over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last def Dev stream as
8s always I'm your host Mike hello welcome
10s everybody let's hop right in let's have
12s some fun you know we we are we are
15s sticking with our spoon Master cuz I
17s love this build um I think we'll I think
20s we'll mix it up next week we've been
21s playing a ton of run Master
24s lately but for now I'm just going to
26s keep playing with it because I'm having
29s fun
31s and that makes life
32s easy how's everybody doing how's
35s everybody going having a good day good
36s week good
38s month I hope
43s so if this is your first time here
45s welcome glad to have you with us thanks
46s for joining us I do like to answer as
49s many questions from the community as I
51s can throughout the stream and if you
52s want your question answered please put
54s at last dep game in the question so I
56s see it and I'll be able to get to it
58s faster also we stream for charity it's
62s the first stream of the month so we've
63s got a new
64s charity we're getting food out to people
67s it's going to be great I hope you all
72s enjoy imagine doing a Q&A when you could
75s be watching bcon I know I I'll I'll
78s watch I'll watch like highlights and uh
81s I'll probably rewatch the whole thing
82s let's be
84s honest but uh it's the sort of thing
87s that I can watch when I'm when I'm
89s making dinner at like double speed you
92s [Laughter]
101s know so that's probably what I'll do and
104s I and I do expect our numbers to be a
105s little bit low today because blz gon is
109s happening and that is totally
118s fine as my character just shouts
121s [Laughter]
124s fools good timing
133s there do I remember how to play this yes
135s I do cuz it just plays so easy not that
140s like not not that um like it makes the
145s game easy but just like there's not a
148s lot of bad buttons to press like just
152s like well there's a button I can press
154s oh it's good good choice you press the
156s button I really like
161s it uh hey Mike not sure if you've
164s answered this probably but that's
165s totally fine happen answer it again if I
166s have but at some point are you going to
168s have side dungeons that randomly spawn
170s in either campaign Maps or monol Maps
172s kind of similar to the corrupted
173s dungeons that spawn in Poe um so
178s the I I would say there's a high
180s probability of something like this
181s happening
183s um but a low probability of it happening
186s very
187s soon so it won't it won't be a 1.0
190s feature
192s um but this is exactly the sort of
195s content that we are looking to add to
196s the game that we think is really going
198s to be um a big deal for monolith
201s especially and and other stuff too so
203s like just just having that unexpected
205s content show up and things to do that
207s you're like oh hey something cool to do
210s that wasn't expecting to do and and I
212s think that and that sort of stuff's
213s really valuable and that's the sort of
214s thing that we're really focusing on um
216s for for future content so um like in in
220s the cycles that come after 1.0 so the
222s 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 all those big patches um
227s will will likely have some smattering of
229s effects similar to this or a system
231s similar to
235s this yeah let's get a unique I I laugh
238s in the face of Mark for death
247s yeah you know I like those those you're
250s playing Poe and like you find like
252s you're in a map and you find a map
253s device in your map device and your you
255s find a map in your map and it opens a
257s new map and you're and you go the deeper
259s and then you go deeper and it's like how
261s many map layers are there to this thing
263s um like that's that's super cool it's it
266s starts to get a little on the
267s complicated side sometimes with all the
269s different things that can happen happen
272s um
274s but like whether or not it's too much or
276s not is is very much a matter of opinion
278s um and we're definitely on the too
281s little side right now that is uh that's
285s also opinion but um probably a less
289s hotly debated
299s one
313s don't forget to put atlast defu game in
314s front of your questions if you like Miss
316s see it uh if I do skip over it please
319s answer it again but I do see one here
320s that I'll answer um question what was
323s the most difficult feature to develop
325s for the game like um the the the copout
328s answer is multiplayer
330s by far the most difficult thing like not
333s even remotely close um if we're going to
335s like delve a little bit into more
336s specifics and like like okay what in
338s detail what part of multiplayer what
340s what makes that so difficult
343s um and like it's it's probably things
347s that we just like haven't implemented
348s yet or like have just implemented but
350s it's like not out yet so like the um how
354s you can still like push enemies around
355s in multiplayer especially like really
357s large enemies like um the dragon boss
359s you can still push enemies around for
361s that um I know someone's working on that
363s right now it's it's a tough thing to do
365s um and and so like yeah the multiplayer
369s and really specific things in
370s multiplayer is the the hardest stuff
374s um
376s saving uh which I know sounds like such
379s a fundamental thing that you're like how
380s could saving be difficult multiplayer
383s saving oh my God it's
386s complicated um having having these these
390s many different services like positions
392s of authority so every every time you
393s connect to a new Zone every time the the
396s number when you hit tab um oh it
399s actually like will say the Zone name up
400s there that might only be in development
402s builds actually but whatever this when
404s whenever the Zone you're in changes the
406s scene changes you go through any sort of
407s loading scene transition um you're
410s connecting to a different physical
412s server well sometimes it's physical
413s sometimes it's software but like you're
415s there's a good chance you're connected
417s to a different physical box somewhere
418s else in the world every time time you
420s change scenes and um having the things
424s you do on the new server and the old
427s server be reconciled when it saves to
429s long-term storage is like one of if not
433s the biggest Pitfall of um a game like
436s this and how they're typically
439s created
440s um so yeah those those are the big ones
446s probably did I see any the questions
447s that I missed there
450s we be providing a road map for of things
452s that will be in the launch versus in
454s later patches um the we don't we don't
458s have a a plan to bring out a full like
460s detailed road map we did recently
463s release in our um patch date
465s announcement a uh a light road map it's
469s called a road map and it is so it's it's
471s it's more of an announcement road map
472s but it has the key things that are
474s coming if we're going to do like a a
475s major feature road map for 1.0 um item
479s fact actions Warlock and Falconer there
483s you go there's the road map um specific
485s detailed features uh we don't have like
487s a big list of those that uh were were
491s that's available at all
493s sorry um there is a community-led effort
497s uh by Andrew Tilly for uh a a like a an
502s unofficial road map that that they have
504s been curating for uh quite a while now
507s and is very impressive um
512s uh you can check that out on our forums
514s and someone here can probably link that
515s to you pretty quickly or just just go to
518s the forums and search road
527s map the uh the version that you see here
530s is the live version you can see top left
531s corner it shows the version that I'm
534s playing on um which is exactly the same
536s as what everyone else has access to I
537s don't stream um hidden in special Dev
540s versions um just just so that I can't
544s risk accidentally leaking things because
546s I do intentionally leak things quite a
548s bit um but it is uh the the what what
553s you see on screen is just I'm just
554s playing the same way anyone else would
556s um it's more just the only reason I'm
558s actually playing is so that I can
559s quickly reference things in game if I
562s need to look something up as it answer
563s to a question um Al just cool just show
565s off the game in general and most of most
568s importantly I just want to
571s play um so this is my this is my weekly
575s um live version like live game version
580s playtime a little on weekends too but
584s this is the big one for
585s me most of the time I'm playing on our
588s uh development
589s build
591s systems CU yeah we did a um we did a
595s test we we had I had my first like full
600s uh end to endend experience test of the
602s um Merchants Guild a couple days ago
605s which was which was a lot of fun it was
607s really cool um very pumped for that to
609s come
610s out which will be 1.0 not before not
613s after 1.0
618s um yeah it's it's looking real good I'm
623s pumped still still a few few bugs
625s hiccups things to work out um you know
629s we're still
630s looking at how we've set things up and
631s going okay is that what we want and you
633s know because it's such an early version
635s of the play test version we have to
637s um still decide like oh is this giving
641s the functionality we want is this giving
642s the the the play experience we want yada
645s y
649s y all right we all
652s inent there's no default loot filter uh
656s there is no default loot filter in Poe
658s what do you want about oh this was
659s talking to someone else
665s uh I'm just going to go back to put
667s Atlas OT gaming your question if you
668s want me to answer it uh weirdest
670s multiplayer loading bug during loading
672s wolves attack and kills you yet there's
675s no wolves in past or next Zone cool
678s that's a fun
680s one uh I can play eldr Splash warlock
683s eldrich blast warlock in le2 um well
688s the ability the eldrich blast is not one
691s that's in Blast Depo it's it's iconic
694s enough to uh D andd I feel like we might
696s get in trouble for using that exact name
703s um and I'll be honest I don't know
706s exactly what that ability
711s does and I'm kind of assuming that it's
713s a DND D
716s [Laughter]
717s thing yeah
723s um warlock abilities will be uh unveiled
728s on a uh I think there's I think there's
731s a a specific date for when we're
733s unveiling warlock stuff so I I have no
735s details on warlock stuff uh until then
739s at all zip zero
744s zilch H this may seem like a weird
746s question I love weird questions but are
749s there any plans to update the
756s [Music]
767s [Music]
778s chronorecord
779s I don't know if there's any plans for it
781s or not but if you want to see something
782s like or anything happen uh please head
785s on over to our forums or Discord and
788s leave a suggestion on the irrelevant
790s threads the suggestions
793s threads a that big that giant giant Nova
796s is so nice and you like never see it on
799s unreversed
