almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to the last Epoch Dev stream as
8s always
9s I'm your host Mike how's it going
13s how's it going everybody we're still
15s playing our Mage I've really been
16s enjoying this Mage it's it's we're not
18s strong yet but it's fun and that's what
20s I like
22s so we're gonna keep going
24s keep having fun
26s if this is your first time here welcome
28s glad to have you with us please put at
30s last Epoch game in the chat if you have
33s any questions for me and I will be happy
34s to answer them
36s uh we're just gonna hang out
39s hang out have some fun
43s I only have one teaser today but oh it's
45s a good one so just get that out of the
48s way it's gonna be a little bit before I
49s before I share it but but it'll be worth
51s it it's a good one
56s and as always stream for charity here
60s and uh International Association for
61s suicide prevention is our charity this
63s month next month we'll have anyone
68s for all you fine folks
73s huh
75s I feel like on the zap like on the beach
78s like
80s we need another cast speed up to get
81s some better music going
90s uh first question up here I just want to
92s say Well done on the MTX response commit
94s clarification on whether these
95s supportive packs include the lower tier
97s packs uh no they do not include packs
99s they're just what they are or they need
100s to be bought individually no they're
102s just
103s um
104s they're just like what's what's in those
105s packs the the the stuff in the packs is
111s um like the best stuff we've made
116s personally it's my favorite
122s it's also like all right the prices all
125s changed just recently so it was the
127s cheapest I don't know if it still is the
128s cheapest but I think it must still be
130s probably per thing
137s oh it's been such a gone for the last
139s couple days
148s but today's stuff yeah we got some cool
150s stuff today Weaver's well unique items
152s coming in strong oh
155s they're a ton of fun it's very cool this
158s is one of those things that just like
159s kind of came out of nowhere
161s um I know there's been zero mention of
164s anything like it I did actually tease
165s them at some point on stream I kind of I
167s hinted at them
172s uh but it was very subtle and without
173s knowing more there was no way anyone
175s would have figured out what was going on
186s oh my goodness
195s we are hurting here
200s okay
201s is our is our our um lightning blast
203s working
204s yeah okay this is working again
209s did Weaver's will grow out of a
211s discussion on the pros and cons of
214s unidentified items no
216s uh it feels like a wave having
218s unidentified items without having their
219s drawbacks while encountering different
220s builds not really
222s um
224s it's it's it's
226s uh the Weaver's Wills is uh like trisoki
230s special as far as uh kind of kind of
233s just came out of nowhere which was
234s fantastic love to see it
236s um
237s and uh it's it's more of a way to kind
242s of bridge the gap in your item
244s progression and still have something
245s happening with your items so like have a
247s potential for items to be improving
249s while you're getting so this like lull
251s that happens in your gear progression
253s you get you get nice like t20-ish gear
255s you get you get a few uniques you start
257s hunting for
259s um like exalt specific exalteds and
262s uniques with LP to go with them and it's
264s it's it's there's like the there's a big
267s gap in finding new gear where it's kind
269s of nothing's changing your gear set at
270s all for a little while
272s um
273s and if there happens to be a weaver as
275s well unique that does fit your build and
277s you get one it's a way that your gear
279s can be progressing and upgrading and
281s changing without actually having to
283s change what's physically equipped
285s um
287s I think it works really well
291s uh Curious to hear if you have played
293s any of the D4 betas uh so what did you
295s think do you see any aspects you'd like
297s to implement in the Le in the future
298s um yeah like so so I had I played the um
302s I played the open beta
305s uh like a couple months ago it was a
309s couple months ago a month ago something
310s like that
312s um I probably played that a bunch uh it
315s was a ton of fun
317s um
317s there wasn't like
319s I was really trying to play it from a
322s gamer's perspective and not from a
323s developer's perspective
325s um so I was more just like I'm gonna
326s have fun and play a game is really what
329s it's going for there were there were um
332s Lessons Learned
333s uh
336s uh from from playing at things things
338s that I uh
340s like good and bad things I'm like oh
342s like I want to make sure I don't do that
343s or all I gotta make sure we we find a
345s way to get this feeling in the game or
346s something like that you know there's
347s there's lots of things like that you try
349s and turn your brain off and just play
350s and sometimes you just can't those
352s things will sneak in
357s well the paxi season exist there's so
360s right now that's the plan for these
362s packs
363s um there's a lot of things still being
365s discussed but
366s um
367s the initial version of
370s these packs
372s like we don't know what's gonna happen
374s next match
375s we don't know what's going to happen the
376s patch after that
378s um
380s right now these are the packs that are
381s available
382s that's where we're at that's it
385s uh any thoughts about avoiding the clear
389s speed meta that Poe has yeah we do a lot
391s of things to try and
392s um to try and promote
396s uh uh you know you're taking taking your
398s time a little bit exploring a little bit
399s that sort of stuff and we definitely
400s don't do enough
402s um and we've definitely got things that
403s we we've got in the like
406s here's a feature that we want to get in
408s it's going to be hard to do but we'll do
409s it eventually so yeah there's definitely
411s things that we are looking to avoid for
413s from that
420s same one of the one of the biggest
421s issues you think is having mechanics
423s with timers so you're not getting uh
425s you're getting less loot for being slow
426s in addition to the inherent drawback of
428s getting loot slower which should be the
430s only drawback for slower builds yeah I
432s mean there's
433s um timers are very very awesome for have
437s for like for getting
439s um like tension for ratcheting up
441s tension
442s um just saying thank you heavy very much
444s resub for 24 months in a row
447s um glad to have you with us I'm glad
449s you're still enjoying yourself uh two
451s years is nutty but thank you that's
453s great and and before thank you for the
455s raid I didn't even see that I must have
457s been off getting a drink or inside of
458s the Stream or just talking because I'm a
461s talker but welcome everyone from Lone
463s Star Stream
465s um I was I was watching you a little bit
466s before this uh and and also thank you
469s Anton eight or three months in a row
472s glad to have you what's up everybody
473s we're having a ton of fun here it's a
476s good day I was like this morning I'm
478s like can we make sure we get that that
479s post out before stream goes Live come on
481s yeah is that and they're like yeah we're
483s on it don't worry
485s thank you
488s because I I had a tough time sleeping
490s last night I'm being perfectly honest
492s with you guys that was uh
495s I was I was dreading this a little bit
500s all right
502s what am I talking about
506s uh it's clear sweet medicine yeah
508s there's um
510s timers on things so we we don't have any
512s mechanics that have timers on them
514s um but but timers do a really good job
516s at building tension and so there's like
518s there's there's good things that they
519s can do and there might be ways to like
521s to do it better
523s um I don't know what that is yeah and
524s that's part of the reason we haven't
525s ever implemented a timer sound mechanic
527s like that
528s um but like just just think about
531s um
533s like you're you're playing Just Mario
535s just like Super Mario Bros the first one
538s and uh he gets down under 100 seconds
540s and suddenly Avalanche kills you like it
543s always does uh and you hear that
546s um I don't know or something like that
549s it's like the the the music the pace the
551s music doubles and the tension just like
553s goes up to 11 immediately
558s um and and so like I think there's
561s there are good things that can come from
563s having mechanics that run through timers
566s um I don't I don't know the best way to
567s do it or how to do it successfully and
569s we don't have any mechanics like that
570s right now we do try to
573s um actually include mechanics that don't
575s require
577s uh don't don't push The Narrative of a
578s clear student because that is naturally
580s just there anyways like the faster you
581s kill things the faster you get loot from
583s the things you kill and the more loot
585s you're gonna get right like that's just
586s naturally there no matter what
593s forgive me
597s oh my God that Subs as well thank you
601s very much okay this is oh it sounds a
603s hype train going away you know you know
604s in the hands of the hydrate the train
605s pulls into the station
608s laughs
611s I've been loved that thing
615s all right let's go
621s and all at Lucy Puck game and all of
624s each you oh oh here we go I'll read that
627s question in a second thank you very much
629s heavy for ten so it looks like 10.
632s I just know how Big Ten is at this point
634s on down the list thank you very much I
635s mean that's fantastic congrats everyone
636s who got one of those see if anyone
638s shouldn't have got one like staff Kane
641s got one
644s uh it's always funny when that happens
647s thank you very much that's great
649s let's keep going I know I'm going super
651s slow I get a couple comments everyone so
653s I'll be like you see play so slow I'm so
656s sorry I just get distracted
658s uh Master swords comment uh uh to to us
662s and all of you for you guys know you're
664s on the best RPG game devs of all time
666s thank you I don't I don't know if that's
668s true but I'll I'll take it uh also
671s Jennifer President also love you guys
672s yeah that was um thank you appreciate
675s that
676s that's fantastic
678s I assume this is partially in response
680s to the the post that just went out a
682s while ago
684s but the MDX Redux
686s hey wow this oh my goodness
688s so many things happening all the things
690s is wonderful it's a great day
692s it's a great day
695s thank you master sword and uh Kane
697s regifted wonderful good job Kane
700s thank you master for the five kitchen
702s Subs congratulations there's there's
703s Subs going off on time the Train's just
705s like
708s oh gosh
714s this is actually really interesting I
715s was looking at this and there's like
716s there's four little
719s um like different holes that the notes
721s play out of but some of them are
723s significantly smaller than others that's
725s how you get that like multi-tone sound
727s in there I thought I just thought it was
728s cool
733s all right how many there's so much stuff
735s happening native serious get to the set
738s to JB congrats thank you very much
741s that's awesome we're going hard here
743s apparently today I love it
748s by the time next week happens there's
750s gonna be a patch live and everything oh
752s it's great
753s foreign
761s I did have to push updates to the to the
763s patch this morning because the changes
764s to the FDX are just like it only
766s stresses me out pushing updates less
768s than a week left in them to patch
772s but I'm very happy to do those ones
775s all right more questions here I swear
777s I'm gonna get to the questions I promise
779s if you have any questions please put at
780s last epoc game in the questions so I see
781s it and I will be happy to answer it how
783s many new items unique legendary Weavers
785s should we expect on the patch well uh so
787s legendaries are made up of uh like
789s unique items so like we don't like we
790s just we had uniques and legendaries to
792s get created out of them
794s um I don't know how many there are total
795s actually
798s um but there's there's there's not a
801s huge compliment of them like there's I
803s would say uh less than
807s we'll be adding in per patch post 1.0
810s probably
811s um
813s like a decent chunk am I just like
815s walking when I could just be warping
818s nope
822s kind of warping
827s uh does the next patch fix anything with
829s the network I mean we've been uh yes so
831s there are changes for uh multiplier
834s coming in the next patch we also do make
836s changes to the servers without telling
838s anyone sometimes
839s um
841s but yes the one of the big changes
842s coming I don't know how I'm allowed to
844s say this
848s there's something coming that'll help
851s it'll help exactly your problem you're
853s having here I live in EU and I need to
854s get U.S east or Asia Sir with 180 100
857s 180 ping I've never been being placed in
859s EU server this is something that
860s developers are aware of I see posts
862s about on the forms of Reddit and so on
863s yeah it's very aware of the problem
865s um I can describe exactly what's
866s happening
868s um we're the weirdly enough the system's
870s actually functioning perfectly we just
872s designed it bad
874s um what what's happening is it's the the
878s style of ping check it's using to
880s determine which server it should place
882s you in is a style of paying check that
885s can be de-prioritized by networks
887s um and so sometimes you'll get longer
889s pings than is really what would happen
891s in a real world situation because the
893s Ping is usually it's supposed to be a
895s test an indicator of how fast things
897s will be
898s um
899s like if if you were to use that server
902s and um it's giving we're getting back
905s not indicative data of what the actual
907s connection will be like and we're using
909s that information to uh put you in the
912s wrong server
916s um so yeah there's there's there's fixes
919s and and it's gonna be awesome and
920s Fantasmic
930s uh
932s uh right I'm just getting pings just
933s reading the reading my pings you know uh
936s Focus just feels bad to use especially
939s in some boss fights being stationary not
