about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

That’d likely be something we make available through an API.

about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

The Game Guide pages don’t exist as text files; entries are implemented programmatically - if we were to make text files available we’d likely be creating them the same way you would. As that would take time and either entail ongoing upkeep or them gradually becoming obsolete, I’d much rather see us invest our time into making an API available instead.

We plan to replace the current https://lastepochgame.com/ website with an entirely new site later this year, and also to move to https://lastepoch.com/ at the same time. My aim is for the new site to use an API which will consist of a mix of public and private endpoints. I don’t have an ETA to share for any of this yet (and really shouldn’t be talking about it at all).

There’s a few factors that would go into determining when the API would be made available to the community. One is balancing our desire to have it as complete as possible and wanting to make it available sooner rather than later. Another is when we feel we’re ready to support a publicly-accessible API and all that goes with it (including a Terms of Use agreement).

Game Guide entries wouldn’t usually be my idea of a high priority collection of endpoints, but if we decide to make them available on the new site - which we’ve been considering - we would be doing that through the API and they would be prioritized accordingly.

I realize this answer is a c*cktail of lots of text and not actually answering the question that was posed, but this is the information I have myself at the moment, so it’s all I’m able to provide.