8 months ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

Japanese Language Support Banner (Small)1920×622 85.8 KB

APACコミュニティの皆様に、ローカライズアップデートに関する素晴らしいニュースをお知らせできることを嬉しく思います。これには新しい言語の導入と、Last Epochにおける既存の言語の大幅なアップデートが含まれます。


Last Epochは世界中の旅人をサポートすることに力を入れており、この使命はパッチ1.1 - 崩壊のハービンジャーでも続きます!

バージョン1.0では、Last Epochは公式に9つの言語でリリースされました:英語、フランス語、ドイツ語、韓国語、ポーランド語、ブラジルポルトガル語、ロシア語、簡体字中国語、そしてラテンアメリカスペイン語。これらのローカライズの質を継続的に改善してきましたが、第10の言語の追加を発表できることに興奮しています。

Last Epochはパッチ1.1 - 崩壊のハービンジャーで日本語サポートを導入します!


エテラの世界で皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています! さようなら、またね!



再度、この発表にご参加いただき、Last Epochを引き続きご支援いただきありがとうございます。エテラの世界で皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています!

Last Epochチーム

Greetings, Travelers!

We are excited to announce some fantastic news for our APAC community regarding localization updates. This includes the introduction of a new language and significant updates to existing languages in Last Epoch.

Introducing Japanese Language Support

Last Epoch is dedicated to supporting our Travelers from around the world, and this mission continues in Patch 1.1 - Harbingers of Ruin!

With version 1.0, Last Epoch officially launched in nine languages: English, French, German, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Latin American Spanish. We have continuously improved the quality of these localizations and are thrilled to announce the addition of our tenth language.

Last Epoch is bringing Japanese language support with Patch 1.1 - Harbingers of Ruin!

Japanese players will soon be able to connect with fellow Travelers, sharing stories, strategies, and experiences, all with native support in the game. However, despite our best efforts to identify and address localization bugs, there may still be a few issues that Japanese players encounter during the first few weeks. We kindly ask our beloved Japanese community to actively share feedback and report issues through our customer service and the in-game bug report system so we can resolve them promptly.

We are excited to see you all in the world of Eterra! さようなら、またね!

Chinese and Korean Localization Status Update

In addition to adding a new language, we have identified and addressed several critical localization issues in Simplified Chinese and Korean that have persisted in pre-1.0 content. Specifically, some areas displayed localized strings incorrectly or mixed localized language with English in one string. We have resolved these issues and expect the remaining ones to be fully addressed, along with the Japanese language update, a couple of weeks after the 1.1 release.

Rest assured, the current state of localization should show significant improvements with fewer issues compared to the 1.0 release. However, if you encounter any critical localization errors, we strongly encourage you to submit an in-game bug report with the localization tag so our technical team can address them promptly.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to join us in this announcement and for your ongoing support of Last Epoch. We will see you all in the world of Eterra!

The Last Epoch Team

8 months ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

Localization improvements for ALL currently supported languages are coming with this update, and we want to continue collaborating with our community to improve them even further!

edit: some words at the suggestion of others. :slight_smile:

8 months ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link
