9 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

220s good afternoon everybody and welcome
222s back to another last Epoch death
225s stream as usual I'm your host Mike hi
230s how's it going
231s everybody we're hanging out we're
233s playing some last SE I'm still still
235s jamming on this uh oh yeah we died at
239s the very end still still geming on this
241s this Beast Master here having some fun
244s welcome if this is your first time here
246s we stream for charity boom right above
248s my head um and we do cool stuff like
251s talk about last
252s Epoch and uh answer your questions about
255s last Epoch so if you have any
257s questions please put at last OT game and
259s I will be doing my best to answer as
261s many of those as possible thank you very
263s much heavy coming in with the with the
266s 37 month
268s resub woo
273s that's that's wild thank you very
281s much all of the keys for
286s Mike nice one
291s too in
298s oh into Hario with 38 my
302s goodness
305s woo putting up some big numbers
310s today we do
312s have a little uh just a little preview
316s of what's coming today we're going to be
318s talking about the the boss Dr
322s system going a been a Hot Topic like so
324s we're going to we're going to we're
325s going to pull back the c a little bit
327s later little preview
331s but until then get the party started
333s with some other
337s questions like will my scorpion survive
340s probably
347s not all
351s right Mike this is an important question
354s I'm judging you all right I'm ready uh
357s what are your MTG colors I'm black red
360s also I'm glad you like the pr beard song
362s yeah that was
365s fantastic that was that was that was
367s that was a good that was a good start to
368s the day I really appreciated that um I'm
372s like so all over the place when it comes
374s to Magic
376s colors I've been uh I'm going up to a
379s budd's house where we're doing a
380s bachelor party in our 30s which means
383s we're just going to be playing Magic all
384s weekend um and
391s um yeah so I was I've been like Shoring
393s up my decks and
396s uh putting some finishing touches on
398s them and everything I've got I've got
399s two cards I'm going to go to the card
400s store and buy they're like 40 Z cards
402s each they're like I just just need to
404s finish this meme deck um I would say
407s overall I'm red
408s blue that would be my my go-to if I like
411s if I can only play one pairing from here
413s on out is it for sure
428s like as a kid I'm just like counter
429s spawn lightning bolb the best two cards
430s in Magic let's make a
439s deck all right attention sir this is
442s your weekly character sheet rework
443s reminder thank you very
448s much the that's exactly what mono blue
451s player would
452s say I so I just built like my first mono
455s Blue Deck in
456s Forever
458s um I'm like all right so we're going to
461s we're going to build and this is Al just
463s like stuff I had line around so like
464s okay we're going to I'm going to build
465s this this mono blue mil deck um and it's
468s going to it's going to be this this Goan
470s ey of wisdom
472s Shrine which is one of six cards in
475s Magic one of six creatures in Magic that
476s have no creature type Shrine is an
478s enchantment typ and there are only three
481s blue enchantments shrines uh and it
483s tries off the number you have I only
485s have two of them so it's a terrible deck
487s but it's going to be fun anyways back to
489s last
491s defog uh you some love for fire Aura is
494s Aura of Decay getting some the same
496s treatment um I mean
498s we not the same cuz we um know different
503s problems requireed different
506s solutions they are similar but the
508s things that are keeping them from like
510s really shining are uh I think I think
514s different different
517s animals well partially because one of
519s them is an active skill and one of
521s them's not so like they kind of sit in
523s different ecos
534s systems magic what about Digimon TCG
537s that I missed that one never never never
538s played it
541s uh I saw on Discord you replying that
543s Arena isn't uh planned currently to be
546s ingame farming activity can you explain
549s why team wants that instead of making it
551s more interesting with adding more mini
553s bosses meaningful rewards like
555s preserving leaderboards uh while
556s preserving leaderboards aspect
558s especially since people ask for more end
559s game um I mean it's so the arena is one
564s of the endgame activities I don't know
568s uh it's just not
570s um I guess the the the
573s core how do you put this
584s the we we want the arena to be part of
586s the endgame but we don't want the arena
590s to
592s um I guess be a clear-cut like really
595s successful way like if you're if you're
597s into Min maxing we don't want the arena
599s be one of the one of the like the best
602s mathematically ways to get very high
605s powered gear very
610s quickly that might be a more more
612s accurate way of putting
616s it uh are there any changes you can talk
619s about coming to Arena mode next month
622s cycle there's there's not a lot with
623s Arena the changing next cycle the
625s Arena's um not a huge focus of the next
629s uh next update
631s much more focusing on Pinnacle boss and
634s the joining systems to the Pinnacle boss
636s uh like the lead up to it and and such
639s and that that's that that's the primary
640s focus for
642s um for next cycle there's there's
644s definitely like lots of other stuff
646s sprinkled in here and there and
647s everywhere type thing but um the main
650s focus for for is is the the Pinnacle
653s boss and and the surrounding distance
666s any updates on Minion tool tips coming
667s 1.1 uh not so much as DPS if that's what
671s you're hoping for sorry uh did you catch
674s the D4 campfire chat it's like queued up
677s and I have a like list of like oh I got
680s to watch this document or YouTube videos
683s it's always sort of getting the list
685s always seems to be growing not
686s shrinking um but it is the most recent
690s thing I've added to that
693s list I watched the inter I have not uh
697s they are making uniques purple how does
699s that make you feel I like uniques
702s uniques are
705s brown the way that's always been or like
708s brownie brownie orange you know that's
711s that's like a Diablo main State isn't it
714s am I
717s crazy I know they doing so I guess
719s uniques legendary different things I
721s always get that flipped cuz we have a
722s flip from
725s them also be
729s Shrine love
732s it our little be friends in our B
748s shrine I think purple's a great color
750s for um for like really high tier stuff I
754s think purple's like ingrain is like a
756s high tier color stuff from from lots of
758s lots and lots of
759s games which was why it was so natural
761s for us to pick as
766s well for our
770s exalted all right if there was a bar
773s class in game ah what kind of music
775s would the character play would one genre
777s be paa I'm asking for a friend
782s I wonder which friend that is
788s um I feel like I feel like it would be
791s more
793s simplistic like I can't I can't imagine
795s they'd have a ton of time to like you
798s know make an invent musical instruments
800s so much like with with much
801s sophistication as you kind of need for
803s po like really need for
807s po that's what I imagine you need
810s my knowledge is so limited on that topic
814s um I feel I feel it could be more like
817s uh channeling the renaissance fair type
821s music we might
826s guess fl's been ambushed Eads frenzy
829s totem activate
835s a that was a close one
842s got
844s him got him all
847s right uh what is the beverage of the day
850s I'm drinking a raspberry
852s bubbly sparkling water with a touch of
863s flavoring passes finish this off we're
867s going to head down here possibly
870s oh here's good too this node's really
873s handy at the same time I'm like uh yeah
877s this node just seems so good for
882s us that that that much less so
887s but we kind of got to go for this
901s let's get some
905s glyphs they make Uber uniques purple not
908s all uniques
911s okay uh if you want Mike to answer your
913s question you should add me yes yes put
915s at last Depot game in the question if
916s you'd like me to see it I will skip over
918s it otherwise I'm sorry I'll go
921s back uh can you elaborate on what's the
924s light before the dark race event is I I
927s actually like not a matter of not one to
929s I actually can't cuz I don't
932s know I've had my head so like just just
935s focused on getting stuff done for this
937s patch that like I've been ignoring all
939s of the all the extra stuff and like I
941s found out about that event when someone
942s asked about it in the asid de Channel no
948s idea and I like once I saw I'm like you
950s know what I'm just going to wait I'm I'm
952s not even going to ask I'm just going to
953s like wait and see what happens
962s I have no idea but I I am likewise
965s excited to find out because I think like
967s the concept of like a lore race is is
970s very cool and I know there's a few like
973s I'm not sure how it's going to work but
974s I know there's a few things we've been
975s working on behind the scenes that would
977s make something like this uh be possible
980s for what I think it could be I know it's
981s super vague so cuz I'm speculating what
983s it actually is myself but like I don't
985s know I think there could be some I'm
986s excited to see what they do with it
988s we'll see it's be fun
999s uh do you have any plans for Shaman new
1001s ability or work on tree yeah like
1003s there's there's nodes coming in for
1005s passives um there are no completely new
1008s abilities being introduced in 1.1 um so
1011s like some some abilities got like some
1012s pretty significant changes on various
1015s classes um but there's no like here's a
1017s new skill
1022s um yeah like there's there's more
1024s connections we're making um between some
1026s of the some of the active abilities um
1028s you know some bug fixes here and there
1030s on some of the totems uh some passives
1032s got updates um so there's like there's
1035s stuff uh that's going to be it's going
1038s to be fun
1055s all right next
1058s question I going to survive
1061s this
1064s yes uh do you have oh can you describe
1067s the process of actually uh fighting the
1069s Pinnacle boss H not so much probably not
1073s like where is it uh do you need mats for
1075s it are there different corruption levels
1077s for it Etc okay so I I can
1079s I I can answer like one in a bit of
1082s those
1083s questions
1086s um so where is it I I can't really tell
1090s you right now um cuz it kind
1093s of you'll you'll have
1098s um
1101s like uh you you'll once once it's
1104s unlocked you'll have easy access to it
1106s like it's not uh there's no like um
1109s like Trek to get there from a waypoint
1111s or something like there's a waypoint
1112s like right outside the door and it's
1113s like there the the door is uh like right
1117s outside another Waypoint that you
1118s probably already have unlocked type
1120s thing like so it's it's not um it's it's
1123s not out of the
1125s way
1127s um so yeah physical access is easy uh
1132s you do have to unlock it Bea a process
1134s of some other things that lead out to it
1136s so you have to unlock it once it's
1138s unlocked very easy to do
1140s the way you unlock it is right on the
1142s normal path so like you're not going
1143s super far the way to find it it's it's
1145s it's it's like it's it's smooth I don't
1148s know how to there's probably a term for
1150s this it flows
1154s nicely it's
1155s natural uh what else what else is in
1157s here you need mats yeah you need things
1160s that you get in the process of unlocking
1166s it yes like there's there's a key
1170s you can't just like if you physically
1172s can run up to it open the door you need
1173s you need a
1176s key um and are there different
1177s corruption levels for no so this is this
1179s is a static difficulty content um so
1182s what this means is um no matter what
1184s level you are no matter what your
1186s corruption is no matter where you are in
