over 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

I can say I’m absolutely interested in doing community events, and it’s something we’ve discussed quite a bit. While I certainly have some ideas rolling around in my head of things I would like to do, I’m just as certainly interested in hearing what other people think would be fun events or competitions. I can’t promise anything of course at this point, but It’s something I think about regularly. I love these kind of community “get togethers”.

over 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

I agree right now the tools we have are largely limited to “race” type events in game, though I have a … couple ideas that wouldn’t be. That being said, I can certainly try to push for certain tools if required to really take community events to the place we want them to be - even if it would need to happen further down the road, so don’t make that a limiting factor. The last little thing I want to drop in here, is when we’re thinking internally of community events, there are two main considerations we want to keep in mind.

  1. We don’t want to split the player base, at least for any extended period of time. It’s no fun if you want to play with your friend, but they’re in the middle of some competition for the next week and you can’t even join them / be too far behind to get involved.

  2. We would want to avoid players taking part in events to cause “burn out”. So if there’s any kind of hard push as part of the event, we wouldn’t want a large window on it (eg. maybe a race that would allow “X” number of hours in arena to get as far as possible, instead of infinite time from date A to date B). This one is a bit complicated, but something we try to keep in mind.

Lastly, I’m not personally a fan of “voided” events. I think there can be a place for these kind of events, but I like for players to keep what they’ve worked for. This is one of the reasons we aren’t planning any sort of character wipe going into 1.0. Players have worked hard for their characters. This could place some restrictions in regards to providing pre-made characters and the like, but it’s not out the window if the event could be fun enough to warrant something that might need to be “voided” after completion.