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Hello Agents,

Here's the Known issues and Changelog for Title Update 15.


  • Player with a Hardcore character and another player with a non-Hardcore character are able to create a Countdown group through invites 
  • Multiple incomplete groups are created instead of a full group while matchmaking for Countdown
  • Game crashes if matchmaking for Countdown is started inside Coney Island Safe Zone
  • Missing game music while spectating another player 
  • Blackscreen occurs after pressing 'Spectate' in end screen

Season 9

  • Season 9 menu appears grayed-out with no input over the events after the player access the Premium Store from the Season 9 menu while in the Manhunt Debrief Cinematic 

  • Reward track
    • In order to receive Apparel Cache Keys from the Premium Rewards in the Rewards Track screen the game needs to be rebooted
    • In order to receive the Textiles currency from the Premium Season Tracker the game needs to be rebooted

  • Placeholder names are present for some cosmetic premium rewards on the rewards track screen for languages other than English
    • Correct rewards names are displayed once in the inventory

  • Manhunt
    • "Complete the debrief mission to finish Manhunt" prompt is missing localizations when looking in the Manhunt tab
    • Placeholder icon and missing text for Prime Target reward in Manhunt tab  

Gear and Weapons

  • The Dosoftei Braces kneepads don't have appearance and dye slots
  • Applying dyes on Uzina Getica brand set will not change the colors
  • Heartbreaker Gear Set:
    • Applying dyes on Heartbreaker gear set will not change the colors of the gear
    • The "Aggressor Kneepads" gear piece is missing its appearance and dye slots


  • Loading tips are missing from any loading screens if you create the character straight into the Warlords of New York Expansion


  • The framerate may drop on Xbox Series X and S when opening the Weapon/Gear skins in the Apparel Menu
  • Graphical corruptions on Xbox Series X and S may be encountered for a split second while performing normal gameplay


Gear and Weapons

  • Heartbreaker mask: The mask should give blue (defense) stats. The issue is now fixed. 
  • The “Focus Talent” doesn't work with the new exotic “Dread Edict”: The issue is now fixed.  
  • The "Disruptor Rounds" talent of the Exotic Weapon "Bluescreen" cannot be triggered: The issue is now fixed. 
  • “Kingbreaker” and TKB-408 Assault Rifle rate-of-fire upgraded to from 500 to 650
  • The “Dare” LMG no longer uses AR attachments
  • Talents “Intimidate” and “Perfect Intimidate” are no longer max stack in PvP
  • Minor weapon & gear UI issues are now fixed
    • “Perfect Jeopardy” talent has been removed from “Kingbreaker” and “Dare” descriptions, “Perfect Flatline” talent has been added instead
    • Flatline basic talent has been added to the advanced weapon talents pool


  • Expertise UI changes:
    • Added Mark as favorite button and exclamation points for all new items
    • Added Donate All button for donating all items marked as junk in the inventory similar how deconstructing all junk, or selling all junk works
    • Fixed: Donate materials in bulk
    • Fixed: Donate items in bulk

  • The Expertise progression pace: new value has been set to ensure that the gearset proficiency XP is gained at a less considerable pace
    • The more gearset pieces you have the more XP is granted

  • The Expertise issue that was causing inconsistent upgrade bonuses is now fixed:
    • Fixed visual bug
    • Added support for Armor % bonus
    • Added the Expertise level on character’s decoration items
    • Fixed bonus attribute replication
    • Updated bonus values

  • The issue with the Expertise rank progress not being gained in Dark Zones on any item from any category is now fixed. 

  • Cost reduction:
    • Lowered costs for Field Recon Data, SHD Calibration and Exotics Materials by half from level 11 up to level 20. Levels 1-10 and 21+ remain unchanged
    • Reduced the materials requirements for all ranks of Gear pieces by another half. Now, Gear pieces will require two times less materials for upgrades to make it more consistent with the number of materials needed for Weapons and Skills upgrades


  • The issue with infinite loading screen after being in Countdown Mode is now resolved
  • Fixed the DELTA-03 error when matchmaking with players from different regions in Countdown
  • Fixed the DELTA-03 error when accepting an invite from matchmaking and entering an ongoing Countdown session
  • Fixed the DELTA-03 error during normal gameplay while Catharsis mask is equipped
  • Fixed the DELTA-03 error during normal gameplay while Heartbreaker set is equipped

/ The Division 2 Development Team

almost 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Bugs we have reproduced.

  • Badges do not display properly on the badges page of a user’s profile.
  • Usernames are sometimes not visible on phone & tablet layouts.
  • Replies to forum posts, and forum posts being replied to, are displayed in the text colour of the parent post, instead of being shown in the appropriate colour for their author.
  • The ‘Recently Used Devices’ list often shows Cloudflare IP addresses. This can lead to erroneous reports of a device being located in California, San Jose, etc.