1187s the game no matter what you do the boss
1189s fight is the same for everyone it's the
1191s same difficulty it's the same uh move
1194s set it is static difficulty contact
1199s there's a lot going on in the
1207s fight but it does not change based on
1219s corruption if it did it would be
1222s like it wouldn't like wouldn't really
1225s there'd always be no matter when you
1226s fought it there'd always be a harder
1227s version of it you know cuz you just up
1229s the
1230s corruption that's one of the big things
1232s we we when we're designing this content
1233s so there's like different different
1235s things different reasons we put
1236s different content into the game and one
1238s of the core things we want out of this
1239s content is to be that um that
1241s benchmarking content where you can say
1243s like oh hey I beat this boss this build
1246s can beat this boss type
1249s thing so that that is important to have
1259s all right stream two of asking as ply as
1262s possible for search option only t6s only
1264s t7s please much love the whole
1267s team I I can't promise anything but if
1270s you'd like to see it uh the best place
1272s to ask for it is on the forums so I
1274s don't take any suggestions from the
1275s streams ever
1289s uh can you elaborate
1291s on
1293s um I cannot elaborate on that all oh
1296s this is the Reas someone told me to
1298s message I went back yes got it I'm with
1299s you I'm back back on track uh do you
1301s guys plan on adding sounds to loot
1303s filter in future this is a really tough
1304s one we've we've gone back and forth
1306s internally on this a few times we don't
1308s currently have active plans to do this
1310s still fighting for it
1316s though uh hey Mike when new releases are
1319s approaching besides the typical last
1321s week where you start uh delivering a
1323s piece of info about every day to
1324s generate hype do you guys plan to do
1326s more sort of twitch streams to present
1328s the news live to the community or
1329s something like that in the future well
1332s um I think the big documents generally
1335s do better as a
1336s post um rather cuz then it can be like
1341s directly referenced in like um how like
1344s scrub to a video and listen to what
1345s someone says a few times and maybe it's
1346s like misspeaking and things like that um
1349s I do try to be very careful with the way
1351s I talk and things I say to be make sure
1353s it's precise but every once in a while I
1355s say like a all out of plural to
1357s something and be like oh
1360s no
1361s um which I did a month back that
1366s sorry that's why that example comes to
1369s mind
1371s um yeah I I mean we do this this stream
1374s every week so um that's going to
1376s continue
1380s I'd really like to do more uh variants
1383s on these streams like get get more
1384s guests in those always been really well
1386s received so I'm hoping to in the like
1389s maybe the first couple weeks or like the
1391s week before even of of the patch getting
1393s some guests on
1398s it
1404s personally the streams when I'm when I'm
1406s I I really like I really like having uh
1408s someone to talk talk to you on stream um
1410s like the times we did the like the
1412s podcast and some of the interviews with
1414s like um with a whole bunch of different
1416s people uh is has
1419s been i' they they've flown by they've
1422s just been like you blinking their
1429s over just I they're a lot of
1437s fun uh will Shadow dagger get nerfed to
1440s 1.1 Shadow dagger Rogue might be my
1442s favorite way to play a rogue character
1443s in any video game but it's really really
1445s strong yeah I mean um you know if you're
1450s see I think there's a lot of builds that
1451s are getting nerfed um a lot of builds
1453s are getting buffed and even builds that
1454s get Nerf will get buffed in other ways
1456s too so like it's not always just about
1458s straight Buffs and it's not always just
1459s about straight Nerfs so we're doing
1460s Buffs and Nerfs on basically everything
1464s um uh and and the the things you
1467s see really standing out super strong um
1470s that are hitting these kind of insane
1472s corruption numbers are going to be
1474s brought back to reality of
1485s it do we fix no problem don't don't
1488s apologize it's totally
1495s fine you're good
1499s no worries all right with some Beast
1502s Master builds making use of a terorist
1504s blessing casts on their companions for
1507s the companion skill reset is there any
1509s possibility of the skill receiving some
1510s way to restrict targets to Companions or
1513s otherwise Auto Target them because while
1515s the builds that function well um they're
1518s extremely hindered in multiplayer by the
1520s presence of allies yeah that's an
1522s interesting one I I think that's a if
1524s um I think that would be a good way to
1527s restrict it um we we we get suggestions
1530s sometimes of like like oh can we target
1532s the like the the portrait frames in the
1533s top and things like that there's there's
1535s some issues there um but yeah I think
1538s that that's probably a good way to do it
1540s is putting it in the actual
1543s um skill tree node where it's
1546s like attach attach it to some some buff
1549s that's already there about minions
1551s there's probably some node uh that's
1553s like if you use this on a minion it gets
1554s this extra thing well it already does
1555s that anyways but like it gets the
1557s increased size
1560s but restricting the targets the minion
1568s is yeah like like something like that
1570s right
1572s there yeah I can see I can see it going
1575s on that node right I think that's like
1576s that if you're going to
1580s yeah that's not very far out of the way
1583s it's not like a mandatory thing behind
1585s it it's a pretty basic note already
1591s I would I would probably put it there
1592s that's that's what I would do I think if
1593s if we're going to do
1607s that probably want to check the the
1608s notes first just to be safe but got
1611s reactions right but I
1614s think uh we get a lot of questions about
1616s itemization in the community some
1617s players are wondering ing why there
1619s aren't more generic uniques uh can you
1622s give a slight peek into design theory of
1624s uniques and your goals for them I mean
1626s yeah so I think the uniques get
1628s generated fairly
1630s organically um it might be a bad way to
1633s put it they get
1636s generated uh largely in isolation from
1639s each other I think is a good way to put
1640s it so there's like
1643s um someone comes with an idea for a
1645s unique and it doesn't really matter too
1647s much what the other uniques like there's
1651s there there there's consideration for
1652s other uniques of like okay what else is
1653s in the slot what other uniques what
1654s other abilities like overall interact
1656s with this in certain builds stuff like
1657s that but like there's there's I think
1659s rarely we take a step back and look at
1661s our like Pantheon of uniques to see the
1663s distribution of the Styles and things
1665s like that
1669s um so I think
1671s there's it sort of naturally ends up
1674s being a little bit more of a shift
1676s towards more specific uniques just
1680s because it's a lot easier especially
1681s when we're adding in like like lots of
1683s uniques frequently come with a new
1685s mechanic or a new ability and and and
1687s when when new abilities come to the game
1689s and new uniques come with them I think
1691s it's really um I think it makes a lot of
1694s sense for us to be making those uniques
1695s for that ability that's entered the game
1697s because um you know there's so many
1699s other uniques that have been built up
1701s for every other ability throughout the
1702s over the years um that that having that
1705s that like initial burst makes it so they
1707s don't feel like they're left behind
1708s really bad I think that's happened a few
1710s times in a row where like we've released
1712s a patch and like okay we got room for
1713s like 15 20 uniques um but we've got 15
1717s 20 abilities uh not that bad in some
1720s cases but like we've got a bunch of new
1721s abilities got five new abilities and so
1723s it's like maybe two uniques per ability
1725s uh and suddenly you're at that's that's
1727s at least half of the uniques we're going
1729s to be put in the patch are specific to
1731s new abilities and you get other
1733s abilities that come in and there's not a
1735s limit hard limit on how many uniques can
1736s be in every patch but like 20 is roughly
1738s about where we normally
1741s land
1744s um see it's I I think and I think you
1747s can you end up with like uh a lot of
1750s times really interesting things when you
1752s can be a little more narrow on topic so
1754s like just just
1757s getting when when you're when you when
1759s you restrict where it's useful I you can
1761s be a little bit more wild and what it
1763s could
1771s it's probably a combination of like
1772s eight things and then also like
1774s supporter uniques come in um we're still
1776s doing those and those are still like on
1778s the backlog of
1779s those those are almost always very
1782s narrow in in like a good way
1784s um people have like a really specific
1786s play style that're that they're trying
1788s to like enable and get into the game
1790s something that they really love um and
1792s those are the best
1797s ones so think long-term goals for
1799s uniques is just like more options more
1801s of everything more generic ones more
1804s specific ones more everything in between
1806s more more
1809s more and there will come a time where
1811s there's like too many almost um so we
1815s got to be careful about that too but you
1816s know right now I think we're pretty far
1818s from that when you look at other games
1819s in in the in the space and how many
1821s looks they
1823s have and I think you can also look at
1825s other games too um as like for examples
1828s of how things can go as well cuz like um
1831s like you like look look back at like
1833s Diablo I for example
1835s um there's like the uniques that are
1838s actually used and useful there's so few
1842s um and I think uniques are the ones that
1844s are used are just like really really
1846s really powerful for just like everything
1848s and then like a few that are really
1849s specific so like you get Nightwing or
1851s something like that it's just for just
1853s for cold sorts and things like that and
1855s it's like um
1859s you know there's there's there's a few
1861s of the really narrow ones and then a few
1863s of the really generic ones Sho things
1865s like that and there not really that many
1866s they get used and I think with with more
1868s narrow options that we have we end up
1871s with a bigger variety of things that get
1872s used at all um just cuz people
1875s especially while leveling will be like
1876s oh here's here's a unique specific for
1877s this one ability I'm
1879s training and and you can those uniques
1881s get slipped into those builds which I
1883s think is really good
1892s more more variety more cool
1895s stuff all right Mike did you know that
1897s you have a famous doppelganger I
1901s don't wouldn't I be the doppelganger of
1904s the famous
1909s person who is it someone super cool I
1912s know
1914s that uh possible Forge guard rework or
1916s potential for one in the future I mean
1918s we're we I think they like I think
1921s there's a lot of things that forar does
1923s really right
1926s um and we're definitely taking like
1928s there's there's things we're adding into
1929s it this patch there's things that I
1931s think they'll be improving it make it
1932s feel even better
1934s um I think there's a couple skills that
1936s could use a rework on Forge guard but
1938s for the most part I don't think the
1939s entire class needs like a back to the
1941s drawing board type
1943s thing I think the theming is really
1945s strong I think the overall abilities
1946s play really well I think there's you
1948s know
1951s just a few key
1954s issues I think it's I think it's a lot
1956s closer to being a lot of fun than uh it
1966s seems there's definitely some tech
