11 months
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | for |
59s | oh |
89s | for for |
128s | for |
209s | for for |
273s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
275s | back to another last Epoch Dev stream as |
278s | usual I'm your host Mike hello how's it |
281s | going |
282s | everybody we are uh we're back we're |
285s | doing another death |
287s | stream uh happy to be here excited to |
289s | have some fun see what trouble we get |
292s | into I'm just going to be I I've been |
294s | this is my my my character I've been |
296s | playing the whole time and you know I I |
298s | really want to get my |
301s | um know passives and everything |
302s | completed so we're just we're just going |
304s | back into the campaign a little bit nice |
306s | relaxing relaxing time here get our |
309s | passives and Idol slots fleshed out so |
310s | we can do a little more efficient the |
313s | uh and not fall our faces a little too |
317s | bad um while we do that I'll be |
320s | answering questions that You' got here |
322s | uh got our lovely help for fits back |
324s | again today and he'll be funneling |
328s | questions from chat to me so I can |
330s | answer them more efficiently um thank |
333s | you very much Fitz glad to have you here |
335s | um so if you have a question for me |
337s | please put at last Epoch game in the |
340s | question and it'll easier to find um as |
345s | always stream for charity right above my |
346s | head there's the tra oh you know what's |
349s | been bothering me this little |
353s | sliver every time I watch one of the |
355s | Recaps this little sliver bothers me so |
358s | much I don't really know how how it's |
360s | possible that it's not all the way |
361s | across cuz they're both |
363s | straight |
364s | um we're going to fix it right now I |
367s | just noticed |
369s | it TR logo |
377s | unlock there we |
379s | go we did it yay so |
384s | good um |
388s | yeah so uh without further Ado I'm just |
391s | going to hop right into |
394s | questions all right do you guys see |
397s | people teleporting to end of time to get |
398s | their specializations early a problem |
400s | will you guys let it be a thing for the |
401s | future um I think I I don't no no the |
406s | short answer is no it's not a problem uh |
408s | and yes we plan on allowing it to remain |
411s | um personally |
415s | I I'm very torn on it in general I think |
419s | that |
422s | uh in I am on the side of yes we should |
425s | leave it but it is a difficult decision |
428s | in my |
431s | mind Spike thanks for the resub 15 |
434s | months going strong thank you very much |
437s | glad to have you with |
440s | us all right mustard or Mayo it depends |
444s | it depends like are we are we making |
447s | sushi Mayo are we are we making BRZ |
449s | mustard you know like it's it's really |
451s | uh |
453s | like it it |
457s | depends all right for the Sentinel |
459s | Shield throw is there any plans to have |
461s | a node item that lets the shield bounce |
463s | off the player character it already |
470s | does 99% sure it already |
477s | does maybe we tried to and I couldn't |
479s | get it to work abandoned it maybe that's |
481s | what's |
482s | happening I have a memory of trying to |
484s | make that |
490s | work but I I don't I don't know if we'll |
493s | add it or not if it doesn't uh any |
495s | thoughts on raising the corruption level |
497s | expectation for classes from 300 to 600 |
500s | I think something may have got Lost in |
501s | Translation there I think what I said |
503s | was um a I build is Su I consider a |
507s | build successful if you can do 300 |
508s | corruption um |
511s | and and it's just a number really so |
513s | like |
517s | um it doesn't really matter what that |
519s | number is I don't think that like |
522s | there's |
524s | there's it's it's kind of hard to |
525s | explain I guess but um maybe it's not |
529s | hard the like you've got the number that |
532s | is the corruption and how difficult that |
534s | number is is just uh some arbitrary |
537s | setting we've |
538s | created so like maybe you just want us |
541s | to crank the difficulty of corruption up |
544s | instead |
546s | um that might be a better way to do it |
549s | um but if you've got a suggestion you'd |
551s | like to see something change hey |
553s | Singularity PSA this makes you not be |
556s | able to crit read the second line on |
557s | this on this |
560s | Idol |
562s | um yeah you can submit to um suggestions |
566s | if you to suggest |
568s | something uh he happy Friday Mike did |
570s | you guys play any April fools on each |
572s | other uh not really there was there was |
575s | one tiny little thing uh we we had a |
579s | meeting and it was an announcement that |
580s | was like a joke announcement and that |
581s | was about it it was |
585s | um a lot of the April Fool stuff this |
587s | year got um sidelined due to um other |
591s | things happening on April |
595s | 1st uh do you think there's a |
597s | possibility for someone who's already |
600s | finished the story to create a new |
601s | character and Skip through the whole |
602s | story to avoid doing it all over again |
604s | especially in hardcore I've done the |
605s | story so many times for each of my |
606s | characters who died um we don't plan to |
608s | do this at the |
610s | moment um I I I was shaking my head kind |
613s | of do this the whole time because like |
614s | this question gets asked so often that |
616s | there's a bajillion answers to it out |
618s | there um there's longer form versions in |
621s | our faq's |
624s | everywhere um |
629s | uh what was the decision to make behind |
631s | losing 100% of the potential stability |
633s | when you die in |
635s | empowered behind losing 100% of the |
638s | potential stability when you die in an |
641s | empowered Echo when playing in groups |
643s | the alternative being maybe a percent |
645s | based penalties such as 30 stability |
647s | loss per death uh can we expect B |
650s | costume anytime again saw one question |
653s | and On a related note uh can we oh these |
655s | are different questions |
658s | uh what what was the decision be making |
662s | behind losing 100% of the potential |
663s | stability when you die in owered EO um |
665s | whenever you die |
667s | in uh like the death penalties we try |
670s | and do are always uh potential uh |
673s | potential penalty losses so you never |
675s | lose something that you already have |
676s | acquired um but you lose things that you |
679s | could have gotten had you succeeded |
681s | properly um and that's basically as far |
684s | as it |
687s | goes uh can we the be CAU any time again |
690s | uh maybe I could be talked into that |
693s | again still behind me it's kind of |
695s | mangled cuz it's been uh been tossed |
697s | around shoved into drawers for the last |
701s | year uh first season any news um like uh |
705s | second cycle starting um it's it's going |
708s | to be roughly 3 to four months after the |
710s | first one |
712s | um |
714s | and uh it'll be focused around bosses |
718s | and uh like the we we're adding like |
720s | Pinnacle content to the |
724s | game ah I knew it was more stuff I |
731s | drop H the single Blocker in the center |
734s | of the idle inventory is such a genius |
736s | design Choice uh what did the design |
738s | process for idle layout shapes look like |
740s | um the thank you first of all cuz this |
744s | did take a while the original version of |
746s | this was a 4x4 Square that was just it |
750s | was just 4x4 it was just there um and it |
754s | was like that for quite a while actually |
757s | um the big problem we were seeing is |
760s | that |
762s | um everyone's everyone's uh idle |
765s | inventory all it looked like was just |
766s | like four 1x4s or four 4X ones and that |
769s | was it every single person's idle |
771s | inventory looked that way um and we |
773s | didn't really want |
775s | to uh like crank the power of the one |
778s | two and three |
781s | size Idols up because we wanted the |
783s | biggest ones to be the rarest and the |
785s | most valuable and have the most power |
787s | and all sort of stuff but |
790s | um by doing that they just it meant that |
792s | the the the three all all the smaller |
795s | sizes oh also 2 x2s before 2 x two |
797s | people would have um but the the the |
799s | other smaller sizes all of the 2x one 1X |
803s | two 2x3 1x3 1 by one all those would um |
806s | basically just only be useful in |
807s | leveling when you were still unlocking |
809s | your I |
810s | inventory and as soon as it was unlocked |
813s | they were all completely |
817s | pointless um I'll get us out of |
820s | here so yeah it really was a how do we |
824s | force people to use |
826s | smaller Idols um but still have it feel |
830s | like you're like optimizing the system |
832s | and and still have a feel like creative |
834s | and things like that um and and that's |
837s | why we got the corner cutouts and the |
839s | one in the middle this way you can |
842s | have like you can you can still get some |
844s | patterns in there like you can still do |
845s | like four 2 by tws and um you know like |
848s | fill it in with some other one like you |
850s | still get some patterns and that like |
851s | that but you you always get a |
852s | combination of them and I think this uh |
855s | for me anyways this hearkens all the way |
856s | back to Diablo I in the the size and the |
859s | shape of the inventory space that you |
862s | had for the idols um was was very uh |
867s | specifically you you'd have your all |
869s | your 1x3s and your 1ex ones to like fill |
871s | up that 1x4 size um vertical height and |
876s | uh you know like large Idols were were |
878s | basically useless but you still had the |
880s | there was still a reason to have um |
883s | Grand and small Idols there was a reason |
885s | a reason to have different size of Idols |
886s | now there's problems with that in this |
888s | the shape of your inventory all sort of |
889s | stuff and I don't think I can hear |
891s | notifications from streamlabs right now |
894s | because I just looked over and there's a |
896s | bunch of stuff happening |
900s | uh |
901s | so why why is none of this |
905s | playing this playing for any of you this |
907s | cool stuff |
911s | happening well uh as I catch up here |
914s | thank you very much |
917s | to uh |
923s | resilient oh resilient Red Devil nice |
926s | I'm like I just see the word Resident |
927s | Evil in there I just can't unsee |
929s | Resident Evil resilient Red Devil thank |
931s | you very |
932s | much glad to have you with us two months |
934s | in row welcome and llama HB has res for |
938s | 25 months that's a lot that's a |
941s | lot um Shield through doesn't bounce off |
944s | the player but it will bounce off your |
946s | minions such as ring of shields that's |
947s | what I'm thinking of right you can set |
949s | up the Ring of Shields and it bounces |
950s | off |
951s | them uh and Mayhem is coming thanks for |
954s | the sub appreciate you glad to have you |
956s | all with us |
963s | all right more |
971s | questions I don't know what's going on |
972s | but like I've started routing the um the |
977s | sound through my headphones that's going |
979s | through the microphone itself like |
980s | there's |
983s | a the microphone and it's |
986s | like if if that volume gets up to up |
989s | above above 5% it will hurt my |
993s | ears I don't know why it's so |
1000s | loud that was me gingerly increasing it |
1003s | by one up to |
1005s | four um all right more questions is this |
1008s | game going to be a PC exclusive or have |
1010s | you got any plans to bring the game to |
1012s | other platforms um we do plan to bring |
1015s | the game to other platforms uh we don't |
1016s | have an ETA on that or specifically what |
1018s | platforms it will be |
1020s | um there's some obvious uh choices I |
1022s | mean like we do already have a Linux uh |
1024s | Linux version which arguably is just PC |
1026s | so potato po there um |
1030s | we've uh what am I |
1032s | saying uh yeah there's there's lots of |
1034s | people are playing it on Steam deck |