808s order
820s okay let's let's let's try and two of us
822s can blow up are you going to blow up or
824s am I going to blow up who's going to
824s blow up
832s first uh this may seem like a weird
834s question but there any I already answer
838s this I saw that the graphical updates
841s will be teased in this stream very
842s excited to see that who who who could
845s have what oh Jud mentioned
848s it yeah okay
851s fine ruining my surprise Jud yes are
857s there any plans on maybe somehow Advance
860s the skills that are already there I
864s think you mentioned something similar
865s but couldn't go into detail um so if
867s you're asking will there be updates to
869s existing skills in 1.0 um yes every
872s patch comes with updates to existing
875s skills uh if you look at our um just
879s look at any patch and you'll see a huge
881s section about updates to existing
888s skills there won't
891s be like the the primary focus for the
894s skills team and the dramatically vast
897s majority of skill changes
900s are involved in Warlock and Falconer I
903s can't overstate how much it is skewed
905s towards Warlock and
910s Falconer which hope hopefully shouldn't
913s be a surprise at
918s all uh we be nerfing or buffing certain
920s skills prior to launch specifically
928s yes
932s yeah we Nerf and buff skills all the
941s time yeah I see a lot of these debates
944s on uh on on various platforms um I think
947s there was one very recently on Reddit
948s about uh if you
951s should um Nerf it was a poll it what it
954s was a poll on Reddit uh and it was like
956s should you it was more of like a a
958s theore iCal pole so like should you Nerf
962s like in in balancing should you Nerf
964s overpowered things or should you buff
965s underpowered things um and I'm like this
968s is the right answer is not on this poll
970s because the right answer is neither of
972s those things it's both of those things
974s um there there's there's no one
977s situation fits all answer to that
979s question and
982s um I think it I think it stems from this
985s like I I don't know fear of Nerfs or
989s um like uh maybe an individual traumatic
993s experience with a specific Nerf that may
994s have happened at some point um but yeah
997s Nerfs Nerfs are necessary Nerfs are
999s absolutely necessary uh to to keep
1002s [Music]
1004s a uh a healthy gameplay environment and
1008s that might not be a very popular thing
1009s to say
1011s um and it's it's not to say that only
1014s Nerfs are necessary or that you got Nerf
1016s everything or anything like that it's
1018s just that there's there's not you can't
1020s you can't look at a a very complex
1023s problem and apply a generic solution to
1025s it in most
1031s cases so we do
1039s both and then and sometimes you Nerf
1042s something and then it's still op and the
1044s you Nerf it again and it's still op and
1045s the you Nerf it again and it's still op
1048s that's happen a couple times or it's
1050s like how many times you have to Nerf
1051s this thing uh it's like there um like
1057s still powerful today
1071s even oh random name X thank you very
1075s much for 19 months in a row wow also
1079s falcon or when when it's
1083s ready but all serious February
1086s 21st I guess I can actually say a date
1088s now can't I oh my god I didn't even
1090s realize that ah I can say a date
1093s finally that's
1100s great I'm actually working
1103s on was working on Falcon this
1105s morning one one of one of the abilities
1108s this generated by
1111s Falconer big spoilers the falconer class
1114s has
1115s [Laughter]
1123s abilities it's going to be a lot of fun
1125s I'm really excited for it the the
1127s animation animation VFX like sfx all all
1131s those all those teams are just they're
1133s they're just doing such a good job and
1135s and uh it just seems like every time I
1138s turn around
1139s it's somehow better than it was before
1141s you're just like well this is this is
1143s our Peak our Peak for this category and
1145s shows up oh no never mind I was
1148s wrong great thing to be wrong
1161s about get it thunder
1165s dragon welcome to the Thunder Dome
1172s I that Bel yes some trash talking a
1175s inanimate object in a video game I love
1178s okay I love item this was this was bad
1180s but I love items like this where you get
1181s it it's only T6 as well I think right
1183s yeah it's only T6 um but you find like
1186s uh exalted items that have my favorite
1189s is one it's just one t7 item um It's
1192s actually an interestingly appropriate uh
1195s exalted AIC for the base which is cool
1198s um but yeah you get these
1200s like uh single exalted AIX items and
1204s it's just such a blank slate it's just
1206s so wonderful to be able just do whatever
1207s you want to it usually just use a
1209s discovery on it anyways and it's like it
1211s dropped a bunch of stats but you
1221s know digal Baker jud's never heard that
1224s before don't
1227s worry
1230s I'm new welcome glad to have you with us
1233s but you can use experimental item to
1236s make a unique item legendary or is it
1238s only exalted items uh the
1242s only item or or the requirements for
1245s making an item to be legendary is that
1249s the item is exalted it requires an
1252s exalted item it um it it's very explicit
1256s in these
1257s instructions uh not this
1262s this right
1267s there yes a unique item uh unique and
1270s exalted item boom right
1282s there Mr fibble asks which Falconer
1286s skill are you most excited about
1297s um uh the the second
1301s one the second one the second one you
1304s unlock in your
1310s passives like the one the one that sits
1312s right right here where frostell sits for
1315s rud
1317s master
1321s is there is there a point I don't think
1322s there's any point in the middle of
1323s that's we hitting all
1325s three that push that push that's what I
1327s was talking about earlier that like that
1328s you can just like slide him
1330s along not he's using the ability
1332s apparently but
1334s yeah this this like I'mma push you a
1337s little bit got to get rid of that we're
1340s working on
1341s it I'm more confident in that being
1344s fixed now than I ever have been but it's
1345s not done yet so until it's ready
1356s I'm using an unspecialized version of
1358s glyphid dominion just to get um some
1361s like some uh well a to trigger the Rune
1364s easily but also to get some Buffs for
1366s standing in it and I wish it just like
1368s lasted a little bit longer but I mean I
1371s guess that makes sense cuz
1374s um like that's half the thing is you got
1376s to specialize it to get all the stuff
1377s out of it right
1391s all right more
1393s [Music]
1394s questions oh Kane agrees the second one
1397s is just so good yeah that's
1403s funny it's
1407s funny
1411s why am I excited about the second
1412s Falconer skill it's got It's
1414s got it's got a really solid feel to
1419s it you use it it just feels good jump
1424s there we
1430s go honestly all of them feel really good
1432s which is is such a great great
1437s thing
1452s jump haven't CH chop with that that
1455s quick tap on the dash that I do it ruins
1462s me uh any chance we can see DPS numbers
1465s on minions and totems in the tool tip
1467s DPS uh tool tips would be nice to know
1470s some things uh give more DPS or not um
1473s yes it is something that we are working
1475s on still it's uh back burner issue
1482s um they're they're not very accurate in
1484s general but yes it is good to see like
1486s oh did that have any effect at all yeah
1488s that that's nice
1490s um the really easy way to tell if you
1493s want to know if something affects a
1494s minion or not is does the stat say
1496s minion on it
1499s that's it it's all you need to
1501s know if the stat says minion it affects
1503s your minion if it doesn't say minion it
1505s doesn't affect your
1506s minion about it um the exceptions being
1510s attributes so like uh dexterity will
1513s affect some minions and intelligence
1514s will affect other minions and you know
1516s things like that so just look at the
1518s tool tips for the minion it'll tell you
1520s what affects it
1525s um
1527s yeah
1536s that big boom so
1540s good launch for Falcon September
1546s 21st September 21st oh my God February
1555s 21st do you remember
1561s the 21st night of
1568s September
1582s okay n is that my singing oh I mean I
1586s know it's terrible but yeah fair
1593s enough that what is it what is it what
1595s is it what is it I do it's a cool ring
1598s it just doesn't work
1602s here let's get some
1605s exalted
1606s [Music]
1612s relics I have not been drinking enough
1614s water lately and I've really noticed
1617s it
1619s like affecting me I don't like
1631s it uh to add the DPS number Thing cast
1634s speed impacts the DPS but not the actual
1638s damage we
1643s do uh will we ever see a clear number of
1646s how damage a certain how how much damage
1649s a certain skill does
1651s um
1654s the this this is going to sound weird we
1657s have no intention of giving you a
1658s perfect DPS
1661s calculation oh just out of
1665s range
1667s um cast speed of channeled abilities
1671s which
1672s is the the biggest discrepancy here does
1675s technically impact their DPS um
1680s um I'll be extremely
1688s negligibly um I don't know like how much
1691s just damage a hit's going to do it's one
1693s of those things where calculating it
1695s perfectly is the same as just
1700s like behind the scenes creating the
1702s thing you're gonna hit and like a fake
1705s version of it and like actually hitting
1707s it
1708s [Music]
1711s um cuz you don't know how much damage
1713s it's actually going to deal until it
1714s hits the thing because there's so many
1716s conditional
1717s effects they get calculated on the fly
1720s so the the game like if you have a
1723s fireball that you're about to cast
1727s um the game doesn't know necessarily how
1731s much damage that fireball is going to
1733s deal regardless of Target
1734s defenses um like whether it's going to
1737s be a a 100 damage Fireball or a 500
1739s damage Fireball it doesn't necessarily
1741s know that until the fireball is already
1743s in the air and then the fireball knows
1745s what it's going to do itself but the
1747s player doesn't ever know what the
1749s fireball is going to do and this is
1750s because there are effects that happen
1752s that get applied as as it's being cast
1756s so there's a lot of things that say like
1759s um like your
1761s next uh it's probably a bad example but
1764s yeah you get the idea your like your
1766s next fire ability does double Dam damage
1768s let's say you have say you had an effect
1769s like that your next fire spell does
1771s double damage
1773s um Fireball doesn't know that buff
1777s exists and um like with with how it's
1780s how it's applied to uh to your abilities
1783s and to your character and how it how it
1784s actually functions um that information
1786s doesn't get passed along uh to the
1789s ability until that ability technically
1791s already exists the the frame it exists