1968s that's that's missing to make it really
1974s shiny I keep hitting you can't hear it
1976s but I keep hitting the Stace space bar
1978s i' I've hit the space bar like I don't
1980s know 100 times this stream already
1982s trying to roll trying to just like
1984s activate the evade like perfect time to
1985s evade and I'm like oh wait I have to
1988s walk it's it's already like ingrained in
1996s me I think I think we're just going to
1997s come for
2000s this yeah we're just come for this now
2010s uh will you make Avalanche great again
2013s I'd love to I also hate to CU avalanch
2016s is the pain of my existence when coming
2018s up against it um yeah I think I think
2020s Avalanche has some cool stuff I don't
2021s think there's any major updates for
2023s Avalanche playing this patch but I think
2024s it's
2028s um it it needs some love
2039s apologies if you've already answered
2041s this it's quite all right but I've
2042s noticed traversal skills seem to get
2044s caught on inclines this can be fix 1.1
2046s there's a lot of different reasons why a
2048s lot of different Trends traversal skills
2050s get caught in a lot of different
2052s situations because they behave a little
2053s bit differently for all them
2056s um it is something we've been working on
2059s um the the reliability of movement in
2061s general has been uh a sticking point for
2065s us for a long time um
2071s and it is something that we are actively
2077s working apologies this has been asked
2080s once again totally fine but do you know
2082s how soon before the patch cycle will you
2084s release the patch notes it'll just be a
2086s few days um so we usually do leading up
2087s to the patch there's hype week um and so
2090s during hype week there's like uh each
2092s day we release a a Dev blog post that
2095s has um you know has has details on one
2099s specific thing so like I I don't know
2101s what they're all going to be this this
2102s this time but I assume there're going to
2103s be things like hey here's the Nemesis
2105s system and we'll go into detail on how
2107s that works and how you can interact with
2108s what you'll see all stuff like that be
2110s like next day like maybe here's the
2111s harbinger system and go into details on
2113s that you can expect to see with that and
2115s then you know like I the Pinnacle boss
2118s and and some details on that but maybe a
2120s little bit shy on some of the details so
2121s you can experience it
2123s firstand like exactly what'll happen um
2127s and then
2129s uh you know a little
2133s um once once all the major dead blogs
2135s have come then we do then we do patch
2137s notes and it's got all the details like
2138s oh this ability is getting buffed by
2139s that
2146s L all right in that case of no scaling
2149s are you currently planning Uber variants
2151s of bosses or just
2154s progression um there's so we already do
2156s kind of do the like um like boss
2160s progression with empowered versions boss
2162s one uh this one the the like the the
2166s version that's launching on 1.1 the
2168s Pinnacle boss that's coming in 1.1 will
2170s have one difficulty setting um I think
2174s having Uber bosses in the future and
2176s like combo bosses and all these sorts of
2179s intense like hyper challenges are are
2182s like on on the on the table for future
2185s content um 1.1 we have we're we're
2187s coming with this Pinnacle boss and the
2189s Pinnacle boss will be that one
2191s difficulty for that one Pinnacle boss
2192s for
2198s 1.1 there are like things leading up to
2201s it it's not just walk in you fight the
2203s boss like there's other content you have
2206s to do first before you're allowed to
2211s fight all right serpent strike CU I know
2213s that summons Primal
2216s serpent yes it does
2220s um would this be considered a Talisman
2223s skill if Talisman skills existed in game
2225s how would you envision them Envision
2227s some other primalist Talisman what
2230s animals would be used Bas this question
2232s on the Lore
2236s Master I have no
2239s idea
2245s uh I have no idea um
2252s um I feel like just getting
2258s more cuz you like so there's there's the
2261s like aspect
2262s nodes
2265s um maybe maybe channeling those in some
2268s way I think could be cool I don't know
2271s I'm sorry I don't have a good answer
2272s this one at all
2279s every once in a while I get stumped I'm
2280s throw in the towel uh when will the game
2282s be available on consoles uh do you think
2286s uh you losing players with poe2 and D4
2288s both platforms cheers
2290s um I I think we have
2294s to uh have have our
2298s PC uh version Rock Solid before we start
2301s getting into console stuff
2305s um we are like there's there's a lot of
2308s things that have to happen um to to get
2312s the game released on a console um that
2314s we haven't started yet just like there's
2316s standards you have to adhere to for
2317s specific consoles there's like um
2320s whether or not it can be paused
2322s and there there's all sort of little
2324s things like maximum memory usages and
2326s all these things like that that need to
2328s be met in order to get onto a console
2329s and and personally I have I've never
2331s released a console game myself there's
2332s other people on the team that
2334s have um so we're still in very very
2338s early days of you know like looking at
2340s relationships with those companies to
2341s get game to get Epoch on the console but
2343s it was still ways out from that I
2357s think all right hi Mike oh thanks thanks
2360s for the uh the assist ping there heavy
2362s um uh when will the game be available
2364s all right so hi Mike will there be a
2366s passive leveling system after reaching
2368s level 100 in the feature for example the
2370s paradon system V3 since they dedicated
2372s much time and effort for the safety of a
2374s tera and leveled up 13 masteries to
2376s level 100 plus one level 91 level 83 in
2380s this cycle when can I expect my unique
2382s ring ring of real
2385s learning uh with the 10 to 25% increased
2388s XP mod thanks in
2390s advance that that is quite the
2392s achievement um that is that is a lot of
2395s extremely high level characters um so
2399s wow um I we don't really have any plans
2403s for um leveling up charact leveling up
2406s um like a D3 Paragon style
2409s system uh characters hitting max level
2411s is we really view that as an achievement
2414s unto itself just one character H so it's
2417s not something that we're really
2418s expecting most players to do and because
2421s of that locking a system behind it
2423s doesn't really make a lot of sense um we
2426s do want there to be um like endgame
2431s farming systems like
2434s endgame uh Farm the wrong word but like
2436s a a system where you can
2439s progress uh keep progressing behind the
2441s scenes like through endgame and have it
2443s be have't be exciting and interesting
2445s the way the passive system works
2446s inherently it becomes less and less
2448s exciting to get passive points as you
2450s put points in once you get past around
2452s level 75 80ish um and and we're we're
2455s really happy with how the passive system
2457s is working and the and what it's
2458s bringing to the table um but because of
2461s how it's it's linked to level and um and
2464s all that having a system that gets tied
2467s uh a passive
2468s progression uh system and oh my goodness
2473s stumbling so much on this I'm trying to
2474s say is factions that's where I'm going
2477s with all this I'm trying to say factions
2478s in a really long-winded way um we we
2481s feel factions more fit that role and as
2483s we get more factions into the game um
2485s and as the faction systems get flushed
2487s out more and and you know fix the issues
2489s that we have with them first pass of
2491s which is happening 1.1 and we're going
2493s to keep updating 1.2 and keep adding
2494s more as we get through to three four
2496s five all sort of stuff
2499s um so you know you're going to you're
2501s going to see updates that continuing and
2503s that type of in-game progression system
2505s to get cool stuff is probably going to
2507s come more from the faction system than
2508s it is um from uh a system is tied to
2520s uh give us ryer to talk about all the
2521s cool new yeah I think that's a great
2524s idea hey ryer you want to come join me
2526s next time talk about some cool nodes
2532s huh he's probably not listening it's
2534s quite
2535s late that is part of the problem it's
2538s like's he's in Europe so it's the middle
2540s of the night
2551s hi Mike oh I that yes I went
2554s back uh hi Mike hello Mr fibble fibble I
2559s always I always love your name and ruin
2561s your name I realize right after every
2562s single time I'm
2563s sorry uh hi Mike do you know if there
2566s are any plans for future Cosmetics via
2568s twitch drops yes as of today I believe
2572s we got uh new
2576s info uh
2584s um are we here
2610s fastest way to cheat this on to the
2612s screens this way here we
2617s go uh here is the uh we we we just just
2621s posted this on our various
2626s everythings uh so if you
2628s want twitch drops for the
2634s patch oh I'm being told right now we're
2638s changing the way we're doing hype week
2639s this this this year this this year this
2646s patch oh this is for uh two hours on any
2649s one
2652s day so if you watch uh any of the
2655s related
2656s streams uh for two hours on any one of
2658s these
2659s days you
2663s get these these Cosmetics it's a pet and
2666s a cape sorry I'm getting I'm getting
2668s extra information to tossing me right
2670s now
2674s live uh all right hype week we're
2677s actually condensing it into fewer larger
2679s posts and then the patch notes so it's
2681s going to come
2684s out faster and bigger I
2689s guess all right any love coming for
2692s volcanic orb in cycle 2 been asking for
2694s literal
2695s years uh I I don't have any specific
2697s specific details on what's coming
2701s up for uh volcanic orb the next cycle
2704s but you know I don't think it's
2705s unreasonable to have see
2708s something we'll see what happens
2716s though yeah and we're changing the way
2717s we're doing hype week because of your
2719s pack
2731s speaking of feedback if you've been
2733s playing last heac for a while and like
2735s most of the people here probably have
2736s not all but most and you haven't um you
2740s haven't bothered to go on over and drop
2741s a review yet uh however you want it I
2744s would encourage you to check out that
2747s opportunity
2754s now as long as I don't die ah
2767s H
2768s right since 1.0 of last def how has this
2771s launch permanently changed the dynamic
2773s structure and Outlook of HG what the
2776s company was before um I mean we've we've
2779s definitely we're growing uh in size
2781s we've we're hiring more people more like
2785s crazy talented people have been applying
2786s for jobs which is which is so cool um
2791s and so we've been we've been getting
2793s more more developers more artists more
2795s designers more uh other types of artists
2799s more other types of artists because
2800s there's so many different types of
2801s amazing specialized artists
2805s um I I think it's where we we've managed
2808s to increase our um pipeline size a
2810s little
2812s bit know just as an attempt to get more
2814s content out faster and better better
2817s content out faster
2821s too I know things that like I I recently
2824s just took one of my hats off and gave it
2826s to someone which I was so happy
2828s for a you're doing a great
2841s job yeah I think that's I think that's a
2843s big part of it
2844s um just like you you like when the game
2847s when after the game launched there's
2848s just like a so many more eyes on it that
2851s people who are both like talented game
2854s development professionals and just love
2855s video games suddenly see the game and
2858s are like hey that sounds like something
2860s cool I might like to do and you're like
2862s yes come do this with us it is cool you
2864s would like to do
2874s it that's I don't hate that
2877s yeah I do hate that
2881s though no room no room how about now
2895s uh one more stash tab oh
