on things no |
4136s | uh right is there a limit to Max Ward it |
4139s | seems to go to about 60 65k and resets |
4141s | to zero resets to zero that's insane um |
4144s | if if your ward is is like without |
4147s | taking damage resetting from some high |
4150s | number to zero that is absolutely a bug |
4152s | and you should definitely report it |
4155s | um Ward should go up to something like |
4158s | two trillion before it has a |
4161s | problem |
4163s | um |
4178s | yeah what word is um the theoretically |
4182s | infinite so there there are no um hard |
4185s | limiters set in place there's no point |
4187s | where it says like if W is above some |
4190s | Max W value do something no that never |
4193s | happens it just there's no checks to see |
4195s | if it gets too high there's no anything |
4197s | just go have fun make it as high as you |
4199s | want um because it |
4203s | drains like your your ward goes down |
4207s | faster the more Ward you have um it it's |
4211s | a natural limiter so like if even if |
4213s | you're getting the only the only way um |
4216s | you could keep getting more Ward past |
4218s | some sort of natural stopping point is |
4219s | if the rate you were generating Ward at |
4222s | was relative to the ward you had um |
4224s | which we're very careful not to put in |
4225s | the |
4250s | game all right can we make unlocking |
4252s | empowered mono's account why each season |
4256s | so painful doing it for 18 |
4258s | characters um |
4264s | I uh no |
4269s | but H there was something about this |
4272s | recently I can't remember what it |
4283s | was |
4287s | no but not completely no I don't know |
4290s | how to say it there's there was |
4291s | something I can't I'm trying to remember |
4293s | what was what what we decided on this CU |
4294s | there's something we we changed recently |
4297s | uh in the design for this and I can't |
4299s | remember what it |
4303s | was it's not it's not just an account wi |
4305s | unlock though I know |
4308s | that |
4310s | um but yeah the the the impact powered |
4315s | unlock on follow-up characters does we |
4319s | we agree it takes too long and and needs |
4321s | to be fixed but um having that be a just |
4325s | account wide unlock is not the solution |
4328s | to that problem that we |
4338s | want so this this is a great example |
4340s | what I was talking about earlier |
4341s | actually about how there's like feedback |
4343s | on a problem and usually comes with a |
4345s | like the air quotes obvious solution not |
4348s | do my hands and mouse off the keyboard |
4351s | um but the solution doesn't quite do |
4353s | what we want it to do so we're we're |
4354s | looking at the problem and trying to |
4356s | solve the problem instead of I'm looking |
4358s | at the suggested |
4369s | solution so if you are giving feedback |
4372s | and like just a general note on on how |
4375s | to give good feedback not not positive |
4377s | feedback but high quality feedback um |
4381s | because you can have high quality |
4382s | negative feedback absolutely most of it |
4384s | is |
4386s | um |
4388s | and um one way that you can help improve |
4390s | your feedback if you'd like is um by |
4393s | putting in the format of when X happens |
4396s | I feel why so um Des situation I was I |
4401s | was going through leveling my 18 |
4404s | character um and I got to the point |
4407s | where I was unlocking the the empowered |
4409s | monolist for my 18th character and it |
4411s | felt really bad uh because it it felt |
4413s | like it took too long it felt like I was |
4415s | just doing something that was not |
4417s | exciting that I my character was |
4418s | overleveled for maybe maybe it was I |
4420s | felt like I was having to repeat um easy |
4424s | content and I was just I was going |
4425s | through the motions of ticking some |
4426s | boxes on some easier content and it |
4428s | didn't feel very good or something like |
4429s | that um it doesn't imply a specific |
4432s | solution but does give good detailed |
4435s | information on um what was happening how |
4438s | you felt and why you think you felt that |
4440s | way |
4445s | um that's the type of feedback we |
4449s | love and it's it's fine to to have |
4452s | suggestions on how to fix things I'm not |
4453s | saying don't ever do that just the the |
4455s | the feedback we generally find the most |
4457s | useful and are able to um take and use |
4460s | and actually do something with is in |
4462s | that format |
4477s | oh Mike keep your eye on the |
4492s | prize |
4494s | well something's just eating my ward |
4496s | there for a |
4517s | second |
4519s | yeah didn't quite line that up the way I |
4521s | wanted it to but it's still |
4522s | cool |
4529s | okay more |
4531s | questions uh with how the wart system |
4534s | works which I really like by the way do |
4535s | you guys plan |
4538s | on trying to limit how much W people can |
4542s | have uh I mean it it no yes but the way |
4546s | we already do it it naturally limits |
4548s | itself um since while yeah it doesn't |
4551s | have a cap technically I feel like it |
4552s | should have a harder diminishing returns |
4554s | than it currently has from the war |
