over 1 year
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | greetings Travelers I'm Judd kobler |
3s | founder of 11th Hour games and game |
5s | director for last Epoch we've just |
7s | returned from our very first Gamescom |
9s | where we finally introduced the game and |
11s | the studio to the world in a major way |
13s | and the reception was tremendous |
15s | thousands visited our booth and got |
17s | hands on our newest Mastery the Rune |
19s | Master today I'm excited to unveil even |
22s | more details about the Rune master and |
25s | the rest of beta patch 0.9.2 Runes of |
28s | power releasing September 7th |
30s | the Rune master who joins the spellblade |
33s | and the Sorcerer as the final Mage |
35s | Mastery is unquestionably the most |
37s | flexible character class thanks to his |
39s | signature spell runic invocation but |
42s | let's explore Rune Master's other |
43s | abilities first |
45s | flame Rush is a channeled movement skill |
47s | that transforms the Mage into a ball of |
50s | fire you shoot across the battlefield |
52s | damaging enemies along your path |
54s | as you continue channeling at the end of |
57s | your journey you explode into a more and |
59s | more powerful burst of flames nodes on |
62s | the flame Rush skill tree offer loads of |
64s | customization including a node that |
66s | attaches a volcanic orb to your Rune |
68s | Master as well as nodes with damage |
70s | conversions for cold or lightning |
72s | frostwalk conjures you guessed it an icy |
75s | wall at the Target location freezing |
78s | enemies who dared to cross it and |
79s | applying cold damage over time you can |
82s | convert frostwall to fire or lighting |
84s | walls and can grant various spots to |
86s | allies who pass through it like your |
88s | fully specialized flame Ward |
90s | Glyph of dominion is an AOE Lightning |
93s | Spell that places an expanding glyph on |
95s | the ground damaging and slowing enemies |
97s | who stand in it at full size the glyph |
100s | detonates dealing large amounts of |
102s | damage to enemies caught inside skill |
104s | tree nodes include fire conversions AOE |
107s | Buffs crowd control and more |
110s | runebolt is a spammable combo skill that |
112s | casts a piercing missile of rooting fire |
114s | then runic lightning then run it cold in |
117s | a repeating cycle |
118s | runebolt's skill tree nodes add ways to |
120s | cast different sequences of these |
122s | Elemental bolts which is great for |
124s | queuing up desired runes the tree can |
127s | also make the room bolts generate Mana |
128s | Auto Target and more |
131s | the centerpiece of the Rune Master's |
133s | Arsenal is runic invocation which gives |
136s | you 40 unique spells in one while runic |
139s | invocation is on your action bar casting |
141s | any of the mage's elemental spells fire |
143s | ice or lightning will generate a |
146s | corresponding Rune which displays above |
148s | your character when you cast runic |
150s | invocation your runes will be consumed |
152s | and the corresponding spell will be cast |
154s | for example Aragon's greater Fireball a |
158s | devastating Fireball that applies |
159s | spreading Flames to All Enemies hit or |
162s | the lottery stormlance which deals |
165s | massive light and damage in a piercing |
166s | line or ryowen's Frost guard a shield |
170s | that reduces damage taken grants base |
172s | Ward generates Ward over time and |
174s | explodes if broken the list goes on |
177s | there are 40 different possible spells |
179s | cast with rudic invocation so we hope |
181s | you enjoy experimenting and mastering |
183s | the elements |
185s | like every other Mastery the Rune master |
187s | has his own passive tree you'll find |
189s | passives that allow such things as |
191s | expanding the reach of AOE skills to |
193s | multiplying damage output based on the |
195s | current runes you're holding plus as |
198s | with every one of well over 100 skills |
200s | in last Epoch each of the Rune Masters |
202s | five new skills have their own skill |
204s | tree with dozens of nodes for even |
206s | greater customization he truly is |
208s | uniquely flexible and offers an |
210s | unparalleled array of potential builds |
214s | while we're on the subject of new |
216s | abilities the Runes of power update also |
218s | adds the new base Mage ability Frost |
220s | claw this super versatile slammable eye |
223s | skill can deliver both direct Target and |