2898s oops always one more stash tab
2908s we just clear this whole one we can
2910s almost have the entire
2912s uh ability
2916s done I'm very excited very very excited
2919s about cycle 2 cyle one had a very rough
2921s start how are you guys better prepared
2923s for a huge popularity cycle too I mean
2926s um a ton has changed um you know like
2929s serers uh server backend wise the like
2932s code that runs the server that runs the
2933s networking stack that runs all the
2935s adjacent systems you know so much of
2937s that has been updated and improved and
2939s um you know we we had done a lot of
2942s artificial testing before but we had
2944s never had 265,000 people playing
2948s simultaneously um so like artificial
2951s tests are great but they don't always
2953s tell the whole
2954s story um like a unit test can only do so
2958s much and
2961s um we we we definitely learned a ton and
2964s have put so much of that into action
2970s there's a entirely new networking stack
2972s that the game's running on now compared
2974s to what it was then
2979s um we are and we're we're we're not done
2982s either so like 1 Point uh 1.2 will be
2985s even better than 1.1
2988s um and and we're just going to keep
2990s improving it but yeah it's
3001s woo he's
3008s there this might oh I should have done
3010s this before boss okay well harer Stars
3013s sweet
3016s um we're so not a crit build
3020s though like so the opposite of the build
3023s that wants this
3030s okay when I get to the boss I'll show
3031s you I'll talk about it because we do
3032s have um some exciting news about um boss
3036s Dr and what we're doing with that I'm
3038s actually going to share with you the
3039s details when we get to the boss fight I
3041s I'll go a little deeper on
3050s it don't forget to put at last Depot
3053s game in the question if you'd like me to
3054s answer I just scroll back just scroll
3056s past a huge chunk and I'm assuming there
3057s was nothing in
3059s there uh about how many uniques will we
3061s add in 1.1 I'm not 100% sure we like
3063s we're still adding them is the funny
3064s part
3065s um so there's still a couple more
3067s getting sprinkled in I think we're in
3069s and around our usual
3071s amount um but I haven't counted
3075s them comfortably double digits though
3079s say that with
3082s confidence and and and definitely not
3084s triple digits
3098s that in place Fury leap with with a
3101s frenzy totem down getting all of the
3103s like all all the spines that come up all
3106s yeah actually does
3110s decent it's
3115s important um what are your views of the
3119s Rogue or one of its masteries uh to have
3122s vanish or stealth skill this is a really
3124s interesting topic um and we've we we've
3128s like talked about having uh like a
3131s disengage a stealth a vanish something
3133s like that uh quite a bit and um we it's
3139s really difficult to to make it play nice
3143s make it play
3145s well es especially in in like it it just
3148s doesn't the play style doesn't fit super
3150s well in an RPG um and we've kind of
3153s tried to emulate that feeling and the
3157s like thematics of what's going on a
3159s little bit with smoke bomb that's that's
3160s how smoke bomb was born actually we were
3162s trying to find we like we're trying to
3164s make a a a vanish or a disengage type
3167s ability and smoke bomb is what came out
3168s of that
3170s um that design discussion that was quite
3173s a while ago um I don't I don't I know if
3177s like there's there's always these old
3179s topics where we're like we've worked on
3181s something and like how we came up with
3183s what worked y y y um and then like four
3186s years goes
3187s by and all of a sudden there's like a
3189s bunch of new things you can do in the
3191s engine because we keep building little
3193s things for other skills and we're like
3194s oh my God this works now type
3196s thing there's a unique staff that's in
3199s the game that originally was being
3200s designed is supposed to try and be a an
3202s unarmed
3204s weapon and and like about two years
3207s after that we made our first maybe even
3209s longer we made our first um like unarmed
3212s weapon in a pair of
3218s gloves so nothing yet but maybe
3222s soon I see someone else steam deck uh
3224s verification on the menu we're working
3226s on it we are working on it um I don't
3230s think we quite got that check mark ready
3232s yet um but I know we've like submitted a
3235s few builds for checks and things like
3236s like that so it is it is in in uh
3242s development I don't think it's quite
3243s there
3246s yet uh with regards to factions uh based
3249s on what you just said uh will future
3251s factions be obtainable alongside the
3253s current two or is it intended that you
3255s only ever affiliated with one at a time
3257s we do intend that you will obtain and
3259s track multiple factions
3261s simultaneously um this is something
3264s we've talked about before but I think
3265s only on stream so I'm not surprised that
3267s it's not just se but like here's
3271s the here's the diagram I usually draw so
3273s like if if you've got um the the one box
3276s of um got mg and you got CF and then uh
3283s and you have to pick one of those two
3284s and they're mutually exclusive and then
3286s maybe you've got another one over here
3289s that's like r r
3291s rpr1 and you've got here that's like
3295s fg3 um and mutually exclusive with each
3297s other I'm just putting random things in
3299s here please don't try and figure out
3300s what that is I don't know uh and then
3303s maybe you've even got another one in
3304s here that's like
3307s hbg
3309s four I don't
3311s know
3312s um and so like you can pick like I'm
3315s going to be uh you come through and
3317s you're like okay well I'm going to I'm
3319s going to
3320s play I'm going to play cof and I'm going
3322s to play pg1 I'm going to play and and
3324s you get this one as well so you get all
3326s three of these you track them all
3327s individually um and you're like oh okay
3329s well I actually don't want to see if I'm
3331s going to switch over this one that's
3332s fine and like they they all exist in
3334s their own like little ecosystems
3345s almost started adding the numbers in so
3347s it would be more ridiculous I don't know
3349s why I started labeling them at
3354s all all right will they further develop
3357s of factions in the future could we see
3359s lean towards more pee Atlas style
3361s experience with like factions tree and
3364s such
3366s um it's possible we we did design the UI
3370s for it to be
3372s um I guess to be more of a like a
3376s separate UI that tracks all the faction
3378s stuff independently with like we we've
3381s got UI set up for it you'll see it
3383s eventually
3389s I will not die
3399s here oh rmer you're here yeah come join
3402s me on stream that'd be cool not right
3409s now this month's charity oh no uh any
3412s chance you guys ever stop using Unity
3414s kind of feels like a lot of the
3415s performance stuff is tied to using an
3417s engine not made for RPGs
3420s no um switching an engine off like to to
3423s a completely different engine right now
3428s um are you guys okay if we take like a
3431s two-year break from releasing content
3433s like probably
3435s not um I I I don't think switching
3438s engines is uh really feasible for us
3442s we've been working on an engine upgrade
3443s like so a new version of unity it's
3446s going to help a lot of things
3450s um you know it's it's we we get I fairly
3454s frequently get asked the question like
3456s hey if you could go back and do it again
3458s would you avoid using UD would would you
3460s have used something else instead if you
3462s could if you have the like knowing what
3463s you know now going all that stuff I and
3466s I and I genuinely think the answer is
3469s no mostly because like I don't know if
3471s we would have managed to get this far
3473s without unity in the first place um and
3475s so it's and and then at the same time it
3477s is also just kind of too late to switch
3479s and and have that be a reasonable idea
3482s to
3493s do that's it that's all the questions I
3497s actually caught up
3499s Midstream love
3502s it if I missed one cuz um and you would
3505s want to ask it again please put that
3506s last de
3508s game last de 2 on a new engine yeah
3510s there you
3516s go am I standing or sitting down I am
3520s standing my hand is my the palm of my
3523s hand is flat on the ceiling right now
3524s you can see how bent my arm is still
3527s this is this is my hand is just touching
3528s the
3532s ceiling it's right there several times I
3536s accidentally punched it get excited like
3538s like something happens I'm like yeah I
3540s did it
3545s boom not
3547s die who's your favorite sg1 character
3550s and why is it t I've been asked this
3551s before that's it's I love teal
3554s Christopher Jud such a good job no my
3556s favorite character is O'Neal I it's
3558s just his his I don't know
3562s aloofness really clicks for me
3570s but the whole the whole the whole gang's
3582s great Carter run her
3586s up she wrote and like directed a bunch I
3589s she wrote she directed I think a bunch
3591s of
3592s Travelers which was also fantastic
3596s she was in it as
3606s well time for a spoiler vat we're do so
3609s so today I've got uh we're not doing
3611s little things this week I've got one
3612s really big thing for you this
3614s week yeah here I was going to do it
3616s right as I get to the boss
3619s fight I was going to use the boss fight
3621s to explain a little bit
3631s sorry haven't been following the updates
3632s for all that's all right will there be
3634s an update about uh
3636s ADR we change your move to say the same
3639s like um every talking about like
3641s adaptive the boss production boss Dr yes
3644s if you look at the title of the stream
3646s I'm going to talk about that
3647s today um yeah we are removing it adapt
3651s Le we just talk about it now um adapted
3653s boss damage reduction is getting cut for
3655s 1.1 it will no longer be something that
3658s exists in
3660s last so the big the big feedback we've
3663s been getting a lot with
3665s it um I I guess we can go over some
3667s goals first then talk about feedback so
3669s one one of the goals of a system like
3670s this that we have is um you know having
3674s having the bosses not just be instad
3676s deleted while also not having the while
3680s slightly raining in the difference
3683s between a oh my God WTF epic OP build
3687s and uh hey look what I built in my spare
3690s time for fun type builds um thank you
3693s very much for the sub Loco John DK thank
3698s you
3700s um might be interested in this the uh
3704s and so yeah so that's the main things
3706s the boss boss adaptive boss is doing um
3709s and how let's talk about I guess how it
3711s does
3712s that um so how it does that is by uh it
3716s gives gives the boss a bunch of um
3719s damage reduction to start so you like
3721s boss spawns in and has a bunch of damage
3723s reduction um and then just the straight
3728s multiplicative Dr and um as time passes
3732s where you are not dealing damage to the
3736s boss that just falls off that that erods
3739s that Fades away so you it's it it's
3741s Vanishing and
3743s disappearing uh and eventually it just
3744s get back to normal just just normal flat
3747s damage um and then anytime you are spent
3749s damaging the boss depending on how fast
3751s you're damaging the boss and how much
3752s you're damaging the boss it will gain
3754s more Dr so um the boss will as you heard
3758s it more it takes less damage as you
3759s heard it less it takes more damage
3761s pretty simple um it is built in such a
3764s way that
3766s um the fastest way to kill a boss is by
3769s just killing the boss there's no like oh
3771s slow DPS here to get a a slingshot boost
3774s and kill it real fast like it's it's it
3776s reacts instantly mid ability and
3778s everything so it's like you're there's
3781s there is no really gaming the system um
3783s which is good but at the same time it
3786s does it does leave people where they're
3788s like okay this like they go to a test I
3790s me like oh this meteor hits for 10,000
