almost 2 years
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
5s | back to another last Epoch Dev stream as |
9s | always |
10s | I'm your host Mike |
13s | hello |
15s | how's it going everybody |
18s | oh glad to have y'all here |
22s | we're gonna we're just gonna keep |
23s | playing our sword then we're leveling up |
24s | uh I think that having some fun relaxing |
27s | answering some questions |
29s | if this is your first time here |
31s | welcome glad to have you with us |
35s | I'll be answering as many questions as I |
38s | can as completely as I can but if you |
40s | want to get it through to me please put |
41s | at last Epoch game in the question so I |
44s | see it in chat |
46s | uh yeah |
48s | good rocking and rolling |
57s | oh |
59s | great start |
62s | also we stream for charity here |
65s | in my head International animal rescue |
66s | is our charity this month we'll have a |
68s | new one next stream |
70s | yeah |
73s | how's your day going so far it might |
74s | take going pretty good so far actually |
78s | got a nasty bug fix this morning which |
80s | was quite pleased about |
83s | it's gonna be way too hot in here so |
85s | we're taking socks off |
90s | it's okay I don't show the office with |
91s | anyone |
97s | at least remember what I was doing with |
99s | this build |
106s | it steps up |
107s | what corruption level do you aim for |
109s | when balance building skills 300 is |
112s | usually a a pretty good point |
114s | um I know those people that get a lot |
115s | higher than that with some builds |
118s | um but 300 is usually the like expected |
121s | high tier build |
123s | um and you can kind of see that |
124s | reflected in the like the the oh Jesus |
128s | come on |
129s | I literally hit my hands off the |
130s | keyboard mouse because I was gonna |
133s | illustrate something |
135s | um |
136s | what was I saying oh yeah you can tell |
138s | based on the uh |
140s | uh the point which stuff stops unlocking |
144s | so so there's new tiers of |
149s | um like break points for the blessings |
151s | the number of blessings that you get |
152s | unlocked |
153s | um goes up to five per uh timeline boss |
156s | kill at I think 200 corruption |
159s | um |
160s | and then there's I think |
163s | Omni drops at 200 as well |
167s | question mark |
168s | so 300 is sort of like a good chunk |
170s | above that but not crazy that's kind of |
172s | what we look at usually |
174s | I use the acid flask sound effect I |
177s | think |
186s | yeah she's doing basically nothing |
188s | though |
191s | let's go let's do something real quick |
193s | here we're gonna show all |
195s | Rarity we're gonna say anything exalted |
199s | slap that down oh they're gonna go hide |
202s | all class requirements |
206s | listening Rogue |
208s | so let's be unique so we'll put that |
209s | down here |
214s | I know it's gonna hide some really good |
216s | items um |
218s | but |
223s | I have the luxury of being developer |
226s | that's totally using acid flasks |
229s | that's totally using isoplastic sound |
232s | was that the hulking overgrowth uses |
234s | acid blast exam |
236s | for its multi-poison pool Spin Attack |
243s | I swear I'll wake up I swear it's been |
246s | it's been it's been a bit of a week |
250s | I'm blaming it on the you might hear my |
252s | voice hey look a beer |
253s | the kid's been sick this week |
256s | he's having a real tough day |
263s | how come you guys are awesome and are |
264s | making a great game |
266s | well it all started wait no |
271s | I don't know |
272s | just like video games |
290s | I mean like if it looks like a catalyst |
293s | event |
294s | uh it's probably Judd's disappointment |
299s | at the release of a game |
302s | many many years ago |
310s | can handle one makes you think I can |
311s | handle two |
319s | okay I mean we got it we gotta do a |
322s | little bit of work on this thing |
325s | but let's uh let's take out see a crack |
327s | at it |
329s | let's get this cold damage we rolled how |
331s | do we do coal damage but not much |
334s | Mana region I'll take |
336s | crit chance I'll take |
341s | Dodger you don't need that either but |
342s | that's not gonna get rolled away |
346s | let's do frit I think |
350s | yeah can we sneak another one fire us to |
352s | see pyros in there that's gotta be |
354s | better right |
356s | maybe not |
367s | sure looks what I was using first |
369s | yeah let's just use that |
378s | fools fools |
381s | love it every time |
384s | all right is there any sort of class |
387s | fantasy you'd like to see in your game |
388s | that isn't there yet oh definitely |
391s | um there's quite a few that I'd really |
392s | like like there's there's lots of |
394s | different ones that that lots of |
395s | different people on the on the team have |
397s | that they'd like to see |
398s | um so I'm gonna give you my personal |
400s | favorites that I'd like to see added not |
403s | the ones that I think will be added soon |
405s | that makes any sense |
409s | um so I I'd really like to see and and |
412s | this also isn't a reflection of the ones |
414s | that I it's like I I I just mean that |
417s | um don't draw conclusions for or against |
419s | either way of what's gonna be added when |
422s | based on this but the uh the big ones |
424s | that I'd like to see as if I was giving |
426s | carte blanche just do whatever I wanted |
427s | would be |
430s | um |
431s | uh the hunter archetype so like bow pet |
435s | um type type of build that's that's a |
437s | big one for me |
438s | um then I |
441s | uh I guess like an engineer type class |
445s | um so so someone that's using uh like |
448s | things they're building as |
452s | um |
453s | weapons and uh like various support |
457s | things I guess so like uh |
459s | tinkerer engineer type class |
468s | um and then a monk like so a a a holy |
471s | type character like holy themed |
473s | character or spiritually themed |
474s | character uh that also has a |
479s | um |
481s | hand-to-hand melee combat Style with a |
483s | spiritually theme |
484s | that would be that would be a big one |
487s | for me personally |
492s | uh all right is there any sort of are |
494s | you working on any new set items we also |
496s | love game |
497s | um and your beard thank you very much |
501s | um there there are no |
504s | um set items specifically in the works |
506s | right now |
507s | um we took a little time off from making |
509s | set items because we've been uh |
513s | kind of waiting for that that great idea |
515s | to come along that great set item idea |
517s | to come along |
519s | I know there's been lots of suggestions |
520s | that we've seen uh on the forums |
524s | um and and everywhere really Discord |
525s | here read it lots of great ideas to show |
528s | up but |
529s | um |
538s | acid flash sound too |
540s | that's funny |
541s | it's probably just fire shifted acid |
542s | flask |
544s | um |
546s | was I saying oh yes sirens and and yeah |
549s | so we were kind of waiting on like that |
551s | great idea to come along |
554s | um and we've we do have uh an idea that |
557s | we're pursuing for set items in general |
560s | uh that will help hopefully bring the |
562s | mechanic into more of a complete state |
566s | for lunch |
568s | um and I just want to be excited when I |
570s | say complete I don't mean like |
572s | um |
573s | no more set items just mechanically like |
576s | I would call legendary items as a like |
578s | the complete state for unique items |
582s | um |
587s | all right |
590s | did I already have that done or |
591s | something am I just the Silly Billy |
595s | what is happening |
602s | okay |
605s | uh yeah |
614s | on the set notes |
616s | um how do you bounce sets around not |
618s | being able to become legendaries yeah so |
620s | so that's that that is the big question |
622s | isn't it |
623s | um and we really haven't in the past |
627s | um usually we try and give the set |
629s | bonuses to be pretty powerful |
631s | um or pretty build enabling I guess I |
633s | want to say |
634s | um |
637s | not really about power levels but but |
638s | pretty specific pretty Niche pretty |
640s | thematic something that is |
642s | um unique and different almost like uh |
644s | stepping into the shoes of another |
645s | character that's in lore already that's |
647s | a big part of set items |
649s | um so like |
651s | um element conversions |
654s | um are a big part of set items |
656s | frequently or or really leaning into a |
658s | specific element that's already there on |
659s | the item |
660s | um you know like like okay well here's |
663s | the set item here's the set bonus that |
664s | like you're gonna take this node with it |
666s | because it just makes so much sense and |
669s | there's a lot there's a lot of |
670s | connections there that we try and have a |
671s | really thematic a strong thematic |
673s | connection to set items in the world |
678s | um |
679s | and but as far as as far as making the |
682s | legendaries that's that's the piece that |
683s | I was kind of referring earlier that's |
684s | sort of missing making it make like what |
686s | do we do mechanically for those set |
688s | system to make it hang with legendary |
690s | items because we we were very clear that |
692s | we didn't want to slap legendary |
694s | potential on them and I appreciate how |
696s | it kind of just like oh it just makes |
697s | sense it fits it works and it does to |
699s | some degree |
700s | um but like set items already cause edge |
704s | cases for Tool tip length |
706s | and uh if we if we were to just slap |
708s | legendary potential on them they would |
710s | they would be able to |
712s | exacerbate the problem quite a bit so I |
715s | I I think there's it's unlikely that we |
717s | will do that |
718s | ever |
720s | especially with what we're considering |
721s | now |
723s | which I know is super vague I'm sorry |
731s | all right next question any chance to |
734s | reduce the amount of Arenas in model |
737s | that seems I'm finding so many |
739s | um |
740s | maybe uh not from me right now I'll tell |
745s | you that for sure |
747s | um but it's it's possible to put a |
749s | suggestion on the forums and that's the |
751s | thing um |
752s | for some reason last time I said this |
754s | people got quite upset at me but in case |
756s | you don't know |
757s | as a little tip there is uh |
761s | the names of the monoliths actually do |
764s | say Arena on them so if you really don't |
766s | like them you can at least use that to |
769s | avoid them |
771s | and I know sometimes there's a node |
773s | behind it that's super valuable and yada |
774s | yada yada but you could reduce the |
776s | number of them that you encounter a |
778s | little bit in case you didn't know |
783s | uh so what you're saying is Barbarian |
785s | class because it's confirmed no |
788s | um my brain does fit really nicely in um |
791s | in Prime list as an extra |
793s | an extra mastery |
796s | and we are we are going to be going to |
798s | be adding masteries to uh the existing |
801s | classes so you'll probably see you'll |
803s | probably see a fourth Mastery all across |
805s | the board before we see a sixth Base |
807s | Class I think |
808s | um |
809s | but we are |
811s | and and we're not uh so so launch where |
814s | we're saying like it was gonna be three |
815s | three base or five base classes with |
818s | three master classes for each base class |
819s | and they'll all have like |
821s | um skills and and unique play Styles and |
823s | all sort of stuff at launch and then |
825s | we'll keep adding skills to them |
827s | um and we'll keep adding new masteries |
828s | and post launch it'll it's possible that |
830s | it will be lopsided at a certain time so |
831s | there'll be times when there are |
834s | or we're back to the situation where |
837s | um we have some classes that are missing |
838s | in a mastery |
840s | now uh |
842s | right now the classes that have three |
844s | masteries compared to those that have |
845s | two masteries have 50 more masteries |
847s | which is a lot |
849s | um |
850s | but you know if it's only 33 more |
852s | masteries |
854s | it's not that |
855s | that is bad so we're we're more okay |
857s | with it being lopsided post launch uh |
860s | something important something three but |
862s | we'll never see uh five until all of |
865s | them are at least four we won't see five |
866s | three |
869s | hey I mean they're cool but yeah |
872s | not for us |
882s | will we see some serious work being done |
884s | before end game before 1.0 release yeah |
886s | I mean we're always working on on |
887s | everything really |
888s | um in-game does need some and at least |
892s | this comes up pretty frequently and the |
893s | end game needs some sort of uh |
896s | unexpected content |
899s | what I mean by that is while you're |
900s | going through a monolith there needs to |
901s | be something that is that happens |
903s | unexpectedly so like randomized content |
906s | is a really easy way to not easy way but |
908s | classic way of doing that |
909s | I guess I should probably do this eh |
911s | they'll probably be like what are you |
912s | doing Mike |
913s | what are you doing |
917s | um I'm coming down here right |
920s | go this way |
927s | just go this way |
931s | um |
938s | yeah so we'll we'll see |
941s | what I'm saying sorry |
942s | I also might be slightly sick too |
948s | excuse me |
950s | uh yeah yeah and end game work |
953s | um there won't be a new core mechanic so |
957s | like um let's just saying what I'm |
959s | saying last week |
960s | um core mechanics being Dungeons and |
962s | monoliths we're not going to add in like |
964s | another like course systems of course |
967s | course styled system like that |
969s | um but we'll be improving and expanding |
971s | upon the systems that we already have |
973s | for 1.0 and then we'll be adding more |
974s | systems in post 1.0 as well so this is |
976s | just for launch our in-game systems are |
978s | planning to be what the in-game systems |
980s | overarching are already but just better |
982s | versions of them |
1000s | all right next question |
1003s | uh when do you plan to fix that Accord |
