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I am having some issues, and I would love to know if it's something I can do anything about, or if it's simply just the game's performance not being super good. I'll leave my pc specs at the bottom of the post.

I dont remember it being as bad as it is now. I've been playing since 0.9 (about 360 hours in the game) but it seems extra bad now. I just reinstalled it too.

I ran some different tests to see if any settings would make the game run better, but it's all pretty bad. They are all done on Full Screen to give it the best chance possible. They were all done in the same echo with the same enemy types and 5+ enemies on screen.

Very Low Settings:
About 55 FPS with dips
My CPU goes to 30%
My GPU goes to 20%
About 7.4 GB RAM used

Low Settings:
About 48 FPS with dips
My CPU goes to 30%
My GPU goes to 45%
About 7.4 GB RAM used

Medium Settings:
About 50 FPS with dips
My CPU goes to 35%
My GPU goes to 45%
About 8 GB RAM used

High Settings:
About 45 FPS with dips
My CPU goes to 43%
My GPU goes to 50%
About 4.5 GB RAM used

Very High Settings:
About 45 FPS with dips
My CPU goes to 34%
My GPU goes to 60%
About 4.7 GB RAM used

Ultra Settings:
About 40 FPS with dips
My CPU goes to 35%
My GPU goes to 75%
About 4.9 GB RAM used

I am very confused why Very Low, Low, and Medium all use 7-8 GB RAM when High, Very High, and Ultra only use 4.5-5GB RAM. Depending on enemy density, amount of effects on screen, and especially during boss fights, the FPS can easily drop below 20 on any setting.

My PC is no beast, but to not be able to sit above 60 FPS steadily on the lowest settings is crazy. I can easily play games like D4 and PoE with no issues.

Does anyone know if there is something a person like me can do to improve this? It makes no sense to me how little changing settings actually do for me compared to how much it changes the appearance of the game. Would love any help and/or advice. Thank you!

Not sure what you need to know, so feel free to ask for more in the comments
1920x1080 144Hz
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600

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6 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Post like this are so disheartening to me because I have no idea why it works so well for me. You've got a better system than me and I run it on high settings at 1440p locked to 60fps. It sometimes dips to 59 for an instant. It does this while streaming.

I'm not doing anything special at all and I just wish I could give you my secret but I don't know what it is.