1794s that gets added onto it um so it's not
1797s like it's there there's some system
1798s sitting there going like okay well your
1799s next Fireball is going to do double
1801s damage um and Fireball knows this it's
1803s more like the next skill you use has a
1808s chance or has these these checks it goes
1811s through to see if it should get these
1813s effects
1815s um and it checks it checks a whole bunch
1817s of things it doesn't check just the ones
1818s you have which is I sounds terrible but
1820s it's fine and
1823s um you you end up with a bunch of a
1825s bunch of information that we we just we
1827s can't put on tool tips um at least we
1831s don't have a good way to put on tool
1832s tips now and um so we're we we kind of
1836s have to give up on the perfect tool tip
1839s DPS
1841s anyways
1843s um or or remove all those effects but
1846s those effects are
1856s sweet
1862s um but the as far as the the the how
1864s much damage we think it's going to do
1865s and how much the DPS is if you just look
1867s at the cast rate and divide it by the
1869s the DPS it's uh you get damage per
1885s hit that does that does include like
1889s ailments and lots of other supplementary
1892s effects so
1895s it's not super straightforward that's a
1898s sweet
1904s one it's neat
1915s but still dropping stuff
1922s that's still out
1926s there let's go this
1946s way
1953s yeah FS 916 I the
1960s question uh why not add a DPS timer all
1963s lost Arc um because we don't want to
1965s have
1968s it uh it would help tremendously to help
1970s understand DPS uh for faster for fast
1973s multi-hits or Dodge minions absolutely
1976s would
1984s uh any chance we're going to get some
1985s love for auto bombers in this game I
1987s mean there is a pretty
1989s big uh autobomber style archetype that
1991s already exists um not sure it needs a
1994s ton of
1999s love but uh having said that I have no
2001s information as to the status of
2005s potential balance changes one way or the
2007s other
2015s and frequently we kind of accidentally
2018s buff things where we'll like add in some
2021s new effect um maybe it'll be planned for
2024s one class um and helps another just sort
2028s of
2033s accidentally so you never really know
2035s until patch nuts go live
2043s those are some big
2046s boulders I they don't start off that way
2049s but they sure get that
2060s way I love that one the little like mini
2062s Glacier Cascade big
2065s fan that was when I was considering
2067s trying to set up a build around that it
2069s like specifically went for that one
2071s every single
2082s time I really want to something that I
2085s was brought up recently um that I still
2087s really want to do now that I was very
2089s against before but I've come around on
2090s is the icon shifting colors so like
2094s flame Rush right now is a cold flame
2096s Rush right like it's it's cold c y y y
2098s does all cold stuff makes cold runes
2100s it's blue um but the icon's still red
2102s now we've previously left the icon um as
2107s the base icon um very
2111s intentionally but I I've come around now
2113s and I'd like to see especially with R
2115s Master I'd like to see them switch to
2116s like this Frost wall being Fire have
2118s like a red version of it and it really
2120s can just be color pallet swaps like it
2121s doesn't need to be full redesigns of
2124s them it's actually probably better if
2126s it's just a color pallette swap because
2127s that way um the icon itself stays
2132s recognizable and the other the other
2134s option that I've heard recently that I
2135s really liked was like just a little like
2138s like a snowflake in in there so it's the
2141s these things these symbols but just like
2144s in the in the skill corner of the icon
2146s so you can see that it's been switched
2147s or something like that I think that'd be
2148s really cool
2156s too
2169s this one's really flashy but I don't
2171s find it actually that powerful
2173s interestingly
2176s enough it's pretty good to group but I'd
2178s rather just have the big
2181s boom all right okay a more in-depth
2184s question void knight uh I identify
2188s Mastery
2190s passive identify Mastery passive I know
2194s what that is uh don't support spells
2196s fully just the echo for spells but the
2198s damage increase has the melee tag oh I'm
2202s going to have to look at this any chance
2203s we get a change to General void damage
2205s and not only melee um I I have no
2208s information on upcoming changes to
2211s balance uh for the game
2214s um void Knight is is very very firmly
2218s focused as a melee class um and if this
2223s if we're just talking about the actual
2224s like the Mastery bonus um we really try
2228s to keep the Mastery bonuses focusing on
2231s specific themes that that class want
2233s that we we want to push in that class
2234s primarily and putting in sub themes
2237s there is usually something we
2240s avoid so if this is actually the Mastery
2243s passive
2244s itself um that's probably why it's not
2246s there
2248s and then like the generic answer of if
2250s you have a suggestion or something you
2251s like to see in the game please put it in
2252s the Forum uh in the appropriate section
2254s or on our Discord in the appropriate
2256s section uh that actually gets checked
2258s for things because I don't write stuff
2259s down from stream because I'm
2273s terrible got
2275s him I'll take look at what that is in a
2277s sec here now that I'm out of
2281s danger Prett C memory oh that's
2284s nice that's nice wonder how high this
2286s character's been we go to a really high
2289s Arena that might be fun to do an arena
2292s actually uh okay I'm going to go look
2294s for the VK
2298s identify Mastery
2300s passive sure what that
2303s is let's go
2306s look
2309s uh build
2310s planner easiest way to look at that
2312s isn't
2314s it void
2317s night void night
2321s passes void
2325s night
2327s ident ident no no there's nothing called
2336s ENT
2349s the echo okay I think I think we're
2352s talking I think we're talking about just
2353s the the Mastery
2355s passive so just like the 75% increase
2357s melee void damage and your melee attack
2359s throwing attacks and void spells have a
2361s 10% chance to be U repeated by the echo
2364s .5 seconds later
2368s yeah I mean it's it's it's designed
2370s primarily as a melee melee class so
2372s we're pushing that melee stuff pretty
2374s hard on there
2376s um it's probably why it's like
2381s that don't remember exactly though it's
2383s been a it's been a while since we've
2384s looked at a lot of the uh passive trees
2387s for some some older
2392s classes we generally try not to make the
2396s passive the Mastery passive bonuses too
2399s like overwhelmingly strong they're
2401s usually designed more as a
2405s um a a a primary signpost to players to
2408s be like here's here's here's a good idea
2411s of how to play this class here's some
2413s like key stats that are going to be
2414s useful for the vast majority of you in
2417s some way and it's a good indicator of
2419s like here's here's some here's a hint
2421s along the path of uh a an easy way to
2424s play this class that fits thematically
2426s in a in all that sort of stuff
2429s um but you know it's not have them be so
2432s strong that it's like oh if I'm not
2433s using my entire Mastery bonus this build
2435s is scuffed like we don't want that to be
2437s there so it's it's generally not as um
2440s mega
2447s powerful 7% increase that's like a like
2450s a T4 AIX or something like that that's
2452s that's lost out on it's not that
2454s much T3 or something I it's not that
2457s high I I don't know how high that goes
2459s can we find
2461s out
2462s uh how can we find out
2465s easily we just want
2469s increased uh spell damage really slap
2473s that on
2475s something I me there's there's 2011
2477s right now t7 t7 is 21 so T5 is probably
2481s 100 so T4 is probably pretty close 75
2483s yeah that's probably not far
2485s off
2489s could we could actually look it up
2491s here someone else look it
2494s up if you
2503s want all right moving on down the
2507s list uh when we get more Echoes will we
2511s be able to favor certain Echoes so be
2515s more common among the monolith we are in
2518s um
2525s no I mean you can you can um like
2528s manipulate which ones you get by just
2530s picking those ones in the Overworld like
2532s in in the
2535s map and not and each timeline has a
2538s different pool of Echoes that it pulls
2539s from so like The Echoes that exist in
2542s age of winter are different than the
2543s Echoes that exist in Rain of dragons and
2545s there is some overlap um there are some
2547s that's just generic I think for all of
2548s them and some that are like specific to
2550s only one and everything in
2555s between uh do you know any new unique
2558s Idols that will spice up the gameplay
2559s for some classes
2564s um someone was talking about a unique
2566s Idol the other day I don't know if it
2568s ever got
2569s added we we T there's unique Idols that
2571s get pitched all the time I have no idea
2573s if any are going into 1.0 or
2575s not
2587s any chance you're allowed to give us
2588s more than or less than numerical amount
2590s of new unique items coming to
2593s 1.0 um I uh most of the unique items
2597s come to 1.0 probably haven't even been
2598s conceptualized yet so no I
2605s can't
2607s but I would say my guess as just someone
2610s who's been involved with this game for
2612s quite a while is roughly similar to most
2614s other
2620s patches maybe a little bit more cuz we
2622s got two Mastery class is
2633s coming how's VK melee class Focus class
2635s with all of its abil ities are
2639s spells um well it's not all
2659s spells least they all have a spell
2661s component to them it's
2665s funny
2668s they all at least have a spell component
2670s like a triggered
2675s spell you got to remember the void night
2677s class as well it's not just the ones
2680s that sit here it's it's all of these and
2683s the ones that sit here that's the whole
2685s class so there's there's a lot of
2687s non-spell abilities in the in
2695s there but even even the ones that are
2697s just in this Row for the void they're
2698s not all
2703s spells uh thoughts on the brightness of
2707s the highlighted node SL item skills Etc
2710s after
2712s searching it is currently rather
2714s difficult to see the highlights um yeah
2716s I think they're great um if you don't
2718s and would like to see them possibly
2719s changed please leave uh suggestion
2724s feedback all those great things on the
2726s forms and
2730s stuff maybe maybe other people feel the
2732s same way and there'll be a discussion
2734s that
2735s starts um I don't
2741s know cuz it does more than just
2743s highlight the ones that exist there it
2744s also um Fades out the ones that don't
2746s fit like um
2750s crit not even
2752s crit um spell spell oh yeah there's some
2755s spell stuff there
2757s so yeah oh it doesn't fade them anymore
2759s it used to fade them