4555s | attention system um yeah that's that's |
4558s | possibly true I don't |
4561s | know |
4565s | um |
4568s | o what are we rocking |
4570s | now just just a real solid good stats |
4574s | helmet is the Fire Res important for us |
4577s | it's not we could do without that Fire |
4579s | Res but armor Vitality intelligence the |
4582s | Mana spent gained his Ward |
4584s | probably is a critical part of this |
4587s | build and that's a prefix right yeah so |
4591s | we can attack that on here let's go a |
4594s | bunch of P res we don't need just said |
4605s | that maybe we TR |
4607s | to |
4612s | massage |
4617s | let's let's have a quick quick crafting |
4619s | break see we see if we can do anything |
4620s | cool with these I don't think we can |
4621s | because I don't have the shards for |
4623s | it |
4629s | yeah there's some cool stuff there but I |
4631s | don't really think |
4635s | that's can we can we just like get Super |
4642s | Lucky |
4653s | I feel like the Mana spent gained his |
4655s | Ward is a really important part of this |
4663s | build those it's basically |
4672s | cats |
4682s | yeah I don't know if any that's actually |
4683s | an upgrade or |
4685s | not still a cool |
4691s | item still a very cool |
4702s | item |
4704s | okay another suggestion all right let's |
4706s | hear it uh I'm just going |
4709s | to drop |
4712s | off actually no you know |
4724s | what here are some cool |
4729s | gloves uh no I want |
4731s | Discovery sure armor no thank you block |
4735s | Effectiveness no thank |
4738s | you |
4741s | um is |
4745s | fine I do like ell R |
4754s | more yeah we're gonna we're going to use |
4757s | those we're going to use those for |
4760s | sure see what we |
4762s | get we got get a key first though don't |
4764s | we all right this is going to be this is |
4766s | going to be a sweet fight this is the um |
4769s | we're going to do this fight this is a |
4771s | uh shade of orbus fight um it's going to |
4773s | bump up our corruption quite a bit |
4775s | actually which is sweet um do we have |
4779s | another timeline that's super |
4786s | corrupted someone put the slash ends in |
4790s | wrong oh that's funny |
4794s | this the slash end supposed to be the |
4795s | other slash I guess yeah that's funny uh |
4798s | right another I think current Arena |
4800s | endgame is somehow |
4802s | uninteresting I mean testing the |
4804s | character limit is great but execution |
4806s | is somehow not interesting uh I was |
4808s | thinking maybe you could fuse ARA into |
4810s | some kind of tower climb system I mean |
4814s | okay just like thematically add the |
4816s | tower in there which more focus on Boss |
4818s | encounters and good rewards at |
4819s | checkpoints uh idea is not nothing new |
4821s | but hey I think the arena could update |
4823s | yeah I mean that's basically what the |
4824s | arena uh The Limited Arena |
4827s | does there's like you do the first |
4829s | version of it and it goes through and |
4831s | there's a boss at the end you get to the |
4833s | checkpoint you get a bunch of rewards uh |
4834s | then you go to tier two and you go |
4836s | through the the Arenas uh and then you |
4838s | have boss at the end and get a bunch of |
4840s | gear and it's checkpoint like that's |
4842s | that that is yes definitely sure |
4846s | um uh I know you guys are obviously |
4848s | focused on the upcoming |
4851s | launch does he spawn right away a |
4854s | second I just don't move you might not |
4856s | spawn be cool |
4859s | um uh but what would it take for there |
4861s | to be some serious talk around bringing |
4863s | the game to console uh at 1.0 um $100 |
4868s | million uh apologies if you answered |
4870s | this before a thousand times before uh |
4872s | the game looks awesome by the way hope |
4874s | you guys have an amazing success with |
4875s | the launch um we we don't have time to |
4878s | um make a console launch for 1.0 we we |
4881s | do not have the time um there's there's |
4884s | just there's even even like like when I |
4887s | say this even if we dropped literally |
4888s | everything right now we just said okay |
4890s | we're going to launch .92 as 1.0 but |
4892s | we're also going to do consoles we just |
4893s | like cut every feature that we've been |
4895s | working on and it's just exactly what we |
4897s | have now that's locked in which is not a |
4899s | lot's actually locked in yet um and we |
4902s | just like just went straight to hard |
4904s | switch to console everything now to 1.0 |
4906s | it's it's it's not enough time we don't |
4908s | have enough time like that would come |
4909s | with another six month push as well like |
4912s | if we if we hard switched 100% of the |
4913s | company and delayed it by 6 months that |
4916s | would be a huge stretch I don't think we |
4917s | could do it like it's it's so far out of |
4919s | the realm of possibility no I'm sorry I |
4922s | just want to be so super clear on this |
4925s | like it's it's just not happening um we |
4928s | do want to go bring the game to console |
4931s | eventually um consoles are part of our |
4935s | have been part of our our plan for a |
4937s | long time now and we will be making a |
4939s | console version of the game |