940s having a Mana he's moving skill Etc are
942s there any plans to bring it in line with
944s more management for Mana regeneration
946s um nothing specific note but if you have
948s suggestions on the matter and you'd like
949s to see them Implement in the game please
950s head on over to our forums and leave a
953s suggestion there where people can
954s discuss it and talk about it and upvote
956s it possibly
963s there aren't there aren't a ton of like
964s major wide sweeping changes coming in
966s this batch
967s um
968s there's definitely something don't be
970s wrong
972s oh
978s are there any plans to add a fourth
980s Master The Sentinel and or prime list
982s yeah um there are and um gotta be more
985s stuff it's just it just doesn't stop
988s this is the best problem to have ever
990s um
991s thank you
992s uh row Medical romantical
997s glad to have you with us hope you're
998s having fun
1001s um all-time record shattered I don't
1003s even know what that means but it's cool
1008s uh this thing just pops up with stuff
1010s I'm like ah it's neat I love it anyways
1014s um any plans to add fourth Master
1017s Sentinel promise yes
1019s um we're gonna add the three uh the
1022s three the three main masteries
1024s for every uh Base Class will happen
1026s first everyone's got three uh and tiny
1030s wiener
1032s thank you very much
1037s 100 got me with that one
1040s hundred percent copy love it anyways
1044s um
1045s yes fourth Mastery we do have sort of uh
1048s rough ideas of fourth masteries we'd
1050s like to see on specific classes
1052s um
1053s we know for sure what the sorcerer Force
1055s class or the Mage Force class is going
1057s to be definitely we we've got that one
1058s up we've had that one on lockdown since
1060s like five years ago
1063s um well that's not true three years ago
1065s anyways um
1067s but yes we've got Front Runners for all
1069s of them and uh watch over you
1072s we will be expanding those
1075s I can't remember what I was doing I
1076s think I was just putting points
1077s everywhere it was just a terrible idea
1078s that's fine
1082s uh any any dungeon related to Weaver
1085s items anyway to reroll on affix even if
1088s not recovering the Weaver number used
1090s for it um we don't have anything
1093s um specific planned for that just yet
1094s and there's nothing that's coming in on
1095s the patch there'll be there's no no new
1097s dungeons coming into the next patch
1100s um but I do think that that is a
1104s um
1105s a very astute observation of uh
1108s potential for Dungeon rewards in the
1111s future
1118s oh my goodness oh yeah Ladle does
1122s everybody LP I didn't even see no
1127s what a Galaxy item I love it all right
1131s here we go
1133s next question I saw one that wasn't
1135s tagged with the final read it uh two
1137s Weavers will items have set affixes
1141s or are they Random Access they're random
1143s but they're they're not the same random
1145s as
1147s um you'd see on a regular items so like
1150s they're they're weighted differently
1151s than normal items that go in that same
1154s slot so you like if you just were to if
1156s you were to have like a thousand uh
1158s Weaver's Wills on Relic slots and a
1161s thousand Relic items the ratio of
1163s affixes you'd see on those are different
1166s um and you'll see things that are more
1168s um like class specific affixes for
1170s example I think it mentions this in the
1171s post a little bit
1173s so it is it is random but it's not um
1176s the same random
1177s seasons
1179s and we like so so when we're designing
1181s these these um these new uniques we're
1184s really trying to put them in slots that
1187s will uh
1190s slots that will that will really
1192s um I guess shine with like
1196s like uh more the ratio of affixes that
1201s will be good for that unique or at least
1203s positive for that unique is is higher
1205s than is like we we positioned them
1207s strategically so that would be a high
1209s ratio
1210s um and I I think it works pretty well
1212s like you do sometimes you get you get
1214s affixes that aren't perfect
1215s um it's it's extremely rare that you get
1218s an affix is like actively negative I
1219s don't know if that's possible uh I hope
1221s it's not possible
1226s oh
1235s all right next question are there plans
1237s to have x with special events for
1239s example uh glow grows with 100 strength
1243s or when you kill an enemy they meld into
1246s a puddle those kinds of things
1248s of special effects I see what you're
1249s saying so there already are
1252s um like MTX that are already coming in
1254s the store do have VFX associated with
1255s them like the two capes that you saw in
1257s the preview window that were more
1259s expensive
1260s um they both have VFX on them
1262s um
1263s the
1264s uh the The Capes I think all the capes
1268s in the supportive packs all VFX
1269s associated with them uh the the portals
1272s and uh have like VFX sfx animation
1276s um
1278s yeah
1280s uh the I think that
1282s I don't know what the pets have I can't
1284s remember sorry
1288s but yeah there's VFX and then there's
1290s there's like you're talking about like
1293s um extra like VFX things that happen in
1297s like idle States and things like that
1298s maybe
1299s um and and that sort of stuff I think
1301s will be uh maybe once we've got
1303s ourselves a little more solidified in in
1305s pipelines and things like that expanding
1307s how we do some of those things I think
1309s we're really interesting but there's
1311s um
1312s no reactive
1314s uh VFX for your character stats so like
1319s uh a specific thing with like like a
1321s glow that's relative to the amount of
1323s strength you have I think it's a really
1324s cool idea and I think it's actually
1326s possible but we don't have anything like
1327s that
1329s uh there's been talks about adding
1331s stealth mechanic to backstab uh or
1334s backstabs or and a back step to Rogue
1335s about D4 Rogue
1337s films I felt more like a road because of
1340s that
1340s um no
1344s um we tried some stealth stuff a little
1346s bit
1346s and uh the the initial like when we were
1349s first developing the road we actually
1350s tested some stealth things
1353s um and like smoke bombs kind of where we
1355s got with that where it's like
1357s the the big problem with a lot of
1359s stealth mechanics is they force you not
1361s to attack at least in our game that
1363s didn't really work very well we felt
1365s um
1367s so
1369s maybe if we can find a way to make it
1371s feel really good
1372s um but until then we'll we'll have to
1373s stick to more thematic and like implied
1376s uh versions of it
1381s uh since you updated Lich form any
1384s chance to look into Harvard's skill
1386s because it's so bad I'm Haley which
1387s isn't viable for some corruption 400
1389s plus 400 plus is really high
1391s um maybe
1393s I I don't have any details on specific
1395s upcoming balance changes sorry
1399s how many Weavers built items to the
1401s being pointed out approximately just the
1402s rough number uh less than 10.
1407s I think I don't actually know
1410s I don't think I've seen them all even
1412s myself like that's the funny things
1414s because I got sent uh our teaser for
1417s today I was like well that's new when
1419s did that happen
1425s uh
1430s so I I actually don't know how many
1431s there are
1434s I could I could find out I've just been
1435s so busy
1454s will the Lord with the Lord are you
1457s planning to have lore Scrolls books or
1459s fragments Etc of some kind need to find
1462s discover more about lousy Buck yeah
1463s there's actually some of these coming
1464s next packed which is gonna be awesome
1466s and they look really cool
1468s um so there's they have this little
1469s little Collectibles
1471s um not Collectibles to just little um
1474s lore stations I want to call them
1475s opportunities to uh optionally
1478s delve a little deeper into the lore of
1480s the game
1483s uh Epoch I missed the whole issue with
1485s the MTX glad to see you missed it
1488s uh
1490s uh it wasn't awesome
1493s but I think we've recovered nicely
1496s um
1497s what was the question though however I'm
1498s seeing you guys response over
1500s um previous issues I have total
1502s confidence on you and the team so just
1503s appreciate the message oh thank you
1506s that's lovely
1508s there's the giant gifts chain I'm so far
1511s behind I like and exg I want to say
1513s regarding predatory MTX post we are
1517s what oh you haven't seen the update uh
1520s okay so if you haven't uh heard already
1522s this morning we released uh an update to
1525s the uh to the MTX post uh that was
1529s released out
1531s um and there's go go check it out it's
1533s on our forums
1539s uh how many he's coming next match I
1541s don't know sorry
1543s will be a train whistle in the game I
1545s mean does that kind of has to be like
1548s where where does like train whistle
1550s technology sit
1552s uh relative to other things right like
1556s if we don't have guns can we have a
1558s train whistle
1560s I know like the one I have is nothing so
1562s it's maybe it's not a train whistle
1564s literally yeah yeah
1568s this is this is my um
1570s last time maybe the time before I was
1572s talking about like a hypothetical
1573s character if I could if I could add
1574s anything and then you know like everyone
1576s just had to do whatever I said and I had
1577s it and I was like oh I had like a Bard
1579s class basically
1581s um performance glasses gesture class you
1584s know the trickster class all sorts of
1585s things
1586s um
1588s and uh
1591s yeah I guess that could be like a weapon
1592s type a flute
1595s it's not not in the the list of uh
1600s planned things at all for the record
1603s uh could you explain a bit about the
1605s Weaver's will items I can I can touch a
1607s little bit there's I won't be able to
1608s tell you much that's not in the post
1609s itself
1611s um
1612s so yeah do the game access based on XP
1613s gained while having them equipped yes
1616s how does it select the affixes uh so it
1619s likes rare affixes more yes it randomly
1620s picks one and it is a weighted
1622s Randomness so it does has specific ones
1624s that it likes more than others
1626s um
1628s are there ways to manipulate the axes
1630s anyway no
1634s uh
1635s will next patch be
1637s 1.0 or 0.10
1642s oh oh like Point ten I see I see I see I
1644s see
1645s um I I do not have hard details on the
1650s um
1651s on the patch number for the next patch
1653s but I uh
1655s they
1657s were not planning on having a 0.10
1662s um so like it'll be 0.9 X until it hits
1665s 1.0 is the plan
1683s so of those two things
1686s 1.0 will come first but this is the
1688s other one won't ever come
1693s uh what is your new favorite unique
1694s legendary that is coming you don't tell
1696s us what it does see a weapon Type R type
1698s it is uh I so like I like I said there's
1700s some that I just saw this morning for
1702s the first time
1704s um
1706s so I don't uh I don't I don't know I'm
1708s gonna I'm gonna withhold judgment myself
1709s even until the patch but of the ones
1711s I've seen so far
1713s um
1715s there was there was some armor that I
1717s really liked the look of that I don't
1718s think has been spoiled yet
1723s oh my goodness
1726s yeah that's what you get meteors to the
1728s face deal with it
1731s oh
1732s uh well only a few uniques drop with
1734s people as well will be like LP where all
1736s except if you can drop with it um the
1737s ones that can drop with it will drop
1739s with it and the ones that can't drop
1740s with it won't drop with it
1742s every time
1748s it's a specific type of unique and this
1750s is this is this comes back a lot too
1752s um because with with a lot of them with
1754s all of them they're designed
1756s specifically to have
1758s um
1760s to kind of fit this a little bit better
1762s so you you end up in situations where
1763s you're like
1764s like that's a terrible combination
1767s far less often
1771s and they're all they also start with
1773s like
1775s because they're most of them are going
1776s to get up to four extra affixes I think
1778s they all have a little bit a little bit
1780s less than you'd find in like just a raw
1783s like high-end item as far as affixes in
1786s general the count maybe one less
1789s all right next question from today's
1791s post can we assume legendary affixes
1793s don't change the level requirement
1794s anymore uh at least in the unique ring
1797s preview it didn't yes the um the Weavers
1800s Weavers will I know for a fact Weaver's
1802s will items do not change their level
1804s requirement as affixes get added to them
1807s and I'm
1809s pretty sure I know we I know we decided
1812s we would do this and I think because of
1814s the way it works it has to do this
1815s because we were as well as like this
1816s that uh unique the the the the the pink
1820s affixes don't actually change the level
1822s of the item and I'm pretty sure let's
1823s play this volunteers too I'm gonna have
1826s to wait till passions to be 100 on that
1828s one
1829s or ask me again after the stream but on
1831s the Discord and I might uh go look it up
1833s for you
1834s uh might be or someone can confirm
1838s um if if reimer's here or Kane's here or
1840s someone else that knows
1844s crazy but set items for the most part
1847s seem very underwhelming for the most
1848s part I would agree with you there are
1850s some really good ones but yes for the
1851s most part set items are underwhelming uh
1852s am I crazy this is the reason behind
1854s this map for this madness
1855s um
1856s synonyms are kind of scary
1859s uh from from our perspective from the
1861s developer perspective uh and and we've
1863s definitely aired on the side of caution
1865s with them and and aired as an
1867s appropriate term because they're not
1868s what we want them to be
1871s um
1872s and and we we do have a plan to bring
1875s them to where we want them to be we
1877s haven't executed the plan yet so um at
1880s least for this patch they will continue
1881s to be a little bit underwhelming
1884s um but the
1887s yeah like the a big part of it for a lot
1890s of people is that they don't they don't
1891s scale fantastic into the late late game
1895s I got confirmation yes legendaries
1898s um unique items don't have a way to