2760s interesting still I think it makes it
2763s pretty obvious which ones they
2765s are the motion really helps a
2778s lot we probably took the the dimming out
2781s of the other ones when we added the
2782s motion
2784s in would be my guest
2799s oh I have to L like a split second too
2802s long oh
2805s hello fancy meeting you here in my
2808s purple
2815s stew
2818s all right we just going to we we good to
2821s just Hammer this out like this
2838s huh nice ex sanguinous love to see it
2843s what a great item this is one of our
2845s very first qu uniques
2852s ever I mean on a rogue base that's
2854s actually a sweet
2856s item yeah there's those there's that
2859s like that single exalted aics item again
2863s cool oh it's a lot of int I am not a man
2867s of many
2868s pockets I'm not a man of many
2871s buckets so
2873s good what we even wearing
2877s some nice armor right there I don't know
2879s how we're going to do better than that
2880s plus three to Fireball that's
2882s neat I want to take those just to have
2885s the uh the plus three on the
2889s skill for some potential Shenanigans
2892s down the road let's just load up this
2895s bad
2899s boy did we get a
2902s [Music]
2904s no crumble Grumble
2908s Grumble
2920s shards all right any chance by chance
2923s any new uh idea of when Falconer will be
2926s released yes February
2931s 21st hi will there
2935s be
2936s will be ways to earn the passive we get
2939s from the campaign
2941s elsewhere uh something that keeps me
2943s from rolling all the time is redoing the
2945s story each time to get all the passives
2947s we don't really have any plans at the
2948s moment of uh changing where those quests
2951s rewards come
2958s from yeah I said that like there was G
2960s to be a follow-up statement there
2961s there's no followup statement then it's
2962s it just no um I guess if if you if you'd
2966s like to suggest that to be considered my
2968s advice would be to go to our forums and
2970s leave a suggestion
2974s there I know I say that a lot I just I I
2977s really don't write anything down from
2979s streams um I'm usually a little
2989s busy so glad to catch this live nice to
2993s meet everyone a question uh when it
2995s comes to boss
2997s design uh while there are T4 B dungeon
2999s bosses high level corruption bosses are
3002s there any other avenues that the team is
3003s looking for to explore dungeon
3007s explore for endgame boss content um yes
3010s absolutely um it won't be ready in time
3013s for 1.0 but having a pinnacle boss is
3015s kind of
3017s the possibly most important missing
3019s feature of the game right now
3023s um other than stuff coming in one point
3026s know uh but yes so we we we definitely
3028s need to have a a clear like Benchmark
3033s boss um Pinnacle boss something or you
3036s can say like like Diablo I didn't have
3039s likeing the original Diablo 2 didn't
3040s have Diablo at the end it's kind of
3042s where we are where there's just no like
3044s this is this is the hardest thing you
3046s can do like here's the boss you
3052s know um we definitely need that and it
3055s is something that we have we've been
3056s we've been talking about like different
3057s designs for um how that's going to fit
3061s into a larger mechanic so instead of it
3062s just being like a
3065s um there's there's a there's a door that
3068s opens at the end of time and if you walk
3070s through you go fight the final boss of
3072s the game all right sweet good go have
3074s fun um you know like that's just the
3076s most there there there's no like leadup
3078s event to it we want to have that sort of
3081s um that that anticipation and
3084s progression towards unlock talking and
3087s have it tie into the story line nicely
3088s and you know all like have it possibly
3090s tie into other endgame systems um as far
3093s as like maybe you have to complete
3094s certain things to unlock it or um
3096s there's like pieces to unlock the door
3098s that you need to find that drop randomly
3101s or you know there's something like
3104s that there's lots of different things
3106s the the the the easy example I
3108s frequently give when this question comes
3109s up is the um pandemonium event in D2 of
3114s um finding the organs and or finding the
3116s keys and fighting the organs and then um
3119s unlocking chaos
3121s trst which is a lot different than just
3123s like walking up to a car and being like
3125s yo girl I'm ready let's go hop hop in my
3129s minivan
3131s um us and the Gang are going to go solve
3134s a mystery no um we we want to we want to
3137s have it be a proper event like that and
3140s um so we are looking at like how we want
3144s that to come together and
3146s um have that boss fight be really
3148s special but yes it is absolutely needed
3151s and something we are working
3160s on it's something I've been writing down
3163s like little notes I've got like a few
3165s sticky notes on my phone not literal
3167s sticky notes but like digital ones that
3170s I uh write down things for different
3172s categories as I see them so like um
3178s one of them's a list of challenge ideas
3182s for a hypothetical Taskmaster style
3185s situation if anyone's ever seen that
3186s show um if I ever see something that's
3188s like oh that would make a sweet
3189s challenge I always I just write it down
3193s um
3195s and a few other things but yes one of
3197s them is boss
3204s mechanics
3216s nice this pill just it just flows that's
3220s that's the word that's the word it
3225s flows I I was never given the name of
3227s the person who it was and I'm sorry I
3228s never said your name on stream whoever
3230s it was awesome I really appreciate
3234s it
3239s I think we might go back to
3241s my um my rogue next
3245s week just just cuz my rogue's terrible
3247s and I love playing my rogue oh no that's
3250s me
3252s dead saw it saw it happening feel it
3256s happening but that's mean
3263s indeed any consider consideration to
3265s make faster for alt characters uh to
3268s enter endgame like opening and powerered
3270s monoliths and experience bonus till
3272s catch up to the main or something um we
3275s do have plans
3277s to uh speed up the empowered unlock for
3282s follow-up characters in a cycle so um I
3287s don't think that's I don't think that's
3289s 1.0 plan
3292s um maybe I don't think so we but we do
3296s have plans to make it so that your
3297s empowered empowered monolith unlocks
3300s faster on Fallout characters so I think
3302s that's that's usually a pretty frequent
3305s um uh play player power to content U
3310s discrepancy happens pretty quickly there
3312s with empowered monolith because you are
3314s U because you are forced to unlock them
3316s on every character you can't you can't
3318s just jump ahead
3321s um
3323s and like like with with with love a
3325s character you can you can jump ahead
3327s pretty easily um but getting the
3331s actual uh empowered unlocked is still a
3334s hard requirement of the 390 timelines
3336s that's also thing as well it's if you if
3337s you are looking to unlock that faster um
3340s you know get get someone to to warp you
3342s in the in the monel of Fate to the to
3344s the level 90 ones because you don't need
3345s to do all the ones leading up to you
3346s only need to do the level
3348s 90s
3350s the oh it's 85 now yeah yeah the 390s
3353s are the only ones you actually have to
3354s do to unlock fed
3369s [Music]
3375s owed let's try out Force move I just I
3377s just remember that we got that added to
3379s the
3380s game let's try let's try slapping
3382s somethingone on Force move oh gosh I'm
3383s just going to die if I do this y
3394s uh what was that
3404s D I just got like a a a notification
3407s sound for
3412s something don't know what that was for
3417s Force move let's bind it to space
3418s already in use you want replace it what
3420s is it in use
3430s for might
3434s crazy Escape does not close
3444s that
3450s does
3451s it okay nice it doesn't click things
3453s like this good
3455s job I don't think I don't think we're
3457s ready killed us last time we're not
3459s we're not ready for
3462s that all right challenge every time you
3464s die you leak a word from the description
3466s of your favorite Falcon ability ah
3469s unfortunately I'm not allowed to do
3473s that sorry
3480s Arcane Warriors Arcane Quill of Hope
3483s sounds so
3485s like
3487s backwards Warriors
3491s Arcane
3494s F sometimes you just have to ask again
3496s he'll likely see you when you add him
3498s yeah yeah that's that's the problem
3502s because I am
3504s blind
3518s I found the original question will we
3520s ever get extra lives for monolith Echoes
3522s or dungeons like Path of Exile portals
3525s um we don't have any specific plans for
3527s that I do really like how um the the
3531s inherent pressure that a that the The
3534s Limited number of port
3535s puts on
3538s um map in and out and map live so to
3542s speak I it is is a really fantastic
3544s system and the way it works is it it's
3546s done really well and it it's there's I'm
3549s I'm not surprised at all that it's been
3552s so there's been so few changes to that
3556s system so few major changes anyways to
3558s that system um from like early on in the
3560s game like it's kind
3562s of and and I could be wrong about that
3564s but it doesn't seem like it's Chang much
3565s to me um it's it's very solid we don't
3569s have any specific plans for something
3570s like
3578s that I mean you kind of do it's just
3579s that number is
3583s one if I'm going to be a jerk about
3589s it those things hit like a
3594s truck
3598s like a
3606s truck I do think especially it's if like
3609s I think it's especially important to
3610s look at the um if we're looking at the
3612s dungeons or sorry let me rephrase this
3614s if we're talking about the the whole
3616s like respawn life thing with the portals
3618s and and maps and stuff the sort of like
3620s the comparison there is I think more
3623s towards dungeons
3626s um and and personally that comes from
3628s the standpoint of the the extra mechanic
3630s that you get um and and learning that
3633s because there is an actual cost so the
3635s um like the maps maps have retries
3638s because
3639s there's I guess the difference between
3640s maps in Echoes and why they get retries
3643s and you don't in Echoes partially is
3645s because there's there's no cost to um to
3649s opening up an echo there is there's an
3651s like sorry there's there's an
3652s opportunity cost but there's no um
3655s material
3659s cost like in Poe if you got say zero
3663s retries um and you just you open you
3666s open the map and you immediately left or
3669s you immediately died in the very first
3670s mob and you got nothing um it's the
3672s exact same as taking that map item out
3674s of your inventory and throwing it on the
3676s ground and stepping on it doing nothing
3677s with it um but with last Deo if you do
3681s the same thing all you've done is wasted
3683s a few seconds really and and the
3685s opportunity to get that reward if you
