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To get ahead of discourse on the matter, I know I am making an objective statement about something subjective.

Unlocking Empowered Monoliths is not fun the second time.

I started writing this portion and it was just becoming more text than most people, including myself, would want to read. So I going to attempt to summarize the issues in bullet points.

  • Non-Empowered monoliths currently serve only to get you to Empowered Monoliths.
  • The community at large emphasizes to rush through non-Empowered ASAP and not bother attempting to farm gear or blessings.
  • Going through non-Empowered monoliths on following characters feels bad because you know how big of a difference it is.
  • It's time intensive and feels like padding. I have a lot of time available to me as I'm not a 69 year old dad with 12 kids and 3 minutes of playtime per week, it's during this stretch that I start thinking I should play something else.
  • If you built your character well non-Empowered feels like a joke and you get this feeling you're not getting to actually play the character because everything just deletes.

Now, I am a believer in some friction being good - and I see a tutorial-like monolith experience being beneficial for newer players and a sense of ritual/routine unlocking it each cycle. Ultimately however I strongly believe that islands/timelines should be unlocked cycle-wide on your account. Empowered should also be unlocked account wide on the cycle once unlocked.

Empowered Monolith's and Corruption are already opt-in mechanics once unlocked. Once a player has 'earned' the unlock, I believe it would be fair that they can decide how to approach them in following characters.

I expect this to die in New but wanted to pass my feedback. Love the game and thank you for all your hard work!

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We agree that this should be improved and have future plans for second play throughs/alts.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by aaOzymandias

Any thoughts on doing something with the blessings? I would be nice to have them available to be selected once unlocked, and if you find the same one again have them improved (up to max). :)

Yes actually hah

12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by TwitchTVBeaglejack

Any update on this? Recently purchased this game, loving it, and curious if the alt leveling is currently worth it

Yea this should be in at 1.1 :)

8 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheZoolobest

This didn't happen in 1.1 - is it for 1.2? Running through an alt in unempowered monos feelsbad. What's worse is the teaser that I can see the quests on the monos to finish them as empowered :(

Check out the new Glyph of Envy :)

8 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheZoolobest

You know, I just thought about this whilst I was eating. You're right - it's certainly not quite the skip I think many were expecting but I'd forgotten to try it out after the presser you guys did revealing it the other day.

P.s. fab job on the season launch this week, you guys should be proud - stunning work. edit - absolute 10/10 season theme too, so much fun and a great way to item chase. Little dopamine hits too whenever you see the icon or text prompt for a harbi.

Appreciate the kind words, Zoolobest, and very glad you’re enjoying it