1036s | already technically we're not um |
1037s | officially approved on Steam deck or |
1039s | verified on Steam deck but people do use |
1041s | it uh and apparently it works pretty |
1043s | well |
1045s | um we're like one of the top played |
1047s | games on Steam deck in March which is |
1049s | wild |
1050s | uh considering we don't even have the |
1051s | the little tick mark but that's cool um |
1054s | so there's there's different platforms |
1056s | uh and different barriers entry to |
1058s | expand into them and you know like |
1061s | player count um like requests we get for |
1064s | it difficulty to do it all these things |
1067s | uh will play a factor in US deciding |
1069s | which ones we go to First and which ones |
1070s | we delay a little bit and keep going to |
1072s | after but yeah we we do plan to expand |
1074s | eventually into other platforms it's |
1075s | going to be a little while though so |
1076s | like um I I wouldn't if if if you're if |
1079s | you're like um I really want to play but |
1082s | I I I am not sure if I want to wait for |
1084s | a um a different version like like come |
1087s | out on PlayStation or something like |
1088s | that um it's it's going to be a while |
1091s | it's going to be quite a while before |
1092s | anything like that happens um so if |
1096s | you're itching for it and you've got the |
1097s | PC to run it my advice would we get it |
1098s | on PC |
1100s | but if not you just want a one day play |
1103s | yeah one day |
1112s | uh any thoughts on continuing character |
1114s | progression past level 100 um so yes |
1119s | there's this this has been kind of a |
1120s | weird topic for us um we had originally |
1123s | planned on having the um factions be |
1127s | something that continued to level past |
1129s | level 100 it's like something that you |
1131s | like need to keep doing past level 100 |
1133s | um and uh so like in the in the beta of |
1139s | uh in in the Clos beta for factions um |
1143s | you reached rank eight around the time |
1145s | you reached level 100 if you're were |
1147s | just playing exclusively on that one um |
1152s | and it did not have great feedback on it |
1156s | um so we we dropped the required level |
1160s | to access it to be about 100 I think um |
1163s | so like 100 was Rank 10 |
1165s | roughly and um it was still a lot of |
1168s | like it takes way to too long it takes |
1169s | way too long um and so it's it's an |
1173s | interesting thing at the same time idst |
1175s | calls for um continue leveling past |
1177s | level 100 likely so we we don't really |
1180s | view level 100 as a expected milestone |
1184s | for many characters it's something that |
1186s | does happen every once in a while um but |
1189s | the vast majority of characters will are |
1191s | very unlikely to ever hit level |
1195s | 100 um and and and that's a bit of a a |
1198s | break from tradition from some games |
1200s | that are similar which is sometimes a |
1202s | little tricky |
1203s | to um like conceptually reconcile I |
1207s | guess |
1211s | um should just take this back shouldn't |
1214s | it the wrong one I did the wrong one |
1234s | um what was I talking about oh yeah so |
1236s | we're we're still looking at ways to |
1239s | have um alternate systems that don't |
1242s | really care about experience uh |
1244s | currently like your your your gear is |
1246s | something that continues to improve |
1248s | after 100 anyway so like there's still |
1250s | character progression Post 100 we are |
1252s | looking at extending the time to 100 uh |
1254s | in the extremely late levels so like 98 |
1257s | 99 100 |
1259s | um get getting those we touch longers |
1262s | but I think is the plan um we're still |
1265s | up in the air on that |
1266s | one that was |
1274s | close it's meant to be it's meant to be |
1276s | like a |
1277s | like holy crap you got to 100 wow |
1281s | cool not like oh your character starts |
1285s | at 100 like definitely not that |
1290s | all right will our alts ever catch up |
1292s | method will our alts ever get a catch-up |
1295s | method to catch up to our main |
1296s | corruption level um we we have a |
1299s | mechanic to address the feedback on this |
1302s | axis that we are preparing at the moment |
1306s | I am attempting to say this as vague as |
1308s | possible and I cannot provide any more |
1309s | information at this time |
1311s | sorry it's still in like early feedback |
1315s | and |
1316s | testing case things get wildly changed |
1318s | between now impl in proper like release |
1321s | I don't want to be like this is |
1322s | happening and then it just changed |
1326s | horribly oh some good |
1328s | tea Happ to you little |
1333s | honey like a little bearm near us we get |
1336s | honey from there |
1341s | sometimes it's one of those things as |
1342s | well it's like i' be in the |
1345s | dread um I guess because it's like all |
1348s | they do it's actually kind of the same |
1350s | price or cheaper than the grocery store |
1352s | which is |
1357s | nice all right love the game thank you |
1360s | looking forward to seeing the future of |
1362s | it my question can we please get an |
1363s | option to turn up down companion sounds |
1365s | we can turn the squirrels way down |
1367s | please thanks yeah uh baby uh drop it in |
1370s | the suggestions forums and threads and |
1372s | places that we collect suggestions |
1382s | all right thank you for your time you're |
1385s | welcome and doing these streams any |
1387s | plans on fleshing out the alt leveling |
1389s | path the dungeon progression is very fun |
1391s | but it feels unfinished yeah it is |
1392s | unfinished there's |
1395s | um uh like we we we a a we need more |
1399s | dungeons um there's none coming in 1.1 |
1401s | but we do need more dungeons um both for |
1404s | just having a more varied take on uh |
1408s | leveling path where you can say like |
1410s | there's like a dozen viable |
1412s | options and uh depending on like what |
1415s | type of character you're running uh |
1417s | different ones are easier to |
1418s | do I'd also still really like to address |
1421s | the um the way you access and difficulty |
1424s | of the first tier of |
1427s | dungeons um but yeah there's |
1430s | there's it is something we're still |
1432s | looking at uh the the |
1434s | core Vibe of alt leveling paths is not |
1438s | planned to have have major |
1442s | changes possibly an option to copy |
1444s | online characters offline we have no |
1446s | plans of doing |
1449s | this not I I understand the the the |
1452s | request we have no plans of doing this |
1453s | right now um and just to clear up it is |
1455s | not as simple as just we'll just save it |
1458s | uh they use different file |
1463s | formats and they save different data too |
1473s | it is possible but |
1475s | it's uh it it's a design reason which |
1477s | we're not doing not strictly just that |
1479s | can't be doing my back is so itchy right |
1483s | now there a |
1488s | tag all right when will key bindings be |
1491s | fully working I want to buy y button the |
1494s | veral skill but permanently mapped to |
1496s | minion control there's some things that |
1497s | we've locked |
1499s | um I don't know if we have a plan to |
1501s | unlock them just yet but there's a few |
1503s | things that we're like this has to kind |
1505s | of be |
1508s | there or there's some |
1510s | more C certain commands work differently |
1512s | in the game and uh unfortunately ends up |
1516s | in situations where some keys are not |
1519s | REM ideally all of them would |
1525s | be right now totems are enable |
1529s | totems are enable to acknowledge enemies |
1532s | that spawned |
1533s | after the totem was |
1536s | spawned uh it's really not fun uh |
1539s | wondering if totem is going to do its |
1542s | thing every time a new wave of enemy |
1544s | shows |
1546s | up is it a deliberate game choice or can |
1548s | we expect the change it's a |
1552s | bug if you think something might be a |
1554s | bug just report it as a bug |
1557s | please uh right what is your least |
1559s | favorite thing about last e we don't |
1560s | have weapon |
1562s | swap just going to keep saying that |
1564s | every |
1565s | time I know it's never going to happen |
1568s | but I want |
1569s | it um is there some plans for improving |
1573s | throwing builds like flat throwing |
1576s | damage with Shield throw Javelin uh Etc |
1579s | not proximite um I I I don't have any |
1583s | details on potential upcoming balance |
1586s | changes uh level one Echo scale scaling |
1589s | to bypass the campaign ever been |
1590s | discussed level one Echo scaling to |
1592s | bypass C I mean |
1595s | it's oh oh like like an adventure mode |
1598s | in in the monolith it's been discussed |
1600s | hundreds of times and it's been rejected |
1602s | hundreds of |
1608s | times all right any plans on making loot |
1611s | filters show icons for what's filtered |
1614s | and not just uniques and also any |
1616s | consideration on making obsidian |
1618s | residences EAS easier to obtain |
1621s | um uh no and |
1626s | no I'm just going to keep saying if you |
1628s | have suggestions you'd like to see |
1629s | consider please put them in the |
1630s | suggestions channels I don't write |
1632s | anything down from |
1637s | stream all |
1642s | right building off of throwing question |
1645s | can you say if there's any pure throwing |
1646s | Mastery considered for rogue feels like |
1649s | it's asking for an ninjja sty Mastery I |
1650s | mean the the if if the falconer is is |
1654s | like definitely the throwing Centric |
1656s | Mastery on on |
1659s | Rogue I feel like if we made a new pure |
1663s | throwing Mastery on Rogue it would step |
1665s | on falconer's uh heals quite a |
1674s | lot not not |
1677s | really um |
1681s | I mean you know insert generic line |
1685s | about telling you to go put suggestions |
1686s | the suggestions |
1689s | channel should just make like a little |
1691s | Banner at the top of the |
1697s | screen all right hey Mike you should |
1699s | stream more thanks uh I like working on |
1703s | the game and uh streaming takes me away |
1707s | from that so I'm going to keep just |
1708s | doing limited |
1711s | streams also did you try the new PE |
1713s | League yes I am playing the new PE |
1714s | League I'm playing it hyper hyper casual |
1718s | uh I haven't played a Poe league in uh |
1721s | at least a year uh like properly played |
1723s | in at least two years now um I'm going |
1726s | in completely |
1727s | blind uh and like like so I'm like |
1733s | reading lore slow okay like we are |
1737s | creeping along um but yeah I'm enjoying |
1739s | it it's |
1744s | fun all right hi I don't know if this is |
1747s | addressed before but here goes uh do you |
1751s | have plans to add some more in-game |
1753s | content with leaderboards yes we do um |
1756s | next patch will be primarily focused |
1758s | around uh Pinnacle bosses um the |
1761s | leaderboard section of that is um still |
1765s | up in the air we are uh we we we want to |
1768s | add more leader boards we don't have any |
1769s | specific details on what those leader |
1771s | boards will be yet um or where they will |
1773s | show |
1775s | up but there's a good chance at some |
1777s | point we do add more |
1779s | leaderboards likely focused somewhere |
1781s | around like corruption scaling or like |
1784s | um like time to kill bosses things like |
1787s | that you know like like |
1789s | but um so it's still still up in the air |
1793s | bit but yeah we do plan on adding |
1796s | those uh do you know if or when we can |
1799s | expect more controller support and |
1801s | options um we're always making minor |
1804s | changes to controllers uh and updating |
1807s | those and improving them so next |
1810s | patch I don't know what's coming with it |
1812s | but I every patch has some controller |
1814s | stuff added to |
1819s | it uh so me traversal AIX is bugged |
1823s | again okay uh make a bug report please |
1829s | uh should we expect fourth masteries or |
1831s | rather new classes first fourth |
1833s | masteries would be before new classes |
