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My stash bugged out today and categories keep getting linked together. If i try to move the tabs in new categories and delete the linked ones, a random other category gets deleted even if there are tabs inside. The issue is an old one with bug reports 2 years back.

Has anyone found a workaround? I was looking to arrange my stash anddo some farming this weekend buts this killed my mood..

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I'm working on a fix for this. If I'm right, the items aren't gone. I'm hoping to get them to display right. I'm the meantime just don't delete any categories. Some people have recovered tabs by making a couple new categories.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by redditorseal

I know that this post was a long time ago but i just had the same bug happened just now in the new update. Does making new categories still fix this?

Reloging should just fix it. Part of the login process is to validate the stash. If not, remaking categories should also do it.