1901s change their level requirements so all
1903s the bass unique level requirements are
1906s that unique level requirements
1907s regardless of if it gets Weavers will
1909s affixes or legendary affixes added onto
1912s it so it is that's the level it is and
1914s it saves that level
1918s um
1919s what was I saying
1920s yes so settings have a lot going on with
1923s them their tooltips are huge I think I
1925s just got a ring
1927s yeah like this this is I think the
1928s smallest set item
1931s um
1932s tooltip of all I think this is this
1935s might actually be the smallest one
1937s um and you hold Alton it's already
1938s almost the hot full height of the screen
1940s you know and like so we actually when we
1942s were making the tooltip system we had to
1944s make a system to shrink tooltips so they
1946s wouldn't go off the screen uh up down
1949s um so like they dynamically change their
1952s size they can fit on the screen
1954s um even before holding All In some cases
1955s and
1957s um it's just it's just too much
1961s um too much stuff to just slap legendary
1964s potential on them but we do have a way
1965s that we think we can make uh set items
1968s uh like like like get the core
1972s um
1973s interesting part of a set item and uh
1976s incorporate that into your builds and
1978s have fun with it
1980s and I I kind of glossed over it but the
1982s one of the big reasons why they're scary
1984s uh is because you can really quickly get
1986s in a situation where your build is
1988s defined entirely by a set item or a set
1992s um and and having that situation where
1994s like oh I'm gonna play a a sort this
1997s this cycle and
2000s um oh the
2002s taraja said for lack of a better term
2004s just because that's the Stark set D2
2006s yeah it's like oh towels is just just
2007s like the best set for it possible and so
2010s like like there's there's three quarters
2013s half three quarters of your gear is just
2015s dictated by the set and Away you go and
2017s and there's no real there's no real
2019s planning there's no real
2020s um like
2022s like oh how can I fit this item into my
2024s build and
2026s um like it it cuts away a lot of the
2028s other systems entirely
2031s so we do really want to get it involved
2033s more in the in your in your build
2035s crafting and have it be in a situation
2036s where it's not going to
2039s um kind of take away that a puzzle of
2042s putting together your gear
2048s uh
2054s uh how does one get the new Weaver items
2058s they uh you kill monsters
2061s got it
2062s uh after the 0.9 X cycle will will the
2065s next match be 1.0 or 0.10 1.0
2067s you guys rock thank you buddy
2070s glad to have you here
2075s uh do you think you would do twitch
2076s drops big events like launch 1.0 um we
2079s don't have the system set up to do it
2081s for 1.0
2082s um
2084s I have no idea what's involved with
2085s setting it up
2087s um I I do think it's a cool thing to do
2089s and I'd like to get get it going
2092s um
2095s I I think I think it's a fun it's a fun
2097s Community Building thing that um
2101s yeah I I don't I don't know the pitfalls
2104s of it well enough but
2105s um I I feel like that's in the need to
2108s explore further category
2115s oh oh what's going on there
2117s we're okay we made it
2127s uh awesome thanks I I have really spent
2130s quite a bit on another game that has MTX
2132s like that appreciate you guys answering
2134s my question you're welcome I don't know
2136s what the question was but I'm glad I
2137s answered it to your satisfaction
2141s uh next if I have two different rings
2144s that are Weaver's will will they have
2145s the same weighted chances because their
2147s Rings or will the weights be on the base
2149s itself a ring for many it would be nice
2152s to have a heavier waiting for Minion
2153s axis I don't know the answer to that
2155s question I'm sorry
2156s I I assume they'd have the same waiting
2159s um
2162s because having like unique specific wow
2164s maybe not though I don't know
2170s great question though
2172s I think we'll see uh we'll get more
2174s details about Weaver's will stuff in the
2176s uh in the patch notes I think
2185s any plans on possibly using loot filter
2188s type queries on your bank no
2191s maybe even letting you use them to put
2193s items in your bank um so
2195s uh have
2199s so I said no really quickly and usually
2201s that gets followed up with um wanting to
2202s to change the colors of things in your
2204s in your stash
2207s um there's there's a performance problem
2208s there this is the design decision this
2210s is a
2211s um
2212s sure like like a finger on the monkey
2214s spot curls and we add that and I I steal
2216s 90 FPS from you deal with it you know
2219s like like terrible things like that I
2221s don't know what the actual number is
2223s um
2225s but uh we we don't have a way to do it
2228s nicely at the moment
2230s um I think likely we'll be seeing some
2234s some regex adjacent uh search criteria
2240s um and I do really like the idea of
2242s having uh defines on specific tabs being
2245s like Oh okay if you have like exalted
2248s Rings they just like and you just quick
2249s move them into your in your stash
2251s exalted Rings all just go into this one
2252s tab
2255s or something like that having having
2256s loose the fines there's a lot of stuff
2258s in there that we'd like to do
2260s um and unfortunately it's it's just it's
2262s probably a post 1.0 feature set right
2264s now just because there's so many things
2265s you want to get in
2266s um
2268s and uh and mechanics like that that are
2271s like
2272s solid but maybe missing some nice little
2276s extra bonus feature the nice little
2277s extra bonus feature
2279s generally isn't a high enough priority
2281s to hit 1.0 generally that's not there's
2285s depends like
2287s um if we're like oh this is gonna take
2288s me two lines of code to change and
2291s 10 minutes of testing to confirm you
2293s know super low risk you know you slap it
2296s in type thing
2298s it's a little more involved though
2299s because there's a lot of performance
2300s concerns
2302s all right is it already known that if
2304s you bind your move key move key to right
2306s click it won't show The Click indicate
2308s on the floor anymore I didn't know that
2310s if you find a bug report please report
2312s it on if you find a bug please submit a
2314s bug report on our forums because telling
2316s me well uh just
2321s uh will eventually be a sixth class
2324s um I I think there's a very high
2325s probability of having a six class I I
2327s know there's I've I wrote the design
2329s document for us on it
2331s um and there are three class suggestions
2334s at the bottom of that design document
2335s with Masters
2337s huh
2345s so I'd love to I'd love to add a six
2347s class
2348s um we'll probably see fourth Masters
2349s before we see a sixth class
2355s uh I know those questions kind of out
2357s there but thoughts on adding more
2358s classes or sunglasses in our future yes
2362s uh How likely are Weavers will items to
2365s like
2366s equivalently roll up to four LP affixes
2369s I don't know I'm sorry
2373s uh finally assumer who pronounces my
2375s name correctly thank you yeah
2379s you're welcome that was a good one I
2381s enjoyed that a lot when is patch patches
2384s in six days oh patches in six days it's
2387s always terrifying to say out loud
2395s you know what I just remembered that I
2397s have and I completely forgot that I
2398s expect into it at all and I should have
2400s actually just taken some notes higher up
2402s there but that's okay I'm a Noob uh is
2404s is is uh free casting on that's not
2407s working what is going no
2428s some something Jackie's going on
2431s it's okay I'll figure it out uh you're
2434s happy with the new MTX update was
2435s released before you went live on Twitch
2436s yes very I I got to review it moments
2439s before it went live
2450s uh uh hi hello uh are there any plans to
2454s hide the loot beans for items hidden by
2456s the loot filter not specifically but if
2458s you have a suggestion please head over
2460s to our Discord reforms
2469s it could make sense I think there's
2471s situations where
2474s like exhausted or maybe unique beams
2477s were not Auto hidden by that or
2478s something or maybe a setting in your
2479s options let's make something I'd like to
2481s see
2482s I kind of like seeing them myself
2486s that sounds weird
2519s something's going on there that looks
2521s like she's going right through me
2530s nailed it
2546s Relic it's comically terrible
2551s oh I want Caspian but at the same time
2553s uh
2556s might just be better
2568s we're struggling with the Mana
2573s uh what's your favorite unique legendary
2575s that's coming you know tell us what does
2576s All Right audience that uh do you plan
2578s to add any limit break mechanics like
2580s ball skills uh from Poe or similar
2585s um
2589s it's different uh
2591s specific no but maybe
2598s uh what do you think about Public's
2599s response on uh Steam and Reddit about
2602s your post of the cash up well like are
2604s we are we talking about the uh first
2606s post or the second post
2608s um so I
2610s um
2614s I I feel like the way the questions were
2616s it's likely talking about the first post
2619s um but I don't know uh I very
2621s intentionally did not go look at the
2623s steam forums for it because
2625s oh
2628s it's it's difficult to have rational
2631s conversations there frequently
2634s um
2635s not impossible there's lots of great
2636s people on there for sure
2638s um
2639s but I find myself having a tough time
2642s also very inexperienced with the
2643s interface I never have used it as a like
2646s as a player myself
2647s on any other game
2650s so I'm just not used to it
2656s but um I can assume you're talking about
2659s the second post uh it's great I'm happy
2661s about the response I think it's
2662s wonderful
2668s uh can we up the epoch point value
2670s sportifax retain their full value I.E
2672s 500 points for 50 pack
2674s um I I I I can't make any uh comments or
2680s promises or anything like that
2682s um but just like every game suggestion
2684s if you have a suggestion or something
2685s you'd like to see the game please hand
2686s over to our forums uh post it there
2694s the like
2695s as far as I'm aware the the the the the
2697s supporter pack
2700s um
2700s is supposed to be here's here's a bundle
2703s of Cosmetics at uh like at a cheaper
2707s value at a cheaper price than they would
2709s be individually
2711s um and oh here by the way here's some
2713s extra points
2724s that's that's that's how I looked at
2726s them maybe that's wrong I don't know
2737s uh do you have any info when we'll
2740s release the last three Master yes 1.0
2742s the number one point it was gonna be no
2744s I don't uh all right now I need you to
2746s use Morse code to tell us what it is
2749s I don't know what that sport sorry
2751s uh and I I know very little Morse code
2757s are you guys gonna update Reaper reform
2758s skills uh with any reform there's some
2761s like the the VFX for uh for uh reap
2766s changed
2768s but I think you saw that in the post
2775s it's mostly animation anyways though so
2781s I didn't remember said basically the
2782s exact same thing after me
2783s yep uh do you plan to use uh ladder
2786s feedback to bounce slash Nerf the
2788s outlier builds that are so far above the
2790s rest I feel pigeonhole in the moment
2793s um so there
2795s I I'm gonna answer this and I just want
2797s to be clear that I don't mean that
2798s that's the only thing which I kind of
2800s just answered it by saying that
2802s um yes we do plan to use data
2806s um as one small piece of the overall
2808s tools we'll use for balancing
2811s um
2814s like the I I would say more so using it
2818s as a
2820s um an indicator of things to look at
2822s than a uh rigid guide origin rules on
2826s what's going to change
2828s uh released
2831s seven months in a row thank you very
2832s much that's fantastic glad to have you
2834s here hope you're having fun
2838s um yeah so so yes but
2841s um usually the like the fear when I say
2843s that is like
2845s um just because the build's doing well
2846s it's gonna get nerfed into the ground no
2849s super no
2851s um
2852s if if we see the the latter is like the
2856s top 500 people are all playing this one
2858s build
2860s um
2861s like that's a that's that's an extreme
2862s case and we'll we'll use that as an
2865s interview and say hey we should go look
2866s at this and evaluate what we want to do
2868s about it
2869s um and one of those things could
2871s potentially be nerfing it but maybe it's
2873s maybe it's just a bug in there which I
2876s mean you know if we fix the bug and it
2877s causes it too less that isn't there for
2879s sure
2880s um but we're also committed to to um a
2883s few different things and um around
2885s balancing in general one of them is
2888s we know that people spend a lot of time
2890s building these characters and
2892s um it can feel really terrible to have
2894s something that that starts out
2897s competitive and then just gets like
2898s gutted into the ground
2901s um especially in the middle of a
2901s competitive cycle
2904s um so I will we'll attempt to do as few
2908s balance changes as possible during an
2909s actual competitive cycle when it's
2910s happening no the the the initial ladder
2913s launch I don't think we can count as a
2914s competitive cycle to start with
2917s um but like post 1.0 Cycles are going
2920s um bouncings that happen mid-cycle will
2922s be
2924s um
2926s especially major ones especially nerves
2929s will be for
2931s egregious problems and things that
2933s absolutely need fixing immediately but
2934s we'll focus The Bouncing efforts in
2936s between Cycles
2937s and then the second thing is also just
2940s um even if something is very very very
2943s strong
2944s um or even possibly overpowered you know
2945s like
2948s trying to bring it in line with other
2950s things sure
2952s um but having it having it suddenly
2954s become
2955s like
2957s empirically worse than
2960s you know uh like everything else like
2962s like if if something say say like you
2964s rate builds out of 10 and
2967s um we'll say like top tier competitive
2968s is 10 out of 10. and there's this build
2970s that's a 12.