1834s | because fourth masteries we can um we |
1837s | can do individual ones |
1840s | um like we we could do we could do one |
1842s | Mastery we we like say we could we could |
1844s | add a fourth Mage Mastery um and then we |
1847s | would have like four 33 three three and |
1849s | and that would be fine |
1851s | um so we we can add in another Master at |
1855s | the same time is doing other stuff a lot |
1856s | easier um but if we add in a whole new |
1859s | base glass and three masteries with it |
1861s | um that's a gigantic |
1864s | undertaking um time wise |
1868s | and uh not exactly a |
1872s | uh uh conducive to adding other stuff at |
1874s | the same |
1880s | time I the heart of the Citadel is |
1883s | beyond I'm glad we can't I'm too when he |
1886s | fled I saw him deeper into the |
1889s | mountains deeper into the |
1894s | mountains uh thoughts about potentially |
1896s | having XP events in the future for |
1898s | example x% increased or |
1900s | weakened for a weekend or something |
1905s | um I'm not huge on doing things like |
1907s | that |
1910s | um I don't know it's it's |
1913s | possible I don't think we've I I don't |
1915s | think we've talked about or anything |
1916s | like |
1917s | that person I'm not a huge fan of it |
1919s | it's I I'd be torn on it in |
1924s | general the system is going to kick me |
1926s | as I was waiting I just noticed |
1930s | that |
1947s | though plans to show Cosmetics on the |
1949s | character selection screen yeah |
1952s | um it did for a while actually and I |
1954s | don't know why it |
1957s | doesn't but I hope it comes |
1962s | back how come the crafting elcome in the |
1964s | crafting panel doesn't show the stat |
1966s | change only the forge potential used |
1967s | yeah that's there's there's |
1969s | um there was a bug that came in when uh |
1972s | there was there was a UI update that |
1973s | happened on the forun panel um and |
1977s | there's a bug now that makes it not show |
1979s | that anymore because it used to show |
1981s | that why you're asking because know it |
1983s | used to show that um I don't know uh |
1986s | when that's going to be coming back but |
1988s | it is hopefully coming back because it |
1990s | is |
2000s | important uh are you guys thinking of |
2002s | telling us the story of Weaver's will |
2004s | and how the item got for items got |
2007s | forged yes |
2012s | big foreshadowing |
2016s | oo uh is it realistic to think that the |
2018s | future Pinnacle content uh will involve |
2021s | Titans Titans |
2024s | T |
2028s | um where that came |
2030s | from uh yeah this spring light this |
2032s | Arbor always says they're dead but we |
2035s | travel in time don't we yeah we do |
2040s | um I |
2041s | am the worst person to talk to about any |
2045s | sort of Story related stuff at all uh |
2048s | which is why I have asked Kyle to come |
2050s | back on for another lore stream coming |
2052s | up but uh I I I don't have details |
2057s | on that that I can |
2060s | share um |
2064s | but I know we like to plant this is this |
2067s | is me just speculating cuz I know we |
2068s | like these we like to plant I know that |
2070s | they like to plant seeds uh for things |
2073s | to |
2078s | come so I'd be shocked if that spron |
2080s | dialogue was not |
2084s | intentional this is this is play mik |
2091s | speculating uh will Merchant skill get |
2093s | more search options yes um there's a |
2096s | couple things we're trying to get in |
2098s | right away uh there's a couple things |
2100s | that we can't get in right away because |
2101s | we need some architecture changes to |
2102s | make them work um but we are working on |
2105s | those as |
2107s | well uh in the future do you guys put |
2110s | more void type class Masters possible |
2113s | um I it is a very clear Gap in the |
2119s | design space for classes that are |
2122s | available right |
2125s | now let me in |
2138s | here's a cool one if you never seen it |
2139s | before the um numbers on this |
2150s | item what it's not working that's |
2153s | frustrating okay well the numbers of |
2155s | this item follow a very uh intentional |
2160s | pattern um the first three digits are |
2163s | cut out |
2166s | but uh 358 13 21 34 55 89 and 144 in the |
2171s | gold |
2175s | cost how petals are arranged in |
2180s | flow all right hey Mike have you |
2182s | considered deleting for Char we will |
2184s | stop asking about |
2186s | it this doesn't count for Bingo |
2192s | Aaron uh yes it does |
2198s | count um and uh no we |
2203s | haven't uh how often can we expect to |
2206s | see new gear added like new uniques we |
2208s | add new uniques every major patch um so |
2211s | you'll you'll see some more coming every |
2213s | major |
2215s | patch trying to get up to this |
2218s | at least one point |
2229s | there drop some |
2240s | the just look see this are any |
2245s | good that Idol is having an identity |
2247s | crisis |
2252s | all right any chance of making the |
2255s | monsters a little less spammy with their |
2257s | skills there's barely any time to deal |
2259s | damage while consistently dodging or |
2261s | face tanking |
2265s | um |
2268s | no it's it's one of those things like |
2270s | they're like they're they monsters that |
2272s | are trying to kill you right like |
2274s | they're they're going to do what they |
2275s | can to get you um you're doing what you |
2277s | can to get them they're going to do what |
2278s | they can to get you |
2284s | um I think if they were like |
2287s | significantly less using their skills it |
2290s | would I think it |
2291s | would |
2293s | uh probably remove some of the uh sense |
2296s | of |
2298s | urgency which I think is important |
2309s | is uh is dynamic DPS boss Health scaling |
2312s | real so mentioned on stream was curious |
2315s | how it works or if it's real saw this in |
2317s | a review |
2320s | well is it in here am I going to look |
2322s | like an idiot if I bring this up |
2329s | probably oh please tell me it's in here |
2344s | it's not even in here oh that's |
2346s | frustrating should be in there um it is |
2349s | real um there's there's dozens of |
2352s | official sources that talk about it it's |
2355s | uh hopefully not a matter of |
2358s | speculation |
2360s | um is it is definitely |
2362s | real |
2364s | um if you want to |
2368s | uh learn more about it in order to be |
2371s | more efficient in your boss kills I can |
2374s | tell you everything you need to know |
2376s | right now about how to kill a boss as |
2378s | fast as possible kill the boss as fast |
2381s | as possible that's it there is literally |
2384s | no way to modify your behavior to gain |
2387s | an advantage in the system um the faster |
2392s | you kill the boss the faster you kill |
2393s | the boss period |
2401s | um as for I was foring to break |
2406s | that |
2408s | um having said having said all that the |
2411s | system is quite frustrating to a lot of |
2412s | people and is not achieving the goals we |
2414s | wanted to achieve properly and we are |
2416s | removing it well should REM we're |
2417s | replacing it um with another system that |
2420s | will hopefully achieve those goals |
2422s | better um |
2433s | one that actually will have some |
2434s | counterplay to |
2440s | it and and one that will be blatantly |
2444s | obvious what's |
2455s | happening trying to sneak around behind |
2458s | me not |
2464s | today how far are we on these to |
2475s | be will we get to fight the Weaver |
2480s | maybe um not next patch |
2489s | uh will the new Pinnacle bosses have |
2491s | phases or can it be one shot |
2498s | um |
2499s | uh I don't know if those are mutually |
2503s | exclusive like lagon has phases and can |
2505s | be one shot |
2510s | um uh the like the the tippy top |
2514s | Pinnacle boss will have |
2516s | phases but |
2519s | like I'm not going to tell you anything |
2521s | else it's going to be a sweet fight |
2523s | where I was working on this morning um |
2527s | making some new tech for |
2530s | it some counter playay action in |
2535s | there outplay opportunities that it's |
2544s | called I was really a big fan of um |
2548s | and this is this is |
2550s | just not directly related to what I was |
2552s | saying so not a clue or anything but I'm |
2555s | reminded of when I when I just said |
2557s | outplay opportunities um I really |
2560s | enjoyed playing uh Guild Wars 1 as a |
2563s | Mesmer because it had so many counter |
2565s | spells and |
2566s | interrupts um and that like that always |
2570s | felt really good when you like when when |
2571s | you hit cuz you you had to you had to |
2573s | wait for the cast to start and you had |
2574s | to like time it |
2576s | properly and it was felt really good |
2578s | when you actually nailed |
2582s | it get back here oh my |
2594s | God God damn it |
2600s | stop least went near the exit |
2612s | uh any plans to add unique runes affixes |
2615s | and suffix shards runes that are a part |
2617s | say uh Pinnacle content |
2622s | um uh |
2626s | no |
2628s | maybe I don't think |
2633s | so like we we do plan to add more of |
2635s | those things but um |
2639s | I don't think I don't |
2642s | know I don't think there's any of |
2643s | related to The Pinnacle content |
2650s | coming I don't think |
2653s | so got other cool stuff don't |
2656s | worry uh this is a time traveling story |
2659s | it is it's pretty cool right uh is there |
2662s | anything in the time traving mechanic |
2664s | that would prohibit fighting your own |
2666s | future past cells probably pass so that |
2668s | we can get the loot drops of what we're |
2672s | wearing um we we don't have any not not |
2676s | directly no |
2679s | um uh we we we kind of try to evoke that |
2683s | style of |
2685s | feeling um like you never cross your own |
2689s | path but you cross other people's paths |
2690s | that have um that were players |
2693s | effectively so like for example the |
2695s | Forgotten Knight um was a player |
2697s | character um the the the excelled Mages |
2701s | were basically like player characters um |
2704s | the uh the the enemies at the end of The |
2708s | Limited Arena runs um were like kind of |
2711s | supposed to feel like player characters |
2713s | that like type thing um so yeah there's |
2716s | we we we try and bring that feeling in |
2719s | um actually fighting your own player |
2722s | character at |
2723s | like an earlier time or a later time uh |
2729s | gets messy to say the least uh so I |
2732s | don't I don't think we any plans for |
2734s | that it would be kind of cool I I don't |
2737s | know how you'd |
2738s | like like generate the gear like you |
2741s | always get the same gear or like getting |
2743s | your future gear like how would you know |
2744s | what you're going to be wearing in the |
2746s | future |
2749s | um you know like how does that affect |
2751s | like the timeline of your character and |
2754s | all these things I |
2756s | so we do try we we try and bring that |
2758s | feeling in without um getting |
2768s | tooy at this point after release are you |
2771s | realizing that you have similar issues |
2774s | to competitor Dev |
2777s | teams uh or do you feel like 11th Hour |
2780s | solved you set up to solve you do it all |
2783s | better uh I I we we definitely didn't |
2786s | solve everything we set up to solve and |
2787s | we definitely don't do everything better |
2789s | that's I I think there's certain things |
2791s | that like um if you're going to look at |
2793s | like the other APS in the market I think |
2795s | there's certain things that each of us |
2796s | have as strength which I think is really |
2798s | good |
2803s | um uh the |
2814s | you you die please |
2819s | um now's our |
2823s | chance I think that there |
2826s | are uh there's a there's a couple things |
2828s | that we solve really nicely that I'm |
2829s | really happy with um or that we're in |
2831s | the process of solving I think it should |
2833s | be better way of putting it |
2839s | um oh God where am |
2842s | I I I I say that like I'm immediately |
2844s | like Sal Sol's kind of like a dirty word |
2846s | almost like this cuz |
2850s | like easy too easy it kind of implies |
