almost 5 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

Wow! This is a treasure trove of great ideas. I really appreciate the effort you’ve gone to here.
I have picked my favorites to incorporate into the tree in combination with our other submissions.

I think you’ll be able to tell which nodes are from you haha. I wish I could do more of them. Some are a little too complicated so I’ve tried to distill some of them down a bit and a couple are unfortunately impossible with our current setup.

In the future if you make another one of these, and I hope you do, it’s a lot easier to follow when the nodes on the graphic have a brief description written on them. Google Drawings is a really great tool for this. The exact node requirements isn’t typically super crucial to get the ideas flowing. I know you can’t fit quite that much detail in but you could include explanations below for just the really complex ones. Might end up saving you some time too.

Seriously, really good stuff, I hope you do this again when we open up another one!

almost 5 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

The part that is most valuable to making the actual tree in game is the keynodes. The everything else nodes are far less important and if that’s what’s taking most of the time for you, I would almost suggest just making the keynodes and supporting keynodes.

There are a lot of really subtle things that go in to the skill trees, for example, the paladin doesn’t have cold nodes because the god that represents cold damage is so against the paladin’s values that he can’t use cold skills for the most part.

My favorite suggestions are the transformative ones.