1005s | on ritual Lake uh it's probably nothing |
1008s | specific with static orb it's probably |
1009s | just Mitchell Lake I don't know what the |
1011s | problem you're talking about is but if |
1013s | you uh haven't already please go to the |
1015s | forums and post the bug report about it |
1016s | there so we can get it looked at |
1018s | posting about here does not count as a |
1020s | bug report |
1020s | uh I play as a cold sore and while I |
1024s | have a fantastic build right now I never |
1026s | seem to find unique or set items that |
1028s | fully benefit my build |
1030s | all right |
1031s | uh I'm not sure what the question is |
1033s | that's unfortunate I feel for you |
1035s | RNG is a cruel mistress |
1061s | oh alrighty then next question uh is |
1065s | there any plans for catalysts that are |
1066s | not in focused and more Attunement Focus |
1069s | um I I'd say unlikely but possible |
1073s | um Catalyst really is uh an intelligence |
1076s | item |
1078s | um |
1079s | I would say the likely time that we |
1081s | would consider having the one that |
1084s | really breaks convention heavily uh in |
1086s | that sense would be would be more like a |
1088s | unique with like a special base for the |
1090s | unique |
1094s | um I'd be pretty surprised if we ever |
1096s | did a |
1099s | um |
1101s | uh just just a a regular one like a a |
1104s | base a dropable a randomly dropable base |
1108s | item wow I'm just fumbling my words |
1110s | today |
1111s | issues |
1113s | it's okay we'll get through it |
1115s | together you can help me |
1118s | by asking short questions no I'm just |
1120s | kidding uh any plans on uh on an any |
1125s | plans for an |
1127s | oh easy alt leveling process uh make a |
1130s | new character is making new characters a |
1131s | ton of fun but I can I can it but it can |
1134s | drag on I think but drag on to the main |
1136s | story into normal monos maybe something |
1139s | like being able to add reduced level |
1141s | requirements so you need can you can |
1143s | equip making all uniques reduce levels |
1145s | so I can I could roll scroll build a |
1146s | little 25 instead of 76 the cost of item |
1148s | slot essentially |
1149s | um so we're definitely not going to |
1152s | reduce the levels of uniques like that |
1153s | that's no hard no |
1157s | um |
1158s | it |
1160s | it just causes way too many balance |
1161s | problems so no |
1163s | um |
1164s | the |
1166s | um |
1168s | currently when you make a legendary item |
1171s | with a low level unique it cranks the |
1174s | level of that unique of that legendary |
1176s | item up based on the the highest level |
1180s | uh between the mods that are transferred |
1183s | onto it if they were on a level zero |
1185s | item what level they would make that |
1186s | item |
1188s | um and a uh |
1192s | and whatever base level the unique is |
1195s | so that that um |
1199s | that's the way it works currently and |
1201s | we're looking at changing it slightly so |
1202s | that there's a more forgiving uh level |
1205s | requirement for legendary items so |
1207s | you'll be able to take low-level uniques |
1209s | and make better low-level leveling items |
1212s | with them |
1217s | so there's so there's that so so kind of |
1220s | yes but not in the way uh he's just |
1222s | there |
1232s | capacity is just it's just the touch too |
1234s | high |
1255s | all right next question uh have you |
1258s | never played Poe or airpg with leagues |
1260s | how do Cycles work in terms of length |
1262s | and what happens at the end of the cycle |
1263s | will the characters stay in the cycle |
1265s | separate from standard and you can |
1266s | continuously grind out like standard but |
1269s | but |
1271s | um |
1272s | so there will be a singular standard |
1275s | cycle I don't know what we're going to |
1276s | call it yet |
1278s | um maybe a stable cycle or something |
1280s | like that so there'll be there'll be one |
1282s | standard cycle uh environment which if |
1285s | you ever play double two which is just |
1286s | it's just non-latter |
1290s | um so this environment is all characters |
1291s | that are not currently eligible to |
1293s | compete on the latter |
1295s | um |
1296s | all characters that are currently |
1298s | eligible to complete on the latter will |
1299s | be in the |
1301s | um the current cycle |
1304s | uh so when a cycle ends all the |
1307s | characters that are currently in that |
1308s | cycle get rolled into standard because |
1310s | they're no longer eligible to compete in |
1311s | the new ladder |
1314s | when that starts |
1316s | that's that's basically it |
1328s | uh we'll be getting a ladder race again |
1330s | soon hopefully very soon yeah |
1333s | um next content patch is the goal I |
1335s | think I'm not sure where it's at right |
1337s | now |
1338s | um |
1338s | I sure hope it's there because it was |
1340s | supposed to be ready for for 0.9 |
1343s | um |
1344s | and we had submit some technical issues |
1346s | that caused it to not be feasible to |
1348s | include unfortunately |
1350s | um but you know it should be good |
1358s | get that level |
1361s | let's crack that |
1364s | in this way |
1366s | no they want it |
1373s | you mentioned before desire to have bow |
1375s | in other classes yeah I do like Prime |
1377s | list if that happens would there be uh |
1380s | would there be in a new Mastery or |
1382s | modifying an existing one I would like |
1383s | Beastmaster Rambo style |
1385s | um I would say if we were to expand bows |
1388s | into multiple classes |
1391s | um |
1391s | I would say there's there's a good |
1393s | chance that it would be done |
1396s | uh kind of similarly to how Rogue has it |
1400s | with select skills being functional with |
1402s | multiple |
1403s | um weapons would be would be a way I'd |
1405s | like to maybe having some skills Bebo |
1407s | only |
1408s | um if it was a new Mastery |
1411s | um there'd probably be some skills or |
1413s | bow only and then like some |
1415s | uh at least one Base Class skill that |
1416s | we'd get uh the hybrid treatment I'm |
1419s | literally talking about serpent strike |
1420s | right now |
1422s | I think that would be the first one to |
1423s | get the hybrid treatment |
1427s | if if we were to do this in the |
1428s | hypothetical situation that we were |
1429s | adding uh Ranger type class and we were |
1432s | slapping it into the prime list because |
1434s | that that type also can exist in um |
1438s | uh Rogue as well really easily |
1441s | um |
1444s | that's a sort of Ranger type class |
1453s | I've always loved the idea and I don't I |
1455s | don't think the way it's set up I don't |
1456s | think this is feasible but I've always |
1457s | loved the thought of trying to uh give |
1461s | one Mastery class to two base classes |
1465s | um |
1467s | and I don't think it works |
1469s | uh but I think I think it would be cool |
1471s | I just like I like to think of dumb |
1473s | things that that just won't work |
1480s | but it would be cool |
1484s | will Master be able to reset then no |
1488s | uh quite some time ago you mentioned one |
1490s | could change how small items are put |
1493s | slash sword in the inventory yeah two |
1494s | columns instead of one |
1495s | uh so it plays nice with larger items as |
1497s | it has this ideal leads to development |
1500s | yet no I haven't worked on the search |
1502s | and sort at all |
1505s | right this one would probably wouldn't |
1506s | be me who does it |
1509s | which is a good thing for all of you |
1519s | oh sorry if that's a little loud when I |
1520s | push my microphone out but |
1525s | better than the coughing |
1533s | what am I doing leave this behind I'm |
1534s | like I'm I I forget that I'm like |
1536s | playing online with an account that just |
1538s | like has nothing |
1541s | a few times I've gone to play with |
1542s | friends |
1544s | um am I like Live account so the version |
1546s | that's on the live build |
1549s | has so little stuff and I'm always just |
1551s | like yeah I'll come carry you with my |
1553s | sweet like high level Rogue it's gonna |
1555s | be awesome that long and I'm like right |
1556s | that's on the dev Fleet uh |
1569s | I know |
1573s | we're discovering |
1582s | some more questions in here I'm gonna |
1583s | try I'm gonna try whoa uh I'm trying not |
1586s | to get too far behind in the questions |
1587s | today |
1588s | I know I will |
1589s | probably already in uh what What's the |
1592s | root of the issue that results in the |
1594s | temporary multiplayer challenges |
1598s | uh and or recent challenges when quickly |
1600s | changing from casting one spell to |
1601s | another |
1606s | uh it's just keeping up with the user |
1609s | growth on the server side is there a |
1611s | time frame from these issues may be |
1613s | improved not complaining during the game |
1614s | time just curious I'm not really |
1617s | entirely sure what you're talking about |
1620s | um |
1641s | I'll hit the number let me cast this one |
1643s | out of Mana |
1648s | interesting |
1657s | oh right I just looked at the teleport |
1659s | tree and remembered what I was doing |
1661s | I'm supposed to teleport in and then |
1662s | Glacier and then Sam lightning blast |
1686s | the really issue that results in |
1688s | temporary multiplayer challenges I mean |
1690s | so there's there's just we had to |
1691s | rewrite like |
1693s | what like |
1694s | so much of the game in order to get it |
1697s | working in multiplayer so there's just a |
1698s | lot of little bugs that uh I guess we |
1701s | just weren't prepared for |
1704s | um |
1707s | that's probably what comes down to I |
1708s | think |
1709s | all right how's your stance currently on |
1711s | more multiple multipliers on skill trees |
1714s | reaching out a lot of choice are you uh |
1716s | looking at expanding the ways to augment |
1718s | skills with trees are you happy with |
1719s | just getting straightforward power like |
1720s | that to the tree I think having some |
1724s | situations where there is just a more |
1727s | damage note is good |
1729s | um I think there's some really stand out |
1730s | examples of where it doesn't work well |
1733s | um |
1736s | oh but there's definitely there's |
1738s | definitely a place for it it's |
1739s | definitely it's not one of those things |
1740s | where I think there could be some |
1742s | extreme examples of how it should never |
1746s | exist or something like that and I and I |
1748s | think it's dangerous to talk about it in |
1750s | that sense |
1753s | this guy |
1756s | is |
1758s | like can we just can we can we scoot |
1761s | through here no |
1763s | sometimes you can scoot through those |
1764s | things |
1778s | what is going on there's a bug |
1783s | that's interesting |
1804s | obviously can't use it now |
1811s | let's see what happens I'll put the |
1812s | point back in |
1815s | um yeah more multipliers and trees I |
1817s | think there's a place for it I think we |
1818s | probably leaned on them too heavily in |
1820s | the past |
1821s | um and we're still kind of catching up |
1824s | elsewhere |
1825s | but um |
1827s | they got a spot |
1835s | uh will everyone be server reset at |
1837s | lunch no everyone will be moved into |
1838s | standard at lunch |
1842s | so you'll still be able to play your |
1843s | character it just won't be |
1845s | um ladder eligible |
1848s | um |
1849s | so if you if you want to compete in the |
1851s | latter you'll have to start a new |
1852s | character |
1856s | all right may have been asked in a |
1859s | previous stream probably but that's okay |
1860s | happy to answer it again are there plans |
1862s | to add more |
1863s | uh regarding gold sinks |
1865s | um yes there's we don't have a specific |
1870s | one that's like ready to go or like okay |
1872s | the next gold big gold thing is going to |
1874s | be X |
1876s | um especially given that there is a |
1880s | uh there's already a gold sink in |
1883s | there's already a gold thing that gives |
1885s | you items that's all it does it's just |
1887s | gold for items it can be dangerous to |
1890s | give oops to uh to give something like |
1892s | that a competing |
1894s | similar gold sink so if we if we given |
1897s | uh if we give a gold sink that's just |
1899s | hey here's a different way to spend gold |
1901s | to get items |
1903s | one of them is going to be better than |
1904s | the other |
1906s | just a reality someone will do the math |
1909s | and someone find out which one's better |
1911s | and for all experienced players |
1914s | uh the |
1917s | better one or maybe even franchise |
1919s | players people who who know which one's |
1921s | better we'll just use the better one and |
1923s | they'll be there'll be a a a new player |
1926s | tips video that shows up which which |
1928s | would be great |
1929s | um and it'll just say in there never |
1931s | spend your money on this always spend |
1933s | your money on that |
1934s | um and and |
1938s | at that point like what's the point in |
1940s | having the alternative way you know like |
1942s | whichever one's better the other one's |
1944s | just gonna get ignored type thing |
1946s | um and all the people who don't know |
1948s | this |
1950s | um they fall into a noob trap where |
1951s | because they don't have this knowledge |
1953s | they they make a potentially pretty |
1955s | serious mistake |
1958s | um and it's not something that can be |
1959s | figured out or reasoned or or learned |
1961s | through just looking at the systems and |
1963s | figuring it out really |
1965s | or probably wouldn't be |
1968s | um |
1972s | so it's it's a yes there's a very strong |
1974s | chance we'll add more gold sinks |
1977s | um will they be as simple as the one |
1979s | that's currently there for obtaining |
1980s | items no |
1982s | um maybe there's like like an example of |
1985s | a Goldson we're not putting this in for |
1987s | the record which is why I'm comfortable |
1988s | saying it right now just because we're |
1990s | not putting this in |
1992s | um |
1994s | is you could you could put put on gear |
1996s | durability in |
1997s | until then you're paying for the upkeep |
1999s | of your gear |
2001s | to constantly repair your gear and such |
2002s | but you're not |