4941s | eventually um it will not be a 1.0 |
4951s | thing I'm sorry and I know I know it's |
4954s | frustrating for a lot of people who who |
4956s | like see something like this and it's |
4957s | sort of the like well obviously it'll be |
4959s | on Console oh my God it's not why and |
4962s | there's like like oh there's no good |
4964s | reason it's got controller support it |
4965s | must be easy to do but like we we |
4967s | haven't started it at all we we have no |
4970s | relationship with uh Microsoft or Sony |
4974s | um you know like |
4980s | like |
4983s | um I mean I I talked to one of the one |
4986s | of the Ada devs uh from the Microsoft |
4990s | team at Gamescom for 10 |
4991s | minutes a month ago like that's that's |
4994s | probably the extent of it at this point |
4999s | um it's it's just it's just too yeah |
5003s | sorry I I haven't answered this question |
5004s | a lot lately I don't know what it is but |
5006s | like there's a few posts I have on |
5007s | Reddit that are like really old and |
5010s | every once in a while someone just like |
5011s | show up to them be like oh my God cult |
5012s | is coming and I'm like no no my post |
5015s | says they're not coming |
5023s | uh |
5025s | so full answer console release |
5029s | eventually someday definitely not by 1.0 |
5039s | though like the full line is once 1.0 |
5041s | launches we're going to have a meeting |
5043s | to decide which consoles we eventually |
5046s | start going |
5047s | to like we haven't even picked which |
5049s | consoles we want |
5061s | yet |
5064s | will be |
5071s | erased we I think we lucked out with |
5073s | this one it's a pretty easy one to dodge |
5080s | everything but I'll take it hey one |
5084s | LP one LP after these M love to see it |
5088s | very |
5091s | cool that's a fun |
5105s | item and like we we do have we have |
5107s | controller support and like the game is |
5109s | built in an engine that does have you |
5111s | know export to console functionality |
5113s | built into it so like you know |
5117s | it's it's it's not |
5120s | like completely like this forever |
5124s | feature or anything like that but like |
5126s | we just haven't haven't started |
5133s | it when will the CTs be getting access |
5136s | to 1.0 content I don't have that |
5138s | information I don't know I'm sorry I |
5139s | also wouldn't be able to tell you if I |
5140s | did I'm |
5143s | sorry this is a |
5147s | mercy we we are they they will be |
5150s | getting access to content before for |
5154s | um for the 1.0 release and you know |
5158s | they'll be they'll be helping |
5160s | us this is a mercy uh uh balance things |
5164s | and Bug stuff um do not stand in my |
5169s | before it comes out so it's so you know |
5171s | it's pretty good quality I hope is the |
5176s | plan this is a |
5179s | mercy oh no oh no in my |
5193s | way this is a |
5196s | mercy next question can I do |
5200s | it put your |
5202s | orb do not stand in my those pillars are |
5205s | supposed to block |
5210s | those this is a mercy |
5215s | uh even if it's a year from now that |
5217s | would be dope give us uh hope for |
5219s | console PLS yeah like I should have read |
5223s | that earlier there there's definitely |
5224s | hope for consoles it's just not anytime |
5227s | soon and definitely not 1.0 is a |
5231s | mercy do not stand in my |
5241s | way |
5244s | this is a |
5247s | mercy do not stand in my |
5260s | way this is a |
5263s | mercy do not stand in my |
5268s | way it's really not liking that tap |
5270s | right now behold |
5273s | The Rage of |
5275s | winter |
5277s | shut this is a mercy usually it's fine |
5280s | with it do not stand in my |
5287s | way oh yeah right got to keep got to |
5289s | keep the movement skill uh primed for |
5291s | that I need |
5295s | that uh with how we can currently do not |
5299s | stand in my way I assume that for his |
5305s | Target uh currently Target Farm uniques |
5308s | which is super nice are there any plans |
5310s | on making this is a |
5313s | mercy do not stand thank you someone you |
5317s | have terrible timing and I appreciate |
5320s | you rise my Fallen Champions Aid |
5330s | me this a |
5334s | mercy |
5337s | shut do not stand in my |
5342s | way yes get off there thank |
5347s | you this is a mercy try and bait him out |
5351s | to the center of the Arena a little bit |
5353s | do not stand in my |
5358s | way come |
5361s | of me |
5366s | I'm in the middle of answering a |
5367s | question here the middle of reading a |
5369s | question |
5381s | here this is a |
5384s | mercy |
5386s | shatter do not stand in my |
5391s | way |
5393s | oh gosh I thought he was going that way |
5395s | I misread the |
5398s | animation this is a |
5401s | mercy |
5403s | sh do not stand in my |
5407s | way oh my God what is going on |
5415s | here no this is a |
5420s | mercy shut up |
5423s | do not stand in my |
5431s | way I have zero expectations of success |
5434s | at this |
5436s | point shut |
5438s | up do not stand in my |
5450s | way this the |
5453s | mercy I did what I to protect my |
5470s | people I if somebody's still alive out |
5472s | there that was that was nuts uh not |
5474s | quite sure how we survived that um our |
