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Long time ARPG player, have to say i was excited to try out this game, even though i just bought Grim Dawn and all its DLCs 3 days ago.

Played about an hour last night, and some issues irks me; wanna share here and hear from all of you:

  • Skill tree looks impressive. Like others said, POE-style, but not quite. Looking forward to see how it pans out as i level up
  • Actionbar: Allow us to map every key please. I'm referring to left click and right click. which brings me to the next point..
  • Melee skills not getting in range before casting. There's an option in the settings to "move in range to use melee skill". well it works half the time, so that results in [me pressing skill], realising i'm not moving, [left click to get in melee range of mobs], [me pressing skill] again.
  • And hit registration is wonky right now. about 1 in 8/10 times i hit a mob with a skill it doesn't register. from the looks of it it seems to be something with the direction i'm facing. if i'm targetting the mob, should i auto-face the mob when i wanna hit it?
  • Chatboxes that appear when you talk to NPCs don't disappear when you move out of range. it should, shouldn't it? QoL feature.
  • Attempting to talk to NPC usually involves [clicking on NPC at range, char will auto walk to within range to trigger conversation]; right now if i click on NPC at range, my char just stops and do nothing. so i have to walk to within range of NPC and click on NPC again. Again, not game-breaking, but breaks the pace of gameplay
  • Crafting UI. whole crafting thing seems wonky. Right now i have a shard in the crafting UI that i'm unable to retrieve. But this is beta, so i'm sure it'll get fixed in due time.

End of the day, i ask myself: why wouldn't i just stick to POE?

I'm usually not so critical of a game (i survived D3 launch), but this is early access, and for $29, the current state of the game is not even at 50% worth.

I'm posting here because it seems the devs are more active here, and also because the official forums look like a mess [no judging, just saying]. so devs, i hope you'll take my opinions in good faith. I'm not dissing the game, just giving my 2 cents as a passionate ARPG player.

for the other players that bought in, please share your thoughts. We want this game to be better.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Mitch - Direct link

Hey cliffahead, thanks for the feedback!

Actionbar: Allow us to map every key please. I'm referring to left click and right click. which brings me to the next point..

They are mappable, there's just a dedicated spot on the bar for move only so you can always see what it's bound to, we may end up changing how that looks so it doesn't look like you have more ability slots than you do.

Chatboxes that appear when you talk to NPCs don't disappear when you move out of range. it should, shouldn't it? QoL feature.

Definitely planned, hasn't gotten in yet but it will.

Crafting UI. whole crafting thing seems wonky. Right now i have a shard in the crafting UI that i'm unable to retrieve. But this is beta, so i'm sure it'll get fixed in due time

That's intended actually, shards stay in the crafting window once you've transferred them in so they don't have to take up space in your inventory or stash.

For the melee and NPC stuff, could you record a clip of those not working? It would be helpful to know when that's happening so we can fix that.

Feedback is always appreciated!

almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Mitch - Direct link

Originally posted by cliffahead

Thank you for your prompt response.

Actionbar: Allow us to map every key please. I'm referring to left click and right click. which brings me to the next point..

They are mappable, there's just a dedicated spot on the bar for move only so you can always see what it's bound to, we may end up changing how that looks so it doesn't look like you have more ability slots than you do.

so you mean if i set the "move only" on other hotkeys, i can remap left click to something else?

Crafting UI. whole crafting thing seems wonky. Right now i have a shard in the crafting UI that i'm unable to retrieve. But this is beta, so i'm sure it'll get fixed in due time

That's intended actually, shards stay in the crafting window once you've transferred them in so they don't have to take up space in your inventory or stash.

but how do i remove it if i have a change of mind? i've tried right and left click, combined with shift and ctrl.

For the melee and NPC stuff, could you record a clip of those not working? It would be helpful to know when that's happening so we can fix that.

my guess is that it's something about 2-handers together with the Lunge skill. it looks like Lunge brings my char TOO close to the mob. but this shouldn't be an issue if my char auto-faces the mob i've targetting with my skills

so you mean if i set the "move only" on other hotkeys, i can remap left click to something else?

Should be able to, yup. Right now. that may move the other things on left click with it, but I'd need to check.

but how do i remove it if i have a change of mind? i've tried right and left click, combined with shift and ctrl.

Well clicking a different shard in your list will replace it, and you can put a rune in the slot to replace it as well. Do you have a specific reason you want to take the shard out of the crafting window?

my guess is that it's something about 2-handers together with the Lunge skill. it looks like Lunge brings my char TOO close to the mob. but this shouldn't be an issue if my char auto-faces the mob i've targetting with my skills

Noted, I'll pass that on to be looked into

almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Mitch - Direct link

Originally posted by cliffahead

so you mean if i set the "move only" on other hotkeys, i can remap left click to something else?

Should be able to, yup. Right now. that may move the other things on left click with it, but I'd need to check.

thank you, i'll check it out when i'm home

but how do i remove it if i have a change of mind? i've tried right and left click, combined with shift and ctrl.

Well clicking a different shard in your list will replace it, and you can put a rune in the slot to replace it as well. Do you have a specific reason you want to take the shard out of the crafting window?

i don't have a reason to take the shard out.. but is there a reason i'm unable to do so?

my guess is that it's something about 2-handers together with the Lunge skill. it looks like Lunge brings my char TOO close to the mob. but this shouldn't be an issue if my char auto-faces the mob i've targetting with my skills

Noted, I'll pass that on to be looked into

thank you. i've always been a melee player in all ARPGs, and the combat animation feels fluid, i have to say. love the lunge's speed. anything that quickens the pace of gameplay and combat.

when will the bladedancer be available for play?

i don't have a reason to take the shard out.. but is there a reason i'm unable to do so?

because at that point the shard isnt a physical item, its stored in the shards list, so what you're seeing is a representation of the shard, not an item you can remove.

when will the bladedancer be available for play?

Rogue is planned to be in sometime during beta, we'll keep y'all posted when it gets closer