2971s um the goal is to Nerf her down to a ten
2973s not Nerf it down to a or even even 11
2976s even to like leave it overpowered but
2978s like
2979s not to Nerf it down to a four like that
2981s that's that's what we really want to
2983s avoid
2984s um and every case is different
2987s um every every situation is different
2988s and we want to approach them all
2989s individually
2993s who cares about that and we know that
2995s the 0.91 ladder experience is going to
2999s be a little lopsided for some builds in
3001s some classes and things like that
3003s um
3007s the the primary goal is getting that 1.0
3009s ladder to feel fine and competitive and
3012s and uh yes we want the we want the
3014s ladder to be as awesome as possible the
3016s entire time
3018s um
3020s but having having those
3024s um you know it's it's a it's
3026s releasing the ladder now is as much for
3029s just testing the functionality like
3031s weeding out the bugs in the ladder
3033s itself
3034s um you know like like it's it's more
3036s about that for us right now than it is
3037s about having a competitive ranking
3039s system for people which I know some
3041s people really want and it's something
3042s that's really important to a lot of
3043s people and we're like we are adding that
3046s to the game
3047s um and so we do need to take that
3048s seriously but I uh I hope that the
3054s um
3058s uh Prestige from winning uh beta ladder
3062s is taken with a grain of salts
3064s oh it's not right way to say that
3068s there will be bugs
3074s we've just we've got to get these
3075s features tested
3077s um this is a lot of things like this
3078s that are really important features and
3079s if we if we release them at 1.0 there's
3082s this potential for huge problems that
3083s happen when we really want them to shine
3085s um and this game The Game's in this sort
3087s of like really weird state where we're
3089s so close to 1.0 and and the game's like
3091s starting to feel
3092s uh it's starting to feel great it's
3094s starting to feel like there's there's an
3096s expectation for high quality contents
3098s and features to drop right away
3100s um
3102s and we we definitely do our best to keep
3104s things as high quality as possible as
3106s they drop
3107s um
3109s but getting to getting to 1.0 is more
3111s important for us right now
3117s 1.0 in a timely fashion is more
3119s important
3120s yeah and having that 1.0 drop feel as
3123s good as possible
3131s uh
3133s every day
3136s how many people are working on this game
3137s actively oh I don't even know anymore 70
3140s 80
3143s include like
3145s everyone
3149s that's not just like people who are like
3151s I don't know in in the editor or
3153s whatever that's like
3155s everyone because everyone's working on
3156s it
3164s sometimes I'd argue my wife's working on
3166s it she hasn't done anything for it
3168s laughs
3175s I'm being told that apparently we've
3176s said 100 plus before which might be true
3184s it is it's interesting because like I've
3186s been around since there was a dozen
3188s people and
3190s um like you you get to know everyone
3191s really well and
3193s um like you know everyone's voice just
3195s by like they'll laugh and you'll be like
3197s oh I know who that was
3198s um and that'll be in a voice call and
3200s like I'll be talking to someone I'm like
3201s I have no idea who this is and I'm like
3202s I'm like fine like which lights lighting
3204s up to be like who is that
3207s it's a little weird sometimes
3210s uh to follow up on guaf's question let
3214s me find guat's questions I don't
3215s remember what it was uh oh ladder
3217s balancing yeah okay
3220s um any plan any current plans to
3222s implement an API to allow the community
3223s to view more than just the skills of the
3226s latter leaders
3227s um so the
3231s yes asterisk
3235s um
3236s we would like to add more involved
3239s information for people to have we know
3241s some people really don't want to share
3242s that information
3244s um
3245s and uh we know a lot of people really
3248s want to share that image so it's it's
3250s both for sure Dallas thank you very much
3253s that's a five gifts inside of the
3254s channel oh congrats everyone got one of
3256s those
3257s that's uh yeah who else no no more no
3260s more ehg uh access accidental gifts
3263s which is good
3264s well congrats to all of those
3267s and Beaty Yeti thank you for the sub
3269s glad to have you here
3272s um all right so we're we're not talking
3274s about oh yeah um
3276s ladders and being able to see what
3277s everyone's look um like gear and
3279s everything so yeah there's I think in a
3281s perfect world and and this is something
3282s that we're still figuring out what we
3284s can do what's possible how can we do
3285s this that it's that it works well and
3287s people can can interact it nicely and I
3289s think in like a perfect situation we'd
3292s have the ability to
3294s um give people and the work I do not
3296s think will ever get to the perfect
3297s perfect situation
3299s um
3300s but we'll get a situation where you can
3301s you can see anyone who like
3304s I don't know if it'll be opt-in or opt
3306s out but they'll be basically like two
3308s states of your of your account where
3309s like characters that you have in the
3311s ladder are hidden or mostly hidden or
3313s something maybe it's like maybe the
3315s state there that we have right now it's
3316s considered hidden so it's not like fully
3318s hidden but it's like obfuscated
3321s um and then
3323s uh have
3328s uh have another version where it's like
3330s just wide open you can just see
3331s everything you can see like the exact
3332s gear they were wearing their passives
3335s everything and I and yeah I think
3338s there's I think there's a version where
3339s both those are possible and like players
3342s either have to opt into or opt out of
3344s showing everything
3350s I could probably opt out
3354s because I mean for the most people part
3355s people will kind of not care
3357s and having that information available I
3359s think is more interesting
3360s for the people who do care
3364s um and then people who really don't want
3365s to show their stuff can not show their
3368s stuff
3369s I think that would be the best situation
3371s but like like I said this is still
3373s we're still working we're interested
3375s we're very interested in feedback people
3376s have about it so if
3377s um if you if you really want to see
3379s something in this category if you're
3381s like oh I'm not gonna participate in the
3382s ladder unless unless my stuff's hidden
3384s like no way or like I'll only
3387s participant the light if I can see
3388s everyone's like those are pretty extreme
3389s stances but just like we're just like I
3391s would prefer it if I could see this you
3393s know that sort of stuff's really really
3394s useful information so we are interested
3396s in hearing that sort of stuff
3397s and I think that will be
3400s um
3400s uh better feedback once it's 1.91's
3403s released
3416s now I want to know if the
3421s Wormhole node works if you've got Mana
3424s left let me do this
3427s yeah okay so just doesn't work when
3428s you're um interesting
3451s it's like a fire and ice rainstorm
3453s battle
3462s I almost got really calculated with it
3464s I'm gonna win and then it almost died
3469s oh
3473s let's you know drop a couple things that
3475s are super useless
3483s okay
3489s I love that one
3497s oh here's here's the one you'll be able
3499s to turn this off soon the name
3503s able to make names this this beer next
3504s match this one
3507s uh will you like to give us details at
3510s 1.0 within September
3513s uh I I have no idea I'm sorry Immortal
3517s emperor Journey
3520s uh so next patch is first cycle uh kinda
3524s in a way yes but like Define cycle is
3526s sort of the hard thing to do there it's
3527s the first like
3530s um ladder
3532s like uh um online ladder
3537s if I'd introduce Mike's beard as MTX my
3538s page would love to have it I trimmed my
3541s beard actually a couple days ago
3543s just tidied it up
3545s got it really is just the mustache just
3547s getting that so it's not like literally
3550s in my mouth
3554s uh how's the merchant skilled stuff
3556s coming along slowly
3560s but it's coming along
3561s so that's good at least
3564s spark no but I do like the idea of
3566s putting sparknoba in there
3569s um
3570s this is really tempting though just
3571s because
3575s so is that though
3577s these notes suck these notes are awesome
3582s uh last a bit of joke is last time I was
3585s like saying how great they were
3590s is that was that a lot of idol slots I
3592s just got
3593s I think it was
3597s it's like
3600s not awesome are they
3611s fire is that's for sure
3615s this is still wins in health
3624s uh I know it's probably low priority but
3626s the native Linux client has bad memory
3628s leak and after an hour to freeze up the
3629s entire system
3631s so wild I
3633s because I know that's been reported in
3635s the past and I know we like haunted it
3638s and like just couldn't Repro it at all
3640s for a long time and then we did
3643s and then uh we put in a bunch of stuff
3646s to fix it
3649s so I'm not sure how that's happening but
3654s if you do find any bugs which it sounds
3656s like you may have please report them on
3659s our
3660s forums
3668s uh
3671s have you guys given another thought
3672s about gender locked classes make the
3674s opposite sex models for them
3676s um I mean there's nothing new that's
3678s come up
3679s um we still intend to to add that
3682s feature eventually it's
3684s um
3688s one of those things that it is it's it's
3691s a priority thing
3693s um
3694s it's a very very large production
3698s investment
3699s to add that feature to the game
3702s um we believe there are other things
3704s that we have yet to add that are more
3706s important
3707s and uh
3709s we're gonna add those first
3713s it's about all it comes down to
3719s another shark my man itself I know but
3722s like
3723s fine
3727s I could I could just get like
3728s teleporting strikes with Mana strike
3731s probably way better
3733s not using flameboard at all actually
3735s you know what let's just let's do this
3737s because I'm not using it properly
3741s until burning strikes is it
3747s yeah
3753s and then uh just more Mana obviously
3758s it's just
3760s obviously this one
3763s yeah
3782s oh hello Mike long time hi
3786s good job on dealing with MTX issue but
3788s could you guys please reconsider the
3790s decision to making MTX not available in
3791s offline play thank you in advance
3794s um I there's nothing I can do with that
3795s right now do you have suggestions please
3798s head over to the forums but yeah the the
3800s um
3804s the way it is set up is an online
3806s feature
3813s uh I would say that the responses to the
3815s second post is maybe a little better
3821s we were reading extremely different
3823s responses
3827s one win from am I gonna slip into
3829s depression here and the other went uh
3831s let me go grab a beer and hang out on
3833s the patio
3834s didn't actually detect too much work to
3836s do but you know
3837s uh it's okay the support back to my
3838s opinion at least the prices are better
3840s than Poe
3844s uh will there be a character limit added
3847s to Le and is there a way characters over
3849s the limit to be deleted
3852s um there there is a limit technically
3853s right now
3855s um it was a technical limit for the
3857s initial online implementation that we
3858s were that we put in place in order to
3861s just make sure things didn't get out of
3862s hand
3863s um
3865s I I think that we plan to increase the
3867s limit but I don't know
3871s offline also as a character but it's
3873s like a thousand so
3876s I don't think you'll likely run that
3878s issue
3881s uh
3883s I have a feeling I'm skipping over
3884s questions so if you have a question
3885s please put at last EPA game in the
3887s question and I will answer it for you
3888s otherwise someone else
3891s might answered in chat volcanic orb tree
3894s rework when I don't know
3897s when when uh it's
3899s a high priority feature compared to
3901s other things
3904s there are other plans for Accelerated
3906s leveling campaigns gives also the future
3908s letter Cycles I mean um other than the
3910s ones that are already in New
3916s uh
3919s you said you guys don't Nerf the builds
3921s too hard but you nerfed all of them are
3923s into Oblivion now it's two out of ten
3927s we're gonna have to disagree on that one
3930s it has dropping pretty unique and it's
3931s boosted 3.9 or just to say the same 1.0
3933s well when item factions releases
3936s the um the base drop right will be will
3939s be reduced
3940s um but you'll very quickly surpass that
3942s drop rate
3944s um by interacting with either of the
3945s item Productions
3948s drop it the wrong word item acquisition
3949s rate
3953s upgrade rate I don't know what you want
3955s to call it
3956s uh how do you feel about rewards uh for
3959s being top 100 200 or whatever the letter
3960s I I think there's a really good way to
3962s there are I think there's opportunities
3965s for good ways to do that and I've talked
3966s about this before how I would Implement
3967s if it was just like