5478s | cold res is way overcapped we don't need |
5481s | this cold res we can do something else |
5483s | armor is probably just the best choice |
5487s | here simply because we got a lot of it |
5490s | oo nice one LP version I'll take |
5494s | that I I I I don't know what was going |
5497s | on there I was just losing it but we we |
5500s | we got |
5503s | it okay with how we can currently Target |
5505s | power uniqu which is super nice are |
5507s | there any plans on making uh giving |
5509s | something similar to Target Farm exalted |
5511s | items for certain slots I know we |
5513s | already have the blessings but I feel |
5514s | like a lot more passive if those if that |
5516s | makes sense since you're not going |
5517s | somewhere uh and seeing something |
5519s | specific that gives you uh gives you |
5521s | positive feedback that it's working like |
5523s | unique Echoes do um I mean the exalted |
5526s | Echoes do the exact same thing so that I |
5531s | think uh |
5534s | right are there any major balance |
5536s | changes coming to oh like the so so yes |
5540s | the the the the the echo type that |
5541s | already had has that already exists for |
5543s | exactly what you're asking for um and |
5546s | both of the factions will add this as |
5548s | well so yes uh are there any major |
5550s | bounce changes coming to set uniques |
5552s | prior to release like Buffs or Nerfs I |
5554s | mean there's uh there are many Buffs and |
5557s | Nerfs coming to several various set |
5560s | unique items with every major patch so |
5563s | yes |
5565s | um the the the the the rework to the |
5568s | functionality of how sets exist in our |
5572s | overarching item |
5575s | ecosystem uh is is not |
5579s | complete and will not be ready for |
5588s | 1.0 this one it's just 100 and it's |
5593s | like already cleared super far down |
5597s | that's super |
5598s | awesome we can just go fight another |
5601s | shade |
5605s | uh yeah 38 53 let's let's uh let's |
5609s | comite this shade bump up the corruption |
5611s | right bump up the |
5618s | jam will the Cycle System have new |
5621s | mechanics as well as make it interesting |
5623s | like with PE leagues or dblo Seasons yes |
5625s | we're adding a huge item faction system |
5628s | for the first |
5630s | one uh |
5632s | uh I don't know if I'm the only one |
5635s | probably not but I think the arena |
5636s | Echoes last a little too long compared |
5638s | to I feel like i' already read this |
5639s | other Echo types could you reduce the |
5641s | number of waves necessary to finish the |
5642s | echo um we we we have no plans for doing |
5645s | that at the time but if you'd like to |
5647s | submit a suggestion to be considered |
5648s | please do so with the on the suggestion |
5650s | forums um because I don't write anything |
5652s | down from from the from the streams oh |
5654s | my |
5656s | goodness |
5660s | um |
5664s | I I |
5666s | um I'll warn you that we we've had this |
5669s | discussion internally a few times and uh |
5672s | you're going to have to submit a better |
5673s | uh reason than they they they take |
5676s | longer um than the other ones to |
5678s | consider reducing that |
5681s | number uh right how long has the game |
5683s | been in EA o a long time actually um and |
5687s | it's it's a lot of it's to do with the |
5688s | game like |
5689s | changing so heavily in the like scope |
5693s | yeah like scope changing so heavily so |
5695s | many |
5696s | times |
5700s | um o over the years type thing so like |
5702s | when we when we first started the game |
5705s | uh and started Kickstarter like there |
5706s | was some there were some lofty goals for |
5708s | sure but I don't think we expected it to |
5710s | be quite at this stage um definitely |
5715s | wasn't expected to be this stage |
5717s | pre-launch |
5720s | um so we we we set some un unrealistic |
5724s | timelines |
5725s | initially um but yeah we've been |
5728s | basically in Early Access |
5730s | since like the very beginning of |
5733s | development and like you you can there's |
5735s | there's some videos uh on YouTube those |
5737s | one recently that came out showing the |
5739s | like what it was like on their first |
5740s | public release compared to now and all |
5741s | the ones in between um it's come a long |
5744s | way like fulltime and Early Access we're |
5747s | we're rounding six years pretty close |
5749s | now probably five years actually five in |
5752s | a bit cuz Kickstarter was 2018 |
5756s | right question mark That's that was the |
5759s | first like proper public build what call |
5761s | like actually Early Access steam launch |
5763s | wasn't for like a year and a half after |
5765s | that though maybe two years |
5768s | even |
5775s | uh ah people yes if you have a question |
5777s | for me please ping me in the question so |
5779s | I see it and answer it because I only |
5780s | read the comments that have at last OT |
5784s | game in the comments because I'm the |
5789s | worst uh oh we went to steam April 30th |
5793s | 2019 that was the first Early Access |
5794s | version okay so that was about a year |
5795s | after the |
5799s | kickstarter when the |
5802s | um so like officially Early Access on |
5805s | Steam but four years four and a half |