3688s were
3689s successful um so because it kind of
3691s comes at the end and not as like an
3693s actual item cost that you are uh sinking
3696s into that like as an investment there's
3698s nothing to invest there's the word I was
3699s looking for investment um because
3701s there's no upfront
3702s investment it's less important that
3704s there's extra tries I think um it's not
3707s to say that there's not a good reason to
3709s have exercise but just it's it's less of
3711s a like hey we got to have this type
3713s fature
3728s hello how am I today I'm good today
3731s thank you how are you
3742s today I feel like the like the second
3745s last poptart in the
3749s Box you know like it's delicious and
3752s there's still stuff left in the tank but
3754s oh it's getting
3773s low
3777s yeah this is the problem with having
3779s awesome gear it's hard to find
3783s gear how many active players will
3785s satisfy you in Le after 1.0 release I
3790s have
3791s like I the there's the I I don't know
3794s the numbers that that are like necessary
3797s to like break even or the numbers that
3800s are necessary to like make money or like
3802s you know you know any any of those
3803s things I I have no idea about the
3805s financials of these things
3811s um I I would love to see all of the
3815s people having fun you know like let's go
3819s crank up the numbers awesome
3825s um so I i' I'd be really excited to see
3829s a new Peak a new a new player Peak
3832s personally I I always get excited when I
3834s see a new player Peak that's cool um I
3836s try really hard not to look at the
3837s numbers too often
3840s um I try I try I try my best I try my
3844s best to uh to have a real Field of
3846s Dreams attitude towards it
3852s um I think it's field dreams never saw
3854s if they build it they will if you build
3855s it they will come y y y
3858s um and and just just you know like
3860s letting it letting letting the game be
3862s what the game is um and just you know
3866s make the best game we can
3872s make that's those are nice starting
3874s points for
3876s boots what boots are we rolling we are
3878s we are rolling some pretty
3881s nice I mean if we can find another two
3884s LP last steps we
3887s can we we can make another roll with
3889s that cuz that those
3891s are those are pretty boots right there
3894s not to
3897s what CTIC resistance not
3901s bad like armor on boots is
3904s fantastic there's lightning res
3907s really void res is decent something else
3910s on boots that's really good though isn't
3912s there might be a
3917s prefix let's just go for all the way to
3919s the top we got lots actually let's try
3922s let's let's try for The Cheeky seal
3928s we got it but we nuked it at the same
3937s time T4 sealed that's that's pretty hot
3939s you don't see that very
3945s often chances are low there's there's
3948s that uh per head his video that that got
3951s the numbers right on
3953s that
3957s lightless and soulfire we kind of want
3960s temporal sanctum we just got the other
3963s two I still I still I'm still waiting on
3967s the uh the key the key exchanger the key
3982s combiner no
3990s Oh I thought I was going to go over for
3995s sure oh so close to
4001s 96 So
4005s Close by crafting and killing a rare I
4008s feel
4010s inate don't worry I'm uh not playing in
4014s the the hardest I I got I was given this
4017s build um and uh for the contest that we
4022s we did so it's the contest winners build
4024s um and I I'm pretty I'm putting it in a
4029s pretty understated area from what it can
4031s do so it's uh speaks more to how well
4033s they made their character than how well
4035s I play it by a
4041s lot maybe we can bump the corruption up
4043s on this I think let's do it let's go
4045s let's go for a little corruption
4048s bump uh you make one of my best playing
4050s games right now thank you thanks that
4052s epic game you did sorry for my English
4054s your English is fantastic
4059s friend Mike being pretty immoral looks
4061s like no teaser stream no I've got I I've
4063s got one you you gave it what no but
4065s you're the one that gave okay fine you
4067s know what just just for that you know
4069s you're going to taunt me like
4073s that
4077s there we go so this is a uh preview of
4082s uh a scene variance test Sy uh system
4084s that we're been developing um so it's a
4088s a system where we can take a scene and
4092s um basically just I actually don't know
4095s what it goes into making all these
4096s differences but from what I understand
4097s it's a pretty minimal amount of work to
4098s go to change it like once it's been set
4100s up properly there's pretty minimal
4102s minimal amount of work to actually
4103s change it from
4104s uh one of these to another one of these
4107s and um we can so we can get some pretty
4108s dramatically different looking scenes
4110s out of similar
4113s um like layouts and um like the the bulk
4118s of the work you can get some pretty
4119s different feels out of
4122s it yeah we've been we've been working on
4126s a lot of the tools for like level design
4129s and tools for uh environmental design
4132s and things like that to to to give them
4134s the ability to make more cool stuff and
4137s here's a little preview on
4140s uh what's been coming out
4151s recently yeah it's such it's it's it's
4154s so funny because like none of the pieces
4156s in the world are changing it's just the
4158s like um the lighting and you know like
4162s environmental effects that are happening
4163s and yeah
4164s I I think it's I think it's so cool how
4166s how Stark of a difference they can get
4168s from
4169s just all these all these other like
4171s special effects changes and lighting
4174s changes lighting lighting is one of
4176s those things I've tried I've watched so
4178s many tutorials and um done like little
4182s lighting test projects and um you know
4186s trying to set up lighting and
4187s post-processing nicely in different
4189s situations and learning exactly the
4190s details on how that works and like every
4192s time I get um I get near the end of it
4195s and I'm just like ah okay well I can do
4198s it in that one very specific situation
4200s but I'm not good enough to like look at
4202s a situation and say hey what could this
4206s use in those departments to make them
4207s look better and feel better and play
4208s better all sort of stuff it's the people
4211s that do that props you're
4217s awesome let's keep going let's have some
4220s fun there a reup on the info on the
4223s stream if you have any questions please
4224s feel free to ask them put at last game
4226s in the question and I'll be happy to
4227s answer it as always we stream for
4229s charity boom we're doing Food Bank stuff
4231s today all month long
4234s um I'm playing a build from a contest
4237s winner
4238s recently but I'm loving on our brand new
4242s class The Room
4243s Master I called the character contest
4247s winner or someone else yes the person
4250s games be called it that
4253s right
4255s yeah
4257s mod yes yes all right I know the focus
4261s is on 1.0 at the moment but any talks on
4265s Xbox um yes and no um so we're not doing
4268s expansions the way uh you you uh
4271s historically would assume expansions
4273s would be for games in general So like um
4276s if we're going to look at like World of
4277s Warcraft as an example for like typical
4279s expansions we're not doing that um where
4282s they say all right uh uh here's here's a
4285s bunch of new content awesome new stuff
4288s um if you everyone who's bought the
4290s expansion can play together and it's
4292s super awesome um and like that system
4295s works fantastic for a lot of games um
4298s but we are we're we're looking at more
4300s of a Poe style expansion process where
4304s we more of a live service
4306s model style um oh for where
4312s we every everyone like there's no
4315s there's no there's no box to buy for the
4317s next
4318s expansion um it's just like here's
4321s here's a huge patch with a bunch of
4322s stuff and there's cool there's new
4324s activities there's new items there's new
4326s skills maybe there's new Mastery class
4329s way off but um well one point0 there
4332s will be and uh like all new cool stuff
4335s to do here's like maybe there's new
4336s Cosmetics that show up maybe there's new
4338s like activities to do new other cool fun
4340s stuff you know various different things
4342s um ladder reset
4344s uh all the sort of stuff and like here's
4346s your expansion um but everyone can
4350s access it you don't have to it's if if
4352s if Timmy spends $1,000 on MTX and Johnny
4355s spends $ zero on MTX they both still can
4357s play all the same content together
4359s because they both bought ding the base
4364s game so yeah we are we we' we've got the
4368s first um I know the first like 1.0 uh
4372s 1.1 the cont for 1.1 is planned um
4376s there's already people working on it in
4378s a in a few departments so there's like
4380s we've we've managed to get ahead in a
4382s couple
4383s departments
4386s um so there's there's now people working
4388s on 1.1 content for certain things that
4391s will allow us to um you know get that
4394s stuff out the door faster and and this
4395s is something that I know Po's talked
4397s about a lot about and how they do their
4398s development where they um like their for
4402s example their art department will say
4404s okay we're going to make a uh like a
4406s whole bunch of like a a big patch almost
4409s expansion worth of stuff in this style
4412s and we're going to like make characters
4413s and make uh models and animation and VFX
4416s and you know all the sorts of things and
4417s and sort of like put them on the shelf
4419s and say hey when we need them they're
4420s here um and so we're not exactly doing
4423s that sort of thing exactly but um we are
4425s trying to get ahead a little bit for
4427s specific plans we have on upcoming
4429s content so that we can um you know get
4432s that out faster get that out smoother
4433s have more time for testing um we've
4436s we've been working very much uh you know
4439s last second everything everything coming
4441s up at the very last moment very very
4443s much uh living up to our
4446s name and um I mean it's been it's been a
4449s wild ride and great and everything but
4452s uh and and we've been I think producing
4454s some great content I think we'll make
4456s even better content if we're able to uh
4458s get ahead of things a little
4462s bit
4464s all right do you think you'll be doing
4466s anything like a holiday event this
4468s winter within the game maybe a transmog
4470s or pet uh no not this year um this year
4474s we are a little too heavily focused on
4476s 1.0 and getting that out the door that
4478s we don't really have time for anything
4479s that's not completely
4481s necessary um so it'll
4485s be uh there won't be any big holiday
4487s event this year in last Epoch
4489s unfortunately but that is the style of
4491s thing that I know a lot of us have um um