3793s damage you go to boss think oh this
3794s meteor hits for 1,000 damage
3798s great that's awesome and and there's
3801s this the that that feeling um has been
3804s giving us we've been getting a lot of
3805s feedback on that feeling being not so
3809s awesome um so we are really looking at
3813s placing the system with something that
3815s achieves the same goals um makes the
3817s boss fights more interesting more
3819s Dynamic and
3821s um you know still lets your numbers be
3824s big still lets you um you know really
3828s have a a a good feeling of hey I got
3830s this new sword it does more damage and
3831s now I do more damage and I kill the boss
3834s that proportionately faster ATT so like
3838s like we are um when we when we do remove
3842s adapted boss damage we are replacing it
3844s with something else I don't want to
3846s stand in this I want my dude
3849s back just killed
3853s him um so what what are we replacing it
3856s with uh we figured it would be best to
3859s replace it with something that is um
3862s that leverages existing in-game systems
3864s already for for defenses something that
3867s is really easy to communicate to the
3869s player what's happening how how like how
3872s it works what's H like what's going on
3874s all that sort of stuff um where there's
3875s not really a like hey why isn't my
3880s damage like why is my damage nerfed so
3881s much then they have to like go look in
3883s the game guide like find out why this is
3884s happening or they go to the forums and
3885s things like that it's this like
3886s confusion point it's just like it
3888s doesn't feel good and it's like oh okay
3890s then this is like can I can I do
3891s anything to play around this to play
3892s better oh then you find no I can't it's
3894s like it just feels it doesn't feel whole
3896s experience kind of sucks right now and
3898s so we we're trying to um Target that
3901s feeling and bring back the
3905s like boss fights in general to be a
3907s little more fun just just from switching
3908s that system
3916s up brief pause for some questions to
3918s catch up on favorite Star Trek Voyager
3920s for
3921s sure um your item in game currently
3931s I mean I love the silly stuff so
3932s probably the
3934s spoon
3936s uh if there was one thing you allowed to
3938s change about Le no questions ask what a
3939s b and Y weapon swap you'd have two
3941s weapons build swap weapons I've still
3942s got a version locally that I can do it
3944s none of you can have it um is there a
3946s way to find out what the secondary
3948s Elemental types are for each class like
3950s how Mage and void or second I say like M
3951s and void is like tertiary uh because it
3954s only exists in items
3958s um but I mean just like coming here if
3960s you see it on
3962s like three or fewer abilities if you see
3965s like a little little icon on three or
3967s fewer abilities I would call it a
3968s secondary element for that
3972s class and if you see it on none but it's
3974s possible to get
3977s tertiary uh the campaign story has been
3979s completed uh hasn't been completed yet U
3983s is what I think this meant to say since
3985s you like Legend of Zelda series could we
3986s battle against our Shadow Self our void
3989s self in the future I mean that's there's
3991s there's there's I I think that's that's
3992s on the table and we've kind of pulled
3994s elements of that in a little bitsh with
3997s the arena Champions uh and the like um
4001s forgotten Knight kind of got some
4002s visuals of that there and then also the
4005s Exile Mages feel a little bit like that
4007s and there's some other stuff that's
4009s coming too soon that we'll have that
4012s theming even
4014s stronger so yes keep an eye
4017s out all right about permanent CC on
4021s bosses yep that's um we're also
4023s addressing permanent CC on bosses if you
4025s like there's there's a threshold where
4026s like if you're epic enough you can still
4028s do it um but it's we're definitely
4031s restricting it a lot
4033s more
4036s yeah I do have a little clip to show you
4038s where it does pery see the boss but I
4039s would like pref this with like this is
4041s the absolute epic dis out character
4043s possible yes that's a word as of now you
4046s confident that your endgame addictions
4048s uh
4051s addition endgame additions next cycle
4054s will be enough to keep the player
4055s engaged after the campaign I mean I
4057s think it's going to improve it I think
4057s there's going to be lots of cool new
4058s stuff to do um so we we'll see I think
4061s it's going to be a a significant
4063s Improvement of what we have currently
4065s and it's I mean everyone's everyone's a
4067s little bit different on how much they
4067s like to play
4071s um
4073s yeah all right um
4077s appreciate voyaging with TNG I say TNG
4079s close second TNG is the only other one
4081s that I will like that I've rewatched
4083s more than
4093s twice original series is great it's a
4095s little too short um and like it was
4097s still finding its
4098s footing um I think Enterprise gets a bad
4102s rap I think it's better than you
4103s remember it just fast forward through
4104s that intro song
4106s um I think I think the new the new year
4109s is fantastic and and those are all the
4111s Star Trek that
4113s exist sitting on a St space station is
4116s not trekking through the
4118s Stars oh yes can I expand once actually
4121s be replaced in the adapter D system will
4122s be absolutely I'd love to um I've been
4125s kind of stalling till I get to the boss
4126s fight a little bit here um so I'll just
4129s I guess I'll just talk about here we're
4130s using
4131s Ward um so Ward is uh already a system
4135s that's built into last Epoch for having
4137s temporary uh a temporary Shield
4141s um I think this is a pretty natural uh
4146s option and anyone who's been following
4147s along is probably not very surprised by
4149s this um so what's going to
4157s happen they not showing
4159s up oh no oh no I wasn't going to show
4163s that right
4164s away that was the little video I've
4167s got there it goes okay so here's an
4170s example of what a uh a health bar an
4174s enemy boss health bar may look like in
4178s uh
4180s 1.1 little clip for you can see an
4182s action to in a second um so what this
4184s what we'll break down what's happening
4186s here um so every every boss uh and
4190s almost every mini boss so not uh not
4193s every mini boss but most of them do have
4196s these little Pips you see um this little
4199s Pip this one this one and here's here's
4201s one that's been activated um and so
4203s these are like these for maasa at the
4205s end of The Campaign which I still
4206s haven't done in this character uh these
4208s are these are the four uh so has four
4210s break points and so we can um pick and
4213s choose based on which boss it is how
4215s many break points it has I can have any
4217s number of them really and um as you get
4221s their health down to that point so
4222s you're fighting the boss fighting the
4223s boss the boss you get to this point and
4225s it gets it it's in right it gets a
4227s portion of its Health back as Ward when
4229s you hit this point so you get to this
4230s point uh and it gets a it gets a brief
4233s stun so it does stun the boss you to the
4235s point and then it fills up its health
4236s bar with
4238s Ward um and the the ward amount right
4241s now I think is 75% of its Max Health
4244s we're still adjusting that so it's it's
4246s somewhere between somewhere in the range
4249s of three quarters of its health is
4250s probably going to be the amount of w
4252s that it gets and that might become
4253s variable per boss as well um having it
4256s be consistent probably better in
4259s general um and then so unlike normal
4263s Ward this Ward it the Decay rate is
4267s inverted from what normal Ward is so
4269s normal Ward um actually this normal Ward
4272s is based on the decay of Ward is based
4275s on the amount of total Ward you have so
4277s if you have 10,000 Ward your ward decays
4279s faster than if you have 1,000 Ward
4281s bosses are different uh when a boss gets
4283s Ward its Ward Decay rate increas es with
4286s time so the longer the boss has Ward the
4288s faster that Ward
4290s disappears um so if you have some sort
4293s of like a huge combo that you can set up
4296s to do a bunch of Spike damage um you can
4298s do that as it's as the ward is getting
4301s low or as it's like emptying and then
4304s you can Spike to the next one if you
4305s want so there's there's a little bit of
4306s counterplay there there's a little bit
4307s of ways you can like actually adjust
4309s your play if you really want to minmax
4310s your combat mechanics themselves um
4313s which I think I think is a really
4314s positive thing to have especially when
4316s it is displayed somewhere that is um
4318s more
4323s intuitive
4325s um I have
4330s notes oh yeah and we can position the
4332s break points not evenly spaced if we
4334s want we can put them wherever we want um
4336s and a few times we do mess with them a
4337s little bit so sometimes we'll use the
4338s break points as also phase change
4341s indicators so it's like you get to this
4342s break point and like there's a phase
4344s change that happens at this break point
4345s so it's this really natural clean break
4346s it's really obvious what's happening um
4349s and
4351s then five to car increases with
4354s time oh yeah and then like tankier boss
4356s the rate that the W Decay rate increases
4358s at um is different for different types
4361s of bosses thank you heavy very much for
4363s the 10 gifted Subs to the community
4364s congrats anyone who got one of those
4366s that's big uh yeah I know you've been
4369s trying it here um hope you've been
4372s enjoying it I I take it you probably
4373s have given that reaction
4377s um yeah so so like if there's like a
4379s really tanky boss maybe we'll like make
4380s the Decay rate increase a little bit
4382s slower um things like that and then uh
4385s yeah so I've got a little video to show
4387s you about how um how this looks in the
4389s fight and so this is um kind of two
4392s things one to just show you how it flows
4393s it's a very short clip I just want to
4395s preface this by saying this this this
4396s character is as like decked out as you
4400s can possibly have it is super mega super
4403s super mega
4407s um like this this character is epic um
4410s and so this is fighting a um an
4413s empowered 220
4416s corruption
4419s um uh what's it
4423s called abomb it's the a bomb so the end
4426s of the first monolith uh 220 corruption
4428s so it is a
4432s um a beefy boss fight
4440s if this is playing audio or not um yes
4442s you can see there it's getting Ward next
4444s Point getting through the ward there you
4446s go so yeah this is extremely buff
4459s character I do this so it gets a full
4461s cycle through the clip without anything
4463s popping up over top of it
4465s um so this is what this is what boss
4467s Ward's going to look like so you still
4468s can if you are um this is why I'm
4471s pressing this with the per CC thing
4473s because it is this this character is
4474s specifically designed to show this
4476s extremely quickly because we're just
4477s showing the um this boss Dr system or
4482s not Dr system oh my goodness Dr system
4483s replacement the war system so this is um
4488s specifically set up to be happening
4490s really quickly and per Freeze's
4492s character it is not a real situation
4502s all right now I'm sure there's a bunch
4504s of questions on that let's answer some
4506s of
4510s those does the word Decay the word does
4512s Decay the word decays um naturally just
4515s like word normally decays and then as uh
4519s as uh time goes on it decays faster and
4523s faster so you'll you'll um you you get a
4526s this is where you get that like slight
4527s normalization effect so builds that are
4529s a little doing a little bit less damage
4531s overall will um get to catch up a tiny
4534s bit in the sense it's not like a huge
4535s shift but it's just like it's a tiny
4537s little bit of normalization that happens
4541s um but if you've got the deeps just push