2854s | that the development process finishes |
2857s | like like it's like closing a door like |
2859s | it's solved um and I I don't like that |
2864s | idea um so maybe maybe improved would be |
2867s | a better word to put |
2872s | there and I hope I hope |
2875s | someday uh someone comes along |
2878s | and and looks at eoch and goes we can |
2880s | improve that and they make something |
2882s | even |
2889s | better let's give a 10 years come one |
2891s | right |
2907s | all right will we ever be able to add |
2909s | sounds to loot filter maybe we we've |
2912s | talked about this many many many many |
2914s | many many |
2915s | many many many times um we we don't have |
2919s | a good clean way to do it right |
2924s | now uh any plans introduce a way to |
2926s | restore forging potential |
2929s | no uh I know this game just released but |
2932s | is the possibility of expansions far in |
2934s | the future or will it just be based on |
2936s | Cycles um the primary plan we have right |
2938s | now is to keep it cycle based um |
2940s | specifically because we we really don't |
2942s | want to be in a situation where |
2944s | um like expansion like okay so uh you |
2947s | like you and your buddies maybe maybe a |
2949s | couple of them have like stopped playing |
2951s | and they've gone on to other things and |
2952s | this new expansion comes out and a |
2954s | couple of you buy the expansion um and |
2957s | you're like oh come the expansion is so |
2958s | good hop back in and they're like I |
2959s | don't know if I want to buy the |
2960s | expansion to come back and play or not |
2962s | but they come back and like I'll try out |
2963s | see what's going on and then they're |
2964s | like oh you don't have the expansion you |
2966s | can't complet do the thing we want to do |
2967s | can't play with us and it like splits |
2968s | the community and it's just frustrating |
2972s | um so I don't no plans for that right |
2977s | now you want to get this up to |
2991s | five but I mean like it it depends like |
2994s | if if an expansion makes a ton of sense |
2997s | um to do at some point it's not |
3000s | impossible but we don't plan plans for |
3002s | it something something pretty dramatic |
3005s | would have to |
3008s | change we just don't like fixing things |
3012s | like that too |
3015s | firmly uh will 1.1 bring new supporter |
3017s | packs I don't think so I don't think so |
3020s | uh any plans to include full armor sets |
3022s | in those uh will our pets ever gain any |
3025s | form of ability or will they remain |
3026s | strictly cosmetic um we have no |
3030s | intention of ever adding um mechanics to |
3033s | pets to Mini Pets um in the event that |
3036s | we ever did add mechanics to the Mini |
3038s | Pets um we would uh everyone would get a |
3043s | free pet that have the same |
3045s | mechanics just just in case we we would |
3048s | release some new Pat that like every |
3050s | single account just got for free just |
3052s | just to make sure everyone had a |
3054s | pet and there would be no way this is |
3056s | this really important thing that every |
3058s | time this question gets brought up I |
3059s | have to make sure it's clear we're not |
3061s | going to add pay for convenience factors |
3064s | into the game where say like |
3065s | hypothetically pets can pick up gold um |
3068s | but you can only have a pet if you pay |
3069s | five bucks or more no we're not doing |
3084s | that any plans to add exiles other |
3087s | classes other than Mages the way the sto |
3089s | so um yes and no the way the story of |
3093s | how the Exile Mages are where they are |
3095s | and why they are where they are and all |
3097s | that sort of stuff only works for Mages |
3098s | it doesn't work for any other class um |
3101s | so we're not going to add Exile Rogues |
3103s | in a prison in a rune prison the same |
3105s | way like like we're not doing that um is |
3108s | there any chance we come up with a |
3110s | different mechanic and reason and way to |
3114s | have other enemies spawn randomly like |
3116s | that yeah sure |
3118s | um will they maybe possibly be other |
3120s | classes yeah sure maybe |
3125s | um yeah |
3128s | the we we still plan to add more I guess |
3130s | like the correct of the question is uh |
3132s | we do still plan to add more unexpected |
3135s | content to the game in the similar vein |
3137s | to Exile Mages like treasure goblins |
3140s | things like that um to the game but we |
3142s | don't have any um we're not just taking |
3146s | the Exel Mages and slapping uh a fresh |
3148s | Co of paint on them with Rogues or |
3151s | whatever pushing them back out the door |
3157s | again all right any plan on improving |
3160s | the brain of The Wraith Lord so it's not |
3162s | just randomly flying around um I I think |
3165s | I think someone reported a bug recently |
3167s | on this um if you think you found a bug |
3169s | please report the |
3171s | bug uh has there been any new thoughts |
3173s | on adapted boss events I talked a ton |
3175s | about this a minute ago |
3177s | um uh the the the uh recap I guess is um |
3183s | the system is being replaced with a |
3185s | similar system um or a system that that |
3188s | uh aims to achieve the same thing in a |
3191s | different way |
3198s | uh but days of the hidden boss Dr and |
3201s | damage numbers shrinking arbitrarily |
3205s | seemingly um are are going to be going |
3216s | away all right when are we finding the |
3219s | immortal emperor in when are we finding |
3221s | the immortal emperor in the Divine era |
3223s | uh I have no information on upcoming uh |
3226s | story stuff like |
3229s | that most I just don't |
3232s | know uh will we be able to befriend Jula |
3235s | in the temporal Sanctum |
3239s | that' be cool I always feel bad slaying |
3242s | her when she's just being being chilling |
3244s | in her |
3245s | bedroom yeah that that'll be that'll be |
3250s | funny I think she's a |
3253s | little |
3254s | uh uh he's a little |
3257s | angry uh I don't I don't know if there's |
3260s | uh from Charisma modifier high enough to |
3263s | uh initiate that will this place |
3269s | uh from a certain stage in the game we |
3270s | Dro really many T6 have you considered |
3273s | replacing the quantity by quality uh |
3277s | like more t7 or T6 with more forging |
3280s | potential I mean they they |
3282s | already |
3285s | um |
3289s | ret they already get more for potential |
3291s | than uh non uh exalted |
3295s | items um like the quality is already |
3297s | there I don't I don't think we plans to |
3299s | increase the quality |
3304s | anymore does this activate from anywhere |
3306s | now it I'm pretty sure it |
3309s | does |
3310s | don't will will reveal the path too's |
3318s | Temple it's okay I can just I read |
3320s | really quick |
3322s | yes oh my God my notifications are fully |
3325s | just like off oh |
3334s | no cuz you guys aren't here in the |
3336s | middle are you let me try let me TR |
3337s | replay somebody |
3339s | these did that come through and I just |
3341s | like didn't hear it |
3359s | here's another |
3362s | one thank you very much to both of you |
3365s | uh everil 91 10 months in a row beep |
3369s | beep |
3372s | and swerve on your ends SW swerve on |
3377s | your ends I feel like there's probably |
3380s | some capitalization that it makes it |
3381s | easier but thank you very much for the |
3382s | sub appreciate having you here |
3394s | I don't know how this aren't coming |
3408s | through more |
3411s | questions L are not working I'm not |
3413s | losing my mind |
3415s | woohoo wait no I like losing my mind oh |
3419s | no uh in the future we have new elements |
3423s | uh for spell example Shadow strike fire |
3427s | thanks |
3429s | um we |
3433s | we we don't have |
3436s | EV we limit the elements in which an |
3439s | ability can be converted into very |
3442s | carefully and very |
3443s | intentionally um we don't like have we |
3446s | don't like the aidea of just having hey |
3448s | every ability is convertible to every |
3450s | other element type thing um however we |
3454s | do know that element conversions are a |
3456s | really great way to expand the reach of |
3458s | Any Given ability and um open up some |
3462s | new |
3463s | options so it is the sort of thing that |
3465s | we do look for down the road um it's |
3468s | it's also a bit of a um development a |
3472s | Dev time intensive type of node to add |
3475s | as well like they're they're if if we're |
3477s | going to like put the the development |
3478s | time as a cost in uh in in making |
3481s | something it's |
3483s | um that they are often some of the more |
3485s | expensive |
3501s | notes Here We Go um on top of that there |
3505s | so we have as I I go over this many |
3508s | times um frequently on stream there's |
3511s | every class has primary elements and |
3513s | secondary elements and um uh Niche |
3517s | elements call them and uh |
3520s | we generally don't put conversions that |
3524s | are in primary secondary uh we usually |
3526s | reserve them for items um fire is a |
3529s | primary element for Spell blade |
3533s | um Shadow strike not being convertible |
3535s | to fire |
3537s | um catching the thread here I'm coming |
3538s | back around uh you already have |
3541s | two um fire melee abilities in flame |
3545s | reaven Firebrand and um having a third |
3549s | is it's a lot of fire melee abilities |
3553s | um so in order to kind of keep |
3557s | those having their own unique place in |
3559s | the |
3560s | world uh I I think is is why we probably |
3563s | haven't put fire Shadow strike in the |
3565s | game yet |
3567s | um that's not to say it won't ever be |
3568s | play the |
3570s | game uh have you played or watched the |
3573s | current PTR for G2 D4 PTR for season 4 |
3576s | if so thoughts I haven't watched |
3578s | anything about that yet um I |
3584s | find |
3589s | um I I I I wanted to I wanted to let the |
3593s | dust settle a little bit um after the |
3595s | after the PTR was finished and they had |
3597s | a chance toact on the feedback um and |
3599s | see what was actually coming to the game |
3602s | uh I want I wanted to see that |
3604s | before uh I I really dove in too deep I |
3607s | I've like I've looked at some of the the |
3608s | the like I I know that the major things |
3611s | that are changing and theit the the |
3613s | broad picture feature changes and stuff |
3615s | like that um but I haven't like read |
3618s | through all the patch notes individually |
3620s | myself |
3621s | yet I going save that for the actual |
3623s | patch |
3632s | those are textur something's wrong |
3636s | there weird uh our experimental AIX is |
3640s | going to rotate uh like some stay as |
3642s | regular some go to new ones appear uh |
3644s | maybe on different slots uh I |
3649s | I I I don't think there's any plans that |
3651s | I think would be |
3654s | unlikely what are we doing here |
3665s | here |
3668s | what I go the wrong |
3681s | way it's okay |
3688s | shall explore back this |
3691s | way uh can we expect items or reworks |
3693s | for improving weaker Masters builds like |
3695s | Forge guard Shield throw comes to |
3697s | mind there there you go Aon that's a |
3700s | that's a confirm |
3702s | confirmation |
3703s | um the uh we we |
3707s | do uh we we do like to look at |
3711s | underperforming uh and overperforming |
3714s | items and skills and all sorts of things |
3716s | frequently um I don't have any specific |
3719s | details on individual potential upcoming |
3721s | balance changes for next |
3724s | patch uh will there be improvements and |
3727s | additions to loot field system yes |
3731s | um there's a few things is that spawned |
3734s | outside of the reachable |
3736s | area |
3743s | no give me my ice beetle |
3756s | it's okay Beetle welcome |
3759s | back let you go thank |
3767s | you um my best bu it's all I |
3772s | got uh any plans to lessen the |
3775s | randomness of of legendary items so we |
3777s | can control what gets added um we don't |
3780s | have any plans for that right now um I |
3783s | it's not impossible but |
3788s | um it it changes the |
3792s | like chance of |