3969s um like carte blanche go ahead Mike do
3971s what you want
3973s um and I I personally would like to if
3976s we're gonna if we're gonna do this I
3977s think it would look a lot more like
3979s almost like a
3981s uh I remember like this is gonna back
3984s when I used to play wow
3986s um you would you would get tokens
3988s for
3991s um
3993s like like tokens for your tier sets
3998s and I I'd really like to see something
4000s similar to that happen for like ladder
4003s rewards
4005s um so there wasn't this like
4007s issue of like missing out on it and then
4009s it like going away forever type thing
4012s um
4014s but having having some sort of like I
4016s don't know point system
4018s um
4019s where you can like pick one of some
4021s option uh like if you get enough points
4023s or something I don't know there's I
4025s think there's lots of ways to do it
4028s um where it's like really fun and uh
4032s doesn't doesn't like it acts as a nice
4035s reward for achieving something because
4036s because having those like hey look what
4038s I did here's this cool thing I got for
4040s being awesome I think those are really
4042s great
4044s um
4045s and I think there's a lot of pitfalls in
4048s uh in adding those and presenting them
4050s nicely
4053s um
4054s but yeah I I I I think there's
4056s opportunities for something to be there
4058s we don't have anything specific planned
4060s um
4062s yeah
4064s I hope that helps answer I kind of went
4066s into a little more detail last time
4067s about that question
4069s uh how asymmetrical are the rewards
4071s intended to be for upcoming factions I
4074s could see things emerging like uh trade
4076s Guild being good for uh rare only builds
4079s uh but worst option for other builds or
4081s is it hope that each faction has about
4083s the same access to exalted legendary
4085s gold Idols Etc
4086s um the goal the goal is so that they are
4088s roughly similar
4091s um we know they won't be the same and
4093s there will be some mathematical way to
4095s probably prove one's better than the
4097s other for certain things
4101s um the goal is to have almost everyone's
4105s decision boil down to do I like trade or
4107s not like if if if the vast majority of
4110s players are going into this decision
4112s with
4113s do I like trade or not and that's as far
4115s as the decision making goes oh we've
4118s nailed it
4119s um and and I I know that kind of does
4121s leave room for
4123s um maybe some people who are extremely
4125s competitive but really really like or
4127s dislike trade
4129s um to be a little bit disappointed and
4130s and it is really unfortunate if that
4132s happens to you I'm really sorry
4134s um and we're gonna do our best to
4135s mitigate that as much as possible
4137s um but we know that it's never going to
4139s be perfect and we it's it's never going
4140s to be exactly identical uh the goal is
4143s to have them be roughly similar and
4146s um
4149s and and be roughly competitive with each
4150s other
4152s I keep using the word roughly because
4153s it's never gonna be perfect
4156s uh I think I want to go up here
4158s just just that sweet crit multi we're
4160s doing great we're doing lightning meteor
4163s shower crit
4165s and could be a
4168s that's our goal here
4173s just
4177s oh
4179s well that's good that's a that's a
4181s wonderful affix to get
4184s Warden cleansing on potion use fantastic
4186s ethics
4188s uh is there any idea when we may see new
4190s factions coming and there'll be
4191s multiplier guy but I do find my ability
4193s to play multiple builds stagnating even
4195s with ability to Target Farm specific
4196s items um I don't have any details on
4198s exactly when
4200s um I I'd like to get it in before 1.0 I
4203s don't know if it'll it'll make it before
4204s 1.0 because there's a lot to do with it
4205s still and a lot of testing that has to
4207s happen with it
4209s it's still very early in development
4216s drop some stuff off in our stash sir
4219s our uh bags are filling up I'm not a man
4223s of many pockets
4231s you wear this ring
4241s I kind of want to just wear them
4248s just give us cast speed
4252s we do a lot of fire damage right now
4262s let's give it a shot
4273s just go for it and see if it's if it's
4274s fun
4277s I'm gonna do any coal damage I really
4280s need the other one
4282s but getting that it's basically sorry
4283s are we are we wearing this specifically
4285s just for that cast speed that's what
4287s that is that's not that's not good
4288s enough
4299s oh all right
4304s uh will the faction system be account
4307s wide or per character essentially can I
4309s choose to be both factions on separate
4311s characters of the same account so it's
4313s going to be both account wide and per
4316s character if that makes any sense so
4317s progression will be account wide but
4320s um representation will be character
4322s specific so um if you are on a
4326s um
4327s like you can you can say you say you
4330s start a rogue in a Mage and you put the
4332s Rogue on
4334s um circle of Fortune you put the Mage on
4336s um
4337s treasure Hunters where they are uh uh
4340s Merchant skills sorry
4343s and um and you and you level up one I'm
4346s just not gonna use the names so you you
4348s level up one you level up both of them
4350s you're like like trying you're playing
4351s both of the characters you're leveling
4352s both up you're going and then you're
4353s like oh I really like Merchant skills so
4356s much more and you can take your circle
4358s of Fortune character and just switch it
4359s to Merchant skill I know they're both
4360s Merchant skill and they're both keep
4361s level Merchant skilled and your circle
4363s of Fortune progress stays and then if
4364s you're like you're like oh you know what
4366s I changed my mind I'm gonna go back to
4367s Circle Of Fortune you take both your
4368s characters back to Circular Fortune
4370s that's totally fine
4371s um and the the one caveat is is that any
4375s gear that's tagged with an uh with an
4377s item faction requirement rank an item
4379s faction rank requirement doesn't change
4382s when you change the character so if you
4384s want to change your character and you
4385s have a bunch of items that have an item
4387s faction rank requirement you do need to
4388s replace those pieces of gear
4396s give me those ice beetles it's the
4398s second one of the second Frozen Hive
4399s I've got
4419s it all right
4421s uh your game is the only RPG I can play
4423s I love the Simplicity of making your own
4425s build and crafting your items awesome
4427s things please keep Simplicity in mind as
4428s you progress to development of the game
4429s we do try to
4431s um
4433s um promoting Simplicity is not really
4435s the way we look at it but
4438s um complexity needs a reason I think
4439s it's a better way to put it so like
4442s um we'll we'll add complexity to the
4444s game for sure ah if it if it has a good
4446s reason if it adds depth to the game if
4448s it adds interesting mechanics and things
4450s like that and I I think that um
4454s I think we do a pretty good job of that
4456s you always do a better job though right
4470s uh if I buy 50 packs with the MCX with
4472s lowercase your packs as well no it's
4474s just the pack that you buy
4480s uh what made you opt to keep idle slots
4483s or a lot of similar games cut them
4485s like like Idols like these
4492s I there's not a lot of games that do
4494s idle slots is it do you mean Relic slots
4496s like this one here
4498s if you're talking about this one
4501s um
4502s it's it's it was an attempt to have a
4504s really uh class
4508s um a really class themed
4510s item in your in your um inventory so
4512s like we really really try and push the
4514s class fantasies like like oh a quill is
4517s a very Mage thing to have as a relic
4520s item where it's like a quill on a
4523s primalist really what you know it seems
4527s Seems a lot less I mean actually you can
4528s make an argument why it works on a
4530s finalists but you know you know I mean I
4531s just picked a lot of random
4533s um we try to have that that like class
4536s fantasy push and it was a it was part of
4537s a way to to push that class fantasy
4539s through uh item-based types and then
4542s that lets us put specific
4544s um affixes and implicits on there as
4546s well to really Drive
4548s um like interesting implicits for each
4550s individual class
4557s because we wanted we knew we wanted to
4558s have three slots for that and then we
4560s actually had this a lot before we did
4561s this but we we did know that we wanted
4563s three slots for that
4565s um and Hellman chess worked really well
4567s because they are the
4569s um the really visually like the ones
4571s that stand out really visually heavily
4572s so like we don't have to make a crown
4574s sit nice inside and sitting perfect a
4576s crown sit nice on a primal say
4580s um
4581s which cuts down in Dev time
4584s which lets us put more awesome stuff in
4586s the game
4587s and that's the most important thing
4588s right
4590s right
4593s is there any way to have a portable
4595s stash it is technically possible
4597s um we don't plan to include one there
4599s there is there are a lot of stashes out
4601s in the world during activities that that
4603s you do so like
4605s um in dungeons have stashes at the start
4608s and end in some cases
4610s um possibly all cases actually and then
4612s the model in between every Echo is a
4615s stash like there's a lot of the things
4616s you're doing
4618s um like the arena has stashes in it a
4620s lot of the activities you're engaging in
4622s have frequent access to your stash
4625s um and we do that really intentionally
4626s but we don't want to just have
4628s um like
4630s we don't just want to be like
4632s magic stash plump
4634s you know
4639s uh
4642s uh the thing that just happened where
4643s you searched for Mana Advantage dragons
4645s something that's good as small annoyance
4647s me for quite a while now it would be
4648s nice to have a skill name
4650s um if the skill name wasn't included
4652s wouldn't be included in the search since
4653s 90 of the uh not 100 of nodes will be
4656s affected the original skill in all the
4658s skill trees yes
4659s um
4660s that search
4663s I'm the one that did it sorry it's
4664s terrible
4665s um it's really simplistic it's just like
4667s it's just like take take these six
4670s fields and and just like what's the
4673s what's the combined string for that
4674s search for the string in that field as
4675s soon as you find it just it's good
4678s that's that's it it's like it's really
4680s basic
4681s um and that's that's one of those things
4682s that we'd like to improve it we'd like
4683s to
4684s to add in
4686s um maybe maybe there's like a property
4688s feature this is like sort of stuff that
4689s I've considered adding to something like
4691s this
4692s um long-term feature thoughts you know
4695s I'll just be sitting outside relaxing
4697s and all all I can think of is oh how am
4698s I going to add to this
4700s um and you put something here and you
4701s have like
4702s um maybe like quick search options you
4705s can save where it's like damage or stun
4707s or shock and you can just be like like
4711s filter quick quick filter options you
4713s can see the five quick filter options
4715s you can save and it just like lets you
4716s quickly put things in that you search
4719s for frequently in multiple different
4720s trees and so you can just be like meteor
4722s click your damage one and it shows your
4723s damage notes which I know something a
4724s lot of people do
4726s I think that would help a lot
4728s and yes excluding things like the the
4731s name
4733s uh as like
4735s part of the string compare would be
4736s would be smart
4744s uh exciting My Fire Tiger MTX my fire
4746s necro build how big is that pet it's uh
4749s it's not huge it's
4751s um I would say medium
4756s none of the pets are that big really
4757s like the biggest pets
4759s what's the biggest pet so far it's
4761s probably the turtle
4764s oh that's my biggest pet
4781s iron didn't see you there
4784s oh
4787s uh hi Mike I have a question I have an
4790s answer uh regarding those language
4792s setting in last debug uh when will it be
4795s possible to set another language for
4796s example polish English or Russian in
4797s patch 1.0 or at all uh
4801s uh rights through a translator oh oh
4804s this was through a translator
4806s um
4808s uh like full full-on game localization
4811s so being able to
4813s um to set like the whole language of the
4816s entire game is something that we are
4818s actively working on uh I do not know
4820s when that's going to be fully available
4821s uh it's we're doing a lot more languages
4825s than we initially initially planned
4826s which is great
4828s um
4829s I
4832s I think polish is one of the languages
4835s oh it might not be though I don't know
4837s what the languages are
4839s yeah I don't I don't know if that's one
4841s of them uh I know I know Russian
4845s was was selected as one of them
4848s um I know like French is one of them
4849s Spanish is one of them
4851s um
4852s like I think all the e-figs is in there
4854s uh
4856s I know there's some with like
4859s that use these other character sets that
