almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

We’ve been working on an explosive addition to the Acolyte’s toolkit! We’re super excited to be showing you Volatile Zombie, a new summoning spell she will acquire in Patch 0.8.2. Below you can find the tooltip, skill art, and a selection of some of the nodes on its specialization tree.

NOTE: This skill is still in development, so we’ve omitted most numbers from the below tooltips.

Summon Volatile Zombie


SummonVolatileZombie Tooltip428×956 297 KB

The tooltip for Summon Volatile Zombie, Alt text included.


VolatileZombie SkillArt

The skill art for Summon Volatile Zombie.


Nodes on Summon Volatile Zombies' Specialization Tree

SummonVolatileZombie AwakeningPresence

SummonVolatileZombie DreadfulHorde

SummonVolatileZombie LeapAttack

SummonVolatileZombie NecromanticFervor

SummonVolatileZombie RepulsiveVomit

almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Why? Is that what she calls you?

almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Please understand that Patch 0.8.2 is approximately two months away.

We haven’t finished performing balance passes; for much of its content, we haven’t started.