3794s | getting uh X legendary |
3798s | item quite a |
3800s | bit um |
3807s | I I I I don't know it's it's possible I |
3810s | haven't seen anything I haven't seen any |
3812s | internal suggestions or discussions on |
3816s | it you have a suggestion go to the |
3819s | suggestions forums drop one there |
3824s | please uh will we have voice packs in |
3826s | the future I'd love to see a queen Hive |
3829s | voice uh for the Swarm blade form like |
3831s | zerges carrian that would be really cool |
3834s | um I think that would something we would |
3836s | just add not really it be a pack to buy |
3839s | but um I I don't know if anyone's |
3841s | working on that right now I really hope |
3842s | so it' be |
3857s | sweet we're going to go back into the |
3859s | monolith here pretty quick just wanted |
3860s | to get these done so close my idle |
3864s | slots the hunt |
3873s | uh when do you expect to have steam |
3874s | achievements for the game uh it's going |
3875s | to be a |
3883s | while uh any plans to tweak RNG involved |
3886s | with |
3887s | crafting no I feel it's way too easy to |
3890s | Brick items especially for casual |
3892s | players like myself um |
3896s | I think |
3900s | the I think |
3904s | the ability to readily see so many |
3910s | amazingly lucky crafted items and not |
3914s | see all of the brick items that went |
3916s | into making those amazing items |
3919s | um can help to set unreasonable |
3921s | expectations on how easy or difficult it |
3925s | is in your mind |
3931s | um to to be frank I think the crafting |
3934s | system is incredibly |
3935s | forgiving |
3938s | um |
3940s | and yeah I I like we're we're not we |
3943s | have no plans to make it harder but um I |
3946s | I think it's incredibly |
3952s | forgiving |
3954s | um yeah |
3966s | I Was |
3967s | preparing uh potions for that fight |
3970s | because usually takes a long time |
3986s | the the RNG also I should mention this |
3988s | with crafting RNG it is actually more on |
3990s | your side than it appears um this is |
3994s | something we've talked about lot before |
3995s | but the um when it says like you'll lose |
3999s | like this this this Forge is going to |
4000s | take between 1 and 15 forun potential to |
4002s | do this thing |
4007s | um the way it works is there's like |
4009s | there's a small chance for you to get a |
4011s | a Lucky Craft and if you get a Lucky |
4014s | Craft it then re rolls the range from |
4017s | your first roll as the new maximum so if |
4019s | you so so you roll 115 and you roll a |
4022s | six it's like it's going to it's going |
4024s | to eat six 4G potential and he like it's |
4027s | medium it's fine whatever but then you |
4028s | get lucky and you roll a Lucky Craft it |
4030s | then rerolls a again with a range 1 to |
4033s | six um so the the |
4037s | average amount you're going to pay for |
4040s | for potential for an item is is actually |
4043s | less than the average of the range that |
4044s | you see listed |
4049s | so there there is there is that tiny |
4052s | little extra RNG for you right |
4060s | there all right is the plans to allow us |
4063s | to move tabs in the quick view window |
4065s | while in stash not specifically but we |
4066s | did just make some changes that might |
4068s | make that possible something that I |
4069s | really wanted to do for a long time um |
4079s | uh how do you feel about Dort getting |
4081s | inspired by Le like with exalted affixes |
4084s | I I think it's a good thing to be able |
4086s | to positively influence other games in |
4087s | the in in the general in the genre um |
4092s | I um so if if if they that that did come |
4097s | from us um I think it's really cool I |
4100s | think that's that's um I'd be really |
4102s | proud to have had an influence like that |
4104s | on Diablo 4 if if if that's the case um |
4109s | I'm still not convinced it was I I don't |
4115s | know it's it's |
4118s | possible |
4123s | um e either way it's pretty cool too |
4126s | easy whether it's coincidence or an |
4128s | influence I think it's pretty neat |
4133s | um we can just warp out of here I don't |
4135s | know why I'm still fighting |
4144s | things |
4150s | yes one |
4153s | more |
4155s | not come on let me Dash in |
4159s | town yes |
4168s | oh |
4170s | yeah that's what I'm talking |
4174s | about um I don't know where he I assume |
4176s | he got it from me after I just said it |
4177s | like that my son said the other day he |
4179s | was like that's what I'm talking about |
4182s | like yeah good |
4183s | job who was |
4186s | adorable not |
4188s | happening |
4190s | okay we're going back to monels we don't |
4193s | really care what else |
4194s | happens uh |
4201s | um do |
4206s | we we try for one of the ' 90s yeah |
4209s | let's try for one of the 90s what's the |
4210s | worst that could happen |
4214s | right will you improve multiplayer |
4217s | experience yes as of now it's a bit well |
4221s | awful sort to say love the game though |
4223s | um yep we are constantly working on it |
4227s | um |
4229s | there's uh I don't know how much i' love |
4232s | to talk about this stuff we're working |
4233s | on specifically but we're definitely |
4235s | working on big changes for that uh I |
4238s | will have some effect on overall |
4241s | multiplayer performance it's hard to |
4242s | tell the um the like the test servers |
4246s | because there's so less uh so so less of |
4252s | a load on them um |
4257s | they |
4258s | uh they're naturally just a little bit |
4260s | faster but our most recent test |
4263s | was really |
4266s | promising hey not bad |
4272s | um so I'm hoping most of that test was |
4276s | um the changes made and not just the |
4279s | difference between live and staging |
4293s | this is much more |
4295s | challenging but still very much in our |
4303s | wheelhouse I pick how enemies get Marked |
4305s | for Death |
4309s | Echo is mic a big dum |
4313s | dum answers through this and more after |
4315s | this |
4321s | commercial a player has been ambushed |
4325s | who Okay more stuff more questions what |
4327s | skills would you entire which skills |
4329s | would you love to entirely rework no |
4331s | budget |
4331s | con ooh |
4346s | I would like to and it's okay I'm I'm |
4350s | going to cheat in the question because I |
4351s | don't want to rework the I don't want to |
4352s | rework the the skill the no budget |
4354s | constraints means I'd like to implement |
4356s | the skill the way it is written and |
4360s | everyone assumes it is before they |
4362s | realize it's not sadly um I I would I |
4365s | would want |
4366s | to uh to change manifest armor and Forge |
4369s | weapons and all of the uh the the the |
4373s | forge guard abilities that manif EST |
4376s | copies of your gear to actually manifest |
4379s | copies of your gear that had the actual |
4381s | abilities of your gear |
4387s | um oh sorry about that came out of |
4390s | nowhere |
4392s | um was right in the mic I'm so |
4394s | sorry um yeah I'd like I'd like to have |
4398s | that done that's and it wouldn't need to |
4400s | change the the the trees that much at |
4401s | all like the trees actually are pretty |
4403s | decent um |
4405s | I just want to make uniques work with |
4409s | them but that's just such a humongous |
4412s | undertaking I don't I don't even know |
4414s | where to start with |
4416s | that what is your main role in the dev |
4418s | team what do you mostly work on well big |
4421s | skill problems like that I just was |
4424s | describing |
4427s | um yeah right right now I'm mostly skill |
4429s | bugs uh I I I I'm part of the design |
4433s | team as well um |
4436s | I've done a lot of UI development in the |
4438s | past I'm trying to hand that off more |
4439s | and |
4440s | more why this job posting up right now |
4442s | for senior UI developer I |
4444s | think take half of my responsibilities |
4447s | away from me |
4455s | yes more so just have a dedicated person |
4458s | on it that |
4459s | uh someone |
4462s | goes didn't even know how to fix this UI |
4464s | problem or who do we talk to about this |
4465s | UI thing it's not like well there's |
4468s | these four people that have worked on UI |
4470s | and this one worked on this part of the |
4471s | UI and this one worked on that part it's |
4472s | just here's the person who runs the |
4482s | UI from a Dev perspective not a design |
4486s | perspective we got that and |
4487s | spades up |
4490s | Russ uh what is the most interesting |
4493s | ability that was floated for a game that |
4495s | didn't make it to live uh can you talk a |
4498s | little bit about why it was interesting |
4500s | and why it didn't go |
4502s | live |
4505s | oh I don't have any good examples off |
4507s | the top of my head at |
4509s | all |
4521s | um some of the Rune Master pitches were |
4523s | pretty interesting |
4527s | um we don't want to do anything too |
4529s | complicated |
4534s | there |
4537s | um Abyssal soul harvester of conf flager |
4541s | likely not good for |
4545s | me potion come |
4548s | on you know you love potions |
4555s | any better potion rate so |
4560s | bad uh this is tricky this might be a |
4563s | little too hard for |
4566s | me just going |
4569s | to acquire some potion stockpile before |
4573s | we do |
4576s | this like the worst thing possible to do |
4580s | whatever though uh good good things that |
4584s | I'm forgetting about that were were |
4588s | interesting we couldn't |
4590s | do it's too much |
4598s | work it was okay there there was there |
4600s | was some Minion focused Rune |
4602s | Masters um that would have been really |
4605s | interesting and cool but they would have |
4606s | been so |
4608s | complicated |
4612s | um there was one concept that basically |
4614s | had you casting everything from like a |
4617s | minion almost like a |
4632s | familiar great for us but that's okay |
4646s | uh there was some cool ideas for |
4648s | volatile reversal that I still want to |
4650s | do so I kind of don't want to show what |
4652s | they were |
4655s | um that skill needs to |
4658s | rework it's like it it is really good |
4662s | and uh it is really fun to use but it's |
4665s | too it's too universally useful the |
4668s | utility is just so universally awesome |
4671s | that I think it needs |
4674s | um I think it needs some of its power |
4677s | hidden in the top half of the Void |
4679s | Knight tree specifically so that or or |
4682s | or through some other method of like |
4683s | void Knight restrictions so it's like |
4685s | anyone can use it it's still really good |
4686s | for anyone but it's like it's amazing on |
4688s | void Knight it's good on everyone else |
4690s | is is one is one thing I think would be |
4692s | really healthy for Sentinel as a master |
4694s | or as a base class overall |
4698s | um and then i' I'd like to see it have |
4701s | more |
4703s | um intent ality to it more setup more uh |
4708s | planning involved I think would be I |
4710s | think would be a useful thing for |
4716s | it can't remember what the question was |
4718s | I'm just rambling about skill changes I |
4719s | want |
4724s | now I'll look over and answer I promise |
4728s | let me let me oh yeah oh so good oh |
4733s | totally totally super super useful for |
4734s | my build definitely so |
4739s | good |
4741s | slow |
4743s | whatever uh is there still a rework of |
4746s | the shaman in |
4748s | progress as as I said for a long time |
4750s | ago I don't like this term rework really |
4752s | for |
4753s | Shaman um we we are still actively |
4757s | updating and making changes to |
4760s | it you might be the best way to put |
4764s | that but the core themes |
4767s | and um most of the skills won't have |
4770s | their primary functions uh dramatically |
4784s | alter uh it's it's missing a skill it's |
4787s | missing uh some some nice |
4789s | interactions um it's got a couple strong |
4792s | bugs |
4793s | still there's there's just like a few |
4795s | little things that need to come into |
4797s | place and then like an extra skill to |
4799s | get slapped in there I think it's well |
4801s | on its |
4807s | way uh our skills that are bow attack |