2004s | um |
2006s | you're not buying item power with it |
2008s | you're just maintaining what you have so |
2011s | that's an example of a gold sink that is |
2012s | useful and people will use but is not |
2015s | um |
2017s | directly competing with the vaults |
2024s | all right next question |
2026s | uh how many cycles ahead |
2029s | is work already being done even it's |
2031s | just conceptually if there's something |
2032s | you guys can say about future Cycles |
2034s | um |
2036s | we have we have sort of like |
2040s | yeah it's it's hard to quantify so it's |
2042s | not like a we're working six Cycles |
2044s | ahead or anything like that because we |
2046s | we have |
2047s | um |
2048s | like |
2050s | probably realistically two this is |
2052s | probably an accurate number but we have |
2053s | like brainstorming pools of ideas for uh |
2057s | cycle content and mechanics that'll show |
2060s | up later and things like that and |
2062s | um |
2063s | so we when we go to actually add |
2065s | something in that category we can look |
2066s | at these and and decide what we want to |
2068s | actually pull from |
2070s | but there's there's no it's not like |
2072s | there's like a list of all right uh |
2074s | cycle one point like 1.1 it's gonna have |
2077s | this and 1.2 is gonna have this and or |
2080s | anything like that we haven't laid them |
2082s | out that explicitly |
2084s | but there's a few things like we've we |
2086s | just you talk over the years and you're |
2088s | like okay well this has got to get in |
2089s | quick so that's probably gonna be a |
2090s | really early cycle so one of the first |
2091s | couple you know this this can wait a |
2093s | little bit so that'll be one of the next |
2094s | ones after that but it's still quick |
2096s | enough that we got to get it in |
2106s | thank you very much oh I got Spike I |
2109s | recognize that name six months in a row |
2110s | fantabulous |
2112s | thanks for sticking around drink lots of |
2115s | water |
2120s | all right what is the biggest Gap you |
2122s | see for Ellie's current gameplay Loop |
2124s | I.E is there any particular way of |
2126s | engaging with the game that's missing |
2128s | that you would like to address |
2130s | [Music] |
2130s | um |
2134s | I think the core Loop is there |
2137s | like the really really core Loop is |
2139s | there |
2140s | um |
2143s | I I don't think there's anything major |
2144s | maybe I'm just missing something but I |
2146s | don't think there's anything major |
2147s | that's really missing from it |
2149s | um |
2152s | there's there's things like the latter |
2154s | existing |
2155s | um and for different content than just |
2156s | what we've had in the past but I don't |
2159s | know if that really constitutes like a |
2160s | missing piece in the loop itself |
2162s | um there's some pretty key features |
2164s | missing as well so like item factions |
2165s | and stuff like that but I think it's |
2166s | pretty important but I don't think that |
2167s | really affects the loop too much |
2170s | um it it does in a way so there's |
2173s | there's kind of no reason to go back to |
2174s | town in a lot of situations |
2177s | um |
2179s | which which having uh the eye infections |
2181s | is going to give an infrequent reason to |
2183s | go back to town in that you'll you'll |
2184s | want to go to the auction house or |
2185s | you'll want to go to the |
2187s | um whatever the zone is actually it's |
2189s | bizarre sorry and whatever the zone is |
2191s | that we still haven't released yet the |
2192s | name for uh that the um uh circle of |
2195s | Fortune we'll be hanging out and stuff |
2197s | like that |
2199s | um so it'd be like a infrequent reason |
2201s | to go back to town |
2202s | which you think is necessary |
2205s | um let's break things up but you do have |
2207s | the the M rest the |
2209s | um echo of a world I think we call it |
2211s | the spot in between monoliths |
2216s | that kind of serves that a little bit |
2217s | but you can jump through model this to |
2219s | change them so quickly and easily it |
2220s | kind of doesn't uh play the quite the |
2223s | same role |
2225s | um |
2229s | I I think the models could just the |
2231s | model needs a bunch of work models and |
2233s | dungeons need polish and upgrading that |
2234s | sort of stuff I take them feel better |
2236s | but it's it's still the court Loop still |
2238s | there so I think I think overall the |
2240s | answer is probably no |
2245s | or what is the biggest Gap ah this was a |
2247s | yes no question |
2249s | I don't know sorry |
2255s | I just found out 11th Hour games is in |
2258s | my hometown |
2259s | we're we're probably in a lot of |
2261s | people's hometowns |
2263s | um if someone was to send over breakfast |
2265s | tacos how many should I send uh |
2268s | um we don't have a fixed studio location |
2273s | um we have like a home office address |
2278s | um |
2280s | and we have a business address they're |
2282s | probably pretty far from each other but |
2284s | um |
2286s | we don't have |
2288s | we don't have an office to send uh to |
2290s | because most of us work from home |
2291s | actually all of us work from home |
2293s | um some people I guess have like a a |
2296s | fixed space that they go to |
2301s | it's not technically home but yeah we're |
2303s | all we're all um remote |
2307s | which is sweet |
2311s | so I built this office in my garage |
2319s | I can't remember if I have asked this |
2321s | before single-headed Spears when |
2323s | possible some with the chronic void I |
2325s | think |
2326s | um something like that would likely only |
2329s | show up with a |
2332s | a new class that really wanted them |
2337s | um |
2338s | and likely the theming on that class |
2340s | wouldn't lend itself too well to |
2343s | necrotic and uh it's an acrylic board I |
2346s | think probably |
2350s | you might get like a unique item with it |
2352s | or something like that but when I |
2354s | picture like one-handed spear I'm I |
2357s | think |
2357s | um like uh more of a hot light style |
2361s | character so light armor |
2364s | um melee Focus Shield |
2367s | um |
2368s | usually very rooted in physical damage |
2371s | that sort of stuff that's that's sort of |
2373s | the the vibe I get from uh from a |
2375s | one-handed spear |
2376s | um but you look at like Amazon's D2 as |
2379s | well you know things like that I I think |
2381s | it's I think that's the type of |
2383s | aesthetic we'd be looking at more so |
2387s | um |
2393s | and someone feel free to call me on the |
2395s | Hop light thing because it's maybe they |
2397s | there's always two-handed Spears I don't |
2398s | know |
2404s | I guess I'm literally picturing Pantheon |
2406s | from LOL |
2410s | or 300 |
2417s | use your abilities Mike ugh what are you |
2419s | doing |
2430s | here we go |
2433s | increase lightning damage sir that's |
2435s | what we want let's go |
2438s | probably got quite a few of those |
2439s | actually so it's not a big deal but |
2443s | still good |
2450s | all right will there be a separate uh |
2452s | continuous ladder for standard and |
2453s | non-seasonal characters I don't I don't |
2456s | know we don't have plans for it right |
2457s | now |
2458s | um |
2460s | if you want one go lose this in the |
2461s | forums |
2463s | how will ladders account for people |
2465s | playing silver models versus a team of |
2466s | Sephora we have okay we've gone back and |
2468s | forth on this so many times and we have |
2470s | an answer for this question I do not |
2472s | know what it is off top my head I'm |
2473s | sorry |
2474s | um I think what it is is it's it's all |
2478s | One ladder |
2480s | um that will have the number of people |
2482s | in there as a field that you can filter |
2484s | by so if you're like okay I want to see |
2486s | the solo ladder you just like pick a |
2488s | drop down from solo and it says that I |
2489s | think this is what we landed on |
2491s | um |
2493s | oh I don't remember I'm sorry |
2497s | someone else in chat might know |
2506s | uh will we ever get dual Shield seems |
2509s | like they could be above forage guard |
2510s | needs yeah and so that's one that um |
2512s | usually say like okay well yeah if we're |
2514s | gonna introduce at this point we're |
2515s | gonna choose a new uh weapon combination |
2517s | um or something like that it would be |
2519s | likely with a new class Forge guard does |
2521s | fit that really well |
2523s | um |
2524s | it has it has a lot of stuff so it |
2526s | doesn't it doesn't it has a lot of stuff |
2527s | that says like copy your weapon there's |
2529s | a lot of like forged weapon stuff that's |
2531s | in there |
2532s | um and that really doesn't work with |
2534s | shields |
2535s | um it's it's it's doable there's some |
2537s | weird stuff you can do there |
2539s | um there'd be a lot of changes that need |
2541s | to be made in order to get that to work |
2542s | we don't have any plans for it uh to be |
2545s | implemented for 1.0 but it is it's |
2547s | really cool we've definitely talked |
2548s | about it quite a bit |
2550s | um |
2551s | uh it is possible we may have we may |
2555s | have mucked about with it it's a joke |
2557s | once |
2558s | um |
2559s | and it is possible |
2567s | I just want to say I love you thanks uh |
2570s | oh you did a team for a great game you |
2571s | guys giving us blessings awesome I'm |
2573s | glad you have fun |
2576s | the key part of it all |
2578s | uh global system two spec into Edition |
2581s | do you think a global system to spec |
2584s | into |
2585s | in addition to passives think Grim Dawn |
2588s | devotions uh regardless of class could |
2590s | be could have a place in Le yes I do |
2593s | um |
2594s | we like we kind of have that already |
2599s | um |
2601s | and it's it's pretty light it's nowhere |
2604s | near as in-depth as devotions |
2607s | um but we kind of have it already |
2616s | actually just do this |
2617s | here there it is right there there's a |
2619s | global system regardless of class that |
2621s | you can expect into |
2625s | so yeah I love it |
2627s | another one on top of that you saying oh |
2630s | well I don't know |
2632s | um I go see something like that being |
2633s | added significantly in the future |
2636s | um as a |
2639s | um as like a new cycle a mechanic |
2641s | introduced so say like |
2643s | um oh there's some new |
2645s | uh thing that's being added that you can |
2648s | that you can like |
2651s | put stuff into and it does things I |
2655s | don't know how to say it |
2658s | uh but yeah yeah I I I can see something |
2661s | like that emerging down the road uh in |
2664s | more granular system |
2672s | what's a dual Shield two Shields |
2674s | simultaneously wielded |
2676s | uh will it be possible to have ladders |
2678s | for each party size |
2680s | um yeah like I think it'll just be a |
2682s | drop down in the in the in the |
2685s | um |
2686s | in the ladder I suspect |
2693s | uh sorry to clarify on the multiplayer |
2695s | switching fast between spells just the |
2698s | lag sometimes from engaging more than a |
2699s | few enemies at once in an echo resulting |
2701s | in like yeah I mean that's just |
2705s | uh |
2710s | uh just it's it's performance and |
2713s | optimization that we're constantly |
2714s | working on that's all I can say about |
2716s | that |
2718s | there's there's like that's that's the |
2721s | biggest thing that we work on is |
2723s | performance and optimization right now |
2724s | it's it's the most important thing |
2727s | um |
2728s | we we currently run the servers pretty |
2731s | lean |
2732s | um as far as the number of clients that |
2734s | are connected to each server |
2736s | um just as a precaution to help things |
2737s | be better uh we need one of the most |
2739s | important things we can do right now is |
2740s | improving that ratio |
2742s | um |
2743s | for the longevity of the game really |
2747s | and uh |
2749s | and performance people are getting |
2767s | nothing much different is it a fair bit |
2770s | uh |
2772s | I can tell you right now before I read |
2774s | this question all the way out I will not |
2776s | write this down because I don't write |
2779s | anything any requests down so if you |
2781s | want it go leave a comment on forums uh |
2784s | please change the quest on the next room |
2785s | where you spend one hour getting a key |
2786s | from the East and then two hours to kill |
2788s | the West uh which of the center opening |
2790s | the bridge gate |
2794s | leave a suggestion on the forums |
2798s | hey Mike don't remember if it was asked |
2801s | about or not uh but will the |
2803s | psychomechanics stay in standard and or |
2805s | future Cycles after gun cycle ends or |
2808s | wants it and |
2810s | or once it ends the mechanic it's gone |
2813s | um the current plan for the first |
2814s | initial set of cycles that happens |
2819s | um is to have them be immediately rolled |
2821s | out to everyone and automatically rolled |
2823s | into everything |
2825s | um |
2827s | this is because a lot of the initial |
2830s | mechanics that we introduced through |
2831s | Cycles are things that |
2833s | given a magic wand we would just include |
2835s | with 1.0 |
2837s | um |
2841s | and we think it's important to have them |
2843s | as part of the game regardless |
2847s | um I could see in a few years from now |
2849s | the uh the system changing to or maybe |
2853s | less than that as well but the system |
2854s | changing at some point to |
2856s | um |
2858s | have |
2861s | uh |
2863s | like a split environment for standard |
2867s | and cycle |
2868s | at least at least right now it's a lot |
2870s | less work for us to not split that |
2871s | environment |
2873s | um |
2873s | and also the things we're introducing we |
2875s | know we want to introduce anyway so if |
2877s | we wait to and don't add them to |
2878s | standard we know that it's going to be |
2881s | um |
2883s | missed |
2886s | and we know like there's a pretty big |
2888s | incentivizing factor to be like get |
2889s | people to play on the ladder by saying |
2892s | like hey there's this new cool feature |
2893s | over on the ladder come play the ladder |
2895s | um |