4861s use like um Japanese Chinese Korean
4864s character sets
4866s I'm sorry if I'm like horribly
4869s butchering these things I really
4870s apologize that's
4872s I'm just ignorant and and try I try I
4876s try to learn these things and I'm not
4877s good at it
4881s um
4885s but yeah we're working on that there's
4886s we ran into a problem with uh
4892s with like Korean chat recently in the
4894s combinatorial nature of it but I think
4896s we have a solution for it now uh it's
4898s it's a whole thing
4906s and let's see if has some bonus to go
4909s find I can see Merchant skilled
4910s characters having more access to gold
4912s which isn't necessarily more powerful
4913s but it's asymmetric in a certain level
4915s of asymmetry that is intended or desired
4917s any particular kind of item is she wants
4920s to keep exactly balanced between the two
4923s um okay so yeah yeah goal asymmetry I
4926s think is likely to happen just given the
4927s nature of it being the currency
4929s um but yeah like you said it's it's that
4931s doesn't apply directly to items so I
4933s think that the the important things will
4935s be looking at to keep
4937s um
4939s uh to to keep closer is is like the
4943s actual things things that will go in
4944s these slots
4951s so like maybe uh maybe you have access
4953s to way more Golds on Merchant skill
4955s let's say hypothetically
4957s um but maybe then at the same time
4958s there's like a
4961s a prophecy that says
4964s um like
4966s some some way to improve the the items
4970s that come out of or like be more be more
4973s specific in the items that come out of
4975s lightless Arbor so so yeah like the
4978s immersed skills going in there and
4979s dumping an extra 20 more gold into it
4981s but
4982s um the items that are coming out of the
4985s the CEO of cf1 maybe are 20 better on
4987s average so it's like it just evens
4989s itself out
4992s the actual items and please those
4994s numbers are just as examples
4997s um
4997s yeah like the things that you're that
4999s you're equipping is we want to be more
5001s uh
5002s in line with each other
5006s the goal is to have characters feel
5008s progressing at roughly the similar rate
5011s um and gaining power roughly a similar
5013s rate and like
5015s um
5016s like I I ideally if we if we listed the
5019s factions people were on and in fact as
5020s people were on on the on the ladder that
5022s it would just be like
5024s a smattering of both all over the place
5025s and you would be like oh there's no
5026s pattern
5028s that sort of thing and like who knows
5030s because and and that's not really a good
5032s indicator
5033s um as I'm saying I was like that's a
5034s terrible idea Mike because
5037s um I I feel like there's a good chance
5039s uh
5041s that they that they might
5044s um
5045s like attracts like like if one of them
5047s is slightly better than the other people
5049s who are more likely to compete in the
5050s latter will probably gravitate towards
5052s the one that is slightly better even if
5053s they are very similar if you were like
5056s um Force every other player to always
5058s play one of the other uh you'd end up
5061s with them being roughly equal on the
5063s ladder but I think because one of them
5065s will you'll naturally see it be
5067s um disproportionate on the ladder I
5069s think
5073s just because as soon as one of them is
5075s even even like half a percent bet on the
5077s other one I think they'll start to see
5079s that rise to the top of the ladder just
5080s because that's what it'll attract a
5082s similar type of player
5098s uh any plans for any more skills after
5101s at least to fill the classes more
5102s absolutely uh could you see something
5104s similar to a trans box system being
5105s implemented into the game as a
5107s possibility or something you guys have a
5108s reason for not wanting to do
5110s um I don't think we ever said we didn't
5111s want to do it um
5115s we've talked about
5117s um I know it's something we've we've
5119s discussed how we want to do it
5120s um
5121s we haven't put like hard
5125s um
5128s like like hard numbers on it
5131s instead everyone with that yeah it's
5133s over here still isn't it yeah area
5149s in there
5151s um
5153s okay what I was saying sorry
5158s transport yeah yeah transvog I could be
5161s sweet um
5162s there's how that how that looks long
5165s term I have no idea
5166s still always offer that
5171s uh although I have anything like
5173s peewee's Challenge Rewards not initially
5175s something to be keep me invested in each
5178s cycle since I don't care about uh
5180s competing with other people each ladder
5181s yeah I I think there's
5184s um
5186s I think there's uh
5189s if you yeah you put the nail on the head
5191s on on one of the reasons it's good to
5193s have
5193s um and there's it's gonna take uh I
5196s think it's going to be one of those
5197s things that we're going to need to be
5198s careful about how we implement it
5200s um to have it be something that people
5201s are excited about and
5205s um
5206s not have it be concerning
5208s like like I don't know some sort of
5211s um minimum achievement that's not
5212s relative to other players uh for for a
5216s specific bonus I don't know like I I
5218s don't know if it's the right way to do
5219s it or not I guess this is a suggestion
5221s and and please give us feedback on what
5223s you want to see
5228s don't forget to put a basketball game in
5231s the question please pretty sure of a lot
5233s of stuff still has visual bug we're both
5235s normal and lightning meteor cast and you
5237s cast meteors so be aware when you get it
5239s if I get it
5240s uh but yes it does it's that's been
5242s fixed though
5253s that's weird right I'm not I'm not crazy
5256s you're crazy
5259s uh hey at least last if I came to skins
5262s work with Drew Transformations over the
5265s Transmissions over by the MTX
5266s Transmissions will override the MTX
5267s right now um but this is one of the
5269s things where uh we do plan to add skill
5271s ntx as well so you should be able to
5272s have a way to
5274s um change the way your character looks
5275s in transform as well there's it's just
5277s certain things like your your bear
5278s doesn't wear a hat so having an MTX
5280s board is weird
5282s you know Cape might be kind of cool I
5284s know I know I know we tried it and there
5286s was horrible problems the bear looks
5287s terrible in a cape
5290s like really bad spring looks cool in the
5292s game bear looks bad
5295s um
5297s all right the new uniques have a really
5299s cool unique models any chance we see
5300s uniques with unique audio too uh I think
5303s they're already some Mage body armor
5305s with many pockets that gives a post
5307s voice line I see what you're trying and
5309s I'm still not going to pick that up
5310s that'd be funny I like that a lot
5313s is this is the things that like we're a
5316s couple years post released and we're
5318s we're able to like get these really
5319s cheeky fun things in there you know
5321s that's that's the sort of stuff that's
5322s the good stuff right there right
5329s I felt like a bajillion pings I'm just
5331s gonna take a quick peek because like
5334s it's one of those things that's like
5335s enough pings that you're like is
5336s something happening
5338s oh no oh no just PR's getting approved
5341s that's good
5344s oh yeah llama ignoring the uh
5347s dumping the devs
5348s rule
5349s yes I'm calling you out deal with it
5351s just kidding love you bud
5357s oh friends trying to organize a magic
5359s Knight yeah
5362s Aaron that's a nice title of your video
5364s thanks buddy all right we're good you
5367s know what you know what I we got to Lake
5369s Leaf I love likely f
5372s I don't know why but just
5374s it's nice here we're gonna let's let's
5376s take a peek
5382s you know what I'm gonna do
5384s oh I'm
5387s oh I don't know where this is gonna open
5390s okay give me give me like two seconds
5395s oh it's not right at all whatever
5399s it's a good thing I did that though it
5400s opened right in the center of my screen
5404s all right here we go
5408s boom it's another weaversville unique
5415s I got I got a big version up here so I
5417s can see it too because it's too tight
5422s uh so yeah so we got uh new boots with
5425s Weaver as well
5426s um
5427s increase moving speed up boots which is
5429s something everyone always wants uh haste
5432s uh for three seconds when a nearby enemy
5433s dies uh less damage over time taken
5436s while you have haste uh when you gain
5438s haste or refresh its duration you mean
5440s 17 Ward and your minions gain haste and
5443s frenzy for three seconds
5449s and it is a very low level unique
5452s that's level 16 unique
5455s I should have closed that
5459s does that show up on this it does you
5461s see a little you see it like minimizing
5464s that's funny
5466s it's fine
5469s uh okay
5472s you get screenshots screenshots all done
5475s he's asking each opportunity
5478s all right go
5483s uh
5485s hey Mike I just tuned in I didn't know
5486s if it was asked yet but are the item
5488s factions coming next week or not they
5490s are not item factions will not be coming
5492s next match no no no no no no
5495s that item faction's coming like oh my
5498s gosh that that's like headline hype news
5500s you know
5504s you'll know that's one of those things
5506s where always people like oh I didn't
5507s have no info that's like oh you'll know
5509s you'll you'll you'll have to avoid that
5511s information
5517s uh all right any plans to buff the less
5520s competitive skills with with the
5522s introduction of ladder I love the game
5523s so far but I fear love the game but I
5525s fear like if it's still it's the latter
5527s clutter with the same builds
5529s um
5530s there are like there's there are balance
5531s changes that are happening
5533s um there's we we haven't done a like
5537s really major bounce pass over all the
5540s skills for this patch it's not like
5541s we've gone through every every skill
5543s instead of like all right let's let's
5544s make sure like okay this one's
5546s underperforming how do we how do we bump
5547s this up without like without making it
5550s become like just a new part of this
5552s other build that's now too strong or
5553s something like that like we haven't we
5554s haven't done that yet
5557s um that is an important step that we are
5559s wanting to get through but um
5563s and there's been some some like some
5565s some obvious balances that need to
5566s happen things like that
5568s um no tempestrate still sucks
5572s it's essentially we don't want to make
5574s it good in his current version because
5576s we could just like turn the numbers up
5577s right
5578s um it doesn't feel good to play even if
5579s it is strong
5580s um like it needs it needs the
5582s functionality changes so we're like left
5584s it alone until the functionality changes
5586s happen
5588s I know it's a bit of a meme right now
5590s too I'm sorry
5591s uh Mike will be a feature in the near
5594s future future where we can save my build
5596s and then play another uh one that
5598s usually can respect back the save build
5599s instead of a full respect spending the
5601s points again this is a request for
5603s Diablo 3 armory style system
5607s um where you can switch between builds
5609s uh pretty quickly pretty easily
5611s um and and the answer is right right now
5613s we have no plans to add a system like
5615s that
5616s um
5617s and we are we are always looking for
5618s feedback
5620s um and suggestions and all sort of stuff
5621s but that that would be a very very large
5624s paradigm shift and it's extremely
5627s unlikely that that'll happen it's almost
5629s zero chance it'll happen for 1.0 like
5631s something something colossal would have
5634s to shift before 1.0 if we did that
5636s I hate just saying hard note of things
5638s but like probably not
5642s uh can dummies have a DPS meter no well
5645s I just I don't really say hard to know
5646s the things no
5648s uh what's your general opinion on
5651s developing using Community now the game
5653s is at scale that it is does it have any
5655s limitations you don't like yeah there's
5658s um every every single engine has
5661s limitations and things you have to work
5662s around
5663s um and and there's a couple things that
5665s we've we've struggled with here and
5666s there that would be nice if we could uh
5668s if we could fix and there's
5670s um usually we found workarounds for them
5672s over the years
5674s um
5675s there's a system where rebuilding from
5678s scratch right now that is uh
5680s uh a very important system that we're
5683s having to rebuild
5685s um
5686s you know that's absolutely there's
5688s there's things but
5690s um
5691s this this usually kind of stems from the
5694s same question of like do you regret
5696s picking Unity would you do something
5697s differently if you could go back that
5698s sort of thing and and no I definitely
5700s wouldn't
5725s like I I I do really like Unity still
5727s and
5729s um
5730s like I I make
5732s dumb little things that need to be all
5734s the time
5735s um just just dumb little things my buddy
5738s plays a uh play when people put all the
5741s magic gathering and my buddy plays a
5743s coin flip deck that