4810s | and melee are skills that are bow attack |
4813s | and melee benefit from passive nodes |
4814s | that only state bow attack or |
4817s | melee uh or is it while that skill is |
4820s | performing as a bow attack it only |
4821s | benefits from passives that state bow |
4822s | attacks and not melee yet so when when |
4824s | you have um when when you put an ability |
4827s | like puncture on your |
4829s | bar |
4831s | um this because I have a melee weapon |
4834s | equipped this is always a melee |
4838s | attack and uh it does not get benefits |
4842s | from bow anything right now if I were to |
4846s | equip a bow it is always a bow attack |
4848s | and doesn't get any benefits or Mele |
4853s | anything it does a full s swap I don't |
4856s | the tool tip doesn't update nicely |
4858s | unfortunately if we can do |
4860s | that be interesting to look |
4864s | into have a check what you're |
4872s | wearing yeah I might be able to do |
4878s | that not |
4882s | sure all right any plans to allow CF |
4885s | players to Target Farm Boss drops like |
4887s | Prophecy with increased chance for a |
4890s | boss to drop rare items or duplicate |
4893s | boss drops um I I don't think there's |
4895s | any plans uh for the prophecies to |
4897s | affect boss drops at the |
4903s | moment but I'm not sure on that I may |
4906s | have just like missed that or something |
4920s | Mana |
4933s | issues this is called frantically |
4936s | attempting not to die |
4945s | and somehow |
4966s | succeeding all right uh is there an ETA |
4970s | for when we can expect to receive |
4972s | digital soundtrack from The Ultimate |
4973s | Edition |
4980s | this is me going to look and make sure |
4981s | it's not already there in |
4992s | Steam it is not there already |
4996s | H |
4998s | surprising I do not know when that's |
5001s | coming sorry |
5009s | surprised it's not there already |
5015s | though Ward on potion use and like |
5017s | damage we don't do Ward we don't do |
5019s | potion we don't use our potions and we |
5021s | don't do light any damage |
5045s | on the topic of legendary crafting are |
5048s | there any plans to let us shatter the |
5049s | ones we break |
5051s | no um I do think there's room for |
5055s | interesting or for for something to |
5057s | happen in that space we don't need play |
5059s | sword at the moment um |
5065s | I guess I just also want to if I say we |
5066s | don't have any plans for something |
5067s | doesn't mean we can't have plans for |
5068s | something if you want to see it go leave |
5070s | a suggestion in the suggestions forums |
5073s | um you never |
5075s | know we we we we do read the suggestions |
5078s | forms and we we take suggestions from |
5080s | the suggestions forms and talk about |
5081s | them in design meetings |
5083s | um but we don't take suggestions from uh |
5087s | from from |
5093s | here um yeah there's like any anytime |
5097s | you end up with a byproduct of a failed |
5103s | crafting |
5104s | experiment um I think it's I think it's |
5107s | reasonable to have some sort of |
5109s | mechanical outlet for that to try and |
5111s | recoup some of the cost or uh at least |
5113s | gain some sort of secondary benefit from |
5117s | it like just selling it for gold is is |
5120s | the most basic form of that and is so |
5123s | underwhelming it almost feels like |
5124s | doesn't exist |
5138s | um it almost feels like it almost feels |
5141s | like a good uh like dungeon reward or |
5143s | something or I don't know like a new |
5147s | crafting material |
5148s | maybe that's problematic but |
5153s | yeah uh |
5157s | having those build into legendary |
5158s | potential and other uniques is a pretty |
5160s | firm now |
5166s | though uh any possibility of tweaking |
5169s | the legendary crafting for lp3 lp4 items |
5171s | to prioritize including at least one |
5173s | exalted stat I I mean anything's |
5176s | possible but no uh it doesn't feel good |
5179s | to finally get an extremely rare lp3 |
5180s | item finally get a compatible exalted |
5183s | item then have the eternity cash pull |
5184s | every stat except the exalted stat yeah |
5187s | it's like I I can I can understand the |
5190s | frustration there um I've you know |
5194s | like I've I've rolled enough ctas in my |
5197s | day to to to know that |
5199s | frustration |
5203s | um but uh it's I think it's important |
5206s | that it's it's not a guarantee and you |
5210s | know like there there is an element of |
5211s | risk and reward to it um |
5216s | maybe it's too much maybe it's too |
5217s | little I don't know but |
5227s | um I you already have like a uh three |
5231s | out of four you know chance of getting |
5233s | it so |
5235s | like that's pretty high rate |
5245s | hi hello how you doing good job on |
5247s | making the game thanks uh spent some |
5249s | nice 200 hours on it awesome I have no |
5251s | regrets any plans rele some sort of road |
5254s | map ah road maps are so |
5259s | tricky I'd really like |
5261s | to um that's a lot of |
5265s | damage that's a lot of |
5268s | damage um I really like to releas a road |
5271s | map of some |
5273s | sort um |
5275s | we we've done it a few different times |
5279s | and we we've kind of had issues with it |
5281s | every time and I'm not sure how to do a |
5285s | road map that effectively communicates |
5288s | what we wanted to |
5290s | communicate and |
5292s | doesn't |
5294s | uh leave room for players to make up |
5297s | their own things for it to |
5299s | communicate I guess it's the best for |
5301s | that like like we we've we've put things |
5303s | in road maps and like not included |
5305s | something else and suddenly the fact |
5307s | that we didn't include something in |
5308s | robat means we're planning like we we |
5311s | we're forbidding for it ever happen in |
5312s | the game or um we we add it to the like |
5315s | a road map we say like and a distant |
5317s | thing we're considering is this um and |
5320s | it means it's coming next patch and it's |
5321s | like there's so much so many |
5322s | misconceptions that come from road maps |
5324s | that I don't I think it's possible that |
5326s | they might do more harm than good in |
5328s | some cases |
5341s | um |
5343s | but it is really nice to to have that |
5347s | information available um I think we kind |
5351s | of need to find a way to do it um I |
5355s | don't know if we have any active plans |
5358s | or development along those lines right |
5360s | now |
5367s | big |
5371s | boy got |
5391s | him uh can we get the ice Beetle as a |
5393s | minion in a future class it's cute as |
5395s | heck it is pretty cute um this actually |
5397s | came up yesterday in ASDS I think um I I |
5402s | think I I wouldn't I'm I'm against doing |
5404s | this |
5406s | um |
5408s | and or or if we do it we need to remove |
5411s | it from the |
5412s | shrines I don't think that it's a good |
5415s | idea to have a player summonable minion |
5419s | as also a shrine summonable minion I |
5421s | think it needs to be one or the other so |
5422s | if we ever did pull the ice beetle to |
5424s | the player we would need to put |
5425s | something else in the shrine um I really |
5428s | like the way the ice Beetle functions in |
5430s | the game I think it's such uh |
5433s | um I think I think it's a really |
5437s | mechanically interesting bonus to have |
5439s | because in a lot of C think freeze is a |
5442s | really uncommon mechanic to run um and |
5445s | it has such a high freeze rate that it |
5448s | it changes the dynamic of combat for a |
5450s | little while and I think that's really |
5452s | interesting and I'm I I wish we had more |
5455s | shrines that really change the dynamic |
5457s | of combat more |
5460s | um so |
5464s | yeah uh I will oh yeah half an hour |
5469s | left flying by here |
5473s | um yeah well we'll keep going |
5477s | questions uh what is the most important |
5481s | things you guys want Ellie to differ |
5483s | from Mo from pewy |
5487s | ah we we we we so |
5491s | rarely we so rarely look at this and say |
5494s | like okay how like how can we make this |
5495s | different than peee that's that's almost |
5497s | never a conversation we have |
5502s | um the only time that comes up is if |
5504s | we've like accidentally developed |
5506s | something that's so similar that we're |
5507s | like H we got to differentiate this a |
5509s | little bit somehow um it's only happened |
5512s | once but like |
5518s | we we're kind of we we try and keep |
5520s | ourselves concentrated on our own game |
5523s | and not on what other people are |
5525s | doing |
5528s | um |
5533s | yeah just dropping keys left and right |
5535s | wants me to go do |
5536s | dungeons ice speedle |
5539s | boy what oh there it is okay thought it |
5542s | didn't give it to me for a second I was |
5543s | like |
5545s | got |
5547s | problem it need a better icon |
5550s | though also it's going to vanish by the |
5553s | time we actually get to anything to |
5554s | fight I |
5557s | think ice be do your thing activate ice |
5561s | Beetle yes that was close it froze |
5565s | something I saw it |
5593s | might have to drop |
5595s | something I don't want to drop something |
5606s | all right did you think about to hide |
5610s | did you think about to hide LP |
5614s | number would be nice for crafting |
5616s | without knowing how many LP has |
5626s | item uh okay so like you find it unique |
5630s | and it just says has legendary potential |
5632s | but it doesn't say like how much AR |
5634s | potential it has so you kind of just |
5636s | slap it in and hope for the |
5637s | best uh I I I I don't think that would |
5641s | be a popular change but if you'd like to |
5643s | leave the suggestion please head on over |
5644s | to the forums and drop it there uh |
5647s | speaking of Dashing in town why is it |
5649s | that you can't use abilities in town in |
5651s | offline but not online or you can't you |
5655s | can use them offline you can't use them |
5656s | online um uh performance server issues |
5661s | it's like if if you could use abilities |
5663s | into Town um the servers would would |
5667s | would crash and burn very very quickly |
5670s | we confirmed this many |
5676s | times lots of good stuff up there oh |
5679s | yeah so glad that icon got changed this |
5685s | one we're going to go up we're going to |
5687s | do |
5690s | it hello hi I really enjoy I just really |
5695s | oh random name X that's a 20 month sub |
5699s | right there thank you very much Lee just |
5702s | going to do these manually because I |
5704s | don't know why it's not working |
5712s | automatically volume's on to play the |
5716s | filters are set right I don't know why |
5717s | it's not |
5718s | working I think I turned it off last |
5720s | time cuz it was going nuts and I just |
5722s | like it doesn't want to come back we'll |
5723s | figure it out |
5725s | uh hello I really enjoy Le and it's |
5727s | great game thank you very much will we |
5729s | get new unique Idols for every class and |
5732s | sets uh or does some sets get buffed |
5739s | um uh unique Idols are quite rare for us |
5742s | to add |
5746s | um it's it's kind of a special thing to |
5749s | to have a unique idle but it is space |
5751s | that we do want to explore more um |
5755s | and just had to get a little bit of blue |
5757s | out of there um as as for set items we |
5761s | do have a slightly longer term plan for |
5763s | set items to be uh to have a shift in |
5769s | their place in the gearing World |
5774s | um they they they need they need a |
5776s | little bit they need a new mechanic to |
5779s | go with them overall in order to have |
5781s | them fit into your |
5782s | gearing ecosystem |
5784s | nicely um so we're still working on that |
5787s | we've got something planned it's not |
5788s | implemented yet um once it's done and |
5791s | dusted we can we can talk about all that |
5792s | sort of stuff but uh we are working on |
5794s | sets we know they're not awesome uh they |
5797s | will be |
5803s | awesome I know there's there's there's |
5805s | uh healthy and heavy skepticism around |
5807s | the possibility that sets can be done |
5809s | well um and you know maybe our idea |