4554s through will it be a way to pierce the
4556s boss Ward I mean no it's like you got to
4558s get through the
4561s ward just like how like enemies have to
4563s get through your ward I guess there
4565s there is there is one way that enemies
4568s can get bypass your Wards but that is
4571s percent current health damage so it
4572s never kills
4578s you in the temporal sanctum dungeon Jula
4581s at some point how can they manipulate
4583s time maybe I missed it but who is they
4586s you are they we are
4588s they the player character is they the J
4591s is not really talking to you they're
4592s kind of using to
4602s themselves all right assuming you have a
4604s build that can theoretically break
4605s multiple thresholds I
4608s oh watching the screen a little bit um
4612s IE an attack on the boss could get it a
4614s second word breakpoint would gain two
4615s instances of the ward well see yeah so
4617s like it goes through all of the damage
4619s so um if you had one hit that could get
4622s from like a break point to like and
4626s through the Ward from that breakpoint
4628s and then through the health to the next
4629s breako you know and then it would
4631s trigger the second one at the end of
4632s that yeah like it goes it applies all
4634s the damage sequentially and it works
4636s properly so there is there is a fixed
4639s maximum Total Health that if you could
4642s deal that fixed total maximum health and
4644s plus all the W break points all in one
4646s hit right at the very start
4647s theoretically you could kill it in one
4648s hit um but it's a lot like it's it's
4652s it's designed such way that like it
4653s discourages that a little bit that
4655s extreme case because when you're
4656s fighting the boss it is assumed that
4658s there's a little bit of time in that war
4660s Decay threshold that war Decay time
4662s where the Decay is helping you speed it
4664s up a little bit as
4669s well so you'll you'll almost unless
4671s you're doing that extreme case you won't
4672s ever be doing the maximum amount of
4675s total HP and Ward combine damage to the
4677s boss cuz some of it decays
4681s naturally uh out of curiosity why do you
4683s as a team feel the game needs a system
4685s like this for Boss Health um I mean
4688s mostly the reasons I went over earlier
4690s um
4695s there's talking
4698s about um you know there's a there's
4701s sometimes a pretty big distinction in um
4706s boss killing
4708s power um and having those bosses like
4712s having them actually do their mechanics
4714s and having them actually like play out a
4715s little bit and be the boss fight we want
4718s them to be is is important to us is
4720s something that we think is important for
4721s the game and important for the challenge
4722s of completing the the dungeon or
4724s monolith or whatever they're
4725s representing you know actually fighting
4727s the boss is important
4744s since Ward will be adjusted can you
4746s please add a new beard blocking
4752s mechanic sorry I don't think that'll
4754s work
4757s well uh does it stun every boss seem
4759s like every High DPS build will stun lock
4761s them every time the the little um the
4765s little stun that's that happens when it
4767s does hit one of those break points um is
4771s is like very very brief it's more of an
4774s interrupt than a
4778s stun in the vast majority of cases stun
4781s locking we it's something that we are
4785s addressing what you saw in that clip I
4787s want to reiterate is a very much extreme
4789s case this is like we went into a build
4791s editor and we're like C we like what
4794s possible number numers could we put in
4795s here and I think we just like added the
4796s artificial damage button onto that type
4798s thing so it's it's
4804s like that was a buff
4812s character the go the goal of giving the
4814s reason why we have such a ridiculously
4816s buff character in that video is two
4817s things one is to show that um if if you
4821s are going like going ham you can still
4824s have these ridiculously powerful builds
4827s um and you do scale relative to your
4828s content which I think is something that
4829s people want to have where you're like my
4832s character is better so I kill things
4833s faster like that's a pretty fundamental
4835s thing to have
4837s happened um and I think a concern about
4840s a system like this frequently is can I
4842s still Crush stuff quite quickly if I'm
4845s very very very
4848s powerful the answer is
4850s yes and also just to keep the clip short
4860s overall is the goal for the system to be
4861s fairly equal to the old system in terms
4863s of how tanky bosses are for any given
4865s amount of damage
4869s dealt relatively similar yes um like
4873s some bosses will be more tanky some
4874s bosses will be less tanky some bosses
4875s will be more tanky against specific
4878s strategies and some bosses will be less
4879s tanky against those so I think it's it's
4882s less of a one to one and more of a
4889s adjustment I think one of the personally
4891s for me one of the reasons I really like
4892s it so much is that it does it does
4894s inject a little bit of counterplay into
4895s the system where players can adjust
4897s their play style they can save up
4899s cooldowns um and things like that to to
4901s to actually affect how fast they can
4903s kill the boss if they are really going
4904s to minmax it and then players who who
4906s aren't going to care that much about
4907s that Min maxing side of things are are
4909s still going to have a fun experience
4911s with boss fights
4917s and it's and it's not hiding stuff it's
4918s not hiding stuff behind um hidden
4922s mechanics it's it's there it's in your
4923s face it's very clear what what's
4928s happening so one shoting boss is still
4931s prevented due to the nature of how Ward
4933s suddenly appears I mean it is possible
4935s to one shot but the the one shot the
4937s amount of the amount of more damage you
4940s need uh relative like to relative to now
4943s to one shot a boss it's harder to one
4945s shot a boss now like just straight up
4946s one shot it um but it
4950s is um it is still
4959s possible this the exact same to kill me
4961s last time
4982s that's that frzy TM I told you
4993s to Mike dies
4997s Bingo
5000s uh Mike can you please talk more about
5003s what was announced about the that event
5005s what was announced um the if you're
5007s talking talking about
5009s the
5011s um the light before the dark thing
5022s um oh I've just been told there's
5024s actually um even more uniques than I
5026s thought there was
5035s like about double last
5040s time um I I don't know anything more
5043s about the event that just got announced
5044s this the the story race event I am
5046s completely in the
5048s dark I have no
5054s idea how long will next season be we are
5056s aiming still at 3 to
5058s 4,000
5061s um uh three or 4 thousand
5065s three to four
5066s months three to four months is our um
5069s our
5070s go-to uh time for Cycles right
5076s now uh if you want your question
5078s answered you should tag me yes good
5080s question let's see what the question
5085s was are you nerfing overpowering items
5087s like Twisted heart are you nerfing
5089s overpowered build archetype items uh
5091s frostbite shackles and snow drifts I
5094s don't have any specific details on
5095s what's getting nerfed or buffed um I
5098s will say that there is a uh there's tons
5101s of Nerfs and Buffs all over the place um
5104s builds that were previously able to
5106s reach several thousand corruption levels
5109s will still be incredibly powerful builds
5112s um relative to the other builds that are
5113s out there but I would not aspire to
5115s being able to reach several thousand
5116s corruption anymore
5151s note to S I cannot survive that attack
5154s for this world once more how much I
5158s think I
5172s can myen will out there
5182s guys this h this
5186s despair Oblivion
5192s Burns yeah we're going to be a little
5194s bit quiet cuz Mike's going to try and
5195s focus and not
5197s die Mike's void res his
5204s seven I hit space to evade
5210s again it's it's my my thumb is just like
5212s yeah evade you got it evade nope
5217s oh
5221s h i I think I think we should do like
5224s let's just go back and try again let's
5226s get some void reses under our belt and
5228s try again after that sound good
5232s yep oh we got to complete the campaign
5235s okay we've got we've got like uh 37
5238s minutes left like let's
5241s oh let's go finish the campaign
5260s yeah fine probably had to walk back I'm
5263s going to do it I want I want I want to
5264s beat the campaign
5266s here
5270s okay uh what do you offer players for
5273s each year of them owning playing the
5274s game for example Happy game birthday
5276s here's your 5,000 gold uh we don't have
5278s anything like that right now um I it's a
5281s cool
5284s idea
5287s um I don't know I could I could see
5289s there being some sort of like cosmetic
5290s that went with that um but we don't we
5292s don't have anything like
5294s that there's there's I think there's a
5297s danger in doing something like that
5299s because as soon as you have things where
5300s it's like um it's impossible to get this
5303s thing anymore because it's been like the
5306s game's been out for 10 years and like
5309s the 10th birthday prize is this you know
5311s it doesn't really work too well um for
5313s like new players just being locked out
5315s of things and it's cool to get prizes
5317s and things like that H I think if we
5319s were going to do we we don't we don't
5321s like that planned right now but I do
5322s like the idea and if we were to do
5323s something like that I would advocate for
5325s it being um I why in the circle more of
5329s a like here's this is this is what we've
5332s been doing to teach our kid how to poop
5335s um if
5336s you you get like a box of prizes and you
5339s say like um like hey you can like here
5344s here's your birthday prize and it's you
5346s can pick one of these five things for
5348s your birthday prize I think that's I
5350s that's the better way to do it so that
5351s there's like um a new player could come
5354s in and get any one of the birthday
5355s prizes on their first year or something
5357s like
5357s that but like someone who's been around
5359s forever has all of them type
5361s thing so there's one that's really
5363s exciting for somebody they can still get
5364s it they're not locked out of it waiting
5366s for 10 years to get the one that they
5367s really
5385s want our gears like basically the same
5388s as last time we came to try this so like
5389s I don't know why I'm expecting this to
5390s be so much easier not like almost
5392s nothing has changed
5397s cannot
5400s Beed I'm not sure if this was asked uh
5403s but are there any plans to add more
5405s refined criteria to the loot filter
5406s system we do have some plans for
5408s improving the loot filter
5410s um there's there probably not all of the
5414s things you're hoping for if you're
5415s asking this question but we are
5417s expanding what it has a uh access to um
5419s and then we're also working on some
5420s backend changes that will allow us to do
5422s some other things so there's there's
5424s some knock on effects of some decisions
5426s we made previously for networking stack
5429s stuff that has to get changed before we
5430s can
5432s change CH know sounds kind of
5444s weird sometimes you just like well it
5446s doesn't need to know this data so you
5448s like lock it out recognize that weapon
5451s huh
5458s all
5460s right uh any plans introduce a unique
5463s that makes meteor uh from fire to cold I
5466s would say unlikely but
5474s possible usually cold meteor is called
5476s Comet
5477s Right Aid me nothing can stop me nothing
5484s don't
5486s crying out in
5487s despair however the void came here must
5491s drive it
5492s back there's
5497s a can't remember what show it was on
5499s there's some British show there uh
5501s miming
5503s out show miming out
5507s the song like they M out songs of in
5509s dance just to people who got headphones
5511s on it trying guess what song is that one
5513s was fantastic