5809s | years but like publicly available demo |
5811s | to try |
5813s | longer uh curious what you think about |
5816s | that ellev uh I feel many core arpg |
5820s | players want to go as fast as possible |
5821s | as fast as |
5823s | possible uh but many |
5825s | like definitely the guy find that place |
5830s | of play unfund that pace of play unfun |
5833s | as Core Power |
5840s | goal |
5845s | this feels like it's been translated |
5848s | what I'm |
5850s | guessing but I'm not |
5852s | sure |
5858s | um I I think I think what it's asking is |
5862s | people who don't like going full Zoom |
5864s | mode |
5865s | uh do we have any consideration for that |
5869s | um I I guess the answer is yes I would |
5874s | um like just look at what's happening |
5877s | here uh is sort of the |
5881s | expected uh zoom level there are some |
5883s | builds that go a little faster for sure |
5885s | and I'm not the fastest player |
5887s | especially while uh trying to keep up |
5889s | with chat and |
5890s | everything but we definitely don't in we |
5894s | intend for combat to be a little bit |
5896s | more on the |
5900s | um deliberate ins side that's the best |
5902s | way to put |
5917s | it see a bunch of people reacting to me |
5920s | somehow completing her on I |
5924s | think yep CU I'm the worst but we got it |
5927s | done uh all right are the cycles and |
5929s | leags going to have at least uh |
5932s | eventually new interesting mechanics |
5933s | with them uh you know how po diao has I |
5936s | think it's a repeat question or do you |
5937s | have some sort of interesting ideas for |
5939s | it yourself I mean yes there are um we |
5942s | have many things that the cycles and |
5944s | leagues are going to bring to the game |
5946s | um mechanically and uh new features that |
5949s | get added every single time a new cycle |
5951s | starts yes um and 1.0 will be the start |
5954s | of that um item factions are going to be |
5956s | pretty massive um I I'm seeing this like |
5959s | it's it's it's really interesting |
5960s | because some times this this gets |
5962s | brought up from both sides very strongly |
5964s | where it's like well obviously add in |
5966s | factions to the first cycle and that |
5967s | makes sense it's going to be awesome and |
5969s | that doesn't count what are you talking |
5970s | about that's not a cycle that doesn't |
5971s | count so depending on if you think it |
5973s | counts or not yes one point will be the |
5975s | first |
5979s | one he Mike do you plan to reenable |
5981s | masochist for 1.0 or in the future |
5985s | kinda um technically |
5988s | no um practically |
5996s | yes um the the the optional hard |
6001s | mode that masochist was providing is |
6004s | awesome the way it was doing it |
6006s | conflicted with a few of our systems and |
6009s | uh we couldn't have it sit as it was in |
6012s | game long term um so 1.0 will not |
6016s | literally have masochist mode um but 1.0 |
6019s | will have masochist mode |
6024s | uh for having a challenge from the start |
6026s | like doing grimon forite too in their |
6028s | biggest difficulty for on fresh |
6029s | characters can be very fun I |
6032s | agree uh please don't Nerf boardman's |
6035s | Legacy set for Fess we won't Nerf it uh |
6038s | I don't think I don't think it needs a |
6039s | Nerf uh will Cycles in the future I I I |
6043s | should probably follow this up with |
6044s | Shaman and general needs some love that |
6047s | set is very focused around Shaman |
6050s | um and and with the extension that we've |
6053s | given to 1.0 there will be a little bit |
6056s | of love um put Shaman's way they've |
6061s | they've got a tempest of problems and |
6065s | you know like we just need to let that |
6067s | storm rage out of control a little bit |
6070s | more but like in a good |
6074s | way uh all right will Cycles in the |
6076s | future be designed in mind with |
6077s | possibility going to core or is it like |
6079s | D4 make a season and then remove the |
6081s | mechanic after the s ends okay so |
6083s | initially all of the cycle mechanics |
6086s | will be immediately included in core |
6093s | um and |
6098s | um they uh as as we go on we'll we'll |
6103s | shift a little bit um to some cycle |
6105s | mechanics being uh immediately in core |
6108s | some of them being delayed into core |
6110s | some of them um maybe eventually at some |
6112s | point even not going to core but um by |
6114s | default the assumption is that if we're |
6116s | putting it into a cycle it should be |
6117s | going to core um if if initially |
6120s | immediately and by immediately I mean |
6122s | like February 21st core will have all |
6125s | the cycle mechanics from 1.0 |
6130s | um |
6134s | and |
6137s | um that that that's mostly because the |
6140s | initial things were releasing a cycle |
6142s | mechanics were things that like if we |
6144s | could go sit in a time capsule for a few |
6148s | years and make 1.0 be literally whatever |
6150s | we wanted 1.0 to be they'd be included |
6152s | in that so |
6155s | um let's do another |
6157s | shade I'm feeling I'm feeling shade butt |
6159s | kicky right now |
6161s | um and yeah so so the Cycles initially |