4494s shown a lot of interest in in doing it's
4496s and it's it's really fun to be able to
4497s say like uh to to make temporary events
4501s that are possibly a little less strict
4505s on the
4509s um uh the like World building being
4512s adhered to 100% So like
4516s um it's it's it's a lot harder to
4519s justify a Santa hat MTX in July than it
4522s is in December you know
4525s know not suggesting that we're going to
4527s add a Santa hat at all to the game but
4529s just um you don't necessarily need to be
4531s quite as perfect with um with the style
4535s of things that you you feel comfortable
4537s adding when you've got like a an event
4539s to associate it with like a holiday
4544s event oh my that
4552s ke
4556s oh yeah we got our passive point oh
4558s should we just put up here we should put
4559s up here right oh I got a four that gets
4561s that that's probably what we're looking
4562s for
4564s there plus one spell
4566s damage cannot hurt plus one spell damage
4569s is so
4576s good I got an interesting question um
4580s about I think it was on the on the our
4582s Discord um about why we use so the
4586s amount you may notice that the
4589s corruption is this going to stay yeah
4591s dang it the corruption that we have can
4593s I do this haha nailed it uh the
4597s corruption that we grant for
4601s um uh
4603s completing one of these Echoes off off
4605s the web to reset
4607s it is based on the uh on the on the
4611s distance from that Echo to the center
4615s um and and you may notice that things
4617s are all the Echoes are laid out on rings
4621s that come out from the center basically
4624s um and the distance
4628s here is what matters for how much
4631s corruption it actually gives you and and
4634s anything that scales off of the like how
4636s far into the the E into the timeline you
4638s are all all is is distance to Center not
4641s number of steps to Center uh so we don't
4644s we don't count like one two three four
4646s five along this path to see how long it
4647s took to get there we look at just the
4649s sheer distance in straight line which is
4651s why both of these two have the exact
4653s same
4654s stats um
4657s and uh because there's there's something
4659s that there's something interesting that
4660s happens in that if you what you could do
4662s is you could take a very long and
4664s Winding Way Out to the side here maybe
4667s you maybe you convince it to like snake
4669s around snake around snake around snake
4671s around snake around and like get to a a
4673s point down here or something like that
4674s like let's just say let's just say you
4675s managed to do that somehow and so you've
4677s got this this point that's actually
4679s really close to the
4681s center
4682s geographically but number of steps to
4684s get to the center you got to go all the
4686s way around the outside it's like 100
4687s steps or something to actually get to
4688s the center
4691s um without knowing exactly how it's
4694s calculated it's it's kind of impossible
4695s to to make sense of hey why is this
4697s one's so expensive or so so much stuff
4700s and one that's maybe uh a same distance
4703s but like a straight line why is it so
4705s little and then say you connect back up
4708s to it so you've come you come all the
4709s way around the outside and then you then
4711s you go back to the center and you come
4712s down and you connect to it does that
4715s node
4717s recalculate and if it does recalculate
4720s how does it recalculate if it's based on
4722s the number of steps does it go with the
4723s newest thing does it go with the longest
4725s thing does it go with the shortest thing
4727s um and and so it's it's I guess that's
4730s the the short version of why we do
4734s geometric distance instead of graph
4751s distance that was a friendly
4754s neighborhood ramble brought to you by me
4756s catching up in understand questions in
4760s chat distraction
4766s look at all those look at all those
4767s those those
4770s ailments oh my goodness
4774s me I
4786s am should we standing
4792s closer
4795s Ride the
4796s Lightning I'm
4801s dead
4805s oh the glow I I think I know what's
4808s happening the glow around your health
4810s that blue glow based on Ward when you
4812s die needs to vanish right away I
4815s think it's not Vanishing fast
4818s enough I I I don't like that was so much
4821s damage I don't think there's any way I
4822s can spec up I mean void and poison was
4825s what I was doing and my void poisoners
4827s are the
4828s weakest so I mean maybe there's
4830s something there maybe let do a different
4832s one and get a better role or keep going
4836s and fight the
4839s Boss Pro
4843s strats all right I've been getting some
4846s koi remarks from some EHD people about
4850s something coming up for primalist
4852s Scorpion
4853s uh any potential light you are free to
4856s shed on that or n um surprising
4859s confusion would be my light that I can
4861s spread on
4867s that so no sorry got
4870s nothing as someone who is intimately
4873s involved with the uh skill development I
4877s would be surprised if there was a major
4880s scorpion update in 1.0 even a minor
4882s scorpion update one point
4884s now maybe like some bug
4901s fixes uh you did a fantastic job I'm
4904s looking forward to warlock warlock be a
4906s DOT um thank you very much that's
4908s awesome I can't give you any info on
4910s what warlock's going to be I'm sorry
4916s Santa
4918s confirmed yeah put that Triangle Away uh
4921s do you have any plans to make the
4922s Gambler useful again um not in the sense
4925s you're asking for because it's already
4926s useful for different scenarios than what
4928s you're hoping
4930s for uh right now he provides no real
4932s gear upgrades or advantages
4934s while while
4937s leveling except while leveling I think
4939s you but yes
4941s um the the gambler is really a leveling
4943s tool right
4950s now what am I doing to set this one up
4953s because i' I've decided I don't like
4954s this one as much as the other options
4956s I've
4958s got right now Necromancer is very
4960s squishy uh is it intended or do you plan
4963s to change this um I mean we want every
4966s class to roughly have similar
4968s survivability
4969s levels
4972s um and and like sometimes that
4974s survivability comes
4976s from non-standard sources so like things
4979s you can't really represent with
4981s numbers
4988s um CU like a lot a lot of times you'll
4991s like in in like traditional I'm just
4994s just talking in general here um like
4997s freezing something while an offensive
5000s ability really is a defensive action you
5003s can take um because it stops attacking
5007s you you know same with stunning and
5008s fearing and always like hard cc is is
5011s really a defensive action as much as it
5012s an offensive action um and so the like
5016s overall survivability of a of a
5018s character sometimes is higher than its
5021s squishiness
5029s Factor oh give me that
5031s despair burn two two of them earlier on
5033s boots that just
5039s went all
5045s right what do you think about Weavers
5049s will items getting experimental
5051s affixes
5053s um I I I think that's a neat suggestion
5059s I don't
5061s know
5064s do we try and grab there some good ones
5066s here ah let's just go for
5071s it Forward onto the
5080s breach
5083s etal all
5086s right burn to Ash Eternal Flame oh get
5091s out of there please
5095s Mike you will be out okay I'm going to
5098s line this
5099s up
5104s perfect
5106s burn didn't do
5112s great can I get that to go to five I
5114s think I can I know the one that you make
5117s through your Rune bolts can go to
5120s Five burn to embrace the
5134s flame you will be snuffed out you will
5138s be snuffed out Eternal
5143s Flame I walked right into
5146s it let's see I get another question to
5148s answer while I'm doing this
5151s AME
5157s are there plans to make the grind to
5160s empower mon faster and or sh wave yeah
5162s so what I was talking about earlier um
5164s we do plan to add a add a method whereby
5168s you can speed up the process to unlock
5171s empowered monoliths for secondary
5173s characters in a shared stash situation
5177s so like
5180s um if you if you already have a if you
5182s have two characters one of them has EMP
5184s powered monolith
5185s unlocked um and one that doesn't and
5188s they share and they both have access to
5189s the same stash there will be a way to
5191s use that first one to get that second
5193s one
5195s umal unlocking the empowered model
5200s faster and it's like the most vague way
5203s I could have put that um but I don't
5205s have any details I can share with you
5206s right
5211s now
5215s you
5218s will doing okay right
5222s now I am a little bit concerned when one
5224s of them breaks off what's n is
5230s fine trying to take them all down as f
5232s as as evenly as possible if can be
5237s done burn to
5240s ashes erupt
5243s for a
5250s bit little Cascade
5258s going Embrace
5262s theame oh that was a closer one than I
5266s would have liked you will be soul my
5270s soul
5271s Burns
5288s just that moment when you need calling
5291s all right we got there we are having
5294s such a tough time
5297s fighting the the one we're looking for
5301s here all right all right 55% fail 56
5305s oh that's there we
5312s go I think uh I think Frailty is what
5316s we're looking at just the one% bump and
5319s Frailty and we'll we'll take it and
5321s we'll like
5324s it hear
5328s me that's a cool
5331s amulet
5342s we did it we did we cranked out and
5346s power model there that was
5350s sweet
5352s uh XP items confirmed no I want to be
5354s very clear XP items very strictly
5357s unconfirmed we are not doing XP items
5361s no
5367s it's not it's not an attempt to make
5369s it's uh so just be clear the goal is not
5371s to make your second and third and fourth
5373s followup characters um stronger it's to
5376s give them access to challenging
5379s content at an appropriate pace so
5382s assuming that you have um you have
5385s character that's already like level 90
5387s or something that's doing EMP powerered
5388s monolith and it's doing well and it's
5389s finding lots of gear and you're finding
5391s this gear that's maybe not for your
5392s character character but it's for other
5393s ones and you're like okay I've got
5394s enough stuff here with this one
5395s character to like kit out another one
5398s and so I kit that one out really early
5401s and it goes into regular monol and that
5402s one goes oh this is way too easy and
5405s you're just like okay well this is kind
5406s of boring for a few hours while I unlock
5408s empowered monoliths instead we want to
5410s have that that process there where
5411s you've given them a ton of gear um and
5414s they're able and they're they are you've
5415s already made them better um and they're
5417s able to get into those EMP power models
5419s a little bit
5421s faster
5424s oh I got another
5428s one okay
5432s okay here we
5436s go should save this if I
5443s die