5523s what do you think uh like any frostbite
5525s build is required to use shackles plus
5527s snow drip which is just boring I you're
5528s saying there are things we do trying to
5530s increase the diversity there to be your
5533s sacrifice
5535s disgraceful how is it possible to
5537s download a sound file of zerk dying I
5540s don't think so
5542s not um it might buried in this the game
5545s file somewhere I don't know if it's
5546s extractable or not how many hours play
5548s do you have on last eoch according to
5550s steam uh this is this is a tricky one
5553s because it is basically just what I've
5556s played on stream because when we're
5558s playing on our uh like in the editor and
5561s in test spells and things like that it
5562s doesn't it it count it tracks it on a
5564s different counter um but right now it is
5567s sitting at an embarrassingly low get out
5570s of my mind
5575s 1, 100 or
5578s 1,2 which if you divide that by two is
5581s that the number of streams I've done
5608s you met Ted now have you considered
5610s something like the amount of war the
5611s boss gains is directly tied to how long
5613s it took to get them to the break
5615s point um so you don't punish lower
5617s damaging builds for example if you took
5619s 1 second to get there from the break
5621s point it fills 100% re W bar you took 5
5623s Seconds to get there from the break
5624s point it FS yes we have considered
5626s something like that it does it adds
5628s another layer of like obfuscation of
5630s like what's happening in the mechanics
5631s and part of what we're trying to do this
5633s with this is have it be a little
5634s intuitive so having that amount of w
5636s that it gains um be a static fixed
5638s amount is uh something that we are
5640s really interested in
5643s maintaining
5645s um
5648s having uh the the the way that the W
5650s decays does also already um provide that
5654s uh that that little bit of a shift for
5658s um like slower builds to to to catch up
5661s a little
5663s bit because because it starts to Decay
5664s faster and faster as you go um so builds
5667s that take longer to get through the ward
5668s we'll have the ward just disappear on
5670s its own a little bit
5689s faster over
5698s get out of my mind yay I did it first
5701s try no problem woohoo it's
5709s over there's your 20208 Christmas hat
5712s nice version of
5716s that uh you can do it via the gifted uh
5720s item you can do it via the gifted
5727s my monitor there was blocking one of the
5748s letters that's a bug
5765s little aggressive of a uh jump out of
5767s the way see right there like in
5769s especially in like
5770s M um talking we've been talking about
5772s the evade mechanic and the relative
5774s power of melee to range with the evade
5776s mechanic and this this fight is is a
5778s perfect example of why I I've been
5780s saying that melee is really good with EV
5782s cuz that that type of that attack
5784s especially and the shape that that con
5786s attack has where you're standing evade
5788s at melee is enough to get you out of it
5790s but evade at range is not really enough
5791s to get you out of it unless you're like
5793s really far away already but like it's as
5796s far as like a difference from what we
5797s have now what we're getting with a vade
5798s aftera it's it's a I think it it has a
5801s better um moment to moment impact on
5804s your gameplay in a in a boss fight as a
5807s in character
5817s you stop this
5820s sorcery this would this would be so much
5824s easier if you had died with her no
5827s matter you think this is over yeah I do
5831s for now but I'm coming for you nothing
5833s of the power I've been
5836s given or showed me the way all I needed
5842s was the nothing of the power I have
5843s taken you brought it right to
5847s me the power of the epoch is
5857s mine all right you can do it via the
5859s gifted item icon and just give every new
5862s player all the old outfit old gifts too
5865s oh I see you're saying after all we um
5868s after all they too can manipulate time
5872s Ah that's nice I see you're saying more
5873s more of like uh the the first birthday
5875s of last Epoch we give something to all
5876s the players and the second birthday of
5877s last Epoch we give something to all the
5879s players not like how long has this
5880s player been in yeah I really like that
5881s idea
5885s too huge big thanks to whoever sold the
5888s civilopedia from Civ to make an in-game
5890s guide from an
5899s RPG here's my C 6 play time
5908s um still
5912s five SI 5's got to be on here too isn't
5914s it it's under Sid not Civ
5920s Sid my SI 5 play
5925s time oh apparently I didn't ever play C4
5928s on Steam I just they're all in here
5936s welcome back you're
5939s welcome no fwell travel then good
5948s luck been a while since I played it's
5950s been January 7th was the last time I
5951s played it actually o got get got to get
5953s another game soon I'm too busy oh
5960s yes this going to be this this space
5962s feels oddly empty to me right now now
5964s just just just
5971s saying all right there's a belt that
5973s summons meteor yes there is any plans to
5975s have more of the belts the similar like
5977s the belt that summons static or this is
5979s the belt you're talking about right here
5980s ha I just found
5983s one um yeah we we item items that
5986s trigger abilities people love those
5988s items they're like they're some of the
5989s most like build enabling items out there
5991s um people are big fans of them we're
5992s going to keep doing them
5995s we're trying to do them in different
5996s ways too have have like a little bit
5999s more creative ways of doing it I think
6000s is is going to be
6009s positive that's
6012s unfortunate stability
6016s back I don't remember if this was in
6018s your road map but are there any plans to
6020s release skill mtxs in the near future 1
6023s Point one specifically will not have
6025s skill MTX I can tell you that much um we
6028s have started kind of working on the
6030s system it's still
6033s um there there are we we we have none
6036s internally still we don't like the
6037s system to even make it function doesn't
6039s exist internally
6041s yet so ear early days on
6045s that hey void
6047s rard we should probably put that on
6051s something uh cudos on the launch of the
6053s game thank you was great timing of
6056s harbers for me is bad first uh
6058s descendant once
6061s human last is the best AP in the market
6064s IO thank
6069s you uh who would win in a PVP match ich
6073s G Kane or
6076s you uh we we've we've I don't think
6079s we've ever had one so it's hard to
6082s say um
6084s but like I feel like everyone knows my
6087s kryptonite and I have no idea what his
6088s is so I mean I I probably take some sort
6091s of
6092s like uh AOE
6098s builds I had it muted I'm
6103s sorry there we are finish those off
6107s everal
6110s 91 it's a full year that's the that's
6113s the year oh my
6120s God he doing
6123s fantastic
6127s water get 20
6130s minutes uh inquiring minds want to know
6133s on a more serious note sorry if this was
6135s asked before that's okay how will evade
6137s work will have an eye frame during the
6140s roll to avoid damage or can we take
6143s still take damage while evading such as
6145s AOE skills for
6148s boss boss yes uh it it um I I Stumble
6152s through that and replace some words
6154s evade will not have any eye
6158s frames um evade is a repositioning
6160s ability it does not make you
6161s invulnerable you can take damage from
6164s hits you can take damage from AOE
6166s effects um you just move a little
6169s differently
6177s there's a full detail post up on our
6179s forums uh it's like a comment of
6182s something else actually but it's linked
6185s in the top level post and I it's it's um
6187s you can search comments by me and you'll
6188s find it Each G
6192s Mike uh last question from me will'll R
6195s get a know oh there's also a post that
6196s just went up on our uh Reddit someone
6199s was compiling things that we've
6200s previously spoiled um for 1.1 and it was
6203s in there as well
6207s well uh right last question from me will
6210s R going to know that give it the void
6213s tag uh I don't think so this batch um I
6216s don't remember
6221s um but you I I I try not to I try to get
6224s into specifics on stuff here so I don't
6226s I don't I don't know I'm going to give
6226s you a I don't know but I don't think so
6245s all right how's our stability we've got
6247s enough how's our void res we don't have
6250s enough we're going to try and convert
6251s some of these res into void a little bit
6254s before taking this on I
6257s think K just about just saying
6260s me I'd bring some stuff to get rid of
6262s all your minions
6264s and you'd bring Avalanche and we'd see
6265s who'd
6271s won oh scroll please it's pretty
6274s strong uh if you like Civ have you
6277s played age of wers 4 yet it's amazing I
6278s have uh it didn't it didn't click for me
6282s I I I only gave it a couple rounds
6285s um it didn't quite click for me I'm not
6289s sure I'm not sure what was wrong um but
6292s as a huge Civ and and here's my magic
6294s fan I was like I'm in let's do
6298s this he just missed for me I I I have
6302s plans to go back to with them it's on my
6305s list looked great had some cool
6308s mechanics I think there's probably a
6311s fantastic game lurking just beneath the
6313s surface I didn't quite get to that's why
6315s that's what I
6316s think um when are be getting more
6319s Minimus love I still want I don't know
6321s why I haven't done this yet I still
6322s really want to have like a like pet the
6325s dog animation just like I know something
6327s when you walk up near it and do
6328s something it pets it we the I take it
6332s back about the the weapon swap thing
6334s it's pet the dog that's what I'd
6346s add uh
6349s is zal's hunt unique quiver getting
6352s fixed for 1.1
6355s I I don't know I don't know what's wrong
6357s with it um we're working to fix any
6361s bug uh that that's been
6363s reported if if you don't know if it's
6365s been reported or not report it and we'll
6367s fix
6370s it okay what are we going to do to fix
6373s our gear I have a feeling it's something
6375s around these boots because these boots
6377s are really not synergizing with our
6381s build
6384s the minions Hast and frenzy is nice but
6386s we do give our minions frenzy already so
6388s I think we're going to take these boots
6389s off and replace
6392s them question is with what
6401s though try to spend too much time
6403s looking
6406s here do want something
6411s with void res on it we want want some
6413s boots with void RS that's our big thing
6416s if they can have some strength that
6417s would be wonderful
6420s too can't use those
6422s yet a lot of
6428s fizr I could avoid res put on
6437s them
6441s yeah we don't have a lot of Awesome
6443s boots laying around do
6447s we we might be able to convert those
6450s into something
6453s good do a little little wee bit of craft
6456s in
6463s here it's almost
6471s interesting might be able to make those
6473s in something
6476s good might be a those bases are not what
6478s we
6490s want and we're going to get into things
6492s that weren't made for
6497s us got to finish our Idol stuff too
6515s we can we can we can roll with what we
6517s got
6520s um can we convert this F resz to some
6527s like no no we
6530s can't uh can we con this Fus something
6533s like I EV void
6536s res can
6540s not can we convert this fiz res to
6543s something we like
6545s IE no we
6548s cannot well I just want void res on some
6553s boots don't care what it replaces at
6555s this
6559s point oh my God
6566s okay uh just avoid res on of boots
6570s please and
6578s boots oh you know what we should be oh
6580s we don't can't steal
6589s anything boots can have void res right
6591s am I crazy
6595s okay that moment where you're like uh oh
6597s am I just ruin wasting
6606s time don't
6609s care I don't care what else it has we
6611s need void R so bad
6625s that was insane I don't think I've ever
6626s seen
6629s like maybe I'm just like way overly
6639s lucky uh do you know to fix incoming for