5745s um the first time he said to me in the
5747s first time he said in the middle of a
5749s game I flip a million coins what do we
5751s want to do about this guys I went okay
5754s I'm making an app for that
5757s and like super the wrong thing to make
5758s it in but I made one quick and unity
5760s because it's what I'm used to using
5762s uh and now that takes seconds to do
5764s which is great
5767s um
5773s so yeah I do I do use Unity for lots of
5775s things just fun little stuff all over
5777s the place
5778s um
5781s and if we were gonna like start another
5782s game or something I I feel like we'd
5784s still use Unity
5786s hello
5789s maybe that that that might be like
5792s reconsidered if it was another online
5794s game
5796s but you know this you get so much
5797s experience with this and this is a
5798s really interesting thing actually it
5799s comes that comes up a fair bit so like
5801s lots of companies have this issue where
5803s like you have um
5804s like uh what's it called bethesda's
5806s creation engine I think they called it
5809s um
5809s has some has some Jank to it it's why
5812s there's like kind of this Jank that
5813s happens in like like like new fall games
5818s come out new Ella shows game games come
5820s out and you're like you're like I bet
5821s this bug still works and it does and
5823s you're like why does that still work
5825s it's because it's an engine limitation
5827s and uh they've got the creation Engine 2
5829s coming out right now
5830s um which is it's just I'm so excited for
5834s Starfield like yes
5836s um and anyways I digress a little bit
5840s um so yeah like there's there's there's
5843s a huge development cost switching
5845s engines in in training people with a new
5848s system uh to to just like
5851s problems that you don't know that you're
5853s going to encounter yet and have to fix
5858s so it kind of sometimes comes down to
5860s what's what's cheaper what's cheaper to
5862s what's more cost effective just working
5864s with the problems you know or rolling
5866s the dice of the problems you don't
5871s all right Mike will there be a
5876s uh will there be a near future
5882s oh you guys still wear bugs when using
5885s Warpath like not being able to stop
5886s spinning and sometimes spinning with
5888s nowhere path animation things yes it was
5889s very recently a bug fix that went into
5891s our development build for Warpath
5894s which is great
5898s I don't know if it fixes every single
5899s bug it has
5901s I'm sure someone will find a new bug
5903s it's a very popular skill
5911s escape button I swear I pressed it
5914s all right we'll skill effect MTX change
5917s depending on element conversion for
5919s example a Warpath MTX it looks different
5921s if it's converted to fire or void
5923s um I I think the the skill MTX will kind
5927s of just take precedent over conversions
5929s so like if you want to have the void MTX
5933s you can use the baseboard ntx and if you
5935s want to firearm shakes and use the base
5936s fire MTX
5939s um but oh hey you want this this like
5942s this other look like have the other look
5945s um
5951s I don't think there's many situations
5952s where you'd ever want to like switch
5955s back and forth between them
5957s like like you're you're never
5959s um I don't lose any skills where it like
5961s I guess I'm Elemental a little bit
5965s Elemental limit does this actually where
5966s it like picks one of them and just casts
5968s it
5971s um so maybe there's the exception of the
5973s role but I I think for the most part
5974s probably not it'll probably just be okay
5976s you bought you want your MTX to look you
5978s want your Warpath to look like it's cold
5980s even though it's doing fire damage it's
5982s doing cold you converge to void it's
5984s still doing looking like it's doing cold
5985s you know that sort of thing
5990s uh how are the Weber's will items going
5992s to be kept balanced or kept from
5993s becoming too op if you need to please be
5995s as vague as possible I mean a lot of
5997s their initial stats like raw stats that
5999s you see that you would see on like an
6000s exalted or or a rare item are pretty low
6004s and they're pretty they're pretty
6005s focused for the most part on
6008s um the unique interactions I say for the
6010s most part the unique interactions
6012s um and also just the weaversable number
6014s that it can drop with
6018s especially early on it'll be like you'll
6020s be getting them with lower numbers to
6022s start with
6028s and that's that's the number we can
6030s balance really easily so just like just
6031s having that Weaver's will drop rate
6033s chain like the that that value change
6036s um
6037s like the rate that it drops at at higher
6039s numbers you know that that's a really
6040s easy way to balance those items relative
6043s to other item types in the game
6047s there probably won't be perfectly
6048s balanced initially and we'll probably
6049s need to make some some adjustments
6050s either either cheer ups you know down
6052s something like that you know that's
6053s that's
6054s that's the sort of thing that we'll
6056s we'll find out once
6058s way more people get their hands on it
6061s tell us what's wrong with it
6069s will ladders be part of a new cycle at
6072s to level uh the playing field if not
6074s what chance the new players have against
6075s veterans
6077s um so the initial ladder launch uh is is
6080s we're not we're not starting a new cycle
6082s with initial ladder launch we're just
6083s adding to the game
6085s um but when ladders reset post like when
6088s 1.0 drops like a lot of reset
6091s um
6092s and like only new characters created
6094s after 1.0 will be eligible for the
6096s latter it's sort of like a very standard
6099s ladder system so yeah the the characters
6101s eligible for ladders will
6103s um need to be new characters as you go
6105s in veterans will still have an advantage
6107s though because of the experience that
6109s they have like as a player
6113s which I think makes sense
6116s that's something that's that's not
6117s something we'd want to take away I don't
6119s think either
6120s like I think that's a positive thing if
6123s um if you can learn and increase your
6126s skill level as a player and do better
6128s because you've increased your skill
6129s level as a player I think that's a
6130s positive feedback
6134s I don't know I could be wrong about
6136s these things I know I found myself
6137s questioning a lot of the things I've
6139s assumed about uh about like
6144s that I've
6146s taken my personal feelings for it and
6148s pushed that towards a like
6152s an assumption that other people feel the
6154s same way for a lot of these things
6156s quite a few times it's been very rough
6159s like I play games differently than a lot
6162s of people something I've learned
6168s I don't know
6172s maybe I'm just getting old
6181s I'm really excited for like 50 years
6183s from now just being like
6185s come on Holodeck right
6194s or at least like like the Oasis or
6196s something
6199s name name that movie or TV show
6204s oh dang it no it is a movie it was the
6205s wrong name oh no
6208s oh I just confused two things
6211s what was the one in
6214s the like Battlestar prequel spin-off
6216s Caprica what was that called
6218s because Oasis was
6221s um Ready Player One
6225s I don't know someone tell me
6231s just the Cosmetic changes
6235s I just saw the Cosmetic shop changes I
6237s wasn't upset about them before but
6239s changes are nice
6241s I I hope a lot of people have that
6243s feeling towards it
6244s um but I know I know a lot of people
6245s were really upset with it and I think it
6247s was justified
6252s and to everyone who expressed that upset
6254s in a positive and constructive manner I
6257s appreciate you a lot
6270s Let's uh
6273s you can have some spicy meatballs over
6274s there bud can we just go can we just go
6277s now we gotta wait don't we
6282s yeah over here
6287s okay
6288s more questions
6291s because I'm probably falling behind and
6293s I'm really sorry I don't run away
6300s okay don't die Mike can we expect some
6303s steam achievements in the future to keep
6304s us occupied while waiting for final
6305s release
6306s um I I I'd be surprised if the sea
6309s machines came before the final release
6311s um but yes we do plan on having steam
6312s achievements in the game
6322s and I I say so I say steam achievements
6324s they might not be done through Steam I
6326s don't know yet
6328s it's one of those things that's like it
6330s just makes so much sense to do it
6332s through Steam because they have such a
6333s great infrastructure for it built up
6334s already and we just have to like tie
6336s into that which is so nice
6340s um
6342s but I don't know maybe maybe there's
6344s some limitation or restriction that I
6345s just don't know about
6350s oh thank you
6352s oh it's so sweet
6375s man when I actually like use the
6376s teleport node properly
6383s getting some decent value
6391s I do need a ton more minutes I see a lot
6393s of flat Mana right now
6396s oh all right do you guys have official
6399s stats on when builds are being played by
6402s players and what item combinations and
6405s we'll be able to open the public like
6406s Peewee ninja
6407s um we we don't have that detailed
6409s information available yet um we are
6411s planning on making more detailed
6414s um
6417s heuristics
6420s you want to call them
6421s um
6423s how much we release it's it's Yeah It's
6428s tricky because there's there's the
6430s danger of okay you release that info and
6434s um
6435s sometimes
6438s hauls for changes to balance are blown
6442s out of proportion a little bit based on
6444s uh incomplete information or
6447s um a misunderstanding of that
6448s information sometimes other times it's
6451s fantastic uh so so exactly how we're
6454s gonna approach that I don't know
6457s uh can we expect some steamage audience
6459s that is uh it seems like your game is
6461s the only other only ampigee that doesn't
6462s require PhD to play I love the
6465s Simplicity of making your own build and
6466s crafting your own items please continue
6467s to keep Simplicity in mind as you
6469s Progressive development of the game I
6470s think I may have read that out obviously
6472s it seemed very familiar either way glad
6474s you're having fun thanks for enjoying it
6482s to be a good boy greetings
6487s no thanks
6496s take care of yourself I will thank you
6499s lady
6501s um how will jumping into the latter race
6503s work our players with full stash town is
6504s going to have an advantage it's only
6506s making new teams means nothing if they
6508s can uh just delve into the stash of
6510s increasing uh instantly power through
6513s um sorry so we're talking post uh post
6516s launch ladders
6518s um will be like
6522s um
6524s when a news cycle starts
6526s and you'd like to participate in a new
6528s ladder you have to create a new
6531s character with a new stash nothing from
6534s the previous one on that new ladder so
6536s you'll you'll be starting from the exact
6538s same equal playing field of everyone
6540s else there is literally zero mechanical
6543s in-game functional advantage to being an
6547s extremely experienced interfranchise
6548s player the only advantage that an
6550s experienced in a franchise player will
6552s have is the personal experience that
6555s they have the the personal knowledge and
6557s information and uh
6560s personal experience I don't know how
6561s else to say this that they that they as
6563s a player have
6565s um so you could put a player you could
6567s put a
6568s um
6570s a a uh a day one player on a
6574s five-year-old account and a
6575s five-year-old player on a brand new
6578s account and the they would have
6581s functionally identical
6585s um assuming the advanced player may have
6587s ntx that makes you look different but
6588s the function like like in-game
6590s functionality identical experiences but
6593s the enfranchised experience player would
6594s probably do better because of their
6596s personal skill
6599s so the only the only thing you can bring
6601s with you to a new cycle ladder is your
6602s skill and cosmetics
6609s are there any plans to look at the
6611s differences in loading time between
6612s online and offline play specifically
6613s want to party with others yes let me
6615s look at all the time
6618s um we're
6619s the the the the most
6622s knowledgeable and awesomeness developers
6626s we have are constantly working to
6628s improve our online play experience
6631s um
6631s who who are able to to make improvements
6635s there in advancements there
6640s we're we're we're rebuilding one of the
6642s systems we use from scratch to improve
6644s that experience right now
6647s where
6648s there's this there's all there's so many
6650s little projects that I'm just like if I
6651s say this no one there's gonna be like
6652s four people that are like oh I know what
6653s that is
6654s I'm like one of them the person that's
6656s doing it
6657s um but yeah like it's
6660s we're working hard on it it's a very
6661s very important thing
6664s um any new attack animations coming 1.0
6666s I mean technically I think re-perform
6667s has new animations
6668s hot tub streams when that like I got