6165s | the cycle mechanics will just be here |
6166s | you go have fun um to everyone because |
6169s | they are more more |
6172s | core type |
6181s | things |
6184s | um what is |
6195s | [Music] |
6199s | real what is |
6211s | real |
6213s | nice what is |
6219s | real I love the visual effects of them |
6223s | [Music] |
6226s | aiming I've got to remember to hold it |
6228s | for like just just an extra |
6230s | frame is |
6244s | real what is |
6247s | real just the like the just the slightly |
6249s | longer |
6257s | fart you win this round |
6260s | shade you win this |
6264s | round all |
6272s | right wait a |
6280s | second |
6283s | H how do I empower the monol for 100 I |
6286s | beat all the 90s to the end um there is |
6289s | an object right here go touch |
6298s | it uh monetization plan similar to Poes |
6302s | uh similar but not the same |
6305s | um so similar being uh they do not have |
6309s | a box price we do have a box price so |
6311s | like there's an initial $35 to purchase |
6314s | the game um PO is free to begin with |
6318s | um uh Poe does monetize |
6321s | some uh light convenience factors is the |
6325s | best way to put it so things like um uh |
6328s | more stash tabs um a few of little |
6331s | things that they that they demonetize |
6333s | that are um sort of like indirectly |
6336s | gameplay Reliant but not like hugely |
6340s | um whereas because we have a box price |
6343s | um included in the game we don't we |
6345s | don't monetize any of those things um so |
6347s | like the big difference is that like you |
6349s | have to buy stash tabs in with real |
6351s | money in Poe but you buy R Dash tabs |
6353s | with in-game gold so it's like once |
6355s | you've kind of got that those there's |
6357s | sort of like a set of things if you talk |
6359s | to a lot of Poe players they'll they'll |
6361s | frequently say oh there's like a minimum |
6363s | number of ntx stuff you need to buy in |
6364s | order to have the game feel proper and |
6366s | it ends up being a really similar price |
6367s | to just our sticker price so it's sort |
6369s | of like it's kind of the same thing and |
6372s | then |
6374s | um uh then then we do pure cosmetic |
6377s | microtransactions so there's um I can |
6380s | show you looks like here's our shop um |
6384s | there's supporter packs and there are |
6386s | Cosmetics |
6388s | um they are purely cosmetic you can see |
6392s | the other categories of things that |
6393s | aren't in the shop yet um you can here's |
6397s | the tab for things so there there'll |
6398s | also be uh skills um two mini pits |
6402s | portal uh profile image profile frame |
6404s | that's stuff that goes up here in |
6405s | multiplayer um and all of your gear |
6407s | slots and a back slot as well and a |
6409s | footprint slot as well and a couple |
6411s | effects for your pets as well but yeah |
6413s | that it's entirely cosmetic there's no |
6415s | mechanical features whatsoever which is |
6416s | the same as the um vast vast majority of |
6420s | Poe Cosmetics |
6422s | microtransactions so yes extremely |
6424s | similar monetization to Poe but not |
6426s | quite the |
6429s | same sorry man that question was |
6431s | referring to another oh I don't know |
6433s | what the other question was referring |
6439s | to |
6441s | if I missed a question or one was |
6443s | referring to another one can you bundle |
6445s | it all together in one |
6446s | nice nice sweet question package and |
6449s | hand that to me and I'll be happy to |
6451s | answer |
6455s | it but yeah just just to be clear um we |
6459s | won't sell convenience or power ever |
6464s | that is a a very strong |
6466s | requirement um whereby the only |
6469s | difference between someone who has spent |
6470s | $35 and someone who spent $100 is the |
6473s | person who spent $100 has some flashy |
6476s | MTX that looks real cool and they got |
6478s | some Custom Pet flying around them |
6482s | that's like sweet in a epic portal that |
6485s | opens up and it's awesome um you know |
6487s | and and and like maybe their Fireball is |
6490s | blue instead of red or I don't know but |
6492s | like it's it's it's purely visual |
6498s | stuff uh are you guys doing cycle |
6500s | content |
6501s | I feel like I've answered that already |
6502s | so I'm just gonna skip over it |
6508s | again hey Kane you never said I had to |
6510s | be |
6513s | subtle uh are you guys working on |
6515s | updating the older classes pass the |
6516s | trees and More in line with how |
6517s | incredible the Run Masters is um we are |
6522s | um what we like to say is that every |
6525s | skill is on the list of the the rework |
6528s | list the updates list the the cool news |
6530s | stuff that's going to get added to it |
6531s | list |
6533s | um there's just some things that are |
6535s | really far down that list cuz it's a |
6537s | long list you know |
6539s | um and so we |
6541s | are um we're we're constantly updating |
6544s | the game adding new things to it um and |
6547s | and fixing like bugs is a really really |
6551s | important part of that um updating old |
6555s | content is also really important part of |
6557s | that CU we do want every class to feel |
6559s | awesome and fun unique um and uh we will |