5812s | doesn't work and if it doesn't work we |
5813s | may have to Pivot we may have to remove |
5815s | it I don't know what's going to happen |
5817s | um we' even made some pseudo sets |
5819s | already cuz we didn't like the way sets |
5820s | were going um the the mountain set for |
5824s | example set |
5844s | the transfer first instead of avoiding |
5849s | those all right 10 minute warning on |
5851s | taking questions so uh if your |
5854s | question's not in in the next 10 minutes |
5856s | we are not answering |
5865s | it oh my goodness that's what happens |
5868s | when your hand is in the wrong spot of |
5869s | the keyboard |
5874s | this is what happens when you're bad at |
5875s | the game oh I heard that one I heard |
5878s | that |
5880s | one yeah Gideon x uh Gideon 9 Gideon |
5889s | 933 go gide a |
5892s | 933 very |
5899s | much oh is a gifted sub |
5904s | for Tito |
5906s | Londo thank you very much glad to have |
5908s | youall with |
5915s | us perfect |
5918s | test uh all |
5920s | right we will be able to make Ally out |
5924s | of big bosses from different timelines |
5926s | question mark |
5931s | uh not really I don't think so uh that |
5935s | that's a cool |
5938s | idea play the suggestions |
5943s | clip um it would be cool if an influent |
5946s | uh influent if an influent character |
5950s | like an influential character would come |
5951s | and help us like in Hades in a form of a |
5953s | boon or a form of a more direct way oh |
5956s | like um like you got herat's blessing |
5959s | and you're fighting lagon and herat |
5961s | shows up to like help you for a second |
5962s | yeah that would be really cool |
5965s | um I haven't heard anything like that |
5981s | planned that's an exalted |
5985s | belt has not what I want on it dang |
5992s | it I'm really on the lookout for good |
5994s | belt right |
5997s | now any thoughts on adding a unique to |
6000s | tornado that allows tornadoes to combine |
6002s | into one giant single one don't we have |
6005s | that on the |
6009s | tree like cast 10 and it merges into one |
6012s | oh like like 10 active ones uh I mean I |
6016s | haven't seen anything like that but if |
6016s | you'd like to leave a suggestion head on |
6018s | over to the forums |
6026s | uh it it it doesn't work having skills |
6029s | interact with other skills after the |
6030s | fact is really difficult to do um and if |
6034s | they if they move it's so much harder so |
6037s | you may you may notice that um just in |
6039s | 1.0 for the first time we actually had |
6040s | skills that can interact with each other |
6043s | um it's a very new thing uh and caused |
6045s | all sorts of problems um and with the |
6048s | like dive bomb interacting with smoke |
6049s | bomb |
6051s | and |
6052s | uh something else too with with um |
6056s | decoy where it like detonates |
6059s | decoy that one worked better but yeah |
6062s | it's it's having skills interacting with |
6064s | other skills is something we've always |
6065s | wanted to do one one of the very early |
6067s | concepts for the game was um being able |
6070s | to do like cross class interactions for |
6072s | example like uh the the one that was |
6074s | pitched really early on we never did was |
6078s | um like being able to shoot a fireball |
6081s | like a m a Mage and a druid and the Mage |
6084s | or the drw like cast tornado and then |
6086s | the Mage like shoots fireball at the the |
6088s | tornado and the tornado becomes fire |
6090s | tornado um it's how you got the fire |
6092s | Tado note |
6096s | actually which is the like prime example |
6099s | of an off |
6102s | class uh primary element conversion in a |
6111s | tree it's a Remnant from a failed |
6113s | mechanic |
6116s | uh any plans for the bot in chat |
6118s | promoting their sites uh asking earlier |
6121s | not sure if it skipped over or not um |
6125s | the uh we we delete so many messages and |
6130s | prevent so many more from even coming in |
6132s | in the first place uh you're seeing a |
6134s | tiny teeny tiny fraction of the messages |
6136s | that get sent regarding gold spam it's |
6140s | insane |
6142s | um I hope I hope |
6144s | if if anyone out there runs a gold |
6145s | selling website and you're watching this |
6147s | please stop it |
6149s | sucks uh no that won't do |
6155s | anything uh do you guys consider other |
6157s | engines such as unreal as opposed Unity |
6159s | yes we did um the timeline on the game's |
6162s | development um made Unity the pretty |
6166s | obvious |
6167s | choice uh |
6170s | and um let I frequently get the question |
6172s | like would if you go back would you do |
6174s | something different um no I wouldn't do |
6177s | something different and |
6179s | um do I think unreal would be better at |
6182s | certain things uh than others for us yes |
6185s | definitely |
6187s | um I don't think the game would have |
6189s | gotten this far if we'd picked |
6192s | unreal easy too |
6195s | easy so I'm very happy with our |
6198s | choice I would not have changed |
6201s | it but we did consider other |
6209s | stop taking questions wonderful thank |
6210s | you very much appreciate it no more |
6211s | questions question cut |
6213s | off that uh we do that ruy is there |
6217s | plans for an idle crafting system I |
6219s | going answer this question right now |
6220s | this the last question I'm answering |
6221s | everything before this I'll answer |
6222s | everything after I'm not answering uh so |
6224s | so plans from Idol craftsm um we don't |
6226s | have any active plans in development for |
6228s | it but I'd really love to have one and I |
6230s | think there's a good chance it will be |
6231s | something we add down the line um it's |
6234s | it's one of those like axes of character |
6236s | progression and uh mechanical stuff that |
6239s | we've intentionally left bare so that we |
6241s | can add it in the |
6250s | future all right so no more questions |
6252s | but I will answer all the ones that the |
6254s | there's still a bunch that I haven't |
6255s | answered between the last one answered |
6257s | in the one that I just answered so I |
6259s | will be answering those don't worry all |
6261s | right I know you're going to in some |
6264s | character creation um will that also |
6266s | include female male for every class we |
6268s | do have plans for a character |
6271s | customization system um whereby you'll |
6274s | be able to customize the appearance of |
6276s | your character we do plan on including |
6278s | body type as one of those options um I |
6282s | this is this is not a soon thing this is |
6284s | not something people are actively |
6285s | working on developing inside the team |
6287s | right now um this is going to be quite a |
6289s | ways out |
6291s | um but it is something that we are are |
6294s | um interested in doing still planning on |
6296s | doing uh it's not been |
6301s | forgotten gets asked every week you |
6304s | won't let us forget it that's fine um |
6306s | it's it's one of those things that like |
6308s | um and this is my Spiel for it every |
6310s | time is people either either it's the |
6312s | most important thing in the game or who |
6314s | cares type thing um and there just a few |
6318s | people are like it's a nice value ad |
6319s | it's good to have but it's not a big |
6321s | deal if it doesn't have it um |
6325s | and it's it's one of those things where |
6327s | we feel like there's just other parts of |
6329s | the core game systems that we need to |
6330s | develop first um and once we've had more |
6333s | time to develop those |
6336s | um and the core game is feeling better |
6338s | and all that sort of stuff it's it's the |
6339s | type of thing that we will uh expand |
6341s | into and be looking to improve because |
6343s | it is it is important it is incredibly |
6345s | important to a huge uh group of people |
6349s | and um we we want |
6352s | to have a game they enjoy |
6365s | playing all right uh Mike scale of 1 to |
6368s | 100 what is the likelihood of any future |
6370s | merch including a plushy Gregory oh |
6375s | God I I |
6380s | I I'm I'm I'm like rattled by the |
6383s | question |
6384s | apparently um I want merch so bad um |
6389s | every week my mom sends me a message |
6390s | asking when she can buy merch |
6394s | um so don't worry I can't forget it |
6402s | um I I I don't know when it's going to |
6404s | happen I keep getting told it's coming |
6405s | soon it's in the works y y yada um the |
6409s | chances of it happening extremely high |
6411s | say 92 |
6414s | 97 we're extremely high it's going to |
6416s | happen chance it's going to happen |
6418s | anytime soon I don't |
6425s | know whoever whoever's working on merch |
6427s | hit me up in my off time I'll do it in |
6429s | my |
6429s | downtime I'll push for it I'll call I'll |
6431s | call Distributors what do I need to do |
6433s | I'll do it let let me let let me do |
6441s | it I know nothing about implementing |
6443s | merch it might be really difficult I |
6445s | just a complete |
6454s | Noob but I know there were some Plushies |
6456s | that were talked about at one point I |
6458s | don't know if that ever came of anything |
6461s | but I know there was it was it was a |
6463s | discussion at least |
6473s | no LP garbage throw it |
6481s | away uh any plans to let were bear form |
6484s | swap its basic attack from swi to |
6486s | Gathering storm now that we have a new |
6488s | skill to support lightning bear |
6489s | synergies uh don't no plans on it that |
6492s | I've heard I'd be more interested in |
6494s | hitting some spriggan synergies than uh |
6497s | bars it's got so many already but um |
6499s | yeah it's possible suggestions the y y |
6504s | yada uh do you plan on doing a cooking |
6506s | stream for Q&A a cooking stream like |
6510s | like me actually cooking |
6513s | something uh |
6516s | no I can sit here make sushi or uh lots |
6520s | of other things |
6521s | too but like stuff outside like that I |
6525s | could bring outside of the kitchen I I |
6528s | that's so no I'm not doing a cooking |
6530s | stream sorry |
6535s | oh ice Beetle posi let's |
6541s | go can't stop the beetle |
6544s | Bros Super Beetle |
6553s | Bros by our powers combined we are |
6556s | Beetle |
6557s | Bros guess we're going to name them this |
6559s | one this one's |
6560s | donatell this one's Michelangelo |
6563s | this one's |
6564s | Raphael this one's |
6568s | Jack I'm |
6570s | Mike |
6575s | I I'm sticking by my |
6577s | mistakes it was right there and I missed |
6579s | it it doesn't matter |
6599s | all right more questions would it be |
6601s | possible for you to integrate automatic |
6602s | collection of shards as well as Keys it |
6604s | is technically possible for us to do |
6606s | that we have no plans to do |
6613s | so uh will we uh will get one day some |
6616s | kind of Capstone passive uh at the last |
6620s | nose of the skill trees for each class |
6623s | they'll be exclusive with each other |
6624s | right now I feel no excitement when I |
6626s | reach the far end of the skill tree |
6628s | that's that's an interesting point you |
6630s | brought we actually considered that cuz |
6631s | like we do put like cap some ones up |
6633s | there um and we considered having them |
6635s | be unique from each other |
6637s | um can't remember why we didn't but um |
6641s | that is that is something we have |
6642s | considered |
6646s | before any plans in lives to zoom out |
6649s | the fov a bit |
6652s | no no no no uh good day good day any |
6657s | plans on adding some sort of Base |
6661s | mechanic some form like oh base mechanic |
6664s | like Hideout or something if you yes |
6666s | would it be customized um I I'd love to |
6668s | get something like this in |
6670s | I I don't |
6673s | know sweet |
6676s | um we've always had this sort of |
6680s | hesitation to make a base |
6683s | uh a base mechanic like that like a |
6685s | hideout a customizable Hideout system |
6688s | um in the fear that it |
6691s | will uh pull people out of towns too |
6694s | much and you know everyone's isolated on |
6696s | their own servers um and |
6704s | would you know not not really have |
6708s | a few other little things |
