almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

General Appearance


Item Comparison

Social_Tooltip_1.png752×715 442 KB


Alt Tooltip

Social_Tooltip_2.png361×805 288 KB


Affix Tiers & Ranges

Social_Tooltip_4.png365×582 214 KB


Rarity Glow

Unique items, Legendary items, and Set items will have glowing tooltips!

RarityGlow.png367×504 190 KB

almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Hey everyone!

Some solid feedback here so I’ll quickly run through some of the points you’ve raised;

We do plan on many other improvements to the user interface - and just yesterday we had a session where we took stock of where we are on the game graphically. This entailed looking at UI elements, textures, shaders, lighting, general level design, and more to see what needs to be improved and to make sure that these improvements are ‘budgeted for’ timewise in our internal roadmap. If you’d like to make specific suggestions, I’d suggest creating a new thread in the Feedback and Suggestions section that focuses on UI art that needs to be updated.

So there’s a few topics in this post to address.

The first is that we’ve recently been trying to transition back into posting daily social posts, and unfortunately it simply isn’t possible to have large and impactful changes ready to be announced that frequently. I’d point out that our initial beta release was approximately five weeks ago, and that had a lot of content including multiple new Chapters and new classes. Regularly posting small updates about what we’re working on has historically been met very positively - though if people would like us to stop, we are open to that feedback.

Looking at the thread’s statistics will be a bit misleading due to the forum post about this subject being posted 30 minutes after messages regarding it being sent out on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and our community Discord server. This would’ve resulted in the forum post being proportionately less popular than what it would usually be.

Regarding your point about streaming: I’ve just checked Twitch, and at the time of me posting this there are zero people streaming Last Epoch or Wolcen - and I think this is primarily because, when it comes to streaming ARPGs, people spend the majority of that time playing endgame content. Looking at our planned endgame content neither of the Gates of Memorium or Epoch’s Call systems are available yet, and the Monolith of Fate is currently an early iteration of the system. Typically beta access is about being able to try out works in progress and offer feedback which helps shape their development. I can’t think of any examples of games a year out from release which competed with more established games for time played.

Our current plan is that it will be possible to see this information while holding down both the Ctrl and Alt buttons, so it’s available but not always present - which might lead to clutter.

Here’s a preview of what it will look like in our next patch;