2896s | but at least initially we don't think |
2898s | that's going to be something that we |
2900s | need to incentivize very much |
2902s | um |
2904s | and we'd rather just get the content out |
2906s | to everyone |
2919s | because we know a lot of people will |
2921s | sometimes just play |
2923s | uh the new cycle |
2926s | for the new content even though they |
2927s | have zero interest in the latter at all |
2932s | which is which isn't awesome |
2935s | so if we can avoid it we'd like to |
2944s | like I haven't actually taken a D2 |
2946s | ladder seriously in |
2948s | forever |
2951s | but I still always make ladder |
2953s | characters no matter what and part of |
2955s | that is yes there's green words that |
2956s | aren't available on non-letter yada yada |
2958s | yada but they're available because so |
2959s | many characters have transitioned over |
2964s | uh him I don't remember if it was |
2966s | astronaut oh I didn't answer that any |
2968s | chances of reducing the cost of stash |
2970s | tabs I've cut around 30 so far in my |
2972s | last one costing like 300 000 gold that |
2974s | makes it hard to decide what items to |
2976s | keep for Global stash which is a shame |
2979s | 30 tabs is a lot |
2982s | like that's a lot of tabs |
2985s | um |
2988s | I don't know |
2991s | maybe the map does work I don't know |
2993s | um |
2994s | yeah through the thousands a lot and |
2996s | there's a chance we might look at it |
2997s | again but if you want us to please leave |
2998s | a comment on the forums |
3002s | um |
3004s | suggesting that |
3008s | I I'd be pretty surprised I mean I don't |
3010s | think that that many stash tabs is |
3012s | something that many people are |
3013s | interested in and it's sort of a like I |
3015s | mean there's that there's another gold |
3016s | thing right |
3017s | um if you're interested in having more |
3019s | storage space |
3021s | you can invest in it the in-game gold |
3029s | I can see the scaling slowing because |
3031s | right now the scaling's linear |
3033s | um so I can see the scaling slowing down |
3035s | possibly |
3039s | that might be an option |
3041s | it probably does get a little out of |
3043s | hand at the max |
3045s | when we put that number in there was no |
3048s | bolts |
3049s | um so it's like the only gold sink |
3051s | really |
3062s | oh I forgot to put that point back in |
3064s | lightning blasts to Castle LM |
3071s | all right |
3074s | all right also don't forget to put at |
3075s | last debug aim in the question or else I |
3077s | will just gloss right over it |
3079s | uh just try my luck is 0.91 coming next |
3082s | month no comment uh graduated recently |
3085s | with a CS degree y'all hiring TM uh yes |
3088s | we are we have a careers page on our |
3090s | website good luck with our games |
3092s | eleventh or 11th Hour dot |
3095s | games I don't remember sorry Google |
3096s | eleven dollar games and it'll show up |
3098s | that's how I find our website anyways |
3101s | um there's a careers page on there |
3104s | um |
3104s | with I have no idea what's posted right |
3107s | now I'm sorry so I have no idea if if |
3109s | um |
3110s | it's something if there's anything in |
3112s | there you might be interested I don't |
3113s | know I'm sorry but |
3115s | that's the resource to go to |
3122s | uh hello Mike hello |
3125s | uh did you ever use the build guide for |
3127s | any of the characters you play Live uh |
3129s | yes I have I've used many build guides |
3131s | to the characters to put live |
3132s | um |
3134s | I've also just used characters that |
3136s | other people have made for me quite a |
3137s | bit as well that's that's more that's |
3139s | more common |
3159s | oh it feels like one-handed maces are |
3162s | not used much at the moment what are |
3164s | your thoughts on this item type and |
3165s | other bases you feel are not used much |
3167s | the one I mean I I think that there's |
3169s | always room for that one new uh unique |
3173s | that one New Balance change that one new |
3176s | little thing to like shift the balance |
3178s | of power such that they are all of a |
3180s | sudden picked up on mass |
3183s | um |
3184s | so I don't think that they're so far out |
3185s | of the realm of useful |
3189s | um that they're just completely ignored |
3190s | no matter what or anything like that |
3192s | love that animation so much |
3195s | um |
3197s | they might be they might be a little |
3198s | underpowered in most cases but um |
3202s | I don't think it's um a big concern |
3205s | it's also not an overly common strong |
3209s | um |
3210s | like class fantasy of a like a mace |
3212s | building character that gets brought up |
3214s | very much so I think that's probably why |
3216s | it gets less Focus |
3218s | um from us just naturally |
3229s | that's not bad |
3234s | should I be you oh I'm like I picked up |
3237s | a drizzle Sprite should I be using it |
3239s | no because it's not as good as the one I |
3242s | already have so it's going on the ground |
3248s | uh this is probably being asked maybe |
3252s | that's okay but any thoughts on putting |
3254s | in a hold position button for minions |
3257s | um yes we've talked about this before |
3259s | having |
3260s | um |
3264s | like stance uh stance options for |
3267s | minions so just be like these ones are |
3269s | aggressive these ones are uh defensive |
3272s | these ones you know only move when you |
3274s | tell them to that sort of stuff |
3275s | um |
3277s | we've definitely talked about it a |
3278s | favorite |
3279s | we almost put it in at one point |
3281s | we we actually we should put on a road |
3283s | map even |
3285s | um |
3286s | they're just kept getting pushed and |
3288s | pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed |
3292s | which was really unfortunate |
3299s | uh any plans on updating the primeless |
3301s | Raptor skill tree or model uh tree |
3303s | absolutely |
3305s | um model I I would assume so but it's |
3308s | definitely not high on the list right |
3310s | now |
3314s | do you have a favorite boss fight of all |
3317s | time from any arpg |
3320s | oh |
3323s | give me a moment to think about that |
3334s | I mean like do you have a favorite |
3336s | something from any RPG like my mind |
3337s | immediately goes to Yellow too |
3339s | immediately goes to the other two just |
3341s | like overwhelmingly |
3343s | um |
3345s | it doesn't have super inspired boss |
3348s | mechanics and Designs though it's not |
3350s | it's not a high point of Diablo 2. it |
3353s | comes from an era before we had |
3355s | um really high mechanical |
3358s | uh complexity for boss fights in RPGs |
3365s | um |
3370s | but the the final pandemonium event |
3373s | fight with with |
3375s | um |
3375s | in chaos Tristram |
3379s | it's just I don't know I can I can still |
3382s | remember the first time I did it |
3383s | successfully |
3385s | um |
3388s | so probably that |
3392s | either either that or the butcher from |
3395s | Diablo one |
3396s | just it's not even a boss really |
3399s | um and it's just it's one of those |
3401s | things like I can also remember the |
3402s | first time that happened because I was |
3404s | so scared I walked away from the |
3405s | computer because I was like a tiny |
3406s | little kid |
3408s | um |
3411s | and |
3413s | yeah just that that moment of like |
3415s | walking through those that the first |
3417s | dungeon and you just hear from around |
3419s | the corner fresh meat and it's like good |
3423s | Lord get me out of here |
3425s | um |
3426s | and like first time playing as a little |
3428s | kid you're never prepared for it and it |
3430s | just goes horribly |
3437s | so the audio line from the very first |
3440s | mini boss in Diablo 1. |
3442s | that's my answer to that question I |
3444s | think |
3447s | uh just hit my thousandth hour it's not |
3450s | counting testing just want to say thanks |
3451s | for about 35 I got my money's worth |
3454s | awesome I'm I'm glad that's that's cool |
3456s | that's very cool I um |
3460s | yeah I still got a kick out of here and |
3461s | stuff like that thank you |
3463s | thanks for sharing |
3468s | I guess I gotta keep killing you don't I |
3474s | fine |
3478s | thanks for your answers we'll let other |
3480s | people ask questions best game I ever |
3481s | played uh you guys rock thanks |
3485s | we're getting there so lots lots of room |
3487s | for improvement uh currently there's not |
3489s | a lot of benefit from running multiple |
3491s | types of companions on your Beastmaster |
3493s | compared to solo uh or wolf pack slash |
3496s | pro pack do you think the campaign |
3497s | synergies within their skills similar to |
3499s | Druid from form synergies could be |
3500s | implemented to support Zoo style |
3502s | Beastmaster yeah so the um |
3506s | uh the rapture we do we we really tried |
3509s | to with the Raptor introduce |
3513s | um cross |
3514s | um cross companion synergies |
3517s | the Raptor has some sort of synergy with |
3519s | I think every other companion partially |
3520s | because the Raptor is the companion you |
3522s | get as The Beastmaster |
3528s | and it's usually it's usually focused |
3529s | around some sort of mechanical |
3532s | um |
3534s | change uh so like it's suddenly |
3537s | synergizes really well with bleed and |
3540s | there's a whole bunch of bleed nodes on |
3542s | the wolves or it's only synergized with |
3544s | poison there's a bunch of poison nodes |
3545s | on the Scorpion |
3553s | um |
3563s | um I never took the cast while M node |
3567s | again |
3568s | wasn't working |
3581s | but I think it's gonna cause me some |
3582s | problems here |
3592s | eat |
3598s | okay let me get another question going |
3600s | while I'm doing this |
3601s | I'm just kind of crappy |
3609s | okay uh I'm gonna take another question |
3612s | while I do this I promise |
3615s | uh why does sentinel have the fewest |
3618s | number of weapons equippable in the |
3620s | offhand why no Hammer mates offhand |
3624s | um mostly because two hammers or two |
3627s | Masons feels really weird |
3630s | um and and kind of out of place |
3633s | um so you like put Hammer mates in their |
3635s | main hand and then put a sword or dagger |
3637s | or whatever you put in the offhand there |
3638s | sorry |
3639s | um in the offhand you know it'll |
3641s | probably sword over ax I want to say |
3642s | Paramus |
3645s | um so you kind of put the and this is |
3647s | where it gets weird this is where you |
3648s | put the offhand weapon in your main hand |
3650s | because usually you think of like uh in |
3652s | a situation like that it's like a sword |
3653s | and a mace the mace is your offhand |
3654s | weapon so you end up with the main hand |
3656s | weapon you're off down in the office |
3657s | opening your main hand but it's the only |
3659s | way we can do it uh to have that type of |
3662s | combination |
3664s | um |
3665s | function mechanically in the game |
3666s | systems nicely without having some sort |
3668s | of like |
3669s | um |
3673s | like you can wheel the mace in your |
3675s | offhand as long as there's not a mace in |
3676s | your main hand that's just that just |
3679s | feels weird |
3696s | come on we need some sort of calling |
3704s | there we go |
3708s | little bug there as soon as the boss |
3709s | dies everything's supposed to clear |
3713s | worst |
3716s | uh all right |
3719s | uh you mentioned oh here I see this one |
3721s | yeah set items are generally in a bad |
3723s | place mostly unused and he plans to |
3725s | change them |
3726s | um I think there's a lot I think this I |
3728s | think this this rhetoric around set |
3729s | items of ignores |
3732s | um a lot of good uses the settings do |
3735s | you currently have |
3736s | um which is unfortunate because there |
3738s | are there are and there are more |
3739s | problematic set items than there are |
3740s | non-problematic set items but I would |
3743s | argue that the ratio of problematic to |
3744s | not problematic set items is actually |
3746s | pretty similar to like the other two for |
3747s | example |
3748s | um which I would argue has |
3750s | three good set items in it well five |
3752s | I'll give you five |
3755s | um not sets set items uh anyways the |
3761s | uh the answer to the question is yes we |
3763s | do have plans to change the set system |
3765s | in general such that it it reflects |
3768s | um a better progression into later end |
3771s | game content and more customization in |
3773s | your gear |
3778s | uh you mentioned on Discord briefly that |
3779s | you wouldn't consider Spears a thematic |
3781s | weapon for Sentinel what's the reasoning |
3783s | for that I I I |
3786s | I think there's more thematic weapons |
3788s | for other |
3790s | uh for Sentinel that are not Spears as |
3792s | much |
3793s | there is fierce energy there |
3796s | um |
3799s | I think one-handed Spears I don't think |
3801s | makes sense and maybe that's what I was |
3804s | talking about there |
3806s | um |
3808s | there's there's definitely |
3811s | spear usage in uh because we think we |
3814s | think of like the The Sentinel as like a |
3817s | foot soldier in |
3820s | um in a medieval Army that's sort of the |
3822s | the like the core |
3824s | uh I guess look for the for the Sentinel |
3828s | is it it's it's this it's this medieval |
3831s | military character |
3835s | um and there definitely were Spears in |
3837s | um medieval armies |
3840s | well I respect points there we go |
3845s | you can press enter in that window if |
3847s | you didn't know |
3850s | it's a fairly recent edition if you're |
3853s | an old school player |
3857s | um |
3861s | sorry the spear question was quite long |
3863s | and I'm not gonna read it all out |
3864s | basically just wanting Spears to be more |
3866s | incorporated into sandals I I think that |
3869s | there's |
3870s | we probably struggled to have the space |
3872s | for them to exist uh in that they |
3874s | probably didn't feel overly thematic for |
3876s | a void night a paladin or a forge guard |
3881s | um I think that's the really the hard |
3882s | part is is that they didn't feel super |
3884s | thematic for the for any of the Mastery |
3886s | classes less so that they didn't feel |