6711s | but if the there were a way |
6715s | to customize some space that you went |
6718s | into |
6719s | frequently um I I don't know it's it's |
6723s | possible I i' would say I i' I'd love to |
6725s | do it I think there's um there's |
6727s | probably some way to |
6729s | incorporate that uh would would Sage our |
6733s | concerns and uh still be interesting and |
6736s | exciting for players to do |
6739s | um I don't know what that is off head |
6741s | right now I'm sorry |
6745s | uh any Ward changes yep um I think I can |
6749s | go into detail on them right now but um |
6753s | yeah there there's I mean all there has |
6755s | to be |
6756s | is one like the the the W aics the |
6759s | maximum of t7 w aics reduced by one |
6762s | there's W changes you know I I don't |
6763s | know what it's going to be um but yeah |
6765s | we we are looking at w we there's the |
6768s | intention behind the question is likely |
6769s | in regards to Ward being kind of op |
6772s | right now |
6773s | um and and yeah |
6775s | there's uh I think room for Ward |
6783s | to Ward's kind of finicky it's a really |
6786s | interesting mechanic and it it lends |
6789s | itself really well to Min maxing |
6793s | um at the same time when you minmax w |
6796s | too hard it kind of |
6801s | goes it kind of goes too hard that's |
6805s | funny back to back Titan |
6811s | hurt |
6813s | um so while it is something that like |
6816s | would be nice |
6819s | to improve upon |
6824s | I'm we got some plans for |
6827s | it so similar |
6836s | oh more idols and good |
6841s | there I mean that is good but not for |
6850s | us character sheets yeah it's going to |
6853s | happen one day I promise eventually |
6854s | it'll take a while can we have R tracing |
6856s | and Nvidia frame generation on settings |
6858s | please um not until we upgrade the |
6861s | engine no sorry it's not |
6865s | possible uh but we are working on |
6867s | upgrading the engine So eventually uh |
6869s | any plans ideas about idle crafting |
6871s | maybe limited form from a |
6873s | dungeon uh not with forg menu yeah I |
6875s | think that's a likely Avenue for us to |
6880s | go uh any plans to adjust mob density we |
6883s | do we we have been uh and probably will |
6887s | continue to gradually increase mob |
6889s | density um like mob density is in 1.0 is |
6893s | more than it was in 0.92 which is more |
6895s | than it was in 0.91 which is more than |
6896s | it was in like you know it is |
6905s | increasing I I love this weapon so |
6917s | much just the visuals of having like |
6919s | this is my anchor I'm going to hit you |
6920s | in the face with an anchor |
6928s | all right any chance is going to be an |
6929s | option to buy more character slots no |
6932s | I'd love to have more characters with |
6933s | more builds uh and just to get and |
6936s | just at the ready and love leveling them |
6940s | um we we are planning on increasing the |
6943s | number of character slots available you |
6944s | won't be able to buy |
6946s | them we consider that a uh like pay for |
6950s | convenience uh type system so we don't |
6953s | want to have it but we do plan on having |
6955s | more uh the the way the character limit |
6959s | was |
6960s | implemented um was really unfortunate |
6962s | we're getting so many Beatles this time |
6963s | I love it and um the way the character |
6966s | limit got implemented it makes it really |
6968s | hard to increase it actually which I |
6969s | know sounds ridiculous um but we have |
6973s | slowly been decoupling it from uh why |
6976s | it's difficult to increase it |
6979s | um it will become easier to increase it |
6981s | in the future |
6984s | um so it is something that we we know |
6986s | people are are looking forward to having |
6988s | more of we do plan to increase it more |
6993s | still it's not quite ready |
6997s | yet and it's not the sort of thing that |
6999s | we're interested in charging |
7001s | for uh regarding the previous question |
7003s | on movement skills in town do you |
7005s | consider to maybe just increase general |
7006s | movement speed when in town we have |
7008s | thought of that |
7010s | um we've we've got something else in |
7012s | mind |
7014s | don't worry it's going to be |
7017s | great bothers me just as much as it |
7019s | bothers |
7021s | you uh do you have a better chance of |
7024s | getting higher LP and high corruption |
7026s | yes you do or is it random it is random |
7028s | but you um it is influenced by the area |
7032s | level and your corruption so once you |
7036s | get to level 100 it's the max the area |
7037s | level can affect it and then after that |
7039s | corruption affects it um and corruption |
7043s | does affect it in lower level zones so |
7045s | if you're in like a a a normal monolith |
7048s | and you do increase your corruption that |
7049s | does affect it as well but it's it's a |
7051s | small amount at that point because it |
7052s | only goes up to 50 Max and it's not a |
7055s | big deal but yes um uh once you're level |
7058s | 100 the only way to increase the chances |
7060s | of an uh item having LP as it's dropping |
7064s | apart from um CF stuff is uh is through |
7070s | uh |
7070s | corruption it's not a huge influence but |
7073s | it it's um it is |
7085s | noticeable and there uh it's it's been a |
7087s | while now and I've already refuted it a |
7089s | couple times but I'll do it again |
7090s | there's been a couple posts that have |
7091s | gone out uh with uh anecdotal data |
7095s | suggesting the opposite is true uh it |
7098s | the sample size was not large enough um |
7101s | and then a secondary test that was run |
7103s | in the same post actually confirmed that |
7105s | it does affect it |
7106s | so it's it it works the way I'm saying |
7110s | it |
7114s | works guess who just survived |
7120s | Avalanche any plans to rework the |
7122s | current bizaar to improve filtering and |
7123s | make it easier to put up items for the |
7125s | right place yep uh any ideas about |
7127s | improving the stash tab search functions |
7129s | something like we get Google does meta |
7131s | search functions |
7133s | uh not quite like that but |
7136s | yes |
7138s | um |
7140s | yeah are we getting any melee love |
7143s | anytime soon |
7145s | yeah well |
7147s | there's we we definitely have kept melee |
7150s | in mind very acutely in the development |
7155s | of the Pinnacle boss content um |
7159s | and it's it's like range does have a |
7163s | very natural |
7165s | Advantage um and we're taking steps to |
7168s | mitigate that natural |
7176s | Advantage uh will the Ardent Creator |
7178s | pack design a unique ever make a return |
7181s | uh the spikes Spike can make a nice |
7184s | one-handed spear I seee that |
7186s | Spike hi |
7189s | um I don't think we have any plans to |
7192s | bring back back the pack as it was um we |
7195s | we love doing supporter uniques |
7198s | supporter uniques are some of some of |
7200s | the best uniques we've ever had or |
7201s | supported uniques something you like |
7204s | have people who have have um just |
7206s | started playing 1.0 um which is like the |
7208s | vast majority of players um have um |
7212s | probably haven't didn't realize that |
7214s | some old some some well established |
7215s | uniques were old old supporter uniques |
7218s | um X Angus for example one of the first |
7220s | supporter uniques um |
7224s | you know like there's there's a lot of |
7227s | really iconic lasty Puck items that have |
7231s | been that have come from support uniques |
7234s | which I think I think is is fantastic um |
7237s | and we would love to get back in there |
7239s | and do more of them with people um and I |
7241s | think I think we will |
7244s | um the uh the the key thing is is |
7249s | that the the amount we'd have to sell |
7252s | them for to like break even on doing |
7255s | them I know I know sounds ridiculous but |
7257s | like the amount that we' have to sell |
7258s | them for to break even as like as a |
7260s | company is is stupid it's a point where |
7262s | you'd be like PE people would be upset |
7265s | at the amount we'd be charging for them |
7268s | they'd be like this is ridiculous like |
7270s | there's no way like yeah yeah like it's |
7272s | it's it's just it would be an a bad look |
7275s | for the the number we'd have to put it |
7276s | up for um and then and then on top of |
7280s | that we'd have to put it up high enough |
7283s | to like |
7285s | um not attract too much attention so |
7288s | that we could fulfill all of it uh and |
7291s | that's making it even more expensive and |
7293s | and and that's just that doesn't feel |
7294s | good we don't want to do that we'd |
7296s | rather |
7299s | um have it be more reasonable and uh |
7304s | probably attach some form of |
7306s | randomization to who gets to do it um |
7312s | I think that's a much |
7316s | uh a much better way of putting it |
7328s | now cuz we don't have the |
7331s | time to work with everyone who would |
7333s | want to buy one at a rate that's |
7338s | reasonable and we don't want to put it |
7339s | up for an unreasonable rate so we'd have |
7341s | to limit |
7343s | the um people who are getting a chance |
7346s | to do it probably through some sort of |
7347s | randomization I I don't know this is |
7349s | this is very speculative on my part uh I |
7351s | but I would love to do more of them um |
7353s | if there's a way for us to do them |
7355s | reasonably and effectively and all sorts |
7357s | of stuff uh I would very much push to |
7359s | opening that back up |
7362s | again uh last |
7367s | one and the final question this evening |
7370s | afternoon good morning whatever time it |
7372s | is for |
7374s | you are we going to get some build |
7377s | presets to save so we don't have to |
7379s | Respec if we want to switch to a few |
7382s | different builds sorry no D3 Armory is |
7385s | not coming to last |
7392s | Epoch and that'll just about do it we |
7394s | are we timed that well Fitz thank you |
7397s | for keeping me on |
7399s | schedule um we are right at the end of |
7401s | time |
7405s | fantastic |
7412s | oh oh someone asked the question before |
7414s | the 10 minutes and I didn't do |
7418s | it L hack you know what time this starts |
7422s | you've been around the block a few times |
7434s | yeah I'm actually ending on time instead |
7436s | of just |
7438s | uh dragging this out too |
7441s | far uh but yeah I I had fun I I how what |
7445s | do I say hope you had fun I know I did |
7448s | I'll be back next time same place same |
7450s | time same place next week uh answering |
7452s | more questions hanging out playing some |
7454s | more stuff trying to get this character |
7456s | up to a respectable level maybe we'll |
7458s | find a |
7459s | weapon we got our Idols unlocked finally |
7462s | we we got gaps Galore in this bad boy of |
7465s | a build got got to get that LP |
7469s | rocking oh we got gaps Galore in this |
7471s | build that's okay I'm really enjoying |
7473s | this build I'm liking it a lot it's it's |
7474s | quirky |
7476s | and uh the the potion management is |
7478s | surprisingly |
7480s | tricky um if I failed to answer your |
7484s | question effectively or just didn't get |
7486s | to it I apologize um feel free to come |
7488s | ask it in the asid dev channel on |
7489s | Discord I have reopened that |
7493s | um he was just a little too busy for a |
7495s | while there but we've we've we've calmed |
7496s | down enough that I can do it uh we're |
7498s | still working on a plan for setting that |
7500s | up in a better way for long-term |
7503s | High uh basically when a cycle resets |
7507s | having it be possible still type thing |
7510s | um that'll just about do it for us |
7516s | today see any of you who are interested |
7518s | in coming back next week |
7522s | in the |
7526s | meantime let's go find someone to say hi |
7528s | to see let's see what's going |
7531s | on oh Star Wars reference in the title |
7534s | gets me every |
7546s | time I hope all you all have a wonderful |
7549s | day enjoy yourselves take after |
7551s | yourselves |
7556s | take care of yourselves that's what I |
7558s | was trying to say bye |