5451s uh just a second whoop not that it's
5457s okay please wait your call is important
5460s to us it will be answered in the order
5461s was
5468s received if this is the first thing
5470s you've tried you definitely haven't gone
5471s online to Google if this is possible
5473s first like everyone always does every
5475s time
5478s um please go to our website and try to
5480s download the fix there
5483s but we know it will not work and you'll
5485s need to stay on the line
5501s anyways and boom here
5505s is a replacement to the crow enemy this
5508s is not the Falcon I want to be very
5510s clear this is not the falcon good uh
5513s this is an
5516s enemy
5520s um and so yeah this is new new new new
5523s stuff going in for enemies new model
5527s which looks so
5534s good yeah uh MOX J is great to have you
5536s here I'm I'm like thanks for checking
5538s out the game welcome uh if you're a new
5541s player I can get some resources in chat
5543s for you that you can like get adjusted
5544s to things U but no this is this is not
5546s the Falcon coming up this is actually
5549s the uh a new Crow enemy yeah just just
5551s in
5557s case moderator
5561s tag that's the game director if anyone's
5571s wondering
5573s let's go hop in you know what I want to
5575s do I want to do
5577s a uh light server I just like this one I
5581s know I'm gonna get my butt kicked I
5582s don't care I just want to do
5588s it this is the second Falconer
5591s skill no no no no no
5596s no let's upload stuff I'm such a packrat
5600s with this I'm just like yeah let's just
5601s keep all why not right it's
5607s fine oh tier three do we do it yeah
5609s let's go for
5611s it be a glutton for punishment it's
5615s fine feel like there was a question I
5617s missed let's go back and answer
5621s them I see what you mean about
5623s survivability not always being higher
5624s number but some factors like armor or
5627s endurance are useful in any situation
5628s while cc is often useless against bosses
5631s very true
5634s um and and we do look to give I guess
5637s specifically CC may not have been the
5639s best example uh to put out there so like
5642s um maybe an example
5645s for
5647s um for specifically U minions
5649s Necromancer minions like you were
5650s talking about is
5654s um just get this yeah okay okay yeah I
5656s I'm here I'm
5658s good um specifically Necromancer minions
5661s is is the the number of projectiles that
5664s hit you um so just like having a meat
5668s Shield standing in front of you or a
5669s series of meat Shields standing in front
5671s of you will reduce the number of random
5673s errant arrows that just fly into you uh
5677s and and deal damage which which then
5679s therefore reduces the amount of damage
5681s you take overall so like there's there
5682s are there's lots of secondary things
5684s that we do we do consider when we're
5687s talking about um we're talking
5690s internally about defensive layers and
5692s like who has access to what defensively
5694s and all sort of stuff um and we know
5696s it's not as uh even as a lot of people
5701s would like and there are certain
5705s unintuitive uh squishier classes overall
5709s that
5710s um you know we are looking at the best
5713s ways to solve these situations
5720s still
5728s just thought i' let you know your beard
5731s is majestic thank
5733s you I appreciate
5737s that I love having my
5744s beard you know who had a great beard
5747s beard Ted lasso yeah fantastic
5750s beard
5753s it's that really like the the the
5756s the like tight where where you know the
5760s like it's that same consistently the
5763s whole way through mine mine is
5769s um there's there's there's some there's
5771s some trickery to make it look like it's
5772s not patchy in
5780s parts
5782s but I've got like right right on like if
5786s you put your thumb on like the underside
5787s of your jaw so it's like just right
5791s there there's like a ball patch in my
5792s beard just doesn't grow
5799s there forgot about my
5809s Ember shed in darkness super tough yeah
5811s yeah I get it
5815s okay uh will we be getting a refund to
5818s all option for Passive points
5823s yes uh remember to tag last game you a
5826s question seen by Mike yes please do
5828s remember to tag me so I see it um I'll
5832s take a little looky up at what that was
5834s for I'm sorry I'll repeat my question
5838s that's okay do you plan uh for some
5840s tweaks on the mono
5843s like Deli in Poe for example or some
5846s idea around am I okay I'm
5849s not
5851s um and influences from the bosses or
5854s something like Random Encounters Etc yes
5857s so there's lot lots of stuff there I
5859s don't really want to get into specifics
5860s about exactly how we're going to do
5862s things like this um and I don't want to
5864s I don't like tying answers to things
5866s like this to specific mechanics in other
5868s games necessarily um
5872s just because they're you can sometimes
5874s be like okay well they're going to add a
5875s system like this to the game and then
5877s when it's sort of just like tangentially
5879s related it's not exactly the same
5880s because after we half implemented it
5882s we're like oh gosh we've got to change
5883s this major thing to make it work in our
5885s game um sometimes people can be a little
5887s disappointed for it I don't I don't want
5888s to set people up for disappointment but
5890s having said that yes the the types of
5893s things we are looking at um do include a
5896s little bit more involved systems and
5898s also just um you know you know
5900s unexpected I keep keep using this term
5902s unexpected content and it's really the I
5904s think the Crux of it's not a term we set
5906s out to use but um it's one that I've
5908s someone said in stream I think I really
5910s like it now
5912s um and and just just having things that
5915s surprise you uh it's something we are
5918s looking to add into the game and um that
5922s we don't have enough
5930s of
5946s spark charges there we go that's a nice
5948s one
5954s actually no the falconer has
5957s fingers the falconer does have
5960s fingers
5964s remember it's still still still uh base
5966s model is the same as the Rogue
5970s still oh we dropped down to 97 run
5975s ruined that would be a cool achievement
5978s um do do lightless Arbor without ever
5981s dropping below
5983s 100 light is that actually called
5987s illumination basically
5990s light
5994s it's another thing I it's another one of
5995s the notepad that I that I have the
5997s sticky notes that I lists that I have is
6000s um cool
6015s achievements I got learn what that one
6017s is to start taking
6019s it I don't pay attention I'm just like
6021s press the invocation it's going to be
6022s sweet and it is still
6026s sweet all right will there be a level
6029s requirement to join factions or will you
6031s be able to join them right away
6034s [Music]
6038s um the initial
6042s so I I don't think there's a level
6047s requirement
6050s um
6053s if we are talking single player let's
6055s just like let's let's ignore the
6056s multiplayer question for side of the
6058s question for a
6059s second um if we're talking single player
6062s there are
6065s some
6067s skers jumped a little bit
6072s uh single player the first time the the
6075s way the way you'll unlock your your
6076s faction access the first time through
6078s the campaign there will be a specific
6080s story event at a specific point in the
6081s campaign um and it'll be uh it'll be a
6085s quest it'll be part of the main
6085s storyline quest Quest chain you'll
6089s um you'll complete the quest and you'll
6092s gain access to one of the item factions
6094s well both but you'll pick one
6097s and
6103s um back to 100 there we are um SE
6108s subsequent characters that go through
6110s will have access to pick a a um a
6113s faction affiliation for that follow-up
6115s character earlier on in the campaign you
6116s won't have to wait all the way till the
6118s end um and a lot of this has to do with
6120s the fact that
6123s um like a a lot of the stuff you're
6126s accessing on these followup characters
6127s you'll if if you're circle of Fortune
6128s you're going to want those circle of
6129s Fortune drops to kick in as soon as
6130s possible it's basically what it is
6140s um
6143s what
6145s what no what no but
6150s oh I don't know how that
6153s happened or white kicked us out to here
6156s that's
6158s weird it's the wrong it's the wrong
6160s place altogether oh hey person who's
6162s this secretly a Yeti hello secretly a
6166s Yeti I have found you not so secret now
6169s are you Mr Yeti
6172s I cannot do
6174s that I'm not even going to try it not
6177s not even going to try
6180s it
6184s uh our time is running our time is
6187s running short reforming the epoch is the
6191s only hope we have what am I
6195s doing the sers they got a really cool
6200s name let's go let's go fail at sire
6205s Bastion if I can remember the hotkeys
6207s for
6222s things all right will there be a
6224s wardrobe so you can switch between two
6226s sets of skills passives items for
6228s different builds the same character um
6231s um I'm going to I'm going to answer this
6233s as a so so generally no uh we don't plan
6236s on that right now
6238s um the closest system in a similar game
6241s that i' referen this to usually is the
6243s armory in Diablo II whereby you can at
6247s the Press of a couple buttons switch
6249s everything wholesale over to another
6253s character um when you want to uh drop
6257s your specialization on a on um a skill
6260s like you want to switch one skill to a
6262s different as would be part of this um
6265s requirement there is an experience cost
6267s after you switch that requires you to
6269s relevel the skill this system would
6271s bypass that completely so we'd have to
6273s strip the respect cost out completely um
6277s the system does would also respect your
6279s passives which have a gold cost
6283s um uh so like this would this would have
6287s to pay that same gold cost too which is
6289s you know like there there's all these
6290s costs are associated with these resps
6291s though these systems
6294s would wouldn't be fantastic they
6296s wouldn't sit
6299s nice um we're just going to speed
6302s through this till we get there is that
6304s just boring I think that's just boring
6305s let's let's let's go do let's go do a
6310s mon let's go here and
6313s doow so uh short answer basically no
6318s um but
6324s there might there might be
6325s something if we ever Implement a uh like
6329s a planning system whereby you can like
6332s load in here and maybe it puts like um
6335s like you've planned out what your
6337s build's going to be and so you know like
6339s you know where the points are going to
6340s go so you be like oh you you level up
6342s and you don't have to be like okay let
6343s me go look at my build planner outside
6345s oh okay yeah it's this one I'm going put
6346s the points here next so maybe having a
6349s um like a wardrobe system where it would
6351s indicate to you what that build load out