3888s | automatic for a sentinel itself |
3895s | I if I I if I focus on |
3899s | focus on him |
3904s | I see I Menace the seat out the outcast |
3909s | Queen leader of the living Rebels and |
3912s | show her the epoch |
3914s | IST will be up |
3922s | all right all right all right |
3927s | um I think we're going high mana on this |
3929s | one if I remember correctly |
3932s | don't remember |
3935s | I might just do this for now |
3938s | so getting some more retention to the |
3939s | build a little bit |
3944s | uh since catalysts are for INT |
3946s | spellcasters and for Fighters the option |
3949s | of Shield or a second weapon will it be |
3951s | another option for offhand for |
3953s | Attunement casters my Shaman is crying |
3957s | um |
3959s | yeah I mean we've |
3961s | if you think about the like so shamans |
3963s | are |
3967s | um |
3970s | I don't know a great answer for I I |
3972s | always do this I always run to the right |
3975s | in the zone |
3978s | like can we just can we block this off |
3981s | with like crates or something |
3985s | please |
3987s | love these giant chains I don't know why |
3989s | like I think a giant chains like that |
3991s | but I just love it |
3992s | um |
3994s | alternate offhand options for |
3998s | um |
3999s | for a tune and based casters |
4002s | I think there's a |
4005s | uh there's a lot of thematics in a druid |
4008s | style like nature themed Caster using a |
4011s | big two-handed staff for that character |
4013s | and that those thematics are so strong |
4018s | um is is the main reason why we didn't |
4019s | include that uh that type of option |
4023s | possibility of adding in the future yeah |
4025s | it's possible |
4027s | um |
4028s | I have no info on if it's gonna happen |
4031s | or not enough not for 1.0 there will be |
4033s | no new base class |
4035s | uh item categories for 1.0 and I don't |
4038s | think we'll be adding a tune and based |
4040s | catalysts for 1.0 |
4050s | okay |
4054s | tell you once that kid went to daycare |
4058s | sickness in this household went from |
4060s | years since the last time we got sick to |
4063s | weeks |
4066s | very quickly |
4072s | uh you guys already started coding the |
4074s | faction system in the game uh nope we're |
4077s | still working on the back end |
4082s | hello hope you're we're working on the |
4086s | back end system for it for um getting |
4089s | the asynchronous trading working |
4091s | um |
4092s | and we're working on |
4095s | the hardest part for that weirdly enough |
4096s | is the is the filtering the search and |
4099s | sort filtering systems |
4101s | um having that function nicely is |
4103s | surprisingly some of the hardest parts |
4106s | um for for performance and just like |
4110s | volume of calls that have to happen to |
4111s | whatever system we're using back there |
4114s | and uh you doing UI |
4117s | um prototype markups right now as well |
4119s | so |
4120s | still early development on the item |
4122s | factions uh hello hope you're doing good |
4124s | any good bad thoughts about class |
4126s | Mastery that play around preparation |
4128s | burst phase akin to wizards in Magicka |
4131s | uh you cast Boston's instant in use uh |
4134s | in can't to cast a spell that depends on |
4137s | the Buffs |
4138s | um |
4139s | uh nothing that I can share with you |
4141s | right now but I think you should uh |
4146s | probably remember that a little bit |
4149s | regardless of mechanical technical |
4151s | limitations would you uh will be your |
4153s | dream dungeon other endgame activity to |
4155s | design |
4159s | um |
4175s | something where |
4178s | you are physically building |
4182s | uh a dungeon as you're playing it |
4187s | um I don't know it would have to be like |
4188s | really fast-paced |
4191s | um but simultaneously having this like |
4193s | uh |
4198s | like just just making this up off the |
4201s | top of my head here I think it'd be cool |
4202s | so having some sort of like |
4204s | almost like a conveyor belt system where |
4206s | things are falling off the belt behind |
4208s | you and I knew things getting added in |
4210s | front of you as you're going and |
4213s | um |
4214s | so you're like you can't go back you |
4216s | can't stop but you've got to keep |
4218s | building the environment as you're going |
4220s | so the environment's like constructing |
4222s | and adapting to what you're playing as |
4224s | you're going |
4225s | um |
4227s | excellent like that'd be really cool |
4230s | um |
4235s | yeah |
4237s | that's that's hard to come with on the |
4238s | spot |
4240s | as I'm thinking about something like |
4241s | it'll be terrible for so many reasons |
4247s | all right next question uh do you plan |
4251s | to have challenges and achievements |
4253s | accomplishments for each cycle |
4254s | potentially with MTX rewards yes |
4256s | um I think the |
4259s | uh there's sort of like two types of |
4262s | potential MTX rewards for something like |
4264s | that |
4266s | um |
4269s | we haven't really fully discussed or |
4270s | laid this out I I think there's there's |
4272s | I do have some thoughts on it |
4274s | um so if I was going to set the system |
4276s | up right now I think it would look |
4278s | something like |
4280s | um |
4281s | there's like there can be achievements |
4283s | for for things like simple ads just like |
4285s | being the final boss of the game uh |
4287s | unlocking all the monoliths um |
4290s | uh beating all the models and empowered |
4292s | you know like like just Landmark |
4294s | achievements like this like beating all |
4295s | the tier four dungeons |
4297s | um beating uh shade of orbits like just |
4299s | being certain bosses like like certain |
4301s | like pretty standard achievement fair |
4303s | type things |
4305s | um and having some sort of uh relatively |
4307s | common achievable straightforward MTX |
4309s | that's associated with that so like |
4311s | um like oh you completed all of the |
4314s | these things that most characters are |
4315s | going to complete |
4317s | um if you're if you're if you if you're |
4318s | trying to |
4321s | um and giving it some sort of ntx reward |
4324s | so like uh a really big hat with a |
4327s | feather in it and |
4329s | um |
4331s | and then there's the second category of |
4332s | things where it's like okay the like top |
4335s | four people who or top top 10 people who |
4337s | finish the latter |
4340s | season ends first place gets this thing |
4342s | second place gets this thing third place |
4344s | gets this thing and fourth through |
4346s | tenths gets it gets this other thing you |
4347s | know something like that |
4349s | um it's and I think that if we were |
4351s | gonna do something like that which I |
4352s | don't think we've talked about |
4353s | explicitly if we are or not but if we |
4355s | were gonna do something like that the |
4356s | way I'd really like to see it happen is |
4359s | that reward being a little bit more |
4361s | generic |
4362s | um and have it be so say that maybe |
4365s | there's like |
4367s | and there's like 10 rewards that can |
4369s | come from |
4370s | specifically doing well on the latter so |
4372s | like ladder cycle rewards like like uh |
4375s | competitive ladder cycle top spot ncx |
4378s | rewards things like that where it's like |
4379s | okay you're really awesome at the ladder |
4381s | you got this reward |
4382s | um and I'd love to see like a pool of |
4384s | those things that each of us cost so |
4386s | like |
4387s | um kind of like a different virtual |
4388s | currency that you can earn through |
4390s | competing in the latter so like |
4393s | um maybe if you if you get first place |
4395s | you get 10 crests of Valor and if you |
4398s | get second place you get five crests of |
4400s | Valor and if you get you know down the |
4402s | line in 10th Place gets like one crest |
4403s | of Valor and it's still cool and |
4404s | everything like that but if you uh trade |
4406s | in like three crests of Valor you can |
4408s | get this sweet ntx chess piece if you're |
4410s | trading like eight crests of value you |
4411s | can get this even more ridiculously |
4413s | sweet pet that follows you around or |
4415s | something like that I don't know and |
4418s | um |
4419s | so if you if you wanted to unlock one of |
4422s | these things you could you just have to |
4423s | and like maybe you if you if you won |
4425s | you'd get like two of them you'd have |
4427s | enough to just like buy two of them |
4428s | right away and if you came like third |
4430s | eight seasons in a row you'd be looking |
4432s | at the same thing you know |
4434s | something like that I don't know if I'm |
4436s | pulling ratios and numbers out I'm about |
4437s | here but |
4438s | um |
4440s | that's the style of system I'd probably |
4442s | pitch for it if I was going to pitch a |
4443s | system like that |
4445s | um because it does a few things I think |
4447s | it does really well because it would and |
4449s | there might be holes in this I don't |
4451s | know I haven't really thought of it too |
4451s | much |
4453s | um but one thing that I think it does |
4454s | really well is it |
4456s | um a a means we don't have to make |
4459s | uh 10 unique rewards every cycle for |
4462s | this so that cuts on down on development |
4465s | time which is great which I just thought |
4466s | of |
4468s | um |
4469s | but the other thing it does is if |
4471s | someone |
4472s | um didn't quite do well enough to get |
4474s | the thing they were after they can come |
4476s | back next cycle and finish earning it |
4480s | they still do well again |
4482s | um anybody they do well enough that they |
4484s | maybe maybe we're adding in like one new |
4487s | one to the pool every cycle or something |
4489s | like that and |
4491s | um |
4493s | or and taking one out of the pool every |
4495s | cycle I don't know |
4496s | it's all getting beat up as we go here |
4498s | but I think something like that would be |
4500s | really good where you can you can still |
4502s | work towards earning it if you didn't |
4503s | quite achieve it the first time around |
4505s | so there's not this like oh well I I |
4507s | came sixth instead of Fifth and I didn't |
4510s | get this thing I was hoping for and it |
4511s | was only for that one cycle and now it's |
4513s | gone forever and I can't get it and all |
4514s | my time that I just put it that was just |
4515s | completely wasted I think that would |
4517s | feel really bad |
4519s | um especially like coming so close and |
4521s | failing |
4522s | um but knowing that you could still get |
4524s | it if you just |
4526s | played next cycle |
4527s | um and and did similarly well |
4531s | um I think would be would be comforting |
4543s | I don't know what do you guys think |
4544s | about it that's something to be |
4546s | interesting hearing uh about if people |
4548s | like or don't like |
4550s | um the idea of having |
4552s | uh MTX rewards and it's ntx so cosmetic |
4555s | rewards is really what would be cosmetic |
4556s | rewards for |
4558s | um uh top tier achievements |
4561s | in Cycles |
4565s | uh do you encourage people to get |
4568s | teleports uh to the end of time for alts |
4570s | how do you feel about that |
4572s | um |
4572s | I I encourage people who are |
4575s | extremely against doing |
4578s | uh a a campaign run to do that |
4582s | um |
4584s | if it's if it's just something that you |
4586s | know you're gonna absolutely hate and |
4588s | you have to avoid it at all costs yeah I |
4591s | I think it's I think that's probably the |
4593s | best way to go for someone who's who |
4595s | feels that way |
4600s | um |
4601s | generally I think if it's if it's your |
4603s | first time especially if it's your first |
4604s | time playing that class |
4606s | I would really suggest not doing that |
4610s | um just because there's a lot of growth |
4611s | that happens |
4613s | um |
4614s | in in the unlocking process in playing |
4616s | through the campaign in in facing these |
4618s | different easier challenges with uh with |
4621s | with these new skill sets and these new |
4624s | options available to you that maybe you |
4625s | haven't tried before and gone through |
4626s | these things I think there's a lot of |
4627s | good learning that happens there |
4646s | my DPS is poo poo garbage town |
4650s | uh and it's showing |
4652s | and I'm realizing that I'm using a wand |
4655s | that I literally picked up 15 levels ago |
4658s | and haven't touched since |
4665s | so as soon as this fight's done |
4669s | I'm gonna do a little bit a little bit |
4670s | of crafting I think |
4677s | I keep forgetting that I don't have the |
4679s | um casting node uh for |
4682s | lightning blast |
4689s | all right synonyms are in a or I think |
4693s | that's a typical question |
4695s | if I missed your question |
4697s | please don't re-ask it unless you've |
4699s | clearly seen me ask a question after it |
4702s | answer a question after it already |
4705s | if you can help it and if it's not a |
4707s | duplicate I'm sorry it looks very |
4708s | similar uh any plans to convert shards |
4710s | we have with uh significant stashed of |
4713s | two others yes even it's a random skill |
4716s | chart or something for example yeah |
4717s | there's there there's definitely plans |
4719s | to convert them at a loss |
4721s | um in bulk so like 20 strength shards |
4725s | for |
4726s | five intelligent shards I don't know |
4728s | what the ratio is going to be but but |
4730s | something along those lines in style |
4734s | oh we caught meteor didn't we do we do |
4737s | we do we do we |
4739s | do we switch meteor in |
4741s | because we're gonna be using |
4746s | we do |
4748s | you're gonna expect into it we're gonna |
4749s | spec into it 35 is the next one yeah |
4751s | what are we at 26. |
4754s | it's a ways off did we get rid of flame |
4756s | Ward |
4758s | I don't use it so probably |
4761s | um how do you move a stash tab to a |
4764s | different stash category case figured |
4765s | out |
4766s | um I think if you just right click on |
4768s | the tab it brings up the settings for it |
4769s | or if you |
4771s | 'll be like a configure button I can't |
4773s | remember what like I said yeah I guess |
