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No point in having to store keys in stashes when they could just have a small spot in the inventory tab. This tab could show each type of key and the amount (or just a "Keys" button in case more keys get added in the future).

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by KarvarouskuGaming

One beatiful day in the future they'll stack, or have a keyring -type storage system.

Karv’s right. The birds will sing and grass will be taller that day.

This is on our dev tracker and just hasn’t reached high enough priority yet. It’s way more time intensive to develop that you’d expect as we have to make them stack, split stacks, change item data so multiple items can exist in a single slot, whenever we move the item it has to recognize multiple items being moved, etc.

We all want it and know it’s not ideal to have a key per inventory slot so we’ll get to it hopefully soon!