Bugs we have not yet reproduced.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link


Known Issue Updates

  • Restoring a squad member is cancelled
  • Status: This has been improved from Tech Test and we are actively investigating a fix which will be resolved in a later update during Open Beta.
  • AMD driver compatibility on Windows 7
  • Status: We are aware of the issues currently affecting players with AMD GPUs on Windows 7. While we were not able to support these systems during the Technical Test, updated drivers should solve the issue during Open Beta, which are expected to be deployed during the week of July 13th.
  • Mammoth firing issue
  • Status: Small issue where Mammoth shotgun will not shoot when swapped to. This will be addressed in a later patch.
  • Unable to continue sprinting after sliding while using Armor or Invisibility
  • Status: Will be fixed in a patch during Open Beta.
  • Unable to ADS after swapping weapons while holding ADS button
  • Status: Issue is known and will be addressed during the Open Beta.
  • User won't resume sprinting after slide is over
  • Status: Sometimes, a user is unable to resume sprinting after a slide is over if "crouch" option is set to "hold" and "sprint" option is set to "toggle". This will be fixed in a future release.
  • Only able to ping locked-on target when locking with the D-Tap
  • Status: This will be addressed in a later update.
  • Eliminations are repeated multiple times in the Kill Feed after wiping a Squad
  • Status: This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future patch.

Gameplay | Actively Investigating

  • Weapon and footstep audio cuts out mid-match + music missing during drop
  • Status: We are aware of the issue and are investigating it.
  • Instabilities may occur if adjusting video quality settings above the recommend ones
  • Status: We are aware of the issue and are investigating it.
  • Workaround: Move graphic settings toward the quality of the machine.

Technical | Actively Investigating

  • Crashing after the round is over
  • Status: We have decreased the likelihood of this happening and are continuing to investigate it further.
  • Win 10 + Vulkan: Error message “No Device Available”
  • Status: Check to make sure your card is supported at minimum spec and have latest drivers.
  • Win 10 + Vulkan: Error message “Vulkan-1.dll was not found”
  • Status: Check to make sure your card is supported at minimum spec and have latest drivers.
  • Win 10 + Vulkan: Error message “vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 could not be located”
  • Status: Check to make sure your card is supported at minimum spec and have latest drivers.
  • Quality issues when using Monitor Duplication
  • Status: We are aware of the issue and are investigating it.
  • Workaround: Issue can be fixed by turning off 'monitor duplication’ in Windows Display settings.
  • ‘Deuteranopiac’ and ‘Protanopiac’ users cannot see the enemy Red Outline after being targeted
  • Status: We take accessibility seriously as a key topic and are working to improve the system in patches moving forward.

Need More Info

  • Game crashes after the match starts
  • Status: We are currently seeking more information on this issue. If you are experiencing It, please contact support.ubi.com.
  • Workaround: Please try lowering your settings to very low and see if the issue persists. Additionally, please try verifying your game files.
External link →
almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link

ℹ Updated & Added Known Issues here.

over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - Niel - Direct link

Even though Blightbound development has concluded, we thought it would be a good idea to better publicise the list of known issues in the game for players who are thinking about picking up the game or introducing it to their friends. Below is the list of issues we were not able to, or could not fix. Some of them have potential workarounds.

General Known Issues
Issue: Game un-readies party after entering map select.
This issue seems to be most prominent when in a party with 3 players, each on a different platform. During internal testing, we did not encounter this issue when playing as a duo regardless of it being on the same platform or cross platform.
Cause: The room code is invalid.
Workaround: Leave group and re-join again, either through matchmaking or room code invite, repeat until the game no longer backs the party out after selecting a map. During internal testing, this was usually resolved after 2-3 tries, but it did take up to 5 tries once.
This was an issue we encountered throughout Blightbound’s development, we tried to fix this issue, as well as add fail-safes in many of the previous patches and updates, but we were never able to pinpoint the specific issue(s) causing room codes to become invalid.

Issue: Boss room soft-lock.
If a player disconnects after the boss spawn animation/introduction. The game could potentially soft-lock.
Cause: After the player disconnects and is replaced by a bot, the party restarts at the beginning of the room. However, the boss animation/introduction has already been triggered in that session, and does not trigger for a second time.
Unfortunately, there are no workarounds to this issue and players will have to quit to the Refuge and abandon the run. We have implemented fail-safes to prevent this issue from occurring and this is an especially rare issue to occur, it’s also not guaranteed to occur every time a player disconnects in a boss room after the spawn animation has played.

