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Hi, I've done all the 'islands' (alternative timelines) and I've got 12 Harbinger eyes. Now, Orenthia asks me to use them as keys to open the portal at the corner. I've done it five times, and I seem to find all the same boss(es) with some rare uniques as loot.

What's the point of doing it 12 times? Is it a part of the endgame farming design: 1. farm more Monolith with timeline bosses to get more eyes 2. and then repeat farming the Altar of Orobyss for its rare uniques if I need some for my build? I'm guessing here because none of the guide videos I've seen so far regarding LE endgame talked about this altar.

Except for Monolith -> Altar (if my guess is correct), Arena, and Dungeons, of course, plus endless gear farming (and relevant crafting/upgrading afterwards), is there anything else I'm missing for the endgame? Thank you.

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19 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

As a note, it does sound like you're playing an extremely powerful character. Players are not expected to be able to beat Aberroth on the first try, we make sure you've got 10+ keys before attempting it so that you've got a few attempts in a row to learn the fight and improve your gear. If you did manage to do it first try as it sounds like you might have, very nicely done.

But yes, that's the top tier boss right now.