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I think having a mid cycle refresh/reset with no balance update and no new unique is bad. It brings nothing new for COF and only punish them. I dont think people that left will be coming back for the same end game plus the skeleton event to grind up MG and COF ranks all over again.

I think it will be better to come up with a half baked balance update to have people try new builds even though it create new unbalances. Or release some new unique for the player base to give it a try.

Even if the balance is bad, at least EHG will get feedback to balance it in 1.2 and no matter how bad the balance is, as long as its not bug breaking, it will be fine for people to try new builds while we wait for the new cycle. Nerf the top tier builds like mana stacking sorc. Buff some underutilize skills and call it a day.

Without any balance update or unique to change the meta a bit, there is no real reason to refresh the cycle and move everyone to legacy.

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6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We're still discussing it a touch but we're in the middle of some much larger balance changes for 1.2 that have knock on effects so we risk putting out things that will be perceived incorrectly.

Just know that we're monitoring all the balance conversations that you all are bringing up and taking it into account with upcoming changes. Some will just take a bit longer to do correctly, but they are in progress.

1.2 is going to be significant, haha. Even by EHG standards.