6566s | be at one point though there won't be |
6568s | many changes there won't be many |
6570s | overhauls for older skills at 1.0 um |
6574s | there will be a couple for really |
6575s | egregious offenders like long-term |
6577s | egregious Defenders of problematic |
6580s | skills um but it'll be pretty limited to |
6583s | the worst of the |
6587s | worst for 1.0 changes um after that we |
6590s | will continue to um like every every |
6593s | patch will have some number of like |
6595s | updates to Old skills that'll come with |
6608s | them what is |
6618s | [Music] |
6619s | real |
6624s | what is |
6632s | real I will say as well that the |
6635s | complexity level of runmaster is likely |
6639s | to stay as the highest complexity class |
6642s | in our game for quite a while |
6645s | um we do very intentionally have a |
6648s | variety of complexities across our |
6650s | different classes and uh build options |
6653s | and things like that we do frequently |
6656s | um like say hey we we we need an option |
6659s | that's like got a lot to do here we need |
6661s | an option that's you know maybe a little |
6663s | bit more on the lazy side or or you know |
6665s | like we need an option that's like we we |
6668s | try and build in options for people who |
6669s | have different play Styles which |
6673s | I yeah pretty standard thing to do |
6678s | um my ch |
6681s | we got there L |
6683s | of took us a little bit we little detour |
6686s | but you know we got there no |
6690s | problem |
6694s | H more experience that XP give me give |
6697s | me give me give me give me so yeah it's |
6702s | um we we we run Master is situated as |
6707s | the highest complexity class and at 1.0 |
6709s | will still be the highest comp |
6710s | complexity class um it may be unseated |
6714s | at some point but it is designed |
6717s | intentionally as the highest complexity |
6718s | class in the game that's not to say |
6720s | there's not like cool complex and fun |
6724s | interactions that happen outside of it |
6725s | and that it doesn't itself have simpler |
6727s | interactions as well all all those |
6729s | things all those things happen as well |
6730s | but like um I I don't want people to get |
6733s | their hopes up on warlock having |
6735s | something as uh intense as the the the |
6739s | Rune system that's there um I don't want |
6741s | people to get uh their hopes up on us |
6743s | adding something as intense as the Rune |
6744s | system to like Shaman for example and |
6746s | that rework um we we do really want |
6749s | there to be interesting and unique and |
6750s | engaging Mechanics for each one of these |
6752s | classes to to to to use and have fun |
6755s | with but um they don't necessarily need |
6757s | to be 41 skills on a single button uh |
6762s | complex I hope that |
6766s | helps how did you have a plan to make |
6768s | corruption a more impactful choice to |
6770s | feel more uh and faster risk reward |
6772s | effect to it via special item or |
6774s | something instead of a 5% effect per |
6777s | corruption I don't know maybe two 3% um |
6780s | through an item no just in general |
6786s | yes um the the monolith currently has a |
6790s | bit of a problem in that someone can say |
6793s | hey this build is good for 5,000 |
6795s | corruption and that could be true um but |
6798s | if you pick anything other than very |
6801s | spec very specific things in the |
6803s | monolith that 5,000 corruption build |
6805s | will fall apart so fast um and so we |
6810s | want to |
6812s | normalize the uh the the the danger the |
6817s | difficulty the the um achievement |
6821s | inness it's the word right of saying I |
6824s | have this character up to EXC corruption |
6827s | where we can say it's more of a more of |
6829s | a benchmark more of a |
6830s | a consistent thing saying that like any |
6833s | two builds that say Hey I can do 5,000 |
6835s | corruption |
6836s | which won't be a thing for a while |
6839s | hopefully um or willon be a thing again |
6841s | for a while hopefully and |
6844s | um yeah they'll they'll be it'll be more |
6847s | like hey this build can achieve 300 |
6849s | corruption oh this build can achieve 500 |
6851s | corruption and you can say like okay |
6853s | well you can you can tell a more uh |
6856s | clear picture of how powerful those two |
6858s | builds are overall just BAS on the |
6860s | number of corruption that they're |
6861s | comfortable |
6869s | doing all right right now each each |
6874s | class it's each class a leech class is |
6876s | oh Lich oh is L class Lich class is |
6878s | about turning into Lich and that's it |
6879s | any plan to give more options other |
6881s | transformation uh maybe no um the L will |
6887s | not get another transformation ability |
6889s | um |
6890s | having having said that they do I I do |
6893s | agree that they are lacking a little bit |
6895s | of uh oomph in their in their options um |
6900s | I think it really needs |
6904s | um uh I think it really needs a uh |
6908s | another melee ability actually that be |
6910s | that be the first thing I would add to |
6912s | Lich um I would pull one of the |
6914s | abilities out of its Mastery and bring |