6641s the font generation at lower resolution
6643s uh not specifically if you're any if
6646s you're below 1600 by 900 there's going
6648s to probably be some weird issues like
6650s that that crop
6651s up we just stand in that see how bad it
6653s hurts now I'm sure I'll make a mistake
6656s though at some
6667s point did not have to wait long for
6676s that
6679s my in
6684s on get back up
6686s scorpion
6687s Desair Oblivion
6696s burs
6698s this do you deny
6707s it my shadow will cover this place once
6711s more
6734s beain I'm sorry if I'm missing a bunch
6736s of questions in chat I
6740s am uh not overly confident in my ability
6743s to complete this with this build right
6750s now it get out of there get out of
6754s there don't die in the fire
6757s please iing resurrect you outside of the
6759s fire
6778s we
6780s go oh that was a big chunk of
6784s damage that was close I hit roll again
6787s to get out of the
6791s way Oblivion
6797s bur do you think my defeat changes
6801s anything we got there is already dead we
6804s got
6806s there tread void rest on
6809s him he Le right yeah these are not
6815s uh I think we have some
6818s leech just nothing for
6825s us oo one
6828s LP Don't Mind If I Do
6838s never the build it's always the
6840s pilot
6842s ouch yeah you're right but
6850s yeah Lon I'm coming for
6859s you so what do people think shock and
6863s from the boss di remove replac with boss
6867s Ward excited scared happy
6885s angry oh there's one I have a question
6888s about Forge guard I didn't feel it was
6890s any different in 1.0 versus early access
6893s BL the P still felt like it was very
6894s heavily minion dependent one thing I was
6897s thinking about uh and provided
6899s in game feedback about was give us give
6903s us the ability to make it not as
6906s dependent sometimes my floating swords
6907s would get stuck on obstacles and had to
6910s spawn more floating swords to do proper
6912s damage didn't
6913s feel H good no need to go into details
6916s just curious um I mean
6919s there's like they're they're they're are
6923s still minion heavy Forge guards and not
6925s minion heavy Forge guards like there's
6927s both those are still very much a thing
6933s um like the specific damage numbers
6936s might have
6936s been um less than you were hoping
6946s for like it should still be possible to
6949s to make a non minion based Forge guard
6952s 1.1 like that that's that's not going
6964s away it's not it's not like a focused
6967s minion class it's probably the most
6969s minion class of the Sentinels um but
6972s it's not it's not a minion primary class
6975s like um Beast Master
6977s and
6980s um Necromancer so you're not like I
6982s guess minion primary is you're not
6986s um we we we we try not to make the
6990s primary um aics you're looking for as
6992s minion damage to increase your damage
6994s with that um so we try to make it so
6996s that there's ways for you to build
6999s um like forgeard really cares about
7003s having like damage that they can build
7006s themselves that transfer to their
7007s minions
7010s um like I guess theat ially it's why
7013s it's a little bit more removed as a
7015s class and why I don't I don't view it as
7016s a strict minion class like it would a
7019s necromancer or a beast
7038s master all right what is the chance for
7040s us to get an infographic related to
7047s Guild oh just just factions in general I
7050s see what you're saying for example how
7051s many characters are tagged Merchant
7053s skill versus coff how many items are
7054s untagged versus tagged uh how is player
7056s retention of mg versus cof Etc um I
7059s there's some things there that we don't
7061s have um but there's a couple things we
7063s do I don't know um that's something
7065s that's something that we can ask the
7067s uh um marketing team
7082s you guys still playing on more Cosmetics
7083s yeah we're still playing on more
7084s Cosmetics two of the new ones will be
7086s twitch drops for free just after the
7088s Patch
7099s launch oh that hurts
7116s it is so hot in my office it's like
7118s we're we're starting to get into that
7119s that time of year where like I do a
7121s stream and like Afters I got to turn the
7124s computer off for a little bit just to
7125s like cool this place down almost
7139s I feel like this light as well is quite
7142s hot I don't know may it's just in my
7146s head Master Sword 1291 for 38 months in
7152s a row that's
7155s insane all yall over three years are
7158s just nutty I love it thank you very much
7161s so happy to have you with
7180s us all right is anyone to make gold
7182s useful for Pure C flers I mean the
7186s um uh the dungeon the gold btim oner
7191s fate dungeon is um quite quite useful I
7195s recommend checking it out got if you got
7197s gold burning a hole in your
7204s pocket it's what it was for before that
7207s all of
7208s this any plans to beef up Shaman storm
7212s totem visually I love the ability SL
7214s totem but it feels kind of lame numbers
7215s wise I mean I so I don't as always I
7218s don't have any details on specific
7219s balance changes that are coming I just
7222s don't know what the numbers are off the
7223s top of my head and
7224s I the chances of me saying something
7226s that's like close but just wrong enough
7228s that people get excited or disappointed
7230s ahead of time un unduly uh is extremely
7234s high so I I really don't want to
7237s uh artificially inflate or deflate
7240s someone's expectations on this
7243s um but the the the masteries and the
7246s builds that were fun but low power are
7250s exactly the type of things that we
7251s target for Buffs in general just from a
7254s like
7257s um like design
7260s standpoint when someone's like this was
7262s really fun I really enjoyed it I when I
7264s played it I felt cool um but when I got
7266s to like super endgame content and I was
7269s trying to push uh it it felt lacking um
7272s and you know like like that that type of
7274s feedback is the type of feedback that
7275s gets um us to look at the class to see
7278s how we want to address
7281s that when I played X I felt
7291s why uh without spoilers of the exact
7293s Class Type how many future classes will
7296s have minions companions I have no
7301s idea
7303s several minions are a really popular
7306s thing to put into into games like this
7308s like people love minions it is um I I
7311s don't know the ex act breakdown but I
7313s would guess it is um as like as like an
7317s overall archetype if we're going to if
7318s we're going to like put something like
7319s really broad categories like Melee
7323s Caster
7324s ranged like like bows type thing and
7327s like minions if we're going to put stuff
7328s in like that broad of a cast category I
7331s think minions is probably the number one
7333s category that we've seen um like even
7337s times when there's like no new content
7341s for the class necrom still really
7343s performs well um just just just no
7346s matter what it's and and like it I I I I
7350s think that's one of those things that
7351s like we have hard evidence that it's
7354s something that our community really
7356s likes and we try to give our community
7358s more of what they really like you know
7373s uh hey
7375s boss uh what will uh when we will
7379s receive some in-game
7382s content uh cuz those we have now is
7384s ultra
7386s boring um July
7390s nth hello there I'd like to ask if there
7393s are any options
7396s open regarding traversal skills to not
7398s show their cooldowns unique items or any
7400s skill modification and Falcon on the
7403s mind can use shits and a all together I
7405s I'd say it's very low probability that
7406s we would do that um it's it's it's a
7409s pretty hard um like balance restriction
7412s that causes that to be needed and um you
7416s know if you if you put aiala shifts on
7418s the same character like like Aeros
7419s saltan shift specifically are the reason
7421s why one of the main reasons why this is
7423s like this because it's it just it's gets
7426s ridiculous and it's it it enables
7428s gameplay that we're not really
7429s interested in so um
7433s like very low
7446s probability oh my
7453s goodness I will resurrect this scorpion
7456s I did it
7468s o we're starting to get out class a
7470s little
7474s bit uh any plans to play elen Ring DLC
7477s this weekend uh I do not mostly because
7480s I'm going to a bachelor party this
7487s weekend we're going to play magic cards
7491s and
7493s have a
7497s barbecue going to set a tent in my
7499s buddy's
7508s backyard be
7510s great
7512s yeah I'll play it next weekend the
7514s weekend
7515s after
7517s like not this weekend but next weekend
7520s uh just a generic question but I assume
7521s the team is looking into rebalancing
7523s survivability options less Wy more HP
7527s yeah I think the um the short version of
7529s this we talked about this a little bit
7530s but the short version is probably um oh
7532s we're over time here second really short
7533s version um yes less Wy more
7538s HP broadly speaking yes but I think it's
7540s like the sources of wardy things and how
7543s powerful those are and the sources of HP
7545s things and how powerful those are um cuz
7548s right now where they those power
7550s thresholds kick in is so so different
7552s because where they come from be it
7554s skills passives or
7557s equipment um so you know we're still
7559s we're still working
7561s on um that's one that's one of the
7564s places we're really targeting is the the
7566s relative balance on the uh character
7569s progression current
7589s didn't die this is the problem I have
7591s every time every time I'm like something
7592s intense situation I just like my my
7594s entire brain just stops talking and I'm
7596s like I'm GNA I'm not going to die I
7597s can't die all just a generic question
7600s but I assume the team is looking into
7601s rebalancing oh I already answer that
7604s which cycle will have the Barbarian
7606s Mastery well in the hypothetical
7608s scenario where we eventually maybe
7610s include a barbarian mastery
7612s um I don't
7619s know is there any plans for allowing
7621s more channeling skills to move while
7623s channeling yeah I think that's a um
7625s astute observation onto the issues in
7627s channeling and relative to the
7629s channeling abilities that that they
7631s compar the channeling abilities that
7632s don't work and the ones that
7637s do uh thank you for answering you're
7639s welcome I don't remember which question
7640s it was I'm sorry
7642s uh did I miss it or you skip my question
7645s oh I must have missed it I'm sorry
7652s heavy we're going to we're going to end
7654s this on a death I can feel
7657s it and I will answer your question as
7659s soon as I
7662s die my God
7675s there we go had to happen it's okay
7677s stand
7681s us all right
7707s heavy I'm sorry I don't see the question
7708s I see a bunch of other comments there it
7710s is any chance for a void grub pet I want
7713s one to hug pet and cuddle they're
7716s adorable oh like like an ntx pet um I
7719s can see I I I love I love getting um
7722s enemies as pets that that that that
7724s theme I'm a big fan of in general so I
7727s um I I don't think that's off the table
7729s I don't I don't know anything though so
7731s hope hopefully I'm going to say
7733s hopefully all right and on that I think
7737s it's time we just wrap this up um I hope
7741s you had fun I know I did I'll be back
7743s same time same place next week if I did
7745s not answer your question I'm sorry it's
7747s not intentional please head on over to
7748s our Discord if you'd like and I'll be
7750s happy to answer it there uh
7753s otherwise have fun see you next
7759s time let see if someone having some fun
7761s can go say hi
7773s too oh I think it's been a while since
7777s we've oh here's someone new here's
7779s someone new or maybe not new but someone
7782s I don't recognize and I'm sorry if
7783s you've been around here a lot and I just
7785s don't
7786s recognize we're going to come say hi Oh
7789s it's labeled as mature audiences I'm
7793s sorry I'm not supposed to do
7808s those three clots of water have fun see
7811s you next time you've been wonderful