Issue: Rare out-of-bounds cases.
Using Death From Above (assassin skill) still has a small chance of putting the player out-of-bounds in the elevator in The Descent and during the Blightmist sequences in The Hemomancer. We have added multiple checks to prevent this, but if triggered at very specific moments in specific parts of these sequences, this bug can still occur.
Cause: This skill is both a teleport and a movement, so sometimes, it goes over the invisible walls around the play area.
Workaround: Sometimes, it is possible for players to use the Death From Above skill to get back into the playing area. However, it might take many tries and it’s not guaranteed that players can go back into the playing area by using the skill.
We have implemented many fail-safes to prevent this from happening. Most recently, we added a check when using this skill where the skill would only go off if the player has selected a valid location for the skill to take place.

Console-Specific Issues Issue: Data loss on Xbox.
When switching from different console generations (Xbox One and Xbox Series X, for example), players might lose progress on their saves, even with cloud save enabled.
We are not able to fix this because we don't have next gen dev kits. Without PS5 or Xbox Series X dev kits, we are not able to find the issue causing this problem, so any fix we would want to implement would essentially be guesswork, as there are no debug settings or error logs on commercial consoles. Furthermore, any fix would also need to be tested in a live build of the game, which is not an option.

Issue: Triss achievement progress not saving on Xbox.
When exiting and relaunching the game after making progress with Triss' achievement (where the player is required to reach a damage-over-time objective), in rare cases, players may lose progress on that achievement.
Cause: Although the exact cause for this bug is unknown, it is theorised that this bug is caused by the game auto-saving BEFORE the achievement progress is updated, so players lose their progress when exiting the game.
Workaround: When you are in the Refuge after completing a dungeon where you made progress with Triss' DOT achievement, try changing settings in the settings menu. Changing settings prompts the game to save. Although we have not encountered this issue on PC, if this turns out to be an issue, players on PC can also exit the game through the menu once returning to the Refuge, exiting the game this way also prompts the game to save.
5 months ago - Averielle - Direct link

Known and being investigated

Patch 1.1.7

  • There may be a small delay when trying to click ‘Enter Game’ for Offline Characters

  • Disintegrate sometimes cannot attack enemies on an incline

    • This may affect other skills, please report them if you notice any
  • Green Portal button not appearing after completing Monolith Echo

  • The Gamepad Cursor does not automatically track to the “Continue Button” in the Arena

  • Stash Tab Purchase UI can cause the mouse to focus on items behind the foreground window. Upon re-opening the stash, purchased stash tabs are available but no indication of a confirmed purchase was made

  • Dying during the Architect fight can move your character to a room where you cannot move or teleport.

    • This affects players in Parties
  • During the Majasa fight, the petrification animation goes it in reverse, starting at your head and going up instead of being your body

  • Minimus is not dead, he’s just sleeping!

Dungeon Disconnects and Monolith Echo Disconnects/Desyncs

A fix went out 07/23/24 to address several causes on desync issues and disconnects, though we are aware some may remain.

  • If you encounter either of these, please submit In Game Bug Reports as the data attached is always helpful.
    • Windowed mode and confining the cursor to the game screen has helped some players with this.

Projectile/Ranged Skills on Controller

  • The team is aware of this and working on it! If you run into a Skill that is no longer working correctly after the 1.1.6 Patch, please submit an In Game Bug Report noting down which Skills are affected. The data attached to these reports is incredibly helpful! Thank you!

Chat Window and Friends List missing

  • Please try reloading the game fully
  • Party invites still work by entering the players name manually on the Social Window (H)
  • Please be aware that both players must add each other to show up on both lists!


  • White Squares replacing Map Icons
  • Krangled Text on Loot Tags
  • Player becoming invisible in Monoliths while having the Gathering Fury bow equipped

Under Investigation

Loading Screen not fading once player loads in

  • Please reload and submit an in game bug report. The bug reporting tool attaches the .log files from the current and previous game sessions so the team can still see the data that might help.
  • Check to see if you have a VPN on, this is a known potential cause.

‘Connecting’ overlay not fading, player can interact behind it

  • Please try verifying your game files and reloading. If this doesn’t help, or the issue returns, please submit an in game bug report. If you reloaded the IGBR tool will still attach the relevant logs, just add that information to your report.

Settings reset to Ultra after each zone change

  • If this issue is happening to you, please do the following;
  • Take a screenshot of your settings before changing zones
  • Change zones and submit an in game bug report explaining the issue and any noticeable changes with FPS or visuals, such as grass being visible despite being turned low/off

GPU Usage, FPS Drops, Transition Times, and Memory Leaks

  • Improvements have been made and the team will continue to work on these.