4774s | you can just go look let's go find out |
4775s | for you huh |
4782s | there's a little drop down |
4784s | basically |
4789s | you right click on it |
4791s | and then we can move it and now it's in |
4793s | category two |
4795s | around |
4796s | good to go |
4799s | should I dump some stuff here while I'm |
4800s | while I've got you here |
4805s | let's get those uniques out of here and |
4807s | you know what we're gonna |
4808s | take a quick look at this |
4812s | lightning crit |
4815s | I mean that's probably just better as |
4816s | isn't it |
4819s | yeah |
4822s | stupid |
4824s | let's do a little crafting let's have |
4826s | some fun see what we get |
4828s | uh let's discover this last one ignite |
4831s | not huge on the ignite |
4837s | I just want to spell |
4844s | it like anything else now to it no |
4846s | that's fine |
4850s | even better |
4867s | cold we'll see if we can rolled into |
4869s | something good casting |
4872s | it's not bad |
4875s | I know I'm burning these on these casts |
4877s | that I know are gonna be |
4880s | kind of whatever |
4887s | it's not wooden's |
4892s | um let's get a couple Idols as well |
4895s | just because I feel myself slowing down |
4897s | pretty hard |
4900s | uh sunwards |
4902s | it's cold armor fire reds sure |
4906s | ignite alirez these aren't pretty but |
4910s | better than nothing |
4918s | why isn't that taking us to |
4925s | look |
4927s | it's okay |
4929s | uh any discussion on Beastmaster pet |
4933s | variety seems like little squirrels are |
4935s | the uh main in-game build with very few |
4937s | solo pet builds or builds building other |
4939s | creatures I think this is similar to the |
4940s | questions I've seen asked earlier |
4943s | um but this is a little bit of a Twist |
4944s | here I think the |
4946s | um bear Sabretooth especially and and |
4949s | Scorpion and Rapture at Sunbury as well |
4951s | are |
4952s | um very old skills that are in need of |
4956s | some love |
4957s | um |
4959s | ironically wolf is the oldest of them |
4961s | but it has uh it has had a lot of love |
4964s | um and a lot of love recently |
4981s | yeah I mean it's just so good |
4986s | one more in there sure why not |
4993s | uh any plans for controller support |
4996s | improvements yes |
4998s | hello I love this game thank you I got a |
5000s | question of gender lock for classes will |
5001s | be permanent thanks |
5003s | um it will uh at launch at 1.0 launch |
5006s | um classes will be gender locked |
5009s | um we know that for certain uh it is we |
5012s | know we know it's a topic that a lot of |
5014s | people feel very strongly about |
5016s | um I think I think people either |
5019s | feel like there's most people not |
5021s | everyone but most people fall into two |
5022s | camps when it comes to |
5024s | um character customization and what |
5026s | specifically gender gender locking for |
5028s | characters in in arpgs specifically I'm |
5031s | talking about arpgs |
5033s | and I think most people fall into the |
5035s | camp of you absolutely have to have it |
5038s | or else |
5039s | and eh |
5041s | I think it was like the two camps |
5044s | it's just like |
5045s | no question has to be there yes and |
5047s | could not care less |
5050s | um it's very extreme reactions |
5053s | um |
5053s | and I know there's lots of people that |
5055s | fall in the in the middle on a lot of |
5057s | that stuff but I I think for the most |
5059s | part that's where most people fit |
5061s | oh |
5064s | all this talking |
5066s | I haven't coughed for like much at all |
5069s | but then I start talking like crazy for |
5071s | an hour and I was like I don't need some |
5072s | coughing now |
5077s | um but as far as getting in it is a it |
5079s | is a field we want to add we do want to |
5081s | add |
5082s | um character customization we do want to |
5083s | open up the uh the gender options if we |
5086s | can |
5087s | um |
5088s | we we definitely don't have a time frame |
5091s | on when we think that's going to be |
5093s | possible |
5094s | um it's a considerable amount of work I |
5097s | think there's there's a lot of |
5100s | um |
5100s | there's a lot of things that don't seem |
5102s | like they're part of that |
5104s | um that are |
5107s | so like |
5108s | of all of the |
5111s | um all the equipment models need to be |
5113s | set out to work on different body shapes |
5116s | um |
5117s | all of the uh voice lines need to be |
5120s | re-recorded for |
5122s | um for multiple genders |
5124s | um the |
5125s | the dialogue all needs to I guess the |
5128s | dialogue right now kind of addresses you |
5130s | because there are multiple genders so |
5131s | that I would probably wouldn't have to |
5132s | change much |
5134s | the dialogue changes in |
5136s | um |
5138s | up languages that have gendered language |
5142s | like |
5143s | um |
5144s | like like where a chair can have to have |
5147s | a gender |
5149s | um in in some languages is |
5151s | really tricky thing to work around and |
5153s | reconcile |
5160s | I've been working on localization lately |
5162s | and it's uh |
5168s | but it's a really important thing for a |
5170s | lot of people so |
5172s | we want to do it |
5173s | um |
5174s | yeah so so the general looking thing is |
5176s | there's a lot going on with it that |
5178s | might not be obvious that needs to |
5180s | happen because of it |
5182s | um |
5185s | but we're working on it |
5186s | oh we we may work on it eventually we |
5189s | probably will work on it eventually |
5191s | we're not working on it right now sorry |
5192s | we're working on localization right now |
5196s | oh hello |
5200s | this game again |
5202s | um I have been asked before that's okay |
5203s | my first time catching this live any |
5205s | plans to add more potions like you'd see |
5207s | in Poe no actually we don't |
5211s | um |
5212s | we for quite a while had a potion system |
5214s | that was very similar to Diablo 3's |
5219s | uh whereby there was a um like an |
5222s | augment you could get to your potion |
5223s | slot so you like you'd find a find a |
5226s | unique potion put it in your potion slot |
5227s | and that like changes what your potion |
5228s | slot is |
5232s | um and after after that for a little |
5234s | while we we kind of realized that |
5237s | um |
5238s | there's there's a bit of a disconnect |
5242s | um and how that really works because |
5244s | like you're finding this liquid on the |
5246s | ground and as you've picked it up and |
5249s | it's in a bottle already |
5251s | um and like the active you picking it up |
5253s | changes it somehow |
5256s | um |
5258s | and I think this this helps a little bit |
5260s | but it's kind of that same disconnect is |
5262s | kind of still there we we've taken the |
5264s | properties for potion like for different |
5266s | potions different effects on potions and |
5268s | we primarily put them on belts |
5271s | um I think I think there's room I think |
5273s | we've agreed that there's room for them |
5274s | on rings and gloves as well if it's like |
5277s | a unique |
5278s | but but General properties for modifying |
5280s | potions are are going to be just sitting |
5282s | on Belt slots |
5305s | I like this |
5307s | I'm just gonna get teleporting strikes |
5309s | here and call it a day just cast meteor |
5311s | and |
5312s | mine are bigger |
5319s | oh gosh sorry about that |
5323s | uh hope you're having a great team |
5325s | having a pretty good Pretty good overall |
5326s | actually you know what you know what you |
5327s | know |
5329s | haven't I haven't shared |
5330s | a spoiler at all let's take a second is |
5333s | this is a uh neat little time lapse |
5335s | video |
5336s | of uh stuff been made |
5342s | all right do you have plans to replace |
5345s | model XP bonus for something useful if |
5347s | you're already level 100 |
5349s | um not at the moment |
5352s | it is useful though because if you want |
5354s | to respect |
5355s | um |
5357s | you can use you can do it right before |
5358s | getting one of those and you basically |
5360s | just get it for free |
5363s | you kind of make auto aim optional I |
5365s | think that's in the works but I'm not |
5366s | sure |
5368s | uh hello there hello any info on fixing |
5372s | this please that Korean haircut drives |
5374s | me crazy |
5377s | oh that Karen haircut |
5378s | wow didn't |
5383s | are you talking about our the |
5385s | this |
5386s | what |
5391s | I'm sorry I have no idea what you're |
5392s | talking about |
5393s | it's about my haircut I don't think |
5404s | all right Spears are one of the most |
5406s | used weapons in military so many video |
5407s | games to neglect this is it hard to |
5409s | animate uh no harder than anything else |
5412s | really |
5414s | I think this may have come in before I |
5415s | said what I was talking about about |
5417s | um what I realized what it was that I |
5419s | was trying to say about them not being a |
5421s | sematic for specifically boy night |
5423s | Paladin and forgeberg |
5427s | only plans to make corruption better for |
5429s | example uh affect LP Etc we have no |
5432s | plans to make corruption affect LP drop |
5433s | chances |
5435s | um they in it indirectly already does |
5436s | because you're finding more uniques |
5440s | um any chance the same question uh |
5443s | is that I'm playing with something on my |
5446s | screen I'm sorry |
5449s | come on there we go uh is that unique |
5451s | spear that converts Javelin to lightning |
5453s | just feels weird when a no does the same |
5456s | thing yeah so some sometimes we |
5458s | intentionally put the |
5460s | um an effect on in two places at once |
5462s | that are that are um |
5465s | you intentionally want to take together |
5466s | and don't really have any bonus for |
5468s | taking together |
5470s | um and a lot of times it's uh it's a |
5472s | signaling device so saying like okay |
5474s | here's this item that's really good with |
5476s | lightning conversion javelin |
5479s | also it just converts lightning to |
5481s | javelin in case you missed that it was |
5482s | really good with that because it's |
5483s | really obvious now |
5486s | um |
5487s | so sometimes it's just a signposting |
5489s | thing |
5490s | because that happens a few places like |
5492s | um cold conversion shout or war cry |
5495s | sorry and the um |
5501s | the helmet big helmet the big big |
5505s | antler helmet |
5507s | I don't know the name sorry |
5512s | uh do you have any plans to fine-tune |
5513s | corruption so it's more meaningful to |
5514s | increase I maybe |
5519s | I don't uh there's no like |
5522s | fixed corruption task on the uh on the |
5526s | task track or anything like that |
5529s | that's what you're wondering |
5536s | let me yeah |
5538s | [Music] |
5547s | this is a quest that people |
5550s | um |
5551s | miss a lot |
5553s | um and usually it's just like they |
5554s | haven't walked close enough to trigger |
5556s | some enemy to like stand up |
5563s | so if you're stuck here that's probably |
5564s | what's happening |
5584s | noise noise |
5596s | all right uh started playing last night |
5599s | awesome enjoying so far I appreciate the |
5600s | controller support I hope it gets better |
5602s | it will as these things be worked on |
5604s | uh bit and all that also we'll subtitles |
5606s | for cinema next we had later yeah the |
5608s | whole cinematic systems is completely |
5610s | being uh overhauled |
5615s | here |
5622s | Pinnacle boss is considered dungeon |
5624s | bosses so it'll be more Peewee style |
5626s | Pinnacle sneak peek into names |
5629s | um |
5631s | the |
5633s | uh |
5635s | I was gonna see the titular bad guy but |
5637s | there's no bad guy in the title but |
5640s | um we're we're in we're in a world of |
5642s | Diablo with no Diablo at the moment |
5645s | let's put it that way |
5648s | yes is the answer |
5651s | oh sorry I guess uh no is the answer |
5654s | because |
5655s | um well it's an over question we're |
5657s | we're gonna we're gonna add more there's |
5658s | more there's more more big baddies |
5660s | coming don't worry |
5663s | I'd say like T4 uh dungeon bosses will |
5666s | always be |
5667s | uh very high tier content |
5671s | um |
5672s | but Pinnacle contents |
5676s | um oh that's a lot of deeps right there |
5679s | yes it is |
5682s | but they're not designed to be Pinnacle |
5684s | content |
5686s | I think anything that's designed to be |
5687s | Pinnacle content probably shouldn't have |
5689s | a |
5691s | um mechanically |
5694s | the same low tier version of it so I |
5697s | think having a |
5699s | um |
5701s | like a uh |
5704s | you can have a boss come back and be |
5707s | mechanically distinct you're gonna boss |
5708s | like show up as like oh this is |
5711s | this person you're fighting this night |
5713s | you're fighting that's really difficult |
5714s | and he uses like a big two-handed sword |
5716s | it's real hard fighting everything in |
5717s | the campaign and it later comes back as |
5719s | like uh like oh he turns out he's like |
5722s | the the big bad guy the whole thing but |
5724s | this time like his Armor's broken off |
5726s | and he's got two swords and he's way |
5727s | faster and there's way more damage now |
5728s | and like it's a pretty simplistic |
5730s | example but I think something like |
5732s | that's |
5733s | um probably better uh than just here's |
5737s | the same boss but |
5738s | um stronger as we do with the dungeon |
5740s | tier system at the moment |
5742s | and it's not entirely true there are |
5744s | slight differences in the Mechanics for |
5747s | Dungeon tier increases um for the |
5748s | dungeon bosses but nothing substantial |
5751s | really this there's no new abilities |
5752s | that show up or anything like that it's |
5754s | the abilities they have are a little bit |
5756s | different cooldowns are changed |
5758s | um for example when you're when you're |
5759s | fighting the heart of the mountain the |
5761s | like the there's the building starts |
5763s | like this and it like spreads outwards |
5765s | like that |
5766s | um the the point to which it stops is |
5769s | different for each uh for each tier so |
5772s | you have like let's say space to hide in |
5777s | foreign |
5786s | [Music] |