225s | AOE damage and really fills the gap |
227s | between lightning blast and Fireball as |
230s | a spammable cold ability |
232s | changing gears a bit another important |
235s | part of this latest update is |
236s | localization because despite previously |
239s | being English only last Epoch has |
241s | attracted a truly Global following we're |
244s | excited to announce that as of September |
246s | 7th all text in the game will be |
248s | available in eight additional languages |
250s | including Chinese French German Korean |
254s | polish Portuguese Russian and Spanish |
258s | with this patch we're also adding new |
260s | monsters new unique items several Quest |
263s | updates and more of course with Rune |
265s | Master joining The Fray we've included a |
267s | stockpile of new armor weapons and other |
269s | accessories just for him |
271s | 11th Hour games is continuing to make |
273s | navigating the world a more exciting and |
276s | enjoyable experience in both the |
277s | campaign and in-game in Runes of power |
280s | we're introducing three updates that we |
282s | believe will help we're introducing a |
284s | new type of random event that you'll |
286s | encounter Rune prisons |
288s | upholding the order of magic rune |
291s | Masters have imprisoned Mages that |
293s | carried out dangerous Arcane experiments |
295s | sealing them with Rune prisons and |
297s | exiling them through time when you |
299s | encounter one of these prisons you may |
301s | extricate the powerful and aggressive |
303s | imprisoned Mage and the risk May well be |
306s | worth the reward |
307s | exiled Mages always drop a new type of |
309s | experimental item with new item mods |
312s | that cannot be found any other way in |
314s | attera and at higher levels may even |
316s | drop a new experimental Rune of research |
319s | to help you begin crafting your own |
321s | experimental items |
322s | we've also added a new type of cache |
324s | that you may find throughout the game |
326s | called One-Shot caches that will give |
328s | much better than average loot when found |
330s | the first time an in-game equivalent |
332s | lost caches can be encountered randomly |
334s | in the monolith and these grant their |
336s | full set of loot each time you find them |
339s | these types of events and rewards will |
341s | make it more exciting to explore the |
343s | spaces you're in |
344s | however that doesn't mean long hallways |
346s | with dead ends and backtracking should |
348s | be commonplace especially an in-game so |
351s | we've made a significant amount of |
353s | improvements to existing monolith zones |
355s | for better pathing including removing |
357s | many paths to dead ends improved and |
360s | made connections across larger paths |
361s | added more player spawn points for more |
364s | variation and we've brought many monster |
366s | spawn locations closer together as a |
368s | start to improving and increasing the |
370s | monster density throughout in-game and |
373s | many will be happy to hear that Alpine |
375s | Halls has been drastically reduced in |
376s | size |
377s | and some awesome new uniques including |
380s | this one that perfectly complements the |
381s | new Mage ability Frost claw drag racclaw |
384s | Max the crit chance on Frost claw and |
387s | watch drag race claw electrified nearby |
389s | enemies almost endlessly and since this |
392s | one's got legendary potential you could |
394s | min max it even further the |
396s | possibilities are staggering |
398s | another unique item being added mirror |
400s | phage gains legendary status in a new |
403s | way by eating the shards from swords you |
405s | shatter it only drops from exiled Mages |
408s | so another compelling reason to find and |
410s | face the new Rune prisons |
412s | between the new Frost claw ability for |
414s | mage localizing in eight additional |
416s | languages Rune Prison events One-Shot |
418s | caches improved in-game pathing and |
421s | monster density updated visuals dozens |
424s | of new monsters and items and of course |
425s | the Rune Master Patch 0.9.2 is bringing |
429s | a treasure Trove of new content and |
431s | overall improvements to last Epoch so we |
434s | hope you'll jump in the game September |
435s | 7th to check it out as usual we'll be |
438s | hanging out on the forums the last Epoch |
440s | subreddit and of course in game to get |
442s | your feedback first hand and as always |
444s | we look forward to seeing you in a Terra |