6916s | it into the base class uh and I would |
6919s | give it another melee abil |
6924s | um |
6926s | and uh beef up like it needs some |
6929s | passive changes as well |
6941s | um that that that whole thing I just |
6943s | described is is um not a preview of |
6948s | what's to come in 1.0 just want that is |
6951s | me saying if I |
6953s | had time and uh completely freeh hands |
6957s | do whatever I wanted that's what would |
6961s | happen and I'm not saying it's the best |
6963s | thing to do either at |
6968s | all uh there's a very good reason that I |
6971s | don't have a free answer to what I |
6974s | want uh have you ever considered adding |
6976s | in normalization for Monster type |
6978s | selection for Echo some go uh are made |
6981s | hard simply because it has all the |
6983s | dangerous mobs all at once there already |
6984s | are things like that in place so yes uh |
6988s | don't let King control you leak |
6991s | everything |
7002s | no |
7005s | uh are you |
7008s | like |
7010s | are you like Mark GGG neon are you the |
7012s | numbers guy um I I am no I'm not uh |
7018s | there's a bunch of us to do things like |
7020s | that but I would I would not presume to |
7022s | be the most |
7025s | um uh the most in-depth with with the |
7031s | specific uh adjustments that we make |
7037s | now we we frequently have um discussions |
7040s | on on specific balance changes in a |
7042s | larger design meeting where there's more |
7044s | than just one voice um I'm sure G does |
7047s | it the same way but or or like a similar |
7050s | way and |
7055s | um cuz leaving it all up to one person I |
7058s | think would be a lot of a lot of |
7064s | um undue pressure and responsibility on |
7066s | that one |
7068s | person well maybe I mean maybe they're |
7070s | just that |
7074s | awesome there's about there's about uh |
7077s | six of us seven of us that are usually |
7078s | hanging out talking and discussing these |
7081s | these changes that need to be made |
7082s | someone will be like oh I I I want to |
7085s | make this I want this change to happen I |
7086s | think this is a good example of a number |
7087s | to be for it someone else be like that's |
7089s | too high that's too low um you know we |
7092s | talk it up discuss a little |
7096s | bit or someone be like well I mean |
7098s | that's a good thing to try and fix but |
7101s | you know I think changing this stat |
7102s | would fix it better cuz it wouldn't |
7103s | impact this other thing or it would |
7105s | impact that other thing you know like |
7106s | it's |
7115s | yeah I swear that was not just like a |
7117s | transcript from our last design meeting |
7118s | with some details taken |
7122s | out kind of |
7125s | was uh death KN class be cool death kn |
7129s | with the K class be even |
7132s | cooler uh oh we're at time okay I'm |
7135s | going to power out if there's any more |
7137s | questions here I am like right at the |
7138s | bottom oh my |
7140s | goodness I wasn't super far behind today |
7142s | that's wonderful |
7144s | um is there are also death Knights that |
7147s | you can summon with the Necromancer by |
7150s | the way uh is Mob density going to be |
7152s | adjusted again at all for 1.0 um yeah |
7155s | there's |
7158s | um like adjustments for mod density |
7160s | happen all the |
7162s | time um I don't think there's like a |
7165s | huge change coming from 1.0 for it but |
7168s | um hey there's there's tweaks here and |
7170s | there that'll be happening yeah |
7172s | generally it's it's been on the |
7173s | trajectory going |
7178s | up I have made it to the end hey look at |
7185s | that if I miss one of your |
7187s | questions you like 30 seconds to Reas it |
7190s | while I figure out what I'm going to do |
7191s | here but that was that was a great |
7192s | stream I had a ton of fun we got through |
7195s | a few bosses I hope you enjoyed yourself |
7198s | too uh I'll be back here again same time |
7201s | same place next week and with more cool |
7205s | stuff to |
7207s | share if uh if I didn't answer your |
7209s | question and you'd like to ask it or you |
7212s | think of something down the road please |
7213s | feel free to head on over to our Discord |
7215s | we hav't asked Channel um or if it's |
7218s | just a general like question for the |
7219s | commity you might know this NASA |
7220s | Community Channel too they have lots of |
7221s | very knowledgeable people that hang on |
7223s | there frequently uh there's also forums |
7225s | and Reddit and other social media |
7227s | platforms that people hang out on all |
7228s | sorts of stuff |
7232s | um |
7235s | yeah gra |
7237s | this let's go say hi to |
7240s | Aaron see how he's doing we we've Aron's |
7243s | aon's been uh um very active member of |
7248s | our community and |
7250s | uh streamer and YouTuber all sort of |
7251s | stuff for quite a while uh with us and |
7253s | uh just H Milestone so's he's doing a |
7256s | stream for for for his 40,000 subscriber |
7259s | on YouTube Milestone um and I think he's |
7261s | doing some giveaways and some cool stuff |
7262s | there so uh check it out maybe you can |
7265s | win something fun all right have a great |
7267s | time we'll see you next time um have fun |
7278s | bye |