5787s | will there be a beta for new classes |
5789s | before 1.0 or is it just when classes |
5791s | will ship |
5792s | um the |
5794s | we do have a closed testing environment |
5797s | we call it Community testers |
5799s | um that we'll likely see some of the |
5802s | content for |
5804s | um Masters a little bit earlier |
5807s | um not substantially I don't think it'll |
5809s | be more of a like we're ready to go |
5812s | and like let's make sure we just didn't |
5814s | miss something colossal here and have |
5816s | some people take a look at it |
5819s | uh do you have any plans for an end game |
5822s | system where you can decide your own |
5824s | risk reward system kind of like the |
5826s | monolith question mark |
5828s | um kind of like Peewee Master you can |
5830s | juice it to Max it becomes super |
5831s | dangerous also give a lot more rewards |
5832s | kind of like the monoliths |
5835s | um so some African game right now that |
5837s | you generally want to have in your build |
5838s | but you don't really want to be exalted |
5841s | like |
5843s | uh Frailty oh I see you're saying |
5846s | just certain affixes are better than |
5848s | other affixes there's more there's more |
5850s | power budget on like weapon prefixes |
5852s | than the wrong weapon weapon suffixes |
5853s | for the most part |
5855s | um |
5856s | any chance these other apps get some |
5858s | kind of charge up for once uh they drop |
5861s | as a golfer efforts like maybe turn off |
5863s | turning into a hybrid epics |
5866s | um |
5869s | hybrid FX has to be hybrid affix from |
5871s | the start |
5873s | um the way it's set up that can't you |
5875s | can't be you can't turn into a hybrid |
5876s | epics I don't think |
5878s | be wrong with that |
5880s | um |
5884s | the short answer is probably not |
5886s | um if we were gonna do something like |
5888s | that I think it would just be let's just |
5889s | turn up the numbers on them at all tiers |
5891s | type thing |
5899s | it's more likely it would happen I think |
5908s | okay |
5909s | the take |
5911s | this note again |
5913s | let's try it out |
5918s | it's working now |
5921s | wonder what happened there that's weird |
5924s | really weird |
5926s | lightning |
5929s | I'm talking about |
5931s | Mana yes please |
5935s | uh uh huh |
5938s | uh-huh |
5941s | resistance is it looking a little shoddy |
5946s | are there plans for Benchmark in-game |
5949s | bosses uh near impossible to kill and |
5951s | see how the best and slack gear best in |
5952s | stock build |
5953s | um best in slot best in slot yummy maybe |
5957s | I think the line there is a little |
5959s | blurred because |
5961s | um |
5962s | like |
5963s | that would preclude many builds from |
5965s | ever having a chance of doing it |
5968s | um |
5974s | but I think |
5976s | uh there there is room for him we would |
5978s | like to add in |
5979s | Pinnacle boss contents |
5986s | I just want to comment really on the |
5989s | difficulty relative difficulty of that |
5993s | uh notice the servers are lagging worse |
5996s | than they do 1.9 drops |
5998s | uh you might be having worse lag but |
6000s | overall the lag we're seeing in our |
6002s | metrics is down uh did you scale back |
6004s | your infrastructure due to drop the |
6005s | players uh nope |
6007s | that's not what it is the infrastructure |
6008s | never actually capped out |
6011s | which I know sounds ridiculous but it |
6013s | never capped out |
6014s | uh is there is is that a real Hylian |
6017s | Shield it is made of wood unfortunately |
6021s | um |
6021s | but it is very heavy and uh would |
6024s | definitely hold up to uh |
6027s | it's being attacked by something like |
6030s | this a little bit |
6034s | which is |
6036s | pretty long this this thing's a little |
6038s | frustrating because there's these spikes |
6039s | right here so if you hold it like you're |
6042s | supposed to hold it where like |
6043s | the line of like the the blade goes in |
6046s | line with your hand and it comes down I |
6049s | can't do this my ceiling's too low but |
6050s | my hand hits the spike right here |
6053s | hurts can't really use it properly |
6059s | something about printing some caps for |
6060s | it or something or I don't know I'm |
6062s | gonna mount it though |
6068s | uh what would be the most Opie skill |
6072s | if if you get all of the nodes |
6076s | I don't know I mean there's there's |
6079s | skills that would just become terrible |
6080s | if you took all the nodes really |
6082s | um because there's things that conflict |
6083s | with each other |
6088s | I don't know meteor something huge like |
6091s | that |
6094s | uh I know we ask it every week is there |
6096s | a time frame for when supportive packs |
6098s | available again I love the game |
6099s | um and outside of twitch I would love to |
6100s | support it further I don't know |
6103s | I really hope soon |
6106s | um I would say the soonest it will |
6108s | happen would be the next content patch |
6111s | um |
6114s | but I do not I don't have a time frame |
6116s | for it I'm sorry |
6118s | I don't know why I I still don't know |
6120s | why they're not out yet and I would |
6122s | really like them to be out now |
6126s | uh are there any plans we could toggle |
6128s | on off or auto aim as it currently |
6129s | breaks some builds making them |
6130s | unplayable for example marrow shards |
6133s | what is going uh what what is going with |
6136s | bone curse bugs what why so long in the |
6139s | game |
6140s | um we usually as far as bug duration |
6142s | fixing |
6143s | um sometimes it's just |
6145s | something is the the difficulty to |
6150s | um |
6152s | severity ratio is not high enough or |
6156s | it's too high |
6158s | and uh it gets pushed down the list |
6160s | because there's a huge list of bugs |
6163s | um |
6165s | so if we say like okay well here's |
6167s | here's five bugs that each of them will |
6170s | take an hour to fix and they're each |
6172s | very bad |
6173s | here's one bug that will take 50 hours |
6176s | to fix |
6178s | uh |
6179s | uh and it's not actually that bad I I |
6182s | don't know the bug you're talking about |
6183s | but it's just an example of why a bug |
6185s | might take might be not fixed as quickly |
6188s | as others so so like someone who's maybe |
6191s | working on something really big and just |
6193s | wants a little task to work on in |
6195s | between we'll maybe take one of those |
6196s | little skill bugs and and Hammer it out |
6198s | in between other tasks but they don't |
6200s | have time to slip those little skill bug |
6202s | fixes into |
6204s | um moving tasks when it's a really major |
6205s | one maybe |
6209s | I have no idea which one you're talking |
6211s | about specifically so I apologize if |
6212s | this is irrelevant but |
6215s | just a little look in how the |
6216s | prioritization works for which bugs we |
6218s | fix usually it's a ratio it's some |
6221s | combination of severity and difficulty |
6224s | and popularity |
6236s | uh we have sort builds in something if |
6239s | you need help |
6240s | thanks lizard |
6243s | probably |
6246s | but I'm more here to answer questions |
6247s | than play the game the play in the game |
6248s | is is more just uh because I like |
6251s | playing the game so I'm just mucking |
6252s | about |
6262s | if you're if you're here trying to get |
6264s | information on optimal gameplay patterns |
6267s | and good builds and things like that |
6269s | you're in the wrong place |
6273s | there are many other very |
6277s | skilled content creators that uh |
6281s | make sweet builds that you should go to |
6283s | instead or stuff like that |
6300s | um |
6308s | I can't but help a field of the new |
6310s | Peewee Crucible meta build exploding |
6312s | totems was inspired by Ellie drew a |
6314s | totem POC poison coal build I I don't I |
6317s | I I I I'd be pretty surprised |
6321s | um |
6322s | the the whole like uh |
6326s | uh did they take stuff from us did we |
6327s | take stuff from them conversation comes |
6329s | up a fair bit and um |
6332s | it's pretty hard to have completely |
6334s | original ideas |
6335s | and uh stuff gets stuff sits in the pipe |
6338s | for a long time uh before it actually |
6340s | gets released |
6344s | um definitely more than once we've we've |
6346s | had unreleased content that Poe has |
6350s | released that we know they had no idea |
6352s | about that was so similar that we're |
6354s | like we gotta change this a little bit |
6356s | like we just have to change it |
6358s | um there's been there's been terminology |
6360s | that we've used that we've released |
6361s | first and they've come out with |
6362s | afterwards |
6363s | um but it's like been slightly different |
6364s | what it does and things like that I |
6366s | don't think that was a reaction to what |
6367s | we did I think it was just they had it |
6368s | in their pipe for a while and released |
6370s | it |
6371s | um |
6372s | so I don't think I don't think Poe |
6375s | really uh |
6378s | takes too much inspiration from us |
6382s | it might have thought that'd be pretty |
6383s | cool if they did |
6389s | leaks I got one more for you I'm not |
6392s | coming flush with leaks right now I'm |
6393s | sorry but you know I might pop one out |
6396s | here yeah let's |
6398s | uh |
6399s | next |
6404s | let me finish this and then I'll pop up |
6405s | a leak for you |
6409s | how far behind am I I need time stamps |
6411s | for this I need to figure out a way to |
6412s | do that |
6413s | what's your favorite class Master you're |
6414s | playing why uh it's Road specifically |
6417s | Marksman I like the |
6420s | um |
6421s | I like the the freneticness of it that's |
6425s | a term |
6428s | uh our Pinnacle boss is considered |
6430s | dungeon into that uh super curious what |
6433s | y'all using code for the back end form |
6435s | of web dev who knows uh his platform now |
6437s | uh game does always been an interest um |
6439s | so there's different things for |
6440s | different parts of it the main game is |
6441s | covered in C sharp |
6443s | um |
6445s | another stuff for other stuff |
6452s | most vast majority of everything is C |
6454s | Sharp |
6459s | uh will you be releasing paid expansion |
6460s | somebody double chin Grim Dawn we don't |
6462s | plan to |
6463s | um it has an unfortunate |
6466s | um |
6468s | side effect of splitting the player base |
6472s | and we would like we'd like to say |
6474s | someone say if someone's in the |
6475s | situation where like they played a bunch |
6477s | for a few years and then they've kind of |
6479s | fell off |
6480s | um and this friend over there starts |
6481s | playing and they're like oh come play |
6483s | with me the new cycle just launched oh |
6485s | hop in oh but I don't have the latest |
6487s | expansion I don't know if I'm really |
6488s | gonna like play play if I'm just gonna |
6490s | like dip my toes in for a bit and then |
6492s | I'm not sure if they're if they want to |
6494s | like Drop 35 bucks on like an expansion |
6498s | um |
6500s | or however much expansions are these |
6501s | days I don't know and |
6504s | uh we just think that there's |
6507s | um |
6509s | we would rather just keep the content |
6511s | flowing and have it be something that |
6512s | anyone can access if they just bought |
6514s | the game so it's a |
6516s | once you got the game you got the game |
6538s | oh my goodness got stunned |
6552s | wasn't he supposed to come out during |
6554s | the fight |
6556s | that's when Harden's fight never mind |
6570s | all right next question let's try and |
6571s | get in while I'm doing this |
6573s | um |
6577s | don't forget to put out last game in the |
6579s | question |
6580s | uh I'm sorry it wasn't your haircut it |
6582s | was Rhodes Karen style haircut posted |
6585s | Lincolnshire probably filter it out uh |
6587s | link was to Le form report first week |
6588s | 0.9 wearing I can fly a hat as rogue's |
6592s | sink straight makes model disappear ah |
6599s | I I don't think there's any plans to |
6601s | change the rogue's haircut |
6607s | uh do you plan on removing or changing |
6609s | the revive mechanic for primeless |
6611s | companions no currently it feels rather |
6613s | hinders your gameplay stopping standing |
6615s | still for while Reviving The Companion |
6617s | while enemies hit you |
6619s | um it's it's really part of the of the |
6622s | core class identity of a of a prime list |
6625s | that it is |
6627s | um that the companions are part of your |
6628s | team they're not just a tool to be used |
6630s | they're a companion for adventuring |
6632s | they're they're someone that that grows |
6634s | with you and learns with you and and you |
6637s | you build a connection with as you're as |
6639s | you're going through this adventure |
6640s | together |
6644s | [Music] |
6645s | um oh it died leave it behind onto the |
6648s | next one just be summon it is it it goes |
6650s | against that from such a core thematic |
6652s | standpoint that this this that's what |
6655s | really drove the creation of this |
6656s | mechanic |
6657s | um |
6659s | and uh |
6661s | personally I really like it I know not |
6663s | everyone does |
6665s | um |
6668s | but we don't have plans to remove it |
6669s | wholesale |
6671s | also if you're playing multiplayer your |
6673s | friends can help you revive your minions |
6674s | so if you're like trying to be ranged |
6677s | and you have a melee Minions trying to |
6678s | keep things away from you and it does |
6679s | die and you've got that Sentinel body |
6681s | who's up close and personal front lines |
6682s | they can just stand there right for you |
6684s | as well |
6687s | uh hi |
6689s | hi tell what the purpose of future |
6692s | strike for Sentinel uh it's just a |
6695s | cool unique mechanical |
6698s | ailments |
6708s | ability thing yeah |
6712s | what do you think of lowering the |
6713s | leveling process for normal mono so |
6715s | farming them is Meaningful and not just |
6716s | rush as fast as possible skip powered |
6719s | right now normal steel bad is your first |
6721s | character |
6722s | feel bad after your first character I I |
6725s | think that there is uh room for a system |
6728s | which increases the speed at which |