6354s is and you could get to it yourself
6357s maybe something like that but just a
6359s oneclick switch all nah
6363s sorry we do have two points here should
6366s we put them somewhere I think we should
6367s let's do
6370s that
6372s um where
6378s though flat armor is so nice
6390s oh Mana
6392s efficiency oh does that affect the I
6396s should have I should
6398s have I shouldn't have done that I should
6401s have put it
6402s in uh I should have put it in nothing
6404s and checked how much Mana it costs cuz I
6406s don't if that affects this is how this
6408s is how we trigger it so it just that
6410s does not drop much health not much Mana
6412s anymore I think it
6418s worked I just could remember if Mana
6420s efficiency only affected when you
6421s actually activated it or when it was
6422s just generally
6428s happening will we
6430s have um nodes in the falcon or tree for
6433s the ballista sorry if you already
6435s replied uh I can't really talk specifics
6438s about uh what is or isn't coming to
6440s Falconer with things like this
6444s um
6446s yeah as an aside ballista is um the
6450s current version of ballista that's
6451s available in game is um pretty
6454s underwhelming and the skill tree itself
6456s needs needs some some love we were we I
6459s guess we were at a stage in development
6461s where
6462s um we were generally putting in a lot
6466s more uh negatives on on nodes I think
6469s that was like the peak of our no node
6471s negatives whereby like every other node
6474s in that tree has a negative associated
6476s with it it's brutal um definitely
6479s learned the lesson there like they are
6481s useful tools to balance things and
6485s exceptionally powerful effects um but
6489s are not to be uh
6492s overused and like what is going on is
6495s that three exalted chest piece like back
6498s back
6499s back ni
6509s very
6511s nice all right from my gaming experience
6514s the shield in Titan Quest was very well
6516s put to use it had uh active skill and
6519s passives like every four seconds your
6521s normal attack uses your Shield to bash
6522s enemies in front of you any plans make
6524s better use of the shield in ell um so
6527s most of
6528s our um
6531s I mean nothing specific that I could say
6534s we've like sat down at a meeting like we
6535s really need to focus on our Shield usage
6537s or something like that
6539s um we do have like unique items that
6542s have shields uh like unique Shields that
6545s have like specific abilities tied to
6547s them things like that and that that'll
6549s continue
6553s um the specific example there is like a
6556s shield bash ability
6559s um so we can't really put that in
6562s necessarily like that immediately but
6564s yeah I I I I Shields Shields are not an
6569s unpopular um tool in most players
6572s repertoire in last Epoch at the moment
6574s they're pretty popular uh because they
6576s do provide very good defensive players
6580s um I think we need we do need more
6583s shields uh more cool effects so and like
6586s any other item slot will'll be doing
6589s that
6593s oh my
6595s goodness these Exile Mages are
6610s strong um so yeah it's yes but nothing
6615s specific and
6616s nothing like
6619s gamechanging
6638s there's a question do you plan to Boost
6639s Set items um we plan to restructure how
6644s set items fit into the overall scheme of
6648s itemization for endgame character
6650s characters they currently are not
6652s fulfilling the role we hope them to uh
6655s and want to make adjustments to set
6658s items as a system to get them to
6662s incorporate better into your endgame
6666s gearing
6669s um which is not as simple as hatr of
6673s numbers
6675s up um and we think it'll have a much
6678s more positive overall impact on the game
6681s how it plays the bouncing and um how
6684s you're gearing your
6689s character yes for the most part sets are
6692s very underplayed right now in last de
6695s and we do want them to be a major
6696s component of the gear
6700s puzzle along with you know like there's
6704s basically basically every other item
6706s type apart from Magic and normal uh have
6710s some place in uh in in a build like when
6713s you're when you're when you're looking
6715s at like a build planner and you're
6716s saying oh what am I going to make in
6718s this character even rare items have a
6720s place in that um usually you'll try and
6722s find exalted versions of them but you'll
6723s be still happy with a rare if it's um in
6727s the early to mid game mid-end game
6731s uh systems that is an empty cup of not
6735s water it was a full cup of
6739s water
6741s now it's just full of
6743s [Music]
6751s air oh give me those epic
6760s shards on top of having Cycles will
6762s there be a weekly or daily events or
6765s rotating bosses to possibly face
6769s um
6772s we do have some extremely light daily
6778s changes that happen in the game right
6779s now um with regards to rewards from
6783s dungeons um I I think that's probably
6786s the extent of the um time gated content
6792s that we're going to be putting in the
6793s game um at launch anyways and probably
6796s for a while it probably won't be much if
6798s anything other than that
6803s it's one of those things
6804s that people frequently either
6808s like enjoy but don't really attach
6812s specific desires to or really
6817s hate um so they're tough to
6821s add with a positive reception
6824s to
6826s um doesn't make them impossible and uh I
6830s think I think there's room for them in
6831s select situations but it's not something
6834s we're we're looking to as a primary
6835s focus for upcoming
6851s content oh not much time left got any
6854s questions get them
6858s in with ravenous void i h i often have
6862s permanent six stacks of void barrier
6864s cool do you know if this is a visual bug
6866s or actual
6867s bug um I guess is that it has something
6870s to do with another bug of character
6871s dropping to low Health uh on end of time
6876s loading just a guess though I don't
6882s know uh what's ehg stance on Magic
6886s finding um if it if you're required to
6890s to forgo power on your
6894s character
6896s um to to select magic findind as an
6899s option big no no
6903s um so if you're ever in a situation
6905s where you're like
6908s well this pair of gloves gives me 10%
6910s magic find and this pair of gloves gives
6913s me 10% damage which one's better M we do
6916s not do that um the only time you'll see
6920s magic find in last Epoch is when the
6922s comparison is to other magic find or
6926s other
6929s um non-directly gameplay impacting
6931s systems so uh we do include um some some
6936s magic FY systems as part of blessing
6941s rewards so quick peek of those wish
6945s still said the amount of experience
6946s again oh it bothers me um NOP oh this
6950s one here we go nailed it first try there
6952s are
6954s specific um W drop there we go so so
6959s this um blood Frost and death this
6963s timeline we've got all the blessings
6965s discovered here you'll notice that each
6966s one of them is specifically relating to
6969s a different type of Niche Magic Blind
6974s um and they all for the they all
6976s increase the total drops as well as the
6978s increase of the drops of that type so
6979s you're not Trading you're not being like
6980s okay I get this more dagger drops I'll
6982s find less swords no you find the exact
6984s same amount of Swords you'll also find
6985s more daggers you'll find more items
6987s overall um so we we intentionally don't
6990s have any because these are all the
6992s options that can appear in this timeline
6994s the um these These are the empowered
6997s versions of them and so uh you you'll
7000s never see
7002s a like so here's oh tell bad example so
7006s here yeah here this one all of these are
7008s like specific stat things
7010s none of these are magic fine
7014s related and so we don't overlap them
7016s ever there's the there's the short
7019s version of how we deal with magic
7030s find finished all the questions I guess
7032s I got I got another run I can do let's
7033s go let's go let's go
7038s deeper
7040s enemies have crit
7042s avoidance no
7051s problem H get the crit Shrine r at the
7054s start 100% crit chance but they can
7056s avoid your
7057s crits that's funny we're probably
7060s sitting at like a pretty similar crit
7061s rate to
7064s normal just cuz it canceled out let's
7067s keep going
7068s charge
7070s onward once more into the
7076s breach I do quite like the the triple
7080s cold on on the cold Rune H big cold
7085s explosion the blizzard that follows up
7087s feels
7092s good the Lost Warriors
7097s K that's not but
7101s we have
7110s fun oh little bit of damage reflection
7113s reflection is an interesting thing we
7114s were talking about reflection the other
7115s day um the other day yesterday in a
7118s meeting
7122s um it's I find I find it an interesting
7125s problem to solve um because it is a
7130s uh it is a build like Thorns is a build
7132s archetype that some people are just like
7135s that's that's their go-to in every
7137s single game we don't really have a good
7139s way of doing it yet we kind of have some
7141s like uh some little things you can try
7143s out but there's not really a good I'm a
7146s Thorns build option in Epoch yet um and
7150s I'd still like to see it we don't have
7151s any specific plans or ideas on how we're
7154s going to make that possible if we do
7158s um I'd like to see it
7173s personally these guys got
7177s some beef to
7186s them got
7188s him
7192s it's not not too
7198s shabby but that'll just about do us for
7200s time today I
7212s think feels good
7215s though all
7218s right
7220s well um yeah that'll about do it for us
7223s today uh thanks for coming out everybody
7225s I hope you had fun I know I did I'll be
7227s here same time same place next week
7230s hammer out some more last Epoch answer
7232s some more questions if I was unable to
7234s answer one of your questions or just
7235s missed it or you were here too late or
7237s you're watching this on repeat please
7238s head on over to our Discord and there's
7241s a great channel in there asks ask the
7242s community both of those good options for
7244s finding out information about the game
7246s maybe specific situations things you're
7247s trying to do we are also pretty active
7250s on several other platforms like um
7254s Reddit uh forums um I know there's other
7258s people on other social platforms too and
7260s uh
7262s yeah come on by talk to us we're here
7265s got lots of cool questions answered all
7267s the
7269s time let's go say hi to someone we
7272s should go say hi
7276s to oh here's someone that's uh
7279s immediately gets it from me here we
7288s go did I just miss oh Stephan kbh thank
7292s you for the reub or for the the twitch
7294s Prime sub right there at the end of the
7295s day I didn't get a notification for it
7297s why not is all tabbed either way thank
7300s you very much uh have a great day
7302s everyone we'll see you next time
7308s bye
7317s for