about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Did you get to this state through natural progression? Had you joined any parties that were past this point in the campaign? Any additional details you might have on your progression here would help.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

When you entered the zone for the first time, were you the first person attempting to interact with the NPC and it just never worked? I imagine if all 3 party members are experiencing the same issue it’s just a matter of the progression failing to update for the fully party.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Additionally, does this fully prevent you from going to the next zones and progressing?

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Gotcha, thanks for the report, we’ll look into this.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

You should be able to walk past her and use the zone transition in the top left of the map.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

I think I misinterpreted the issue initially. If you are stuck in Thetima after defeating the Chapter boss the initial fix I suggested should work, if you just arrived in Thetima then you should be able to just use the zone transition in the top left of the map.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Even if you’re not given a new quest you should be able to go to the other end of that zone (around the upper left) to the Moonlit Shrine which should give you the next quest. It’s not the ideal solution but it should act as a workaround for now.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

The message I just posted should act as a workaround for now. If it doesn’t, please feel free to reply here again.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Do you mean that the waypoint to the Temple of Lagon is unlocked or that you can physically walk to that zone?

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Oh so does the waypoint on the boat in Thetima not work to move you to the next zone at all?

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Off to the upper left of the zone, there should be a normal zone transition leading down some stairs into a boat. Does this not appear for you?

image1916×923 265 KB

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Sorry, but I cannot, we’re hoping to have a fix out for this issue relatively soon.

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

This should be resolved as of the 0.9.0f patch!

about 2 years ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

And this is for sure occurring on the 0.9.0f build?