6732s | um empowered models are unlocked |
6735s | at uh for secondary characters for |
6738s | Fallout characters for not your initial |
6739s | first character |
6741s | um |
6743s | it was probably too too gentle of a |
6745s | warnings I think there's a need for some |
6748s | system that increases the speed at which |
6750s | you unlock empowered models for |
6751s | follow-up characters |
6753s | um |
6755s | just straight up reducing the number for |
6757s | follow-up characters is not something |
6758s | we're interested in because like |
6761s | um there's a few issues there but I |
6763s | think that there we do have a system in |
6766s | planned |
6768s | um hopefully for next patch that will |
6770s | start the ball on that process a little |
6772s | bit it's still a little up in the air so |
6776s | maybe not |
6780s | that guy startled me came out of nowhere |
6785s | oh no it's fine |
6792s | what |
6794s | you keep this don't you |
6797s | no welcome |
6805s | all right next question |
6806s | [Music] |
6812s | oh get out of there |
6825s | I know |
6835s | just gonna eat some damage no big deal |
6845s | it's gonna get shock supplied a little |
6846s | bit which is good |
6850s | thank you |
6853s | oh so nice |
6855s | uh oh yeah I was gonna do another thing |
6858s | I forgot |
6860s | here's a thing it looks cool I like it |
6866s | um |
6869s | I have any chance to improve the |
6870s | graphics of the game to match a bit more |
6872s | with the upcoming air Productions D4 and |
6874s | people I mean we have a our own style |
6877s | um that we like to stick to and |
6880s | um explore and expand on like our own |
6882s | style instead of just copying something |
6883s | else |
6885s | um but we are always working on |
6886s | improving the graphics and the quality |
6887s | of of the visuals in the game |
6891s | um personally I think it looks gorgeous |
6894s | I I would compare them directly I would |
6896s | compare graphics with with other games |
6898s | in the genre B |
6900s | happy with that comparison |
6902s | um but not content |
6905s | uh what do you think of XP Shrine giving |
6907s | different effect after you get 100 I |
6909s | think that |
6911s | um |
6912s | it's not the end of the world but it |
6913s | it's a little bit of burned XP but |
6917s | um |
6918s | I could be wrong |
6921s | uh spontaneous idea for a skill passive |
6923s | note for Minion armor shred filet mignon |
6927s | nice uh a lot of people that are having |
6931s | lag is probably related to the auto |
6933s | server select like you were talking |
6934s | about last week I got connected to the |
6936s | South uh southeast Asia the first two |
6939s | times I logged in finally got us East |
6941s | although I live in Colorado pretty sure |
6943s | U.S east is the only U.S server at the |
6945s | moment is not definitely not I'm |
6947s | connected to us West right now I should |
6948s | be anyways |
6950s | yeah there's U.S West |
6952s | um |
6953s | which you should probably be on the same |
6954s | server here in Colorado uh |
6959s | uh are you planning on character |
6961s | customization I talked about this a lot |
6962s | earlier |
6963s | um generally speaking we would like to |
6965s | get it in if we can but it's um |
6967s | definitely not for 1.0 |
6970s | um we don't think it's a high impact |
6971s | feature |
6972s | and there's a lot more high impact |
6974s | features that we want to get in first |
6977s | not sure this is already been uh asked |
6979s | but any plans to shorten the time it |
6981s | takes to get from a get two empowered |
6983s | models uh namely how to do three |
6986s | different 90s I think they're doing |
6987s | three different 90s they'll probably |
6988s | stick around but we do have |
6991s | like I mentioned earlier a plan for |
6993s | something that will shorten that time at |
6995s | least somewhat |
6997s | um what are the plans with player |
6998s | collision with Mobs and single player |
7000s | there's still Collision completely |
7001s | effective gameplay assume servers |
7003s | affecting the state now wonder if it's |
7004s | coming back |
7005s | um |
7009s | there was something we just did about |
7011s | this I think |
7018s | I think there's there's some problem in |
7020s | multiplayer with with the Collision uh |
7024s | probably nothing anytime soon |
7027s | uh I like swapping gear for situations |
7029s | can you make it so removing plus skill |
7030s | gear always removes the same uh chosen |
7033s | skill points it does weapon swap |
7035s | function uh planned no I tried real hard |
7040s | um but I failed I still have it on |
7042s | another branch on my computer that I use |
7044s | sometimes for fun uh Horizon hold shift |
7047s | equip a second uh and equip for a second |
7050s | slot |
7055s | like just just so you can put something |
7057s | into the right |
7058s | the offhand Maybe |
7061s | um from the bottom of my heart thank you |
7063s | uh we're fixing the alleyway in the |
7065s | desert the projectiles for the past year |
7066s | it tickled me when I reached it and they |
7068s | worked normally glad it worked for you |
7070s | uh if you removed the need to go to the |
7071s | first regular models if you uh had more |
7073s | regular updates I guarantee this game |
7075s | would be more popular thanks to the tip |
7078s | um what will be available for purchase |
7080s | in the cash shop when is that launching |
7082s | um really strictly because I'm kind of |
7084s | just burning through these right now |
7085s | because I'm very falling behind them the |
7087s | stream's getting close to the end I want |
7088s | to get through all these possible so |
7089s | sorry we're just sitting here answering |
7091s | questions for a little bit uh we'll uh |
7093s | what will be available for purchasing |
7094s | the cash shop and we'll let that |
7096s | launching when is that launching |
7099s | oh words are hard |
7101s | um very strictly cosmetic only items |
7104s | um so these are things that change the |
7105s | visual look of your character in game |
7107s | and have no mechanical impact whatsoever |
7110s | um |
7112s | the |
7115s | uh we're not going to sell stash tabs |
7117s | we're not going to sell convenience |
7119s | items or speed up items or |
7122s | any of that stuff so you'll look |
7124s | different |
7126s | um the question then often comes up is |
7127s | well will I have to buy things in order |
7129s | to even look remotely cool to which I |
7131s | usually just zoom in on whatever |
7132s | character I'm playing and be like no |
7133s | look how cool does this look |
7135s | um the things that will show up in the |
7136s | MTX shop at like the really expensive |
7138s | stuff that's there will be things that |
7140s | have more |
7142s | um VFX associated with it more flash |
7144s | more Pizzazz |
7146s | um things like that |
7147s | but staying in universe as well |
7151s | how important or pivotal is it for you |
7153s | she to maintain and keep skills that |
7155s | require a high player skill balanced and |
7157s | playable these skills keep players |
7159s | coming back to master the game for |
7160s | numerous hours I feel like there's a |
7162s | lack of care in this area recently made |
7164s | sheet ouch um |
7167s | uh |
7169s | I don't I'm not really sure how to |
7171s | answer this |
7172s | um I think that |
7175s | having skill power reflect player power |
7178s | is fantastic |
7182s | um |
7182s | and we do often put nodes in |
7186s | nodes do show up in skill trees often's |
7188s | a bad word sometimes nodes show up in |
7190s | skill trees where we're like this node's |
7193s | not actually good but if someone doesn't |
7195s | want to take the time to actually play |
7196s | with this |
7198s | um |
7199s | carefully I think this might be the word |
7201s | put the time and effort into learning |
7202s | how to play with this really well we'll |
7204s | put nodes in and be like this is for the |
7205s | lazys |
7207s | um |
7208s | and like totally legitimately like |
7210s | expect people to play with it and |
7211s | unironically enjoy it |
7214s | um |
7215s | and we do put nodes in that we're like |
7216s | this is going to be tough to play with |
7217s | but if you can if you can Master it it's |
7219s | gonna be really strong |
7222s | um maybe we don't do that enough I don't |
7224s | know |
7225s | uh will the Rune Master have a pet like |
7228s | a water Elemental or something when I |
7229s | play the Mage I feel strongly missing |
7231s | some kind of pet |
7232s | um well warlock does have access oh |
7234s | we'll run master of a pen sorry I said |
7236s | Warlock uh will Rune Master have a pet |
7239s | um there's |
7243s | uh I I don't actually have an answer for |
7245s | this right now |
7246s | weirdly enough |
7248s | Maybe |
7250s | two weeks ago I would have said no thank |
7252s | you |
7256s | there's uh the fifth skill slot for Rin |
7259s | Masters actually back up for negotiation |
7263s | after it got incorporated into one of |
7266s | the other skills |
7271s | uh thanks for being the community |
7274s | work uh do you have in-game content |
7276s | coming before 1.0 and and are not |
7278s | dungeons like for example an endless |
7280s | progression after one level 100 |
7283s | um |
7284s | I mean there's the arena for that and |
7286s | the model for that so |
7290s | but we do have improvements to the model |
7291s | of coming |
7294s | uh |
7295s | uh oh my gosh I made it to the end |
7298s | of the end two minutes past |
7303s | oh yo guys uh okay with lazy builds |
7305s | being able to progress highly or do you |
7307s | prefer balance those out |
7309s | um |
7311s | there was a |
7314s | if there was a build where |
7321s | um |
7325s | I'm gonna I mean these really extreme |
7327s | examples here |
7328s | let's say there was a build where you |
7330s | could |
7332s | um only ever use one button and that |
7335s | button was move |
7336s | so you just said all your other things |
7338s | to AutoCast just never cast them and you |
7340s | literally just walked |
7342s | never did anything other than walk of an |
7344s | active an active the only active actions |
7346s | you took in the game were moving your |
7348s | character that was the only thing you |
7349s | ever did |
7352s | um |
7353s | and it was a highly competitive build |
7354s | and like a like a top tier build people |
7358s | were like let's let's make a build to |
7360s | your list and this thing's in S-class |
7362s | uh it would probably get nerfed |
7365s | um so it was only a class you know |
7367s | that's something like that |
7369s | um |
7372s | we don't look at builds and say okay |
7374s | well this one's more complex more |
7375s | difficult to play so it should be more |
7376s | powerful we don't do that |
7378s | um |
7379s | but I think that they're |
7383s | should be some consideration for putting |
7385s | in a little bit more effort |
7387s | um |
7388s | and having having a build sit at like |
7392s | the uh like a pinnacle build be like all |
7394s | right this is a like this is the build |
7397s | when you go and you're like this is this |
7398s | is the D2 hammered in except you only |
7401s | ever walk anywhere you don't do anything |
7403s | else that's something we'd probably like |
7406s | to avoid |
7417s | and I specifically am trying to call out |
7419s | like D2 Hamilton because like it's the |
7421s | most powerful build in that game period |
7423s | there's other things that are extremely |
7425s | good but Hammerton wins |
7428s | and yes there's situations where Hammond |
7430s | is not the best yada yada but like |
7433s | broadly speaking |
7435s | it's the one |
7437s | uh all right couple more while we're |
7439s | here we're winding down I'm gonna I'm |
7441s | gonna cut this off at some point because |
7442s | I did make it to the end |
7444s | um you guys plan to pick to add Auto |
7446s | pickup for shards no uh from what I |
7449s | understand y'all don't have any |
7450s | intentions of adding an Armory type |
7451s | system instead of things are D3 Armory |
7453s | where you can just click a button switch |
7454s | builds adjusts everything your equipment |
7457s | your skills talents everything |
7459s | um but there's some plans to include a |
7461s | way to easily swap between builds for |
7462s | class |
7463s | or the intention for us just to make |
7465s | multiple characters for all of our |
7467s | builds |
7468s | um |
7469s | I I we don't have any we don't have any |
7472s | plans for a system to wholesale swap |
7474s | large sections of your build over from |
7476s | one to another |
7478s | at the moment |
7479s | uh |
7481s | um any plans for arm oh |
7484s | uh any uh new class skills in the future |
7487s | yes Lots |
7489s | um if you have to remove if you had to |
7491s | remove reflect and stun avoidance |
7493s | affixes what would you replace these |
7496s | with right now |
7497s | they're both useless affixes |
7500s | um well I'm gonna hard disagree with |
7502s | your |
7503s | um |
7504s | uh premise |
7506s | completely |
7508s | disagree with your premise there it is |
7510s | absolutely wrong |
7512s | um if you had to remove if I had to |
7514s | remove them completely |
7516s | um |
7518s | what I replace them with |
7520s | I don't know uh I would replace them |
7522s | with each other I'd replace reflect with |
7524s | stunt avoids instead avoids with reflect |
7525s | nailed it |
7527s | all right |
7529s | uh uh that's gonna about do it for me |
7532s | today |
7534s | um I hope you had fun I know I did |
7536s | will be here same time same place next |
7538s | week |
7539s | and uh we can hang out some more |
7545s | it's been a while since we've gone to |
7546s | say hi |
7559s | uh is Ichi currently content with |
7562s | players capability to Target |
7563s | individually High threat enemies with |
7565s | every ability in the game |
7568s | I don't think that's true either uh how |
7569s | is it how does this all Impact player's |
7572s | ability to be competitive I'm sorry |
7573s | that's ask me next week uh it's a little |
7576s | deep question to go into at the very end |
7579s | uh that'll do it for us today we're |
7581s | finished |
7583s | have a good day we'll see you next time |
7585s | have a lovely day drink more water |