6671s that question a little while like a year
6673s ago or something that disappeared hadn't
6674s gone in a while oh man when I get a hot
6676s tub it's still my answer to that
6678s and believe me I am working hard to get
6680s a hot tub that's like
6682s yeah that's high on the list
6693s I think it's one of those things that
6694s like
6695s you you enjoy like there's there's this
6698s weird arc on a hot tub enjoyment here's
6701s here's my theoretical hot tub enjoyment
6703s graph
6704s over time
6706s okay
6708s so this is this is a terrible color to
6711s do this in on on uh
6713s I couldn't find that dot I just put down
6715s there
6719s so here is uh time
6723s and this is uh yay
6728s um
6728s and so you know like as as like this is
6731s age
6733s time age
6735s um so you start off and you can't really
6736s go on a hot tub as your little kid and
6738s then like you start to love hot tubs you
6740s get into like your teens uh you're like
6743s early early 20s uh you're 30 you still
6747s love hot tubs but it's kind of it's
6748s chopping off it's not as like it's not
6750s novel anymore you've been in a hot tub a
6751s bunch of times but then like you realize
6753s you're getting old and stuff starts to
6755s hurt you're like oh sitting in a hot tub
6756s is just wonderful again
6759s um and then you're like oh my goodness
6761s I'm assuming this is what happens
6762s eventually where you like I can't get in
6764s and out of a hot tub comfortably anymore
6765s and like you know hot tub enjoyment just
6767s drops off probably this this is this is
6769s my hot tub over time enjoyment graph
6772s uh totally accurate based on empirical
6775s data that I've collected over many
6777s generations now
6784s I just haven't worked in a in a paint
6786s graph recently so I thought I had to get
6787s sneak one in somehow
6792s questions I'm gonna try and like
6795s rapid fire some of these
6797s can you explain what caused the bug of
6799s dungeon bosses not dropping their
6800s uniques is when we fix the upcoming
6801s patch I do not know what that bug was
6804s um I I'm pretty sure it's been fixed
6807s um
6809s there's some of these online Bugs
6811s problems with them it's like we'll we'll
6812s get a bug reports we'll be like
6814s I just gotta paying I bet someone knows
6817s wasn't a bug it's intentional oh it's
6819s intentional never mind
6822s no it wasn't fixed
6825s moving on
6828s uh will Weaver's will will Weaver as
6830s well nice amount on these items be
6832s directly impacted I present item Rarity
6834s I'm asking because High corruption
6836s stacking currently doesn't feel very
6837s rewarding I would love to see more
6838s rewarding things uh from high corruption
6840s pushing I don't know
6842s um
6843s sorry find out
6846s I'd really like to get a um at some
6849s point free 1.0 I promise I'll do this
6851s 3.0 I'll get and and if I forget someone
6854s someone hold me to this
6856s um I'll get down sit down around with G
6858s and we will
6860s um we'll we'll hammer out exactly what
6862s increased item Rarity does
6867s all the edge cases
6871s if someone wants to get me a uh succinct
6874s all together one place question about
6876s all of the edge cases they have about it
6879s probably the answers to you faster too
6881s but you don't have to do that at all
6882s I'll do it
6890s uh what is the chance of getting more
6892s than 20 will on an item one percent or
6894s less any random estimate number please I
6896s think it's gonna be pretty low priority
6897s low chance I think it'll require you to
6899s be pretty far in the game to get that
6900s high because that's really high that's a
6902s lot
6911s that's gamer Mike's estimation by the
6913s way not developer Mike
6917s all right unfortunately anytime a new
6919s Shield comes out it's automatically
6920s discarded because Bastion is a thing uh
6923s items that are best in slot on any build
6925s are generally not good for the game
6926s without any plans to legitimately fix
6927s Bastion via feedback from the more
6929s experienced players and such
6931s um I I I don't think that it is
6935s uh as dire of a uh problem as we might
6939s think
6941s um
6941s but yes it is something that we are
6944s paying attention to and
6946s um
6947s when we when we do take a more
6948s fine-tooth look at the overall balance
6953s um I think there'll be more likely uh
6955s some changes there
6963s BSU best sci-fi show ever made Professor
6966s Chaos 88 we are good friends I don't
6968s care what you say we're good friends
6977s uh hello good sir hello
6980s will there be any new weapon bases uh
6982s not in point nine one but eventually oh
6985s maybe there is a 0.91
6991s I don't think there is
6994s I'm not sure
6995s eventually there will be
6998s for example I'm playing as ignite Shield
7000s through a paladin there's no proper
7001s weapon bases to uh scale some damage so
7004s so
7005s um throwing damage we really
7007s intentionally don't put flat added
7010s throwing damage on uh weapons or shields
7013s in this case
7014s um so I I would not hold your breath on
7016s that one in particular
7022s and thank you Emma
7027s uh will this patch have more old 3D uh
7031s unique 3D models added I don't know I
7033s think so it's one of those things that
7034s we're just kind of like adding more and
7036s more and more so
7038s um
7039s I know the new ones that got added also
7042s got their models like the Weavers will
7045s like that sword got a model you know
7047s that sort of thing
7053s um but yeah more modeling still
7055s happening
7057s 1.0 is is the complete 3D models for
7062s uniques at 1.0 is is only going to be
7064s weapons
7065s there's only things that go in your
7066s hands
7069s I think there's there's some others too
7071s but like that's the only thing will be
7072s like completed
7079s uh does steam have Dev tools for
7080s developers in a sales assistant
7082s experience
7083s um scene has a ton of awesome tools that
7085s are fantastic
7087s uh
7088s couple things we've run into recently
7090s that I'm like duh I wish we could do
7092s this and it's like we actually had to
7094s make there's a second last Epoch on
7096s Steam
7097s you can't see it unless you're
7100s invited and it's not published and you
7102s can't buy it and you know it doesn't
7104s really do anything but uh it's there so
7107s we can test MTX purchases in sandbox
7109s mode
7111s um which I wish we could have done on
7113s the one that's already released without
7115s having to make another one
7118s but for the most part very smooth and
7119s their support super responsive so every
7122s time we have had a problem we're like
7123s how fixed and they're like you just you
7125s can't or this is how
7129s all right will there ever be a ladder
7132s released for standard uh mode down the
7134s road maybe uh when the first cycle ends
7136s Maybe
7140s it's a that's a tough one to do
7143s um
7145s there's
7147s there's some tricky stuff there we don't
7149s have plans for that initially but maybe
7153s uh what happens when the stash tabs
7154s bought during the season for example I
7156s currently have 30 stash dabs if I buy 15
7158s stash dabs during the season well they
7159s all roll over to none that are
7161s characters that they get deleted I don't
7162s know yet
7164s um
7165s the like I would say at worst they'd
7169s become remove only tabs
7173s um
7174s so you could pull the stuff out of them
7176s for your standard
7178s um
7180s they're like I I can see options like
7183s for example having because the the the
7185s cost of of them ramps up as you go so
7189s like
7190s um maybe maybe having something like
7194s uh it figures out how much money you
7197s spent on those tabs how much gold you
7199s spent on those tabs not real world money
7201s in-game gold on those tabs and it like
7204s gives you the first X tabs that equal
7207s onto the two new tabs that you would
7210s have had to purchase uh if that makes
7212s any sense because like the price keeps
7213s going up so like
7215s um so you've got like 50 tabs on your
7217s standard account on your standard cycle
7219s and then like this this is just a
7221s spitballing examples of things we might
7222s consider we don't know what we're gonna
7223s do yet but like I I think this would be
7225s an interesting way to do it uh where it
7227s still is like gives you something but
7228s it's not just like
7230s um
7232s here you go you have a bajillion tabs
7233s now type thing
7236s so if you had like 50 tabs in your
7238s standard and then you have like 10 tabs
7239s on the cycle cycle rolls in those 10
7242s tabs because you had 50 before those 10
7244s or maybe you only pay for two new tabs
7246s 852 or something I don't know maybe
7248s something like that
7254s I think just I think just like straight
7256s up transferring them I don't think that
7258s would be great it might be possible I
7260s don't know
7263s if you've got feedback on what you'd
7264s like to see please head over to the
7266s forums and leave us some info and tell
7268s us what you want to see
7269s maybe we'll do it
7271s well at least consider it
7277s uh uh next question what happened I
7281s can't wait to figure out how to open the
7284s secret B level in the next patch
7295s all right are you able to get any info
7298s on any of the three unreleased classes
7299s if not NBD but would be cool to get some
7302s insight on where they are at in
7303s development sure I can tell you where
7304s they're at in development
7306s um
7307s well so they're all gonna be released
7308s 1.0 it's the plan
7311s um
7313s the
7315s Rune Master is the farthest along let's
7317s get the most stuff done on it uh it has
7319s all of its base skills implemented uh
7323s skill trees have gone through ideation
7327s um
7328s base VFX is uh very far along on all of
7333s them
7333s um conversion for nodes we think we want
7335s conversions for are started for most of
7337s them possibly finished
7340s um
7341s pretty sure animations are in for them
7344s uh
7349s what else is so it's basic root master
7352s is basically just like skill trees and
7353s good to go
7354s which is just skill trees just five full
7357s skill trees no big deal right it's a lot
7359s of work but still yeah
7360s um
7362s I think that's that's probably the next
7364s thing we're doing on on those masteries
7368s uh with the introduction of the uh will
7371s uniques Weaver's will uniques and unique
7374s semi-ledger potential sentiment
7377s sentiments looking even worse when
7380s comparing uh
7384s oh oh okay okay when competing in the
7388s same item slot are there any change
7392s I don't know what sentiments is
7396s Sentinels
7398s ml are pretty close Sentinels
7405s sorry I don't know what that means
7414s primary below said eventually yes not
7416s this patch thing with eventually yes not
7417s this patch all right sorcerer feels like
7419s a salt subclass any plans on updating it
7422s um yes when I don't know like we're like
7425s any like
7427s any any plans on updating class X yes
7430s when I don't know
7435s we're always planning on doing all the
7436s classes
7438s when we update 100 skills at the bottom
7440s of the list
7443s you know what I just did
7445s caught up to chat oh hey well we're just
7448s like just barely over time
7449s I didn't do terrible
7451s huh look at that
7453s not terrible I'll take it let's get a
7455s nice Waypoint next Waypoint we're speed
7457s run to the next Waypoint
7477s I will answer a couple more a little bit
7478s over time but that's okay
7481s how far are we away from this
7483s oh we're going that way aren't we
7486s nice
7490s the like line on what sort of gaps you
7492s can actually jump over is is very subtle
7498s and it has to do with the maximum uh the
7501s maximum amount you have to like turn if
7503s you're gonna like drive a car along the
7505s path how much you turn the steering
7507s wheel of that car is a lot of whether or
7510s not the Jump's gonna work or not
7523s come on seriously
7526s are the
7528s and I've got it in just the uh
7531s didn't update that's all
7540s I hate what my hair does with headphones
7541s on camera
7543s this is where it looks better out of it
7546s all right
7548s so let's go the wrong place
7550s okay and we're gonna call it a day for
7552s there uh
7554s uh thanks for
7558s coming out everybody
7560s I need a sound of fun
7562s I hope you did too
7564s we're gonna end it there
7568s if you have any more questions that I
7570s failed to answer or just have some
7572s suggestions or things you'd like to say
7573s please head on over to our various
7575s places that we talked about the game
7577s Discord there's an accident Channel
7578s where we try and be very active and
7579s answer questions in the community uh
7581s Reddit Facebook I don't really go to
7584s Facebook but I'm sure the people do uh
7585s there's lots of people on our forums
7587s that's a big place too tons of great
7589s stuff there
7590s um
7592s yeah come hang out talk with us well
7593s that's cool stuff to say
7595s I'm sure you do too
7598s let's go say hi to someone
7606s let's go
7609s find someone doing something cool
7617s oh shock room someone's playing chakra
7619s let's go see I shot them
7623s foreign
7630s see you next week same time same place
7632s patch will be out tons of fun
7635s have a great weekend everybody